The Temptation of Jesus

Open Your Bible

Luke 3:1-22, Mark 1:1-8, Matthew 3:13-16, Luke 4:1-13

I have a friend who won the conference championship in college football his senior year. He has a game ball signed by his teammates and a beautiful championship ring on display in his house. The thing is, he did not play a single down in that game. In fact, he didn’t play in any conference games that season. He got hurt early in the year and was sidelined for the remaining games. His injury prevented him from competing with his teammates and contributing to the team. But he still got the ball and ring that only the champions got. As part of the team, he got to share in what the team won even though he could not compete on the field. What he could not do, his team did for him, and he got to share in their victory. 

In the passages we read today, we see Jesus in that kind of role in His baptism and temptation. He tells John that He must be baptized “to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15). We see several times in the Old Testament story that going through the waters signified the people of Israel being set apart as a unique people with a redemptive purpose. Over and again, they failed to live up to their unique identity and fulfill their redemptive purpose. In His baptism, Jesus stood where Israel was supposed to stand, but where they failed, Jesus succeeded. He perfectly represented God and faithfully fulfilled His purpose. What Israel was unable to do, Jesus did for them.

In His temptation, Jesus faces the choice that every human has faced since Genesis 3. Listen to God’s voice or listen to the voice of the enemy. Live depending on yourself and what you can secure; or depend on God, and be sustained by His words. All of us, in some way, have chosen bread alone. Out of our sinful condition, we reject God’s voice, and give in to temptation. In His temptation, Jesus stood in the place all humanity stands, but where we fail, Jesus succeeds. What we are unable to do, Jesus does for us. 

In His life, Jesus is a righteous representative for all of us who, because of sin, cannot be what God intended for us to be. The beauty of Jesus’s life is that He then shares His righteous life with all who, through repentance and faith, belong to Him. As Christians, we get to share in the victory that He alone earned, that through His grace becomes our victory. 

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78 thoughts on "The Temptation of Jesus"

  1. Tasha Enderby says:

    I want to be able to hear Gods voice more clearly in my life, I am hoping by choosing daily to fill my head with scripture that my heart will know his voice and let in ring louder in my life then my depression.

  2. Chelsea Wilson says:

    I appreciated the explanation of how we get to take part in Jesus victory! It’s not about anything we have done or will do! It’s all about Jesus and what He did for us! Amen!

  3. Deanna says:

    Although Satan tempted Jesus for 40 days, we only know of three of these temptations. What do these tell us? 1. Satan knew Jesus intimately. 2. Satan attacked Jesus’ physical weakness (e.g., hunger). 3. Satan twisted the natural order in an attempt to usurp God’s perfect design (e.g., Jesus is meant to rule at the right hand of the Father, but only after the completion of his sacrifice and resurrection).

    I take comfort knowing that Christ knows where my feet are. He understands the pains and difficulties of being human, and the temptations being laid before me. I am heartened to know that I can resist just as He did.

  4. Cathy says:

    I have spiritual mentors in my life who are not in the word daily but know its message. The way they walk through life, abiding in Christ, they are truly a walking Bible. I also knew a Somali pastor who could quote the entire Bible, out of necessity, but he was tempted by the pleasures of this world. So disappointing . However the idea of quoting scripture in moments of despair is a powerful tool we’ve been given. When you find a life verse that speaks to you….write it on a note card and carry it with you….write it with those mirror markers on your mirror….it WILL come in handy.

  5. Erica Romero says:

    I’m so thankful for this beautiful community of women.

  6. Katie Megee says:


  7. Rachel_espinoza says:

    So true Myla!

  8. Jana vanderLinde says:

    Sharing in your desire to know Scripture more deeply so recalling and applying it becomes an absolute natural response to my everyday life. x