The Shepherd’s Flock

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 34:1-31, Micah 2:12, John 10:7-18, John 10:27-30, Luke 12:31-32

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

Jesus’s love for the Church is expressed through the imagery of a perfect shepherd and his flock. Unlike the negligent shepherds who previously led God’s people, Jesus delights to search for, gather, and tend to His flock, even laying down His life for His sheep.

Discussion Question: How does the image of Jesus as the perfect shepherd caring for His flock, the Church, shape your understanding of the Church? 

Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments. 

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123 thoughts on "The Shepherd’s Flock"

  1. Munchkin says:

    We are united under Christ. Any hierarchy that we prescribe ourselves among our fellow Christians is man made. To Jesus, we are all sheep who need to be taken care of and protected. And He died for everyone of us.

  2. Kayla A says:

    Whoops, accidentally hit post….just wanted to finish saying I was struck by John 10:14-18 where Jesus so strongly states that no one could take his life – only he has the right to lay it down…AND pick it up again. Thank you, Jesus, for doing both of those things.

  3. Kayla A says:

    Absolutely loved todays readings. I’ve never considered the depths of the shepherd metaphor. And all of the things we are promised with Jesus as our shepherd – especially safety, security, the elimination of danger…. This metaphor helps me see just how fiercely and plainly Jesus loves us. I was especially impacted by Micah 2:12 stating that Jesus’ flock will be “noisy with people” and by John 10:14-18 where Jesus so strongly stated that

  4. Saicha Crawford says:

    Hello She’s! Today’s reading reminds me that our leaders are imperfect yet our Good Shepherd is perfectly tending to us. So beautiful!

  5. Serenity Jo says:

    My heart swells with such love for our Shepherd when I read this today. His love for His church is fierce, unwavering and so true. Like the song says, “Your love is extravagant!” To know that He loves us this way and with such willing sacrifice and selflessness inspires and motivates me to lavish His love on others. How can we not love the people He loves SO much?!!!

  6. Lindsey MacAdam says:

    It helps me to rest in knowing I am cared for, loved and protected by my Good Shepherd.

  7. Holly Minchew says:

    There is a song by The Grace Well that emphasizes this Shepherd and lost sheep metaphor, it is so sweet and beautiful, it’s called The Sheep. Highly recommend a listen :)

  8. Teresa Donley says:

    The church I used to belong to considers the elders or deacons to be shepherds. And the lead pastor is the lead shepherd. But the good shepherd is, of course, Jesus. I think this is a beautiful way of looking at the church. Jesus loves and cares for the church; he gave his life for the church. The church today is in the hands of the pastors who lead them. And the deacons and elders are Shepherds to the people that they serve within their church. This was a new concept for me when I started going to that church. But the longer I thought about it, the more I saw some of these verses in how the church was structured. I love that we are his little flock. The good shepherd not only knows me, but will seek me when I am lost, bandage me when I am wounded, and care for me when I am sick. I had a time in my life when I left my faith, and was lost. I am so thankful that God was the good shepherd who seeks the lost. I was the lost sheep, and he came for me.