Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:9-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 6:16-18, Ephesians 2:19-22, Revelation 21:15-27, Isaiah 28:16
Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
God’s dwelling place exists among His people, who are marked and set apart as holy.
Discussion Question: How can you serve your local church community in light of what you’ve read this week?
Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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104 thoughts on "The Temple of the Living God"
The idea of laying the foundations has really resonated with me tonight! I think it’s important to remember we were never required to be the builder and build the whole house, we just need to lay those firm foundations… This means in a church setting and beyond – having those conversations, praying for the unsaved and generally trying to live like Jesus everyday to show His love through our actions.
We left our church and we don’t know where to go. We have some friendships that have remained, but the leaving was really rough and painful. I know now that even though we hope to find a new spiritual community, we will never be as “involved” as we were with that one. Now we take all that time, energy and money and put it out into our community. We’re learning so much.
Lord you are worthy of the glory Lord we thank you!
I am leaving my church because I feel I am at odds with some of their recently uncovered beliefs. I still choose to be part of their Celebrate Recovery community as I see that as being an extension of His temple within me. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me.
I used to serve more before I started working full time, but I can serve others when at work. I can be light, joy and show others love, try to bring God glory in my actions.
Use your gifts to help the church tonight’s sermon was the gift of leadership this morning was on exhortation
I can serve by being an example of a woman walking in the Truth of God’s word – showing younger women Godliness by example, helping those who are sick, tired and overwhelmed, and offering teaching and encouragement in Christ.
I am currently looking for a church for me and my family to attend. It’s in my prayers that we can find our place in our church community.
It’s so easy to think you’re doing enough in the church to serve. I’m going to pray about what areas to be involved in
I’m in the process of finding a church. That will be my first step
I think I forget that I AM the Church, which is something I want to remember as I go into work and other spaces like that. Sometimes I feel like I get overwhelmed thinking the space I’m in is encroaching on my walk with the Lord, but then I remember that I bring the Lord with me and he shines His light there! How encouraging!
Praying for the church is most important. But physically, I can help with VBS this week!
i can lead myself and hopefully others to grow out of the fake tendencies that can lie in local rural churches.
I have definitely been feeling the call to get more involved with our church! Sometimes it feels too hard with my crazy work schedule and all the travel I’ve been doing, but I want to be more involved by joining the dream team!
I am going to try to make connections and extend welcome and friendship.
I can join a Bible study group and stand firm with other believers. Surround myself with brothers and sisters in Christ and have togetherness, just as the good Lord intended it. We need to live life with each other, surrounding ourselves with other believers who can help us when we stumble and encourage us as we walk.
Amen!! Praying you find your church family
I am currently searching for a church where I feel that God is leading. The church I am looking for is where I will serve God, and be fed by the worship and preaching of his word. Life does not feel complete without a church family.
I love God’s perfect timing. While reading this, I am currently on a mission trip serving underserved children. Thank you, Lord, for this word!
I am currently searching for a church. I attended one this weekend that I very much enjoyed, and felt the sprit, but I want to wait a bit before I declare it my church. For now though, I feel God is calling me to use my voice to help others. I’m praying for the doing the next right thing.
Currently I work in my Church’s berserk every first service, but I’d like to be doing more. I’m just not yet sure what more looks like.
Being open to serving and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me into opportunities for outreach in my community. I don’t think He is disappointed with us when we find ways, however “small,” to love on people. It’s an everyday heart attitude and not about how much we accomplish or how big the ways are that we serve.
I serve in the childcare care during the summer. Today’s reading reminds me we must build our foundation on God’s word otherwise we will fall into sin and our house will fall too.
My goodness. Today’s reading tells me that we are to serve one another and love one another!
I can support my local community church by volunteering more and going out of my comfort zone to introduce myself to new people!
Hello She’s! I think my biggest takeaway this week is that there are so many different perspectives in the body of Christ. It is important for all of them to be included. I think my first step is to listen to the way that others practice Christianity and consider their way. I am thankful God gave us a diverse church!
Mari- Sweet sister. I’m sorry that life feels big and hard right now. His mercies are new every morning. When all the pieces are on the floor sometimes it’s best to do one piece at a time remembering that God is the potter and we are the clay and if we surrender to him he will form us. I know it’s silly but I think Anna in Frozen 2 is right. Do the next right thing, one step at a time. Looking at the whole thing hurts too much sometimes. Take care of today because tomorrow has enough for tomorrow and you will receive new mercies for tomorrow and every tomorrow. Much love from someone who has seen her life be redeemed and restored. I think the best way I can serve my local church community is by volunteering in children’s ministry and helping with the welcoming committee. I know I’m gifted in these areas and want to serve as God made me to serve. I also want to be ready for what God calls me to even if I’m uncomfortable.
I want to start a small group for women in my local community church. I’m a mom with two young kids and I think it’s so important for women to have a support group, especially during this challenging season.
Pray for your community and help the poor and needy
I can support my church and those in it wherever I can. May it be serving in nursery or helping with a program whatever it might be to continue to build the body up and keep the church going
Kristen, thank you! I will check it out!
With two little kiddos at home I’m trying to be creative about sending encouraging notes and making a meal when I can to members who are in need or just need some encouragement.
Mari, I am likely on the other side of the world from you, but I am holding you close in my heart right now. You feel broken, and we all are. God fixes our broken bits and fills the big and small holes in us. You are never alone. You are a precious member of God’s family, and his Holy Spirit walks alongside you every step of the way. Your are valued and you are loved.
But if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will be clearly shown [for what it is]; for the day [of judgment] will disclose it, because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality and character and worth of each person’s work. If any person’s work which he has built [on this foundation, that is, any outcome of his effort] remains [and survives this test], he will receive a reward. But if any person’s work is burned up [by the test], he will suffer the loss [of his reward]; yet he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has barely escaped] through fire. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15 AMP). A note to myself, let the work be of value, and not a half effort job. We don’t want to suffer loss when making it to Heaven. In my church, being an introvert, I love to speak one on one to people, to find their real needs, worries and fear, and then I pray quietly in my own time on their behalf.
@Mari: may you find rest/quietness in the Lord as you process these emotions at this time. We come together here and take authority over every demonic thoughts, oppressions, limitations that were sent to kill/steal/destroy Mari and anything concerning her in the past few years, we bind them and render them powerless in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus. We command all the self hatred, hopelessness, confusion, depression and every evil works to leave and never return in the Mighty Name of Jesus. This too shall pass Mari. May the joy of the Lord be your strength. It’s gonna be all right.
@Lexi B and @Rhonda: thank you so so much for your responses and advices yesterday and today. I didn’t know how to process that call of the Lord, obviously He called me out to the deep deep. I admire so much ladies who are entrepreneurs, bearing all the responsibilities and volatility of business, yet rise above and conquer. Lexi, the contract you mentioned sounds amazing. What an incredible opportunity God opened up for you. Thank you for such a testimony. Praising God and doing happy dance ^.~
@Shana Fields: praying for you and the kids you minister to at VBS.
@Kathy: praying for you, your husband and the team as you go to the unknown. Applauding for what you do.
Be blessed dear beautiful sisters. I hope everyone will have a nice weekend wherever you are.
I have been praying about how I can serve my local church. This past year I served as a table leader for MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) at my church. It was great to give back, and I would love to help out again, but I will be having a bay in September, and I’m not sure if I can commit. I will have my hands full with two little girls. I will pray that God will show me how I can serve where I am. I know I can serve my family. I have a passion for helping other moms, so I pray I can do something with that this next season.
It is such a nice reminder that we are God’s temple. There are so many times that I feel so far from being God’s temple. I am so aware of my mistakes and shortcomings. I know that God sees them too, but still says that I am His temple. ❤️
I’m going to be praying for the Church as well as individual members of it
I have been convicted over recent weeks and even more so after reading this morning that we need to be more involved in our church. I so often use the excuse that I am shy. Last week, I, along with my Bible study group were on serving the tea and coffee, both my daughters were playing on the music team (one for the first time) and my husband went and talked to a new family after church. All of us a little out of our comfort zone, but such a warm feeling. I pray that I remember this, as I take more steps to be involved.
Mari, you are in my prayers. Take comfort in Psalm 23, where God promises that as the Good Shepherd he will walk with us THROUGH the valley. He is not just with us IN the valley, but promises us that we will come THROUGH it. I pray that you will have comfort in knowing that one day, this will pass.
I can regard my church community as Holy unto the Lord. And call to mind that each one of us is a temple of the Lord and that God dwells within each of us.
There isn’t a word to describe how spectacular that truly is.
I don’t regularly go to church at this time, I haven’t got a while. But I think the best thing to do is to step out of your comfort zone and talk to your community of believers. Reach out with compassion and don’t judge when they give you their story. Walk in with love at the ready so that you can walk out with gratitude and an appreciation of just how many people are here on this earth believing in an AMAZING Lord that makes real changes in our hearts.
Be present there in heart, mind, and spirit. Joyous and helpful.
Writing late today.
Today is my sabbath. I went out on our community lake here in the Poconos with my sister’s kayak. It’s very windy but gorgeous day. It was in the 70s when I went. Blue sky with clouds.
It has been a week, but God is good. Some of my family went to see my grandma today who is closer to the end (stage 4 cancer). They just put her on morphine and Ativan- my aunt says when that happens it’s usually not long til they leave. God is kind. I feel peace about her and I even got to pray over her the other day. I’ve never done that with her physically. She was asleep, I think. May God continue to give my family grace for one another in this time.
@Shana — I love that you are doing what you can to help the kids of today. They need you. <3 God bless your faithfulness and may you trust He is planting and watering your work for Him.
So glad to see all the prayers for Mari.
God bless you, Shes. May grace and peace follow you all this weekend.
I try to volunteer to serve at the church at whatever capacity that I am able.
I can serve in my local church by being available. Whatever I do should be for the glory of God.
Praying for you Mari♥️
Praying for you, Mari. Praying for safe travels for Kathy also.
Have a wonderful Friday and weekend, ladies.
I have been teaching all week in VBS and while it isn’t heavy, I have had so many kids tell me serious concerns they are dealing with – divorce, parents transitioning to the other sex, etc. It’s a lot of work, but I think it is such a good ministry to children and families. And I loved it so much as a kid. It would be nice to have had the week off (I just finished four years teaching in a difficult position), but this is important ministry to me.
I can serve my local church community in light of what I’ve read this week by reminding others that their work is seen, that they are so precious to have been bought by a price, and that we can rely on our precious, true, unshakable foundation. I can (and I can remind others to) also rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me in where I should serve.
I just got baptized about two weeks ago at my new church and right now I am attending my Bible class and I help whenever we have an event going on at church.
This is in response to Mercy yesterday- Thank you for your prayers. To be quite honest, I was scared all the way through the process of stepping out- still am- but I did it anyway. I knew that I was only staying at my job, (which had turned toxic) out of comfort. If I didn’t pursue my business when God was calling me to do it, I would have never pursued it.
God has been amazing in providing for me during this time and I am just finishing up a contract with a state agency that will prove to be very lucrative once I get things going- enough so that I may have to hire people sooner than expected!
If you have the unction from the Lord to pursue entrepreneurship, I say go for it. He will provide. It is scary but God is with you right in it.
These verses stood out to me today and I could hear them loudly in my head:” Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s templeam and that the Spirit of God lives in you?an 17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him;ao for God’s temple is holy,ap and that is what you are.” 1 Cor 3: 16-17
Mari, I have been in your shoes and know well feelings of self hatred. You are not alone and you are so loved by God. Praying that God brings you someone in your life now that you can talk to.
From one Mari to another. Mari, ironically I have had those same feelings run through my mind. I remind myself I am the child of the most High King. YOU MARI, are the child of the most High King. He promises us He will never leave us or forsake us. I believe this promise for YOU! And as I can see and read here, you have a community beautiful godly women praying for You! Mari, you matter to Jesus and you matter to us. I’m also praying God will bring you someone to talk to.
I pray God’s truth washes over you today. That you can see yourself as He sees you, a temple, an image bearer, beloved. You are not alone, He is with you, His Spirit in you. And also so many others have been in a similar space. I pray you will find a person/friend/ counselor IRL to speak into you words of affirmation. Praying for you!
Mari ❤️
@ Dear Mari, in agreement with these prayers and praying for you myself too.
@Kristie Paradis I just read the devotional from the First 5 app from Proverbs 31 Ministries and the title is : Gospel Centered Community Here is the link:
Taylor, thank you for sharing your message. I bet a lot of us could use it. I know I needed to hear it this morning.
I will be praying for you! Know you have many sisters in Christ praying for you.
@Mari if you would like to talk email me [email protected]
«For this is what the high and exalted One says—
he who lives forever, whose name is holy:
“I live in a high and holy place,
but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly
and to revive the heart of the contrite.» Isaiah 57,15
Praying for you Mari <3
Mari, praying now that God would bring comfort and peace to you in all areas of your life. You are our sister here at SRT and we will be praying for you.
I’m serving all this week to a church that I didn’t even know much about until now. I’ll be serving them again next month when I help at camp also. I feel I’ve been enriched and loved and embraced by total strangers, who are no longer strangers.
Have a great weekend.
Be blessed sisters and reach out and help someone this weekend.
Mari, I have been where you are, and sometimes the only words I could voice were, ‘God help me!’ Call out to Him, even if it is just a word or two, and He WILL be there! One thing that really has been laid on my heart this week, is that we need fellowship with other believers, so thank you for sharing with us what you’re feeling! Do you have a home church? If you do, reach out to someone! You might be surprised who God leads you to, maybe someone who has gone through exactly what you are experiencing right now but has also come out the other side of it, and can help you do the same! I am lifting you up in prayer! Lord, I come to you now and lift up Mari to You! Please help her to always look up and not give up! Please place her under Your wings and cover her with Your feathers and be her place of refuge (Ps. 91:4)! Please send her someone who can relate to what she is feeling and going through, someone to give her hope and encouragement! Please give her peace beyond all understanding while she is navigating through this hurt and pain. I lift her up to you now, in Jesus’ Name, amen. ❤️❤️
Mari, can you feel the love & concern shared by your sisters here at SRT? You are not alone, & Jesus sticks even closer than a “sister”!
Mari- praying God will give you peace and healing through His Word.
Mari, I have been where you are, sometimes the only words I could voice were, ‘God help me!’
1 Cor. 6:19b-20 ‘You are not your own, 20 for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body.’ stood out to me today. Even though I already know this, reading the words really hit me! I have had such an amazing time in God’s Word this week!! I could definitely feel the Holy Spirit guiding me through some amazing verses, which I often get clarification from in different versions. I had some goosebump moments this week, where God’s Word was just driving me to do more, to go farther, to dig deeper. And I am so glad I did!! One thing that was really laid on my heart this week is that I need to step up at church and start serving again, and to find ways to be in fellowship with other believers at church on a regular basis! We are not called to do this alone, community with other believers is so important!
Mari, I am joining all the other Shes in praying for you. Heavenly Father, I pray for my sister Mari. I pray that you will flood her heart and soul with Your love and peace. Overwhelm her with Your Presence. Send someone to her that she can talk to. Amen.
Mari, you are loved and cherished.
I would also like to request prayer. My husband is a youth pastor and we are leaving Sunday with four other adults and 18 senior high students to go to Greenwood, SC to work on homes. We will be there for a week. We do this every summer through an organization called Group Work Camp. We stay in a high school and sleep on an air mattress in a classroom, take showers in the locker room, and eat camp food. They put you in a group with 4 to 5 students you don’t know. Send you to the home of someone you don’t know and give you a job that a lot of times you don’t know how to do! Somehow it all comes together through the power of God and it is the most incredible week ever. Every year it is a picture of the Church, the body of Christ. We’re all from different places, different denominations, different backgrounds, but we come together and become the hands and feet of Jesus.
Please pray for safety as we travel and safety once we get there. It’s supposed to be in the upper 90’s and low 100’s while we’re there, plus the humidity. (Welcome to the South!) Pray that we will walk worthy of our calling and that lives will be changed because of us being there.
Thank you for your prayers.
Praying for you Mari. I too have felt that same way you stated when everything I thought I had was ripped apart suddenly. I felt like such a failure, defeated, isolated, and rejected. God placed some people in my life that really helped me, and as I went to church with them, I slowly put my focus on Him and His plan rather than my circumstances. It was a deep valley that lasted longer than I wanted, but God was making me, refining me, getting my attention, making me HAVE to look up to Him! He makes beauty out of the ashes! (wonderful verse to repeat to yourself!) You are going to be overwhelmed by the goodness that lays ahead, if you keep close to Him! We she’s love you and have walked beside you for a few years (?), we KNOW you have a beautiful heart! I hope you have someone you can connect with and talk with? I would love to give you my number if not. Sometimes it is someone you aren’t good friends with that you feel more comfortable to let all your feelings out!
Hoping for a great Fri-Yay for you all and a great wkd! My husband and I finally get to go with our church to hand out lunch bags to the homeless this evening,(we weren’t able to go the past few weeks due to other happenings) and I am so looking forward to it! I know it will bless us and them!
Mari I said a prayer for you this morning that God will be closer to you today reminding you that you are not alone and that you are loved and you are wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
Mari – My prayers are with you. I was reading the devotional this morning, and wanted to share the following quote from the author Kia Stephens. “God cares about those with broken hearts.
God’s power to heal is infinite.
God loves His children deeply.
God is capable of healing all wounds.
In Him, there is safety.
In Him, there is validation.
In Him, there is guidance.
In Him, all our needs are met.”
One of the greatest reminders today is that we are NOT alone as a part of the temple of God.
“…the one who believes will be unshakable” (Isaiah 28:16). We as believers have become the location of God’s presence on earth (Eph 2:22). My body is a temple of God. A holy place where He dwells. Check the foundation, Jesus is the cornerstone. Unshakable. Check what I have built upon it (1 Cor 3:9-17). My work is obvious. What was destroyed or lost is obvious. Notice what work I have done that has survived through fire. Only that which brings glory to God will last in the storms or fires of live. Rock solid faith in Jesus makes me unshakable. I am a member of God’s household. As we are built together as fellow citizens, Lord let my hands be used to reach out to encourage and inspire, pull from the ashes whe fires destroy the work of hands which built with faulty materials. Use me to remind them of our foundation on Christ Jesus. The losses hurt, yet salvation is sure. Let us rebuild carefully together with work that survives (1 Cor 3:14-15). Jesus is our precious cornerstone, a sure foundation. And we who believe are unshakable (Isa 28:16). Selah. Maranatha. Together we build and wait. Together we are unshakable. Amen.
Mari we are here for you and I am praying for you right now!! God has you and he is holding you right now. You are not alone!!
The reading today is especially beautiful and deep to me today. The call to build on the foundation Christ laid with lasting materials (actions). The precious gems adorning the foundation. The call to broaden the view of my body as a temple that was presented as a challenge in the last 4 minutes of this week’s podcast. As a temple of the living God how am I holy in my marriage, going to the doctor, dealing with co-workers, interacting with my children, in everyday living. Much to think about. Have a blessed and holy to God weekend SHE’s!
Mari- praying for you now as our sister in Christ! You are not alone, we are here for you!
@Mari I am lifting you up in prayer – I relate to the battles you are facing. My friend shared a post by Christine Caine this morning and I hope it encourages you and anyone else! “When you make a decision to focus forward and move on expect to meet resistance. The enemy does not want you to step into the promises of God for your life, or to fulfill your purpose, so he will do whatever it takes to discourage, distract, delay, disappoint or destruct you. You will have to fight to control your thoughts, guard your heart and strengthen your soul. It’s often easier to give up than keep believing, hoping, and expecting for your breakthrough to happen. This is called a fight of faith because that’s exactly what it is. The enemy plays dirty, that’s why you feel like throwing in the towel. It’s hard. It’s messy. It’s exhausting. It’s discouraging. But I’m here to remind you that greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. The enemy is a defeated foe. Fix your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith.”
Mari, your feelings are valid. You are loved beyond measure. As others have encouraged, reach out to a pastor or counselor. God is walking with you through this. <3
It struck me this morning that our role as God’s church now- holy, set apart, a beautifully diverse community worshipping God together- images CHRIST as the temple in His eternal Kingdom. I am praying that I can personally remember WHOSE I am (bought at a price), and that I can join together with the Church to image CHRIST well as we wait for our coming King!
Joining my fellow SHE’s in prayer for you Mari. Praying you will feel Gods presence and peace this morning. Oh how he wants you to know your value as a dearly loved daughter bought by the precious blood of his son and treasured as one of his kingdom people. Praying for God to breathe strength into your weary heart.
Mari I am praying that God will hold your hurting heart close and give you peace and comfort. I know just how you feel as I walked through a similar season last year. I’d like to encourage you to find a good Christian counselor, if possible. I did and it was a miracle sent by God. I see you, I feel your pain and struggle…you are NOT alone!!
Praying for you Mari..
Joining all our SHE community in covering you with heartfelt prayers that the peace of Christ that transcends all understanding would flow through you and abide with you…
Mari, praying for God to give you strength to seek out someone to help you. Could you talk to your pastor, neighbor, relative or call a crisis line? Sometimes just hearing another voice will be of comfort.
I have been serving my local church most of my life but I pray it is always done in love and in the right spirit. I want Jesus to be seen & glorified!
Mari, I wish I could offer words of encouragement that could change everything but what I can say is that I am praying for you. Praying for your heart and mind and for you to be enveloped by God’s love and His heart for you in Jesus’ Name.
Praying for you Mari. I can absolutely relate to the self hatred, & I am Praying the Lird will wrap his arms around you, & show you his love.
Mari, praying for you! Dear Lord, thank you for loving us and loving Mari. Help her to feel your presence and be reminded of how deep your love for her is. You knit her together and created her in your image. Help her to be reminded of how precious she is to you. Amen.
If you belong to a local church I would definitely recommend seeking counseling either through them or get a recommendation from them for counseling. God loves you Mari, and he will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:6).
I’ve recently been thinking about how to serve my church. Previously, I had served in various roles and then I went to grad school and needed to step away. Then I finally got licensed and began working in my calling full time, which can be a ministry. I’m praying through this as I might be ready to help my local campus.
Mari, I’m praying for you. I prayed specifically that God would bring someone to minister to you today. I echo the comments from the other She’s, May God’s truth shine through the darkness of the lies of the devil.
Mari, praying for you! Dear Lord, thank you for loving us and loving Mari. Help her to feel your presence and be reminded of how deep your love for her is. You knit her together and created her in your image. Help her to be reminded of how precious she is to you.
God’s temple is holy, and that is what we are! We need to live to glorify God!
WE are His temple and we are called to work through Him and have been given the power of the Holy Spirit to do these works and spread his word. Most importantly, to show Him to the world through our actions.
It is by the Lord’s kindness that He places us in a local body of believers. TOGETHER we are to be a beacon of light, His Light, to a dark world. Each one is a precious stone in a living temple called the Church, held together by the Spirit.
Plugging in and serving in or through the local church is a means of grace and joy for me. I love it when believers work together to celebrate the work of Christ and fill a need in the community.
MARI – I know we Shes aren’t physically with you, but you are surrounded by at least 1300 women (based on comments from day 1 of this study) who see you and are lifting you up before the Lord in prayer. May the lying voices be silenced so that you can clearly hear the Spirit’s words of comfort and wisdom.
GRAMSIESUE – praying Steve’s strength will return.
Praying for you Mari. I have been where you are now many times. HANG ON TO WHAT’S TRUE. Focus on God’s promises, not the lies of the enemy manipulating your emotions. Take every thought captive and hold it obedient to Christ. Just like a pilot in a storm must trust his instruments inside the cabin instead of what he sees outside the window. Remember the Holy Spirit is alive inside you now, you can trust Him to guide you safely through this storm.
Romans 8:38-39 NLT
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
MARI – praying for you! Lord, You see Mari and You hear our many prayers for our dear sister. I pray for Your clarity, wisdom, guidance and strength to show her the first step to take in picking up these pieces, and each next right step. I pray that she feels Your love surrounding her and that she can love herself again. If there’s a misstep as she’s picking up the pieces, I pray that she will see Your love lighting the right path. Let her know that she knows that she knows Lord that You are in the business of forgiveness, healing and restoration. Hugs to you, Mari!
GRAMSIESUE – praying for Steve (and you)
GROWING FAITH – praying for your sister and nephew
Oh Mari I can relate and am praying that God will bring someone along side of you to walk with you. I wish I could be there with you, but He is and we are all praying for you.
Mari, I am praying for you. Praying for God to reach down and shine His light in the darkness you are feeling. Praying for peace and that you would allow God to pick up the pieces and know that you can’t do it in your own strength.
God’s dwelling place exists among His people, who are marked and set apart as holy.
Discussion Question: How can you serve your local church community in light of what you’ve read this week?
Will pray for you Mari and I’m sure we ‘She’s’ will come alongside you in prayer.
With God, we are never alone. God loves you. Keep looking to God and don’t give up – tell Him how you are feeling and be honest with Him xx
Isaiah 41:10 ‘fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’
Mari, May you feel God’s arms around you and his whispers of Love. You are not alone. You are His and He’s got you. And we are here…praying for you; lifting you and your heart to Him. We cry out on your behalf. Thank you for letting us know you need us and how to pray.
We are growing into a holy temple, being built together for God’s dwelling in the Spirit. A work in progress. More people will be added to the Church and those who are part are growing in faith, in holiness and Godlikeness. When Christ returns and the work is complete, we will be a beautiful building. A place God worthy.
Mari – Praying for you
Mari, I am praying for you now. God loves you and you are never alone! God created you for a purpose!
It’s been a rough last few years, but I’m especially really struggling as of late. I feel so incredibly alone, hopeless, confused, stuck, and broken. I’m at a complete loss for how to pick up the pieces of my life, and my hatred of myself runs deep. I wish I had someone I could talk to, but please pray for me.