The Temple of the Living God

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 3:9-17, 2 Corinthians 6:16-18, John 4:20-24, 1 Chronicles 29:2, 1 Peter 2:4-5, Ephesians 2:19-22

I daydream about real estate. While others might be prone to scroll Instagram, “window-shop” online, or have a wanderlust for faraway places—I find myself pulling up Zillow, just for fun. I search for real estate in remote parts of the country as well as on my own street. I slide through listing photos, imagining life within four different walls, as if somewhere out there, there’s a better place for me, some home where I’ll finally have real peace. And of course, a view. But in my soul, I know I’ll never find what I’m looking for out there. The building where I live is far less important than what’s being built inside of me.

God dwells in holy places. From the ark of the covenant, too precious for human hands to touch, to Solomon’s temple in all of its splendor, God chooses spectacular places to display His glory. But when Jesus came to earth, He also changed the zip code of God’s powerful Spirit. No longer would we have to go somewhere else to find God. Thanks to Jesus’s work on the cross, God can now build something beautiful, holy, and sacred right within me.

In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul begged Christians to remember this truth: “Don’t you yourselves know you are God’s temple and the Spirit of God lives in you?” (v.16). Unfortunately, when I was a child, these verses in Scripture were all too often weaponized as a message of shame, intended to wag a finger in my face and remind me to remain sexually abstinent. At the very heart, this message from Paul isn’t about rules, but about a powerful, holy relationship. Being a temple of the Lord isn’t about what I do but about what God is already doing in me.

Pause for a moment, and think about that. God could have chosen any house, and He chose to live with me, in me, and through me. In a way, it’s as if God looked through all of Zillow, through all time, found my listing—with my broken spirit and my jealous impulses and my numb, unfeeling heart—and said, “I’ll take that house, thank you very much.”

The good news is that God is a master renovator. He refuses to leave my heart the way He found it. Just like any good house, it only feels like home once you’ve put your personal touch on every wall. The architect of the universe knows what walls to tear down. He paints the walls of my soul with His peace, compassion, tenderness, and kindness. When I embrace the power that lives inside me, I can live in response to the Spirit’s heartbeat rather than my own impulses.

Construction is messy, and we are all unfinished. But the good news—perhaps the best news—is that God promises to finish everything He starts (Philippians 1:6). And He’ll live here with me, in the mess, at work until that day comes.

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54 thoughts on "The Temple of the Living God"

  1. MARTHA HIX says:


  2. Taylor Graves says:

    “Thanks to Jesus’s work on the cross, God can now build something beautiful, holy, and sacred right within me.” What a powerful statement! I am not perfect and I know that my heart needs a lot of fixing, but I am so grateful that God has chosen me regardless of my warts. I’m thankful for Jesus’s work because He has made it possible for God to start His work in my life. There’s a long way to go but I know, much like stated in the devotional today, God won’t give up on me. I hope you all are doing well this week! ❤️ Praying for all you wonderful women.

  3. Claire B says:


  4. Tricia C says:

    SHARON, Jersey Girl- I’m right there with you. Thankful that the Lord is still working on me.

  5. Tricia C says:

    MICHELLE PATIRE you have mentioned your song and others have also. I guess I missed that somehow. Could you please share that again? I look forward to hearing it.

  6. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Claire Gibson!!
    Kirs, I too looked up that verse.
    Sharon Jersey Girl, a loud AMEN!
    Tina, I’m with you and a But God.
    and prayers all.

  7. Nickie Hurdle says:

    I purposely saved my Bible study time for during the time my daughter would be taking her real estate test for the 6th time. I wanted to be studying the Word and praying for her during the 3-4 hour test. I ugly cried when I read the first sentence of today’s devotion, “I daydream about real estate.” He has made His presence known to me today in a way I’ll never forget. I praise You Jesus!

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    I agree, this devo was spot on, so good! I could repeat exactly what you said for myself/my life Maria Baer! And loved all that Tina!! (also, I LOVE listening to Jimmy Swaggart singing hymns and playing the piano!)

    This devo helped me put into context the realness of having the Holy God living in me, even though I feel so run down and unworthy! I know He loves us, broken as we are, but to dwell in us, the rundown shacks that need so much work, is hard to fathom! I definitely needed the 2×4 to smack me across the head! lol. I am also glad for the prayers and influence, and the guidance and examples from my parents and family. It makes it hard to want to give it to others that don’t want to receive it, but I am still going to throw seeds at them (that’s better than the 2×4!)!!

    Jail ministry was so good yesterday about making choices. Big and small, all the time we are making choices….and knowing that we carry the Holy Spirit IN US, our temple- makes it a little easier to chose wisely, to not only please Him our Father, but in the knowing it draws us closer to him. Thank you Lord for all this, for loving us, for restoring us, and saving us. You are Worthy! You are worthy of our Praise!!