The Perfect Sacrifice

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 10:1-18, Psalm 40:1-17, 1 Peter 2:24

When we see a shadow, we know something of substance is connected to it. Our awareness of a shadow compels us to look for the corresponding substantial reality. For the author of Hebrews, the sanctuary and the Torah (the Law) were both shadows that could be traced back to good heavenly realities (Hebrews 8:5, 10:1). 

These images of shadow and substance contribute to the author’s developing claim that there is something radically new happening through Jesus Christ; something still firmly rooted in and connected to Old Testament rituals.

Chapter 10 recaps the carefully detailed descriptions we read yesterday in Hebrews 9. This literary repetition represents what happened in the sanctuary day after heart-wrenching day, as the human priest sprinkled the blood of animal sacrifices on the altar. The messy process was painful and blood-drenched. It caused worshipers to come face-to-face with images of pain and suffering, powerful metaphors for the grim consequences for others of their sins. Even though the repeated process could never do away with the guilty verdict, this visceral reminder was vital. It also pointed forward. 

That all of this had been dealt with once and for all was a stunning new reality to the audience of Hebrews. Writing to an audience wholly steeped in the necessity of the ongoing temple ritual, the author had to repeat this multiple times. It took time to reconfigure their worldview. Yet it was important to clarify that this was not foreign to the Jewish tradition. In Hebrews 10:6–7, the author quotes Psalm 40, words Jesus Christ repeated as well: “I have come to do your will.” Then, in verses 16–17, the author quotes the prophet Jeremiah’s promise of the new covenant. Until this point, the people’s obedience had been the absent ingredient. But in Jesus, our sins are forgiven forever—period. And the encouraging add-on is that He is ever-present in our continuing process of being made holy (Hebrews 10:14).

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42 thoughts on "The Perfect Sacrifice"

  1. Alayna P. says:

    A beautiful devotional today ❤️

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I want to live in this ultimate dependency on God as my savior. I have been a follower of His for many years, but I think I sometimes forget how much I need him. I also love to be reminded that he wants to save me.

  3. Mercy says:

    The Lord is good. He is good in many ways, the way He died and substituted Himself, the way He pleaded if the cup of God’s wrath could be passed, the way He took it with obedience to His own hurt, the way He decided He would come back for His sheep one glorious day, the way He sat down on the right hand of God Most High, and intercedes continually for us, the way He calls us His friends and not servants. Oh so many beautiful ways He has chosen to conduct Himself, completely contrary to what this world can ever know. He moves so quickly and often mysteriously for us to grasp. We are left looking on, confused yet in awe and thankfulness. How can we connect the dots unless He reveals to us what He is up to? Who can see unless it is revealed to see? Who can tell where the wind is going? You can hear the wind brushing through the leaves, but who knows where it is heading? God is mysterious, yet unchanging. He desires for us to know Him deeply and intimately. Draw close. Draw close. Grab onto the hem of the One who is merciful. You never know what God will reveal to you today. You might just cry at the purity of His heart and His steadfast love for you. Let us seek His heart, His pains and hurts, His desires and His wills. He will show you if you ask. Oh the depth of God, who can search it out? May we never ever stop searching for Him. The Bible always affords new things to those who continue to search. Be blessed dear sisters.

    “O Christ, He is the fountain, The deep sweet well of love!
    The streams on earth I’ve tasted, More deep I’ll drink above!
    There, to an ocean fullness, His mercy doth expand.
    And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel’s land.

    With mercy and with judgment My web of time He wove,
    And aye the dews of sorrow Were lustred with His love.
    I’ll bless the hand that guided, I’ll bless the heart that planned,
    When throned where glory dwelleth, In Immanuel’s land.”

  4. Krystle Scott says:

    The priests had so much to do to try to atone for sin that they never had a chance to sit down. But when Jesus did His work He sat down because it is FINISHED!! Hallelujah! ❤️

  5. Lynn Siewert says:

    Such a thoroughly well-written commentary by Elaine Phillips. Very grateful for this thoughtful perspective.

  6. Lynn Siewert says:

    Such a thoroughly well-written,commentary by Elaine Phillips. Very grateful for this thoughtful perspective

  7. Molly R says:

    Susan, just wow. Such an incredible testimony! I am overjoyed for you at being able to find the joy amidst the tears – the Joy of the Lord is the strength shining through your broken heart, and testifying to what only God could do! BUT GOD!

  8. Julianne Pictou says:

    Mercy. He sat down.