The Meeting of Heaven and Earth

Open Your Bible

Luke 4:16-30, Luke 17:20-25, Mark 1:15, Matthew 10:1-15, John 18:36, Matthew 28:18-20

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

In His teaching, Jesus declared the kingdom of heaven had been brought to earth with His presence. Jesus taught what it means to experience the regenerative work of the kingdom of God here and now. 

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about how you can experience God’s restorative power here and now. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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67 thoughts on "The Meeting of Heaven and Earth"

  1. Kimberly Unzicker says:

    As someone who has struggled with identity…Shame/self-esteem, negative self talk/beliefs, stemming through some really hard things like trauma…it’s been a journey to heal in those areas and I have been learning to speak God’s truth over myself, and the gift of the identity He has given’s such a gift! I’ve been learning to claim this gift of this amazing identity God has given me..and I feel like “Believe the good news” really stood out to me. Believe in who God is, and what He has done, including believing in this identity He has given me. It encourages me and makes me feel so empowered to go out and share this good news boldly with this confidence in who I am in Him..and even more importantly, who He is! ❤️Believe the good news, sisters!

  2. Samantha S says:

    “My kingdom is not of this world.” This gives me strength to be in the world but know that it’s okay to not fit in

  3. Kendra Qual says:

    I love that Jesus talks about the kingdom coming through him and living in us. When Jesus was alive and walking on the earth, the Hebrews were expecting a King to come and change their physical circumstances. They were looking for one who would overthrow Rome and rule over them on earth. But what Jesus had was of much more eternal value. Today, I think we often look for the same thing that the Hebrews did. We want Jesus to come into our lives and bring physical change to our circumstances and relationships, even to events happening in the world around us. But it’s in our hearts that the kingdom of God is alive. It’s in our everyday interactions with others that we share that hope and the restoration that his kingdom has to offer. It’s a mind shift that I have to remind myself of. Loving Jesus doesn’t mean all will be made right in my life or in our world right now, one day it will, but until then I can continue to submit to the daily restorative work he is doing in me and continue to live that out to others.

  4. Amy Merritt says:

    The biggest way I can join with Jesus in ushering in his kingdom is by making disciples. Lord give me eyes for see, today and every day, those who need to hear the truth of the gospel. Help me continually look for ways to help grow your kingdom.

  5. Catherine McVey says:

    Rhonda J I love your comments and I love that song Goodness of God. I too sing that at night when I can’t sleep. This world is full of evil and sometimes it is overwhelming but God’s goodness is always there. Blessings to all of you.

    1. courtney graham says:


  6. Ruth Long says:

    Jesus, be my comforter. Give me life so I can regenerate others with how I treat them. Give me hope to share.

  7. Tricia C says:

    Amen and Amen.
    MERCY I appreciate that insight.

  8. Elizabeth Diaz says:

    Let me be a part of the regenerative work. Let my sin convict me in a way that breaks me. This way the Lord and only the Lord can fill in the cracks.