The Making & Breaking of Heaven & Earth

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-17, Genesis 3:1-24

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

Scripture begins with a picture of how things were in the beginning. It also records how in the beginning, sin entered the world and distorted the original good creation, separating humans from God’s dwelling place. 

In prayer and in the comments, reflect on how these passages address what you see as broken or frustrating in your world. How has the reading clarified or changed your perspective?

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201 thoughts on "The Making & Breaking of Heaven & Earth"

  1. Dori Brown says:


  2. Lexi West says:

    God created this beautiful earth and we destroyed it with our disobedience. I get so angry at sin in this world. hate, murder rape. imagine how angry god is at us but he’s not he loves us anyway. he meets us in our sin like he did with Adam and Eve.

  3. Courtney Morgan says:

    I often get overwhelmed by the amount of sin and evil in this world but reflecting on this portion of Genesis, I realize that it has existed long before me. Sin has been present since soon after the creation of man, and it will continue to exist until the return of Jesus. It is through Jesus that we are saved from this sin and can look past the sin in this world to see all of the good and love that also exists.

  4. B A says:

    Even through sin, God listens and loves them. He is all knowing and knew the events that occurred but allowed them the opportunity to confess of their sins. Even when we sin, we are given a chance to confess and repent- he loves us through it all.

  5. Lindsey Renee says:

    Whenever I read this part of scripture I’m always reminded of how even in the midst of sin, God clothed them with better than they already he had. They were covered with leaves and twigs but he loved them enough to give them better despite their disobedience. Just a reminder of how much He truly loves us.

  6. Linda Fenwick says:

    They create their own narrative of what and who they are. Then they insist that everyone else must agree and treat them as they believe they are, regardless of whether we agree or not. They refuse logic, biology, reality.

  7. Linda Fenwick says:

    Some people get the idea that they want to be lord of their own world and decide how things are to be done. Then more sin, maybe just mental illness, steps in and things get twisted around. A person starts believing they are not who or what God made them to be, that they can and should change what they are

  8. Elizabeth Marsh says:

    As far fetched as my idea may be; I see similarities between society believing social media influencers perspectives rather than what the Word of God clearly states. God is forever honest and just, there is no reason to disobey or not believe in what he says, yet we still do it. We would still rather believe dishonest people around us over the one true King.