The Promises of God Are Yes in Christ

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 1:20, Exodus 34:4-7, Deuteronomy 7:9, Luke 24:13-31, Colossians 1:15-20

There are two chief mistakes we can make when we read the promises of God, and they are equally dangerous. The first is to assume that every promise can be lifted from the pages of Scripture and applied directly to our lives. The other is to believe that nearly all of the promises came and went in the ancient world—that the only one meant for us today is the promise of eternal life we receive when we place our trust in Christ. Neither approach is biblical, though, for Scripture says that, “no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ” (2Corinthians 1:20 NIV).

And of course they are! How else would the plans of our “compassionate and gracious God” work (Exodus 34:6)? When every story in the Old Testament points forward to the coming of the Son of God, and every word in the New Testament is a response to His life and work, we should not be surprised to find that every promise is indeed “Yes” in Christ.

Not only that, but all the promises in the Old Testament—the ones we thought were surely over and done with, or meant only for ethnic Israel—are transformed and enlarged in the wake of Christ’s ministry. In many cases, the New Testament writers help us see the way these promises are renewed in Christ. In this way, learning about the promises of God becomes a means of deepening our understanding of Christ and His work, and an occasion to worship our great Savior.

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296 thoughts on "The Promises of God Are Yes in Christ"

  1. Jackie Tuckerman says:

    Is anyone having trouble with highlighting? It’s not working for me.

    1. Katie Curry says:

      Yeah mine hasn’t been working for a few days now

  2. Tammy Mielke says:


  3. Andie Battles says:

    Jesus is on every page of the Old Testament. He is the better Judge, the better King, he is the true sacrificial lamb. All of God promises in the OT are fulfilled in the shedding of his blood.

  4. Tori GraceByers says:

    I sometimes have trouble understanding what the promises of God are. I tend to unknowingly fall into the belief that God isn’t going to do all of these things He did in the Old Testament. I think I fall into this belief about Him and His promises because I forget that not all of His promises are about me. As a self centered human, my nature is to believe that God isn’t fulfilling “promises” I have in my head that He my ay have never even promised me to begin with. I need to re-evaluate what I see as His promises.

    1. Donna Hanson says:

      You have spoken some wisdom here Tori❤️

  5. Nikki Rabil says:

    Thank you Hod for your YES

  6. Traci Bognuda says:

    Yes, Jesus IS the image of the invisible God. Yes, Jesus IS the first born of all creation. Yes, Jesus IS the creator of everything. Yes, Jesus IS before all things. Yes, Jesus IS the one who holds all things together. Yes, Jesus IS head of the church. Yes, Jesus IS the beginning. Yes, Jesus IS the one in whom all the fullness of God dwells. Yes, Jesus IS the reconciler of all things. Yes, Jesus IS the ultimate peacemaker.

  7. Jennifer Nowlin says:

    It is such a comfort that God’s Promises are Yes because of what Christ has doevene for us. Thank you for being faithful

  8. Sloan Gaze says:

    I love the word of God, it’s so good for my soul. So sad that I slack to read it sometimes