The Return of the Lord’s Glory

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 41:5-26, Ezekiel 42:1-20, Ezekiel 43:1-12, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, Ephesians 2:19-22

Ezekiel shows a God who wants to be near to His people, but will not compromise His character, even for the ones He so dearly loves. The goal of God’s judgment wasn’t to banish His people from the land forever. It was to show the people their sins, and in doing so to motivate them to return to keeping the covenant that they had with the Lord. In this last section of Ezekiel, we get a marvelous picture of God’s glorious return to His temple and to His people.

His voice sounded like the roar of a huge torrent, and the earth shone with his glory.
—Ezekiel 43:2

What a joy for Ezekiel to see and hear the signs of God’s return instead of the previous visions that showed God’s presence departing the temple and from the city of Jerusalem. Now, in today’s reading, God returns to the temple, where His presence will remain. And He calls for His people to return to Him, promising the nearness of His presence in His temple (Ezekiel 43:9).

In his letters to various churches, Paul reveals something new about the temple, something new about God’s people. We are His temple; His Spirit lives in us (1Corinthians 3:16). Let that sink in for a minute. For centuries, the temple was the chosen meeting place for God and His people. It was the sacred space that housed God’s presence. But because of Jesus, we no longer must go to a temple or any other physical location in order to approach God. We are that sacred space, marked by His presence.

Just as the earth shone with God’s glory in Ezekiel’s vision, we have the opportunity to shine with God’s glory—for our lives to reflect His holy character (v.17). The temple was beautiful, a sight to behold. We are also beautiful, but in a different way. As God’s redeemed people, our story is marked by grace and forgiveness and redemption. 

We are not as perfect or as smooth or as finely chiseled as the stones that made up the temple. But what a wonder we are—broken and flawed people whom God has made beautiful by His grace. We “are no longer foreigners and strangers” (Ephesians 2:19). We now belong to God’s spiritual household. And as His living temple, we continue to grow together through the Spirit in beautiful ways—in the beauty of holiness (v.20). 

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41 thoughts on "The Return of the Lord’s Glory"

  1. Twila Senter says:


  2. Heidi says:

    What a wonder… He restores and rebuilds. With zero limit on what He will graciously give and provide. He craves such nearness with us. Regardless of where we have been because wherever that place was, He always will walk with us the entire the way back to Him.

    Y’all- my nieces friend from rehab is home now. She has no post-rehab facilities to go to. She has a sponsor and is attending meetings each day, but her living situation with her mom is NOT an encouraging space. She needs such prayer of protection, wisdom, COMMUNITY of people to surround and support her.
    Happy day, She’s!!

  3. Lee Gaar says:

    Leigh, may God bless you today with strength and peace. May you feel his healing hand on you and witness improvement in your sweet son.

  4. Morgan Latham says:

    I am a member of God’s household. Praise be to the Lord! I pray I become stronger in His Spirit. I hope to deepen my relationship with Him.

  5. Anna Stallings says:

    How great is our God ♥️

  6. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    The Lord’s temple is established in us. This is holy ground. We are lights scattered among darkness. When we come together, the light shines brighter and darkness is pushed back. Built up on the cornerstone of Christ, our foundation will not be shaken. Jesus was the first stone laid in the holy building, the new temple being constructed believer by believer. There is no roof described in the new temple in Ezekiel’s vision. I think this says a lot. No ceiling for believers to come, no line drawn to fill up to. There is room to grow as high up as there are people to come home to be with God. Jews and gentiles together as God’s family. We are known and loved, at home with our King. The light shines with love and grace, mercy and redemption. May this light powered by Christ draw outsiders to this holy place. Lord, let my light shine before others with kindness and bring glory to Your Name.

  7. Michelle Patire says:

    May God heal you and your son, Leigh. He is with you. Rest well in Him and stay positive. He will see you through. Glad you are reading this morning & praying :)

    God bless you, Shes. I am reminded of how crazy it is we are given a Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit. In a fallen, unholy body. God redeems. I can’t wrap my head around it, but I don’t think I’m supposed to fully understand. I pray to continue to see such grace.

  8. Ally M says:

    These chapters about the temple make me really grateful and awed by the fact that God made us temples. We don’t have to go to a building to worship or pray; He is with us. What a gift.
    Dear Lord, please help me to be a temple for Your glory. Shine Your light through all of my broken places so that I may be a vessel for Your glorious work. Thank You for making me part of Your heavenly household. Amen.