The Shepherds and God’s Flock

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 34:1-31, Ezekiel 35:1-15, Psalm 23:1-4, John 10:11-14

I’m a bona fide shepherdess. My little midwestern farm often has sheep grazing in the pasture. When I hear sermons about how dumb sheep are, my eyes automatically want to roll. (Sorry, pastor.) Those fluffy white creatures aren’t dumb (at least not any more so than the next barnyard animal), but they are vulnerable. Because rain and wolves, disease and disaster are always nearby, all sheep need a shepherd—a good one. 

Here in Ezekiel 34, after pages and pages of prophetic warnings, the word of the Lord appeared to Ezekiel again, this time to pronounce judgment on “the shepherds of Israel” (Ezekiel 34:1). As I read these verses through the lens of my farm, they seem less of a rant against shepherds and more of a manifesto about God’s love. Consider:

“You have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, bandaged the injured, brought back the strays, or sought the lost. Instead you have ruled them with violence and cruelty. They were scattered for lack of a shepherd; they became food for all the wild animals when they were scattered.” —Ezekiel 34:4–5

While this could fit as a bad performance review for literal shepherds, if we keep reading, we find hyperbole. 

“My flock went astray on all the mountains and every high hill. My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and there was no one searching or seeking for them.” —Ezekiel 34:6 

God was speaking to Ezekiel about more than barnyard animals. This flock was made up of His children. God’s people were, in fact, scattered. Many were in captivity at the time of Ezekiel’s vision. Others were made homeless by the destruction of invading nations. Still, there’s a deeper truth. There is no human shepherd who can truly keep us safe from the dangers of sin. Our spiritual leaders are broken, too. Our good deeds aren’t a safe pen. Our hearts sing siren songs toward unsafe territories. Though we aren’t stupid, we are vulnerable. 

But hallelujah, we have a good Shepherd! In John 10, Jesus declared Himself as the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy. 

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep” –John 10:11 

Yes, we’re prone to wander toward all manner of dangers. We do have an enemy who prowls around looking for an opportunity to devour us (1Peter 5:8). Still, Ezekiel’s prophecy points out that Christ’s great love for us motivates Him to pay attention to our needs. Our Good Shepherd is ever on guard! 

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53 thoughts on "The Shepherds and God’s Flock"

  1. Rhonda J. says:

    @Dorthy Oh my gosh, so sorry to hear this happening with your sister Carol! She has been through so much, it makes me so sad for her. Thankfully she has you! I can’t remember if she is a believer or not, I just remember she has been in distress since the death of her daughter and issues with her son in jail. So I pray for her to look to the good Shepard to bring her out of this hole. I pray she will HEAR something you say that finally clicks. I pray for you Sister, to have the strength and perseverance with your family, to keep strong to show the Love of Jesus, and to be their place of wisdom. Praying for Finley too. You have your hands full, but I pray for spaces of refreshing and of course peace, that it is all in God’s hands.

    @Alexandra- Praying for wisdom and guidance. I know it is hard to move on from one of these relationships, something just grips you to keep you there. But the Lord has something better waiting for you!

    @Jenny- Glad you decided to comment today!

    @Sharon and @jenniferlovesjesus- Love your words today. I too have a child that is rooted in the Lord, but as he gets older, I’m not sure how important it is to him. I can only hope the Shepard will gather him back to Him.

    SHE”S – Hope you all have a good day. Please feel encouraged to share your burdens here in confidence that you have prayer warriors that want to raise your troubles and sorrows and fears to the One- The ONLY ONE that can work all things for His good! Listen to this week’s Podcast! So good!

  2. Heidi V says:

    @Alexandra Mamedow. Praying you feel the Peace that only Jesus gives and that you clearly feel discernment. From your post it seems that you already know the only true path ahead is the one God has chosen for you. However scary it is just know that God will absolutely equip and stay with you every step of the way. None of us She’s here know your situation enough to have an opinion regarding staying or going but a trusted minister, family member, friend or counselor may be able to help you discern where God is leading you. The Good Shepherd will come through and He is the ultimate example of setting good boundaries. Psalm 73:23 You are continually with me, you hold me by my right hand.

  3. Ally M says:

    I am so, so, SO grateful that God sought me out- the really lost sheep. The one that ran away rebelliously and stubbornly. God pursued me and patiently restored me. I will never forget the day, the moment, when the scales fell from my eyes and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God is real, the Bible is Truth, and that there was absolutely nothing-nothing- that I could ever do to save myself. The feeling of helplessness that I experienced in that moment was a new level of panic that transcended anything I had ever felt.
    But God.
    But God sent Jesus to do what we can’t do. To save us from that despair that we are sinners and helpless and dead in our sins. Jesus stretched out His arms for us and He embraced me in that moment and saved me. I love Psalm 23:1- “The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need.” I truly and completely believe that. God is with me; what more can I want? How can I ask for more? What earthly things can possibly even begin to compare with the joy of eternity with God? I fall on my knees in worship and thanksgiving and praise. Let us live out today with that joy. Let us share the good news. We have all that we could ever ask for and more. Thanks be to God.

  4. Sonja Cox says:

    So thankful we have a GOOD SHEPHERD who leads us and guides us and protects us till we are all finally home one day! Praise the Lord.

  5. Morgan Latham says:

    I’m so glad God is the Shepherd of my life. Lord, lead me and I will follow.

  6. Tonja Bohling says:


  7. Ellen Morris says:


  8. Maria Baer says:

    14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, – John 10:14 I am so thankful for this grace, that God loves us and knows us. There is tremendous comfort in this.