The Source of Rest

Open Your Bible

Exodus 33:1-17, Psalm 23:1-6, John 15:1-11

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

In God’s presence, we find rest. He is the source of all that we need—physically, spiritually, and eternally. 

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352 thoughts on "The Source of Rest"

  1. Stephanie Zacharias says:

    Thank you for this. It is okay to rest and depend on the Lord for all of it.

  2. Shelly Dilbeck says:

    This makes A great Bible study for this time of year as we go into a busy season.

  3. Susan Marie Hill says:

    Lord, I know that we are where You want us to be. But let me not find my peace, rest, and security in that but in YOU. May I walk in wisdom right behind You.

  4. Sarah Banister says:

    I’ve been feeling very anxious lately so reading His word on abiding in Him and finding rest in Him has given me hope that through Him and in Him I can find rest and He can calm my anxious heart + mind!

  5. Rayna Schiefelbein says:

    Finding rest and peace in Him! ❤️

  6. Mary-Anne Ofosu says:

    I’ve been feeling very anxious and reading His word is my way of getting through this weeks anxiety

  7. Liz Montijo-Clark says:

    Here’s to finding much needed rest in Him!

  8. Marlee Plank says:

    choosing to make His Word a routine in my life, praying for his grace and strength throughout this journey<3

  9. Andrea Lopez says:

    I am so tired and am just longing to find rest. I know true rest can only come from Christ.

  10. Jennifer Smyth says:

    I have been full of anxiety due to my Niece/adopted daughter is making bad choices since turning 18 this week. It has been so hard to watch her make mistake after mistake. I have control issues which I am trying to work on by putting my trust in God.

  11. Momma Hay says:

    The Lord to Moses about the Israelites…
    “But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way. ”

    I chuckled at this thinking, how many times as a parent have I been like I just need to leave the room before I lose it, especially with 4 toddlers

    Even the Lord needs to “leave the room” haha.

    But then later in that chapter in true parental fashion, because we can’t be gone from the room for to long….He’s like “ok, my presence will go with you and I will give you rest”

  12. Heather Klos says:

    I have been so full of anxiety it is making me physically ill. I need true rest and the ability to let the anxiety go. It has a choke hold on me. I pray that I can learn to let things go and I can truly find rest.

  13. April Voss says:

    Rest, in this busy life that simple word is one I rarely have time for. I need to make intentional time to rest.

  14. Tanya Neubaum says:

    I could use some rest and peace. Taking care of my elderly parents is a full time job plus helping my 94 year old grandpa. Also working a full time job. It’s hard to find moments to myself with no one around where I can just be at peace and connect with God.

  15. Hailey Stark says:

    He will never fail to be my source of rest.

  16. Fran says:

    always i used to read smaller posts which as well clear their motive,
    and that is also happening with this paragraph which I am reading now.

  17. Bernadette John says:

    I really need to find rest and contentment in Jesus. My stepson is not saved. My husband has been misled so some of his theology is off. I work full time. Go to school part time. A mom. A wife. I need rest. Lol

    1. M Rowland says:

      I resonate with this as I am a stepmom as well.

  18. Annkelly Myers says:

    Choosing to intentionally rest in Him this year

  19. Courtney Jennings says:

    Choosing to find rest in Him and not in the things of this world is my goal for this year. Thankful for the guidance of this study to spend more time in His word.

  20. Isabel Tate says:

    my word for the year is rest, to remain and rest I in his presence!

  21. Hannah Koster says:

    My goal for this year is to rest in him, great scripture to keep close to heart

  22. Mando Mokone says:

    John 15 -God will remove every branch that doesn’t produce fruit nd prune every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit. I’ve learned to trust him when it comes to removing braches than do not produce any fruit as painful as it was in the beginning with time it started to make sense

  23. Bailey Pape says:

    In order to live in peace we must abide in the Lord and his love for us because it is consistent constant and true.

  24. Samantha Maloney says:

    To simply abide in the Lord is to find rest and joy! How sweet!

  25. Lene Wessels says:

    I remain in you Lord

  26. Rachel Christian says:

    This first day has given me the insight I’ve needed for some time. This past year has shaken me to my core. A diagnosis I never even thought of. The hard season is in me and I’ve been so anxious, angry, depressed and impatient with God.

    But then, I found this website and plan. I began to read the scriptures and I was reminded that God hasn’t walked away but I became tied to the world view.

    I am beyond grateful to have Jesus Christ as my friend. I just need to lean onto Him more and trust in Him daily. When the seas and storm rise, with Christ, I know I will be safe in His arms.

    Thankful for this website to reminds us of our Creator and His friendship. I cannot wait to read the next plan.

  27. Rebekah Davis says:

    I struggle to understand what truly it looks like to remain in the Lord and HIM do the work. And that my job is just to rest in Him, not in my own efforts. He is faithful and good and He won’t give up on me and that’s what I’m trying to learn by His Spirit. I want to be who He created me to be and serve Him well because He is so worthy of it

  28. Laura Amadeo says:

    I often forget His presence is with me and that’s where I find my rest. Not in the pleasures the world offers

  29. Leah Boles says:

    struggling to adjust to college and John 15 was exactly what i needed today! trying to remember to lean into Christ through all the change.

  30. Sarah Furgason says:

    I recently was given a life changing diagnosis. I have been so angry. I have been in a very fruitful season at work and have been leaning into that with little balance for the rest of my life. I know God is asking me to rest right now. I’ve been ignoring God. I need to respect this body I’ve been given and allow space for rest and healing.

  31. Jillian Carpenter says:

    Knowing that as long as I stay in Gods words and follow him I will bare fruit in my life. Giving him all my worries and things out of my control.

  32. Elizabeth says:

    It’s easy for me to forget that I am not working for God not am I working on my own without help but rather that He is with me and my work should be an overflow of my love for Him. Abiding in love through obedience as a means to experiencing the fullness of joy in Christ is such a richer way to live than is a life of striving.

  33. Kayleigh Moran says:

    I have been struggling with depression and high anxiety. Sometimes it’s hard to remember to focus on God.

  34. Lauren Garner says:

    I’ve been struggling with balancing my job and dealing with my brother’s struggle with mental illness. It makes you feel like you have a migraine all the time. This felt like it was set before me on purpose.

  35. Cassidy Rowell says:

    I’ve been in a season of depression. I work for a small faith-based non-profit, and it’s weighing on me and the effectiveness of my work. It’s been affecting my relationship, and I have felt so empty! There’s been many struggles and I’m usually the person full of joy in my circles. Small efforts have not been enough and I’m ready to say “ENOUGH!” And claim the goodness and faithfulness the Lord provides. It’s been a busy season and want to absorb the rest I am called to and to abide in Him.

  36. Lindsay Hansen says:

    Hi Kenzie. I will pray for you. I was in your spot ab

  37. Lindsay Hansen says:

    Kenzie, I am praying for you – for your contentedness in the Lord, and your trust in Him that all good things come to those who trust in Him.

  38. Katie Dobbins says:

    Looking forward to finding more rest spiritually.

  39. Haley Binford says:

    What a blessing to read—that the Lord was both an awe inspiring pillar of cloud and the intimate God who spoke to Moses “as a man speaks to a friend”

  40. Mariah Garcia says:

    Requesting prayers for strength to pick myself back up from heartbreak.

  41. nat kobus says:

    resting in the promises of God is a gift!

  42. Lillian Hornes says:

    I recently left a church I’d been a part of for nearly 20 years. I feel it was the right decision but still feel a lack of rest.

  43. Sammy Kirn says:

    My mind is most clear when rested. I see the Lord more clearly with a rested soul.

  44. Jeralyn Belote says:

    God is speaking to me today. . . “Abide in my love.”

  45. Gabrielle Vanderwolf says:

    Jesus is so amazing indeed! He is our rest, just as He is our peace! we will find true peace and rest in the arms of our LORD God and Savior Jesus Christ ( Matthew 11:28-30)

  46. Maddi Feldman says:

    He refreshes my soul. I haven’t had that verse hit me like that before. I love the way it sounds

  47. Elizabeth N Martinez says:

    What security we find in the Lord! What great promises of protection and safety.

  48. Paige Stakey says:

    Psalm 23 really hit me today. One of my favorites always

  49. Gabrielle Vanderwolf says:

    Jesus is where we find true rest

  50. Olivia Birck says:

    I feel the opposite of rested. Mother of two, wife, full time job, and in the middle of moving. I’m trying to do everything on my own. I’m looking forward to learning how to rest with the Lord and find joy again.

  51. Ashley Coplo says:

    We must make room in our days to spend time with Him. He is the priority. ❤️

  52. Ashley Coplo says:

    I completely agree with you Nicole. Especially in today’s world we find ourselves so busy and it all starts by habits. As soon as we begin to prioritize other things over spending time with Him, we get lost into lying to ourselves that it’s fine and tomorrow will be different, but we find ourselves just getting further and further away unless we make room for him. We must prioritize time with Him.

  53. Lindsey Osterhaven says:

    Jesus is not commanding us to bear fruit, but to remain and abide in Him. If we remain and abide in Him, then the fruit will come❤️

  54. katey gibbs says:

    We always have access to rest through him!

  55. Catherine Reed says:

    The root of the word RESToration is REST

  56. Erin Calvin says:

    Exodus 33:14-15 really resonated with me today: “And he said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ And he said to him, ‘If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.’”

    God I want that to be my posture… if your presence is not with me, I don’t want to go. Your presence is where I find my rest.

  57. Jenn Shibata says:

    I like that God wants us to rest i him but also desires for us to be active in that rest and “bear fruit”

  58. Nicole Tirado says:

    Rest is hard to find if we don’t seek it with Christ. Today the Psalm 23 versus really struck me this will be an anthem for my life

  59. Ashley Goodman says:

    I do believe this is the lord’s way to bring me back to him and to rest in his words. Getting so caught up in the world can be exhausting I had to really have a quiet moment with just me and the lord to discuss why I have been so distracted. I’m starting to regain my faith and constraint back so I’m very happy I found this reading plan to keep me on the right path with my lord and savior.

  60. Victoria Pinnock says:

    Your transparency is everything!! I suffer from anxiety,in fact i’m having an episode currently. I understand God’s promises for me, but have similar struggles. I will pray for you Molly.

  61. Kim Norman-Prieto says:

    True rest is found in the presence of God

  62. Molly Johnson says:

    As a working mom suffering from anxiety and depression, I need to work on finding rest in God’s promises. I hope to explore that in this study to find true joy.

  63. Jenny Denny says:

    We just had Bub no. 2 and feel very much in the valley at times. I try and do everything in my own strength, and it leads to no rest and resentment! Trying to rest and also let go of things that I can’t control and things that don’t really matter in this season

  64. Shiloh Fahrenkrug says:

    As a new mom, rest is not something that comes easy to me. This reminder that God is teaching me to rest through my struggles “through the valley” and not avoid them is exactly what I needed.

  65. Savannah Mills says:

    I’m a “busy body” a lot of the times. I’m a mother of three and I’m trying to juggle being a mother, work full time and live for God! I want to slow down and rest in the presence of God!!

  66. Brenna Kelly says:

    there is joy just in knowing Jesus is by your side. He is the joy and the light of my life.

  67. Gracie Amburgey says:

    very good reminder to not worry, since he will give us rest in any circumstance.

  68. Essence Dixon says:

    Amen this was much needed

  69. Bailey Bumgardner says:

    Amen! Thank you I had this question


    If we abide in Him, He will abide in us. He truly is the source of rest. And, in a hectic and time-driven world it is a wonderful reminder to rest in Him. For He restores my soul and in Him we can find rest.

  71. Grace Scott says:

    trying my best to trust in the lords plan rather than my own. i just feel burnt out and i think i need rest

  72. Evelyn Inman says:

    My friend prayed that I find rest a few months ago. I’m resting & I’m excited to be spending more time with God simultaneously.

  73. Alyssa Nichols says:

    Feeling like the harder I strive, the more the calls me to rest. The harder I push back, the more he prunes. Trying to find peace and trust in His plan and not my own understanding.

  74. Karly Butler says:

    What does it mean that Moses found the Lord’s favor? What does His favor look like on our lives today? Unmerited favor. That was Jesus’ work on the cross. We serve an intimate God who knows us by name and provides favor regardless of our merit.

  75. Julia Blair says:

    Feeling a strong call to rest. Love that God shares his presence with me and is my true place of rest.

  76. Sage Bonebrake says:

    I really need his rest.

  77. Holly Bearden says:

    Yes! I need this. I feel like I’m not bearing fruit or letting Him prune!

  78. Natalie Spencer says:

    Lord, cut off every branch in me that is not bearing fruit and let me abide in you for true rest.

  79. abby nyman says:

    Rest is found in the presence of god!!

  80. Mary Haddon says:

    Thank you Lord for giving me rest when I am weary!

  81. Hannah Sproul says:

    I am learning to let go, and let God. I’m trying to understand that I need to rest in him as that will be the only way to truly rest. Being caught up in daily life and forgetting that the only life that matters is the life of God, his word. I will never fully experience rest until I rest in him.

  82. kathleen steele says:

    Remembering and reflecting God’s presence is always with me and what His presence has allowed me to conquer in my previous days in the valley IS everything. God, help all of us to attune our every cell to your presence and because you are with us, We can truly rest and surrender all to you!

  83. Linda Britten says:

    I want to know and learn how to fully rest in God and how to hear and listen to Gods voice! I want my husband and kids to do and learn the same.

  84. Livi Bryant says:

    thank you Jesus for the rest we find in you ❤️

  85. Katie DeVries says:

    i need to be better at using my resting time to rest in Him. to spend time with Him and remain in Him. i need to get into this practice during the summer so that i’m ready to implement it into the school year.

  86. Tierra London says:

    Rest is found in the presence of God

  87. Ally Ireland says:

    Same! The end of the school year feels anything but restful, so I definitely need to find my rest in His presence.

  88. New Mama says:

    “The Lord would speak with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend.” What a beautiful visual! I love speaking with my friends, we could chat for hours. Lord, I pray that you would speak to me just as I speak to my friends and help me long to speak to you in the same way.

  89. Tori Fuller says:

    Leaning into this HARD during the end of school year crush

  90. LaShunda Frazier says:

    Abide in his rest, his pruning, his love

  91. Ella Umeh says:

    He is my rest

  92. kaitlin schroeder says:

    How great is it that we worship a God who is so personal and CARES about us, even when we might feel so insignificant in this world sometimes. It’s such a blissful reminder of His never ending love that has carried me through countless storms. He chose me. He chose you. We aren’t accidents, we have a specific purpose here to — to bring glory to His kingdom and help guide His lost sheep back home to the everlasting, unconditional love of Christ that surpasses all worldly knowledge to give us pure peace, and much deserved rest.

  93. kaitlin schroeder says:

    How great is it that we worship a God who is so personal and CARES about us even when we might feel so insignificant in this world sometimes. It’s a nice reminder that if we remain in Christ

  94. Wendy Calvert says:

    9As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. I will abide in your love.

  95. trina beckwith says:

    Amen. God is good.

  96. Alicia Lopez says:

    He comforts me

  97. Kathy Bowman says:

    10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. – John 15:10

  98. Rachel says:

    God is so so good. It was so refreshing to learn that he WANTS us to feel joy. He WANTS a two-way relationship where you remain in Him, and He remains in you.

    He listens to Moses so well; prayer is so powerful because He truly listens and cares. He wants to give us rest. He knows us by name.

    I also love that He speaks face to face to us as friends. And His love and presence is greater than any obstacle that we face, and He truly truly WANTS to give us rest, and to give us an abundance of blessing and joy.

    I love this line: only goodness and faithful love will pursue me. It PURSUES me and comes after me because He is such a loving God that loves and cares for His people.

  99. Chapel-Anne Farris says:

    “6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
    and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
    forever. – Psalms 23:6”

  100. Vivesh Moodley says:


  101. Hannah Stokes says:

    He leads me beside still waters

  102. JoAnn Ward says:


  103. Patricia janelle says:

    I am sorry for the double post. That verse just spoke to my soul.

  104. Patricia janelle says:

    “2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. – John 15:2

  105. Zion Iniovosa says:


  106. Ronnie Tanka says:

    Breath Prayer for Psalm 23

  107. Ronnie Tanka says:

    I learned a “breath prayer” based on Psalm 23 that I often use in times of worry and stress. You inhale praying “The Lord is my Shepherd”and exhale praying “I have everything I need.”

  108. Kaci Newton says:


  109. Sam Stough says:

    “I shall not want”

  110. Jenny Quissell says:

    As a person who struggles with indulgence of material “things” I am hopefully

  111. Jenny Quissell says:


  112. Brooklynn Robinson says:


  113. Amanda Alston says:


  114. Amanda Alston says:


  115. Katelyn Lovette says:

    I’ve recently been convicted of the sin of “striving.” When I’m not doing my best to bring a glory to Him, but I’m trying to be the best to feel good about me in my own strength and goodness. This study popped up at jus the right time for me! I need the help in being guided to the truths in His word that will remind me to rest in His goodness and to quit striving in my own strength!

  116. katie Latuihamallo says:

    He MAKES us lay down, this is the first time I understood that fully. The word makes just was highlighted to me. It is very empowering to know that He will get us into that place of rest, thank God for that.

  117. Juliana Halbreiter says:


  118. Jennie Lyons says:

    I keep thinking about the story of Mary and Martha, where Martha was busy serving Jesus that she forgot to abide with Jesus. Yet Mary had no trouble doing this, she sat contently at his feet and listened. She was present And at peace.

  119. Angelina Mueller says:


  120. Dakota Jackson says:


  121. Dakota Jackson says:

    As a person with anxiety disorder, resting and putting my path in the hands of the Lord can sometimes seem so scary, but I’m hoping this study helps me get there

  122. Hannah Antkoviak says:


  123. Wendy Kaler says:

    Jesus himself is our Sabbath rest! REST = releasing everything starting today!

  124. miranda barkley says:


  125. Dakota McIntosh says:


  126. Emily Nelson says:


  127. Katlyn White says:

    As a mom of 2, I absolutely needed this!

  128. erika pena says:

    Amen thank you lord ❤️

  129. Kathryn Craig says:

    11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. – John 15:11

  130. Destinee Alexander says:

    WowI really needed this

  131. shawntel holmes says:

    So powerful loved this reading

  132. Abbey Haines says:

    Exactly 4 month pp here as well ❤️

  133. Amy Almengor says:


  134. Kristi Wooddell says:


  135. Raquel Cabral says:


  136. Ceslie Thornton says:


  137. pamela lewis says:

    Great reminder and God bless you all.

  138. Lauren Michael says:

    Needed the reminder to “abide in Him”. Loved that Moses and God met daily and talked together like friends. It’s been too long since spending time with God was a daily habit and I think I’ve been trying to produce fruit on my own.

  139. Andrea Molen says:

    Needed this more than ever. Sometimes test is just mentally as well- I am in the middle of my first pregnancy and dealing with a lot of mental health struggles. Really learning how to give it up to God and attempting to shut of my brain and the negative patterns it can create. He wants us to have joy and have it fully- to rest in him and find peace that only he can provide.

  140. Caitlyn Walker says:

    Learning to rest and accept God’s will can be difficult at times.

  141. Abby Swanda says:


  142. miranda verkamp says:

    Been there. Prayers and love.

  143. Brooke Branham says:


  144. Gaby Pineda says:

    It is in Him that we find rest.

  145. Taylor Runyon says:


  146. Sachi J says:


  147. Sachi J says:

    Psalm 23 ❤️ Such a comforting verse.

  148. Ruth Chittenden says:

    It is He alone that gives us rest. He MAKES us lie down and He restores our souls

  149. Rebekah Hoch says:

    He knows me by name and will deliver me from the bad in my life and give me rest❤️ he will for you too!

  150. Sarah Edwards says:

    This is a very nice way of studying his word

  151. Chris Ingram says:

    “I am am the true vine, and my Father is the gardner”. As one who enjoys being outside and watching the vegetable plants grow and produce good food to eat, this verse leaves a most lovely impression in my mind. The vision of Jesus and God in charge puts my soul at rest.

  152. Kathy Hensley says:

    Who doesn’t want joy? According to the last verse of our study, he wants us to have his joy and it be full. I want some of his joy in my life and for my family.

  153. Brandy Deruso says:

    Wonderful word! I will trust in the Lord all my days and I will be satisfied with you Lord cause you know what’s best for me all of my good days out weigh my bad days I won’t complain I will not get weary but I will trust in the Lord always and forever and Lord I’ll be satisfied with you! I know you got me! Hallelujah! Some trust in horses sone trust in chariots I choose to trust in the Lord who has never left me! I’m satisfied! I’m satisfied! I’m satisfied! Glory!

  154. Silvia Bonilla says:

    Thank you framing it this way. This is what I needed to hear!

  155. Linda Nguyen says:

    Such a wonderful message to hear that God is here for us

  156. kaitlyn mangeya says:

    i love this

  157. Brittney NormanMuller says:

    Been studying rest in the Lord this weekend and what it looks like. This was a timely Word.

  158. Tonia Schneider says:


  159. Regan Morris says:

    Very well spoken! ❤️

  160. Sarah noe says:

    Rest doesn’t always look physical. I need to let go of what I want and follow God better

  161. Anto De Padua says:

    Praying for us to know the power that we gain if we abide in Him. We are nurtured and replenished there. For His kingdom!❤️

  162. Brittanie Burgess says:

    I love this!

  163. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Release my burdens to you oh Lord! I find rest in you and you alone! Amen

  164. Jennifer Rains says:

    I am trying to learn how to rest

  165. Donna Pennacchio says:

    Faith in the waiting will yield rest.

  166. Stephanie Rhodenizer says:


  167. Stephanie Rhodenizer says:

    I’m realizing that rest isn’t just a physical rest. Resting “in Him” requires strength and faith. And being willing to release my burdens.

  168. Rebie Nixon says:

    When you give your struggles and worries to the lord you will find rest

    1. Stephanie Rhodenizer says:


  169. Rebie Nixon says:


  170. Trisha Swanson says:

    Let go and let God! Amen

  171. Ayana Kleckner says:

    I love the concept of abiding bringing fullness of joy. God desires to fill us up, that starts with slowing down, making space to be alone with Him, and resting in His love. Knowing we don’t need to show up perfect and able to bring all of our mess

  172. Samantha Miller says:

    Abide: to remain stable or fixed in a state; to continue in a place
    Sometimes I can over complicate rest when really I get to just remain in closeness to Jesus and will find joy and rest that doesn’t run out

  173. Samantha Miller says:

    Abide: to remain stable or fixed in a state; to continue in a place.

  174. baylee darden says:

    14 And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” – Exodus 33:14
    when i read this i thought about it and came to realize that god is always with you and knows what you need, don’t force it, but also don’t ignore it. when we follow god and his word he will keep us on the right path, give us motivation, and rest.

  175. Madeleine Ramirez says:

    Resting is so hard for me especially lately. We’re empty nesters but we have two fur babies that are like our children. Lately, the older one has been waking me up even 3 time during the night to take him out and I feel like I have a newborn at home lol. To top it off, my pain medications ran out (I don’t know if I double dipped into them accidentally confusing it with my other medication or just lost it) but the results are painful and restless nights and days, fibromyalgia galore, and migraines everyday. Anyway, I have found myself trying to get more physical rest as well as spiritual rest in all of this. This study is perfect!!!

  176. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    I am so looking forward to this study. It‘s perfect timing. <3

  177. Kim Kvamme says:

    YES! Me too, that in Gods pre scene there is rest, so I will pray for Gods presence to always be with me.

  178. Kim Kvamme says:

    This is a good point that mental exhaustion causes our bodies to need physical rest, I too am asking the Lord to take on burdens, not me, so that I may have true rest, which I ask gives me physical rest as well. May this study help you truly rest in Him.

  179. Kim Kvamme says:

    I look forward to learning more about Gods rest physically, spiritually and in mind, to trust that if I pursue and practice rest in Christ that He will give it to me. I am in a forced time of rest having been laid off from my job, which was also Ministry, to a time when I am not striving to do the next thing, but want to find true rest in Him. This study also came at the perfect time for me. I am also researching what sabbatical means.

  180. Danielle Patrick says:

    2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. – John 15:2
    ThIs verse made me feel so assured that God is with me, looking out for me, and shaping my soul to best serve and fulfill his plan for my life. Everything happens for a reason, and God uses life’s experiences to shape me into the best version of me.

  181. Danielle Patrick says:

    2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. – John 15:2

  182. Zoey Ferens says:

    This study is beautiful and definitely has come at the perfect time for me. I desperately need to find rest

  183. Anita Simmons says:

    This study will give me rest and I am reading a devotional called FIGHTING WITH PEACE.. I think both will coincide very well .

  184. Amanda DeWoody says:

    Thanks for sharing! I will have to give it a listen

  185. Amanda Strong says:

    I need this study! As a new mom with a husband on probation with the fire department and a design studio to run from home, sometimes I feel extremely burnt out and can’t figure a way out of it. I’ve recently found myself so wound up that it’s hard for me to have true rest. The only time I feel rejuvenated lately is after church service, which I’m so grateful for. Scripture that stood out to me during today’s reading was Psalm 23:1-3 and Exodus 33:14, “And he replied: ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” I needed to be reminded.

    Excited to dive into more of the study over the next two weeks!

  186. Amanda Strong says:

    I need this study! As a new mom with a husband on probation with the fire department and a design studio to run from home, sometimes I feel extremely burnt out and can’t figure a way out of it. I’ve recently found myself so wound up that it’s hard for me to have true rest. The only time I feel rejuvenated lately is after church service, which I’m so grateful for. Scripture that stood out to me during today’s reading was Psalm 23:1-3 and Exodus 33:14, “And he replied: ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

  187. K Carlton says:

    Need this study. Started a new job this week. So needed to be “rest” in his presence.

  188. Kim Green says:

    Caprice I am sorry to hear about your father. Your feelings are real. I was there once and I can’t tell you when yours will get better but it will. Don’t be afraid of seeking help too . Start with your primary doctor. While you are seeking Gods advice.

  189. Devin Howell says:

    This study came at a perfect time for me, and I also hear God whispering (or yelling) “it’s time to rest, Devin” over and over. Our pastor did a sermon on the Sabbath and the meaning of biblical rest. Our church podcast talked about rest and sabbath. I broke my kneecap and have no choice but to physically slow down, but I was doing so much mental and emotional work that I was feeling crushed and exhausted at the end of the year when I joined SRT. God gives us the gift of resting in him, and is there to carry our burdens when they are too heavy for us to carry alone.

  190. Jeni B says:

    Amen Tricia!

  191. Jeni B says:

    (Sorry, hit post too quickly in the app) but sometimes sleep alone isn’t enough. There are other ways to rest and renew though.

  192. Jeni B says:

    Hey Jill, Google “seven types of rest”. It’s really helpful as sometimes, we are so overworked and overstimulated just

  193. Caprice Robinson says:

    After what an end to 2022 I need rest in 2023. My my mind is affecting me almost daily. From my anxiety to my grief. I don’t know if I need physical rest rather than mental rest. I have never delt with so my anxiety before my dad passed away 4 months ago. If I did have anxiety before it was nothing like it is know. It affects me almost daily. So I do need rest from my own mind.

  194. liv schaffner says:

    beautiful and fruitful!!

  195. Monica Joseph says:


  196. Cameron Wells says:

    What hit me is that the source of everything is abiding in Jesus. So often I seek other things to “rest” in. But true joy is complete only in His presence!

  197. Alycia Brickman says:

    I got caught up on “pruning” and so I researched pruning and the process of it! It is crazy how the reasons for pruning is much like how and why God allows the trials and tribulations… in our trials we are in the pruning stage and the more we seek God and His rest even in those “pruning” times our relationship with Him and faith and confidence in Him grows so much stronger! I find so much rest in knowing my God cares so much to make me better for His purpose

  198. Kellee Fiddler says:

    When the editor letter said “even my hobbies become more like tasks rather than things to enjoy” I knew this study was going to resonate with me. So excited to journey down what it means to truly rest in Christ

  199. Jill Banks says:

    I’m struggling with separating “rest” and “sleep.”

  200. Lauren VanPelt says:

    I really liked reading todays scriptures!I was able to learn from them and realize how important rest is.

  201. Vicky Rivera says:

    I’m at mother of three and this hit me hard there are days I’m always on the go and let little moments with my kids go instead of just taking a breather and resting and enjoying the mess with them

  202. Brittany Elmer says:

    I have a hard time with rest. It always feels like it has to be earned. It’s a reward for getting everything done and completing all tasks. I then feel guilty when I finally take a break. It’s not good. I’m so glad to be doing this study.

  203. Vicky Rivera says:

    I’m new to reading the Bible but wow how great is it to know that I can lay down my worries with him and just rest I can’t say it’s been easy finding that peace enough to rest but I’ve been trying everyday and this read was very helpful as I’ll be laying down to rest soon but usually my mind keeps me up today I rest knowing god Is at work

  204. Kenya Rafferty says:

    The podcast talked about finding rest in your “ruler” of life. We all have our own “ruler” – pulled from the concept of a the sticks (rulers) that the grape vines grow on. Essentially, how we organize our lives. And in this, it is possible to find rest just as the grapes do. But we can’t assume it will look or feel like anyone else’s. Rest in our culture is a fickle thing. It’s almost frowned upon, lazy. But since when does our culture promote things that heal our soul? What an incredible example we can be to our kids to just rest in the moment instead of constantly having to be going.

  205. Kenya Rafferty says:

    If you are having a hard time finding rest in a busy life, listen to the podcast. It’s awesome!

  206. Heather Landers says:

    Lindsey this is how I understand it…The Israelites had not remained with God because in the chapter prior to this they had used their jewelry and ornaments to form the golden calf. Since God cannot break His promises, He would still send them to the promised land, but He would not go. He would send an “ordinary” angel in His place. This was His reaction to their sin. I read in a commentary that this was a challenge. God wanted to know if they desired Him or just what He could give them. We can read on and learn that the Israelites mourned the separation and, through the guidance and example of Moses, sought revival and restoration, thus, regaining His presence: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
    Anyone is welcome to correct any misunderstandings I may have.

  207. Heather Landers says:

    Lindsey this is how I understand it…The Israelites had not remained with God because in the chapter prior to this they had used their jewelry and ornaments to form the golden calf. Since God cannot break His promises, He would still send them to the promised land, but He would not go. He would send an “ordinary” angel in His place. This was His reaction to their sin. I read in a commentary that this was a challenge. God wanted to know if they desired Him or just what He could give them. We can read on and learn that the Israelites mourned the separation and, through the guidance and example of Moses, sought revival and restoration, thus, regaining His presence: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

  208. Kalia Boothe says:

    What stood out was the vines and how as long as we serve and walk on the path he wants we will live a peaceful beautiful life.

  209. Keeley Lee says:

    Full time mom. Full time wife. Full time nursing student. Part time employee. What’s rest? Praying that God can help me find rest in Him when it seems impossible.

  210. Adreana Beaumont says:

    Excited to read about rest in the Lord and how I can begin to apply that to my life.

  211. Lindsey Whitmer says:

    Why at the beginning of Exodus is the Lord speaking to Moses about sending an angel ahead and sending him to a land of milk and honey and then all of a sudden says he won’t go or he might “destroy you on the way.”

  212. Linsey says:

    Resting in the Lord is so difficult for me. I’m a full time teacher and a mama of a 1 year old and a 4 year old, as well as a Children’s Church director. I feel like every time I sit down to “rest” in God’s presence with my Bible I literally fall asleep reading or praying. I want so bad to spend time with God, but I am just so physically tired each day. I’m excited about this study and praying I find God speaking to me through this scripture as I know he will.

  213. Kristin Duffey says:

    Rest for me is where I find my time alone by myself and I agree with Erin that when it is interrupted it puts me in a bad mood. I need to realize that rest doesn’t have to be by myself but it can come from spending time with those that I love and investing in that time. Personal time is so important but finding rest in others is good for us as well!

  214. Annie says:

    True rest is found in the Lord’s presence. May I seek Him more than I seek the counterfeit comforts of this world.

    I long for the intimate relationship God had with Moses as highlighted in Exodus 33:11. How beautiful and magnificent that we can talk with our Lord, King and Savior as we would a friend!

  215. Laurel Candelario says:

    I think I struggle with finding rest in God. When I want to rest or relax it ends up looking like watching Netflix or scrolling or something for my mind to escape the todos and realities of life. But that is not restorative rest. I also want to put Psalm 6 up in my children’s room for them to learn and take comfort from each night before bed.

  216. Erin Carr says:

    For me, as a mom of four, and also a full-time teacher, rest can easily become an idol of sorts. I can get in a bad mood when someone interrupts my time that I want to rest. I really think that it is rest in God’s word. Not saying “yes” to every good thing that comes along. Setting aside some time to spend with loved ones. Baking together, hiking, going on a bike ride or walk, etc. giving yourself room in your schedule to take things slower, and have time to study and reflect on life.

  217. Chandra Libby says:

    Rest can be an elusive thing. Especially for moms, whether we work outside or inside the home.

  218. Jenn Taylor says:

    I am a missionary serving in Chile who is also dealing with PTSD related insomnia. Although my heart and mind are at rest, my body desperately needs to find rest. I am hoping and praying that these scriptures will teach my body to sleep again during these weeks! I can sleep because God is taking care of me and I don’t have to be on high alert all the time! It’s a lesson I know in my head but apparently haven’t figured out in my body yet!

  219. Amy Quam says:

    What jumped out to me in the scriptures is God’s amazing love. He loves us so much and desires for us to be intimately known and loved though resting in him.

  220. Donna Joy Vickers says:

    What a refreshing read. I just got off work and committed to be in the word and boy am I happy to have read today’s WORD.

  221. Lynn Kimball says:

    Alayna P, I struggle with the concept of rest in the Lord as

  222. Lynn Kimball says:

    Alayna P, I struggle with the concept of

  223. Carli Mosby says:

    I’ve so enjoyed reading today’s scriptures with a new lens of how it invites us to rest. Understanding that God will provide.

  224. Adrianne says:

    Rest is important! It’s hard though in todays society where we are pushed to do more and more each day. But our Lord reminds us to rest and that is important. Hopefully this plan is the reminder we all need to listen to our Father and Saviors request to rest our minds, bodies and spirits in this chaotic world.

  225. Claire B says:


  226. Alayna P. says:

    I need this study because I struggle with the concept of rest. I don’t really understand what it means to rest in God. I have an idea but it’s hard for me to grasp. I’m looking forward to understanding and learning.

  227. Amanda Sexton says:

    Much needed

  228. Taylor Siegfried says:

    Thank you for sharing this! My son will be 6 months old this month and I’ve struggled to rest without feeling guilty. Maybe just maybe it’s because I need my rest to come God and only God.

  229. Jenny Pearson says:

    This study is coming at the perfect time – as so many others are stating as well!
    I had the opportunity to read some of this scripture to my Grandma before she passed last week from her battle with ovarian cancer. My parents and I cared for her until she went to be with Jesus, and although it was a very life-changing experience in so many ways, I need this rest. Rest physically, rest emotionally and all that comes with this grief journey, and rest spiritually – to put all my burdens on Jesus and know that he will continue to comfort me.
    And the motherhood life is also an area that I very much need these scripture to speak to my life!
    Grateful for this community and SRT. Excited to continue to dive into this study over the next two weeks ❤️

  230. Jenny Pearson says:

    This study is coming at the perfect time – as so many others are stating as well!
    I had the opportunity to read some of this scripture to my Grandma before she passed last week from her battle with ovarian cancer. My parents and I cared for her until she went to be with Jesus, and although it was a very life-changing experience in so many ways, I need this rest. Rest physically, rest emotionally and all that comes with this grief journey, and rest spiritually – to put all my burdens on Jesus and know that he will continue to comfort me.
    And the motherhood life is also an area that I very much need these scripture to speak to my life!

  231. Jenny Pearson says:

    This study is coming at the perfect time – as so many others are stating as well!
    I had the opportunity to read some of this scripture to my Grandma before she passed last week from her battle with ovarian cancer. My parents and I cared for her until she went to be with Jesus, and although it was a very life-changing experience in so many ways, I need this rest. Rest physically, rest emotionally and all that comes with this grief journey, and rest spiritually – to put all my burdens on Jesus and know that he will continue to comfort me.

  232. Susan Clifton says:

    Amen, and what a beautiful day God has given all.

  233. Jenny Pearson says:

    This study is coming at the perfect time – as so many others are stating as well!

  234. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    JENI B I will pray for you as I am in the same situation. May we find the rest we may not realize we need, in Jesus.

  235. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Thank you SYNA for that prayer over all of us.

  236. Tricia Cavanaugh says:


    When I was diagnosed with cancer just over four years ago, and then had surgery and was out of work for almost 6 months, I really found rest in the Lord. I was able to spend much-needed time in His word learning more about Him and His story. And also getting some physical rest. I remember reading Psalm 23 that I had memorized when I was a kid after I came home from my surgery. I had to laugh a little bit because I had been going and going, and I felt like that was the only way the Lord could get me to rest-by making me stay home from work because I had to recover from everything.

    So here I am, going full throttle again. This study comes at such a good time because I don’t want to be where I was and not be able to find time for the Lord, to rest in Him, or to physically rest. I am so grateful this for this reminder.

    Many versions, including the KJV, state in Psalm 23, “He makes me rest…” I truly believe that the Lord can do that sometimes. When He sees that we need a physical, mental, and/or spiritual break and we need more time with Him, He can allow something to occur so that we do just that. Because He knows what we need and He knows that we will only find it if we really rest.

    I hope that through the study we will all come to realize how we can rest in Him, and He truly cares for what we need.

  237. hissparrow says:

    Resting in the Lord today.

  238. Nicole Isom says:

    Finding rest is hard for me as I have 6 children with my husband. I am eager to find rest in God and His word!

  239. Marnie Bartleet says:

    I am great full that my father understands my need for rest and guide me to him and the rest he provided physically emotionally and spiritually.

  240. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am so thankful for this study! As Sydney Smith mentioned, motherhood can be so tiring. As a mother of a baby and toddler, rest can be hard to come by. God has been showing me that I can control on him to give me rest. Physical rest, emotional rest and spiritual rest.

  241. Shanae Eastland says:

    I need this right now. Thank you God for giving rest.

  242. Erika Spitzer says:

    So excited for this study!

  243. Erika Spitzer says:

    So thankful for His rest. Life is busy with all its demands and kids and sports, but it’s so comforting to know that as I come to him He will give me rest for my soul! His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Help me Jesus to abide in your love and stay connected to the vine!

  244. Jennifer Whitt says:

    I love God’s timing, it’s always perfect! This study came at just the right time.

  245. Jen Mendelssohn says:

    Dear Lord..I so need rest! I am grateful for this study and this community of women who feel just like me. Seeking peace and rest in your love.

  246. Lisa S says:

    I feel overwhelmed with tasks each week and want to control it all. What a good reminder to rest in Him ❤️

  247. Heather Mack says:

    This comes at the perfect time! Kids sports is here ha ha.
    Molly R- praying for your dad and for you and your siblings, that is a hard season. ❤️

  248. Heather Mack says:

    This comes at the perfect time! Kids sports is here ha ha.

  249. Heather Mack says:

    This is the perfect study for the season my family is going into. ⚽️ ⚾️

  250. Kimberly Z says:

    This study has come at a perfect time and as I always feel rushed and stretched thin. I’m leaving for London Friday and while I’m so excited I’m already stressed about not getting to fit everything in that I want too. I feel like not having a since of rest and worry go hand in hand. We never stop to just relax because we are constantly worried about not doing enough. Praying this study will help me take a step back and essentially let go of things I cannot control. @MOLLY R. praying for your dad during this time. Watching a loved one in pain is truly hard. Hang in there!

  251. Hailee Morgan says:

    I really needed the reminder

  252. Mitzi White says:

    Lord, teach me about Your kind of rest. Amen.

  253. Audren Bruszer says:

    I woke up this morning with my entire body hurting, deeply exhausted and sore (that time of the month). So this study felt like it was coming at the right time in son

  254. Kelly Ulm says:

    Love this!!

  255. Erica Chiarelli says:

    So thankful for His presence & His rest! We dont have to strive! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!

  256. Lexi B says:

    I needed this study. I struggle with resting. I think it was Miranda who mentioned that she likes routine and isn’t a fan of change- me too friend! I’ve had a lot of change in the last year, the bulk of it being the last 2 months and I am a bit weary, anxious and down. And it’s been a lot of good change! I think the issue is that I am finally realizing that I am truly not in control and I just need to let go. I need to rest in God, knowing that He’s got it all under control.

    Indi Christina- praying for you and the life that you are carrying. How exciting for you!
    Lynn from AL- praying for you and your husband Jack.
    Molly R- praying for you, your family and your Dad. It is hard to see someone you love start to decline.
    Miranda, praying for you as you deal with changes.

  257. Baylee Sidden says:

    I really needed the reminder to rest ❤️❤️

  258. Mia Faith says:

    Praying for you now, Courtney Parnell!

  259. Chasie Page says:

    I love this because Jesus is our rest. Nothing feels better than to be with him.

  260. Dorothy says:

    God’s rest is all I need until I get woke up by hammering, music, and workers outside my apartment. I read the editor’s letter in my book last night and Jessica Lamb has a sentence that really “stuck home”. She wrote, “We don’t have to accomplish what’s already been accomplished on our behalf.” She goes on to say, “We don’t have to carry the responsibility of every burden and task or earn God’s affection with our accolades…. We don’t have to fear the future, because the Creator of all things is faithful to provide what we need.” This really resonated with me and spoke to me.

    Lord God many times we forget You are the One to carry our burdens. You are the One to relieve our worries. Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU for ALL You do for us. Thank You for sending Christ, Your One and Only Son to die for our sins. Thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Amen.

    Be blessed and hand it all over to the Lord so you can rest sisters.

  261. Syna Cornelius says:

    Rest(Matthew 11:28) anapauō – to cause or permit one to cease from any movement or labour in order to RECOVER and COLLECT HER STRENGTH • Father, Thank-you that when I am weary from battles seen and unseen, you know when I need to recollect an infusion of Your strength. I declare over I and my sisters that as we pause to seek your face, rather in the milliseconds we have while tending to our children, marriages, elderly, the broken, or in the minutes, even hours, that some have the ability to pause, YOU infuse us from within the core of our being to the atmosphere around, with your Supernatural STRENGTH. We will crumble completely without you, so thank you that you’ve promised to never leave nor forsake us. In our Holy Imaginations, bring us to Your feasting table where all things have been paid for, and drink Your strength in with every moment of pause, of rest. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

  262. Mandi D says:

    Our sermon this weekend was on the Sabbath, and that setting aside one day out of 7 to rest is a gift to us. Our sermons are online if anyone is interested. Lakepointe church, Rockwall Texas. Pastor Josh Howerton

  263. Cee Gee says:

    SEARCHING, Thank you for sharing God Really Loves Us! Great song!

    Looking forward to another great study. So thankful that He is with us always; we truly are NEVER alone.

  264. Daniella Odogwu says:

    Thank you Lord for giving me rest

  265. Traci Fowler says:

    Wow. This made me look back at the landscape of my life and all the times I felt hopeless and God gave me those things my heart longed for. Down to the smallest details. Those things that made me anxious and uneasy – he removed them. I am still writing them all down. Praise Jesus and his holy name!

  266. Heidi Anders says:

    I am so thankful for the rest that God offers us. We can find rest in Him. To me it means as it says in John about us abiding in the Lord. Resting should look the same in that we are abiding in Him. That we are always seeking Him in what to do about situations. There is rest in trusting God is in control, it’s resting on a sabbath- not working, etc.

  267. Regina Clinton says:

    Thank You God for giving me rest.

  268. Tyler Rapke says:

    I absolutely love how you phrase this. The thought that giving God quiet, uninterrupted time and praise during difficult moments is a sacrifice really changes how I view it. Rather than being selfish and taking down time for myself, to view it as a gift to God or a sacrifice to sit with him in quiet moments really shifts the perspective for me. Thank you for that!

  269. Cheryl Blow says:

    So thankful that I can rest in God!

  270. Buttonberry says:

    As I read all of your comments, praying as I read, it seems like this will be a just what we all need right now. A reset in our mindset, maybe. A refocusing on God in our everyday.

    What popped out to me was in the Exodus verses, though. Moses in the tent of meeting, conversing with Almighty God ‘face to face’ as it were…. Wow! What was that like?

    But it seems like Moses was acknowledging his abject need of God.

    15 “If your presence does not go,” Moses responded to him, “don’t make us go up from here.”

    The song popped in my head, “Lord I need you, Oh I need You, every hour I need you….”

    So maybe that’s part of our rest- knowing and acknowledging our need for the Father in everything we do. Trusting Him with it all, then we can truly find our own rest.

    Blessings to you all, dear She’s!

  271. GramsieSue says:

    Oh my goodness, YES!
    Rest…that elusive thing that we all need but never attain…
    Prayers for so many of you today:
    Lynne from Alabama – I know the rest you need in caring for Jack (which BTW is my new grandson’s name ❤️)
    Indiana Christina – praying for this special blessing and for you to be filled with joy instead of anxiety
    Tina- sweet sister, feel the hug wrapped in love that I am sending
    This has been a difficult year for us, but also a year of blessings. So I choose to focus on the blessings and joy rather than worrying about the future. Worry takes away my joy and then I can’t enjoy the blessings of each day. There was a beautiful sunrise this morning!
    God is within her!
    Let us all abide in the Vine and bear fruit.
    Hugs to all ❤️

  272. Robin Carver says:

    My father passed away after a long battle with cancer on Nov 26. My emotions have crippled me and I can’t sleep well and can’t focus to get life back on track. I need this to help me turn to the only one that can help.

  273. Jenn Plumb says:

    I read The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry 2 years ago and it changed my whole life and perspective. I went on a silent retreat last week and decided to bring along that book and reread it and I’m so glad I did. What an awesome reminder.

  274. Kathleen Englebert says:

    I’m ready to learn more about God’s rest. I stepped away from my job last month after having a baby. But it feels so weird to not be running a mile a minute. I’m ready to use this time of rest to bring glory to God in a new way in this new phase of life.

  275. Lisa Z says:

    Why do we silly SHEs so often equate rest with laziness? We judge ourselves so harshly, then haven’t the grace for patience with others. Lord, instill in us busy girls your gentleness, Your refreshing grace, Your loving spirit. Help us not to judge ourselves so harshly that we haven’t the grace we need to pour out in our world. Help us enter Your rest daily.

  276. Kathleen Englebert says:

    Amen to that. I just stepped down from work a few weeks ago for similar reasons. Looking forward to this study w you guys

  277. Melanie Lee says:

    God called Moses to a difficult task, to lead his people to a foreign land. Moses was able to draw strength from God’s promise of His presence and rest.

  278. Melanie Lee says:

    God called Moses to a difficult task, to lead his people to a foreign and unknown land, but he promised Moses his presence and rest. When we are called to hard things, for me it is motherhood, we can find comfort in knowing that God lromis

  279. Nancy S says:

    @Searching-thank you for remembering my husband in prayer. I don’t think rest is only for the Sabbath day. I think it’s also remembering we are in God’s loving care at all times. Stop whatever you’re doing, take some deep breaths, & thank Him for his never ending love & compassion, if only for a moment’s rest.

  280. Nicole Abbott says:

    Love it!

  281. Kelsey Parrish says:

    The Lord loves a heart that sacrifices out of desire to experience him. Lay down at the “altar” and give him the “sacrifice” of quiet, of time uninterrupted, of praise in hard times, of thanksgiving instead of a list of requests. To me this is the only thing that ushers in the presence

  282. Kelsey Parrish says:

    This is the perfect study to begin my fast. We are getting rid of TV and social media for it because I’ve been finding my “rest” in zoning out in front of a screen. I need to find rest in HIM. How do we abide? Truly abide? It says we will abide is we keep his commandments- but we can’t keep his commandments unless we abide in Him.

  283. Amanda Hesterberg says:

    Needing this study tremendously right now! Started with waking up late (which I never do) and being frustrated but then remembered we start this study today and it really reoriented my heart and reminded me God is calling me to rest even when the world tells me to go. Looking forward to exploring that more in depth!!

  284. Jeanie Mclellan says:

    Thank you, God that I can rest in you

  285. Carla Powers says:

    The area I feel I need rest the most is in the chaos of my mind. I find it’s hard for me to truly quiet my thoughts and rest in Him. I use podcasts, sermons, etc to feed my brain versus being quiet in His presence. So although I may be resting physically, I am not resting mentally. I’ve been home alone the last week (a rare occurrence) and felt the Lord calling me to fast from external stimulation to be more in tune with Him. Although at times it’s been difficult, He has quieted my mind and shown me some areas where I’m in a spiritual battle and wasn’t aware because of all the distractions in my life. Praying He continues to show me what true rest in Him looks like!

  286. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Resting does not come easy to me. I often feel if I rest, I’m loafing of being lazy. Therefore, I usually have my days filled – my “to do list” full and if I don’t finish every little thing, I feel like I’ve been slacking. My husband is constantly reminding me that it’s important to rest, it’s OK to rest, and it’s a good thing! I need to be more like Mary and rest at Jesus feet, instead of always trying to be like Martha, who missed out on the important stuff because of her busyness. My “take-away” – Listen to my Shepherd – lie down, rest. Be quiet and let Him restore my soul.

    Praying for your requests as I read them. May God answer each and every one according to His plan, His purpose.

    Happy Monday! Blessings!

  287. Sara Johnson says:

    I lost my job last week. I have hurried and very stressed while trying to do more while my employer had continually downsized over the past 18 months. I never felt like I could even leave for a Dr appointment… being a bit of a workaholic has left me exhausted. How timely is this study on rest, when God has provided a time for me to literally stop striving and working. I’m ready to learn to breathe and rest in His presence.

  288. Molly R says:

    This week will mark a month since my dad fell and broke his hip and shoulder. He is in his mid 70s with Parkinson’s. It is becoming increasingly clear to me and my siblings that our dad will probably never see 2024. It is a heavy time of seeing him slowly decline. Grief is like being exhausted, but never finding rest. Yesterday was especially hard after visiting him, and I was so thankful for my siblings love and support as we parted ways in the parking lot, and coming home to a place of refuge and rest before we start our week today with homeschool co op. I am finding that being a busy mom of 4, and also being a daughter slowly losing her dad takes so much effort. I am thankful for the last few years of really digging into a life of rest and simplicity. No more striving for a life I think others will approve of. Learning to listen and slow down, to truly seek God in an attitude of rest. Breathing deep and seeking a slower life while the world zooms around me. Less really is more for me, and I am grateful to face the challenges ahead with the Peace and Rest only God can provide. God is good, all the time – that’s what my dad said to end the day, and I give praise to God for an earthly father who continually points me to God. Be blessed today, this first day of our new study, fellow She’s!

  289. Corrin says:

    All we need He gives to us. I’ve struggled with this concept for a very long time. The Lord is our provider for all we have, including our rest.

  290. Michelle Patire says:

    to answer some people’s questions about what Sabbath looks like:
    I do recommend the suggested book by John Mark Comer some others have mentioned. He does a really great job practicing Sabbath in his own life- with his whole family! If you are a mom, consider practicing it not alone but with your family!

    for me, Fridays are my sabbath. I usually do things that encourage extra time with God. Right now, I am doing a Daily Grace Co study book with a friend every Friday. I also try to play guitar and spend time journaling with the Lord. @Katey Rentz had a good point. If God’s presence = our rest, how do we intentionally make time to seek it? She is right in saying this is why He gives us a Sabbath day. Whatever day you find is best, just give it to the Lord & spend time doing things that fill you up that day :)

    @Lynne from Alabama – glad to hear from you. I pray God continues to comfort and give you strength as you care for your husband so well. your service to Jack is so beautiful — I admire you. May God bless you and keep you near to His heart.

    @Jeni B- May the Lord help you stay disciplined with this study and your book purchase so you can truly have the tools you need to truly rest. May the devil’s plan to distract you from those things be stopped, in Jesus’s name. You can do this!!!

    God bless all you She’s :)

  291. Erica Christian says:

    I have always struggled with rest and being still. I am so tired-physically, emotionally and spiritually. I just want to be a Mary in a Martha World and learn to rest at the feet of my Savior.

  292. Briana Lueker says:

    I like that. I do not do the”resolution” thing, but I love the idea of removing something!!! Thank you for sharing this!!

  293. Marci Foote says:

    I think rest for me, is not an event or day or something I have dreamed in my mind that it should look like. Rest is a daily, hourly – moment by moment choice to remain in His presence and in communion with him. I have set timers on my phone to pray and be still- it helps me to try to fit daily rest and peace in my routine life

  294. Marisa Thompson says:

    @Elaine, same! Sunday is my Monday and I basically have the same schedule. Fridays are my chores/take care of the household days while my husband is at work. Saturdays are our Sabbath. Sometimes we won’t even leave the house on those days. It’s glorious.

  295. Ashleigh H says:

    Yesterday, we had a guest speaker at church who preached against busyness. He told us that our need for rest comes from abiding in Jesus. Today, our devotional follows the same vein and I can’t help but wonder in the similarities of thought. I do not rest well in Jesus. I am being more intentional to start with this devotional each day and end with the Bible Recap at the end of the day, but if I’m honest, I squish my time in rather than allowing my soul the rest it needs. Do you have a good rhythm of rest in your life? Any tips? I will definitely meditate on how to add more intentional time for rest in God to my days.

  296. Allison Bentley says:

    A couple of years ago John Mark Comer was the guest on the SRT podcast and he said something that stuck and I think it’s a perfect time to share. When talking about New Years Resolutions he mentioned the idea of “Removing” something from your daily life would be more realistic then “adding” something to the checklist. It was a total ah ha moment that has helped me as a busy mom! It’s okay to say no to the extra “to do” items and curl up with God instead! Praying Psalm 23 over my life and the lives of those around me- blessed to be here with you sisters!

  297. Valerie says:

    I feel like in so many ways God is calling me to rest in his promises. I can read scripture all day but then give in to worry and fear when I think about my situation or as I wait for him to answer my prayers. As I await his answers or guidance I want to learn to rest in his promises of always being with me and never leaving me. Promises of giving me strength through all situations. Amen❤️

  298. Maria Baer says:

    Resting— reading the scripture and devotion today, I realize that I don’t remember ever praying for rest. It is hard for me to rest because I love “doing.” Being more intentional about rest is something I need to be more cognizant of.

  299. Marisa Thompson says:

    Moses’ response to God really got me also. It seems as if he truly did not want to go anywhere where God’s presence was not going to be. My heart needs to be postured like his.

  300. Stephaney Lacayo says:

    I find it difficult to balance Godly given rest and laziness! I hope

  301. Sharon Jones says:

    I have been sick a lot since November and so have gotten a lot of “rest”. But resting in the word of God or in prayer I don’t do so well. I rest from my day of work, I rest in physical excursion but I don’t really REST.

  302. Brenna Garrett says:

    NEEDING this study. Rest is so hard, but I want to learn it so I can be restored in the Lord and keep being a good mom and wife. My tank’s been a bit low.

  303. Mazie Grant says:

    This study came at the perfect time. I STRUGGLE to rest and often find myself striving more than resting in His love and presence. Really wanting the Lord to teach me more about rest and praying for wisdom and discernment in how to apply what He teaches.

  304. Whitney Curtis says:

    Also when it comes to resting on the Sabbath, whether your Sabbath is Saturday or Sunday. It means to truly rest. Exodus 20:8 -11says 8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. – Exodus 20:8 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

  305. Whitney Curtis says:

    Also when it comes to resting on the Sabbath, whether your Sabbath is Saturday or Sunday. It means to truly rest. Exodus 20:8 says 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. 14 “You shall not commit adultery. 15 “You shall not steal. –

  306. Brooke Hatch says:

    I feel your phone struggle. It’s hard because I do use it so much for looking up scripture and biblical questions, etc. But I’m starting to think that’s just a justification in my head. I love tik tok- and it truly is majority Bible tik tok. But I’m struggling with it. Considering a good ol’ flip phone for the future!

  307. Terri M says:

    To rest in God’s Presence is about slowing down and physical rest, but it is also about resting in Him in times of trouble -trusting that He is in control, that He’s got you covered, He will help you through whatever troubles you – large or small and you can rest in that, take comfort in God.

  308. Whitney Curtis says:

    I am Seventh – Day Adventist. Seventh day Adventists see Saturday as the Seventh day. Rest is vital on every way. Without rest we feel burnout, tired even uneasy. It’s important to get rest.

  309. Whitney Curtis says:

    I am Seventh – Day Adventist. Seventh day Adventists see Saturday as the Seventh day. Rest is very

  310. Emily Paulino says:

    I was so called to this study when I saw it! I have been burnt out in so many ways. This study is a reminder to step back and allow God to restore my soul.

  311. Abby D says:

    Katey, I am learning a lot about rest right now. My church just finished an amazing series about rest for our souls, and my community group is now reading a book called “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry”. It’s been very good. I am learning that the normal, busy state of our culture keeps us from experiencing God. I hope you are able to find what you need to rest in God’s presence. I don’t think it’s always an easy task today!

  312. Julie says:

    My takeaway this morning is that rest, rest that includes intentional time with Jesus, brings joy. My prayer this morning is for not only us to prioritize rest for physical and emotional wellbeing, but rest for our spiritual wellbeing as well.

  313. AZ Walker says:

    I am really looking forward to this study. Praying for everyone as we rest in the word of God together. I am so grateful for a good nights sleep and for SRT and all of you here.

  314. Taylor says:

    Spending the first day of our study on rest rushing through because I did too much over the weekend and overslept this morning lol. This study is so needed as I feel stretched thin from doing too much all the time. Praying I can learn how to say no and protect my time to rest. I hope everyone has a good start to their Monday! <3

  315. Sabrina Barkley says:

    How wonderful! Praying that God will give you peace in this journey, whatever that may look like. May he fill your heart with joy and remove any fears you may have. ❤️

  316. katey rentz says:

    The question I’m wrestling this morning now is, if we find rest and everything we need in God’s presence how do I truly experience God’s presence?

    I think if I can get a real good understanding of that the rest thing becomes a lot simpler. That’s the ultimate point of a sabbath, right? To experience God’s presence for an extend period, and in it we find rest, and everything else we need. So today instead of asking myself how do I find rest, I’m asking myself how to I experience God’s presence and once I do that I’ll experience rest.

  317. katey rentz says:

    The question I’m wrestling this morning now is, if we find rest and everything we need in God’s presence how do I truly experience God’s presence? I think if I can get a real good understanding of that the rest thing becomes a lot simpler. That’s the ultimate point of a sabbath, right? To find God’s presence for an extend period, so therefore we find rest, and everything else we need.

  318. katey rentz says:

    The question I’m wrestling this morning now is, if we find rest and everything we need in God’s presence how do I truly experience God’s presence? I think if I can get a real good understanding of that the rest thing becomes a lot simpler because that’s it ultimate point of a sabbath, right?

  319. Brandi says:

    I’ve read in a study before (it may have been one of ours) that beginning in Genesis God’s rest also signifies victory! When a ruler “rests” it signifies that he has overcome the enemy, he has conquered, completed the purpose – it is fulfilled, done. I am so thank that the Father invites us to enter into this rest – this complete victory that He has obtained for us. We don’t have to strive for it – Yeshua paid for it.
    Father, thank you for the rest You have provided. The complete victory so I can be with You and enjoy Your Presence. Help me be mindful of this throughout my day as trials appear, as the enemy tries to convince me otherwise, as pridefulness attempts to secure my footing. You, Father are my rest, my victory forever. It is finished and complete in Christ!

  320. Becky Berube says:

    Praying for you. Reminder of lSarah hearing that she she would be with child at an older age. God has you.

  321. Jessi says:

    I just started using the Do Less Planner so this study comes at the perfect time. Winter is a time for rest, reflection and evaluation.

  322. Aimee D-R says:

    Yesterday I was so stressed about a work project, I pulled my laptop out to work on it. I heard a still small voice say, rest in Me. I put it away and did just that. I found a 2 hour block around meetings today to work on it and my mind and body feel so much better. I have to pray more and worry less!

  323. Gayle R says:

    Episode 437 AND Amanda and Rachael are also on her podcast… episode 436.

  324. Leslie Harris says:

    The last 3 years have seemed so unsettling and heavy- thank you Lord that we can find our rest in you- even when it feels like the world around us is falling apart. None of this is a surprise to you. Even when we are not just tired, but WEARY from all we may be going through- you lead us beside still water and restore us. The Lord knew I needed this study, at this very moment. I pray for rest and restoration for all who need it right now.

  325. Gayle R says:

    By the way- Ann Voskamp is the guest today on Annie F Down’s That Sounds Fun podcast discussing Sabbath!

  326. Christi Stevenson says:

    I feel you! I am trying to figure this out too! One thing I’ve started doing is not being on social media and my phone mostly. I keep my phone around if my daughters are out and about. It’s just a rest from the negative things that can bring….I know that’s different for all of us, but I’m finding it very restorative. I can the. Be more present to God and to those I’m spending time with.
    I read somewhere about how the Biblical sabbath was from sunset to sunset, so I kinda like that, so Sunday evening, I don’t go into full cleaning mode, but still do a few things to get ready for the week.

  327. Miranda says:

    Like many of you, I find rest difficult. Most days I feel like I’m the only “getting things done”. I love routines and dislike changes, but recently change has found me and I’ve been experiencing lots of big disruptions.

    I feel like God has put me at a crossroads and is telling me that it’s time to start a new chapter. This study is well timed, I’m hoping to put all my striving/works aside and learn to rest in His presence and trust that He will guide me.

    Praying for all of you. Have a great Monday!

  328. Christi Stevenson says:

    I feel you! I am trying to figure this out too! One thing I’ve started doing is not being on social media and my phone mostly. I keep my phone around if my daughters are out and about. It’s just a rest from the negative things that can bring….I know that’s different for all of us, but I’m finding it very restorative.

  329. Searching says:

    Looking forward to this study.

    Sabbath rest – Sundays used to be church and then an afternoon of errands in town but the pandemic started me thinking about the Sabbath. I have done much better about keeping it since things opened back up. It is difficult to get chores and errands done during the week and I am working on priorities. I missed the mark last week and have a pile of laundry staring at me this morning.

    MERCY – same! ❤️

    KELLY (NEO) – thank you for the Sunday Psalms ❤️

    ALEXUS CEHELNIK – praise! So glad you joined us and committed to Jesus ❤️

    LAUREN CLARK – welcome!

    AIMEE ROGERS – The best time to study is whatever works for your schedule :) So glad you are with us

    CEE GEE – Living Hope is one of my favorite songs. Also Crowder’s God Really Loves Us.

    TINA – praying for you, dear friend, and sorry to hear you have been down. Let’s look up! Love you ❤️

    VICTORIA E – missing you and praying for you ❤️

    Praying for:
    MARI V – car replacement and court related issues
    DOROTHY – transition with Finley’s family
    REBECCA W – salvation – children & grandchildren, Brett accepting long term needs for meds
    NANCY S – husband’s mental & emotional healing
    JULIE A – for your friends that have separated, your visit with the wife and wisdom on leaving a card for the husband, that they will seek the Lord and find healing and restoration
    LYNNE FROM AL – healing for Jack; encouragement, strength, endurance for you. Hugs to you, friend. ❤️
    INDIANA CHRISTINA – peace of mind, relief from anxiety, healthy baby and pregnancy.
    Philippians 4: 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

  330. Christi Stevenson says:

    Hi Cate! I can relate. I recently had abdominal surgery (I learned a lot about resting in has will and care and everything went great) and I am two weeks into recovery and I realize this time is a gift from God showing me how tired/rushed/overwhelmed I have been and I find myself praying if I can make changes in my job and life to experience more of this rest or if I should do something different. A book came into my hands a week ago, The relentless elimination of hurry, by John Mark Comer and now this study. I know God is teaching me a new way. I’m praying for the courage to follow him. Praying for wisdom for you!!

  331. Samantha M. says:

    Me too!

  332. Beth Ingram says:

    It is so easy for me to get caught up in all the wrong things rather than have my focus on the only right thing, Jesus. This causes a huge amount of stress. But this first day shows that we must abide in him.

  333. Cate Milne says:

    This study is coming at a great time. I have always been one to fill my day with work and responsibilities from start to finish. Lately, I just find myself so tired and burned that I don’t even enjoy the dream job God provided. I feel like I’m in a cycle of just making it day after day and living for the weekend. I don’t want to give Him only the scraps of my free time. I don’t want to take days for granted. Right now I’m not sure if God is pushing me to look for a job that provides more space for rest or if He wants me to re-prioritize and find rest in the job I’m at. The Prayers in Scripture devotional really helped my conversations with Him. Prayers that this study will bring the peace we all need!

  334. Kathy says:

    Moses said in Exodus 33:11, “‘If your presence does not go’, Moses responded to him, ‘don’t make us go up from here.'”
    How much of my time is spent “going” without God’s presence with me? Lord, I pray today You will help me to remain in you and not go anywhere without You with me. May my students today feel Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy because of Your presence in my life.

  335. Brenda says:

    @Sarah R, I love your question and am curious to know what others say. I have been trying to make sure most of the chores I dread are done on Saturday and making sure that Sunday the only things left that I would do are the fun chores like cooking with my husband. However, I have struggled with this because then my Saturday feels overwhelming. So recently I have been revising my observance of Sabbath by the how I go about my tasks. I make sure to prioritize Sunday mornings early as my quiet alone time as I have teens and they sleep in. I attend church and make sure that I set aside a few hours after that for reading and napping and then try not to be too hard on myself if I end up doing a task I forgot like folding a load of laundry or doing the dishes. I really like starting the week with a clean house. Would love to know how others observe Sabbath.

  336. Margaret Berry says:

    I realized last night that resting in the Lord’s love, is superior to trying to fit myself into the Christian lifestyle of trying to please God by an over abundance of church activity and also feeling like there’s more for me to do to get a loving & right relationship with Him. But if instead I rest in His love for me, I will be fulfilled!

  337. Rebecca W says:

    @Indiana Christina, lifting you in prayer now! This will be the perfect time to find your rest in Him. Trust Jesus and know you have sisters praying for you as you begin this exciting journey! ❤️

  338. Aaliyah Rardin says:

    I am needing to learn and do rest. I’m excited for this study. Rest has seems such a far distance away but God is right here and wanting to give us rest. Thank you, Lord.

  339. Rebecca W says:

    Rest. A small word that conveys powerful motivation to lay down our burdens at the foot of His cross and feel His presence. Easier said than done sometimes. But oh so comforting when we do! May we all enjoy rest in Jesus this day if only for these moments we spend together in His word.
    @Lynne From Alabama- praying for Jack’s physical recovery and strength for you as you continue to care for him.
    @Julia-praying for you and your friends that they may find reconciliation in their marriage and that you may have the right words to say as an encourager and friend.
    @Jeni B- prayers that you will open that book! May you give yourself the rest you need and the ability to pull back from trying to do too much.
    @Tina- prayers for a return to good health in body, mind and spirit! I love hearing your words of encouragement, so I extend the love back to you! Rest well dear sister!

  340. Kelly (NEO) says:

    The Lord gifts us rest. It is a package deal with His presence.

    As we press into Him, abide with Him, He gives us soul rest so that we can be strengthened to “go out” and do His will.

    Praying that this study reaĺy gives those of you struggling with anxiety and worry the tools you need to “cast your cares” on the Lord.

  341. Sarah R says:

    I would love to hear how everyone observes the Sabbath? Rest is a weakness for me and I’m thankful for this study.

  342. Indiana Christina says:

    This study was right on time. Things have been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me. I have a chronic illness; I just turned 40 in October; and I found out I was pregnant with my 1 and only child about a week and a 1/2 ago. I’ve always dreamed of being a mother, but ever since I found out, I’ve been racked with so much anxiety and my mind has been filled with so many negative, what-ifs. I’m scared of a miscarriage. Each cramp and twinge brings worry. I do trust God, but it’s been a struggle.

    If you could please pray for my anxious heart and for this beautiful new life growing in me? Thanks.

  343. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning sweet friends! I am up very early with caregiving duties with Jack and a study on rest is definitely something I need! Please continue to pray for healing for Jack and physical and emotional strength for me.

    Tina—I’m so sorry you have been down! May God truly bless you as you bless all of us!

    Praying for each of your needs! Love you all!

  344. Jasmine John says:

    Praying that over the next two weeks you’d be able to feel the Spirit guiding you into a place of rest and total release ❤️

  345. Julie A says:

    I definitely needed to read this today. I’m trying to support a few friends through difficult things and feel overstretched. Please pray for friends of mine who have broken up. A solid Christian couple who have been married ten years, studied at bible college, were talking about planting a church. I can’t believe this is happening. It seems like the work of the devil. They are far from home and I am one of their few friends here who speaks their language so I feel that I need to be there to listen. I’m hopefully going to see her tomorrow and am unsure whether I should put a card through his door while I’m in town.

  346. Elizabeth Dawson says:

    The hopeful theme for me this year is to Abide, and to Rest. Between getting married and moving house, the Lord knows I need it!

  347. Elizabeth Dawson says:

    The Lord spoke to me about rest last May, through a trusted friend. There was a whole page of the word my friend spoke to me, but I just carried on and ignored it, until just before the New Year, when I re-read the encouragement sent by my friend. It was all about abiding in Jesus Christ, and in the rest and joy He had for me if only I would slow down. Since then, throughout the New Year so far, most of the Sermons at my church on a Sunday have been along the same vein as this, and the Scripture my friend used to encourage me was this Passage from John 5.

  348. Kristen says:

    @Tina, sorry that you have been down, but glad that His Word moved you. His Word is alive and true, and powerful! How amazing and gracious of God to give us His Word! I just heard a pastor say that God is immutable. He never changes, but we do. May we all be changed for the better as we read His Word. May God help us to keep our eyes on Him and help us to be transformed into the image of His Son more and more each day. Prayers for you and the other Shes today!

  349. Jeni B says:

    This morning, I was awake at 4-something AM. My mind was racing and my heart was restless and I just couldn’t get back to sleep. I thought I might as well get a jumpstart on the day and got up to do my reading. I consider this plan a Divine Intervention!

    A couple of years ago, I listened to The Bible Project podcast series on Sabbath and I was thoroughly convicted. I even bought one of the theological books they mentioned because I recognised that I’m not good at rest, always striving and it’s a sign of where my faith lacks.

    These years later and have I even opened the book? (It’s not even that big! I could read it over a weekend!) Nope. But as I’ve found myself in a repeating pattern of almost burning out and managing to pull it back for a little bit before almost burning out again, a few weeks ago, I took the book down from my shelf and put it on my bedside table where it has sat unread ever since!

    But in all seriousness. I’m really convicted about this, but feel trapped in a cycle of overextending myself and doing too much even as my mind, body and soul are crying out for rest. I really need this study and pray that our hearts are nourished as we read together.

  350. TIna says:

    Oh how I was moved by this verse!

    I have, over this last month been so down and had this feeling of being alone and wondering what.. where.. why?

    Thankful for your presence that goes with me, Lord God, no matter what, where or why…
    ALL I need know is that whatever the situation in your presence, YOU WILL GIVE ME REST..
    Help me Father God, to stay in your presence each moment, each day, one day at a time..

    Thank you Lord God. Thank you.


    BUT GOD..

    Happy Monday, lovingly wrapped in hugs and prayers for all, both asked/ requested, and generally..❤
    Be blessed this chilly Monday..❤