The One and Only Son

Open Your Bible

John 3:1-36, 2 Samuel 7:13, Romans 8:31-32, 1 John 4:9-10

I remember vividly a late July evening the summer our girls turned one. Each cradling a twin babe, my husband and I hurried toward Sunday night church when a rush of warm, forceful wind came out of nowhere and stopped us in our tracks. It swirled violently all around us, but as I tried to hold my girl closer, she pushed away in pure delight. She strained toward the invisible gust of air and tried to capture it, belly-laughing even as it caught her breath.

Mysteries abound here in the physical world, don’t they? Over time, science has illuminated some of them, sure, but to live a life of faith often calls us to embrace the mystery of our creator God. 

Those who walked with Jesus when He walked the earth, who breathed the same air, got to look at Him face-to-face. They could reach out and touch Him as easily as I’m touching the keys of my laptop right now. And Nicodemus had the privilege of hearing God’s plan for salvation under the singular gaze of God in the flesh.

A Pharisee whose heart had not grown hard, Nicodemus was seeking to reconcile his knowledge of the Old Testament scriptures with the Messiah who stood before Him. He asked the same question so many of us have asked: How in the world can a fully grown human be born again? (John 3:4). 

In the stillness of the night, Jesus’s answer is kind yet challenges Nicodemus: “Do not be amazed that I told you that you must be born again. The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (vv.7–8). In other words, if we can so easily accept the nature of the invisible wind created by God, there is room for understanding the work of the Holy Spirit. 

The Father did not hold back in giving us His beloved Son, who lived, died, and continues to love as we never could, “so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Our limited minds want proof of a limitless love and the power of the Spirit to save. But the reality of something so momentous can’t be contained and explained. God’s love is a mystery that comes to life. It is a force of the natural and supernatural worlds, whispering, and wooing us to open our eyes and our hearts to His unfathomable goodness (Psalm 34:8).

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114 thoughts on "The One and Only Son"

  1. Caitlin Tatum says:

    Our limited minds want proof of a limitless love. This is a hard truth to admit, but is so relatable. I find myself so often in all aspects of life searching for proof, or a reason.. I tell myself I have to know why or how.. it is so difficult to release that control or desire and give the power to a mystery. I was raised to believe in God, but was not raised in church. I’m not 28, and since high school I have wandered to a from the Bible, attempting to read it like a textbook, looking for the how and the why and the understanding… and I have yet to find it. I was baptized and joined a church 6 years ago now and when I told my preacher that I wanted to be baptized, I also told him, “but I don’t think I’m ready”. He asked me why, and I told him I didn’t know.. my mind is programmed to want answers, and the truth is, the answers are limitless and far beyond human understanding. I’m still trying to come to grips with that. Thank you for this message. It was so relatable.

  2. Ashley Thomas says:

    @churchmouse, I feel the same way. John 3:17 has always been the more powerful verse for me. It’s very convicting, especially since I fell out of my walk with God when I was in high school. I spent 6-7 years away from God, denouncing his existence, and yet He pursued me, the lost sheep, over and over. He doesn’t care that I strayed away; He welcomed me back with open arms despite all my many bad choices.

  3. Sharon Payne says:

    I am praying for your friends and for you, let His word comfort your soul. Your light shines through your words of compassion for those you cared about.

  4. AZ Walker says:

    Praying for you Emily and Samantha and many others here tonight. So happy to hear Traci slept. Loved todays devotion and scriptures. Kristin, thank you for sharing the u tube link – the pastor preached to just a few people and saved that one person / so beautiful and amazing to witness and watch someone believe and not fear.

    Thank you Kelly and others for praying for my nephew Brandon. My sister learned that he was in jail over Christmas but was released. We assume drugs and don’t know where he is. His baby boy James will stay with foster mom (retired nurse) / she will be his guardian permanently judge ruled. James had so many issues and surgeries and needs foster mom and she loves him so much.

  5. Kelly (NEO) says:

    EMILY DAFOE – praying that the Lord will be the strength you need. Praying your husband’s colonoscopy went well too

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    ANGIE, thank you for your prayers. I feel so loved. I really have no words as how special you made me feel.

  7. Traci Gendron says:


  8. Traci Gendron says:

    Oh Blessed Beth such beautiful words. I also donated my kidney to Tanner. Your daughter gave an amazing gift.