The Skilled Workers

Open Your Bible

Exodus 31:1-18, Jeremiah 31:31-34, 2 Corinthians 3:1-3, Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever been asked to do something that felt far beyond your skill and knowledge? I know I have. I’m the sort of person who usually has to be pushed into something new. In just about every major life shift—marriage, a long-distance move, a career change—I’ve wondered if I can meet the challenge. In moments of uncertainty and figuring it out as I go, I am still surprised to find there is always enough grace for the moment.

Maybe that explains my soft spot for Moses. From the moment he stopped his day to investigate a burning bush, Moses was a man against impossible odds, yet God gives astonishing provision at every turn. 

Over the past few days, we’ve read the incredibly specific how-to guide for crafting the tabernacle, God’s dwelling place among the people. No details are left out, from the ark of the covenant’s elaborate decoration to the exact blend of oils for sacred anointing. I find myself wondering how a bunch of desert wanderers would get the supplies to make this happen. I imagine Moses could have held the same questions, or perhaps he just knew that God would take care of the details as He had from the start of this liberation project.

In the face of such a daunting, creative, and holy task, the Lord provides this kind assurance: “I have put wisdom in the heart of every skilled artisan in order to make all that I have commanded you” (Exodus 31:6). God has already appointed the craftsman by name and given him everything he needs. This tabernacle wasn’t just going to be functional. It was going to be beautiful, and it would be built through the collaboration of human creativity and the grace of God’s Spirit.

What’s more, the Lord goes on to not merely suggest but command Sabbath observances, a weekly day of rest from their labors. It feels significant to pair work and rest like this. The work is spoken of with a lightness, a reminder to trust in God’s provision. Rest is taken seriously—a command, not an option. The balance of work and rest itself is a testament that humans alone are not responsible for keeping the world turning. In these final words of this law, they are called to live lives of radical trust.

So it is with us, even now, in a world filled with needs to meet, brokenness to mend, and yes, beautiful things to create. It can feel overwhelming, but we must remember that “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). And, thank God, we can get to work, knowing we have everything we need.

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55 thoughts on "The Skilled Workers"

  1. Lehua K. says:

    Wow, God has amazing timing. Our pastor just went over Ephesians 2:10 in our church sermon recently, and while I’m behind on my reading here, it brings me great comfort during this time of uncertainty and possible job changes, that God has it all in His hands. It’s under control. He’s got me. Hallelujah, Amen!

  2. Erica Chiarelli says:

    He put in us all we need for life & godliness, for good works! We already have His Spirit in us when we accept Him as our Lord & Savior! Amazing! We do not have to strive but rest in Him. He has called us & He will help us to do all we have been called to do! Hallelujah!

  3. Claire B says:


  4. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Trying to keep the sabbath is something I really struggle with. I want to be doing all the things at all times. Whether it’s work or play and my mind is set on it I have a hard time backing down. I pray this week especially that I can be intentional about the Sabbath. As somebody who is extremely inpatient this is something that I struggle with.

  5. Lynnette Golden says:

    I think that the materials to build the tabernacle came from the stuff the Egyptians gave the Hebrew children to move on out of Egypt. God wouldn’t have asked for gold and bronze if it wasnt readily available but it also required the Hebrew children to relinquish that which they had back to God.

  6. kimmie says:

    “not responsible for keeping the world turning…” I feel like I’m slowly getting that.

  7. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Hi Shes – I overslept this morning because the battery in my phone (and thus my alarm) died overnight. I’m thankful the Lord woke me up in enough time to get to work. Anyway just getting to today’s reading.

    Ex. 31:18 “When [God] finished speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the testimony, stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God.” How priceless that God personally inscribed the “terms” of His covenant in stone. And Jesus inscribed the new covenant with His blood on our hearts of stone.

    From the HRT: “God alone is the one who equips and qualifies us for service. Do you have incredible talents? A winning personality? A brilliant intellect? They aren’t yours. They are His. We see that in preparing His temple, God equipped certain men with ability, intelligence, knowledge, and craft. Mind, heart, and hands are all alike prepared by Him. They are all His. Therefore, all praise is due Him. . . . The Sabbath recalibrates us for the work we are to do in the world. It is a holy reminder that we are not our own, that our talents and abilities, our know-how and our personality are all from God. He is the One who qualifies us for service in this world.”

    TINA – praying the Lord’s peace will be tangible for you and your family in the coming days.

    HIEDI – how is school going for your daughter?

    DOROTHY – praying for Carol and wisdom for the medical team in her treatment plan.

  8. Gwineth52 says:

    WOW!! Today’s scripture readings, devotional, and Shes’ comments were as luminous & illustrative as the tabernacle being crafted. Amazing. Spectacular. Beauty. Goodness. Truth. Convicting me to practice the Sabbath in its holiness. A gift from God. For our rest. To His glory. And if you’ve not listened to the podcast for the week with guest artists, Jake & Hannah Weidman. Hurry & do so. A real keeper! The Weidmans were recording holding their 4 day old baby girl, Eloise. (Pretty nervy in & of itself!). They spoke to “living our lives as a gift offering to God”; “God didn’t need humans to build the tabernacle & design the priestly garments – God invited humans in to collaborate & create marvelous things”. And, after listening, visit their website, “Everyday Heirloom Company” to learn more about them, their craftsmanship & enterprise. How each gorgeous ring, bracelet, earring is “birthed” with intentionality & inspiring workmanship. Human adornment, yes, but presented with humility, rich in symbolism & conceived in love. May God the Father welcome & endow each of us with such wisdom of heart. So we might share the abundance with all we meet. Selah.

  9. K Swenson says:

    I believe this beautiful command to rest on the Sabbath still applies to us, but I think it can be different days for different people. Speaking as someone who has worked for a church, Sundays had to be a work day in many respects. But we could take a Friday or maybe a Saturday(or whatever day works) to set apart for the Lord. Marty Solomon from BEMA says his family’s moto for the Sabbath is something like “we play, no work, God loves us.” The Sabbath is a tangible reminder that God’s love for us isn’t earned and it’s a provision for much needed rest. I’m not always good about keeping a Sabbath, but I’m trying to be more intentional because I believe it’s so important and still asked of us today.
    TINA- praying for grace and comfort for you as you grieve!

  10. K Swenson says:

    I believe this beautiful command to rest on the Sabbath still applies to us, but I think it can be different days for different people. Speaking as someone who has worked for a church, Sundays had to be a work day in many respects. But we could take a Friday or maybe a Saturday(or whatever day works) to set apart for the Lord. Marty Solomon from BEMA says his family’s moto for the Sabbath is something like “we play, no work, God loves us.” The Sabbath is a tangible reminder that God’s love for us isn’t earned and it’s a provision for much needed rest. I’m not always good about keep a Sabbath, but I’m trying to be more intentional because I believe it’s so important and still asked of us today.

  11. LindaK says:

    God bless you and comfort you and your family Tina as you begin this grief journey Hugs from across the pond ♥️
    Praying for other requests as well❤️

  12. Terri Baldwin says:

    Gif fills us with wisdom of Holy Spirit to accomplish His good works!

  13. Elizabeth Oster says:

    No. Paul addresses that in one of his Epistles.

  14. Elizabeth Oster says:


  15. Krystle Scott says:

    Praying for peace, comfort, and strength for you and your family, Tina. ❤️

  16. PamC says:

    Tina, so sorry for your loss. I lost my Daddy so long ago…I pray the Lord wraps you & your family in His might, comforting arms as you walk through this. Hugs & love being sent back across the pond to you.

  17. Catherine McVey says:

    May God bless you and your family Tina during this time of heartache and grief. My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your beloved father. Hugs ❤️

  18. Lexi B says:

    Today’s reading was timely for me, as I am in a season where sometimes I have no idea what I am doing as a business owner. It is a very humbling place to be. But as I look back at the start of my journey, it is amazing how God has equipped me to do the things I am doing now; things I would never had imagined I’d be doing. He does provide us with what we need, and provide us with people who have the skills we need to get the job done. For this I am very thankful.

    Tina, I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to watch someone slowly pass away. Praying God’s comfort for you and your siblings.
    Asheleigh H, praying that your procedure is fruitful!

  19. Dorothy says:

    God did and still does such wonderful things. I look at all the beauty He has created and praise Him. I’m amazed at some of the beauty.
    Lord God, I thank You for creating this wonderful land I live in. For allowing me to enjoy all of Your creations. Amen.
    Be blessed and take time to see the beauty of our Lord’s world around you today.

  20. Sarah Smith says:

    I believe this applies to Sundays as we go to church and then rest for the rest of the day.

  21. Sarah Smith says:

    This is so beautiful to know

  22. Rachel says:

    I was in Israel for a month, and being able to watch the Sabbath (“Shabbat”) observed was fascinating. About an hour or so before sundown on Friday, there was a frenzy of activity as people rushed to get their work and errands done. And then…SILENCE. Stores were closed, very few people were out, public transportation ceased. It was like the entire community took a deep, refreshing breath. And then at sundown on Saturday, there was a joyful renewal of life as people gathered for meals and celebrated the end of the Sabbath together.

    God gave the Israelites the command to rest because it was good for them to do so. Under the new covenant, no one is going to be stoned for failing to keep the Sabbath, but it seems as if the principle that rest is good would still apply to us.

  23. AG says:

    Sending prayers to all she’s – especially you Tina and Ashleigh H

  24. AG says:

    I have not thought about the worry of Moses and others to find the things the Lord commanded of him to use to build the tabernacle. To me, this is a good reminder that doing God’s work wasn’t any easier back then, as I sometimes trick myself into thinking. God knows what we are capable of and we have to trust in Him. I am thankful for a God that knows us and loves us this deeply.

  25. Siobhan Martindale says:

    Loved todays reading. I felt slightly disconnected to the reading last week because it felt so much like a “users guide” or “How To” manual but today the reading resonates with me! He gives us EVERY provision we need to do HIS work. ❤️❤️

  26. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    @Tina Your sweet devotion and loving heart is a testimony to God’s faithfulness. Praying you and your family feel the comfort of his love.

  27. Allison Bentley says:

    “I have filled him with God’s Spirit, with wisdom, understanding, and ability in every craft…” how I needed this reminder today. I can do everything in my power to make something work so to speak but if God is not behind it nor has He filled me with the ability- it will never work!!!! Sitting in trusting you Lord with all areas of my life! AMEN!

  28. Traci Gendron says:

    The balance of work and rest itself is a testament that humans alone are not responsible for keeping the world turning. This comment speaks volumes. As a former hairstylist I worked every sabbath. I did allow rest on Sunday, but not always. I’m one that likes to have my chores done. What would have my week looked like if I would have observed this needed time of rest…

  29. Sarah Parsons says:

    Life is meant to be beautiful, not just functional. We are now the tabernacle through Christ Jesus

  30. Diane Mom says:

    This is a great reminder!

  31. Jessi says:

    Does God’s commandment to rest on the Sabbath day apply to Christians?

  32. Aimee D-R says:


  33. Jessica Marcus says:

    What a word for a single mom! A reminder that the load isn’t ours! We are to show up, work, but that load isn’t ours!

  34. GramsieSue . says:

    TINA – my heart hurts for you. Praying for comfort and strength as you navigate through this. Hugs to you and all who need a hug today ❤️

  35. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh Ti a my heartgoes out to you and I am praying for you

  36. Linda J says:

    Praying for you and your family, Tina.

  37. Carol Crossman says:

    It’s comforting to know that God equips for his plan. We may feel inadequate but he has taken care of every detail. “I will be your God and you will be my people”.
    Prayers to Tina and family for their loss.

  38. Carol Crossman says:

    It’s comforting to know that God equips for his plan. We may feel inadequate but he has taken care of every detail. “I will be your God and you will be my people”.

  39. Carol Crossman says:

    It’s comforting to know that God equips for his plan. We may feel inadequate but he has taken care of every detail. “I will be your God and you will be my people”

  40. Carol Crossman says:

    God equips us for his plan even

  41. Ashleigh H says:

    I have finally caught up in this study! I am praying for all the prayer requests I have seen but especially your d-I-l, Dorothy. Her story must be similar to mine as I have an embryo transfer this Friday. Please add me to your prayers, She’s. It is our last embryo of this IVF round. We are praying for God’s will to be done in this moment but especially in our hearts and our expectations. We will have to make hard decisions going forward if this does not result in pregnancy. My transfer is this Friday afternoon. We will have a 10 day wait for a pregnancy test at our doctors. Thank you for being a constant source of light and life for me.

  42. Ashleigh H says:

    I have finally caught up in this study! I am praying for all the prayer requests I have seen but especially your d-I-l, Dorothy. Her story must be similar to mine as I have an embryo transfer this Friday. Please add me to your prayers, She’s. It is our last embryo of this IVF round. We are praying for God’s will to

  43. Ashleigh H says:

    @Tina- I am so sorry for your loss. I gratefully have not experienced the loss of a parent but have had medical drama with my dad and know that there is much that comes with the

  44. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Just as the ink from my pen flows onto the paper recording my thoughts, so God’s finger etched His teaching first onto stones and then onto my heart. He has made me a letter of Christ, inscribed by His Spirit, touched with life (2 Corinthians 3:3). His life touched my life, illuminated for His glory. Just as Moses carried down the tablets to the people, so I carry Jesus to people. I carry his love and mercy, written by His hand on my heart. From death to life to eternal life. God bent down on one knee and proposed an eternal covenant with me, with us. I said yes to the covering of a clean, white dress that was washed in the blood of Jesus. Lord, may my life tell Your message. May my actions and words today speak of Your glory. For we are His workmanship (His creation), created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do (to walk in them) (Ephesians 2:10). Father God, may it be so today. In Jesus’ name. Maranatha. Amen.

  45. Danielle B says:

    Tina praying for you and your family during this. Watching someone slowly die is painful. May God’s peace abound and May you feel His loving embrace.

    Oh the importance of rest, true rest, not just a day off work to get the house work done. I’ve been working at being better at this for awhile.

  46. Michelle Patire says:

    “The balance of work and rest itself is a testament that humans alone are not responsible for keeping the world turning.”
    What a statement. This sums up what the Lord has been teaching me. I’m not the savior. I’m not God. Rest is a gift.

    Prayers and peace to you and your whole family, Tina. May God be evident to you all as you mourn.

  47. Gina Jo says:

    Tina, so sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad 5 years ago. The only thing that got me through was knowing that I will see him again one day with Christ Jesus. Prayers to you and your family for comfort and strength. May God’s wings surround you at this time of need.

  48. Searching says:

    TINA – I will continue to pray for you and your family as you grieve the loss of your father. I lost mine a couple of years ago and it still doesn’t seem real. Love you, sister!

    DOROTHY – praying for Carol and upcoming treatment, and thankful the diagnosis was made early. Also praying for your DIL’s procedure this week. And Dorothy, your steadfast faith and attitude inspire me! Love you!

    Verse for today on Bible Gateway –
    Psalm 149:4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation. (NKJV)

    So thankful for His love and salvation!

  49. Elaine Morgan says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss @Tina. Loosing my father was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. Prayers for you during this time of mourning.
    I am always amazed that God goes before us and makes our way right in the things He has called us to do. I once had a preacher tell me that if I had it force something to make it work then it wasn’t from God.

  50. Dani Zimmerman says:

    God gave the Israelites what they needed for the temple when he allowed them to plunder the willing Egyptians! Everything God does has a purpose!!

  51. Elaine Morgan says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss @Tina. Loosing my father was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. Prayers for you during this time of mourning.

  52. Ashleigh Lingerfelt says:

    I needed this today. Every last word!

  53. Jo says:

    Bless you TINA, may our precious God of all comfort be your portion ❤️

  54. Carol Rimmer says:

    Amen to today’s devotional! May God give us the grace to do all the good works He has set out for us to do.

    @Tina- Sorry for your loss. God be with you and strengthen you x

  55. TIna says:

    The journey of the skilled worker, father, grandfather, great grandfather ended yesterday as I travelled to visit him. A blessed release, as seeing the deterioration each day of the shell of the man that was, was hard..

    BUT GOD..

    Thank you all for your prayers and words of comfort and love from near and far, they truly have been a blessing..
    GOD bless you all❤❤