The Second Sunday of Christmastide

Open Your Bible

Hosea 6:3

As our Advent study and the Christmas season draw to a close, we celebrate in word and in deed, thanking Jesus for all He has done and the hope He gives us in the promise of His return. 

Let’s strive to know the LORD.
His appearance is as sure as the dawn.
He will come to us like the rain,
like the spring showers that water the land.
—Hosea 6:3

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87 thoughts on "The Second Sunday of Christmastide"

  1. Portia Strange says:

    I’ve just now finished Advent 2024 & what a blessing it has been to my soul! May God bless all of the women that poured their gifts, time, energy, & effort into curating, writing, editing, organizing, & posting this study!

  2. Charity Harris says:


  3. Margaret W. says:

    Lately I have been making a real effort to appreciate whatever weather God sends our way—even though the cold weather definitely increases my pain levels. I know I need to spend time in nature for my mental and spiritual health, and I’m trying to do so even if I can’t do as much as I could before my surgery. I know it’s the only path to healing, and I must be grateful for signs of progress and patient for those yet to come. The Lord has laid the word “joy” on my heart for the coming year, and I noticed that one of the memory cards for this unit was from Psalm 16:11: “You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy;  at your right hand are eternal pleasures. ”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ ‭CSB‬‬ This struck me as God’s reminder that joy is something he gives those who abide in him. It is the Fruit of His Spirit. Regardless of how I feel, I will seek to cultivate a life of joy in 2025. Joy to all of my SRT sisters in the year to come and until He comes!

  4. Sam D says:

    This is really first time of doing the study on the correct days. Thank you all so much for your comments. It really made this feel like a full community!

  5. Cathy McVey says:

    I really enjoyed this Advent Study, may be my favorite so far in all the studies. Thank you all for your daily input, comments, and prayers. Looking forward to Genesis with all of you!

  6. Lolly Regan says:

    Praise God! He is coming!

  7. Wanda Woehlert says:

    Amen!! I really enjoyed this study!! I’m looking forward to starting the next study!!

  8. Kristen Lowery says:

    Amen ! Enjoyed this study!!

  9. AZ Walker says:

    Praying for all on a chilly morning in the Arizona desert. Thank you for sharing yesterday GrammieSue and Praise God for improvements in Steve’s health! Praying for Aleida’s family and the relationship between father and son. Praying for God’s presence and His peace in our homes.

  10. Rhonda J. says:

    WOW, this verse is powerful! And the different translations, and Tina’s well put, “word-truth” list! We HAVE so much to cling to, to know that we know that we know! The scriptures ARE all that we need, to believe, to not be just head knowledge, but to be transformative in the relationship with him!! BUT it is effort and action on our part!! The Salvation part is a free gift, to receive with nothing on our part except a yes! Many will stay here.) Discipleship, on the other hand, takes laying down our flesh, and living differently! It’s a- taking a stand, a calling out heresy, it’s doing what’s right in God’s eye no matter the cost.

    It is not an easy road to be all in for Jesus with ACTION, but man, it is the overflowing of hope, peace, joy, and love lived out. And seeing where God is directing you and honoring it. Choosing to trust and obey, despite the how, what, and when! We may have drought and valleys- But He will come to us! And he fills us. He sees us! My preacher talked today of how Nathaniel was under the tree calling out to God to see him, to help him, to hear him…and then he meets Jesus, and Jesus says “I saw you before.. under the fig tree…” And Nathaniel said “you are the living God!! (in the flesh!!) God came in flesh to show us him! The God that no one saw, but to reveal himself!

    And he saw YOU when you called out under your fig tree, right there, right then!

    Do you remember the fig tree moment? I sure do!! And every time since- I call out and he comes.

    What a beautiful gift from God.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Rhonda, I came away from that verse with the same message in my heart! You expressed it so well! ❤

    2. Danielle b says:

      Rhonda what a beautiful and encouraging/challenging post to live out our faith. He wants all of us heart, soul and mind.

  11. Caroline Bridges says:

    I hope everyone returns for Genesis tomorrow

    1. Cee Gee says:

  12. Mari V says:

    WOW!!! Already 45 comments this sunny but VERY cold Sunday morning here in in sunny California. 38 degrees..brr…. I think I may have said this last year…I feel a sense of sadness as we close this Advent study. I LOVED it! I feel,also because I didn’t feel rushed as I was off for these past two weeks. MY JESUS provided! I love, love, love this platform of hanging out with all-of-you EVERY morning! AND as we read this morning, I long for that day. Even if we don’t know the day, we know HE’s coming back for us someday and that is the HOPE I hold onto. YOU all mean so much to me. Not just because the most recent generous gift, but because YOU are all real and transparent, and loving, caring, we cry, we laugh, we rejoice, we lift one another up in prayer, faithfully pray for one another’s needs and burdens and sadness, on and on…. Though we are not face-to-face like in a in-person bible study, this is OUR bible study and I feel I am a part of a all-over-the-world bible study and I can’t wait to meet you all someday. There is something I say to my kids (even though they’re young adults). “I love you to the moon and back” from the book. AND “I love you forever” from another book. Now I say it to you. I LOVE you my sweet SRT sisters to the “moon and back.” “I love you FOREVER!” One more thing….I think my word for this year is “GRACE” I feel like I need to extend GRACE more often. I know it won’t be easy, but this is what kept coming to me throughout this study. Happy Sunday sweeties!

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Oh my, Mari V,
      What is cold for you would be balmy for us! LOL
      This morning we have thunder, rain, sleet…and they tell us snow later. Then the temps will drop to 15 degrees!! I think I’ll just curl up here and stay inside!

      And I love those two books! I still tell my adult kiddos “I love you to the moon and back!” And all of my kiddos have bought the books to read to theirs!

      Hugs to you ❤️

      1. Mari V says:

        Brr….I would stay inside myself!! I bought the book: “Love You Forever” for both my kids for them to read to their own kids some day!

        1. Cee Gee says:

          I bought that book for our youngest son after I saw a friend’s copy. ❤

      2. Rhonda J. says:

        Burr..Sounds like the Chicago weather I moved away from!! Curl up and watch a good movie…Or The Chosen! So good! Or good book Sue!

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      It was REALLY cold here this morning..and our church starts at 8:30 now (well, the early service my hubby likes to go!)- It is SO hard for my body to want to move and get ready in the mornings before I take my pain pills, and with the cold even worse…!! I could hardly move even the whole time, I had to sit during the singing…BUT God! I am there to worship, not for my socializing! Now I am back home and warm inside!
      We LOVE you!

      1. Mari V says:

        Oh…Rhonda, so sorry you were so cold. Its now 8:40 am here and the temp has risen just a tad to 41 degrees. I go to the 11:00 service and the temp should be around 50 degrees, hopefully. I admit, not looking forward to getting out tomorrow early 6:45 when its supposed to be as cold as 39 degrees. Brrr…… Stay warm Rhonda and I love you too!

  13. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord I want to know you more than ever this year. In Jesus name, Amen

  14. Barb D says:

    I love the Amplified Bible’s translation of this verse:

    [3] So let us know and become personally acquainted with Him; let us press on to know and understand fully the [greatness of the] Lord [to honor, heed, and deeply4 cherish Him]. His appearing is prepared and is as certain as the dawn, And He will come to us [in salvation] like the [heavy] rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth.”
    (Hosea 6:3 AMP)

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, SO Good!! Thanks for sharing!!

    2. Danielle b says:

      Thanks for sharing this version.!

  15. Wendy B says:

    Yes Lord, and Amen ❤️

    This study has really been such a great encouragement and blessing to me. Thank you SRT staff for your attention and commitment to creating content that points us to Truth, that is Biblically sound, challenging, sharpening and deepening for our hearts, directs us to our Father, and for making a space for this community to connect.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes Amen!

  16. Karen Breaux says:


  17. Claire McDevitt says:

    First time doing the advent plan, and my whole
    Family felt closer to Jesus this Christmas season. Amen!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Wonderful! Keep studying with us!

    2. AZ Walker says:

      That’s so sweet Claire. I am grateful that my daughter and I read the SRT daily scriptures together many of the days of Advent, it was wonderful.

    3. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ so happy to have you here and sharing with your family!

  18. Maria B says:

    There is always a tinge of sadness when a long Bible study comes to an end. This was such a beautiful blessing during a stormy time, and it really gave me a place to come and just be and take in the Word. At times, I had to press on to stay focused, but in those moments, prayers came to rescue to see me through. And thank you She’s for your comments; this part of the Bible studies is always so insightful. Blessings to you all in the new year.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Thank you for showing us that when the unexpected, (house fire!!) come, people like you (strong!!) carry on, seemly (here) able to cope!! I would be crying to everyone my loss and non-copping skills!) You are a blessing and testimony!

  19. Dianne R. says:

    Ending my first SRT study guide. Thank you for making this advent even more special.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yay! So blessed you joined!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      So glad you are here! ❤

  20. Kerry Rowley says:

    Thank you Lord for this beautiful Advent study, for the team at SRT, and for the wonderful women in this chat. Your love and kindness surround me. May the all women here grow closer to You this coming year. Amen

    1. MARTHA HIX says:


  21. Traci Gendron says:

    Let’s strive to know the LORD.
    His appearance is as sure as the dawn.
    He will come to us like the rain,
    like the spring showers that water the land.
    —Hosea 6:3
    I want to be watered. To feel God as spring showers. Refreshing. Cleansing. Giving life.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! I think of how I loved the little glimpses of Spring after a long, cold, snowy season! I would jump the gun often, clearing the little shows of green of the piled up dead leaves! It was your said- a refresh! New life!
      It probably wasn’t cold for you at all this morning?! lol

  22. Searching says:

    Great study, outstanding community, Awesome God!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤

    2. Danielle b says:

      ❤️ agreed

  23. Cheryl Blow says:

    Thank you Tina! Beautifully said!

    I woke up with this song in my heart!

    Promises by Maverick City
    Just a portion of it

    He’s faithful through the ages
    God of Abraham, You’re the God of covenant
    And faithful promises, yeah
    Time and time again
    You have proven
    You’ll do just what You said
    Though the storms may come, and the winds may blow, I’ll remain steadfast
    And let my heart learn when You speak a word, it will come to pass
    Everybody sing
    Great is Your faithfulness to me
    Great is
    Great is Your faithfulness to me
    From the rising sun
    From the rising sun to the setting same, I will praise your name
    Great is Your faithfulness to
    Great is Your faithfulness
    Great is Your faithfulness to me
    Oh, Jesus, Great is Your faithfulness
    Great is Your faithfulness to me
    Oh, Father
    From the rising sun
    From the rising sun to the setting same, I will praise your name
    Oh, great is Your faithfulness to me
    Whoa, your faithfulness, oh, God
    It never runs out, no
    It never runs out
    I put my faith in Jesus
    My anchor to the ground
    My hope and firm foundation
    He’ll never let me down
    I put my faith in Jesus
    Come on, sing it
    My anchor to the ground
    My anchor to the ground
    He’s my hope
    My hope and firm foundation
    He’ll never let me down (He’ll never)
    I put my faith in Jesus
    (Oh, my anchor) My anchor to the ground
    (I’m not moving from Jesus, I’m not going from Jesus)
    My hope and firm foundation (he’s a firm foundation)
    He’ll never let me down (oh, He’ll never let me down)
    He’ll never let me down
    Great is Your faithfulness

    Praying for all! Have a blessed day! Heading out to church on this cold blustery day!

    1. Searching says:


    2. Barb D says:

      Love that song. It was playing on my playlist yesterday as I went through the unenviable task of putting all of my Christmas decorations away.

    3. Mari V says:

      Thank you Cheryl, I’m listening to this right now!

  24. Brandi Young says:

    Thankful for this Advent season! See you for Lent She’s!!!

    1. Searching says:

      You’ll be missed in Genesis, Promises of God and other studies there may be between Advent and Lent!

    2. Mari V says:

      Brandi, stay with us, if you can, for the next study/studies. THIS is such a beautiful community.

  25. Brittanie Dix says:


  26. Katie Megee says:

    Another beautiful Advent study. Thank you!

  27. Danielle B says:

    I had to look up the verse in a different version as the word striving is a place God has been working to show me His grace and mercy is a gift to accept not strive for. He is love! So if anyone was caught there here is the NLT version “Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.” ‭‭Hosea‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬ I can press n as scripture encourages us to press on in the faith.

    1. Emily B. says:

      I use the NLT as my “regular” translation, and then like to compare it to a few others and see if any of them strike a particular chord with me. I really liked “press on” today, too!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Same here, especially when reading some of Paul’s writings! ❤

    2. Erin Elizabeth says:

      Same, Danielle B. So I looked it up in my ESV Bible and it also says let us press on to know the Lord.

      1. Danielle b says:


  28. LaRae Taylor says:

    Thank you Lord for your faithful promise to return and have ready a place for your people to worship you. May my steps be with purpose and hope❤️

  29. Kimberly Reed says:

    Amen ♥️

  30. Cee Gee says:

    Reviewing the intro for this study and sharing the last sentence from it:
    “Redeeming grace has come to us fully in the person of Jesus, so we remember and celebrate what He came to do, and we fix our eyes on His coming again.”
    May we truly/sincerely “… celebrate in word and in deed, thanking Jesus for all He has done and the hope He gives us in the promise of His return.”
    SRT STAFF – Thank you!!! God bless you in this new year of ministry! ❤
    Love, hugs, and prayers, sisters ! Have a blessed day of of worship whether homebound or in church! ❤

  31. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “His appearance is as sure as the dawn.”
    Are we looking for Him? How did you see Him appear in your life yesterday? How will He show up today?
    Give Him the honor and praise for His presence in our lives.
    See y’all in Genesis

    1. Danielle B says:

      Great challenge Kelly

      1. Foster Mama says:


    2. Rachel says:

      Yes! I do not always have a word for the year; I don’t know if I chose it or it chose me, but yesterday “watch” became my word. Let’s see what God is up to in 2025- I know I don’t want to miss it, so I will be watching.

    3. Heather O'Malley says:

      Agree with the others that this is a question I should ask myself at the end of every day. How did He appear today? Was I looking for Him?

    4. Cee Gee says:

  32. Nicole Powell says:

    Amen thank you God for it is sow

  33. Tina says:

    Let’s strive to know the LORD.
    His appearance is as sure as the dawn.
    He will come to us like the rain,
    like the spring showers that water the land.
    Let us strive..
    Let us acknowledge..
    Let us labour..
    Let us endeavour..
    Let us fight..
    Let us confess..
    Let us press on..
    Let us admit……to know the Lord..
    His appearance is as sure..
    As certain ..
    As fixed..
    As guaranteed..
    As secure………. as the sun rises, He will appear;
    He will come..
    He will enter..
    He will arrive..
    He will move..
    He will materialise..
    He will show up……….. like the winter rain, like the spring rains that water the land..
    He, the Lord God, keeps His promises, He is never far from us, whether we know it in our situations or not. Whether we hold on to Him or not. Whether we show up or not, Father God has and will always be close as He has promised.
    BUT GOD..
    The promise keeper, our ‘guaranteed’ guarantee.. always on time, Ever Present, Ever Faithful, Ever Forgiving, Ever Loving.
    Happy Sunday ya’ll, covered in much love and warming hugs as the weather takes a turn here, and wrapped in prayers as requested and as felt to..❤️❤️

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:


      1. Mari V says:

        Beautifully said, Tina. Taking that “warm” hug with me when I step outside to go to church on this VERY cold morning. LOVE you Tina!

    2. Brenda Walsh says:

      Thank you Tina for your wisdom and encouragement ❤️

    3. Carol J Mylin says:

      Thanks for this beautiful post, Dear Tina… it definitely warms my ♥️on this bitterly cold, grey, windy morning! BUT GOD!!

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you, Tina! Back atcha! ❤

    5. Kelly (NEO) says:


    6. Dee Dee says:

      Thank you for these words Tina! Beautiful reminder of our God’s faithfulness! I am going to screenshot and save them! Sending warm hugs across the pond to you!!❤️❤️

    7. Jen F says:


    8. Penny W says:


    9. Danielle B says:

      Beautiful reminder Tina

    10. Sundayschoolteacher says:


    11. Emily B. says:

      Thank you for the reminder of God as a Promise-Keeper! He pointed me to that description of Himself a few years ago (the last time I studied Genesis, actually), and He’s been so gracious to bring it back to mind on and off since then. Today I’m celebrating my oldest’s birthday, which also happens to be my late FIL’s birthday, and the anniversary of his death is in a few days. I can hold the bitter and the sweet together because God is a Promise-Keeper Who never changes!

      1. Foster Mama says:


    12. Denise N says:


    13. Searching says:

      Just beautiful, sister – thank you!❤️

    14. Wendy B says:

      Thank you, Tina. Your insight, thoughts and wisdom are a rich blessing❤️

  34. Donna Mitchell says:


  35. Jessica Thomas says:
