At the center of even the most violent hurricanes is a calm space called the eye. The storm may stretch for hundreds of miles, but in the eye the winds quiet to breezes and the clouds clear to blue sky. In Exodus 3, we stand with Moses in the eye of a hurricane.
We’ve read about Moses’s stormy past. His family of origin descended from generations of enslaved Hebrews. His birth mother, hoping to save him from genocide, floated Moses into the arms of an Egyptian princess who eventually raised him as her own. As a young man, his anger flared into murder as he retaliated against the abuse of a fellow Hebrew. Then, fearing for his own life, Moses fled from Egypt and lived in hiding.
Even hundreds of miles away, Moses couldn’t escape the raging winds of his life. But God called Moses by name and spoke to him through a burning bush, a bush that remained unscathed despite being on fire. What a picture of extraordinary preservation amid destructive forces! God would preserve Moses and the entire nation of Israel from the Egyptians. “I know about their sufferings, and I have come down to rescue them…” (Exodus 3:7–8). God would call Moses to lead this rescue mission. But first, God gave him an experience in the eye of the hurricane.
Moses, unsure of himself and God, initially doubted the plan. His uncertainty is understandable. After all, hundreds of years had passed since God spoke with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses didn’t even know what to call Him, let alone how to trust Him with such an audacious plan. But God stilled the winds of confusion and unbelief when He spoke His name and His nature to Moses. “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you” (v.14).
The God of the universe is eternally present tense. He is the only cosmic constant. God does not change with time or circumstance. As He assured Moses, He assures us: “I AM” is with us every moment. No matter what harsh winds of hurt or regret blow from our past and no matter what unpredictable winds of anxiety or fear threaten to shake our future, God is always with us. We can trust that He is our center, our calm in the storm.
And God continues to reveal Himself to us. We can ask along with Joshua, “What does my lord want to say to his servant?” (Joshua 5:14). As we open our Bibles, God speaks to us right now. In His timeless presence, maybe we should take off our shoes like Moses did. Here we can feel the breeze of the Holy Spirit, see the clouds clear above our head, and know that it’s holy ground beneath our feet (Exodus 3:5, Joshua 5:15). “I AM” is eternally powerful and present. On this we stand.
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101 thoughts on "The Lord Speaks"
This story is so powerful! Moses didn’t feel adequate enough to lead the Israelites away from Egypt but God reassured him who God is and that he will be with him every step of the way. What a great reminder to know that even if we don’t feel adequate, God will use us a vessel to help his people. Amazing!
The mighty I AM presence. The mighty NOW of the Lord.
God is I AM! Amen. He will never fail us. In God “I AM” I will forever trust! ❤️
God is “I AM”. He never changes, He remains Who He is
God asks us to be obedient, faithful and with the result; He will take care of. He simply asks us to Trudy in Him.
God asks us to be obedient, faithful and with the result; He
God asks us to be faithful and obedient
I love the idea of God being continually in the present tense. Just as he is continually present in our lives.
When Moses doubted himself God said “Who hath made man’s mouth” I love that!!
I love the thought of God being. He just is. That’s such a comforting thought. He is and always will be. It’s much less lonely.
I love that wise line, ” …there is no escaping the fire, but God is able to preserve us in the flames.” Amen to that, Sister! Praise God!
I can relate to Moses. This unimpressive man with so much going on in his life. This man with big convictions but is living an exiled life. But God stoops down and speaks to him. God chooses this messy man and calls him to Divine Purpose. Calls him to Himself and His service. I think of my own life which is very messy and unstable. And I feel like God is saying to me in this reading that there is a stillness in the storm. It is possible in Him to be in the fire and not be consumed. I think what may have pulled Moses to get a closer look at the burning bush is that he wanted to know how it is possible for such burning flames to not quench the tree. Moses could relate to the tree coz he felt his life was on fire but he could not relate to the fact that the tree was not being consumed. And there He met God. I am learning that there is no escaping the fire but God is able to preserve us in the flames. He is able to keep us from being consumed. He is our peace and purpose in the fire.
We serve a timeless God.
God knows exactly what our trials are in our current season && He presents himself as “ I AM “ what a beautiful reminder that He is in this season currently with us && every other season He will bring us through ! praise Him for His steadfastness . ✞ ッ ♡
“I know about their sufferings and I have come down to rescue them…” When the people were suffering extraordinarily, I AM met them and rescued them. When we’re suffering, it’s not lost on God. I AM comes to our rescue, even when the rescue doesn’t appear in the way that we expect.
“I know about their sufferings and I have come down to rescue them…”
I certainly feel like I’m in the eye of a hurricane right now; between caring for my teenagers and parents, and problems at work, and trying to make time for all family and friends (and a little time for myself); I feel like it’s all spinning around me, and I’m in the eye… this reading and devotion is so comforting; knowing that God is always with me in the eye is comforting… I will take off my shoes and feel the breeze of the Holy Spirit, and know that I am on Holy Ground! ❤️
Sometimes I’m like Moses in the face of God’s promises – He extends an invitation to a land of milk and honey and I start raising objections.
God of the universe is eternally present tense. God does not change with time or circumstances. “He is our center our calm in the storm” I loved how powerful these words are in reference to our all mighty God! Closing my eyes….taking off my shoes like Moses did, feeling the breeze of the Holy Spirit and the clouds above my head and know that it holy ground beneath my feet.
God is a God of power and might and wisdom. He is holy and worthy of praise. May I approach his throne every day with respect and awe and love!
Hello! I am a “She”, I don’t work for She Reads Truth, but I am a long-time app subscriber and podcast listener and overall huge fan of She Reads Truth. The app and the reading plan books differ in that the app just has the scripture to be read and a devotional/commentary but the books for the plans have a lot more to them: beautiful artwork to start, then lots of relevant supporting learning aids like maps, timelines, historical side notes and sometimes fun things like recipes or hymns. I would be a subscriber if I could! I don’t live in the USA and shipping and customs is too much. You can also buy digital copies of the books and have them printed, which I do sometimes if I really, really would love the book (like during Advent or Lent). The She Reads Truth books are seriously amazing treasure troves of information to help nurture our faith. But the app is wonderful, too! There you can share thoughts and ideas with other amazing women (“She’s”) in the comments.
I am new to she reads truth; thanks for letting me join you. Can you tell me the difference between the app reading plan and the tangible book? I didn’t realize there was app, podcast and a book. Thank you
Alyssa, the reading plan is the same in the app, on the website, and the book. There are a few extras in the book and the commentary in the app isn’t in the book. The podcast is an addition to the study, which is very insightful! Even if I have the book I also do the app. Hope this helps.
He believed in Moses even though Moses didn’t believe in himself- just like he believes in us and is there to guide us in each step if we choose to follow and trust him!
So powerful!!
I love that Aaron was already in his way to meet with Moses. Our no or uncertainty can’t stop God’s yes. God always makes a way!
Thank you to ADRIENNE, KELLY (NEO), ELIZABETH DODSON, BARBARA ISABELL, and anyone else who has been praying for my sister Leticia. I didn’t think the news would be as positive as it was yesterday, so I am amazed at how God answered our prayers. The surgeon said Leticia’s wound looks better than expected based on what the doctor told her, so thank God for that! And a little bit of confusion: the test result that said she had strep was from before the surgery she had last Thursday to remove the necrotic tissue, so I’m praying the surgeon was able to remove everything that needed to be removed and that the antibiotics will keep infection away until her wound is able to heal fully. Yesterday’s reading was a good reminder to me of God’s power and faithfulness to His children, and my need to trust fully in Him. Thank you, Lord.
Even though Moses was reluctant, God was faithfully with him. God will be with me even in my reluctance.
Moses is around 80 years old in today’s Scripture portion. He has spent 40 years in the wilderness with his wife and her family. Forty years as a fugitive. I can understand his lack of confidence.
I pray Lord for complete restoration in Jocelyn’s eye. God use this healing as a testament that you remain constant and hear the petitions of your people when they ask in your name. Amen !
I am blown away by the goodness of God. This message was for me tonight. Thank you for the living Word of God.
Lord, restore my sight. You said you made the blind, please restore my vision, heal my eye like only you can. Thank you for being the eye of the storm.
“God is always with us. We can trust that He is our center, our calm in the storm.” I really really needed to read this today. ❤️
Moses’ objection that he was slow of speech and of a slow of tongue, likely means he was not eloquent, though some sources say he might have stuttering problem (The same objection was raised by Jeremiah the young prophet, in Jeremiah 1:6, “Alas, Sovereign LORD,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young”). A note from my KJV study bible reveals that it is not so, Acts 7:22 says Moses “was powerful in words and in deeds”. Among the Egyptians, eloquence in speech was not only a very desirable quality but could also bring social justice and positive decision. Human tendency is to shrink back from bold mission leadership, and we don’t see ourselves as God sees. Surely if God calls you, you are qualified in HIS all-knowing eyes. An interesting contrast eh. Lifting up the prayer requests, and also for Alex’s mother on HRT. Nice to see you back ERB. Be blessed dear beautiful sisters.
Moses’s initial rejection and asking God to send someone else reminds me of my own selfishness of wanting to live a comfortable life where I didn’t want to be public about my faith. But.. that isn’t me anymore!! God gave Moses what He needed to succeed. I hope we can all rise above the bleakness that is lukewarmness, the selfishness in asking God to send someone else, and lastly, I hope that we can all love Jesus so much more than our desire to live a life that’s comfortable. He is worth everything
Hello, sweet She’s! Either my app is wonky or my wifi is, so I’m typing on the computer. I wanted to tell CATHERINE McVEY, “Happy Retirement!” And a note to KRISTINE ORCHEKOWSKI as well… I had a friend go through IVF and IUI both successfully and not successfully. She had a SECOND baby NOT through any intervention. The doctor said she only had a 4% chance of conceiving naturally, BUT GOD… The doctor didn’t figure the “God factor” (my words). Remember, sweet sister… “and God knew”. (Maybe we have a new saying. Let’s add “and God knew” to “the now and the not yet” and “but God”.) :-D
Prayers also for: GROWING FAITH’s sister, CALLI CHAMBERS niece and DONNA WOLCOTT’s travels!
I listened to the SRT podcast on a walk this morning. I noticed in the reading today, what was said on the pod… We always have what we need. (Thanks, God!) Unfortunately, like Moses did, we run from what we have. His staff that he always had with him became a serpent. Moses was probably thinking, “Wait, my staff is something else, now?” Nice! (Like Moses, however, I would have likely run from a snake! Heeheehee!)
Have a blessed day today, sweet sisters!
Help me to listen
Thank you for sharing that resonates. Thank you for the light
As I read the last couple of paragraphs of Patti’s devotional today it brought to mind a song that I like titled “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” by Phillips, Craig and Dean. Here are some of the verses: “Immovable Invicible, Is our Lord is our God, Unbreakable Unshakable Jesus”. That to me speaks to who my God is.
Be blessed and remember you can ALWAYS COUNT ON GOD to be there for you.
“I am who I am” God is constant. We don’t need to worry if He’ll become fickle. No matter what He does not change.
Again God, keep my eyes up. Up on the reward and not on this life.
4:11 really spoke to me today. Moses said, “please Lord, send someone else.” I am getting ready to start leading a women’s Bible study at a local women’s shelter. I’m really excited to be able to serve, but I admit that I am dealing with some fear and feelings of being inadequate. Moses had some of those same feelings and fears, but God equipped him with everything he needed. A great reminder that God will be with me too, equipping me with everything that I need to lead this Bible Study and to lead others to Jesus.
Growing Faith – will continue to pray for your sister. Glad to her baby was able to go home
Calli Chambers – praying for Isabella
Donna Wolcott – praying for safe travels and a joyous reunion!
Every time I read Exodus 3 and 4, I have to Youtube this scene from The Prince of Egypt. It helps me to see what Moses experienced.
I also relate to Moses responses: “who am I?” and “Please send someone else”. God knows that I have said these very words to Him. But I love that God isn’t affected by our fears and He will send help, but still use us, weakness and all, to accomplish His will. So thankful for His patience when I am afraid.
Praying for little Isabella <3.
Praying for Isabella!
Thank you Gayle! I’m loving this extended time in the morning and what a perfect study to start with! Have a great day!
Love this!!!!!
Just prayed and am continuing to pray for Isabella. May God be glorified in her healing and may His perfect will be done.
Praying for Isabella and the doctor who’s is performing the surgery Calli Chambers. May Gods peace and presence be be with all who love her.
Lovely ladies, I have a prayer request. My 2 year old niece Isabella is going in for her open Heart surgery in one hour. If you can please pray for comfort and peace for her and her family, her safety, and a well rested and caring team of doctors and nurses. Thank you ladies
In Jesus name, it’s already done. By his stripes she is healed!
I don’t know about you, but if this was my story and I was charged with recounting it for future generations, I would have been tempted to gloss over some of the, uh, finer points of my disbelief :) I love the humanity and gritty authenticity in this book, and I’m so glad we get the accurate picture, not an airbrushed, filtered replica. My heart is encouraged to know that God knew the real Moses and still chose to use him in all his fear and weakness. It’s possible that He could do the same with me :) Loved your comment, CHURCHMOUSE and good to see you back, ERB! Praying for the requests… xo
What stood out to me today is 3:3 Moses thought, “ I must go over and look at this remarkable sight. Why isn’t this bush burning up?”. It was Moses who CHOOSE to “dig deeper” as we SRTers like to say. Which made me think about the things that God is calling me to notice and how often do I miss the details because I’m just rushing to the next thing? Lord I pray that you would continue to guide me to the little details, the moments of miracles and use me for Your GLORY!!
Good morning sisters, may I ask for prayers for safe travels today as my husband, myself and my son’s family of four travel from the northeast to WY. We are going to visit our daughter and family, a trip that has been postponed a few times. We haven’t been together in over 4yrs. I imagine with 8 kids my mornings with all of you will get disrupted it may end up being bedtimes. Praying for all requests.
Even though Moses seems to be whiny & of small faith in Exodus 3-4, the book of Hebrews commends Moses for his faith. He previously refused to be called a prince of Egypt and instead chose to suffer with his people, the Israelites. He also had the faith to consider reproach FOR THE SAKE OF CHRIST to be greater wealth than all the treasures of Egypt. He had the faith to look ahead to the reward. How often do I allow my small faith in one area of my life to overshadow the great faith I have in another area of my life?
God knew how the people would respond to Moses’s message and warned Moses beforehand. Moses then asked the Lord what he should do if they don’t believe or listen. The Lord graciously gave him signs & wonders to perform to display God’s glory & authority. How often do I respond to God’s promises & warnings with little faith or outright unbelief?
God calls us into greater service for Him while we are faithfully accomplishing smaller tasks. Moses was called to shepherd God’s flock of Israel while he was shepherding his father-in-law’s flock of ordinary sheep.
God knew Moses’s weakness because He created Moses. He would not allow Moses to use his weakness as an excuse. God knows my weaknesses and He still used me to glorify Himself. My weaknesses aren’t a hindrance to God’s glory unless I make them so.
In all of Moses’ moments of self-doubt, God never assures him that he, Moses, is enough. God doesn’t give him a pep talk He just points Moses to “I AM”.
The podcast talks about this. It is so good. When we are faced with things we don’t think we can do the tendency of those around us is to reassure us that we’ve got this, but we don’t. We will never be enough. BUT GOD is always enough. “The LORD is strong to delivery.”
The podcast also points out that in the burning bush Moses got exactly what so many of us want. There have been so many times that I have prayed that God would tell me what to do because if He did I would immediately go and do it. But, too many times, I am like Moses – “I can’t. Please send someone else.”
I am so thankful that in the midst of the storms God promises us His presence.
Y’all, pray for my church. We’re in the midst of VBS!! Lots and lots of kids and lots and lots of energy. It’s great!
Moses asks “who am I…?” (3:11) Essentially, God answers-it’s not who YOU are because I AM! God IS…so I don’t have to be!
Moses asks “who am I…?” (3:11)
This is so good. I love the constant thread through out the Bible of stories where God could have just fixed it but he instead uses that weakness to His advantage.
I love how God gave Moses 3 signs to show the Israelites to help them believe but he kept Moses a stutterer. He could’ve.… but his strength will be shown in weakness!
@Churchmouse beautifully said! I listened to the podcast for this week and I highly recommend everyone listen to it! Jen Wilkin is the guest and she is an incredible Bible teacher. I came away with a whole new perspective on this study that I was already excited to be starting!
Amen @churchmouse amen
The Lord speaks. May we listen. By faith… suffering rather than choosing temporary comfort of sin. Looking ahead, heart turned to God. Trusting His promise of a greater reward… (Hebrews 11:23-26) …the Coming One will come (Hebrews 10:37) …we are not those who shrink back to destruction, but among those who have faith to the preservation of our souls (v 39). The Lord spoke loudest when His Word became flesh. He said He would come down to save us, and He did. He speaks. He prepares us for the holy ground we stand upon. We are spiritually prepared through the circumcision of our hearts. The fire of our Lord will not burn us up, but rather refine us like the steel of a sword, ready for battle. And our Divine Warrior has come to lead us to the Promised Land. May we be found faithful and ready for the final and eternal victory. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
When we open our Bibles, we are entering into the same presence of God that met with Moses in the burning bush. He is near, He is faithful, He is active, He is peace in the storm, He is present, He is our defender. Such good reminders as I am in the middle of a very busy season of life. May I not forget the importance of communing daily with God and all of you <3 I hope everyone has a blessed day!
Praying for your sister and her family!
Listening to the podcast brought this reading to a whole different life and how intricately woven Gods plan is in every detail. I also like that Moses shows his doubt and fears because after all, He is human. And how God doesn’t say, ok, then I’ll just change you, he just assured Moses that He will be enough in his weaknesses.
Good morning, SRTers. I don’t usually post here, but I have asked prayers for my sister Leticia a few times and appreciate everyone who has prayed for her during her difficult pregnancy and delivery. She now has a healthy one-month-old baby boy, but she continues to have health crises postpartum. Her doctor has now discovered strep in her incision site, and the prognosis isn’t encouraging. However, I know God isn’t bound by prognoses or statistics and that the prayers of the faithful are heard by our Father. So please pray for her and our whole family, especially her husband and my mom, who has already lost one of her three daughters and is probably terrified of losing another.
I needed this today. Thank you for sharing.
Moses said, “Please, Lord, send someone else.” This I can relate to. Lord I just don’t want to!!! even Moses felt this way but God sent him a helper, Aaron. I love it!!!! Love SRT have a great day
If you haven’t yet, definitely listen to this week’s podcast with Jen Wilken. Such huge insight into the book of Exodus! Alot of symbolism that I certainly wasn’t aware of prior and alot of help reading this book of scripture with great understanding and context.
CATHERINE McVey- I just had to respond to you- I just retired in June from teaching for 34 years and absolutely love spending unrushed time in the morning reading God’s word and SRT, etc! Congratulations on your retirement!
CATHERINE McVey- I just had to respond to you- I just retired in June from teaching for 34 years and absolutely love spending unrusu
Sorry I didn’t realize hitting return posts it!
What a wonderful reminder that God is always with us and that he can be our eye in the storm if we allow him to be. I have been through many really hard storms in life, especially through the long years my husband was trying to get and stay sober. The storms that were the easiest (but were actually the hardest) were the ones that I allowed God in and trusted he was in control. The ones where I tried to control it all on my own while not having a strong relationship with God and backing away from my prayer and study habits were more miserable. He truly is our calm and knowing he is always there- even in the really really hard times is such a wonderful thing to know and have.
May we recognize when we are standing on holy ground and God is speaking to us.
What a wonderful reminder that God is always with us and that he can be our eye in the storm if we allow him to be. Thank you for sharing Kristen! I love that and I wrote it in the notes part for today in our study book.
I love that! Thank you Kristen! I wrote it in the notes part for today in our study book.
The Holy Spirit dwells within me. I pray that every step I take, everywhere I go, will be as holy ground. May I not be surprised by His leading. May I not be reluctant to speak His name. May I walk confidently in His calling, neither minimizing nor exaggerating my ability. When He calls, He equips. When I go, He is with me. All becomes holy ground because I AM makes it so.
Love this! Thank you for sharing
Thank you for sharing
I love that God laid out the plan He had for delivering His people. He did not expect Moses to do anything except declare His plan. The rest He would take care of.
From HRT: “it delights God’s heart when His children come running into His arms. Our God does not stand aloof as we muddle through life; He does not stand on high, unmoved by the often cruel world where we lead complicated and confusing lives. Rather, our God is deeply committed to setting us free. He is determined to answer those who are willing to cry out, ‘Lord, please help.’
“Let us consider God’s response to His people in Exodus as a reminder that He sees us and hears us; let us cling to the faith that our God is near, prepared to rescue us from our crumbling kingdoms, from sin, and, indeed, from the clutches of death itself. Let us be assured that the story of the Israelites’ emancipation was not only a singular moment in history that we honor from a distance. Instead, as an affirmation that God is the same today as He was almost 3,500 years ago, let us be the kind of people who cry out for help, confident that our heavenly Father will indeed respond.”
ERB – such a blessing to see your post yesterday! Continuing to pray for your friends’ lawsuit and your brother.
SANDY STANLEY – so sorry for your loss. May the Lord bring peace to your heart and wisdom in the coming days.
BROOKE P – just a few more weeks! How are you and the baby doing?
Thank you Kristen! I listened to “The goodness of God” and have been singing it to myself ever since! It is in the looking back we see His faithful hand. Lord, You are so good!
Sometimes we think that with our objections to God’s plan, we can make Him realise He didn’t think things through. As if we know better than the God of the universe. All Moses’s objections don’t change God’s plan. God is so patient. He explains again and again to Moses that He sents him so He doesn’t have to worry. May I be quicker to believe and trust when God calls me.
Also, this is the prayer from that devotional: PRAYER
God, You have never
abandoned or betrayed
me. You have faithfully
cared for me and
defended me. There is
no one like You! When I
look at nature, I see Your
creativity. And when I
look at my life, I see
Your love. Even on the
hardest of days, You are
near. And that’s why
today, I want to tell the
whole world what You’ve
done and who You are! Amen.( Tnought I would share. Have a great day!
If anyone has the YouVersion Bible app the verse of the day is:“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.” Psalms 105:1 NLT
There is a devotional that goes with this and it talks about how this Psalm recounts the Exodus. Hope you can read it. Here is an excerpt with a suggestion from the devotional. We were made to worship God, and one of the ways we do that is by recounting His wonderful works. So today, intentionally set aside time to reflect on God’s faithfulness. And then—tell other people about His great works. Who knows? Your praise just might inspire others to worship God as well.
I also thought of the song by CeCe Winans that I think is called, The Goodness of God! Let’s all give Him thanksgiving, praise, honor, and glory He is due today!