The LORD of Armies Is With Us

Open Your Bible

Psalm 46:1-11

When I was a kid, I used to be terrified that our house was going to burn down. I would lie awake in my bed, certain that at any moment I would see smoke coming from under my door, a raging fire just down the hallway ready to engulf my entire family, destroying everything in its wake. Before bed, I would ask my parents to close all the doors (to keep the fire from getting into our rooms) and make sure the oven was off, and every so often, I’d ask them to check our smoke detectors—just in case one was malfunctioning. My parents would do all of these things, lovingly reminding me that I was safe, that nothing was going to happen to me. And they would pray with me, inviting me to bring my fears and uncertainties to God, the One who protects me and strengthens me.

This psalm refers to God as the “LORD of Armies.” This name for God appears most often in the Minor Prophets, both before and after Judah’s exile into Babylon. The lives of God’s people were full of fear and uncertainty, and they were constantly reminded of the power their enemies held over them. Referring to God as the LORD of Armies reminded them of His ability to keep them from harm.

This whole psalm is a reminder of God’s unmatched power. The psalmist writes of God’s ability to provide calm and order in the midst of total chaos. The first stanza speaks of God’s protection from the natural elements, the second of God’s protection from other nations, and the third of God’s protection from fighting and wars. In every stanza, the psalmist reminds us that God is with us—that He is our refuge, that the LORD of Armies is our stronghold. How can we not bow down in praise of such a powerful God? With a God like this on our side, fighting for us, watching over us, our fears don’t stand a chance.

These days, I’m not as scared of my house burning down as I used to be. My fears are more concerned with uncertainty about the future and my need to control things. So although I am not a nation at war, I can still find rest in the fact that the LORD of Armies is with me. He is a refuge for my weary soul, a place of comfort in the midst of chaos. His power is stronger than even the most terrifying of armies, His love deeper than any raging sea. He is strong, He is good, and He will not let me go, even in the fiercest battle.

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358 thoughts on "The LORD of Armies Is With Us"

  1. Sue Dalos says:

    SHARIE, welcome. I don’t post often but these studies and these SRT Sisters have been wonderful as I have returned to walking with God. I am on IG and love connecting with any one of the SRT readers. suzd56

  2. Michelle Patire says:

    Good morning :)

    Thank you for the prayers ladies! I def felt them on my drive home from my small group, last night.
    We sang “Waymaker” at church Sunday and I was singing it in prayer over my mom. “Even when we can’t see Him, He’s working…Even when we can’t feel Him, He’s working. ” classic.

    @Sharie!! Thank you for sharing that story. You have had a very full life so far– so cool you’ve been able to experiencing the metaphor of God’s shepherding in real time.

    @Lehua– how did your conversation with your dad go?I
    @Sarah D– how do you think the interview went?
    @Rhonda J- how did the appointment go?

    Thinking of Pam C this morning <3 May you be comforted by this Scripture this morning. We await a heavenly city, whose streams make us glad. We wait for the revelation of His bride (Revelation 21:2). Where families will be united as One body – forever His. We thank you, Jesus, who tore the veil and made us One with You!

  3. Theresa says:

    I am a chronic striver. I fool myself into thinking that if I worry and think and work hard enough at my challenges, I can overcome them and get to the other side. But that is not the message God gives us. There’s nothing wrong with planning and hard work but when it takes the place of prayer and reliance on the Lord, it becomes futile and a sin. Oh Lord, help me to remember that I don’t have to fight so hard to succeed in a battle you’ve already won for me!

    Lifting you ladies up in prayer this morning! Especially Lehua and Sarah D who God has really placed on my heart lately. I pray you both feel his presence and peace in your situations!

  4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    These song lyrics came to mind as I read through this psalm: “Though the mountains may be moved into the sea, Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way, I can hear my Father singing over me “It’s gonna be OK, it’s gonna be OK” (Into The Sea by Tasha Layton) …The Lord Almighty is with us. He is the One to run to for strength, He is our ever-present help, He is our fortress. What more do we need? I refuse to live in a state of fear and uncertainty. Yes, the world is a mess, yes we can not trust our leaders, yes there is so much corruption and injustice – BUT GOD! He is our fortress and strength. And one day, all will be made right. May we all look forward to “the blessed hope — the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…” (Titus 2:13) May today be a good day – a day of hope, a day of praise, a day trusting and exalting our Almighty God.

    I continue to pray that God will answer each and every one of your prayers, according to His will.

    Happy Tuesday to you all!

  5. Searching says:

    The song “Shout to the Lord” came to mind as I started reading this psalm – it’s been around many years and performed by many artists – one of my favorites is the instrumental version by the late Anthony Burger.

    God IS our refuge, our protector, who we can turn to, run to for safety.
    KELLY (NEO) – thank you. yes, our stronghold to proclaim!

    Especially love vs 10
    Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!

    I have the hardest time with being still and listening for His voice.

    SHARIE – welcome! So interesting to learn about the sheep, and reinforces my understanding of how much we need The Shepard.

    LEHUA K – hope the talk went well with your dad and that he understood the importance. And your comment on the burden of the extra wool/weight we carry – so good!

    MICHELLE PATIRE – continuing to pray for your family, for strength and wisdom for your mom and for you. I echo LEHUA’s prayer for your family.

    CEE GEE ❤️

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – praying for Emily’s medication to get sorted out, and for her and your son to come to the Lord

    DANIELLE B – good to see you

  6. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Stronghold – a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.


    a place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld.

    Lord, You are my Stronghold (definition 1). May I be Yours as well (definition 2)!

    RHONDA J – praying your doctor visit went well

    SHERIE – welcome

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – praying for Emily

    SEARCHING – praying your family member’s heart will soften to the need for Jesus (and see the need for good self care)

  7. Chantel Washington says:

    God is always with us

  8. Maura Jones says:
