The Promised Rest

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 3:7-19, Hebrews 4:1-13, Numbers 14:20-38, 1 Peter 1:3-5

My idea of heaven has evolved over time. As a young Christ-follower, I envisioned a rather me-centric glory, a Candy Land filled with the sweetest gifts my mind could conjure. I imagined hanging out with my heroes, lounging on comfy cumulonimbus recliners, and basking in my version of total bliss. 

The longer I’ve walked with Jesus and the more I’ve searched His precious Word, the more my imaginations of heaven have shifted. It is not a place dedicated to my endless pleasure. Though God has promised it’s beyond my wildest hopes (1Corinthians 2:9), heaven is not most interested in our indulgences. 

Lay your visions of just harps and angels aside and consider your eternal home with a fresh perspective. The writer of Hebrews lets us peek into the real heaven and see a place of profound rest (Hebrews 4:3,9).

While earthbound, we tend to think of rest as a feeling, a brief moment of closed eyes and relaxed shoulders, but in Christ, rest becomes a reality. And what shall we rest from? Among other things, ourselves. My heart is stirred by this thought: because heaven is a place focused on God, it is also the place where I will finally be free of me. 

Rather than a scene of endless self-indulgence, Scripture promises a future where nothing is cursed by sin and brokenness (Revelation 22:3). That means a final end to our sin and selfishness, pride and pettiness, aches and pains, cancer cells and conflicts. We will finally be free of our navel-gazing because we’ll finally be fully with Jesus, freed from insecurity, greed, and our compulsion to gossip. We will rest from discouragement, defeat, and discontentment. We will rest from all jealousy, all hatred, all bitterness. We will rest from lust and self-loathing, anger, and animosity. We can live differently now, drawing on this future rest, because Christ is already at work undoing all that is broken today. 

When you are weary of your sinfulness and sick and tired of being sick and tired, remember that soon enough you will see Jesus face-to-face and be fully transformed into His likeness—and that this complete work has already begun in part (2Corinthians 3:18). Life with Jesus is infinitely more than a good night’s sleep. It is exponentially better than a beach vacation. It’s a final, forever rest.

(89) Comments

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89 thoughts on "The Promised Rest"

  1. justine viola says:

    Wow. I needed to read that. My husband’s grandpa is currently in hospice. And this is someone who helped me husband so much when he was at the lowest place. And reading her description of Heaven brought tears to my eyes. I see how much he is suffering and I can be so selfish when it comes to death. I panic at the thought of losing someone. I am afraid of abandonment. And this just just provided so much comfort for me.

  2. justine viola says:

    Wow. I needed to read that. My husband’s grandpa is currently in hospice. And this is someone who helped me husband so much when he was at the lowest place. And reading her description of Heaven brought tears to my eyes. I see how much he is suffering and I can be so selfish when it comes to death. I panic at the thought of losing someone. I am afraid k

  3. PamC says:

    Beautiful. Simply beautiful. As I sit here with tears running from the beauty of these comments, from your wisdom Erin & my fellow She’s, I can only think, thank You, Lord for these beautiful hearts. Tina thank you for reminding us that our loved ones on the other side are already enjoying Jesus’s rest. May I find less “belly button gazing” time & more Jesus here, & May the Lord bless us all to share it out into the world that so desperately needs His rest.

  4. Audren says:

    Also ladies if you could pray for my fiance’s friend Tyler, his wife just left him and has since become interested in the Bible to help him get through the grief. He just finished reading John and is on to Romans, while talking to my fiance about it! Pray the Lord brings him to Himself! Thank you all!

  5. Audren says:

    I haven’t been reading the comment section for long (been a she who reads truth for seven years, though didn’t start reading the comment section until this year). It is SO refreshing to see other women lifting each other up, and being honest about life. Not something I see often! God has told me to rest several times this week in different ways, and this was one of them. I’m discovering what it means to truly rest in God, rather than constantly be coming from a producing standpoint. So grateful to read your comments!

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    TINA – I also recognized that Tanner was tired of fighting his illness. He needed rest. And what a God we have! He has given our children that much needed rest in His arms. The best rest there could ever be. I’m so thankful for my relationship with God. That He is carrying me through this heartbreaking loss with grace.

    Praying for strength and comfort to all who have lost loved ones. Susan you are in my thoughts and prayers. Losing a child is tragic.

  7. Kimberly Z says:

    J M praying for you and your family today. I pray God comforts you and your family during this time. This devotional was something I truly needed to hear today.

  8. Jan says:

    Excellent lesson and so so many good comments. Blessings on each of you as you have need. Our Father sees you and hears each prayer.
    Molly R – thank you for inviting this sister and her daughter to your home for some much needed balm to their souls. Even when – or maybe especially when the house is not in ‘company order’ there can be such needed rest and calm. Your impromptu invitation, open arms, and listening heart will be remembered for a long long time by this dear sister.
    Wishing each of you a wonderful day basking in the thoughts of heaven and the rest we will enjoy there.