The True Vine

Open Your Bible

John 15:1-27, Hosea 14:4-8, Philippians 1:9-11

I’ve become a little obsessed with the vines that cover the wall that separates my patio from my neighbor’s. I’ve never been a plant person, really. I think it’s just that I took greenery for granted when we lived in rural Tennessee and now, there’s little green in my life. 

Homesick for nature, my husband and I are both super concerned about the health and well-being of the ivy on our wall. Did the vines get enough water today? Are they getting too much water? What does ivy like? Is that area over on the top left looking concerning to you? Do you think that one brown branch is from when Luis trimmed the vines the other day, or is it still attached and looking diseased? Who knows about vine health? Who can we call to protect our greenery? 

As I looked through today’s very plant-centric scripture passages, what stood out to me was not the plants themselves but the who that is responsible for their health and beauty, and what that beauty is actually for.

In John 15:1, Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” 

We are the branches. We aren’t necessary. Branches can be fruitful, or they can be pruned. A single branch can wilt or thrive. The vine is the center of attention and the gardener is in charge. The branch’s only hope is to remain connected to the vine in the gardener’s care.

But even after years of walking with the Lord––of learning that I am only healthy, alive, satisfied, and fulfilled when I’m a branch connected to the Vine (Jesus), being nurtured by the Gardener (God)—I still so often long for attention from other places, which leads to sin and pride and pain and heartache.

It’s only when we are connected to the Vine that we’re able to do what we were created to do, and that is to direct attention to the goodness of the Gardner, rather than try to get people to look at me! I still struggle with this. I still do things to try to make myself look impressive as if I’m a rogue branch that thinks it can water and nourish itself.

The fruit that may come from our lives is not from us or for us. It is completely from God and designed to reflect His glory.

Lord, we pray that our “love [would] keep on growing” like ivy, and that our lives would be “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.” 

(68) Comments

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68 thoughts on "The True Vine"

  1. says:

    Hi, of course this article is actually nice and I have
    learned lot of things from it about blogging. thanks.

  2. Jules D says:

    I am so grateful for the pruning God has done in my life. Thanking Him for my increased health and wholeness, as I abide in the Vine that is the source of all goodness.

  3. Araluen Rapson says:


  4. Brooke Johnson says:

    Taylor, I know it’s been a couple weeks and I’m so thankful people have been praying with you over your anxiety.

  5. Malisa Cruz says:

    Yes! I pray that are here to point to your goodness!

  6. Rebekah Smith says:

    mind today was the fact that the Father is the gardener!!! HE is responsible for caring for me and praying me when necessary, HE is responsible for my growth. My only responsibility is remain in the Vine (Jesus)! For so many years I have been trying to “prune” myself, to beat myself up, to think that I am somehow responsible for my growth tans development…read the right books, listen to the right sermons/music, be friends with the right spiritual people, etc! But my only job is to remain/abide in Jesus. He is the True Vine and His Father is the Gardener!!

  7. Colleen Politanski says:

    Love this reading

  8. Margaret W says:

    I read Passion and Purity back in the 80s, and I know that many people besides myself have been hurt by the legalistic purity culture of which this book became a part. I know there are better reads now that focus on healthy relationships with God and one another. I do appreciate your heart for @Taylor and join you in your prayers for her.

  9. Margaret W says:

    I read Passion and Purity back in the 80s, and I know that many people have been hurt by the legalistic purity culture of which this book became a part. I’m sure there are better reads that focus on healthy relationships with God and one another. I do appreciate your heart for @Taylor and join you in your prayers.

  10. Margaret W says:

    But we need to remember that God was complete within the Trinity without us. In that sense, we are not necessary, but we are chosen, desired, and loved extravagantly. Just because. ❤️

  11. Kim Totty says:

    This always feels like such a simple concept until I realize that I too often am the “rogue branch.” I can’t water or prune or bear fruit on my own, but MUST be abiding the Vine, my very source of life. This really spoke to my heart this morning ❤️

  12. Sarah Morrison says:


  13. K Swenson says:

    This passage and devotional is so freeing to me. I’m only responsible for abiding in Christ and He is responsible for my growth and pruning. I tend to take up the responsibility for this myself and it’s a weight lifted to hand it back to Him.

  14. K Swenson says:

    Taylor, I don’t think it’s silly to have the feelings that you are- I was like that in dating in general in my 20s. It’s hard not to write the story for Him and to assert our will. I will pray that you feel this weight lifted and can enjoy abiding and being a part of His story for you. Don’t feel shame. I believe the Lord is pleased when we confess(like you did) and trust(what you are taking steps to do). Blessings on you!

  15. Tiphani Taylor says:

    This was such a beautiful pictures of the health of the branches when they are connected to the vine. I’m so thankful it’s all on the Gardener to make the plant beautiful.

  16. Brooke P says:

    Praying for you all and your prayer requests❤️ thank you all for your continued prayers as well. I am so thankful for this community.

  17. Kylia Van Horn says:

    Lord I pray that I relinquish control over my life and that I let you be the one in control. Would you prune anything that is unholy or unrighteousness and guide me ways that ultimately bear fruit that gives glory to you and your kingdom. May I look at my fruit as an opportunity for other people to find you through the way I live. Lord, I desperately want you as my Gardner and no one else. May you guide my heart and life and help me to see you as the only one to be the king of my life that I follow!

  18. Dorothy says:

    Scarlet really caught my attention today, especially when she said “The fruit that may come from our lives is not from us or for us. It is completely from God and designed to reflect His glory.” That and yesterday’s devotion make me think how often how often do I want the glory and praise when it really should be about God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit. I want to be a branch that’s part of that VINE tended to by that SPECIAL GARDENER!!!! Lord help me to be YOUR branch on the Vine of Jesus. Amen.
    Be blessed and be a branch on that VINE tended by that SPECIAL GARDENER, sisters!!!

  19. Cindy Hanna says:

    This is the verse I connected with. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. – John 15:15 Years ago I had a mom introduce a new attendee in our Mops group to me as “My dear friend “. It made an impression and I adopted it in my own introductions of particularly close friends. I am more comfortable with the title “servant” than friend. I’m commonly called on to perform acts of service. Along with giving It’s my spiritual gift. Even my husband at times focus’s on my work ethic. I’m such a Martha. To hear that Jesus looks past my works to actually see me in all my faults and call me friend is deeply moving and honoring. Thank you Jesus “El Roi” The God who sees me.

  20. Peggy Hoffman says:

    2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. – John 15:2 so even when I AM bearing fruit for the Kingdom, I am pruned so I can bear even more…by God’s grace.

  21. AZ Walker says:

    John 15 has always been one of my favorites and I have meditated on it often since going through my divorce. I remember my co- worker Joyce listening to me vent and sharing how she got thru a divorce and raising her son as a single mom. She wasn’t a Christian and was a little negative about it, but one day I shared John 15: 1-8 with her and she had tears in her eyes because she loved her yard and gardening. She said she wasn’t a fan of religion but loved this passage. I lost touch with her but to this day hope I planted a seed.

    Praying for all requests this morning. So many medical issues for many here and their loved ones. Also, Sarah D and Taylor – I struggle with nervousness – just sometimes and it’s so awful when it happens (I have trouble eating and swallowing when it comes on) so I understand your anxiety issues. Praying all here have peace.

  22. Mercy Rock says:


  23. Heather O'Malley says:

    @Taylor, I get a weekly devotional excerpt from Elisabeth Elliot, and this morning’s was about a book of hers called Passion and Purity. I have not read it, but it sounds like it might be helpful in your situation, as it’s written for single men and women longing for “the one”. I felt God’s nudging to share this with you, and I pray it’s helpful!

  24. Lisa May says:

    Maria Baer, thank you for pointing out the double meaning of “abide.” The idea of remaining comes to mind with this verse, but I appreciate how you pointed out that abiding can also mean to endure or suffer something, which connects well to verses 18-25. Remaining in the vine on the hottest summer day can mean enduring the incredible blaring heat of persecution.
    Sara, you questioned the devotional author saying that we aren’t necessary. Perhaps what she is getting at is the idea that we are not needed by God. We have to properly grasp the idea that God is so transcendent and relational within Himself that He does not in any way or form need us. But the spectacular reality is that He chose to create humanity BECAUSE of His love! The mystery is that we are not necessary to God for His joy, but He invites us into the joy and love that He has always had and His joy is completed by sharing it with us. Jesus is about to pray, “Father, glorify me in your presence with that glory I had with you before the world existed” (John 17:5). Then He will pray for us, “I have given them the glory that you have given me, so that they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me” (John 17:22-23). When we are properly humbled as to how God does not need us, we can be properly amazed by how much He loves us!

  25. Victoria E says:

    Taylor I am touched by your openness and desire to follow God. I am praying for you. I have been in your situation 10-15 years ago and God is faithful. Keep seeking Him. Thank you Angie for sharing from HRT, so helpful! And thank you all for the prayers. Have a blessed day!

  26. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Sisters, could I ask for prayer cover as I have surgery on my leg tomorrow? It will be my fifth surgery after I had cancer removed from my right femur three years ago. This should be the final surgery. Thank you.

  27. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I am praying for all of you Sisters. May we find great peace, joy, and strength abiding in Him.

  28. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I am

  29. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Maria Baer, thank you for sharing. I had to re-read the scripture. Jesus is so Awesome to tell us exactly what and Who we need to abide in Him.

  30. Laurel says:

    I have read/re-read Bruce Wilkinson’s Secret of the Vine. He explains our relationship (branches) to Jesus (vine) in a way that is clear and accessible. The goal is always to produce more fruit for Him via pruning, being obedient, and remaining/abiding in Him.

  31. Beverly Watley says:

    Thank you Lord for my revelation! Hallelujah! Amen

  32. Allison Bentley says:

    “The branch’s only hope is to remain connected to the vine in the gardeners care”. What a loaded statement that got me wondering- I need to listen to the Holy Spirit and make sure I am connected to the one true vine (the one under Gods care) not some shoot from the ground posing as the vine!! Also so grateful my only job is to stay connected! Lord help me to focus on You and stay connected to You through your word and my heart!

  33. Annelyn P says:

    Dear Taylor. Praying for you. I appreciate your honesty and humility and desire to follow God’s leading. May God encourage you.

  34. Mari V says:

    This really spoke to me this morning. It’s almost as if Scarlet knew what I was going through. In many ways we are like one another. I am not alone. I need to stay connected to the VINE and being nurtured by the GARDENER. Prayers are appreciated my sweet sisters.

  35. Allison Mitchell says:

    Hi Taylor! I sympathize so much with you anxiety and strong emotions. I’m praying for you.
    Dear Lord,
    May Taylor’s heart be calmed and may she feel the peace that You offer us. Please bring her comfort as she struggles with her emotions and help her with her desire to surrender to Your will and plan for her life. Please help her to feel Your steadfast love and joy in her life, and may she be at peace knowing that You are leading her according to Your perfect plan. Amen.

  36. Kristen Pulido says:

    Lord, we pray that our “love would keep on growing” like ivy, and that our lives would be
    “Gilled with the fruit of righteousness that
    comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and
    praise of God”

  37. CeeGee says:

    Lynne from ALABAMA, so sorry to hear about the initial report and praying that the follow up test will show exactly what you are dealing with and that the doctors will have the wisdom and intuition to take the best course of action.

  38. CeeGee says:

    This has long been one of my favorite passages in the Bible! When my son was about 4 years old, I showed him a tiny butterbean and mentioned that it was too little to add to the pot. He asked if we could put it back on the vine so it could continue to grow. That was the perfect opportunity to share this passage with him. I had a hard time remembering Ephraim’s connection so I had to be reminded. Lots of refresher info in this article:

  39. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Thank you so much, SRT sisters, for your prayers for my husband’s surgery. The surgery went well but the early diagnosis wasn’t what we hoped for. Additional pathology testing will determine where we need to go from here. Please continue to pray for wisdom and direction and peace. God is absolutely in control. I am praying for each of you and your prayer needs.

  40. Donna Wolcott says:

    Andrea, I love your pastor’s message. Powerful and comforting. Thank you for sharing.

  41. ERB says:

    Hosea 14:4 mentions apostasy, so I looked up the definition and felt to share it here:
    Apostasy- act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith. Abandonment of previous loyalty.

    Many Blessings and new Revelations to you my dearly loved sisters!!

  42. Sara says:

    I so appreciate this reflection except for the sentence “we aren’t necessary”…..I think we are so necessary to God, created in his image and loved and adored. Just felt a check in my heart to comment that for anyone who is reading and might have felt a little weird reading that today. God is the tree, and we are the branches, we should and can only thrive when we abide in Him but are so so necessary and wanted!!! ♥️

  43. Adrienne says:

    I know He has chosen ME (and often I can’t believe it!),.. But goosebump moment and a firm reminder in John 15:16… Blessings on your day, She’s!

  44. Taylor says:

    I too really needed this devotion today! I almost didn’t get up to open my Bible because my roommate and I were at a concert last night. I just need to share with you all as a practice of confession. I went on a date on Tuesday night with a guy who’s a Christian and I had a really good time and I think he did too. Since our date I’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety hoping and praying (and obsessing) that this will work out. My emotions feel so unhealthy after one date with a guy who I barely know, so I’m trying to confess it to the Lord and pray that His will be done above all else; however I feel like my prayers are like “God may your will be done but may MY will be done more”. Can you please pray for 1. Peace because my anxiety over this is actually affecting me physically (loss of appetite and nausea – I hate to admit that especially since it’s been ONE DATE) 2. A Spirit of surrender to lay down this situation? Thank you all so much <3

  45. Rita W says:

    Amen ❣️

  46. Maria Baer says:

    When I read today’s chapter, the word that stood out is ABIDE. Not because of it’s repetitions, but because of the duality of it’s meaning. It means to remain, to reside, to dwell, to stay. But it can also mean to endure and to bear, to suffer. Which is why I think it’s fitting that later in the chapter Jesus talks about prosecution for following him. He never says this journey of belief will be easy, but he promises that he will never leave us alone in this journey. I think we are seeing this play in real life when Christians around the world are being prosecuted for their belief in Jesus. And even here at home we are seeing it play— the attacks of our Christian beliefs and the labeling of Christians as bigoted and out of touch. And it will not get easier, but there is a peace I feel because I know that I am not walking alone. We we continue to hold on to our belief with the conviction and love that Jesus showed us, sister. Let’s continue to ABIDE.

  47. Ali Adair says:

    Lord, I pray that my love will keep on growing. Let me abide in You. Amen.

  48. Andrea Schlosser says:

    I have a note next to these verses from a pastor “God will set you in a place to bring about fruit. You will never find yourself in a place where God is not.” I am encouraged by the reminder that God has me in my specific place on purpose and for a purpose and that He can bring fruit out of a barren place.

  49. Kristen says:

    I was thinking about what Ann Voskamp said on the podcast last week when I read above what Angie wrote from HRT. (I was listening to the podcast again last night.) I’m paraphrasing Ann, but she was saying that we live our lives obedient , not to earn our salvation but because we don’t want to grieve the One who keeps us soul safe. Amanda said “May this be so.” Yes, please let this be so. I understand that none of this is possible without staying in Him and I can’t even do that on my own. I need the Holy Spirit to help me! She also said that when hearing these Scriptures, reading about prophecy being fulfilled, being so moved by Who this King Jesus is that we end up like Mary live a poured out life, because we are so grateful that we are soul safe and that we too and so passionately grateful. . (Paraphrasing agai. It’s better to listen to the episode.) @Brownen, thank you for sharing. May we be pruned with Him!

  50. Churchmouse says:

    My joy is complete when I abide in God’s love. Abide, linger, pause, meditate, share, obey, rest, abide. JOY!!

  51. Austin Olivia says:

    This reflection on abiding is exactly what my heart needed to hear. Its funny how these readings often mirror EXACTLY what we need. God has such a good listening ear and such a cheeky sense of humor. It feels like he’s winking in my direction daily, saying “I see you, you can trust me, let go.” I am a reader on here every day but rarely comment, just wanted to say that I pray for you ladies daily and expect there are many other women praying silently alongside us. What a beautiful thought!

  52. Sarah D. says:

    Praying for you all! Thankful that we don’t have to do life on our own, because we are connected to the true Vine. We can do nothing without him.
    My anxiety has been better this week, praise the Lord! I find it really helpful to think on everything I’m thankful for and all my blessings. God is my hope and confidence! Continuing to lean on Him.

  53. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Thank you Jesus for showing us how to abide in you. “Love one another”. A simple command, not easy to do, but if we humble ourselves to love, God will do the rest. A grape growing on the vine is a natural thing, it doesn’t struggle to grow into the sweet, beautiful fruit. Growth happens as it is attached to the life giving vine. Slowing and growing until… The Vinedresser will care for us. Abide in the Vine. Even when as the vine gets heavy with fruit, lying in the dust of the ground, we will be lifted and cleansed. The Word cleanses us and promotes growth. We become sweeter, more desirable for the glory of God to be seen to the ones looking for life and peace. Let us grow with the True Vine, beautiful branches, beautiful She’s, He’s got us. We are growing sweeter for His glory, different than average grapes, we are grapes of grace. Praying the sweetness of the presence of our Lord is with each of you, lifting husbands, and children, bodies that are sick, hearts that are grieving, hands that are rejoicing, serving, praying for answers, praying for love to permeate our lives as we abide in Jesus. Amen.

  54. Melissa Ribinskas says:

    So my word of the year is abide…and it’s all over today’s reading. What struck me today is how active this abiding is. It is not simply remain, as in stay still and the same. Branches put down roots, and stretch toward the light and hopefully produce good fruit. I was also encouraged by the idea that abiding in God leads to joy, not withering.

  55. Mariah Reed says:

    Wow. I loved today and the devo part was awesome. I have really started to notice the same thing. When I am not deep into the word I just feel so so off.

  56. Allison Mitchell says:

    Thank you everyone for your prayers! I go back through and read your comments and pray for you all throughout the day. I’m so incredibly grateful that the Lord brought me to this community.
    And Rebecca- hi!! I’m so excited to meet you and that you’re here.
    Today’s reading humbles me (most of them do!); I am not the gardener. I am a branch. I have to trust God- all things are in His hands, and it is prideful and ignorant to assume that I can somehow garden myself! May my pride be humbled and my faith grow from a seed to a beautiful flower, that I can trust the Lord with all my heart and soul and know the love He has for me. May all of your seeds of faith be nurtured so that you all might understand the depth and truth of His love for you. Amen. Have a blessed day!

  57. Melissa Ribinskas says:

    So my word of the year is abide…and it’s all over today’s reading. I think what stood out to me today is how active this abiding still is. It’s not a remain as in stay still and the same. Vines grow, they push down roots and stretch to the light and hopefully produce good fruit.

  58. Kenya Rafferty says:

    The word REMAIN is repeated so many times in these verses and how true it is. A branch without its vine will only survive momentarily. When I think I can handle situations on my own or decide it’s time to ask myself what to do, then I can feel the withering immediately. The anxiety and worry and fear set in. My mind is fuzzy and my actions are harsh. But when I remain, then I am granted peace and joy and the greatest thing is that others can begin to see his presence in me.

  59. SEARCHING says:

    Glaringly obvious in my red letter Bible were Christ’s words in today’s passage in John, will be rereading them to let them soak in.

    TANYA GUTIERREZ – praying for your sister, Grace
    JANNA KLINGHAGEN – praying for your friend and for you as you continue to walk beside her.

    JEN BREWER – congrats

    REBECCA – welcome! It’s such a blessing to study and pray with this group of women even though we’ve never met face to face.

  60. Angie says:

    Heidi – just wanted to say thank you. I took a snapshot of your sharing 1/24.
    Ladies – so often I stop and praise or pray as I read through the posts. Thank you for open hearts to Jesus and each other. Thanks for the faith to bring your needs before God and your “digital” friends and honor all with the opportunity to grow, learn from, and lift each other up.
    Tanya Gutierrez – praying for Grace as she goes through this journey and presently radiation.
    Allison Mitchel – Praising God for His great love for you and the warm of His presence upon your heart and mind as you rest in your salvation because of Jesus.
    Donna Wolcott – You may only share occasionally but, you are noticed and loved. Just saying.
    Rebecca – We are all a part of God’s family and only know each other digitally but one day we will worship before our God and King together. For now, it just an added blessing our Savior has given that we can lift each other up.
    Janna Klinghagen – praying, praying, praying for you and your friend. Thank the Lord He has brought you into her life for such a time as this. May His love in you saturate your friend in her tremendous loss and bring the healing that can only come from Jesus to her moments and days.
    Jen Brewer – Hooray for your job! We join you in prayer for a godly nanny for your children.
    Lynne from Alabama – Praying for your husband’s recovery from his cancer surgery yesterday and for guidance in your next steps.
    Jenn Schuette – Thank you to your husband for the gift God has given his hands, and the heart that rests in being lifted to the true Healer, our God and Savior, for His provision in your husband’s work. I don’t think there has ever been a time I have been more thankful for godly men and women in our health care system (and for the families that surround them). Thank you!
    Blessings ladies today and always.

  61. Angie says:

    From HRT today: Russ Ramsey reminds us that as the Father loved Christ, Christ has loved us. The breadth, length, depth of that love the same for us as Father to Son. And then he went on to say: “Love precedes obedience. If you reverse that order, you lose the gospel. Obedience is not how we obtain Christ’s love. It is a response to it. True Christian obedience is always a response to the already-existing love of Christ, not an attempt to earn it. We love because He loved us. If we love Jesus, the only response is to obey what He commands.”

    What is this struggle with obedience to the One we can trust, the One who IS love?

    Before we were-He always was. And, He is love. He forms, He breathes into, and we have life. With a plan. For a purpose, His purpose.

    Like a timeline, we jump from marker to marker, little hops or big ones, forward in obedience. His life is the Line that our “ray” begins upon. Yes, we have a beginning point here on earth, but through the gospel of Jesus Christ, what may feel like the “line segment” of our life is truly a “ray.” Our starting point when He created the first cell of our person and placed it in a womb to grow, continuing for eternity. My part? Little and big hops on that timeline, hopefully forward in obedience-not as a way to earn my salvation (The infinite Line of Jesus is already there and I am placed upon it.) but to bring glory and honor to my God.

    We started a teny-tiny grapevine two summers ago. We got about 3 clusters of grapes about the size of the palm of your hand total. We pruned it. Last summer the vine became HUGE and upon it, lots and lots of grapes. They were tiny, but plentiful, and oh so delicious. Sweeter than any we have purchased at a store. The thing is, we don’t really know what we are doing. We research and learn as we go but the bottom line is, we got grapes…plentiful, delicious grapes because God guided our pruning and grew them.

    That is the same way of the ray of my life. Because of the Line of Jesus that I am upon, my small and big hops of obedience are possible because of Him and for the purpose of honoring and glorifying Him. I am just hopping along, loved by Jesus.

  62. Caitlyn Rivero says:

    This passage and devotional are like a breath of fresh air this morning. God is the vine dresser and we need only to abide. This truly is a light burden and an easy yoke. Desperately needed in the days of COVID and chaos. thank you for these words Jesus.

  63. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Remember that Jesus “chose you [and] appointed you to go and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain”

    Be fruity today!

    LYNNE FROM AL – praying all went well for your husband!

    JANNA KLINGHAGEN – your presence is what your friend needs. Listen and cry with her. Pray fervently for the God of all comfort to reveal Himself to her. Send her texts of encouraging (short) Scripture passages that reminds her of the goodness of God. Investigate the ministry Grief Share for meetings in your area and offer to go with her.

    SARA MUSGROVE – how is Matt doing?

    NADS – praying for your trip with your mom.

  64. Bronwen Rogers says:

    I think of a comment I heard years ago about these verses. We’re pruned if we are with Christ or we’re pruned is we are not with Christ. We can be pruned to produce more fruit, allowing us to grow and leave the hurt, envy, jealousy, and all the sinful nature behind. We could be pruned and completely cut away to never be with Christ. Pruned if you and pruned if you don’t.

  65. Heidi says:

    I’m behave in a similar fashion to what the author spoke- trying to look impressive and note-worthy while going rogue. Only I don’t ever think I can tend my own branches- I accept the Father’s good gifts and care, THEN take my own show on the road. Selfish much?? ;) He gives GOOD. gifts. And He does it to reflect His glory. He does it that I may be in possession of that good gift that others may see it in me and see my Father- NOT ME. Such a powerful and needed message this morning So relevant in my current circumstances…

  66. Arina says:

    “Your fruit comes from me.”
    “The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.”
    I don’t have to create fruit for myself. I can’t. My task is to remain, then the Holy Spirit will make the fruit grow.

  67. Mary Ann Graves says:


  68. Jo says:

    “The fruit that may come from our lives is not from us or for us. It is completely from God and designed to reflect His glory”- I love that! I will definitely take that with me today.
    I also got stuck at the verse in our reading “No longer do I call you servants….but I have called you friends”. Such an intimate snapshot of His relationship with the disciples that he considered them friends. I am so glad that He says the same to us and this led me to the words in the worship song by Matt Redman

    Befriended, befriended by the King above all Kings
    Surrendered, surrendered to a friend above all friends
    Invited, invited deep into this mystery
    Delighted, delighted by the wonders I have seen

    This will be my story
    This will be my song
    You’ll always be my Saviour.
    Jesus You will always have my heart.

    Hallelujah! Have a blessed day everyone