The Queen of Sheba Seeks Solomon’s Wisdom

Open Your Bible

2 Chronicles 8:1-18, 2 Chronicles 9:1-31, Psalm 72:1-20

I wonder if the Queen of Sheba was a bit cynical. Surely she heard of the glory of many kings. She herself had quite the entourage—perhaps an indication of her shrewdness. Showing up in Jerusalem, far north of her homeland, it wasn’t just a prosperous trading caravan she brought with her but an arsenal of questions to test these sensational claims of wisdom.  

She didn’t hold back. Her full-fledged encounter with Solomon’s ability to discern between good and evil emptied her of any doubt. She saw the gift he had for seeing things as they were and the visible fruit of acting on that knowledge. Solomon’s accomplishments and wisdom were beyond human capacities; the overwhelming blessings seen among his people and land demonstrated the source of his wisdom. Solomon had asked to be taught this discernment by God to receive wisdom as a gift.  

In Solomon, the Queen of Sheba saw a taste of what God’s wisdom brings to His people: happiness and longevity. “Because your God loved Israel enough to establish them forever, he has set you over them as king to carry out justice and righteousness” (2Chronicles 9:8).  

Solomon’s glory and prosperity, the very evidence for and vindication of Solomon’s submission to God, sadly became as enticing for Solomon as for any human before or after him. 

It is far too easy to find security in what we have. It causes us to desire independence from God—to become our own little gods who decide what is good. God had given Solomon great wealth in addition to the wisdom he had asked for, but eventually, his wealth became a snare that led him to choose his way.  

Yet the Chronicler’s account focuses our attention on the greater truth. Even the cynical outsider could see that Solomon had come from a God who wanted to bless His people. Solomon’s success gives us, as it did with the Queen of Sheba, a glimpse into the effects of acknowledging the true source of our possessions. 

Jesus, the better Solomon, waited for the Father to honor and glorify Him before others rather than bestowing glory upon Himself as we so often do. Jesus submitted entirely to His Father, fully accepting His incarnate humanity. He waited for God to glorify Him in His way and in His own time. 

In following Jesus, we learn from the greatest Teacher, whose wisdom and kingdom of justice and righteousness reaches farther than Solomon ever dreamed.  

Like the Queen of Sheba, let’s bring Him all that is on our minds. I think we will find, through every hard question, He is the real deal. 

(42) Comments

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42 thoughts on "The Queen of Sheba Seeks Solomon’s Wisdom"

  1. Cee Gee says:

    LEHUA K, SEARCHING, FOSTER MAMA, KRISTEN, and others – love your insights! Great to see you back, LEHUA K and VICTORIA E!

    SEARCHING, these words are so true and wise -“If we take our eyes off Jesus, if we ignore the Holy Spirit’s check in our heart when contemplating sin, if we close our minds to the truth in God’s word – it spells trouble every time. Praying that we keep our focus on God’s truth, and not let our pride get in the way.” (Verses in Deuteronomy outlining guidelines for the kings show us how Solomon strayed and how on point your comment is.)

    As I read these verses today, I was reminded of Adam and Eve and how God so lavishly provided for them, yet they desired more and thought they could do better – the heady feeling of power overcame the call to obedience. Psalm 72 reminded me of this Chris Tomlin song. Our praise team at church does such an awesome job with it!

    Holy Is the Lord
    Chris Tomlin
    We stand and lift up our hands
    For the joy of the Lord is our strength
    We bow down and worship Him now
    How great, how awesome is He
    And together we sing
    Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    The earth is filled with His glory
    We stand and lift up our hands
    For the joy of the Lord is our strength
    We bow down and worship Him now
    How great, how awesome is He
    And together we sing
    And everyone sing
    Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    The earth is filled with His glory
    Yeah, it’s rising up all around
    It’s the anthem of the Lord’s renown
    It’s rising up all around
    It’s the anthem of the Lord’s renown
    Together we sing
    And everyone sing
    Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    The earth is filled with His glory
    The earth is filled with His glory
    Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty
    Holy, Holy
    Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty
    Holy, Holy
    Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty
    Holy Holy
    Songwriters: Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio. For non-commercial use only.

  2. Mari V says:

    Good Morning ☀️ sweet SHE’s. Great devotional this morning.  Thinking and praying for you all. Thank you,(Kelly) NEO for praying for me. I talked to my counselor on Friday and she really helped me plus I am camping on Philippians 4:13.

  3. Traci Gendron says:

    It is far too easy to find security in what we have. It causes us to desire independence from God—to become our own little gods who decide what is good. How true is this statement?! Oh Father, let me always look to Jesus and follow His wisdom and teachings.

    SEARCHING – I remember a time in my 30’s when I actually said out loud, I’m being reckless, and went ahead with it anyway. It brought me so much trouble and pain. I have regretted that decision since. Although, I will say that it taught me things I may have not otherwise learned. My biggest regret is turning away from my relationship with God.

  4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Solomon, the richest and wisest man that ever lived and yet his life ended on the dark side. He let his fame, riches and many wives lead him astray and ruin him. He started off so well and ended so badly. May there be a lesson in this for all of us – money, wealth, things, do not bring us happiness or satisfaction. We may think that if we only had a little more we’d be OK, we’d be happy – but would we? The only thing that can truly satisfy us is a person – Jesus Christ. He can fill every longing heart. He is our peace. He is our all in all. Father God, help me to look to You alone for peace, joy, satisfaction and fulfillment. For only You can satisfy. We thank You and praise Your glorious name.

    @Michelle @Taylor @Sarah D @Grammiesue @Fostermama @Sharon Jones @Rhonda – praying for your requests and all others as I come across them. May God’s will be done in every situation and may you have peace and rest as you wait for His answer.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday my dear SRT sisters. Know that you are loved, appreciated and prayed for! ❤️

  5. Michelle Patire says:

    thank you so much for all your prayers. I love reading them all. I feel so covered by your love and support. I appreciate each of you yesterday and this morning lifting me up – @Foster Mama, Taylor, Rebecca, Kelly Neo, Mercy <3 your prayers were all so on point, yesterday. Thank you, Holy Spirit.

    Tuesdays are typically my chore day, so while cleaning such, I listened to a few sermons and podcasts on anxiety. One of which the dear @Lehua recommended. That helped me get in honest prayer and really give some of my worries to God. I cried. I spoke life over myself. I recalled who God was to Him out loud. I sang songs of Scripture quietly over myself. I spoke victory… and peace came…

    There are still worries I'm battling. My sister Bernadette spoke harshly to me yesterday about asking her to complete a task she's been avoiding for months. I tried to be civil when she spoke so rudely to me and name called. She's not in a healthy place, though. Out of work and lays in bed most of her days playing video games… I can't expect healthy conversations, though I seek them… Thank you for those who pray for her by name. She needs it.I

    It hurts to see my siblings go out to dinner without me or just straight up stop responding to me bc they are angry. One of them is having a birthday today but I'm scared to even say happy birthday. Honestly, an answered prayer was just having two of them not in the house last night. I had the space to process. I called a friend and she helped me feel less insecure for trying to communicate with my family.

    Idk. God will get me through this. I have to believe that. I have to believe He hurts with me. I told Him I won't give up. What choice do I have? I was sent to my family in 2020 with His purpose in mind. May it be accomplished. Thank you again for the prayers. That is just a bit of what I'm going through.

    @Ash H you are in my prayers. God strengthen your family tenfold and support you greatly. May He heal swiftly.

  6. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  7. Angela Cantrell says:

    “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.” John 6:68 NLT

  8. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone! Praying for you all. I have found it hard to get up in the mornings this week, and I had a bad dream last night so that wasn’t fun (was about an angry parent haha). I am definitely trying to lengthen my patience, but I am so ready to leave my current job. There is a lot I do not agree with and it makes us feel like robots rather than people when we are answering calls all day. Would love you continued prayers that a job would open for me. I am ideally hoping to leave this job by April so that I do not have to work the later shift (they are changing it to 9-6). Thank you all. Trying to trust that God knows what he is doing…but my flesh wants him to do it fast!