In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.
In His teaching, Jesus declared the kingdom of heaven had been brought to earth with His presence. Jesus taught what it means to experience the regenerative work of the kingdom of God here and now.
After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about how you can experience God’s restorative power here and now. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.
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68 thoughts on "The Meeting of Heaven and Earth"
Reading this makes it so evident to me that we are called to tell everyone about Jesus and that he truly is with us always even to the end of the age ❤️❤️
I really got the feeling that todays readings were trying to highlight to me about being a prophet among your own people and the importance of sharing the good news with the people God has already put around you’
He is with us always❤️
As someone who has struggled with identity…Shame/self-esteem, negative self talk/beliefs, stemming through some really hard things like trauma…it’s been a journey to heal in those areas and I have been learning to speak God’s truth over myself, and the gift of the identity He has given’s such a gift! I’ve been learning to claim this gift of this amazing identity God has given me..and I feel like “Believe the good news” really stood out to me. Believe in who God is, and what He has done, including believing in this identity He has given me. It encourages me and makes me feel so empowered to go out and share this good news boldly with this confidence in who I am in Him..and even more importantly, who He is! ❤️Believe the good news, sisters!
“My kingdom is not of this world.” This gives me strength to be in the world but know that it’s okay to not fit in
I love that Jesus talks about the kingdom coming through him and living in us. When Jesus was alive and walking on the earth, the Hebrews were expecting a King to come and change their physical circumstances. They were looking for one who would overthrow Rome and rule over them on earth. But what Jesus had was of much more eternal value. Today, I think we often look for the same thing that the Hebrews did. We want Jesus to come into our lives and bring physical change to our circumstances and relationships, even to events happening in the world around us. But it’s in our hearts that the kingdom of God is alive. It’s in our everyday interactions with others that we share that hope and the restoration that his kingdom has to offer. It’s a mind shift that I have to remind myself of. Loving Jesus doesn’t mean all will be made right in my life or in our world right now, one day it will, but until then I can continue to submit to the daily restorative work he is doing in me and continue to live that out to others.
The biggest way I can join with Jesus in ushering in his kingdom is by making disciples. Lord give me eyes for see, today and every day, those who need to hear the truth of the gospel. Help me continually look for ways to help grow your kingdom.
Rhonda J I love your comments and I love that song Goodness of God. I too sing that at night when I can’t sleep. This world is full of evil and sometimes it is overwhelming but God’s goodness is always there. Blessings to all of you.
Jesus, be my comforter. Give me life so I can regenerate others with how I treat them. Give me hope to share.
Amen and Amen.
MERCY I appreciate that insight.
Let me be a part of the regenerative work. Let my sin convict me in a way that breaks me. This way the Lord and only the Lord can fill in the cracks.
What I wonder is, How do we participate in the regenerative work of Jesus in a world (culture) that sees no need for regeneration? We live in a broken world with broken people who refuse to see themselves as broken. They believe they can just shame or name-call truth-tellers into embracing their fractured beliefs or behaviors. We see that a great deal in the things our mental health and medical professions push these days. Lord, show us how to participate in Your redemptive work and serve as Your ambassadors with love amidst such darkness.
Thank you Lord for your regenerative work and that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Thank you that you invite me into the regenerative work that you are doing here and now. What an honor! Please open my eyes to the opportunities that you give me today to partner with the work of your Holy Spirit. Please lead me in your love to those around me. Show me how I may join in with what you are already doing here Lord! Grant me a sensitivity to your leading and promoting. Open my eyes and ears to hear you voice and see your work. And open my hands and heart to willingly eagerly and joyfully respond and participate to the glory of your name. In Jesus name I pray, Amen♥️
“the regenerative work of the kingdom of God”
We are of the Kingdom, so what role do I play in the kingdom work? What have I done to regenerate? I am feeling convicted that I’ve probably done more to tear down than to regenerate. I must be vigilant in practicing the kingdom through forgiveness, Grace, humbleness, obedience. And constantly helping others do the same.
Thank you for your inspiring words Mercy!
The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Remembering to do kingdom work should not take reminders. But often it does. Being kind and loving doesn’t BUT keeping the focus on Jesus might. Lord help me do all that I do to bring honor to your kingdom.
Go therefore baptizing all nations, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.
I think the hometown not accepting the prophet was very interesting. Jesus was not accepted on earth yet he is clear this is not his hometown
In Galilee, the eleven disciples meet Jesus, who commissions them to make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them to obey His commands. He assures them of His presence till the end of the age.
event in the life of Jesus – His resurrection. The chapter also highlights Jesus’ appearances post-resurrection and the imparting of the Great Commission to His disciples. This powerful conclusion to Matthew’s Gospel assures believers of Jesus’ victory over death and His continued presence with His followers.
Jesus’ commissioning of His twelve disciples, empowering them to extend His mission. He gives them detailed instructions for their mission, warns them of impending persecutions, and encourages them with the assurance of God’s providence and protection.
The line that always sticks out to me every time we read it is in Matthew 28:20, when Jesus says “…I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Every single time I get emotional. If I don’t full on cry then I’m usually choking up.
It is so comforting to hear our Savior who was tortured, gave up his life for us and our sins, who was then resurrected, and He still made time to comforted his disciples as He was leaving to go up to Heaven.
We are never alone even when we are at our lowest we have our God, we have Jesus, and we have the Holy Spirit to help us.
I posted on the wrong date of yesterday again:) So here goes my reposting.
The scriptures today overwhelmed me with so many reminders. I struggled with organizing my thoughts and how to articulate them. I thank the Holy Spirit who is the spirit of truth and wisdom that reveals all things, knowing just what to give us. I just love the scriptures and the many facets God poses for us in various times of reading. A few points that really struck me today:
1. Luke 4:24-27: The Lord Jesus greatly offended the spirit of religion in the synagogue. Offence. Offence. Jesus was not political correct. Wrath came upon the Pharisees so bad that they wanted to push him off the cliff, aka murder him ruthlessly. Heavenly Father, give us grace to recognize the spirit of religion in us, in areas where we might be offended with truth. Let us not be driven from anger to wrath, to be “murderers” silently or openly towards truth and even those who speak truth. Anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Give us eyes to recognize, grace to repent and be tender hearted and humble enough to receive truth, and be set free.
2. A prophet (mouthpiece of God) is rejected in his own family, clan, circle, city… even get attempted to be murdered by the spirit of religion. Do not lose heart in the face of rejection. To some of us who are called to be the mouthpiece of God, may we be encouraged through this “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you”- Matthew 5:12.
3. Identify whom we are sent to.
“But in truth, I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were shut up three years and six months, and a great famine came over all the land, and Elijah was sent to none of them but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.” (Luke 4:25). Elijah was sent to the one widow of Zarephath only.
This is very interesting. There are rampant needs everywhere, but we are sent to a specific audience only. Otherwise, burn out by catering to mass audience is a sure pit fall. Delay and burn out takes recovery. May we know who we are sent to… to not engage in needless battles and delay.
4. “And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.” How did Naaman receive healing while others didn’t? Isn’t God love? What did Naaman do differently? Sometimes healing is such a mystery because not everyone receives it. This story gives a glimpse into such mystery. Naaman seeked out the prophet with great efforts, and obeyed the seemingly ridiculous instructions (to dip himself seven times in the dirty river of Jordan) for the reverence of God and faith in His prophet. God truly uses the foolish things to confound the wise to test the heart of men.
5. Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting … ” (John 18:36). Our Kingdom is not of this world either, why is there still fighting? “What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you?” (James 4:1).
We are citizens of Heaven (Philippians 3:20), just passing by. Don’t have evil desires toward the things of the flesh, or the things of this world.
Is our desire Jesus? Is that desire consuming us? I weep at this question when asking myself. Forgive my vain desires Lord. By His grace, may we love HIM more than we love the ministry we are called to do, may we long for the Healer more than the healings, love the Lord more than the platform on which we stand to preach Him, or the title(s) we are introduced.
May He alone be enough. Knowing Him is a never-ending process, the knowledge about Him is endless. We see in part, but to the little knowledge that we are entrusted to have, may we be in awe, in praise and thanksgiving! If you make it this far, thank you for reading. I hope you have a great weekend :))
Be blessed dear sisters.
Thank you for your thoughts. Greatly stated. May he alone be enough for me as well!!
Thank you for sharing these thoughts ❤
What struck me today is that Jesus made it clear that earth and heaven are different places. They are connected and can intersect, but they are different. I pray that I can be a vessel to bring more of heaven down to earth, I know this place needs more of Jesus.
Hello Shes
From today’s reading…
Matthew 28: 18-20
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
These verses vibrate with mission & meaning; purpose & promise; poetry & passion. Telling us we are never alone. Bidding us to strive & live as we watched him. With gentleness & gladness of heart. The Kingdom of God had & has come near through His perpetual pressure. Working to rectify & redeem humankind for all time. Witnessing this in my own family relations; particularly with my step-daughter. Are we two at the ideal. Not in the least. But neither have we “shaken the dust from our sandals”. Amen & Amen
AND a huge hug to She sister Rhonda J. on lifting up the song, “Goodness of God”. Encourage you to listen to CeCe Winans version. You’ll be lifted up too.
AND Wishing every She a wonderful weekend, wherever life takes you!
I’m so reassured by Jesus’s peace in all circumstances. He knew the task before Him and never wavered from that. Reading each of these scriptures reiterates that peace for me.
Luke 17:24 For as the lightning flashes from horizon to horizon and lights up the sky, so the Son of Man will be in his day.
25 But first it is necessary that he suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
Verse 24 with its beautiful imagery stood out to me today. Then I read verse 25 again and was reminded that Jesus set the example for us in waiting! Father, forgive my impatient heart and help me to honor you in my waiting.
I am so blessed by the ‘mini sermons’ and so moved by the heart cries in this community! God bless us each and every one as we continue to trust and obey, sharing His love here and wherever He leads us.
It’s cold here in the south too with a mighty wind currently blowing in even colder temperatures for the next few days. Looking forward to milder weather next week!
The kingdom of God is in my midst. The kingdom of God is near! The kingdom of God was in the Pharisees midst, Jesus himself, yet they missed it. Jesus himself is in my midst, everyday. Don’t let me miss you Jesus. As a follower of Christ I am given the same instructions as the 12! The Spirit of the living Christ lives IN ALL who have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus. It’s like I know this but I don’t LIVE like I fully KNOW. Ugh! He is with us, right here, right now… ALWAYS!!
Loving this study and the deepness of it. Loving how God is opening my eyes to truths in a new light. Ones I have known for years yet haven’t fully let soak into my heart and soul. A friend of mine challenged us this week to a healthy soul. I can only have a healthy soul by abiding in Him, every hour, every day and soaking myself into the reality of how near and close my Savior is to me.
It is interesting to hear what Jesus said to His hometown. You’re not accepted usually by those closest to you, but it’s OK. We have Jesus with us, His power and His Spirit. He will ensure what need
This reading reminds me that the things/people/culture of this world will never be enough or make sense exactly if we are truly following Jesus. Things are not perfect on Earth so we cannot expect to have an easy life where everyone always gets along and there is no suffering. Our hope is in Jesus and that is why we can remain peaceful regardless of circumstances.
GM She’s!
My word this year is “presence!” Today is another reminder, as the word keeps popping up of course, that His Presence and kingdom is in me! It brings me peace and joy, it gives me desire and persistence to go share this good news and light to others, and it gives me hope for restoration of all things. I am sure their hope for Jesus coming in a powerful, destructive force of all things evil was challenging when instead He was fully love and did things differently than that expectation. And that should give us something quite powerful to meditate on and chew around. We can’t see this powerfulness in the hum drum of everyday life or in the horrendous things we see in the world, yet other times we do see evidence of the kingdom of heaven working around us. We just have to receive the wonderment of it all, and let it become bigger than us. I think we have to take those wonderful and fearful steps forward to see that power…in US, that is through His presence!! Crazy Good!! Fires me up! And blows my mind also Sharon! Until we utilize that power we slip back into the monotony and spiral of life without our Saviour!
The “Goodness of God” is my song today. “I love you Lord, for your mercy never fails me, and all my life, you are close like no other…from the moment that I wake up, till I lay my head, I will sing of the goodness of God!” I sing this in my head as I lay my head at night. No matter what shall come, Jesus loves me/you, forever and always.
Luke 17:20 stood out to me. “The kingdom of God is not coming with something observable; so no one will say, “See here!” or “There!” For you see, the kingdom of God is in your midst.”
I also liked “shake the dust off”. To not take things personally. I think to just live as Christ would have us live. Love others, not condemn them. It is hard, but with God’s help hopefully I can get better at it.
@Brenda and @ K Loughman I too love these verses and would like to add “Let your peace return to you” so that they (those nonbelievers or skeptics) can see the love of God (light of Jesus) in you and your ways. Naturally I think as women we are “fixers” and more often I feel like the best thing we can do is to share your vulnerability’sto prove to others that you are human (sinner too) and “just like them”, love deeply because that’s what we’re called to do and most importantly trust God is in control.He’s got the whole world in his hands Happy Friday She’s!!!
…”the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21…and there it is again, the reminder of the fact that Jesus has come, Emmanuel – God with us. What a great privilege and undeserved honor to have the God of all creation – Almighty God – living within us! That just blows my mind! My prayer is that I will always – daily, hourly, minutely remember His presence and make it a habit to practice only what would be pleasing to Him and to only be in situations that I would be comfortable having my God present with me in.
@Annie – prayers for you my dear new mama as you leave your little ones behind to go back to work. How hard it must be to leave a newborn. Praying that you will have an easy transition back and that your little ones will transition to having you gone during their day.
@Aleida – continued prayers for your Victor. We will just keep asking and asking God to intervene and to answer your prayer for your son. Don’t stop, never give up – He hears, He sees. I think of the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8…”will not God bring about justice for the chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?” Be encouraged and keep on praying and we will be right there praying with you!
@Karen Elisabeth – prayers that your BIL will have his heart touched by God. That he will surrender all to him, and be healed…as we read today – Jesus came to “proclaim freedom for the prisoners and give sight to the blind.” May Doug be set free from the chains that bind him, may his eyes be open to the gospel of Christ. In Jesus name.
@Kelly Neo – praise the Lord for a safe delivery for your friend “K” and a healthy baby boy! Every single birth is a miracle!!
It is another very cold, snowy day here in North Jersey – be safe, stay warm and be blessed.
Today’s ready reminds me of the Great Commission for us to go into all the world preaching and teaching about Christ. Sometimes in our lives we get so busy that we forget that our main reason in this life is to be a light in this dark world. Help me Jesus to be aware of the divine appointments that you give me to share you with others. May your passion burn in my heart.
Guess what… no preschool today. Good golly!
I noticed some things that ERB pointed out. I was awestruck by two verses, in particular… Mark 1:15 and Luke 17:21.
All of us it seems, (I do!) long for the great and glorious day that Jesus comes back. However… it really stuck out to me that we shouldn’t listen to those that say, “Oh, there it is!” because the kingdom of God is within us, sweet sisters! And so it is near. It is ALWAYS here and ALWAYS with us. Let that bolster our time of waiting for that great day! And let us share His good news (pleasantly, as many sisters have mentioned) with everyone we meet.
Kristine L., Matthew 10:5-6 stood out to me also this morning. Our reaching out and sharing the good news and love of Jesus, should be shared in a non-judgemental way. Unfortunately, there are churches and Christians that don’t share the gospel that way. May my words and actions this day reflect the love of Christ so His work can be done as I serve in whatever way He decides today. Lifting prayer concerns and joys as I read. Hugs on this very cold morning in the northeast!
ONE more thing before I sign out. Please pray for my nephew. I remember when he was born and was the sweetest little guy. He’s now 30 and has struggled with drugs, alcohol and life. He checked himself into a rehab facility for 60 days. Please pray for my brother and SNL who have been on this journey with him for many years. For sake of privacy my nephew’s name is R and brother C and sis n law M.
Praying for healing for R and for encouragement, peace and comfort for C, M and you.
Our God, Our Jesus promises to be with us ALWAYS to the very end! Take heart sweet She’s on this promise! Believe it! Even when things aren’t going as planned, believe that HIS plan is better even when we just don’t understand and yes, sometimes even painful. I recall sitting in my living room,(of the place that once was my home and now no longer) at my usual spot, where I met with Jesus and all of you with SRT and crying out to God to come rescue me and asking “how long.” EVEN, then, I knew that My Jesus was with me! I just knew it! Happy Friday sweet She’s! I’m SO glad its Friday!!
I long to see relationships healed and no more brokenness, fighting or war.
Jesus restores. Jesus heals. He is already here and working around us and through us.
@ Karen Elizabeth
Praying your brother finds the Power of Gods healing and His restoring Love in his journey to sobriety. With God it is possible. I now have been sober for 7 years from allcohol and able to mend the relationships with family, especially my children.
I have experienced God’s restorative power in my life, but I am often frustrated that either it doesn’t stick or it’s a slow process. Yesterday I wrote about the time in my life when I literally felt like crawling into a hole because of all the brokenness in my life. This happened seven years ago. I can thank God that there has been restoration in some areas but the restoration has been slow or non-existent. My husband and I are still married, and we worked on some very important aspects of our marriage through that time so that it is better now than it was before. But it’s not perfect. We still have a marriage that requires constant work, constant communication, constant seeking God and His ways. The situation with our wayward daughter has not changed, (Not YET). It is worse (seemingly). So what is the restoration that I see? One is my heart and my faith in God. So much stronger – I am at a point where I couldn’t do life without Him, and before all of this mess…I was indifferent to God and what He meant for me. What else has changed? My community. I prayed so much for a good solid Christian group of women to walk through life with, and I have that here (digitally) and in person. That has been a huge blessing. And who knows how God is restoring things that I can’t even see? I trust Him because I know He gives good things to those He loves. And He loves me. He loves my family. So through the LONG wait, I will trust Him that He is restoring, He is using all of this to make things new and better than I can even imagine.
I too have been through some difficult marital circumstances and have daughters who are lost. I have seen God perform a miracle of spiritual and physical healing as my husband was hit by a car just days after my marriage hit it lowest point. I am struck by how quickly we forget Gods mercy and goodness and lapse back into the same relationship patterns and neglect of spiritual things. Daily I have to recommit both my marriage and my girls into the Lords hands. I remind myself that salvation is HIS work and pray that I will be faithful to be the example that my husband and girls need. I pray you will continue to persevere in the faith and that God will take hold of your daughter and make his light so bright she can’t help but look!
Lord what a gift to receive your restorative power! May my gratitude for this gift and the grace & mercy you have given fuel me to live in a way that others can see your Kingdom. May they also want the restorative power. Help me to daily have a greater appreciation for your work and your kingdom.
Good Morning She’s!! I Hope you all are having a blessed day!! May God speak to us in ways only He can and may we hear Him and be obedient to Him!! Amen!
KELLY (NEO) I love what you put “Take the Kingdom” SO Good!!
Here is what I highlighted and took note of today:
John 18:36
*another great reminder that we should be looking at things through heavenly eyes!! For we are in this world but not of it!!
Mathew 28:18-20
*may we be faithful obedient disciples, servants and representatives of YHWH!!! And let us remember that God is with us ALWAYS!!!
Mathew 10:8
*freely receive and freely give is what stands out to me here!! May we be sensitive and tuned in to receive all that You want us to receive, even if it’s outside our comfort zones!! And may we freely give what You have given, as You direct!! Amen!
Mark 1:15
*what stands out to me here is “the time is fulfilled” there is MUCH to be gleaned from this!!
Luke 17:20-21
*the kingdom of God is in our midst right now! And it is not observable with human understanding/knowledge!! Wow! That’s a LOT right there!!! It exhorts, corrects encourages, gives hope and changes the mindset/paradigms we’ve put up, sometimes in the place of God! Yikes!! May we see with heavenly eyes and learn to accept the unknown and unexpected!!! God is MUCH more than we give Him credit for!!!
Luke 4:29-30
*I love this!! Such a reminder that God has dominion and power over everything!! And that no matter the intentions or circumstances and how extremely difficult, painful and hurtful they may be.. God, has the ultimate authority, and He passes through and makes a way, especially where there is none!!! Let us remember this and walk faithfully, humbly and confidently in Your Way!!! Thank You Father!! Amen.
Love and appreciate you dear sisters!! Xoxo
Father, I know I have experienced your restorative power in my life when I came to back to You. Before I felt like I was walking around empty, dead, hopeless. I had completely given up. But God, YOU restored my heart “spiritually”, my hope, my love, faith, & my will to live. Abba, Father You are my testimony! Jesus, You are my rescue story! Holy Spirit, You are my faithful helper! I hope that when I share the good news of Christ & what He’s done in my life to others they will be encouraged to turn away from the enemy, repent of their sins and come back to You Father! I hope they will start to see Your restorative powers work in their own lives, experiencing you healing and bringing new life back to them. What an absolute blessing and privilege to be apart of Your plan to help others learn about You and watch them have a new life in You, Christ! How I long for Your day to come Jesus, when the beauty, strength, and life are fully restored in all creation back to how it was always meant to be, since Eden. Everything being made new. Amen! ✝️❤️
The app now has yesterdays posted and not today or the day before.
Jesus has brought heaven and earth together.
KRISTINE LOUGHMAN- such good insight. Thank you ❤️ May I be a witness of the Good News, but not be distressed if it is not accepted.
Prayer request: my brother-in-law Doug is entering a 6 month addiction rehabilitation program. His behavior and addictions have broken so many relationships in his life, including his daughters who want nothing to do with him. He has never met his two grandchildren. Many years ago, I talked with him about matters of faith. He said he believes in God. Sadly, that has never been reflected in his life. Praying for recovery from his addictions, but more importantly, that the Holy Spirit convict him and draw him into relationship with the Lord.
Praying for your brother-in-law.
Repent, believe and remember the kingdom of God is within us, as we have accepted Christ as our Savior and have the Holy Spirit to guide us. Don’t fall for imposters as we see much misinformation these days with computer graphics continuing to increase in complexity & sophistication, and AI is everywhere. Look for opportunities to tell (or show) others about Jesus.
KELLY (NEO) thankful for the good news on K’s baby boy. Praying for your husband’s health
KIM U – we “get to” vs “have to” – great reminder!
MERCY ❤️ thank you for pointing out differences between emptying and depleting!
JENNIFER ANAPOL – praising the Lord with you over your daughter’s salvation
ANNIE – praying for wisdom and guidance as you return to work after maternity leave
ALEIDA – continuing to pray for Victor
HOPE – praying for relief from IBS
A WALTON – praying for safe travels and family health
Kristine Loughman this is so good! I never noticed this before. I’ve been thinking lately about how us as believers interact with non believers. I think so often we feel that we need to let them know we don’t approve of what they are doing, etc. When in reality we can just let God take care of it. Obviously that isn’t for all situations but I feel this is some of why Christians have a bad reputation. Such good food for thought on this chilly snowy Friday morning (well it is chilly and snowy in Western PA). Happy Friday and upcoming weekend she’s. Praying through all the requests.
What struck me today was Jesus’ instructions to his Twelve. Go forth, leave the Gentiles (to future Apostle Paul), look for the worthy people, and if people are not receptive, let your peace return to you. Not, yell and scream at them. Not, judge them. Not, slander them on social media. Just… let your peace return to you and move on. Shake the dust off and keep going. Love your neighbor, even if your neighbor doesn’t love you back. Happy Friday, friends. As I look forward to the weekend, I’m excited for the extra rest, the family and friends we will spend time with, getting to take a walk and read my books. Be warm this weekend!
WWJD? Following the footsteps of my Shepherd leads me to do the things Jesus did. When the body is connected to the Head, it moves as He wills. Going where He sends us and obeying the Spirit will lead to the good news being preached to the poor, the captives being released,
and the blind recovering their sight, and the oppressed being set free.
Thank you all for you prayers for “K”. A healthy chubby-checked 6 lbs. 9 oz little boy has come into our world.
ANNIE – praying the Lord give you clear direction as you return to work.
A WALTON – praying for smooth travel
HOPE – my husband has aggressive Crohn’s (since early teens). He also struggles with understanding why healing has not come. Praying for your trust in God’s good plans for you to increase.
Take the Kingdom with you today Shes