The People of God

Open Your Bible

Romans 9:6-8, Romans 9:14-26, Romans 9:30-33, Hebrews 11:1-40, 2 Timothy 2:19, 1 Peter 2:9-10

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

God’s people are all those who know Him by faith. Everyone reconciled to God in Christ shares in this legacy of faith as Abraham’s spiritual descendants, regardless of ethnicity or nationality.

This Monday, we’ll start the week off by getting to know the global SRT community. How long have you been reading with She Reads Truth? 

Take time to respond to today’s reading and question by sharing with the community in the comments. 

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1,238 thoughts on "The People of God"

  1. Bobbi McMasters says:

    I’ve been using it for 4-5 years. I love it

  2. Janet says:

    Started using SRT on 4/18/21. Sometimes I do the current study along with the group, and other times I go through one of the older studies on my own. It depends on what is going on in my life, and where my heart feels lead. I always have several book marked and lined up for a few months in advance.

  3. Erika Trammell says:

    Started today! So far loving it! Using it as my morning quiet time with God

  4. Emma Mosley says:

    I’ve been using the SRT app for the last 2 years on and off, but am motivated to become a consistent atleast weekly reader! These studies are amazing! My husband and I have been struggling with our consistency in the faith but our fire has been renewed, we are returning to church and making commitments to be in the word more. Thankful for these studies to help me a long the way!

  5. Gabrielle Phebus says:

    Amen. We are reading this book together through Auburn Grace in Auburn CA.

  6. Katy Marten says:

    I’ve been using SRT for over a year now, and I love it! I use to struggle in finding where to start when reading scripture and let it make me nervous so I would avoid my devotional time. Now I look forward to it, and have seen so much fruit from diving in the word in this way!

  7. Jurnee Jean says:

    I just began and can’t wait to see what comes from it !

  8. Colleen Lanier says:

    I finished what is the gospel and felt this would be the next best one to do. Excited to stick to reading a daily.