The Messiah on Trial

Open Your Bible

Luke 22:66-23:12, John 18:28-38, Isaiah 53:7-8

Text: Luke 22:66-23:12, John 18:28-38, Isaiah 53:7-8

He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He did not open His mouth;
Like a lamb that is led to slaughter,
And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers,
So He did not open His mouth.
– Isaiah 53:7, NASB

It’s a little known fact to anyone who steps into my homeschool classroom (in actuality, a small breakfast nook crowded with a well-loved child’s play kitchen, sticky high chair and watercolor-stained dinner table) that I used to be an attorney. Don’t judge.

As someone who has read textbook after textbook of case law and learned the rights guaranteed by the Constitution backwards and forwards, the trial of Jesus has me shaking my head at how such a tragedy of justice could take place. Due process? Hardly.

The list of injustices is lengthy:

The trial was illegally held in a private home.
Witnesses were illegally called at night.
Jesus’ accusers “tried on” various charges until they found something, anything, on which Pilate had jurisdiction to rule.
When Pilate didn’t want to rule, he shipped Jesus off to another judge, Herod. Herod mishandled the defendant and let his jailers mistreat Him—dressing Him mockingly in an elegant robe—after which Herod returned Jesus back to the first judge.

Jesus had every right, every opportunity and, obviously, full capability to protest. When you are the Son of God, I would assume you are more than equipped to argue your case pro se—that is, on your own. And yet, He didn’t.

There’s a phrase that makes any attorney cringe when they hear their client say it. It’s like nails on a chalkboard, whether the client is technically on the right or wrong side of the law. That phrase is, “I don’t care what it costs; it’s a matter of principle.” When you hear those words you then know this case is out of your hands, because your client’s ego, pride and need to prove him or herself right is on the line. Nothing is going to stop them.

I’d argue that no one is any more “in the right” than Jesus. Yet He endured every injustice, every step of the way, without ego, pride or the need to prove Himself. He let go of standing up for the principle of the matter by standing up for those that principally matter to Him. You. Me.

As pastor and writer Adrian Rogers explains, “If Jesus had taken up His own defense with the intention of refuting his accusers and proving his innocence, he would have won. But we would have lost, and we would be lost for all eternity.”

Jesus had a totally different case strategy—to take His case, and ours, to a higher Judge.
He is the ultimate example of turning the other cheek. In those instances when we want to stomp our feet and cry, “No fair!”—or “But I’m the one who’s right here!”—we have the freedom to say nothing at all. Christ is our perfect defense. We can take our satisfaction not in proving ourselves right, but in the knowledge that our ultimate fate has already been sealed by a higher Judge—One who sits not on a bench with a gavel, but on a throne of clouds, wielding mercy and unending compassion. Case dismissed.

Sarah Matheny is an ever-growing, ever-changing gal, laughing and living in the Pacific Northwest. One-time attorney, food blogger, and author, all-the-time wife and mom to three wild-eyed, spunky girly girls, she’s passionate about her family, her friends and growing in her walk with Christ as He dishes up an always unpredictable, but totally delicious life.




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94 thoughts on "The Messiah on Trial"

  1. M. Tsiliakou says:

    Happy Easter to global Christians.

  2. Kasey Tuggle says:

    “He let go of standing up for the principle of the matter by standing up for those that principally matter to Him. You. Me.” He did all that he did for us! With me in mind. With you in mind. He didn’t deserve what he went through, but we did. But Jesus took the punishment in our place.

  3. Kathy W says:

    “Case dismissed” Boom! Love it

  4. Loida says:


  5. I’m so grateful for Jesus dying for me. Today was a struggle for me. As I stood in the shower feeling defeated, I could hear the Holy Spirit saying “Pray! God is waiting to hear from you Shameka.” So I began to pray… The scriptures that God brought forth and the comfort He gave was amazing!! Only for me to read Today’s devotional before going to bed. Jesus sacrificed everything for me to be able to go to God in prayer. I’m thankful to have such a loving and understanding Savior.

  6. Heather says:

    It’s always hard for me to read this and not understand why Jesus didn’t just say “Yes! I am the Son of Man! The King of Kings! Ruler over everything!” But you put it into the perfect perspective. If He had said those things, He may not have fulfilled His cause. So for His silence and unjust case, I’m grateful. I’m grateful that He loves me that much.

  7. Kristen Martin says:

    Today’s devotion is perfect – tonight I attended the last night of our church’s 5 week Lenten series on the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. It has been led by a prominent attorney and I’ve learned so much – about the events and circumstances, about perfect love and amazing grace, and about my own journey to the cross this season. One night we studied the Hebrew trial and another night the Roman trial. Tonight’s message was on the Cross itself – and how it’s the place where justice met mercy.

  8. churchmouse says:

    My sister professes to be an atheist and spews vitriol about Christianity whenever she can. It is hard not to take personal offense when it is me and my family that are most often the object of her attacks. She knows our faith is our priority, hope, strength. When she erupts, I find myself wanting to rise up and defend myself, my faith, my God, speaking the truth – but not in love. I get angry! So… The words from today’s devotion remind me that Jesus is my defender and that I have the freedom to say nothing at all.

    1. Beverly says:

      Saying a prayer for your sister.

  9. Michele says:

    Everything about this sounds out of control and you articulated that beautifully – God was/is/always in control. He’s got this! He still does! Hallelujah we have a Saviour!

  10. It is such an amazing love that even with the knowledge that he could easily fight and win his case he did not. Not fighting against his crucifixion is the reason we are saved today. For me this is just one of the many examples of why and how Jesus was not just a man BUT truly the son of God!

  11. Sarah says:

    I can think of no example of a more unjust trial! Using our Constitution as a foundation of what is considered fair and necessary to protect people's rights: Jesus was arrested for constitutionally-protected speech, free exercise of religion, and assembly, perhaps even a redress of grievances (the table-turning at the temple was probably the last straw for the Pharisees), in violation of the First Amendment. He was arrested and seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment without a warrant. In violation of the Fifth Amendment, he was not indicted by a grand jury, and was compelled to be a witness against himself, and his due process rights were violated. In violation of the Sixth Amendment, his trial was not public, was not by jury, and he did not have counsel; he was not able to be confronted with the witnesses against him, or to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor. He was sentenced to the death penalty without appeal and executed by way of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. Yet he didn't demand any of these things. He knew the battle was not of this world, which is the true reality of all of our lives. We're never in control or guaranteed anything in this world except for what Jesus did by willingly going by a lamb to the slaughter. By laying down his life he gained the power to take it up again. I am so grateful!

  12. Em_Bristol says:

    So sometimes when I read through the passages and the devotionals I pick up certain things that resonate, but I have a hard time putting my finger on why it is resonating with me. And today was no different. The words "Christ is our perfect defense" stuck with me. But not in the sense of the courtroom, but rather on the soccer field. I've been playing soccer since I was probably 7 years old, and I'm 26 now. At an early age I figured out that I loved the position of goalkeeper. I played, mostly as a goalkeeper, all through elementary school, middle school, and high school. Then I was blessed to be the starting goalkeeper all four years of my college career. If I had it my way I'd be playing for the US Women's National team right now, but God had other plans for me. The game of soccer has provided me more than I will ever be able to provide it. That fact is something I still struggle with, but reading through the devotional today continued to prove that. God used soccer in a way to bring me closer to him by relating today's message to playing soccer in several ways.

    Someone else commented on here saying that "When He stood in the presence of pride, hurt, fear, pain…when these emotions sought to overcome Him, He stood tall with unmatched strength and love to overcome all of those life-stealing emotions so that we can too!" Pride is something I've definitely learned is a huge struggle of mine. And not in the way where I outwardly boast (my best friend will tell you that I don't outwardly celebrate my accomplishments enough). But the pride I struggle with is on the inside. It is a constant competition with myself. And often I forget that I can lean on God to help me because of this pride. When the going gets tough I tell myself "Keep going, you got this." When I need to actually say "Keep going, God's got this, so therefore you do too." And I think a lot of this is related the fact that being a goalkeeper, something that comes so naturally, is the form of a "defender." A defender is someone who is strong for themselves and others. Too often I pride myself on that strength. And I translate that not only on the soccer field, but in life. I naturally want to be a defender of others and myself. And I often forget that there is a greater defender than me. That defender is Christ.

    So even though I'm never going to stop being a "defender" in life, I know I'm not perfect, and that sometimes that ball is going to get past my defense. But I need to take heart in the fact that Jesus is the PERFECT DEFENDER. He's the ultimate goalkeeper in our lives. He has a perfect shut-out record. And just as I learned that as a goalkeeper on the soccer field I need to help move the defense and talk to the entire team on the field to be more successful, Jesus is doing that exact thing for us. He's helping us be better defenders, He's helping us move on the field of life. He's helping us reach our goals. Constantly reminding us that He is there. Picking us up and giving us encouragement when we are weak. Forgiving us when we mess up on the field in front of His goal. He is ultimately defending us eternally.

    I know I need to put my pride, hurt, pain, and fear aside and be able to ask for His help and His grace and His love. Just like on the soccer field, I need to be able to call out to Him when I need a sub. When my legs are heavy and tired. When my lungs are burning. When I can no longer give what myself and others need from me. When my strength is gone I need to be able to raise my hand (a sign to your coach you need a sub) and fall to my knees before him. Because Christ is the ultimate defender.

    1. Nicole says:

      I love this! Thanks for that visual.

  13. Ellie says:

    "In those instances when we want to stomp our feet and cry, 'No fair!'—or 'But I’m the one who’s right here!'—we have the freedom to say nothing at all. Christ is our perfect defense. "

    I needed this today.
    I've been in a situation where, yes, it was wrong – I know that, and the other person knows that now. But I don't need to keep relaying the facts; I have the freedom not to! Amen.

    Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner, and teach me to love as you do. Again I say, amen.

  14. Kim says:

    This has convicted my heart today. I love debate – I enjoy trying to find the right "argument" to prove my point. I'll even debate things I don't agree with! (In a "which is better? Chicken or beef?" kind of way.) The question I need to start asking myself is "Why do I need to be right? Am I defending my pride, my ego, my self reliance?" If the answer is yes then I need to hit my knees in repentence because that comes down to not trusting God, not trusting my Saviour to rescue and redeem me. Instead of giving defence, I need to be giving thanks.

    1. Sarah says:

      Kim, it’s so funny to me to read your post. I am the polar opposite— I detest debate and conflict of any kind, but I know many people that love it. I was encourage by this passage also because while my friends openly judge various topics, I silently pass judgement on them, getting my knickers in a knot… I also am thankful for Jesus’ example. I have the freedom not to judge or be unkind in my heart.

  15. Carrie says:

    We have the freedom to say nothing at all…… I just love this so much! Trying to "prove" ourselves is exhausting and an incredible waste of energy. Energy that would be much better placed in other, postive endeavors. Turn the other cheek is a difficult thing to do! What an inspiration this reading is! Jesus turned the other cheek in the most powerful way. What an example!

  16. Sarah Martin says:

    Sarah! I love to see how God uses every life experience. He wastes nothing!! Thank you for using your legal expertise to enlighten us on a passage that I am familiar with but never put all of the points together to see each point on injustice. Thank you!!

    1. sarahphillipsmatheny says:

      Ha! Thanks, Sarah. I often wonder what God had for me in that whole law school, Bar, private practice experience. Thanks for giving me some perspective!

  17. kellykoptieff says:

    This was so great to read! For those times when things don't seem fair, when we want the last word… remember Jesus being silent gives us peace and comfort in knowing that justice is done. Thank you!

  18. Charli says:

    Oh my goodness, this was so rich and vivid for me this morning! I was reminded of how many times I’ve read the stories of Jesus’ trial and realized that every time I had this question floating around, almost subconsciously: “why isn’t He saying anything, He does have the authority to set them straight?” What a beautiful revelation to know that, while that’s absolutely true, if He had of pleaded his case, mine would’ve been lost! I wouldn’t be reconciled to my Heavenly Father. What a Savior!

  19. Angela says:

    I was so moved by this today: "He let go of standing up for the principle of the matter by standing up for those that principally matter to Him. You. Me." Innocent, yet allowing His torture and wrongful conviction to go on…so that I can be called a child of God, forgiven my sins. May I never, ever allow the familiarity of this story to lose its impact on my heart.

  20. Kendall_S says:

    if Jesus had won his "trial"

    i would have lost mine

    Christ is my perfect defense

    1. valerie says:

      amen sister!

  21. Kate says:

    I loved this message today. What a powerful reminder of how to reflect our Savior's love for us. I have had countless times of being hurt by other women, and while this pales in comparison to what Jesus went through, it still connects. I must continue to pray for God to give my heart peace and not seek out justice even when the situation deems an utterance of "Not fair!" Beautiful.

  22. “He let go of standing up for the principle of the matter by standing up for those that principally matter to Him. You. Me.”
    I always want to stand up for the principle of the matter. It’s part of my personality and I consistently feel the need to fight for my rights. But what does Jesus do? He lets go of His rights in order to grant us a defense. We were given the most powerful defense even before we were born.

  23. Jessica Shafer says:

    Praise God thanks you Jesus!!!!! So grateful to know He will fulfill His work!! I will wait patiently in faith know He will fulfill his word! Thank you Jesus thank you you are worthy of alllll praises!!! Whoooo!! Freedom in his arms is so amazing!! So thankful for his mercy and grace!!!

  24. Hannah M says:

    Yesterday I was studying the Bible with a Chinese friend who is learning about Jesus for the first time. She asked these very questions. I know in my mind why Jesus didn’t defend himself and I explained, but she couldn’t grasp that yesterday. Her heart was so heavy trying to fathom why a good God would make that the only possible way. Wasn’t there another option? How powerful to see the same story through new eyes, fresh and raw ache for Jesus. I look forward to sharing the story of Easter with her next week. . Thank you for this devotion today!!

    1. It’s so beautiful to realize the amazing perplexities of the Gospel through a new believer’s eyes!

  25. Maria C says:

    Thank you God! Am I the only one who sometimes feels like the words “thank you” aren’t enough to express my thankfulness for a God who loves us so much that He turned himself man to suffer and die from our sins. When I really reflect about it my hearts fills with overwhelming love and emotion. Thank you, God! Thank you, Jesus! For the Grace of loving us when we don’t deserve it.

  26. Bethany says:

    It’s another example of how we are supposed to be like Jesus. Turning the other cheek no matter what is happening. It’s so hard! But look what happened when Jesus did it. He overcame the world!

  27. Nyachi says:

    Praise the name of the living God, we are not defenseless

  28. Christine says:

    It is unspeakably difficult to turn the other cheek when you ‘know you’re right’. I remember being little and hearing the story of Jesus’ trial and wondering ‘why doesn’t He fight back?!’ I get it now. But as an example to follow it is hard. Real hard.

  29. Michelle Faile says:

    Leaves me without words the total sacrifice that was made for us all.

  30. Allison says:

    Really needed this perspective and it opened my eyes to more than just Him being unjustly accused and tried…

  31. Antimony says:

    “If Jesus had taken up His own defense with the intention of refuting his accusers and proving his innocence, he would have won. But we would have lost, and we would be lost for all eternity.” Wow. That stopped me in my tracks this morning.

  32. Holly says:

    I don't usually comment on here after doing my morning study, but I was absolutely floored by today's reading and commentary from Sarah. I had always been aware of the pain and suffering of the cross, but my heart hurt reading the back to back accounts of injustice. I was imagining this happening today and how powerful it would be to see an innocent man so wrongfully treated, passed from judge to judge, no one willing to step in for Our Intercessor, who's journey depended on this failing of humankind. Wow.

    1. What you said at the end there is very powerful: His journey depending upon our failing. He was willing to take that on for us! Beautiful reminder. Thank you.

    2. Candacejo says:

      She brought it out so beautifully! Your words are so good too…no one was willing to step in for OUR intercessor who's journey depended on this failing of humankind. Please comment more often! ♥

    3. Holly, I am also in awe of this powerful passage today. I like your phrasing \”his journey depended on this failing of humankind.\” Wow. So glad you decided to comment today!


  33. Melody says:

    This is so timely for me. I had a difficult encounter yesterday with a very disrespectful student. I cried on my way home from work– it's not fair that I have get up early every day and put on makeup and dress up and leave my precious babies to deal with students like that. Ugh. My attitude was pretty terrible for the rest of the night. And maybe it really isn't fair, but it is what it is. And what's really not fair is that an innocent man died for me to be able to ENJOY life eternal and to have life to the full. Looking at Jesus' trial this way puts so much in perspective. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Crystal says:

      Melody, teaching at any level is a sacrifice. Should teaching be your passion then know that this is your opportunity to be a light showing God’s grace and mercy to your students. I can speak for myself that I would greatly appreciate having my daughter in class with a teacher that has a passion to teach in hopes of seeing the seeds of knowledge take fruit in my daughters future. As a teacher, you receive all kinds of students and as nice as it would be to receive a student who listens and respects authority, their home life may be different from yours and fellow peers. I pray that God will show how to minister to the students that cross your path. Thank you for taking on the role to teach.

      1. Melody says:

        Thank you! I know it is a sacrifice. I know God has gifted me with the ability to teach. I know he has me here for a reason. And most days I really do enjoy my job. But there are those times when I struggle to extend that grace and mercy to a student disrespecting me in front of his/her peers and my colleagues. There is freedom in forgiving though. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.

    2. I’m a teacher too and I know how frustrating it can be when you work so hard for such hard attitudes. I’ll be praying that your heart will be softened and encouraged!

      1. Melody says:

        Thank you! Most days I like my job, but man, yesterday was rough.

    3. Emily says:

      Melody, I am another fellow teacher, and I can totally relate to how a run-in with one kid can ruin the rest of your day. I find myself saying “grace, grace, grace” in my head a lot as I interact with my students. I’ve found that whenever situations like yours happen to me, God is faithful to have another student (or two or three) “randomly” do or say something that just lifts my spirits and reminds me how much I love teaching. I pray that today and the remainder of your week go well and that you’ll have confidence in how God is using you in your classroom.

  34. Meredith says:

    I loved looking at Jesus' trial through the eyes of an attorney. Thanks for this perspective!

  35. Stephanie says:

    Exactly what I needed to read. I think one of the things I struggle with the most is keeping my mouth shut. I always have to get the last word, I always have to prove I'm right. Just yesterday I interrupted my husbands lunch bible study to call him out on something he did that upset me rather than waiting and talking with him later. He then responded in anger. Not only did we both embarrass ourselves but we negatively affected our example to those around us. I feel like I study and try so hard to be a Proverbs 31 woman and then it just takes one misunderstanding and one ill response for all that progress to go down the drain. It's so hard it is to keep silent when self-justification rears its ugly head. Starting a new day, soaking up a sunrise and starting over on my mission to be more like Jesus – starting with humility. Thankful for the words of the ladies at She Reads Truth and the scripture that gets poured into us.

    1. MNmomma (heather) says:

      I struggle with this too……am actively working on it – and seem to fail more often than not….but I know Jesus is working on my heart…..Humble me Lord….

    2. valerie says:

      i am right there with you – especially with those i love most – my husband and teenage children.
      i need to remember that just because i get the last word in doesn't mean i won
      starting a new day as well and renewing my mind with His truth – not mine!

    3. Bonnie says:

      My local Christian radio station brought to my attention a new book…I believe it’s called “Keep It Shut” by Karen Ehman. Sounds like a lot of us may benefit from it. :)

  36. Josie says:

    Christ's silence makes the words he did speak seem really significant. (Of course anything He says is significant.) "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36). When Jesus did speak, He shows that He had eternal and Heavenly purposes in mind. I recently was in court as a witness against a man who sexually abused me. I am 18 years old. Many people do not support me. In fact, they blame me for this man's evil actions against me. I am encouraged today to remember to not be concerned with these people's words or actions, but rather the Heavenly purposes God has laid on my heart. Oh, may I remember that my home and kingdom, as the Most High's beloved daughter, is not of this world!

    1. Brandi says:

      Josie, what a brave young woman you are. Praying for the Father's strength and peace for you my sister. And healing! Your words are inspirational this morning! Praying in agreement with you that we may remember that our home and kingdom, as beloved daughters of the Most a High, are not of this world!

      1. Josie says:

        Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, encourage, and pray for me! I am beyond thankful to be apart of this blessed She Reads Truth community!

    2. Terri says:

      Josie…how brave you are. Standing up for truth is not easy when everyone around you wants to pull you back in to silence. Tuck today’s lesson away somewhere so that you can go back to it often. Jesus is your Defender…He stands fully armed on all sides of you to protect your sweet heart from caving to other’s expectations. Rise strong in His Love over you. Let Grace be what pours from you…because of Him. Your young life has learned hard lessons already. Let Jesus use your voice to lead others to His feet. You are so precious to Him…

      1. Josie says:

        Amen! I love the truth that He is my defender, before me, behind me, and all around me!I have been meditating on John 1:26, “Out of His fullness we have received grace upon grace.” Thank you for encouraging me to be reminded of these truths and motivating me to give my life completely to God that, as you said, my voice may be used to bring others to His feet…to think I would be used in such a way!

        1. Terri says:

          It is always the heart of Jesus that our sufferings be used to bring encouragement to others. It is a process and you are well on your way!

    3. Renee says:

      First I want to thank you for being so transparent with us here. You did not have to do that and the fact that you chose to share something this deep just makes my heart swell with love for you and this community.
      You are most certainly right in saying that God is the only one with the final word. I alone can think of countless times when I have let the media, my friends, and even complete strangers paint my picture of what j should look like and who I should be. Sometimes I find it so difficult to say no to those voices in my head telling me I should be a certain number on the scale or I should consume only a certain number of calories. Your testimony on the stand and your openness here on this post is a true example of Christ’s love, and strength coursing through you. You make me want to stand up to those voices and say no. No, you liars. No, I will not conform.
      Thank you, Josie.
      Today I am choosing to eat my meal plan and take another step in recovery because of you.
      I know that I am a complete stranger to you, but I too am a 21 year old who struggles with her own issues. If you ever need anyone to listen or talk to, know I am here. And today I will especially be lifting you and your family up in prayer every time I sit down to eat and fight this ED.

      You can reach me at: [email protected]

      Stay strong and be brave for He is with you.
      Much love.

      1. justafiercelittlelion says:

        Thank you so much for sharing your heart in return, Renee! I sent you an email. :) Thank you, again! Praying for you today.

    4. MNmomma (heather) says:

      Prayers for you dear one! You are a brave, strong girl….prayers for healing and peace….

      1. justafiercelittlelion says:

        Thank you so very much for taking the time to read, comment, and pray!

    5. Candacejo says:

      Josie, God will continue to strengthen you for standing up for truth, even if no one else stands with you. I am so sorry you are not getting the support you need but GOD is FOR you. HE will never leave you nor forsake you!! Your SRT sisters are lifting you up in prayer today! ♥

      1. justafiercelittlelion says:

        Thank you more than I can say! God is reminded me today how truly blessed I am!

    6. Mindy says:

      Josie, thank you for you words, they encourage and show your heart for God.

      1. justafiercelittlelion says:

        Thank you for taking the time to read and encourage me!

  37. Trish Jean says:

    Amen! This truly ministered to my soul and brought reflection in areas where I sought my own justice without Christ. I pray that God can help me lay those areas down and allow him to be the ultimate judge in matters of my life.

  38. joanne says:

    Amen! He is our best defended. Powerful stuff.

  39. stinav96 says:

    I really enjoyed today's devotion and am sending it to a friend in a position to want to defend herself.

    I don't know about you, ladies, but this time, reading through Luke's account of Jesus' move from Pilate to Herod to Pilate, the fact that Herod and Pilate became friends over this very life or death situation turned my stomach.

    Finally, I have been in a season of entering into a leadership position within our homeschool community that will allow me ample opportunity to make mistakes, unintentionally offend, speak truth, encourage, and swallow my pride. I so appreciate Jesus' example of humble leadership and sacrifice for those He came to serve. I may need to print this devotion off and keep it in my info notebook for future reference! Thank you, Sarah, for pointing us heavenward!

    1. Candacejo says:

      I noticed that too, seems the first time it has ever jumped out at me that the two of them became friends BECAUSE of this!! Yikes.

  40. Kelly_Smith says:

    "He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:8). Last week we saw Jesus lay His will down in the garden. Today, He sets His rights aside in the courtroom. Each step took humility. We fight God and man for our rights. We cry out for fairness and justice in the middle of our suffering. Man shakes a fist at God and asks, "Where are you?" when evil attacks. But Jesus, keeping His eyes on the will of His Father, walks quietly through injustice. He endures suffering. He submits to the will of the Father so that, in the end, Love prevails. I have no right to happiness or an easy life. I cannot make a case for myself and become exempt from suffering.

    "Christ is our perfect defense." Ultimately, there is victory over evil in heaven's courtroom. In the middle of perceived injustice, I can hold on to that promise. It's printed on the pages of Paul's letter the the church at Philippi. While Jesus stood quietly accepting injustice on our behalf, "God has highly exalted him." When Herod questions His identity, the Father "bestowed on him the name that is above every name." Although the guards mocked Him and beat Him, He held fast to the promise that, "at the name of Jesus every knee should bow." One day, his accusers will join with us to "confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Not so that justice wins. Justice would equal a death sentence for all of us. It is "to the glory of God the Father." Amen!

    1. MNmomma (heather) says:

      Oh Kelly~ This really hit home with me this morning…..everything in a nutshell. This is it….I need to remember this….each and every day I need to remember this.

    2. valerie says:

      love this kelly!
      thank you!

    3. Angela says:

      This really struck me, Kelly. Thank you!

  41. ~ B ~ says:

    "We have the freedom to say nothing at all. Christ is our perfect defense." Sometimes, often times, we talk too much. I believe Shakespeare penned it as "The lady doth protest too much". It seems our nature to believe that the more we say, the better off it will be, that something will stick and connect or resonate with the person hearing it, but isn't it truth that when we are just spewing words, we're likely spewing arrogance. It's in those actions that the pride you speak of, Sarah, is evident. We like to think it's our right to defend ourselves or prove our correctness and sometimes that could be the case, but most times, our constant garble represents our lack of faith that God will work it out *for* us and in the hearts of our accusers…..even when it involves the enemy. The strength to just sit still and be quiet is truly a faith skill, one I am still working to perfect myself. The unvarnished truth is that when we feel the only solution is to "overspeak" our innocence or plead our case, not only are we forgetting that Jesus won the case for us, but we aren't just trapping ourselves in a daily courtroom, we are locking the doors to our own prison. A constant and persistant cell we don't even realize we've trapped ourselves in. Any area of our lives where pride clutches us in it's grasp is guaranteed confinement.

    I am so thankful for Jesus. For His work to overcome this world, that He stood in silence, despite a death sentence. That when He stood in the presence of pride, hurt, fear, pain … when these emotions sought to overcome Him, He stood tall with unmatched strength and love to overcome all of those life stealing emotions so that we can too! I am prayerful that today, tomorrow and each day moving forward I will not only seek to conquer those emotions, but that I will remember Christ already has *for* me and by that truth I can stand in silence accepting my righteousness, my victory through Christ. ~ B

    1. Kelly_Smith says:

      "Any area of our lives where pride clutches us in it's grasp is guaranteed confinement." So true! May I hold tight to Jesus who won the victory so I don't have to shake my prideful fist before a judge and fight for innocence. I am redeemed! By His grace I have been set free!

    2. Shanelle says:

      Amen amen! How I pray I can overcome my desire to defend myself and submit to the knowledge that Christ knows my heart and has set me free from my “need” to be justified through my words because I am justified through Him alone!! I desire the ability to sit quietly before the Lord and know that He is the only one I answer to. Oh, how I pray that my heart would continually be refreshed by this. That I would stop seeking the approval of the people around me and just seek to honor and glorify the One who laid down His life for mine despite the cost!!

    3. Katie_K says:

      This is such a daily struggle for me! When emotions run high it is so hard to keep silent. Praying for growth in this area.

    4. valerie says:

      "i can stand in silence accepting my righteousness, my victory through Christ."


  42. Zuriel says:

    I love this! Jesus is our Defender, our Redeemer, and our Judge.

    How often we feel we need to defend our actions to others, yet He showed us a better way. May we let our foolish pride go and follow His example.

  43. Alex Evans says:

    Thank you Jesus for turning the other cheek. I loved that point, that no matter what situation we are in we always have the option to turn the other cheek because our fate is already decided, how beautiful.

  44. Candacejo says:

    He let go of standing up for the principle of the matter by standing up for those that principally matter to Him. That's us!

    We are no longer in the courtroom…Tim Keller's book on Self-Forgetfulness mentions this. "…the problem with self-esteem–whether it is high or low–is that, every single day, we are in the courtroom. Every single day, we are on trial…some days we feel we are winning the trial and other days we feel we are losing it. But Paul says that he has found the secret. The trial is over for him. He is out of the courtroom."

    The trial is over, there is no condemnation. Jesus paid the price so we would not even have to stand trial! We don't live in the courtroom!!

    We no longer have to prove anything…it isn't about us. It's all about Him and the fact that He took that sin and guilt upon Himself so we wouldn't have to. He is our best defense. Amen!

    1. ~ B ~ says:

      I love Tim Keller's thought N! That's so much like what I was feeling this morning! We don't live in the courtroom. LOVE! ~ B

    2. MNmomma (heather) says:

      Oh my I needed these words this morning! Thank you!

  45. Jenny Erb says:

    Thank you Lord for speaking truth to me hundreds of years after you sent your Son to pay the ultimate price. I pray my decisions never undermine that sacrifice.

    1. Brandi says:

      I pray that my decisions never undermine that sacrifice, Amen. And Amen.

    2. MNmomma (heather) says:


  46. tina says:

    (As pastor and writer Adrian Rogers explains, ) “If Jesus had taken up His own defense with the intention of refuting his accusers and proving his innocence, he would have won. But we would have lost, and we would be lost for all eternity.”

    My heart had been thinking this exact same thing…not 20 minutes before reading this….WOW…wow. WOW…

    I am in awe…

    So very THANKFUL, humbly thankful, Lord God…Thank you…
    This thought provoking, and heart shifting hymn came to mind…

    When I survey the wondrous cross
    On which the Prince of glory died,
    My richest gain I count but loss,
    And pour contempt on all my pride.

    Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
    Save in the death of Christ my God!
    All the vain things that charm me most,
    I sacrifice them to His blood.

    See from His head, His hands, His feet,
    Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
    Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
    Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

    His dying crimson, like a robe,
    Spreads o’er His body on the tree;
    Then I am dead to all the globe,
    And all the globe is dead to me.

    Were the whole realm of nature mine,
    That were a present far too small;
    Love so amazing, so divine,
    Demands my soul, my life, my all.

    To Christ, who won for sinners grace
    By bitter grief and anguish sore,
    Be praise from all the ransomed race
    Forever and forevermore.

    Blessings dear Sisters…Blessings…Love

    1. ~ B ~ says:

      I love that song. Haven't heard it in ages. Thank you T! ~ B

    2. Candacejo says:

      Love, love, love that song!

  47. Sarah Lahoda says:

    Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Like John the Baptist introduced Him at the beginning of his ministry, I find myself wanting to declare to everyone who he really is…I’m in awe again as I pause to gaze at all that authority and strength under control. He lost so that we could win, and in the end He won as well!

  48. Chi-Chi says:

    Christ is our best defense!!! Amen to that!! I am so grateful. Jesus had every opportunity to prove himself but he did not for you and I. Now that is powerful and shows Gods love through Jesus Christ