The Promises of God Are Yes in Christ

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 1:20, Exodus 34:4-7, Deuteronomy 7:9, Luke 24:13-31, Colossians 1:15-20

There are two chief mistakes we can make when we read the promises of God, and they are equally dangerous. The first is to assume that every promise can be lifted from the pages of Scripture and applied directly to our lives. The other is to believe that nearly all of the promises came and went in the ancient world—that the only one meant for us today is the promise of eternal life we receive when we place our trust in Christ. Neither approach is biblical, though, for Scripture says that, “no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ” (2Corinthians 1:20 NIV).

And of course they are! How else would the plans of our “compassionate and gracious God” work (Exodus 34:6)? When every story in the Old Testament points forward to the coming of the Son of God, and every word in the New Testament is a response to His life and work, we should not be surprised to find that every promise is indeed “Yes” in Christ.

Not only that, but all the promises in the Old Testament—the ones we thought were surely over and done with, or meant only for ethnic Israel—are transformed and enlarged in the wake of Christ’s ministry. In many cases, the New Testament writers help us see the way these promises are renewed in Christ. In this way, learning about the promises of God becomes a means of deepening our understanding of Christ and His work, and an occasion to worship our great Savior.

(296) Comments

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296 thoughts on "The Promises of God Are Yes in Christ"

  1. Leslie Coggins says:

    God is so good and faithful!

  2. Tristan Istas says:

    How comforting is it to know that Lord is always faithful and his promises are always a “yes” and “amen”

  3. Emily Pellegrini says:

    Thank you Lord for being trustworthy and a constant amongst the lies and changes of life.

  4. Victoria Hollis says:

    I am praying for you right now.

  5. Ada McCloud says:

    I’m excited about this stufy

  6. Deanna Wilson says:

    The promise of God is yes and amen

  7. Susie Rhodes says:

    Love the simple reminder that God sending Jesus is Him answering so many promises. He is faithful.

  8. Kiley Schmiedeknecht says:

    I always have told myself and others, when Jesus died on the cross he was looking at you. He loves you enough to die for you. He died to keep these promises, because he loves us. It’s sometimes hard for me to believe that these promises are for me, but they are. He loves me.

  9. Pam Stayer says:

    I want to gain understanding of the promises we can claim today

  10. Allison Sherwood says:

    I never considered how the promises of the Old Testament are enlarged with the presence of Christ. What a beautiful image!

  11. Ashley Cesare says:

    Starting 2022 with this study. Lord, help me to understand your promises. Help me to see clearly the promises you have for us, your children, and allow me to hold steadfast to those promises in my life. Amen.

  12. Kasha Peters says:

    Thank you! I was wondering the same thing and this gave me such clarity.

  13. Becca Perry says:


  14. Carla Borja says:

    I believe in the name of Jesus ❤️

  15. Kaylee Harman says:


  16. Maureen ProutyCole says:


  17. Poppy Waskett says:

    The promises of God show He is so faithful, and what He says He does. In Christ His promises are yes and amen.

  18. Jamie McAdams says:


  19. mckenna mcleod says:

    Christ is the visible image of the invisible God! How wonderful God is to have given us a person to model Him love!

  20. Jessica Barbella says:


  21. Sheleana Taylor says:

    Lord help me discern which promises apply directly to my life!

  22. Meghan Bullock says:

    I’ve been guilty of both extremes, but have never considered 1 Corinthians 1:20 before. It brings such joy to my heart and an even deeper gratitude for Jesus and His work!

  23. Ashli Galloway says:

    Yes and amen.

  24. Tatiana Petersen says:

    Lord help me learn more about you and all your promises. Your answer to all promises is yes.

  25. Ashley Rhoades says:

    Yes and amen

  26. Ashley Rhoades says:

    9Know that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps his gracious covenant loyalty for a thousand generations with those who love him and keep his commands.

  27. Jacqueline Mugisha says:


  28. Jamia Fields says:

    Loved this !

  29. Breanna Hagler says:

    This is how I understand it… for the people who have chosen to give their life to Christ, all the promises God has made to us are now available. God promises to be faithful to his followers (Deut. 7:9) and keep covenant with us in love. He promises that always and it doesn’t change on days when we have a big mess up or when we aren’t putting him first in our life. His promises are always Yes and unconditional. He doesn’t promise to be our Protector only Sundays, but not on Mondays. He doesn’t promise to be merciful on Sundays but not on Mondays. His promises are yes and do not come with conditions. Hope that helps!

  30. Donna Rowse says:

    Lord I pray for Kristin and her husband. I pray that You will help them both through this difficulty in their marriage. I pray that they will both be able to be open and honest with one another. May her husband have a softened heart and May he be willing to do what it takes. Lord do a miracle we ask. I pray especially for Kristin today that she will be so aware of Your presence and Your love for her and her family.

    1. Kristin Roberts says:

      Donna, your prayer has brought so much comfort to me and I know God’s hand is over us! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for covering us in prayer.

  31. Kristin Roberts says:

    This was so refreshing. My marriage is suffering badly. I know God wants us to thrive, but BOTH of us need changing, and I don’t know if my husband is willing. Please pray over me. I am desperate for the sake of our child. I pray that God’s promise is “yes” over my marriage covenant!

  32. Madeline Wofford says:

    Promises are renewed in Christ

  33. Ashley Kay says:

    God is all the things I am not. Slow to anger. Merciful. Full of grace. I am quick to anger. Tired of forgiving. Out of energy or will power to show Grace. God, as I reflect on who you are and your perfection, I recognize more and more my imperfections. It’s like one of those make up mirrors that shows every pore and smear. I see my brokenness so clearly when I look at your perfection. Yet, I know you love me. In my clearly inadequate body, my broken spirit and my angry sinful heart. Still, you gave your son, still you seek me, still you chase after me. – All your promises are yes in Jesus!

  34. Krysta Orona says:

    That passage from Colossians is so powerful. I always read it in my head like slam poetry, it’s beautiful.

  35. Paula Dixon Williams says:

    Yes in Christ!

  36. Sonia Vasquez says:

    God’s promises are always Yes and are for us 24/7 and 365 days a year!!

  37. Nina Shepherd says:

    He is merciful, faithful and gracious

  38. Gina Seifert says:

    We have free access on His promises… and already his “yes”!

  39. Olya Balynina says:

    9Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,

    Amen, I believe it

  40. Nina Arakaki says:

    As the world continues to be in chaos. It’s so important that our hearts are quick to say YES in To Christ and not let what we see or hear shape it, and all things must come to pass even suffering. Praying that my heart stays focus on Christ, and not let my mind doubt or question.

  41. Michelle-Rose Oduro says:

    All your promises are yes and amen! You’re not a man, you cannot lie! Thank you God for your divine, gracious, merciful but above all loving nature

  42. Gillian Carne says:

    I just love reading everyone’s comments, it’s such a blessing to be privy to all of your prayers and thoughts. My prayer for us all is we bit by bit see ourselves and each other as God does and we throw off the guilt and shame that hounds us into believing we still need to earn our salvation. You ladies are amazing and God knew what he was doing in giving us each other.

  43. Bobbi Hague says:

    Yes and Amen!

  44. Paige Ramon says:

    9Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,

    God help me to remember this, that you are faithful and you always keep your promises, during these times we are in it can be easy to lose my faith in knowing how much you are in control and this is all apart of your plan. No matter what happens I will praise you ! Amen

  45. Julia Hagen says:


  46. Shanika Anderson says:

    “Yes” In Christ!

  47. Kate says:

    Wow, these passages are crazy good! I especially loved Luke 24. Wow…to be taught personally by Jesus the Scriptures that reveal Him and then, “suddenly, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” But, through the Holy Spirit, He is still doing this with us today. And I so want to be sensitive to Him so that I don’t miss a thing! Beautiful Jesus!

    1. Herrington Photo says:

      I couldn’t have said this better, to be ‘sensitive’

  48. Stacy Hooker says:

    I’m new to SRT and I am so excited to see everyone sharing their thoughts. These scriptures were a joy. I’ve been struggling a lot lately so to come back and be reminded of God’s promises has truly uplifted my spirit. I am looking forward to digging deeper into this plan.

  49. Natalie Martin says:

    Great reminder of God’s sovereignty. All His promises are “yes” and amen. I think we forget they are His promises and not ours. Like the people of Israel in one of the passages, we like to create our own image of God. Praying to remember that God is faithful and his promises are good. ❤️

  50. Sherry Deeds says:

    In this crazy time, I am leaning into the promises of the Lord!

  51. Caroleena Elisa Cabrera says:

    I’ve been experiencing the promises of God in my life and seeing this study made my heart flutter. He is so good!

  52. Rebecca Hughes says:

    Looking forward to this devotional and meditating on the promises God has for my life and renewing my hope for a happy future. My heart just wants more Jesus!

  53. Allison Roeder says:

    By learning more about His promises I pray I can lean in closer to His heart and learn more of Him ♥️

  54. Deborah Collazo says:

    Thanking Father God for His promise of Christ. Thankful that Christ alone is enough asa promise. I can trustHim. Asking the LORD to help me accept, know and understand that Christ is my highest most valuable promise from God fulfilled. Love Him so very much!

  55. Trista Powell says:

    Praying that this study will change my life!


    Deus os abençoe!

  57. Sandy says:

    Do not know yet.

  58. Shelby Silliman says:

    I was really blessed by these scriptures this morning, especially the scriptures from Luke. I just relate so much to the disciples who could not accept the confirmation of what they had hoped for. They hoped Jesus had been the Messiah. The women came and told them that He was. The disciples even went to the tomb and saw that his body was not there. But their hope had been deferred on Friday when Jesus had died. So when Sunday rolled around, the good news was so hard to believe. The passion translation writes Jesus’ question to them like this, “Why are you so thick-headed?” I feel he asks me the same question often. I ask for 300 confirmations just to be sure instead of trusting that He will do as He promised. I’m thankful for Jesus because he is so patient even in our questioning, and leads us always to dream and hope in Him for greater things.

  59. Alexis Donaldson says:

    I have a promise with GOD that all of us will live a correct life in how we see things happening around us very passionate and how everything around us that happens will be something that forms our desires. I am in a struggling point in my life right now about believing in certain things in my life that GOD will tell me, and I chose to read this plan so I can see what promises he has for me in my life as a instance of a reminder. I saw that in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that “no matter how many promises GOD gives me they are always yes in Christ”, I believed that all things are from GOD that are happening in my life and they will always turn out to become “yes” meaning a righteous calling. So I should always remain in faith, love, and trust.

  60. Caylie Evans says:

    I hear the phrase “God’s promises” thrown around a lot by believers and to some extent I understand the concept, but I’m confused by the specifics. Which promises are biblical and apply to me personally and which are simply the result of a culture passionate about God but not great about backing things up with scripture. Ive been having a hard time getting into the word recently. I feel like there every time I read or pray there is just too much there, too many big questions, too many hard prayers. My desire for God is at an all time low. I’m trying to be faithful by reading this plan but I’m scared of it becoming something to check off my to do list. I want to be a woman of prayer but I feel like there’s not enough of me, not enough energy or time. I know God is bigger than that, but I don’t know how to actually apply that knowledge to life. His promises are yes but what exactly does he promise? I guess that’s why I’m trying this right now.

    1. Tatyana Small-Moore says:

      I understand completely where you are coming from. Sometimes I wonder what are those promised that God has for me and when will he reveal them. Right now I am struggling to figure out where I belong, in a sense. But I think by you just taking the time to read his word, even if it is just to do it, he will reveal his promises to you slowly but surely. But don’t look for them “when the sky is falling”. Instead find them in the little everyday miracles. A bird singing outside the window. Someone paying for your coffee. I’ve learned that by recognizing the small promises, God pours out bigger blessings after we’ve learned how to appreciate them.

  61. Dawn Berry says:

    In these crazy days we are living I really needed the reminder from Colossians 1:16-17 how God created everything and he is before everything.

  62. Dawn Berry says:

    In these crazy days we are living I really needed the reminder from Colossians 1

  63. Dawn Berry says:

    In these crazy days were living in I really needed the reminder from Colossians one verse is 16 and 17 about how everything comes from God and he is before all things.

    1. Ferran Kefauver says:

      Love this!!

  64. Stacey Copeland says:

    I often look over the promises of God and this is a great reminder that we have a yes in Him. I look forward to learning more about the specific things he promises in the Old and New Testament and how they can be applied today. Leaning on his promises of 1 Cor 1:15-20 today.

  65. Colleen Small says:

    Thank God for YES :)

  66. Ferran Kefauver says:

    I love that we always have a yes in Christ. I’m excited to learn more promises I can cling to in Jesus.

  67. Kathu Ewoldt says:

    The two mistakes made me think.

    1. JazzMonae Sinegal says:

      Me too!

    2. Erica Riley says:

      I wasn’t even aware or thinking of those! It makes me want to be more aware of these when listening to sermons or songs, etc.

  68. Alissa Weise says:

    I just started this study guide today! And wow I’m so thankful for God’s Word and promises! Praise be to Jesus! ❤️

  69. Shonda Thomas says:

    I stand on God’s promises everyday and I want to learn to apply properly! ❤️

  70. Jordan Ahlstrom says:

    I just started this study today, and already am over whelmed by Gods grace and love for us. That His word is true and his promises are YES is something I will hold onto. Thank you God for loving us.

    1. Jamie ElliottFeisal says:


  71. Amelia says:

    Love this!!

  72. Kacee Whittle says:

    2 corinthians 1:20

    God promises point to Jesus!!

    -God has promised to give us life ((1john 2:25)
    -life that is in Jesus (John 6:35 & romans 6:23)
    -God promises to give us peace (psalm 29:11)
    -that peace is in Jesus ( John 16:33)
    -God promises mercy (Isaiah 12:1)
    -those mercies are coming through Jesus!! (John 3:16)

    Also— Jesus is that affirmation to Gods YES!
    God promised a new covenant and He DELIVERED with Jesus! We should trust in Gods judgement and His yes, because it truly means YES!

    (Please criticize me if there are errors! I would hate to put words into Gods mouth or share something that is not true! This is just what I got when I dig deeper! :)

    ** referenced from BLB C2000 Series on 2 Corinthians 1-2 by Chuck Smith**

  73. Caitlin Hicks says:


  74. Jackie Tuckerman says:

    Is anyone having trouble with highlighting? It’s not working for me.

    1. Katie Curry says:

      Yeah mine hasn’t been working for a few days now

  75. Tammy Mielke says:


  76. Andie Battles says:

    Jesus is on every page of the Old Testament. He is the better Judge, the better King, he is the true sacrificial lamb. All of God promises in the OT are fulfilled in the shedding of his blood.

  77. Tori GraceByers says:

    I sometimes have trouble understanding what the promises of God are. I tend to unknowingly fall into the belief that God isn’t going to do all of these things He did in the Old Testament. I think I fall into this belief about Him and His promises because I forget that not all of His promises are about me. As a self centered human, my nature is to believe that God isn’t fulfilling “promises” I have in my head that He my ay have never even promised me to begin with. I need to re-evaluate what I see as His promises.

    1. Donna Hanson says:

      You have spoken some wisdom here Tori❤️

  78. Nikki Rabil says:

    Thank you Hod for your YES

  79. Traci Bognuda says:

    Yes, Jesus IS the image of the invisible God. Yes, Jesus IS the first born of all creation. Yes, Jesus IS the creator of everything. Yes, Jesus IS before all things. Yes, Jesus IS the one who holds all things together. Yes, Jesus IS head of the church. Yes, Jesus IS the beginning. Yes, Jesus IS the one in whom all the fullness of God dwells. Yes, Jesus IS the reconciler of all things. Yes, Jesus IS the ultimate peacemaker.

  80. Jennifer Nowlin says:

    It is such a comfort that God’s Promises are Yes because of what Christ has doevene for us. Thank you for being faithful

  81. Sloan Gaze says:

    I love the word of God, it’s so good for my soul. So sad that I slack to read it sometimes

  82. Kayla-Yevette Almasco says:

    What are the promises of God?

  83. Martha Nakiranda says:

    Just lost my baby was 19 weeks pregnant it’s sooo sad

    1. Louisa Wendorff says:

      Praying for you heart and your faith! What a terrible loss! Thank you Jesus for being good always! And for bringing and being comfort and healing to your daughter in this time!

    2. Larissa Ocampo says:

      So sorry to hear of your loss Martha! In the face of such immense grief and loss, our God is the only one who can provide true comfort and hope. Praying you will experience God’s peace that passes all understanding in this time ❤️

    3. Eliza Batten says:

      I’m so sorry to hear this Martha. Praying for you right now that God will give you his peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding as you cast your grief onto him

    4. Ingrid LeMunyon says:

      He promises that He’s right there next to you. Crying with you. Rest in Him. Praying for you. And so am I.

  84. Christina Dettweiler says:

    Learning the word of God feels great and His Promises of Yes is pure hope in a better more Happier me.

  85. Sameca Joyner says:

    I pray for togetherness and family time. I pray we keep God first and don’t let man bring us down or slow us down when we walk for Christ.❤

  86. Minnette Stevenson says:

    Just subscribed and began today, looking forward to this study

  87. Alisa Shoults says:

    Thankful for God’s promises

  88. Janae says:

    Erika, I love that! I am just starting this today after feeling nudging from the Lord and there is so much truth in that. I think going into this study part of me thought, “I will get to see fully the promises that God had that will benefit me.” Ha. And then I see your comment. . I love it. And the reality is this study, at least right now, seems to be more about awakening more deep truth about Who God is and just how important my faith in Christ is with Him being the yes or completion of those promises.

  89. Erika Andrews says:

    As I was digging into today’s reading, and as I’m just getting started with this study, it came to mind how vital, how important it is to understand that God’s promises don’t merely benefit us, if at all, in the way of achievement (like, I’m not going to God’s promises to gain from them), but rather as we look at God’s promises for us today, they secure us because Christ is the completion of them. Hopefully that makes sense! Makes me more eager to read on and learn

    1. Roman Yimer says:

      Yes indeed

  90. Chipo Samantha Chironga says:

    The promises of God are evident in my life daily

  91. Dori Linderman says:

    I’m new to SRT and this is my very first study. I started today so I’m a bit behind everyone else, but that’s okay. Looking forward to learning with and from you all.

    1. Yosmery Frias says:

      Same !

    2. Kara Mattea says:

      Not my first SRT, but I did just start this one today too ♥️

    3. Tracy Dyckman says:


    4. Allison Reed says:

      Hi Dori! I’m not new but I’m behind too! Just know I’m journeying with you.

    5. Renee Adams says:

      Same! Just began today!

    6. Erika Andrews says:

      I just started today so you are not alone! Can’t wait to learn more about God’s promises!

  92. Kelly Dorin says:

    @Shelby Lynn, I had the same questions. I found some helpful articles on John Piper’s Desiring God site that’s discussed the promises.

  93. Adrienne Fonda says:

    We are so blessed! God loves us and all

  94. Chelsea Laurel says:

    Shelby Lynn, I find myself wondering the same thing. I just started the study today and wondered if applying all promises directly to my life isn’t biblical….and believing the only promise is eternal life isn’t biblical either…..then HOW do I apply God’s promises now? I came to the comments looking for some clarification (and turned to prayer of course). I’m hoping that as I continue to read this study that the “how” will be revealed.

    1. Tammy Zdunich says:

      I love this! I can’t wait to learn more and more!

  95. Yajaira Ortega says:


  96. Krista says:

    I understand. Keep holding on. The peace we receive through trusting God and His sovereignty in our lives cannot be found apart from Him. ❤️

  97. Amber E says:

    I haven’t done a SRT study in awhile, but something told me to pick it back up this morning. I have been struggling these last few weeks, and I haven’t focused on my relationship with God because I have been busying myself with other things to keep from sitting still in His presence. You see, when I sit long enough, the grief of this time starts to take its toll – grief for my children that their spring has been torn from them by this virus. Grief for my family as we had big plans this year to purchase our first home, but the virus has caused us to postpone the process.

    Now, I know it was God reminding me that He is still here – patiently and waiting for me and reminding me that His promises are still true. ❤️

    1. Leisa Larson says:

      What a beautiful testimony to a God’s hand in your life. May His Word and His Presence give you peace in the midst of this time.

    2. Abigail Smith says:

      I have been feeling the same way too. Disconnected from God and anxious about all that is happening. What a good God who is always with us and keeping his promises even we are not ❤️

  98. Nana says:

    The two traveling to Emmaus, walked with HIM for hours and couldn’t recognize him but once they broke Bread, SUDDENLY their eyes were opened and they saw him.
    Among several other things, the breaking of bread (communion) opens our eyes to see the SUPERNATURAL.

    1. Yosmery Frias says:

      Thank you for this!

    2. Collette Yarbrough says:


  99. Liliana Gonzalez says:

    I don’t like this new normal. I understand the stay at home rules. Each and every time I put on my face mask, my eyes get watery. I speak out loud as I begin to cry for God to help us all. I repeat scripture to myself and his promises. Most of the time it helps, other times I stay in that headspace for a while.

  100. Nicole Green says:

    I’m so encouraged by this devotional. I believe we are in a time where we must look to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith. In Him we move and have our being! I’m truly blessed in finding this app!

  101. Anna Kittelson says:

    In this crazy time, my soul needed this study. I’m really looking forward to finding His streams in the wastelands (Ps 107:35)

  102. Kelley says:

    This is a reply to BJ Sidney H – I can see how you think people wearing a mask are lacking faith in God, but I see it little differently. For me I do what I can, then leave it in God’s hands. I wear a seat belt, had my kids in car seats, use bike helmets – even used birth control early in my marriage….all the while knowing that things still happen. I’ll wear my mask out in public as our governor has asked (I’m in Louisiana)…but I know it’s not a guarantee…if I still get sick, I get sick. But I want to know that I did what I could to help out. May all of us continue to grow stronger in the Lord,/K

    1. Collette Yarbrough says:

      Great explanation ❤️

  103. Timmy McNamee says:

    So looking forward to the light out of the darkness, God has a plan. He knows his path and has promised us all a great life.

  104. Allyah Putnam says:

    I needed to hear this. Life has been so down and I am turning to the word. I can’t even want to get more into this study!

  105. Shelby Lynn says:

    I read this post the day is came out and I would be lying to say if it didn’t trigger a deep question within. The post states that the promises of the past and how we transfer those promises to our present are NOT biblical and basically it’s not what it means. But we are given the ‘yes’ in Christ. I guess just overwhelmed with life flying around me currently.. can someone slow me down and ground me to what we have in Christ right now that’s not manipulating scripture to my needs or desires?

    1. Katarina Richardson says:

      Hi Shelby, I think questions like yours are so important to ask, so I hope that you are encouraged by this way that God is stirring your heart. It stirred mine too, and prompted me to look up more of the promises of God that are kind of vaguely referred to in this devotional. I hope these help make connections in your heart and mind like they did mine. (PS- I did not reference all the scripture passages by number, and these are just a few of examples.)
      – God promises Abraham he will be a father of a multitudes of nations (Genesis). This promise wouldn’t seem to apply to Gentiles. And true, the nation Israel is great, but in Christ the family of God (the New Israel) is too numerous to count just as the stars. So it is a “Yes”, in Christ!
      – When Egypt enslaved Israel, God promised deliverance for his people (Exodus). He does save them, but more so God sends Jesus to deliver us from our enslavement to sin. “Yes” in Christ!
      – The Lord will established you [Israel] as a holy people to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in his ways (Deut. 28:9). Again we are not the ethnic Israel, and it would seem that this promise would not apply to us today, nor anyone who broke the commandments (every single human except Jesus), but because of Christ he is our God and we are his people despite our birthright, our sin, our place in time, and so much more.

      Without knowing the Gospel (good news) that Jesus is, these promises of God are just stories (history of religion) to us lacking meaning and application. But because Christ has came, we are included and blessed in all the covenants of God! A resounding “Yes” in Christ means today and in eternity we are beneficiaries of his grace and given hope, peace, and joy in relationship with him! If your curious for more, keep looking in His Word. Jesus is everything you’re hoping to find!

      1. Amber Dean says:

        I needed to read this. I’ve had questions as well. Thank you for this. It helps to continue to read and discover. This has helped me. So thank you. ❤️

  106. Caren Banta says:

    Wow, such revelation it is. To learn God’s promises leads to deeply understanding Christ. Looking forward to study more about God’s promises!

  107. Trisa LakatosIffland says:


  108. Kellee Overholser says:

    I’m glad to be doing this study. I was gifted the subscription for Christmas and this is the first study I have done. What a blessing to know that all promises are YES in Christ.

  109. Chelsea Clifton says:

    Just getting back into the Word daily and I’m so glad to start back with this!

  110. BJ Sidney H says:

    I don’t know ‍♀️ what to reply. I live alone and I am having a difficult time with how the world is living in fear. It’s astounding to me. Is no one else struggling? I am doing the best I can to keep my focus on Jesus. I go to a store and half the people are wearing masks. That’s crazy to me. Are there so few people who trust in God?

    1. Julie Smith says:

      This is a challenging time – we could all use some words of encouragement too. I will pray for a more peaceful day and week for you for in the weeks to come. I do believe we are all struggling a little bit internally – some show it more than others. Keep your head up and faith moving. Cheers’

    2. Leisa Larson says:

      Many are fearful right now. That’s so true. If they don’t know Christ as Savior and Lord, this is completely unhinging. When I wear a mask, it’s because I’m loving my neighbor. As a way to protect others and myself from this external illness that has taken so many lives. That’s one way I can fulfill the second commandment right now.

  111. Jenny Davidson says:

    We’re working through Colossians in our sermon series at church. The preeminence of Christ is truly wonderful to behold!

  112. Katie says:

    I never comment, but this book has already blown me away! I love the essays at the front of each day and the prayer inspiration. I haven’t seen this in your last couple of books and just wanted to say that I love it and thank you ❤️ can’t wait to start this series!!

  113. Alli Vasquez says:

    So glad to be hear, really trying to dig into the Word everyday, grateful SRT makes it so easy!

  114. Angela May says:

    I am looking forward to starting this study. This is my first SRT study.

    1. Heather Storey says:

      Welcome! You will love it.

  115. Cassie Curl says:

    I’m new here just subscribed and got on today and ordered everything yesterday excited!!!!

    1. Cat Curl says:

      Hi Cassie welcome from another Curl girl! :)

  116. Jessica Nicolas says:

    I’m so thankful that through Christ all these promises are available for my family and I. ♡

  117. Natalie McMahon says:

    Looking forward to starting the study! This is my first SRT study and certainly first time on an app.

    1. Camille English Davis says:

      Welcome Natalie! I’ve been studying with SRT the last 6 months. It’s been a tremendous blessing for me and I pray the same for you.

  118. Anabel P says:

    I’m new here! Just subscribed and ordered my Bible! I’m so excited! ✨

    1. JoAnn Zyph says:


    2. Laurie Crary says:


  119. Josie Schmucker says:

    I am so looking forward to this study! After the loss of our second son through miscarriage countless people would tell me “Lean on the promises of God” but when I asked for more information like “which one?” They would respond with “Oh, I don’t know?” It just confused me more. So I’ve decided I want to dive into the promises of God so that I can understand them better myself and help myself and others apply them more accurately. Thank you so much SRT for putting this together!

    1. Shirley Miller says:

      I am sorry about your miscarriage. I lost two children to miscarriage. May you find comfort as you study the Scriptures and learn you can indeed lean on the promises of God.

  120. Mikia says:

    Good morning ladies! I didn’t read yesterday so I’m playing catch up. I’m excited to do this study and I’m excited to do it with you all ! ❤️

  121. Elsa Terry says:

    I’m excited for this study. Finishing up 1,2,&3 John was so good. We can KNOW who Jesus is – He is truth and His promises are sure! ❤️

  122. Kelly Vieira says:

    May God Bless all the readers of this study and those who spend time daily with Him in prayer and scripture. Amen.

  123. Mary Jane Meyer says:

    My favorite attribute about the Lord is his immutability- that he does not and cannot change. That means he CAN’T NOT keep his promises! So excited about this study!!

  124. Jamie says:

    This is why we need to pray the Scriptures over our lives and our families! SO GOOD!

    1. Angela Woodland says:


  125. Raglena Salmans says:

    God is so good, His steadfast love endures forever!

  126. Stephanie Willis says:

    I love the second half of the promise verse that says through Christ the Amen is spoken. God’s promises are true and will be accomplished through Christ. Like saying amen agter prayer, meaning let it be so, we know and can trust that God is faithful to fulfill his promises since he already conquered death through the cross.

  127. Stephanie Willis says:

    I love the second half of the promise verse that says through Christ the Amen is spoken.

  128. Lindsey Ellingwood says:

    Excited to join the SRT community! This study is the ‘right’ fit for right now. Thank you!

  129. Tracy Gedicks says:

    We are currently studying Romans in church via zoom every Sunday. I love how Paul quotes the Old Testement promises and illustrates our placement as believers within those promises. Truly looking forward to the encouragement this study will bring with His promises.

  130. Anna Kuhn says:

    What a great reminder in these trying times!

  131. Becca Schumann says:

    This is my first SRT study! I’m excited to start this with you all! Last year I went through a deeply disappointed journey that I thought the Lord was going to save me from. He didn’t. I want to ground myself more firmly in the promises Jesus has made, instead of my assumptions of what He’s going to do.

    1. Heather DaughteroftheKing says:


  132. Caitlin Hopstein says:

    Excited to start this study! It’s been a while since I’ve done a SRT study and I absolutely love doing them. Praying the Lord opens my eyes, heart, mind and ears to use this study to speak to me and help me dive deeper into the word!

  133. Sarah Rose says:

    This is my first study with our community here in awhile! I’ve missed it. I’m so happy to be back studying with you ladies!!

  134. Kerri BarefieldBurson says:

    I’m so grateful for this SRT community.

  135. Renna Peer says:

    How easy it is to believe one way or another regarding the promises of God. I haven’t actually interpreted Scripture in that way, but it is understandable. I have, however, misinterpreted what some promises indeed mean. Even reading the breakdown of some promises of God in the introductory pages corrected one such thought. Yes, God allows us to sometimes ‘break’ when burdened or heavy laden. But, He is faithful and walks with us through the brokenness! Several years ago I had the experience of breaking
    apart from some immensely heavy issues. My Father didn’t abandon me or leave me to suffer! He picked me up, He sent strong and loving Christian’s, and He began a healing that, still to this day, I’m experiencing.

  136. Brooke Conner says:

    Beyond excited to join the she reads family. This study is the perfect place to start. To know all things are being held together by Him, even me and my unrighteousness!!!

  137. Ashley Thomas says:

    Sisters, I don’t know what I would do without these studies. They have become such a part of my daily life. I look forward to reading your comments each day. We all have different perspectives, and I often am led to think about something in a new light. I am blessed beyond measure to have God’s grace and mercy bestowed upon me each day. I can always rely on Him, no matter what the world throws at me. His is my rock. I stand firmly upon Him.

  138. Gabriela Colón says:

    This is my first study. Hopefully I get to learn more about God and grow on my faith. Wish there was an option to read the study in Spanish, I’m from the Dominican Republic

    1. Jae Marie says:

      Welcome Gabriela!

  139. Meghan Ellis says:

    Extra thankful for this study for such a time as this ❤️

  140. Valerie Alleyne says:

    Today is my first study with She Reads. I am looking forward learning, understanding and growing.

  141. Jessica Williamston says:

    God is faithful to fulfill every promise. So I dont need to feel sorry for myself or let failures define me. God cares about everything all the details of my life. I am not alone he sees me and all I must do is stay close to him and seek his daily face for renewal and satisfying relationship.

  142. Megan Saller says:

    Looking forward to resting in the premises from our God! Promises that I’ve found from today’s study:
    God is gracious and faithful.
    Our sins are forgiven through the blood of Jesus, and we are reconciled to God through Him.
    All things are meant to glorify our God

  143. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God is so faithful. All throughout the Old Testament he promised there would be a messiah, and then he brings Jesus into the world. I pray that I would remember, know and believe the promises of God. I pray they would be my solid rock foundation. I want to remember that everything else is sinking sand. So excited for this study!! It is very similar to a message we are doing at my church!

  144. Cristina Higgins says:

    Anna, I take my cards out and drop them in places I think they might need a Word from the Lord. Send them in letters or cards.

  145. Peggy Larmore says:

    Excited to learn The Promises of God,

  146. DOROTHY SALLER says:

    To me God’s greatest promise of sending Christ to earth to die for our sins so we can have everlasting life is wonderful. I know what it is like to have lost a child. The pain, suffering and grief Mary went through when her son died I know first-hand. No my child was not as special as hers and didn’t die in such a terrible way but I know the grief she experienced. I know the grief God must of experienced and YES I believe God can experience grief. I believe God experiences grief every time one of children dies unexpectedly, just like He rejoices every time one of His children comes to trust and have faith in Him or returns to Him.

  147. Belinda Iarume says:

    Super excited to start this new study ❤

  148. Kim McCulley says:

    I can’t locate support. Am I the only one having trouble with the app? Very glitchy the past few days. I couldn’t access yesterday’s devotional at all, and had trouble getting today’s. I can’t get to any previous devotionals; everything I click keeps taking me to the 1, 2, 3 John home page. I did finally manage to get to today’s devotional after several misdirections. I’ve already re-started phone; that’s not the problem.

    1. Madison Floyd says:

      Same here! It will not allow me to access any of my plans, and I even deleted the app and then got it again (did not help). Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

      1. Katie Ferry says:

        Same issues here!

      2. Annie Bartley says:


      3. Jen Brewer says:

        Me too!

    2. Jennifer Anapol says:

      This happened to me yesterday as well. I was able to access this plan. Hopefully you were able to as well.

    3. Lisa Vanderplate says:

      My IPad app has been glitchy but on my phone it has been fine

    4. Jen Brewer says:

      I can only access this plan and cannot access any of my other plans. The app has been very buggy for me the last 2 weeks. Also deleted and reloaded the app a couple days ago and it seems worse and I lost all my highlighted Scriptures. I’ve written support 3 times—hope it is fixed soon too!

  149. Taylor Hayden says:

    I’m new here and this is my first SRT study book, I’m a little stuck on what to write in the notes & journal prompt section so any help/guidance would be appreciated. As I’m just restarting my journey with Christ (I’ve been away from the church for about 12 years now, since I was a kid). I’m slowly getting myself back in and trying to understand and learn as much as possible. Any tips, help or kind words would be much appreciated. I’m super excited to dive in to this study and all the others to come throughout the year. ❤️

    1. K D says:

      Hi Taylor – welcome to this community – and I’m so glad Christ has you on this journey! I don’t know if this will be helpful or not. I too often struggle with what to write but have gotten to a place where I just tend to use that section to write down prayers or to rewrite what the Lord is showing me through the passage. So if there is anything that jumps out at me or anything I want to know more about I just jot it down over there. Today I just wrote down promises surrounding the nature of God (ie compassionate) that I saw in the text. Anyway I would just encourage you to experience freedom with it and pray for God to lead through his word. Praying for you today!!

    2. Emily Avila says:

      Hi Taylor- this is my first SRT study book as well! I’m used to doing books of the Bible studies. So far in the notes today I rewrote the promises of God in bullet points: -He is faithful -He is Truth – Everything was created by Him. -Jesus is the image of the invisible God.
      Hope this helps!

    3. DeJana Parker says:

      Hi Taylor! I usually use the notes and journal space to write a little prayer to God. After I’ve read and highlighted the verses that really spoke to me, I go to the notes space and write “ Dear God” and I write out a prayer. Nothing super formal, I write as if I’m speaking to a friend. That’s what works best for me and it took some time to figure that out. The more time you spend in God’s word, you’ll figure out what works best for you too! Don’t feel pressured to have a perfect system of studying the Bible ( that was my problem) . Try your best to stay consistent and slowly but surely you’ll figure out what to write ( if anything at all). I’ve seen some people draw little pictures or even paste in photos of loved ones. Whatever makes you feel connected to God :) hope that helps!

    4. Tree Z says:

      Hi Taylor Welcome back I had a season of about 10 years when I was not seeking a close relationship with God either, I’ve been back about 7 years now and my heart is bursting with gratitude for God’s faithful love. I know you will experience that too.

      I don’t think there is anything new I can add, in terms of what to write, you have good advice here the only thing I would say is just put out your heart to God, all your thoughts, all your concerns he’s waiting to guide, direct and love on you ❤️ praying God’s blessings and encouragement for you

    5. Lisa Seale says:

      Welcome Taylor, What a blessing to see another sister to return on a day such as this!!!!! I to have struggled with what to write, mine comes from the fear of not getting it right(my past dictates my present) some days I don’t write other days I just write what is going on with me right now. I have to remind myself it is not being graded!!!! We are all stumbling in the right direction!!

    6. Betsy Poole says:

      Hi Taylor! I recently learned a simple Bible study method that has really helped me dive into scripture. It’s called the Sword method, and what you do is answer 6 questions about the passage(s) you are studying:

      1. What does this say about God?
      2. What does this day about people?
      3. Is there a sin (or sins) to avoid?
      4. Is there a promise (or promises) to claim?
      5. Is there an example to follow?
      6. Is there a command (commands) to observe?

      It usually takes me about 15-20 minutes, and I normally write words & phrases rather than complete sentences. Sometimes I’ll also re-write a verse or portions of a verse as my answers. I have been learning so much about God and my relationship with Him by using this method!

    7. Jade Nguyen says:

      I have trouble figuring out what to write in the notes section as well but I like to circle God’s name in scripture to remind me that the Bible is about God and it’s His Story that we get to be apart of. I also like to write definitions of certain words. Even if I know what they mean, rewriting a definition of a work can help have a deeper understanding. I have been using bible dictionary apps to help.

    8. Bernadette BeckstedPerry says:

      Hi Taylor, I also read the comments and if I find something that helps me connect, I write it down as well. I borrow from hoopla and library commentaries on the Bible section we are studying and write down notes in my SRT guide. Welcome and ask your questions, everyone here is so very helpful.

  150. Kim Casper says:

    My favorite verse in the reading today was Col 1:17, “He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Jesus does hold all things together, including his children!! Amen

  151. Pam Williams says:

    Kristina, may God’s as He peace overwhelm you carries you along this exciting path. Just speak His name when the anxieties come, Jesus, I trust you… E ven if you must speak a thousand times today

  152. Ashley White says:


  153. Krystle says:

    I’m so excited for this study because I’ve often fallen into the camp of the second mistake-knowing I have eternal life in Christ Jesus, but not knowing how His promises affect my life right now. I’m looking forward to having a better understanding after this! ❤️

  154. Kimberly Strunk says:

    I’m excited for this study! God is good and keeps his promises!

  155. Brandy Cormier says:

    Very excited to be joining in on my first study! Looking forward to learning alongside you all ❤

    1. Traci Gendron says:

      Welcome Brandy! I really have enjoyed SRT studies. I hope you to as well!

  156. Margaret Lindsey says:

    Looking forward to studying God’s promises in order to remember them in the moment of stress, or when someone mentions in a sermon to rest on the promises of God….in the moment I draw a blank! So hope by studying I’ll better remember what they are. I guess the first one is that all others are made possible because of Christ!

  157. Kristina Moore says:

    Hi, ladies. I could really use some prayer. I’m currently 39 weeks pregnant and struggling with a husband and in-laws who aren’t on the same page as me with the current safety precautions going on in our state. I understand that no one in our family is sick and would be sick by now if the had the virus. But knowing that myself and my soon to be baby have weaker immune systems is scary to me. And I feel like trusting in God doesn’t mean we should stop taking basic safety measures, like washing hands, wearing masks, and keeping our distance. And my anxiety and pregnancy hormones don’t make it easier. Any prayer my way would be extremely appreciated. I’m looking forward to delving into Gods promises and hearing more about His love for us.

    1. Melanie Gray says:

      Praying for you and your family, I too have a compromised immune system from chemo for my autoimmune illnesses but my family takes it very serious. I pray the Lord opens their eyes that while He does provide us protection some of it comes through basic knowledge such as our basic safety precautions.

    2. Autumn Bremer says:

      Praying for you. I have a three week old and I totally understand your worries, going into the hospital to give birth during this time was stressful. My husband was very cautious going into it but he’s also getting weary of the restrictions and my in-laws want to come from out of state (flying) to meet the baby and aren’t happy with me for resisting the visit. It’s a stressful time to be giving birth for sure.

    3. Kris Wolverton says:

      Praying God’s peace over you Kristina. God is your Rock of protection and praying as you trust in Him and keep your eyes on Him your heart will be at rest.

    4. Melanie Rastrelli says:

      Prayers for you and your baby’s safety and for understanding from your husband and in-laws to support you. God bless you. ✝️

    5. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I will be praying for the safety of you and your baby and clarity for your husband and in laws. I pray you would feel supported by them during this time. I also pray you would feel the Lord’s protection and peace.

  158. Sophia Wentlandt says:

    I’ve been really excited for this study. I’ve found God’s promises to be the only rock I can depend on. Looking forward today to thinking about how each promise is fulfilled and amplified in Christ :)

  159. Paige says:

    I love this ❤️

  160. Lisa Hermansson says:

    Exited also for this study, so happy I came across this community!

    1. Teresa Gonzales says:

      Same !

  161. Melinda says:


  162. Diana Fleenor says:

    I, glad along with the expressions of many here, to be in this study of the promises of God. The thought that came to mind when reading the selected passages was how we need the promises of God to buoy our hearts, minds and souls in order to do the good works to which he calls us. Without meditating on his steadfast love, his forgiving manner, his patience in being slow to anger in regard to our sin, etc., I know that I’m pulled away from his strength. Oh how we need to know his promises to be strengthened for his work! And it was good to be reminded to be prayerful in order to discern rightly what are the promises that are meant for you and for me. Praying that for all of us!

  163. Natalie says:

    Hi Shes! I’m so looking forward to this study. It feels so timely and necessary for where we are now. Two songs that I think will be encouraging and apt for this study are “This We Know” by Vertical Worship and “God is Good” by Dustin Kensrue. Give them a listen and be encouraged.

  164. Donna Wolcott says:

    Every day I read one page in a little book called, “Jesus Calling”. I would like to share today with all of you. “Come to Me with empty hands and an open heart, ready to receive abundant blessings. I know the depth and breadth of your neediness. Your life-path may have been difficult and draining. Come to Me for nuture. Let Me fill you up with My Presence: I in you and you in Me. My Power flows most freely into seak ones aware of their need for Me. Faltering steps of dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to My Presence.” Readings John 17:20-23;Isaiah 40:29-31. Have a blessed day sisters.

    1. Cristina Higgins says:

      Donna! I read this devotional daily and I’m constantly amazed the the message is so point on for my day and/or a struggle I’m going through. I’ve shared this book with many of my sisters in Christ.

  165. Rebekah C says:

    The basis for all of God’s promises is found in the death on the cross and the resurrection from the grave of Jesus Christ.

    If you dare to believe that, believe the words of Jesus Christ, all the other promises fall in line according to God’s will.

    God is not a miracle vending machine, but it’s a relationship. Jesus has relationship with the father and we have the same through Him.

    If you and I can grasp that, the rest becomes simple because it all goes back to the relationship. Want to know why something does or does not happen, ask the author of your faith.

  166. Ginger Seay says:

    I mix them up and put them in a glass container on my dresser. Every day I pull one to read. It just gives me an extra verse to think about.

  167. Jenna says:

    I love how our holy God makes himself knowable to sinful man. In Exodus 34, we see God coming down to meet Moses. In Luke 24, we see Jesus walking alongside the disciples. What a gift of God’s grace that He comes down to our level and meets us where we are! Praying that we would all have a fresh encounter with the one, true God again today. Praying that God would reignite our love for Him and we’d experience our “hearts burning within us” like the disciples on the road to Emmaus.

  168. Mikayla Kwab says:

    I am with you. This is beyond what I ever thought being a teacher would be but this too will pass. Praying for you.

  169. Brittany Taylor says:

    Before I read today I prayed that God would help keep me focused and reveal something he would like me to listen for. I asked and I was given. He is still there for me. I have said yes to Jesus! He is faithful and he loves me. And that’s exactly what I needed to hear today.

  170. Claire Berkeley-Hitt says:

    Good morning Sisters,
    Yes, a new study! I am excited to see all the eagerness I too feel. I pray I will choose to be here daily! So easy to get draw into all my other to-dos when my time is limited (as is all of ours, huh?)

    Angie and Heidi, thank you for your remarks and encouragement. “I am not God” will be my motto this week! My little girl is 21 months and I long for so much her days to be constructive and meaningful. Angie, you feel the weight of your students on your shoulders and Heidi, your full house! I too feel like I am not enough to keep up with my child all day, ever day. She tires of each activity quickly and were back in the kitchen or shes asking for screen time! Makes for long days. I miss our parent/child classes that use to give our days more structure and external stimulation. God has been good throughout these days and given me grace and inspiration in hard, long hours. I will pray from both of you this week!

    Olivia, welcome! I just started “tuning in” here a few weeks ago thanks to a mentor as well. I will pray for you as well.

  171. Michelle L.Chaney says:

    With all that’s being said about the world’s current and future state, it’s such a comfort to be reassured of God’s intent for us. Let God’s Word be Truth and everything else a lie!

  172. Nicole Burgos says:

    I am excited for this study !

  173. Sabrina Lynn says:

    Amazing reminder!

  174. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    As I sat down to do today’s study in SRT, I remembered that we had finished our study of 1,2 & 3rd John and felt a bit of excitement in wondering where our new study would be. When I saw the title of our new study – The Promises of God – I thought, “Yes! This is going to be good!” and I’m sure it will be, just as all the other studies are…I have been saved for over 50 years and God’s word still thrills me! There is always something new to learn, no matter how many times you’ve read it. So excited for this new study! Thank you to all the faithful writer servants of SRT, who always give us something to look forward to as we seek to know God more and more.

  175. Elizabeth Polley says:

    Colossians 1:19- For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. What a powerful description of Christ. What a gift and honor it is to know Him. To have a relationship with Him. Him in whom God dwelled. That verse really struck me this morning, and I wish I were more eloquent with words to describe my thoughts on it!

    1. Katie Sadler says:

      This verse was beautiful to me today as well!

  176. Molly Bronson says:

    God is the ultimate Promise Keeper! I’m so excited for this study.

  177. Nancy Singleton says:

    Really excited for this study! And I love meeting here & reading everyone’s comments. Another devotional I do each day used “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, & with all your strength.” This spoke to me of my need to put effort into knowing & loving God. How better to do this than by diving deeper into the promises He has made to us! Thank you SRT!

  178. Mary Null says:

    What a great focus for the next few weeks! I love the reminders that God’s promises are not isolated to the past, but a part of our future as well.

  179. Carla says:

    Kristine L your promise that you are leaning on of God holding all things together brought to mind a beautiful song from Amy Grant (Breathe of Heaven).
    Part of the chorus goes like this:
    Breath of heaven
    Hold me together
    Be forever near me
    Breath of heaven
    Breath of heaven
    Lighten my darkness
    Pour over me your holiness
    For you are holy
    Breath of heaven

  180. Tonya Williams says:

    I am really sitting on the edge of my seat with this one—-wow! This is a subject area I really want to understand—I’ve wrestled in the past with understanding it!

  181. Stephanie Scott says:

    “You Have Done Great Things” by Phil Wickham has our key verse in the chorus! His promises are yes and amen!

  182. Bobbie B says:

    Interestingly, a verse that stood out to me was in Luke 24 when the men urged Jesus to stay with them, saying that the day was already spent. We have but so much time in a day. Once spent, it’s gone. We can’t prolong it by staying up late. Use the time God has gifted us. Find the yes’s in this day and allow the day to close when the time comes.

  183. Ja'Khyiha Stevens says:

    I love this!

  184. Jasmine R says:

    So excited for this study! I think we could all use the sweet reminder of God’s many promises, right about now.

    1. Ja'Khyiha Stevens says:

      Yes ma’am!

  185. Cheryl Mavroulis says:


  186. Jeannie Burrus says:

    “Lord Jesus, stay with us, for evening is at hand and the day is past; be our companion in the way, kindle our hearts, and awaken hope, that we may know you as you are revealed in Scripture and the breaking of bread. Grant this for the sake of your love. Amen.”.

    ~Book of Common Prayer

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Amen! Beautiful prayer. Thanks for sharing Jeannie ❤️

  187. Erricka Hager says:

    Wow – the opening of the essay really calls out how selfish we are as people. I’m guilty of trying to adapt God’s promises into my worldly situations but this study has reminded me that by doing that, I’m erasing God’s will and replacing it with my own. Instead of being the driver, Father help me to be an active participant in Your will, Your promises and Your plans.

  188. Olivia says:

    I am thanking God for leading me to SheReadsTruth. I am new to the community and eager to read and interact with others who are reading too. “He is before all things, and by him, all things hold together.” ❤️

    He led me here. He is holding me together.

    1. Jane K says:

      Welcome Olivia!

  189. Sammi Bryan says:

    The start of this reading plan has already brought a breath of fresh air into my life… such goodness. I’ve always been fascinated by the journey to Emmaus, the doubt those disciples already feel, they start talking about Jesus as a Prophet rather than Messiah, so soon after the cross, but i relate so much and am so thankful that there are stories where the disciples who walked with Jesus doubted their own beliefs, their experiences, even the words of Jesus himself. I’m thankful that Jesus prioritised journeying with those disciples (and us!) so he could open their eyes once more and bring hope and revelation.

  190. Mary Pitner says:

    I can’t wait to learn more! I want to keep Christ at the forefront of my every minute.

  191. Ingrid LeMunyon says:

    Ooh I am looking forward to these next few weeks. Nothing more restoring in this crazy time then recharging from Gods promises.

    1. Grace Dawson Beatty says:

      Yes!! I agree, totally!!

  192. Stephanie says:

    I have been so excited about this study! Love the hopeful theme, especially in times like this! And I’m really looking forward to understanding what promises are actually meant for me versus which I just apply to myself when I read the Bible.

  193. Mattie White says:

    I am so excited to start this study! Praying that we all learn more about our father and that we draw closer to him. Love and blessings to all my sisters!

  194. Heidi says:

    ANGIE- praying for you as well as all the parents today dealing with this. It’s so hard, on both sides… Suddenly, overnight, being thrown into a world where I’m no longer able to do MY job/earn a living and simultaneously been told I’m now a full time teacher for 2 grades, I’m 2 different specials teachers everyday, I’m the one in charge of lunch and snacks and outside time… along with a small baby who has a schedule of his own that, again, I am the one in charge of. This along with just the everyday chores of running a house has proven overwhelming beyond anything I could imagine. I have days I feel strength and capability and I have days I spend more hours crying than anything else. Praying BOTH of our days go better today and if Jesus brings unexpected interruption, we handle it with grace and gratitude. And not just towards the people interrupting, but towards OURSELVES as well.

  195. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    Excited to start this study. Love the connection right off the bat of looking at Christ as the fulfillment of all of God’s promises.

  196. Stacey Wilson says:


  197. Laura Gelinas says:

    I’m excited for this new study, and to see what promises God has given

  198. Sue says:

    Love the imagery in The Message version of this verse:
    “Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus.”

    1. Ingrid LeMunyon says:


    2. Erricka Hager says:


    3. Terri McCafferty says:


  199. Kristine Loughman says:

    “In him all things hold together” might be the promise I’m leaning into the hardest right now.

    1. Ashley Warren says:

      It’s one of my very favorite verses. Leaning into it as well.

  200. Ann says:

    Saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.” Revelations 7:12

  201. Blessed Beth says:

    Angie I am praying for you and your digital teaching. My daughter, son in law and best friend are doing the same, along with most of my friends,as I just retired from the education field, middle school. I a so encouraged as they and you are Christians and God is your rock and will carry you all! Keep up the good work!

  202. Nancy Hawkins says:

    The Lord, the Lord, is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth…

  203. Pawney R. says:

    As I focus on deepening my relationship with God and with His word I am able to recognize that I have to release the old to embrace the new in my life.

  204. Sarah Combs says:

    This is a great reminder that God’s promises require an action on our part. That he wants us to be active participants in His will. His promises to us require that we die to ourselves and follow Him, that we accept that we are not the whole, but a piece of His plan. He is entrusting us to carry out His works/plans and promises to be there with us to guide us and help us along the way.

    So often I forget that this life is not about me, but about God and His glory.

    1. Erricka Hager says:

      Yes, this is spot on!

  205. Brooke Wortham says:

    Wow. Thank you for this!!! I’ve been excited about this study for WEEKS and I’m so happy it’s here!

    Earlier in this COVD—9 world, I felt convicted that I didn’t know the promises of God. So I’ve been making a list of the promises I find as I read Scripture. Problem is they all center on me. The podcast this morning and this devotion taught me the promises are ultimately about Christ, not me. And now I am going back to this list to redo it, through that Christ-centered lens.

    And WOW. If that’s day 1 of this study, I can’t wait for the next 3 weeks. Blessings, SRT community and team! ❤️

  206. Angie says:

    I am excited for this study. People will sometimes refer to resting in the promises God gives. I have also purchased those little books titled, “Promises in the Bible.” I always wondered, where did they get this list. Is there a specific, “These are the promises of God list?” The Bible is truth. Everything God has said is true. So, I wondered, what makes truth become a promise? Is it simply an, “I will…” statement or is there a broader definition? I’m looking forward to what God will show and teach me through this.

    Our pastor on Sunday said to read scripture with 3 questions in mind: 1) What did it mean for the people then? 2) What does it mean for me now? and 3) What does it mean for the gospel of Christ for always?

    Finally, thank you again for your prayers. I have been carrying burdens in regards to elearning. I have worked most days from 7 am- 8 pm on the computer M-S. I try to not work on Sunday except to check in at 8 pm to see if parents have emailed me with questions (all the work is due by midnight Sunday). I meet with students digitally, create lessons, and grade their work, sending comments, teaching, and reteaching. Yesterday our pastor simply said, “You are not God,” and I realized I had been carrying the burden of making this positive for the children on my shoulders. I am not saying I should not try, but there is a “weight” difference when I carry it, or I put it in God’s hands and trust. Last Monday was a wreck for several hours of elearning…whatever happens today, will be alright because I am trusting and have empty hands and a willing heart.

  207. Josephine Corben says:

    Such perfect timing for me – thank you Jesus you are so kind, you see us and I love you x

  208. Churchmouse says:

    Perhaps like many of you, when Covid-19 began to spread across our country and the globe, I turned to the promises of God for comfort, strength and focus. I wanted my world to stop shaking and so I turned once again to the solid Rock of God’s Word. How perfect of God to lay a study of His promises on the hearts of those at SRT – surely “for such a time as this.” I was curious as to which promises would be selected. How perfect again that the first is this one in 2 Corinthians 1:20. Yes, keep my eyes on Christ. Always take me back/forward to this One Who is the embodiment of God’s promises. Therein lies strength for today and hope for tomorrow. In my reading area where I meet with Jesus for daily conversation and study, I have a sign that reads “Start with Yes.” Start with Jesus. Stay with Jesus. He is all in all.

    1. Laurie Crary says:

      Great words Churchmouse!!!

  209. Heather P says:

    It’s so encouraging to know that we can rely on Him to fulfill all that He has promised.

  210. Blessed Beth says:

    Ladies I share you enthusiasm in learning more it doesn’t matter how many times we study His word we learn more, not because it charges, but because we do! Have a blessed Monday!

    1. GramsieSue . says:

      I love that…”not because it changes, but because we do.” So true. ❤️

  211. Ifem U says:

    All His Promises are Yes & Amen !

  212. Shuana Michele-Hackworth says:


  213. Natasha G says:

    So good! I’m definitely eager to continue learning about the promises of God throughout the next couple weeks.

  214. Tshepi Mogorosi says:


  215. Christina Montes says:


  216. Kristen says:

    Every story in the Old Testament points to Jesus. Here are two great links that tell about the Names of Jesus in every book of the Bible: So good! May leave you in awe of Him, or have you fall on your knees, or jump in praise! He is Amazing!

  217. Gia R says:

    Much like the two men who had Jesus walking alongside them the entire time, I think it’s easy to forget that promise that he is with us. It was not until he broke “bread” with them they could see him in his true glory. Isn’t it the same with us sometimes?
    We wait for those breaking points to seek his face and guidance. I think the country is experiencing this right now as well as we all seek answers and look for him in the midst of the confusion. He is here with us and has been since the beginning of time. I pray many more people come to seek his kingdom and repent and find his unfailing love. His love encompasses all we need right now, so his love can flow through us to a hurting world.

    1. Joyce Smith says:

      I agree with you. So true! Amen Sister

    2. Wanda Bishop says:

      How your comment has resonated with me this morning! Beautifully said, and yes, I do believe God lead you to write these words I have read multiple times. Thank you Gia and praise to our one and only God.

    3. Traci Gendron says:

      Thank you Gia!

    4. Jen Brewer says:

      Yes and amen, Gia! ❤️