The Sandals of the Gospel of Peace

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 6:10-20, Isaiah 52:7, Isaiah 9:2-7, Isaiah 26:1-9, Nahum 1:15, John 16:31-33, Romans 10:14-17

Roman sandals, made from a leather sole and straps, could be worn for marching or fighting, and were embedded with materials for enhanced traction. Roman soldiers may have worn studded boots instead of sandals. These durable shoes communicate not only a readiness to carry the gospel forth, but also to communicate the peace the gospel brings.

In the context of the Bible, “beautiful feet” is a bit of an oxymoron. The average ancient Near Eastern person wore sandals, walked on dirt roads, and almost exclusively traveled by foot, which had to have made for some pretty gnarly looking toes. Let’s not even get started on their toenails! Feet would have been a whole situation, which is why this term is so striking. Feet were, quite arguably, the ugliest and most abused part of the body. Why, then, did Isaiah not opt for “how beautiful the face,” or how beautiful “the person” (Isaiah 52:7)? Why such an unlikely, provocative word picture?

We honestly cannot know the answer for sure, but perhaps it’s meant to underscore the beautiful brilliance of truly good news. Consider, for example, the sight of the American soldiers who first arrived at the German concentration camps in 1945. These liberators were tired, haggard, bloody, and bruised. They were probably not looking their best. And yet, they must have appeared beautiful to the tortured prisoners who saw them. Consider also the sight of the first rescue worker who descended into the Chilean mine collapse in 2010. Thirty-three miners were trapped underground for 69 days, and their fate remained uncertain while rescue crews worked around the clock to save them. The first rescue worker to finally reach them was lowered over two thousand feet down a narrow tube, wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and a white hard hat. Those miners had probably never seen anything more beautiful.

This is the kind of beauty that Isaiah is describing in Isaiah 52:7. A beauty that transcends outward appearance, because it is the beauty of rescue. The beauty of hope. The beauty of declaring that all is not lost. When the good news is that rapturous, that overwhelmingly wonderful, one cannot help but be dazzled by the beautiful feet that delivered it.

It is this particular beauty that is meant to clothe the disciples of Jesus, since we are bearers of the best news of all. And so, both Isaiah 52:7 and Ephesians 6:15 leave us with an important, searching question: Is our faith beautiful in this way?

How would our co-workers describe our faith? Our siblings? Our children? The strangers who encounter us online? Is our tone and conduct delivering bad news, simply by how we treat others? Or, is our presence, our posture, and our message to the scared and hurting world around us, beautiful?

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76 thoughts on "The Sandals of the Gospel of Peace"

  1. GramsieSue . says:

    Heidi, that is such wonderful news. Our God is so good! And you mentioned your niece’s friend and said she doesn’t have the same kind of support…She has YOUR support! And God is working is her life by putting you in it. So keep praying and following God’s leading. And we are all praying as well. We want the angels to rejoice when she too comes to saving faith!! Blessings ❤️

  2. Kristin S says:

    @Meghanfox: Thanks for posting the devotional. I read the mens but also loved what Bailey wrote. @HEIDI: With a brother in recovery and a Sister in law (they aren’t married) I am so excited for you and God truly is a God of miracles. I will continue to Pray for your sister as she continues on this journey. So thankful for all you “she’s” Have a wonderful day.

  3. Munchkin says:

    @Heidi That is awesome news about your niece! I’m praying for a protection around her and her friend.

    @Taylor I too am in a season of singleness. I recently let go of my safety blanket guy friend, because I realized I was using him as a pseudo boyfriend to combat loneliness, and realized God had better plans for me than that. I know it is hard, but remember He has a plan for each of us, and it all works together for our good.

  4. Heather Hahn says:

    @Esther, yes ma’am, I’m having issues as well. My app doesn’t auto open for me either. For the last few days I have to swipe left through a series of slides then it takes me straight to the Bible, not my studies screen. I also have zero way of highlighting. I click to do it & nothing happens.

  5. Taylor says:

    Thankful for a God who is our shield and protects us. Asking for prayers this morning as my heart is hurting. I have been going on dates with a guy for a little over a month and he honestly checked all my boxes of what I’m looking for in a husband. However, I noticed a shift in things the last week or so and yesterday he broke things off. I have been praying throughout this new relationship that if it was from God He would allow it to flourish and if it was not His will than He would shut it down. Well, I have my answer but my heart still hurts regardless. I’m glad things ended sooner rather than later and I know even in this season of singleness I am walking in God’s will for my life. Today is definitely an exercise of daily faith as the lies, fears, and doubts come creeping in. Please pray for peace and strength that I will continue to trust God and His timing.

    Also praising along with you @Heidi about your niece! <3

  6. Michelle Patire says:

    Heidi, I have been following your story with your niece– it is so good to know she was baptized and is sharing her testimony. :) May God continue to give her guidance in this journey. It is such a blessing you are in this all with her and her friend.

  7. Donnica Holmes says:

    Praise God for the good news!!!! Hallelujah thank you God for redemption and the peace you give us

  8. Patty Christie says:

    Leigh, Thanks for being so helpful in this…About those locking shields, if anyone has ever seen the movie, “Risen,” there is a scene at the beginning that shows exactly how that works as a Roman unit of soldiers advances up a hill where their enemies are above. It’s fairly horrifying, as was is, but I will never see it again without thinking of this study and how we as Believers do the same for each other. Thank you!