The Teacher’s Conclusion

Open Your Bible

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14, Proverbs 22:17-21, John 11:25-26

My second child recently turned seven months old. Though I experienced these same developmental milestones with my first, something about this second time around has left me even more in awe of how quickly babies grow and change. In his first few days, my son could only hold up his head for seconds at a time. When he came home from the hospital, he could only see about fifteen inches away, just far enough to make out my face as I held him and stared at his tiny features. He can now see me clearly from across the room and crawl toward me as fast as his not-so-tiny legs can move.

I sometimes wonder if that’s one of the reasons he cries on occasion, even when every need I can think of is met. Because today, his world looks totally different than it did yesterday. The whole world is open for discovery, but that growth meant a sharp change in perspective.

I imagined that sort of cry at the end of our reading today. The author of Ecclesiastes has been writing at length about life “under the sun.” A life where delight fades, strong men stoop, songs grow faint, and dust returns. A life where so much is “absolute futility.” Then, in the last few verses, there are these words:

Be warned: there is no end to the making of many books, and much study wearies the body.
When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this:
fear God and keep his commands, because this is for all humanity.
For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing,
whether good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:12–14).

For almost the entirety of my professional career I have worked in publishing, and I always want to voice a hearty “Amen!” at verse 12. There is no end to the making of books, to writers and philosophers and poets and politicians and artists and parishioners trying to make sense of our place as humans in this world. But the path to seeing our days differently is made clear here, because there is more to see than we once thought. For every single one of us, the key to meaning is the same: fear God, and keep His commands.

This is for all of us, because God is for all of us. He is our Creator, whose eyes saw us while we were still being formed (Psalm 139). He is our Sustainer, who knows when a single sparrow falls, clothes the flowers of the field, and anticipates our needs and worries (Matthew 6:25–34;10:29–31; 1Peter 5:7). He is our Savior, who invites us to follow Him and be part of His kingdom work here and now. His Word equips us to see our world through His perspective, and recast all our days in light of eternity.

So remember your Creator, find your confidence in the Lord. He is the resurrection, He is the life. This is for all of us, if we’ll just take hold and believe it.

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47 thoughts on "The Teacher’s Conclusion"

  1. Taylor says:

    This has been widely shared on the internet and I wanted to share with you ladies today:
    “What if 2020 isn’t cancelled?
    What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for?
    A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so raw – that it finally forces us to grow.
    A year that screams so loud, finally awakening us from our ignorant slumber.
    A year we finally accept the need for change. Declare change. Work for change. Become the change.
    A year we finally band together, instead of pushing each other further apart.
    2020 isn’t cancelled, but rather than most important year of them all. – Leslie Dwight”

    What Bailey said in her devotion “… that growth meant a sharp change in perspective.” drew me to this statement. A church leader replied to this post on my Facebook and quoted Esther 4:14 “For such a time as this”
    When we are followers of Christ, God gives us a Kingdom mindset or a Kingdom perspective. My prayer is that as I walk this journey through these uncharted times, I would always be viewing the world the way God sees it. That I would follow His will and His call to action, whatever that action may be. We are all living in this tumultuous time FOR A REASON. I firmly believe that. How is the Lord calling you in this season? Love you all SRT sisters have a great weekend <3

  2. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    Amen, what a great end to what has not been an easy study for me. Can’t say I will rush to read Ecclesiastes again anytime soon, but today’s concluding chapter and Jessica’s essay do make the point of why this book is there, where we need to be, what we need to remember, and it’s so incredibly relevant to our current world, as it always has been under the sun.

  3. Lisa Z says:

    Asking SRT sisters for prayers today. My heart is breaking. One of our pastors delivered a message with a politically biased example that offended my husband and me. We brought it to her attention. She apologized for our feelings but maintained it was just an example and showed no bias. Claimed she does not preach politics. We took it to the head pastor. He didnt even respond to us, even though we asked. We were told he was aware and was copied on the reply. The conversation was all through email. We are so devastated. We do not want to attend a church that preaches politics. We have been there for years and this is the first time we have heard anything political. We love our church. We now feel unwelcome. The church only seems to welcome those of like political mind. We are so broken by this. We do not feel we can continue to attend, albeit virtually. We are going to discuss our concerns with our small group but expect no support. We are befuddled and so sad. Thank you for listening.
    Perhaps it needs to be just Jesus and us as we look for a new place to worship. I am so scattered about this, thoughts racing, confused.

    1. Margaret Lindsey says:

      Lisa, I feel your heart. This time is so hard. We live in a place where it would be impossible to find a church that agrees with us politically. Everything being said is being scrutinized so critically. My hope is that we can all extend grace to each other while the landscape is changing so quickly and we are all learning how to be more sensitive. I feel for you and your pastor, and pray for reconciliation.

  4. Angie says:

    Ash H., praying for your husband as he opens the prayer station Sunday at the BLM protest. That is so wonderful.

    Pam K., praying for you and your family as your dad prepares to go Home. Celebrating with you his many years of love and service to the Lord. Unlike the Ecclesiastes reading of today…he didn’t get to the end of his life in a negative way…he used his days for the Lord. He lived a wise life, feared God, and kept his commands. While our salvation is not tied to our works, I believe when He sees the love, face to face in Jesus’s eyes your dad will be glad for his diligence and the honor it brought to His Savior. His race is almost finished and while he won…way back when he first made Jesus his Lord and Savior, he ran well and will cross the finish line to his eternal Home. I know you will miss him. I miss my dad, although I know he is Home with Jesus. We miss my mother-in-law (this week it is a year she has been Home). But, instead of wanting them back here, we look forward to the day we can all worship before the King together!

    Diana, as I pray for you to have wisdom in the judgement of what you are able, and should or should not do, I must pray it for myself as well. That is a lesson God is still working on me with…but I will pray for both of us.

    Maura, this morning when I listened and sang along with the song by Stars Grow Dim, “You know me better,” I prayed for your time with your daughter and grandchildren. I’m excited for you.

    Sarah D., I admire your love for your sister and trying to help her know Jesus as Lord and Savior. I have two sisters. While we were taught the Truth when we were young, only two of us are serving the Lord. I pray for my youngest sister who is not where she should be. She lives very far away and I have not done a good job of reaching out to her. I loved your garden analogy too. This year when I planted our garden it was different. Normally I am trying to get the ground tilled, those seeds thrown in, just because I need to get it done so we have the produce…no joy. This year, as I prepared the ground I thanked God for the strength to run the tiller. As I put each seed in I spent time in awe over the wonder of God and how these seeds burst open, becomes a plant, and provides fruit as well as the seeds for future life. When I took the time, it became sacred.

    Erin Ford, Kaitlyn, and other young moms – With my children now grown, and a few grandchildren even…I think back to my years with little ones. It can be exhausting at stages, it can be loud, it can be messy, it can be organized chaos, or even unorganized chaos, and it is the time of the most beautiful memories and wonder. Godly young moms, you are beautiful – yes, even sticky from nursing, walking around sleep deprived, sweaty from chasing kids all day, and hair that maybe, was brushed yesterday? On the day where everything seems to not be going right. On the day when, hey…wow, this has been an easy day. And, the days in between – you are radiant. You are a blessing. You are beautiful!

    And, Nancy, I love the reminder that while Solomon saw nothing new under the son, we rest in the promise and truth that All Things Are New Under the Son-Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior, our Lord!

    My test results came back yesterday that I am negative for Covid. So many prayed that I would be. My husband was so sick, and I had a couple days that I felt just plain awful. Either that was stress induced, exhaustion showing itself, or a touch of a flu or a result of trying to do too much – but it wasn’t Covid. Praise God for answered prayer. I give Him all the glory. And…, after so long of not getting to spend time with my grandchildren that live locally, after missing my granddaughters 1st birthday party…I get to see them tonight. I am super excited.

    Fear God, Keep His commands, rest in His love and give Him all the praise. Amen.

  5. Meredith Ashley says:

    Michelle, what a beautiful prayer. So thankful for you and all of you ladies who are committed to seeking Truth day after day. God is faithful, and He’s called us into the world “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Blessings to all.

  6. MARTHA HIX says:


  7. NanaK says:

    “May we ask that our souls be set on fire every day, even in some small way, recalling with fondness when the kindling was first struck.”
    YES and AMEN!
    Thank you Churchmouse for capturing so concisely what I am feeling today.
    Ladies: thank you all for sharing your hearts once again through our lessons.
    SRT: thank you for another wonderful devotion! I’m looking forward to “Women & Men in the Word.
    Praying God’s peace and hope for you all today.

  8. Michelle says:

    I don’t write anything often. Most times I believe I don’t have the right words. But, I do enjoy learning from SRT and the opinions and words of all SRT sisters that write often. Your words keep challenging me to look deeper into exactly what I’m reading. But today, through this study I am more than grateful for the nudge to write my piece. I wrote this prayer
    Thank you for rescuing me. I grew up in Church, but I was too blind to see what was in front of me. I decided I was going out into the world to do my thing. Not knowing that you were with me all the way in my journey. Even when I wasn’t looking you were always with me, holding my right hand, showing grace and patience in abundance … until that day that I finally saw everything! Your patience with me is all overwhelming as you knew I’d return. I am blessed to have such a Father who never gave up, waited for me, watched over me, and guided me back home to you when the time was right. I missed many years of really getting to know you, but I am making up for it now. Your son Jesus saved me, and I truly thank all my family and friends who allowed me to come closer to you. As Tina said (thank you Tina and Churchmouse): it doesn’t matter when you found me, you are here now, we are together now … this, is our journey. I love you with All my heart, All my soul, and All my mind. AMEN.

    1. Traci Gendron says:

      Michelle you have described me. I was raised in church, but became rebellious. I’m not proud of it at all. I want deep roots in Jesus. SRT and all you lovely ladies are helping me to get that. Thank you! Have a blessed weekend ❤️.