I remember that every morning when my newborn baby would awake his arms would spring upward. His grandma said he was growing, but I always liked to think that, instead, he was just really grateful!
I’ve been paying attention, and sometimes our bodies—it seems—give thanks automatically.
Little girls twirl and giggle with the delight of being alive without ever watching a YouTube tutorial.
When we’ve been spared a calamity or rescued from peril, our lungs naturally heave deep sighs that sound a whole lot like “Yahweh,” the chosen name of our rescuing God. As we age, our shoulders tend to stoop. Sure, there’s a medical reason for the change, but is it possible that age brings humble gratitude? Might we naturally bend lower as the years reveal the faithfulness of God?
Here in 2 Chronicles 6, Solomon’s body seemed electrified with thanks. First, he stood and spread out his hands, gratefully receiving the gifts of God’s favor (v.12). Next, he knelt, lifting his hands toward heaven. We might expect Solomon to parade or puff up at this important occasion. Instead, he lowered his body into a posture of humility (v.13). Gratitude will do that; it knocks us out and lays us flat.
Mary must have knelt before Jesus as she poured perfume on His feet and wiped them with her hair (John 12:3). Since Jesus had just raised her brother from the dead, surely Mary knew the kind of gratitude that leaves us awestruck and weak at the knees.
Eventually, we’ll all kneel before Him (Philippians 2:10). I’ve always assumed it was shame or sheer power that would bend our knees, but maybe not. As the beloved, adopted children of God, recipients of His undeserved grace, I imagine we will kneel with delight, bowled over with gratitude for the things He has done for us. Quadriplegic Joni Eareckson Tada said it this way: “On the day I receive my new body in heaven, I’m sure my Lord will be delighted to watch me stretch glorified muscles and dance on tiptoe. But there’s something I plan to do that may please Him more. I will kneel. To not move in heaven will be my demonstration of heartfelt thanks for the grace He gave those many years when my legs and hands were paralyzed. It will be my sacrifice of praise.”
We tend to think of gratitude like a greeting card, a warm sentiment sent to someone special. Or maybe it’s a journal entry, a place where we are “intentional” to write down our expressions of thanks.
But what if gratitude doesn’t require pen and paper or a stamp?
We don’t have to wait for the trumpet blast or the moment we are called heavenward to express our gratitude. Like my little fella would greet the morning from his bassinet, let’s reach forward in praise right now, refusing to keep our thanksgiving neat and tidy, confined to a postcard or a lined journal page.
May our hearts learn to bend in gratitude to our God, as Solomon prayed, “LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven or on earth, who keeps his gracious covenant with your servants who walk before you with all their heart” (2Chronicles 6:14). May we shout it from the rooftops and dance it out in the streets. May we bend our knees in humble thanksgiving and laugh with utter delight in Him, knowing He delights in us (Psalm 149:3–4).
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79 thoughts on "The Posture of Thanksgiving"
Gratitude lowered Solomon’s body into a posture of humility – 2 Chronicles 6.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourself” -Philippians 2:3
Thank you God for an amazing year. Your faithful love endures forever, your mercies are now every morning
This is difficult when you have been taught to not trust.
Yes it is. Your worship has to be a decision based on who God has shown Himself to be. Demonstrated by Jesus on the cross
Lord, I pray that I may always have a posture of gratitude. May I always show humility and think of others.
Considering someone else, or many others before ourselves is a beautiful lesson!
Consider others before myself…it sounds so simple yet we all can be selfish in some way. As we humble ourselves we begin to see it’s not just about us.
Lord, may I demonstrate a posture of attitude for my children.
I am grateful!
Amen ❤️
Lord help me to delight in you
I love how our bodies naturally gives gratitude❤️
Lord, that I may always have a posture of gratitude
Thank you Traci Gendron. Your words spoke to my heart.
“Instead of longing for things to be different I learned to find happiness in where God put me.”
I am so grateful for a good good God that always keeps his promises.
Tina what a wonderful memory ♥️
Thank you Jesus for your unfathomable gift to us. I want to humble myself before you as I lament on what you have done for me. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for you and the blood you shed for me and the whole world. I hope that I am able to be thankful even after this holiday season of Thanksgiving. Thank you God for your mercies that are new each morning. I need more of you and less of me. GOD YOU ARE SO GOOD TO ME!
I love this time right before thanksgiving when I choose to be more thankful. I pray that I would be able to have this posture of thanksgiving all throughout the year.
I have now been able to read today’s Scripture and devotion, as well as all your comments. I feel like I’ve attended a revival with all the amazing testimonies and praises from you wonderful ladies. I pray for each request as I read it, and count it a joy to be able to lift you and your loved ones to God in prayer. I’m so thankful to Jesus for salvation from my sins, and for giving me a new, clean heart. I humbly bow my heart and raise my hands in praise to the one and only God, for His power, for His presence, and for His love. I owe all to Him.
Thank you for sharing Tina! Words of wisdom from experience.
3 Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. – Psalms 100:3. Offfta I always need the reminder of gratitude in more ways then one. Praying for you all today!!
Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father. There is no shadow of turning with Thee. Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. Great is thy faithfulness. Great is thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.
@GRAMSIESUE: prayers of comfort and strength over you and Steve during this trial.
@MEGAN D: please have hope, your future is full of possibilities with God by your side! Don’t let anyone ever take away your hope for a beautiful family life. It’s out there waiting for you, and you will find it! May you declare God’s words over your future (amen SHARON JERSEY GIRL) and may you continue to praise Him until you see it. Be patient and don’t let go until you have your blessing (But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me”, Gen 32:26).
@C: speedy healing for stomach bug for your household. So sorry.
@CEE GEE: continual prayers for healing 100%.
@A WALTON: in awe of the strength and amazing accomplishments you share. Praise Jesus.
@TINA: I can never get enough of your beautiful stories. They gave me tears of joy and thankfulness. Thank you precious Tina!
@RHONDA: hope your flight was smooth and lovely :))
Be blessed dear sisters.
I haven’t read today’s Scripture and devotion yet, but wanted to make a special prayer request. I have friends who have adopted three kids from the Marshal Islands. Even though the adoptions were finalized in the US, their oldest daughter has not been able to be recognized as a US citizen (a whole story on its own). She is 17 and just passed her Ohio drivers license test (she had a learning permit prior to that). The Department of Motor Vehicles is refusing to grant her the license, even though they let her have a learning permit and let her take the driving test. They’re giving many reasons that make no sense…she’s not a US citizen (non-citizens can have drivers licenses); they won’t recognize her adoption even though my friends have all the paperwork showing it. Their latest excuse is that her birth certificate is fake! Needless to say, my friend is beside herself. And a 17 year old girl is heartbroken. Please join me in praying that Aliya will be able to cut through the red tape and get her license, as well as her citizenship. My friends are Christian’s who live their faith every day. They’re amazing parents to their children, and wonderful to all. Thank you for bringing them to the Lord in your prayers.
Such a great reminder that gratitude doesn’t always come in the form of a thank-you card or need an elaborate reason to be given. We should give thanks for everything no matter how insignificant it may seem.
As I read through your prayer requests, I feel my heart so heavy. At the moment, I have no crisis or difficult circumstances – so it’s much easier for me to praise the Lord. I have had to face some very, very, difficult things in the past, but am here to thank God for getting me through. Praise & thanksgiving in the hard times is what helps us to get through. Taking our eyes off of our circumstances, and putting them on Christ. I always want the “happy ending”, but that’s not always God’s will and yet, we are to praise Him just the same. So much easier said than done!
My heart breaks for all of you who have lost children, are dealing with sick loved ones and for those of you who desire to have a husband and a family – yet you wait and wait.
Praying today for @Traci Gendron & anyone else who has lost a child. ❤️
Praying for @Megan D. & L. who are both struggling with singleness, especially during the holiday season. I encourage you to pray the scriptures back to God…”God you said, it’s not good for man to be alone…” “God you said, a three fold strand are not easily broken”, “God you said, Two are better than one…” May He answer your prayers according to His will. ❤️
Praying for @Munckin, Father God, please don’t let her emotions defeat her, take away her sadness and replace it with the joy of the Lord which is our strength. ❤️
Praying for @C – that this stomach bug will quickly pass and be confined to only her. ❤️
Praying for @Grammiesue -God lift her up, give her strength, give new strength to her love – Steve, Wrap your arms around her. Heal him to the point that he can come home. ❤️
“Praise You Anywhere” by Brandon Lake is one of my favorite songs – it’s hard to stay “down” when you listen to it!
Praising You today God – for life, breath, salvation and for my heavenly Father!!
Thank you ladies for all of your comments! Have a blessed Wednesday, as Tina says – wrapped in love!
His steadfast love does indeed endure forever. This is what the Lord keeps speaking to me about himself. He is always faithful, he is steadfast and he never fails. I give thanks for His love and his steadfast character ❤️
TINA – Your story had me not just in tears, but big sobs. I remember repeating “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God” often after Tanner died. I cannot imagine seeing your grandson like that. So much love for you “across the pond” dear sister.
I remember when Tanner was about 8-9 years old asking me if I wished God would have given me a child without cystinosis. Can you imagine?? I prayed quickly that God would give me the right words to answer him. I told him yes for him everyday, but no for me. It changed me for the better.
I had to find thanks in God giving me a child with a terminal illness. I found all the love I needed in Him to walk me through this very difficult journey. And it has brought about finding thanks in so many things. Instead of longing for things to be different I learned to find happiness in where God put me. I find thanks in every day. The new mercies He gives to me each morning. The roof over my head. The food we eat. My family and friends. The rain this morning. He has given me such peace in life not going how I thought it would. In learning the hard lessons from the choices I made and not blaming anyone else. God is oh so good.
The title of today’s devotional is “The Posture of Thanksgiving”. I wondered about the word “posture”. Today’s readying suggested hands raised, or kneeling as the appropriate posture. I’m sure there are many forms of thanksgiving posture. But I looked up the word and while it suggested a position we place our bodies, it also included an approach or attitude when dealing with something. I like this definition because it involves the heart. The attitude of our heart is where the true thanksgiving comes from. It doesn’t rely on our circumstances, it doesn’t require everything going our way…its just a simple attitude of our heart that knows and trusts that our Abba Father is intimately involved in everything going on and we can rely on His faithfulness in the end. I recently heard Beth Moore say we don’t trust in our own faith, we trust in God’s faithfulness. When we can grasp His faithfulness, we can truly be thankful in our heart regardless of our physical posture.
So much of what I needed this morning!
You are all such a blessing to me!
Steve has been in the hospital 12 days…and it has been a roller coaster. Some evenings I drive home sobbing and begging God to heal him. Some evenings I feel that Steve is improving and I’m thankful. But this is such a reminder that in all of it I should be grateful. God is always with us. He is working in ways I still don’t know about.
I’ve just got interrupted so
Hugs to all of you
So good Great is His Faithfulness to me.
@Susan Landreth Is your husband Jerry? We are so thankful for you both at TCC! Praying for strength and comfort as you continuously care for him. Hugs.
MERCY – Thank you for that powerful prayer yesterday. ❤
TINA – Thank you for sharing that powerful testimony! So thankful your grandson survived and is teaching another generation about God. ❤
SEARCHING – Thank you! ❤
MARI GOMEZ – Gratitude – I love that song too and it was the first song I heard when we purchased our latest used car after a lengthy search. Perfectly timed!
Gratitude is an attitude of the heart and if my heart isn’t right, God had a plan for that, too. Ezekiel 36:26 – And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.
Love you, SHES and keeping you in prayer.
She’s you have all shared such beautiful, difficult stories. My prayers are for all of you. All I can add is God is so good, how can we not praise Him. Even when we don’t feel like it, if we will offer a sacrifice of praise to Him, this is where we will be lifted from our pits to higher ground!
I can relate to you sweet Megan. Life in general often feels heavy when the desire for marriage and a family weighs on our hearts. Especially in this time of year when everyone talks about activities with their kids and you see yet another “perfect” family picture in Christmas pjs. My prayer for you and for me is to remember we have the best family of all in Christ. Even in unfulfilled desires, Jesus is the best of our lives. Even in fulfilled desires, Jesus is the best of our lives. ❤️
Thank you ladies for your prayers and thoughtful words! It truly means so much to me. @Sarah Vinson your words really touched me and have helped me to continue to feel hopeful! It meant so much to me. You are all in my thoughts and prayers! This devotional is showing me that I need to be thankful for all I have and to praise Jesus for all he has sacrificed for me. I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday!
Finding thankfulness through life’s everyday has been a challenge through a loss of a life I never got to even know and the stresses of working the land I find myself leaning towards anger and resentment rather then thankfulness. So today through all of the not neat and tidy my life has been I’ll try to be thankful for the chaos and uncertainty. For I don’t know what is coming but I do know god is always with me. Even when I’m angry and resentful.
Oh dear ladies, I read every morning and rarely comment but please know your sharing impacts and blesses me too. I pray for your requests as I go along.
Yesterday when we read Psalm 136, later in the day I put on a podcast, Reviving our hearts. Nancy DeMoss Wolgamuth has a series this week on gratitude. She used the phrase. Give thanks to the Lord(why?)- He is good! His steadfast ( hesed-covenant, everlasting) love endures forever. It has nothing to do with what is going on in our lives. We give thanks because He is good, and His steadfast, covenantal love endures forever. He will never stop loving us. Be blessed my sisters in Christ.
The Bible talks often about giving thanks, about offering the SACRIFICE of praise. It took me a long time to learn that I may not always FEEL gratitude, but in obedience and trust, offer up my thanks and praise, anyway. The more I do this, the more I trust Him, and the more peace I feel even when my life’s dreams are shattered. Prayers for all who are struggling.
Hi She’s, I’m in a tough spot of life right now and am finding it difficult to be grateful. I’m approaching my mid 30s and desire more than anything to have a family with children, yet am still single. The holiday season is difficult facing loneliness and despair that having kids my not be in my future.
Struggling through the Judges study prior to this one has had an amazing affect on me. Seeing how depraved life can become without gratitude makes the discipline of thankfulness so much more important and definitely sweeter.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Tina !for sharing this testimony of Gods faithfulness. It is so encouraging
Oh Tina, your story has my tears rolling! Thank you for sharing that!
I also love this reminder that thankfulness and gratitude to our EVER-present, unconditional, Heavenly Father of all things, DOES NOT need to be neat and tidy and orderly. That it can be and should be, so much more. And not just a one and done deal either, I should praise Him all day, in every little thing, in every trying moment, my eye should turn to Jesus and my heart well up with gratitude for my eternal loving Father… ❤️
Praying for all! Xo
@Tina – I absolutely loved your story – what a blessing you are to your whole family! Every day you make a difference to our community and your family. May God bless your faithfulness to Him and His people.❣️
You can certainly tell when someone has a prayer warrior in their life. There’s unexplainable protection and grace over that person.
Thank you, Lord, for being faithful to respond to the prayers You place inside of us… Even when our “groanings are too deep for words.” We thank You Lord for Your faithful love that has no end. (Lamentations 3:22)
@Searching – ty for your prayers this morning & those who continue to pray. Tina’s testimony encourages me even more that God hears our prayers over our family and does much with them. Thank you, Lord! God bless all you ladies this morning ♥️
May I never forget the destruction you saved me from, Father, the destruction of my very soul. You are worthy of my praise. I love you. Amen and Hallelujah.
MARI GOMEZ – Amen! Great song
How can I complain about my aching knees when I remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross? Look For Me at Jesus’ Feet was written by Squire Parsons many years ago and sung by several groups (fav – Booth Brothers) ends with “There I’ll be through the countless ages,
Look for me at Jesus’ feet.”
Praying for
DONNA WOLCOTT – DIL’s father in hospice and answers for your ongoing cough
MARI V – jobs for brother & SIL
RHONDA J – safe travels
FOSTER MAMA – cousin’s pregnancy
SUSAN LANDRETH – endurance and the Lord’s comfort in caring for your husband in his ALS battle
MICHELLE PATIRE – Justin and Olivia, may the lies be seen for what they are
JM – your infertility journey
MUNCHKIN – the Lord’s hope in your heart and a lifted spirit
A WALTON – praise for the blessings
CINDY HANNA – your list ❤️
TINA – in tears with you, dear sister, “praying grandma” ❤️
MARGARET LINDSEY – welcome back, and yes, need to put names now
CEE GEE ❤️ praying for continued improvement
TINA… “You must be the praying grandma.” Oh, how sweet.
And KRISTINE LOUGHMAN… same (to-do list)
I loved the reading from 1 Timothy…
4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 since it is sanctified by the word of God and by prayer. – 1 Timothy 4:4-5
Let us give thanks to Him for everything… good and “bad”. At church some of us memorized all of Philippians a few summers ago. I still call up many of those verses to help me with my thankfulness, in times of plenty and in times of need. I am encouraged to review this memory work… (of course, I’m older now, and it isn’t as easy to memorize stuff, but…I will do it and be thankful!)
Prayers offered up for you this morning and every day sweet She’s.
Shouting from the rooftops just how thankful I am! God has been so good to me over the years ❤️ Asking for prayers this morning. A stomach bug has hit our house! Or at least I think that’s what it is. So far I’m the only one with it, because I usually catch everything first. Praying it stays that way. I was in so much pain yesterday, my stomach hurt so bad. If this doesn’t get better soon I will be going to get it checked out!
Oh Father You deserve the glory. Amen
The devotionals for this plan have been incredible so far!!
One of my favorite songs is Gratitude. It describes today’s message perfectly.
So I throw up my hands
And praise You again and again
‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah
And I know it’s not much
But I’ve nothing else fit for a King
Except for a heart singing hallelujah
This morning I woke up after a short sleep feeling sad and scared. I have no real reason for feeling this way, except that sometimes, just because of how my brain is wired, this happens. I forced myself to do my God time and read the Bible passages for today. I asked God to help me have thanksgiving for even going through this, when all I want to do is cry. It is has given me a compassion for God’s people and I know that God works all things for good, even the things that don’t feel so great. If you can, please say a prayer for me that I am able to not let my emotions defeat me, and that I remember this too will pass. Thank you.
Recently my pastor shared about some very serious and scary health struggles that his teenage son had been having. As he was talking about them he also shared how he thanked God for trusting him enough to give him his son and all the challenges that came along with him. I’ve always struggled to give thanks in times of struggle so that really resonated with me and it’s something I am trying to practice. When life is difficult, we can praise God for giving us the challenge. We can know that even in the darkest dark, he’s still light. And if trials come our way, he’s faithful to bring us through.
Kristine Loughman me too! I feel very grateful accomplishments from my to do list a lot of the time. I wonder if I turned that gratitude towards Jesus how it would feel different. I want to be thankful for Him in all circumstances. The podcast was saying (in the part I listened to today) about how gratitude doesn’t mean reframing bad circumstances as good ones, but instead having gratitude for God in spite of bad circumstances. I’m paraphrasing but I thought that was so different from how the world and our culture thinks about bad circumstances. Happy Wednesday She’s.
Love this! I feel the same way!
As someone highly motivated by a to-do list, my sense of gratitude is often tied to my sense of accomplishment. But I’m practicing finding gratitude in ALL things, the obviously good and the circumstances that force me to dig deep to find the thanksgiving.
A WALTON – what huge news! What a burden lifted! I can imagine your relief!
I’m looking forward to the day I get to kneel before Jesus and worship Him with my glorified body that no longer suffers the effects of disease. I’m thankful that I will be among the numbered who will bow before Him in true worship and not in fear.
TINA thank you for sharing about your grandson. It made me cry! Let’s be thankful for the praying grandmas and moms! This study is so moving every day. Today I am reminded to remain humble and thankful. Not prideful and grumbling. Ouch! The “abide” app has devotions on humility this week. Might God be speaking to me? Have a blessed day ladies!
Lord, may my posture be transformed in prayer today and everyday. Point me to your Grace, mercies and blessings each day and may I have a Posture of Thanksgiving that shines for You! Amen
Exodus 12:27 describes how the Israelites ‘bowed their heads and worshiped’ God after Moses described their requirements to survive the tenth plague. They bowed their heads… and they bowed their hearts.
That is the posture of gratitude I am seeking this Thanksgiving season.
Such a good study! Thank you!
From HRT: “apart from His grace, our hearts are not naturally inclined to give thanks.
Solomon could have patted himself on the back for successfully building the temple. Ungratefulness is just that easy. Even Adam and Eve’s fall was an act of ungratefulness, despising the good that God had given and choosing instead what He had not given. In seasons of plenty, we can take for granted God’s provision. In seasons of want, we can grumble and worry like Israel in the wilderness, wondering if God is willing or even able to help us in our time of need.”
Praying for your requests.
Thsnk you ladies for sharing your beautiful stories. God is so amazing from the simplest to the most complexed miracles. Thank you God, for your love and patiently watching over us.
Thank You Jesus,
All things are possible!
God works everything for good!
Angles Protect me!
Holy Spirit guides me!
Jesus saved me!
Father God Adores me!
Faith Empowers me!
Humility promotes me!
Joy fills me!
Power of God Heales me!
Righteousness Shields me!
I have a Heavenly Hope!
I have a Devine Destiny!
I have a Timeless Legacy!
Me & Children are Blessed!
My Inheritance is Secure!
My Faith is on Fire for Jesus!
Thank you for sharing this Tina ❤️
Eventually, we’ll all kneel before Him..
These words right here, from ERIN DAVIES’ had tears rolling down my face..
I remember the day I got the phone call to say my grandson had been attacked with a scaffolding pole.. I was at home, at the time..
Oh God, oh God, please..were my only words as I drove towards the site, not knowing what I would find or see..
As I approached the paramedics had arrived and were tending to him.. all I could see were his long legs. Like the lady with the blood issues, I pushed my way through the crowd, all the while with a pounding heart, I repeated Oh God, please, until I reach where he lay.. He looked up at me and said “you’re here” I Said “..where else would I be..”, as I touch his hand, and just knelt, right there in the street, in Thanksgiving. The paramedics took him off to the hospital, with his mum alongside, as I continued to kneel in prayer arms raised. As I got up, the lady who had rescued him, and saved him from the attack being worse than it could have been, didn’t say that to me or mention the attack, she said, and here come the tears.. “..you must be the praying grandma..”
I am so very thankful for the memories of that day and many, many others, that I have seen God at work. It is in remembering that I can give thanks each day, because I have seen, I have known, and I know that God sure does keep His promises..
May we shout it from the rooftops and dance it out in the streets. May we bend our knees in humble thanksgiving and laugh with utter delight in Him, knowing He delights in us (Psalm 149:3–4).
I laugh with utter delight, my heart sings, often, when I see my grandson, knowing that God delights in him, so much so God has given him a son to love and care for..
Definitely praising God as I write, through the tears of joy and gratitude..
Thanks be to God..
Happy Wednesday my dears.. wrapped in love and gratitude for you all.❤️
Had some huge moments of thanks this week.
1. Our passports finally returned just a week before our big trip!
2. Breastfeeding my twins for a year- with tongue ties ( both needed it and one of my girls had to have surgery twice) and two of them, I really didn’t know how it would go or if I could keep up, but God was very gracious.
3. Someone I had been praying for for years has repented. Thankful God has worked in their life.
As a person who loves journaling and thank you cards, this devotional was a good reminder that thanksgiving doesn’t need to be neat and tidy. My husband and I try to sing a hymn every morning.
Praying for you!