The LORD of Armies Is With Us

Open Your Bible

Psalm 46:1-11

When I was a kid, I used to be terrified that our house was going to burn down. I would lie awake in my bed, certain that at any moment I would see smoke coming from under my door, a raging fire just down the hallway ready to engulf my entire family, destroying everything in its wake. Before bed, I would ask my parents to close all the doors (to keep the fire from getting into our rooms) and make sure the oven was off, and every so often, I’d ask them to check our smoke detectors—just in case one was malfunctioning. My parents would do all of these things, lovingly reminding me that I was safe, that nothing was going to happen to me. And they would pray with me, inviting me to bring my fears and uncertainties to God, the One who protects me and strengthens me.

This psalm refers to God as the “LORD of Armies.” This name for God appears most often in the Minor Prophets, both before and after Judah’s exile into Babylon. The lives of God’s people were full of fear and uncertainty, and they were constantly reminded of the power their enemies held over them. Referring to God as the LORD of Armies reminded them of His ability to keep them from harm.

This whole psalm is a reminder of God’s unmatched power. The psalmist writes of God’s ability to provide calm and order in the midst of total chaos. The first stanza speaks of God’s protection from the natural elements, the second of God’s protection from other nations, and the third of God’s protection from fighting and wars. In every stanza, the psalmist reminds us that God is with us—that He is our refuge, that the LORD of Armies is our stronghold. How can we not bow down in praise of such a powerful God? With a God like this on our side, fighting for us, watching over us, our fears don’t stand a chance.

These days, I’m not as scared of my house burning down as I used to be. My fears are more concerned with uncertainty about the future and my need to control things. So although I am not a nation at war, I can still find rest in the fact that the LORD of Armies is with me. He is a refuge for my weary soul, a place of comfort in the midst of chaos. His power is stronger than even the most terrifying of armies, His love deeper than any raging sea. He is strong, He is good, and He will not let me go, even in the fiercest battle.

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364 thoughts on "The LORD of Armies Is With Us"

  1. Robyn Hume says:

    I thank you Lord, that you are my rescuer. You are my Victory. I need not fear.❤️

  2. Susan Marie Hill says:

    “He is good, He will not let go; even in the fiercest battle.”

  3. Olivia Lambert says:

    This came at a perfect time. What peace in knowing He IS on our side!

  4. Haleyanna Nerem says:

    I used to have anxious thoughts like this as well. I was put on meds in order to deal with them. Once I found the Lord, he cleared me of all bad thoughts. They still sneak in sometimes, but I am now off all medication and am solely dependent on our Lord. I am so thankful

  5. Samantha Strohl says:

    Thank you Lord for always being with me.

  6. Jeanna Vance says:

    My very present help. I depend on you, Jesus.

  7. Destiny H. says:

    When uncertainty is all around my resolve is : Lord of Armies I trust only you!

  8. d Toruno Huete says:

    I needed to hear this! I’m someone who gets scared easy but. I know God is with me no matter what happens I’ll be fine because he is with me

  9. Khloe Wiegers says:

    “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved”

  10. Hilary Curneal says:

    Thank you God for being my everlasting protector! You keep me safe whenever I am alone, scared, and worried. Thank you for letting me leave all my worries and doubts in your hands so that I may rest. You are the most high God!

  11. Shae Gulliver says:

    Amen. I struggle with anxiety. It will be to the point where I think Im going to die, or someone is breaking into my house. Or that I’m going to be in another house fire. But God just reminded me that, that he is here to protect me. He is here to take care of my anxiety. He is the Lord of Armies! He will fight for me! Thank you Papa!!

  12. Amberlee saltzman says:

    as someone who struggles with severe anxiety, it’s often difficult for me to give up all my worries and fears to God. but then i remember God has way more power than me and he’ll never lead me astray! Reading this helped me remember that

  13. Mollie Pittman says:

    Give all your worries to God, He will fight your battles for you!❤️

  14. Sarai Agosto says:

    This is a great reminder that I don’t need to worry about a thing God is the provider of everything!

  15. Sabrina Willhide says:

    Reminder not to worry give it to God

  16. Megan Ringwald says:

    Reminder in my worry to go to god

  17. Sydney Bilbo says:

    Thank you God for knowing just what I need and when I need it.

  18. Samantha anhalt says:

    The reminder to be still in the midst of turmoil – in the context of battles – encourages me that I can trust the Lord of Hosts and just STOP spinning my wheels trying to fix everything myself.

  19. Savannah Werner says:


  20. ˗ˏˋ zaria ˎˊ˗ says:

    I read this just in time. I was at war in my head with my decision to continue to give this guy who is the complete opposite of me. He reminds me of who I use to be and I am so frustrated with myself because I always seem to attract men who are in fact not believers or completely lukewarm Christians. But this man is agnostic and simply has one of the kindest intentions. He’s gentle and intelligent as well as a fresh breath of air. His presence warms me. But I slip away from God sometimes because of my fear of making him uncomfortable. Reading this reminded me the Lord is there during it all. He sees it all. So my ear with myself is really war with my Holy Spirit reminding me I’m straying. Flesh vs Spirit.

  21. Kimberly Z says:

    @Theresa love you comment about being a chronic striver. I am the same way I believe if I worry enough about something it will eventually just go away. When in reality I am bad about giving things up to God. @SARAH D. praying for your wisdom and strength during this time! I pray the shadowing goes really well. I find it to be very cool that if get this job you’ll be in a Christian based school. How cool would that be as you’ve been praying for hard for this. Obviously any new job would be great! Happy Tuesday ladies! I am coming on SO late today as I have been running around non stop all day then I had my first night of belong league tonight. I am not a bowler and my only goal for the season was to bowl above a 100 and I made exactly a 100 my first round. I guess I can quit now. Praying for you all tonight!

  22. Mercy says:

    Lifting our sisters in prayers PAMC (God’s comfort and nurturing for you and family), MICHELLE (your mom and her peace, for order, healing, respect of boundaries and spiritual leadership within the home), LEHUA (God’s directing your dad with wisdom and right estate planning decisions), HEIDI (rejoicing with you, and for God’s grace for ministry work expansion), SHARIE (you’re a super woman, loved the glimpse of your day in a life, hats off to you),RHONDA (no back pain and blessing on prison ministry), KATIE (may God lift your burdens and fight your battles, you shall not be moved by God’s hand), SARAH (peace on job prospect, patience and surrender during the process knowing that GOD has a good plan at the right timing), and praising God for all other she’s that are too many to name, I pray over you and your families, I thank God that you are always so faithful in showing up in the comment section every day, rain or shine, snow or hail, may God bless you greatly for your faithfulness and your leading by example. Hugs and love to you all sweet she’s.

  23. Mercy says:

    Happy Tuesday she’s.
    Today’s scripture had me excited, I cannot help but proclaiming His word “God is in the midst of my city/nation (put your city/nation’s name), and I declare my city and my nation will not be moved, any demonic agenda that were released to bring down my city/nation will not come to pass, for God shall help Canada, and that right early, The Lord of host is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge” (Psalm 46:5 &7). Behold the works of the Lord, may He cause wars to cease in my city, wars to cease within families, wars to cease within the churches and congregations, wars to cease within workplaces, wars to cease within politicians and various parties, school districts, etc. The Lord of host is with us, and the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. Be blessed dear sisters.

  24. Lehua K. says:

    Thank you ladies for the prayers for my health and the conversation with my dad. I’m feeling mostly better and we had the conversation about estate planning yesterday – it was a little awkward and it’s not the only conversation we will have about it, but I’m hopeful that God will walk me through it with both of my parents. ❤️

    I don’t have too much time to comment this morning but I will come back later as time permits ❤️❤️ have a blessed day!

  25. Cee Gee says:

    The contrast of the chaos mentioned in v. 2-3 and the order, peace, and calm alluded to in v. 4-5 is so powerful. The study notes say that the word for BE STILL (raphah) means to release or let go. That gives a whole new meaning to the phrase Let go and let God!!!

    Continuing in prayer for God’s comfort, peace, confidence, wisdom, whatever favor is needed in each of your lives and hearts.

    Per HEIDI’S comment last week I will share that my praise focus this week is OMNIPRESENCE. What a blessing to see that represented in the readings so far!

  26. Heidi says:

    HELLO FRIENDS! who else is so happy to be in Psalms of rest?!?! :) I have been reading the last couple of days but haven’t posted. Thank you for your support, your love, your thoughts, your prayers – your community. I will never forget how difficult the end of this semester was and I will never forget this group who rallied around me in the love of God. It’s unbelievable. How sad for people who don’t know the community of God…

    SEARCHING I was with my 3 year old at the playground yesterday (bc I kept saying when i’m not so bogged down, I will take you to play!) and I read your comment “so glad this semester is behind US…” and I laughed hard, deep and out loud! :) :) :) That was the best thing ever! :) :) **buckle down friends, summer semester started yesterday…!!** HOPING and praying this one will be better spaced out in terms of projects/tests/etc vs everyone wanting everything within the same two weeks…

    Praying for you all – Hope this is a lovely day for you… Now that the crazy is behind me, we are working hard with the Global Partners that are connecting us with our partner-churches in Ireland, UK, Spain…. so we can start getting an itinerary figured out for where we will go and how we will get to serve the local church on a global level this June… So excited! CanNOT wait to see what new facets of our God we get to experience in all of this!

  27. Heidi says:

    I think it is so valuable to focus on the wording of the text – it doesn’t mention fearing “in case..” but “when”. It’s a promise- this world is not dependable and it was never meant to be (in our lifetime). It’s cursed, it’s broken, it’s dying. But we have a hope so great that we can stand upon ground that is falling out from under us and STILL. NOT. FEAR. because we know He is faithful even in that moment. He may not reach down and rescue my human life, but in that case – I’m now free of the broken world and safe, eternally with Him! I mean, it’s Paul’s mantra, isn’t it? To live is Christ – “keep me here and I will continue further His great name!” – and to die is GAIN – “i’m going to die eventually, so if it is today? then I am forever home with my Creator!” – it’s a Win-Win! :) The FEELING of fear does more to stop us than the actual thing we are fearing because, statistically, the things we fear rarely ever even happen! The degree to which we can let go of fear and recognize how trustworthy and in-control our God is, is the degree to which we can fully live out our calling and purpose here. We have these breaths, we have these minutes, let’s USE them!! :)

  28. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies! Thank you so so much for all your prayers, I appreciate them so much.
    I felt the interview went really well!! The elementary principal was very nice and I felt better about this interview than the last one I had. She invited for me to come and observe the elementary classrooms this week before school ends, so I’m planning to go on Thursday and Friday!! This would be so helpful in general just to finally see teachers in action in a live classroom. I’ve been looking at YouTube videos of teachers vlogging online, which has been helpful too. Praying the Lord’s will be done. A downside to my current work is that they are cross training us for a different department next week. I haven’t heard the best things about the types of calls they get in that department, so I really am not looking forward to it. Praying that the Lord would guide me, because it’s definitely a big step to go to another job, especially if it will be full time teaching (since I haven’t had classroom teaching experience yet). I would love to get another job before the end of the month. Praying the Lord would show me what to do and make a way if it is his will.

  29. Sue Dalos says:

    SHARIE, welcome. I don’t post often but these studies and these SRT Sisters have been wonderful as I have returned to walking with God. I am on IG and love connecting with any one of the SRT readers. suzd56

  30. Michelle Patire says:

    Good morning :)

    Thank you for the prayers ladies! I def felt them on my drive home from my small group, last night.
    We sang “Waymaker” at church Sunday and I was singing it in prayer over my mom. “Even when we can’t see Him, He’s working…Even when we can’t feel Him, He’s working. ” classic.

    @Sharie!! Thank you for sharing that story. You have had a very full life so far– so cool you’ve been able to experiencing the metaphor of God’s shepherding in real time.

    @Lehua– how did your conversation with your dad go?I
    @Sarah D– how do you think the interview went?
    @Rhonda J- how did the appointment go?

    Thinking of Pam C this morning <3 May you be comforted by this Scripture this morning. We await a heavenly city, whose streams make us glad. We wait for the revelation of His bride (Revelation 21:2). Where families will be united as One body – forever His. We thank you, Jesus, who tore the veil and made us One with You!

  31. Theresa says:

    I am a chronic striver. I fool myself into thinking that if I worry and think and work hard enough at my challenges, I can overcome them and get to the other side. But that is not the message God gives us. There’s nothing wrong with planning and hard work but when it takes the place of prayer and reliance on the Lord, it becomes futile and a sin. Oh Lord, help me to remember that I don’t have to fight so hard to succeed in a battle you’ve already won for me!

    Lifting you ladies up in prayer this morning! Especially Lehua and Sarah D who God has really placed on my heart lately. I pray you both feel his presence and peace in your situations!

  32. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    These song lyrics came to mind as I read through this psalm: “Though the mountains may be moved into the sea, Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way, I can hear my Father singing over me “It’s gonna be OK, it’s gonna be OK” (Into The Sea by Tasha Layton) …The Lord Almighty is with us. He is the One to run to for strength, He is our ever-present help, He is our fortress. What more do we need? I refuse to live in a state of fear and uncertainty. Yes, the world is a mess, yes we can not trust our leaders, yes there is so much corruption and injustice – BUT GOD! He is our fortress and strength. And one day, all will be made right. May we all look forward to “the blessed hope — the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…” (Titus 2:13) May today be a good day – a day of hope, a day of praise, a day trusting and exalting our Almighty God.

    I continue to pray that God will answer each and every one of your prayers, according to His will.

    Happy Tuesday to you all!

  33. Searching says:

    The song “Shout to the Lord” came to mind as I started reading this psalm – it’s been around many years and performed by many artists – one of my favorites is the instrumental version by the late Anthony Burger.

    God IS our refuge, our protector, who we can turn to, run to for safety.
    KELLY (NEO) – thank you. yes, our stronghold to proclaim!

    Especially love vs 10
    Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!

    I have the hardest time with being still and listening for His voice.

    SHARIE – welcome! So interesting to learn about the sheep, and reinforces my understanding of how much we need The Shepard.

    LEHUA K – hope the talk went well with your dad and that he understood the importance. And your comment on the burden of the extra wool/weight we carry – so good!

    MICHELLE PATIRE – continuing to pray for your family, for strength and wisdom for your mom and for you. I echo LEHUA’s prayer for your family.

    CEE GEE ❤️

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – praying for Emily’s medication to get sorted out, and for her and your son to come to the Lord

    DANIELLE B – good to see you

  34. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Stronghold – a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.


    a place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld.

    Lord, You are my Stronghold (definition 1). May I be Yours as well (definition 2)!

    RHONDA J – praying your doctor visit went well

    SHERIE – welcome

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – praying for Emily

    SEARCHING – praying your family member’s heart will soften to the need for Jesus (and see the need for good self care)

  35. Chantel Washington says:

    God is always with us

  36. Maura Jones says:


  37. Lani Lupul says:

    I can so relate to irrational fears that God has led me through!

  38. Kassidy Penn says:


  39. lindsey rohlmeier says:

    Praise and glory be to God always and forever

  40. Amber Coyle says:


  41. Quran Johnson says:

    “He will not let me go”; I needed to hear that.

  42. Chelsey Williams says:


  43. Shamilah Pittman says:

    needed this beautiful reminder.

  44. Meredith Koelling says:


  45. Jeanne Marie Kritschey says:


  46. Steph Surgener says:

    Such a beautiful reminder to hold onto daily

  47. Emma Baraiac says:

    It reminds me of the song rescue by Lauren Daigle. I’ve been seeing the song more and more in scripture and over all in my life and I feel like it speaks of my current season in life, saying I am learning from the storm and I and strong enough to go through it with God.

  48. Jenny Hicks says:

    I feel like it just need to read this every single morning before facing the battles and fears of the day!

  49. Chelsea Wilson says:

    I love that God is not just for us, He is with us!!!

  50. Christine Biju Thomas says:

    The Lord reigns over everything.

  51. Regina Clinton says:

    God has overcome the world.

  52. Katherine Calvert says:

    I really noticed the plural pronouns here this time, “us”, “we”, “our”. So when the church is under attack we can cling to the Lord of Armies.

  53. abby lund says:

    It was such a good reminder that any fears that we have don’t stand a chance against our God. He’s got us!

  54. Erica King says:

    In my lowest point God said two words,”My child” I know he fights my battles and I pray for strength to not to be in control. He has walked ahead of us and knows our needs and future that He has planned

  55. Cordelia M says:

    God will help us defend ourselves and will protect us from our enemies, personal, national or global :)

  56. Angela Irizarry says:

    Thank you Father for fighting my battles! Thank you that in my weakness, it is Your strength that holds me upright and leads me to rest from my weariness.

  57. Emily Huffstutler says:

    Im am so happy this is what i read tonight it was very needed

  58. Nat Drew says:

    Amen! Praying today for any fearful parts of my heart – would Jesus speak to them and hold them close.

  59. Juliana Gall says:

    O live this psalm. When my father got sick , God spoke to my heart trough this and I could rest that he is taking care of every thing with his love and power.

  60. Lekshmi D says:

    This is not a Psalm I am very familiar with. But it is strong and beautiful

  61. Lisa Gabledon says:

    Amen… I’m struggling with being still and this devotion is just another way that God has shown me that I need to not fear and to trust in him… “be still and know that I am God”

  62. NaTasha Lax says:

    I needed that reminder today. I feel like I am in the midst of chaos and my mind is spinning constantly. But God is peace in the middle of chaos. He is with me, waiting for me to lean into and on Him.

  63. Judy Badenas says:

    Yes, God is my refuge I will not fear! You ask and it shall be given unto you, have faith don’t doubt!

  64. Esther Flowers says:

    The Lord of armies is watching over Ukraine!

  65. Gillian Courtney says:

    Needed this today with everything going on in Ukraine. Knowing the lord is with us and with those fighting for their home ❤️

  66. Kimberly Ansley says:

    Lord of Armies. He is our refuge. He will be exalted.

  67. Emily Pickett says:

    Thank you! I needed this!

  68. Esther McNary says:

    Needed this reminder today. As a new widow I have been struggling with new fears and more unknown. Grateful to God for taking care of me and the reminder that he will continue to do just that.

  69. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I needed this reminder. My sister is so far from God and has been for too long. I’m so afraid of her future. However, I need to let go of control and trust that God is taking care of her and listening to my prayers. I suppose there is the possibility that she will always run away from Him, but the reality is that He has much better access to the situation if I’m not holding it with a clenched fist.

  70. Sydney Kent says:

    Wonderful song to go with this!

  71. Sydney Kent says:

    “Into the Sea (It’s Gonna Be Okay) – Tasha Layton is a beautiful song to listen to with this devotional and in times of struggle. ❤️

  72. Brooke Bahr says:

    I was reminded of Stand in Your Love by Josh Baldwin to go with this devotional!

  73. Michelle Smitham says:

    God is my refuge and strength. This is my constant.

  74. Malkima Bynum says:

    God is Love! He WILL never leave us!

  75. Cate Mathews says:

    He is with me even when I don’t feel it, he will guide me when I feel lost in the chaos of the world.

  76. sofia lombardini says:

    Amen !

  77. Scotlyn McDowell says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  78. Taylor Kelley says:

    Love this reminder!

  79. Christianne Elcock says:

    He is with us!

  80. Amelia Hladick says:

    He is my protector and my father, we will save me from harm and i will not fear for he lives in me

  81. Grace Rex says:

    This reminds me that I have a Defender of my heart. He is here, right now, fighting off the enemies of my soul. What a strengthening feeling.

  82. Samantha Carter says:

    He is with me!!

  83. Kristi-Lynn Kurczy says:

    I feel challenged to sit with God in the stillness, aware of how unsettled I feel while also recognizing that God is with me and holds all of my emotions with me. I am not alone.

  84. Kristi-Lynn Kurczy says:

    I feel challenged to sit with God in the stillness, aware of how unsettled I feel while also recognizing that God is with me and holds all of my emotions with me. I am not alone a

  85. Kristi-Lynn Kurczy says:

    Sitting with Godwin the stillness, aware of how I feel while also recognizing that God is with me no matter

  86. Narda G says:

    Love this Psalm

  87. AVRIL FUENTES says:

    I see God’s promises to me through this Devo. Praising God, the Lord of Armies! He is my refuge and strength, my help in trouble, my Protector and most of all… My Loving Abba Father.

  88. Jennifer Shafer says:

    Love this and desperately needed it

  89. Brittney Plyler says:

    This was the perfect message for me this morning. My husband,

  90. Stephy Palmer says:

    God is greater

  91. Natalie Raatz says:

    Love the part about him caring for our weary soul too. He’s strong but He’s so compassionate.

  92. Karen Tidwell says:

    God is my protector. I need to remember that always.

  93. Ariel Martinez says:


  94. Nicolette Reed says:


  95. Tara Buege says:

    With a God like this on our side-our fears don’t stand a chance! Love this part of the devotional.

  96. Neysa Martin says:

    God is our protector and our stronghold. I am grateful for his covering and protection…… God mad the ultimate sacrifice, I am worthy of his love and I must never give up or quit…..

  97. Ebony Evans says:

    Amen !

  98. Ellie Macris says:

    The armies of this world are great, but I often forget that HE IS GREATER!

  99. Cheryl Kobza says:

    God is our strength

  100. Sonia Onyenegecha says:

    The protection of god is all I need to stay secure

  101. Cara Lewis says:

    There is a river.
    What a comfort to know that God had a plan for my provision! He stands in the gap for me when there is so much circumstance up against. When I’m out of resource good will provide.

  102. Cally Boyd says:

    ❤️very comforting to know that God is always with us and protecting us

  103. Rosie Vega says:


  104. Dara Mccollough says:


  105. Amy Grossman says:

    I have psalms 46:10 written on a sign in my bathroom but I haven’t ever really read the whole psalm. Verse 4 and 5 I need this am. I am the river and I need him this morning.❤️

  106. Laken Marshall says:


  107. Sheryll Melo says:


  108. Rachel Blessum says:

    What a beautiful reminder for the start of my day! ❤️

  109. Maddison Vittitow says:


  110. Laura Wellen says:

    God is above and in all things!

  111. Nadine Smith says:

    Peace in the midst of chaos

  112. McKenzie Tobeck says:


  113. Amy Tull says:

    God is within her, she will not fall;
    God will help her at break of day.
    Lord, thank you being with me as YOU extinguish my fears and worries. Guard me and guide me so that I can be more like You.

  114. Stephanie Sapp says:

    So good!

  115. Yanie Shi says:


  116. Vanessa Young says:

    The lord of armies is with us!

  117. Lauren Robinson says:

    In the midst of such a chaotic world, its always such a good reminder that God fights for us.

  118. Jessi Hernandez says:

    This is so comforting. I’ve been struggling a lot with a phobia of death, not so much my own but my family’s. I think it comes out of this innate need to keep everybody around me safe. I love being reminded that that’s not a burden I have to bear: God will take care of them for me.

  119. Natalie Hennig says:

    Needed this reminder that God is in control of everything. I struggle so much with anxanxie, but it’s comforting to be reminded of God’s power through all things.

  120. Kayla England says:

    Fears tend to flee when you meet eyes when the One who gives you strength!!

  121. Amy Grace Duncan says:

    GOD is our refuge. Therefore we will not fear. I am not my own refuge. GOD is my help. I do not have to do it on my own. The God of armies is helping me every step of the way.

  122. Brittany Turner says:

    This helped me. Thank you.

  123. Mallory Dyer says:

    Hi Andrea. Your comment felt oddly similar to our situation. We left a current church because we felt God calling us to plant. We had started assembling a team for this plant and we even moved our family into a small downtown apartment to show good faith. Everything fell through and everyone on our team backed out. We were devastated, heartbroken, and beyond hurt. I watched my husband, who has only worked in ministry, spiral as he struggled to find any job to provide for us. No one would hire a pastor with no other experience. It was the lowest point of for both us. We are nearly 10 years out and although our stories won’t be the same outcome, I can say with confidence that God never left our side (even though it felt he was no where to be found). We still don’t understand what happened but success doesn’t always = God, just as “failing” doesn’t always = the absence of God. Staying simple in my understanding of God has helped me so much. Reminding myself that even if I have nothing of value on this earth, that God is still good. My family is still valued but Him. My requirement for heaven isn’t dependent on how successful my life on earth is. I will pray for you and your family. The Psalms are a good place to find rest. :) That’s my biggest piece of advice. Rest. Find rest in Jesus and let him heal your wounds. The peace that your experience from that healing is life changing.

  124. Kaya Paongo✨ says:

    Hi!!I would continue if not start to pray about the situation and talk to God. His timing is perfect, never late but never early. He has a plan for your beautiful family and though you might be in a season of waiting, God is always going to be there for you. Praying for you guys, I hope this helped:))❤️

  125. Kaya Paongo✨ says:

    Ignore this comment I meant to reply to soemone haha

  126. Eleanor McClain says:

    Love love this. So true

  127. Sharon Jayaseelan says:

    The God of armies is with us

  128. Andrea Ackerman says:

    What do you do when you feel like God is NOT on your side? In 2014, my husband and I (and our 4 kids) felt God calling us to plant a church in Denver. We did every thing He asked of us, and two years ago, because it hadn’t grown by the standards set by our “investors “, we had to close the doors for good. Since then, we’ve lost everything, our home, our financial security…we literally have nothing left. My husband, who was in full time ministry for 25 years, has suddenly been deemed unworthy of working in ministry. He was unable to find a job doing anything, church or otherwise, for 18 months. I keep reading that God is for us and wants the best for us, but I don’t see it. What do I do?

    1. Kathy Dunbar says:

      Praying right now for you Andrea, and your family. May trust and hope be restored and I aak that God will be your Provider in this most challenging time.

  129. Kayla Munday says:

    I will be praying for you and your friend.❤️

  130. Val M says:

    “I know who goes before me. I know who stands beside. The God of Angel Armies, is always by my side” (Chris Tomlin- Whom Shall I Fear)

  131. Tifarah Canion says:

    We have a close friend who is in the hospital with pretty severe injuries and we’ve all been afraid and praying. This message brought comfort this morning.

  132. Tiffany Weaver says:


  133. Jessica Birchfield says:


  134. Kiara Kornegay says:

    I will not let the army of heartbreak and anger win against me…Amen❤️

  135. Poem Harrison says:

    I love the buildup of natural disasters, scary and all. And then BOOM, there is a River— it’s so calm and full of god. I love how that eases my soul when I read it :)

  136. Lisa Gray-Piper says:

    Praying for you and your family Erica.

  137. Rachael Collins says:

    Even in the fiercest battle. I never understood what it meant to fear God when i was a little girl, but now as i learn about his power, having the fear of God is a comfort and protection to my heart!

  138. Amanda Miller says:

  139. hilary timothy says:


  140. Christina Acosta says:

    The Lord of armies/hosts is with us at all times. Ready for battle. So we must also pray the full armor, especially when we feel weak ❤️

  141. Tiffany Hough says:

    I am so sorry for your loss and heartbreak. My heart breaks for you. I will absolutely be praying for you and know that God is right beside you and will never leave you.

  142. Erica Cunningham says:

    I know he is a MIGHTY God. Please pray for me if you can.

  143. Erica Cunningham says:

    My grandmother passed yesterday and she was the strongest woman I know. She was a prayer warrior. She was one of the closest people I knew to God. I miss her. I feel like the spirit of discernment is around me – I’m doubting God’s ability without meaning to. I catch myself slipping into thoughts when I

  144. Rachael Kasprzak says:


  145. McKenna Thulin says:

    This is what we need to be reminded of daily as the world around us is falling apart. The truth we cling to and stand on.

  146. Alasonna Cobb says:

    God thank you for offering us peace like no other! Thank you for being our calm in the chaos

  147. Gina Tank says:

    Thank you for always being my strong hold.

  148. Andrea Grey says:

    Calm in the crazy

  149. Emma Smith says:

    It’s such a blessing to be reminded that the God of armies is with us, bringing calm despite so much fear and uncertainty right now

  150. Gretta Pitts says:

    ‘An ever present help in trouble’

    So Comforting

  151. Ashley Brown says:

    Love the part of Him being the calm in total chaos. Very applicable right now in this world.

  152. Emma Swartz says:


  153. Leah Atkins says:

    My thoughts turn to this- God is my refuge, our strength. What a strange year 2020 has been.

  154. Leah Atkins says:

    In all the chaos…with so much swirling around right now during this election season in the U.S. –

  155. Rachel Mathoslah says:


  156. Chris Pennington says:


  157. Angie HintonMyers says:

    I so needed to be reminded of this.

  158. Emma Sherrer says:

    “psalm 46” by Shane and Shane is this passage put to music and it is so beautiful!!

  159. Erika Tlasek says:


  160. Rachel Humes says:


  161. Brittany Peeler says:

    He will not leave nor forsake us!! He is our stronghold!!

  162. mckenzie helmuth says:

    This is something I need to constantly be reminded of. Fear seems impossible to overcome, but our god is lord of the armies & is always fighting a spiritual battle for us.

  163. Shiella Calixtro says:

    This is a great message to me. Such an encouragement ❤️

  164. Alana Callender says:


  165. Caitlin Vansteel says:

    The Lord of Armies with me, always and therefore whom or what should I fear?! Nothing and no one.

  166. Phyllis Hyde says:

    Such a great encouragement. That God is in control. We have no need to fear. No matter what is going on in our personal life, our country and world. One day the LORD will return and command all the chaos to BE STILL

  167. Erica Hazen says:

    In all the chaos , this message brings me so much hope for the future ! God will give me peace .

  168. Yvonne Aguilar says:

    Fear…it can stop us from all God has for us in this life. We MUST make God our refuge and strength. He is our help in all trouble. So we must not fear or when we do, we must take courage in Him and continue to do what we KNOW we should be doing.

  169. Allason Williams says:

    I fell behind in my scripture study for a little while, but I think that I was meant to read this today. I was prompted as soon as I started to read this with my little sister who is 9. She is struggling right now because the day after she started school this year (in these crazy times), our grandpa passed away. He had just gotten over COVID-19, and so we all felt as though he made it through. She took this really hard; and I wanted her to know that God always stands with her and he is always there to guide us through. I don’t live with her anymore so I made sure to text my mom and ask her to share it with her and my message when they do their scripture study in the morning before school.

  170. Niamh P says:

    I love that the second verse starts with therefore, reminding us that in the first verse we have our reason not to be afraid.

  171. Evelyn Akagbo says:

    This message brings me so much peace. I have been so stressed and scared of uncertainties and the future. But I believe that God is with me and he will grant me peace! Amen!

  172. Mariah Montanez says:

    Amen, he is with us and he shall not forsake us !

  173. Heather Lopez-Renteria says:

    This is a very good message this morning. Showing that during these times of uncertainties in this world and a pandemic going around. This shows us that our God is in control. Even when we dont feel like he is, he is always being the waymaker and promise keeper behind the scenes. He is the king of kings.

  174. Gretchen Gillenwater says:


  175. Rachel Zerby says:

    This psalm just soothes my soul. Especially verse 2. I could just repeat that all day long. Good one to memorize.

  176. Mallory Balmer says:

    i’m moving from IL to VA for school so honestly this is so relieving

    1. Cate Calderon says:

      You’ve got this!! Good luck in school!!

  177. Preet Sanders says:

    Loved reading this Psalm. Been desperate to unload my anxiety. This has cleansed my ❤️

  178. Mady Grace says:

    I have gotten so lost in my walk with God the last few week due to a lot of really stressful things happening with my family and friends and I have not done a devotional in a while and I come back to this devotional it was amazing and helped me come to peace with a lot of stuff

  179. Heidi Young says:

    I loved hearing this devotional today. I really do fear what is happening and what is going to come, but I know that we have a lord who has ARMIES and we will be ok with him on our side

  180. Rebecca Jamieson says:

    I love that God doesn’t give us a litany of things to do in order to calm our fears or relax- he simply says “Be still and know that I am God”. What a relief! This isn’t some self help book that puts it all on our shoulders to help ourselves, it’s a reminder that the all-knowing God of the universe has a plan and he cares for us. He is so good.

  181. Ella DanielleHall says:

    Psalms is definitely my go to for calming myself. I struggle with fear just like they mentioned in their story. When I feel overcome with fear I will read psalm

  182. Sue Brouillette says:

    In this time of COVID-19 I think this Psalm’s is a beautiful reminder that we are not alone.

  183. Amy Orlovich says:

    He is!!! I loved the pointing out of the three ways of God’s power shown. Wow.

  184. Amy Van Wyk says:

    I love the song that says, “My fear doesn’t stand a chance when I stand in Your love.” Our fears are nothing compared to God’s power and love. He tells us simply, “Be still.”

  185. Emily Gonzalez says:

    God will always be here for us !

  186. Nakeya Sankey says:

    It give me comfort to be god is my protection and shield ❤️

  187. Tosha Wick says:

    God is our protecter

  188. Audrye says:

    Oh man with the scary world in which we inhabit, this psalm is a soothing balm. It’s been a rough few days in the states, but Good is a Good off angel armies and he is my mighty fortress.

  189. Morgan Shipley says:

    So reassuring that God is our refuge and protecter when we are struggling through hard times.

  190. Elise Eti says:

    This devotion is so perfect for what Im going through, both as a citizen under COVID quarantaine, and as (almost) young adult about to start a new life. Thank you for sharing!

  191. Addyson Danforth says:

    God will always protect us

  192. Donna Hanson says:

    So perfect in these days we are living ✝️

  193. Caitlin Arendse says:

    Amen ❤️

  194. Gina Smith says:

    Struggling with infertility, this passage spoke to me. The Lord is helping me with this battle!

  195. Sarah Minton says:


  196. Brianna Woods says:

    This is the perfect topic because I always find myself fearing and worrying about the unknown. I am reminded that God is protecting me and helping me fight these battles along the way.

  197. Kay T says:

    I will each day choose to dive into that river. And be still.

  198. jaydin campbell✨ says:

    wow… i so often forget who God is and His character… He is so strong… so loving… so fearless … thankful for my God of armies.

  199. Mary E. says:

    I am reminded that God is all powerful! So often in our world, the opposing sides are depicted as an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. God and the devil are NOT equal in power. The devil must ask God’s permission before acting in our lives. Praise God! We are on the winning side of this battle.❤️

  200. Krista O says:

    Thankful God protects us and holds us even when the enemy attacks or waves of fear come flooding in. We do not have to fear we can trust Him and run to Him as our refuge. Praise God we don’t have to live in fear!!!

  201. Czarina Jimenez says:

    The way the psalmist lists out verse 6 is so powerful- “ Nations rage, kingdoms topple;
    the earth melts when he lifts his voice.” Looking back on the OT, I remember that nations raged against nations and were combined into kingdoms that we to war and were toppled by larger kingdoms… but amongst this chaos and struggle for power, God is the one who is ultimately powerful. What is a kingdom in comparison to the whole earth?

  202. Beth says:

    This is a very encouraging message. Especially considering what is going on in the world as we speak. God is in control! Even when it might not seem like it, he is working behind the scenes.

  203. Alex Lane says:

    Such a timely message – and an even better one to read on Monday morning!

  204. courtney webb says:

    such a great reminder to have!

  205. Dani Maglalang says:

    This is such an astonishing reminder!
    Whatever fear that we may have
    Whatever doubt that we may have
    This are nothing compared to the power of God. We shall not fear for The Lord of Armies is With Us. Whatever that is troubling us, the only thing that can calm our soul is to talk to our God and surrender all of our worries and doubt and fear to him and finally when we surrender we can be still because we know that he is our God. Our saviour ❤️

  206. Pam Horton says:

    Thankful for this message ♥️

  207. Diane Googins says:

    What an appropriate Word for this time in our lives!

  208. Jessica Weekes says:

    During this time, it is so reassuring to know that He is with us every step of the way!

  209. Erin D. says:

    The Lord of Armies is with US! So beautiful that this is the God we serve!

  210. Elizabeth Villela says:

    What an amazing reminder! That he fights for us and he is our God against armies- literally and figuratively!!!

  211. Amy Fokkens says:

    He is our Rock and firm foundation!

  212. Tammy Sahadak says:

    What a comfort to know he is not going to leave me. He is ultimately in control and He is good.

  213. Megan Peel says:

    Feels so timely to be reminded of this in the midst of a pandemic.

    1. Leslie Cesmat says:

      I was just thinking this exact thought! Praise God for His just & timely reminders when we need them most!

  214. Danielle Ruiz says:

    We will not be shaken!! With God in our side, nothing formed against us stands a chance.

  215. Lexi Foley says:

    God is our refuge; “we will jot be moved, when the earth gives way; for the risen One has overcome.” Even when we fear and wander, the Lord our God remains, a constant help and fortress to His children

  216. Lexi Foley says:

    God is our refuge; “we will jot be moved, when the earth gives way; for the risen One has overcome.” Even when we fear and wander, the Lord our God remains, a constant help and fortress to His children.

  217. Lauren Coury says:

    [soph ladies] i am reminded in times of anxiety that God knows every day of my life and He is with me each day. my feelings waver, but God’s control is constant. something to think about: how has God been there for you when you were feeling anxious or fearful?

    1. Eunhee Kim says:

      that’s so good, lauren! i’m just reminded that God is in control and that He is with me through it all. and that i can go to God just as i am—with all my anxieties, worries, fears, everything.

  218. Brittany Thiessen says:

    I love this reminder. Perfect for the current times

  219. Glendy Gallardo says:

    A beautiful reminder for me! So much anxiety about this time in life but God is in control and has not left my side! ❤️

  220. Glendy Gallardo says:

    God, the Creator of the universe, is with us’

  221. Melissa Loudon says:

    I counted over 11 actions by God and only 1 for believers/ just to be still and KNOW… such a comfort

    1. Brigette Kimmer says:


  222. Bobbie Marbury says:

    This psalm is perfect to calm our hearts in the midst of a pandemic, a battle against an invisible enemy. God is bigger than anything and loves us deeply.

  223. Alayna Richardson says:

    You take what the enemy meant for evil, and you turn it for good

  224. Grace Mooney says:

    For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind

  225. Rachelle Castaneda says:

    I love that Gods word always stands and will NEVER fail his people. It is a perfect reminder that in this National health Crisis we have a promise that Gods protection is upon on. As believers we don’t have to fear, He is with us. May we all be encouraged through this time and encourage others and share hope (while social distancing of course lol) I pray Lord that we can be a light to our families and those who are scared and hurting right now. May we continue to lift our World up in prayer and remind us to pray for the people we know who are feeling scared right now. Would you feel us ALL with your peace and hope through this uncertain time.

    1. Bobbie Marbury says:


  226. Zabdi Huerta says:

    A perfect passage and message for this troubling time. Not only in the world of healthcare, but also in the lives and faith of our churches around the world. With their closures, our brothers and sisters in Christ need to be reminded about Our Lord of Armies and His Protection against everything around us. Let us not falter in our faith and trust in Him during these uncertain times.

  227. Krista Yohn says:

    Too true.

  228. Elizabeth M. says:

    I could absolutely cry with the way this day’s study connects with the Lent study ongoing and with the walkthrough of the entire Bible my small group is doing. I got to teach on the beginning of Judah’s exile last Sunday, our last meeting for awhile until it’s safe to meet in person again. I’ve felt so much anxiety and fear through this time but God is consistently reminding me, all of us really, that He is in control in every situation. No war, disease, or hardship can keep us from Him.

  229. Dorian Ezzard says:

    I’m so grateful to have this hope, this prayer, this promise in this season. Thank you Lord that we can give our anxiety over to you and be still in your presence. Thank you for your might and your light in these trying times. We love you.

  230. Irene Laeger says:

    Even when there is no hope, there is still Hope, because the LORD of armies is our Creator, Defender, Healer, Comforter.

  231. Isabelle Reyes says:

    It’s so heart warming to know that I can talk to God as if he’s my own dad. In fact he is my dad, he’s my Heavenly Father! He cares about even the smallest fears of mine and he provides me with the ultimate comfort by letting me know he’s got this. I don’t need to be afraid to live my life because God have me life and he gave it to me abundantly! He doesn’t want me to live in fear of the unknown he wants me to walk with confidence in knowing I put my faith in a worthy and steadfast God. That’s true love and there’s nothing in this world that can replace it!!

  232. Gaynell Givens says:

    This Psalm is so needed for the uncertainty we are facing today. It calms your spirit and dealt of fear that is out in the world. It reassures you that God is and always will be in Control of all.

  233. Tamara Doyle says:

    Reading this today couldn’t be more timely. God keeps bringing me back to this Psalm, with good reason. Because God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, I will not fear, though Covid19 ravages the earth. He is in control. ❤️

    1. Katherine Krabill says:

      My thoughts exactly!

    2. Abby Clark says:

      God keeps bringing me back to this Psalm too! I have not been spending much time in the Word recently, but the two psalms I did read were Psalm 23 and 46. Of course they are the passages for the first two days of this study! Such a beautiful reminder that God is listening and sees even the smallest of our efforts. He is so present during this uncertain time of COVID-19.

    3. Abby Clark says:

      Loving this plan so far. I have not been spending much time in the Word recently, but the two psalms I did read were Psalm 23 and 46. Of course they are the passages for the first two days of this study! Such a beautiful reminder that God is listening and sees even the smallest of our efforts. He is so present during this uncertain time of COVID-19.

  234. Sidney Hinton says:

    Thank you Lord for your love and your constant protection! You said you would be with us now until the end of the world. No fear necessary, Amen!

  235. Aimee Halley says:

    Pertinent today…we will not fear the earth gives way…

  236. Esther Agui says:

    God is our refuge and our strength even in a time of worry and sadness across the globe we can be sure that our God will protect us and care for us.

  237. Danica V. says:

    As long as we believe in HIM and keep on seeking friendship with him HE will be our fortress, our stronghold. I love this psalm as it teaches us to stay by HIS side so that we won’t fall for the Evil ruling the world, these days. Keep on trusting and seeking HIM.

  238. Sudea Romo says:

    What a great read for today. Please God for the scriptures and praise God that he is the Lord of hosts. I am currently sick and have many sick children. To see the look of my face and have been to experience the witness their sicknesses It’s so heartbreaking. But thankfully we have a God who is good. God is girding and guiding

  239. ella marcus says:

    let go and let God.

  240. Valeria Perdomo says:

    We will not fear, though the earth gives away ✨

  241. Tiffany Hess says:

    Amen. ✨

  242. macy s says:

    in God I find Peace!

  243. Jacquelyn Adams says:

    Man this is such an amazing devotional! Can’t wait to see what lesson they have planned for me for tomorrow!

  244. Sarah Dupré says:

    “He is strong. He is good and He will not let me go.”

  245. Thelesia Wynter says:

    Though the earth gives way……. you are a PRESENT help in the time of trouble. There is so much to be found in his Word. So much life, and comfort and peace. So much to learn and discover and behold. So much love. So much grace.

    1. Jacquelyn Adams says:

      Ugh I love this comment!!!!❤️

  246. Becca Adams says:

    My mom is battling rectal cancer and we are going through a rough time right now. This is what I needed today

    1. Abby Austill says:

      Praying for you and your family

  247. Kathy Bunton says:

    Lord of Armies- I LOVE that name of God. He has power to calm any fear and protect us!

  248. Patrice Reynolds says:

    “I will be exalted among the Nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
    Definition of Exalted:
    1. Placed at a high or powerful level; held in high regard.
    2. In a state of extreme happiness; elated, jubilant.
    Wow! Sisters, our Lord God is both! And in turn, creates both definitions in our lives! God is so good!

  249. Heather P says:

    He is my very present help in time of need.

  250. Jasmine W says:


  251. Beth Daniels says:

    God is our protector and defender even when our own fear is crippling. He is my Prince of Peace. ❤️

  252. Lucero Torres says:

    with everything going on in the world, we all needed this!

  253. Gabriella Flores says:

    This couldn’t have been any more perfect as the plan I had for this year and my future has turned out to not work and now I’m in a panic. But reading this reminded me of who God is and how much he is for me!

  254. Jennifer Goebel says:

    So much comfort in this reading. Sometimes we forget that God has got us and we have to trust him.

  255. Michelle Chen says:

    10“Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”

  256. Claire MichelleGraham says:

    Hard to focus today, but so much comfort in that passage.

  257. Sara Valdez Hoffer says:

    I don’t understand why I say these words and believe them but still get so afraid. I know He is my strength and refuge but I keep letting those feelings overcome me. Please Lord, help live more trusting in You!!!

  258. Ale Evans says:

    So comforting❤

  259. Melody Beel says:


  260. Megan FarnerThomas says:

    Such comfort in times of chaos and fear.

  261. Olivia Sealey says:

    For someone who is always trying to stay in control, this Psalm reminds me to breathe and know He is God. He is in control and He will take care of me.

  262. Sameca Joyner says:

    I needed that…

  263. Emma P says:

    We don’t have fear, God is in control and is with us in everything!

  264. Molly Gilbane says:

    Lord, thank you for being my refuge and my strength. For hearing my prayers. For blessing us in ways we do not deserve but are oh so very grateful for. Lord, thank you for this beautiful life!!! Thank you for remaining by my side, through it all. Immanuel— God with us.

  265. Karleigh Jenko says:

    One of my favorite Psalms, which I memorized awhile ago. I love the juxtaposition between the Lord of Armies bringing desolation to the world & us needing to be still & know He is God. In the midst of crazy circumstances in our world, one filled with sin, we can trust that God is God and He is fighting for us.

  266. Mackinzie Nelson says:

    This is something I happen to forget on a daily basis. Something that I need to work on. God is with us protecting us and leading us when we are at are worst times. No matter the problem he will always be with me.

  267. Difie B says:

    Having a constant reminder that the Lord is our center, he is our protection, he is fighting for us everyday is very comforting. He is fighting against our fears, troubles and pain. He always prevails.

  268. Morgan Lunsford says:

    So true! He is a source is peace and I need to remember this all the days of my life. When I am scared, I will put my trust in Him, He will never leave me.

  269. Danielle Egolf says:

    I needed this today. God is bigger than our fears! Something Satan would love for us to forget, but we can’t forget!

  270. Lyndsy KayEslinger says:

    I don’t take compliments or happiness even very well. I’ve been in a season where God has blessed me and my husband beyond measure. I’ve almost been letting fear convince me to just wait for the bad. Today, in praying this Psalm, I am having faith that even if the blessings cease or times get more difficult, God is with us, and if this season of joy continues, God is with us. I will exalt him regardless!

    10“Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”

  271. Kristy Ottesen says:

    Thankful that He is a very present help when we are drawn to fear we can know he is our help and strength. The God who created me and everything is our strength…what then shall we fear?

  272. Jennifer Ekwonye says:

    If God is with me, what can stand against me? Nothing

  273. Tan Xiangling says:

    Amen. God is in control. Let us not be blinded by our fears. Though our fear may look bigger than it seems. God is still greater than our fears. Be still and let him take charge.

  274. Kenika Mytil says:

    I relate to this so much because I often times forget to let God fight my battles. I always catch myself trying to solve certain situations in my life, when I should be praying to God asking him to fight this for me. “Be still and know that I am God” definitely is going to stick with me from now on!

  275. Valarie Alred says:

    I loves and relate so much to this. I didn’t use to think about a fire getting me i have always had nightmares about someone breaking in at night. I am terrified to be alone.. I can do it but I definitely don’t sleep well at all. This has always been a huge struggle for me. I’m 23 and still I think about it anytime my husband isn’t here. I just always pray protection over our house in those times. I still have a lot to work on.

  276. daniella johnson says:

    I love that no matter what he is our constant friend and fights for us daily! ❤️

  277. Brooke Money says:

    I love the concept of God being a refuge for us. No matter what is going on within us, around us, or around the world, we know who wins the war.

  278. Rhi Ashford says:

    ‘Be still and know that I am God’ ♥️

  279. Hannah Cressy says:

    “God is in the midst of her, she will not falter.” love that translation!

  280. Sarah White says:

    Praise God! He came to heal and deliver and set us free!

  281. Meaghan Flowers says:

    “He is strong, He is good. Even in the toughest battles.” Amen. Praise be to God.

  282. Ashley Dunmire says:

    A much needed reminder that “even in the hardest battles” he will never leave us. As an OCD sufferer, I have a constant battle in my mind. This Psalm was written in my journal a year ago during an exhausting flare up. I love to be reminded of what he has already lead me through and he will do it again!

  283. Gretchen Anne says:

    My favorite verse is the passage is 5 “God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved. God will help her when morning dawns”. I know this verse is not speaking exactly of a woman, but every time I read it the pronoun “her” and “she” cements into my mind that God truly is speaking to me as a women. He is within me, he won’t let me fall. He will help me in is His good time.

  284. Kate May says:

    Thank you for this reminder that God is our protector. Having severe anxiety makes us forget that God is in control.

  285. Michelle Horn says:

    Such a great reminder that God is in control and always with us

  286. Sarah Hilkemann says:

    I love the reminder to be still and know that He is God, even in (and especially in) the chaos that is described. We can trust His power even when everything around us is falling apart.

  287. Marian Wright says:

    It reminded me that God is so powerful in a way we cannot imagine! But powerful…and to think that he defends us!! It is will wild that I forget that such powerful God fight for me and is with me. I need this reminder so much.

  288. Samantha Theobald says:

    So much truth for me this morning. I’m in my first pregnancy and it’s been amazing but there might be issues with the baby. It’s easy to be consumed with the thought of what if and let fear control this time and keep me from believing the lord is able. Praying today I can rest in this space knowing he is king over all and protects us against everything.

  289. Inspiring Us says:


  290. Martha says:

    Thank you for your reminder that we can be sure God is strong in us, and around us. It led me to pull out my grandmother’s old hymnal and sing A Mighty Fortress Is Our God by Martin Luther. Verse 2 fits well with this morning’s study:

    Did we in our own strength confide,
    Our striving would be losing;
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    The Man of God’s own choosing.
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He;
    Lord Sabaoth is His name,
    From age to age the same,
    And He must win the battle.

    Trusting Jesus to fight my battles today.

    1. Brianna Legg says:

      Love this!

    2. Jordan L says:

      Wow, wow, wow! I literally just listened to a sermon about that verse yesterday. Thank you Martha for sharing. A timely remember again and again to stop striving and let God fight. Father help me to stop striving. To fully see you as the Lord of armies in my life. Despite how I feel, I know you are fighting my battles and you have already won the war

    3. Michelle OBrien says:

      Great hymn that pairs perfectly with this psalm! I love the last line…HE must win the battle! Be blessed! ❤️

  291. Mariannd Miller says:

    It’s so amazing what a few strong words from His word can do. You often forget about the army that stands behind us every single moment. Our flesh may fail. But He is the strength of our heart and our portion forever.

  292. Katie Blount says:

    Just don’t forget the following words:
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”

    He is creator of all and will reign.

  293. Darci Michelle says:

    Psalm 46:10 was powerful for me today. I’ve been feeling as though I have been at war lately and this was a great reminder that He has it all handled. I need to be still and let Him work. Thank you for this Word today. I needed it.

  294. Maiya H says:

    Wow, how grateful I am to serve a God that is with me in the moments of chaos AND the moments of calm.

    And the fact that He gently reminds me, in the moments of chaos, that He is with me.

  295. Nikki Miracle says:


  296. Audrey Flores says:

    Today I felt a lot of growing pains in acclimating to my new country. Today was really hard but when I told God all my emotions and asked for wisdom and guidance. This was such a confirmation to what I learned today. He will always be with me in EVERY battle I face. No matter how “small” it is.

  297. Juliana Falcon says:

    He is a refuge for my weary soul! Yes! Amen

  298. Michelle Long says:

    It never fails that whatever section of God’s word I read on any given day it is timely and applicable to what’s going on! So thankful for our powerful God!

  299. Yvette Clupny says:

    The battle is the Lords. Fear not I Am With you.

  300. Elizabeth Gentry says:

    I needed this so much today! I’m facing a lot of uncertainty with my fertility as I’m having pain. I’m heading to the doctor later today to see what is going on. My husband and I have been praying that it’s not anything serious. This reading was spot on!

    1. Connie K says:

      My friend is going through the same thing. I forwarded your post to her to encourage her that you’re also walking this journey. You are not alone!

  301. Traci LangeDavis says:

    He will not let me go, even in the fiercest battle! My fears don’t stand a chance! Needed this today!

  302. Jessica Snyder says:

    I needed this today. He is with me , even in the fiercest battle…even when I don’t feel like He is because He is bigger than feelings.

  303. Kelly Chataine says:

    A helper that is always found! There is so much in this Psalm but for some reason, those are the words I am drawn to and thankful the most!

  304. Glory Eboh says:

    Be still and know that i am God, really uplifting

  305. Jennifer Kononoff says:

    God is God and I am not. A great reminder for today… to relinquish control and find rest in his refuge; in his perfect will.

  306. Nicole Cope says:

    I love the description of God as our “very present help” in trouble. He sees, he cares, and he goes with us. He stands with us in the fire. My favorite of Jesus’ names is Immanuel, “God with us.” He became one of us and dwelt among us in order to save us from our sins and make a way for us to be with him in eternity!

  307. Amanda Gagnon says:

    This was a perfect reading for my day today. We live in Hong Kong. Currently, our city is in the midst of complete chaos and unrest. I have found myself anxious, and fearful of the future when I do not lean into the Lord and His truths. This was so helpful for my heart today.

    1. Jennifer Kononoff says:

      Praying this evening for you and your city/nation.

    2. AnneLyn P says:

      Dear Amanda, I am joining in prayer for you and your city as well.

  308. Anna Dalgetty says:

    I’m trying to stop planning everything, every moment of my life, and just letting His plan unfold

  309. Klemmie Majamba says:

    God will not let me go, even in the fiercest of battles. Amen!!! What a morning.

  310. Cynthia Ramain says:

    AFLINT, this sometimes happens to me. If you tap out of it and try again, it usually pulls up the second time. Good luck

  311. Barbara Pineda says:

    Learning to let go of my fears and letting God take control.

  312. Ashley Thomas says:

    Little by little, I am getting better at Letting Go and Letting God. I know He is always with me, no matter the circumstances. In times of joy, in times of sadness, in times of anger— He is there. It is His will, not my own.

  313. Azzelia Watler says:

    Oh how we need this in today’s world. With our fears to be perfect; and as women to be able to do everything. We fear not being accepted or being loved or just being. But this verse reminds us to just be and let GOD take over. GOD is good.

  314. Shannon Fry says:

    Chaos seems to characterize my life on so many levels these days. Chaos in my personal/professional life, chaos in my family, chaos in the ministry that I have so long been a part of, watching a friend struggle through national chaos in Bolivia with her family. It seems like chaos is everywhere!! How comforting it is to remember that “God is our refuge and our strength, an ever present help in times of trouble” ❤️❤️❤️

  315. Erin Stanczyk says:

    I’ve been doing a lot of strength training lately, almost as if trying to prove something to someone…trying to exude strength, because I’m secretly feeling weak or inadequate. What I realize now is that God gives me true strength. He is here to fight for me and with me!

  316. Churchmouse says:

    Natural calamities. Chaotic nations. Wars and rumors of wars.
    Fears from without. And fears from within.
    Fear of losses: health, job, children, status, home.

    What comforts us when life presses hard, when fear rises up and thoughts run rampant?

    BE STILL. KNOW that God is yet sovereign and He is here along us. He is our fortress, our strong tower, our deliverer, our defender, our savior. He is in control. Always.
    Be still and lean in to Him.
    Read His word. Believe the Truth.

  317. Amie Fleming says:

    This has been one of my favorite psalms since college, and I’ve read it so much I memorized it. I loved the reminder of how God is the Lord of Armies, and his power is unmatched- a power we have access to as His children.

  318. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I so needed this today when I’m feeling overwhelmed by being a new mom and things aren’t going the way I would like them to go. I am reminded that I am not in control, the Lord is.

    1. Alison Keener says:

      I struggle through motherhood with this too!

      1. Jennifer Anapol says:

        I’m glad others can relate to this struggle:)

    2. Lisa Macdonald says:

      Praying for you Jennifer- I too struggled with being a new mum, it was so much harder than I ever anticipated and I struggled with post natal depression which meant I felt robbed of those first few months – today’s media makes you feel like you SHOULD be feeling all rainbows and unicorns, but in reality it was mostly dark and cloudy.

      My daughter is now 2 and I’m pregnant with our second, and I can tell you that that was one of the hardest times of my life, but that the Lord has been so so gracious- he was walking alongside me, drew me close to him, and I am now able to use that experience to help other ladies. Nothing we go through is wasted in his hands. Just lean on him, know that he loves you, and that this child has been chosen perfectly for YOU. Every hair on its head known and designed to be your child.
      Put aside everything you think motherhood SHOULD be, and just walk with him. This season will get easier.

  319. Susan Merritt says:

    I like the verse that says “ Be still and know that I am God”. This verse is a call to action. God states “ be still” because the only way we can know Him is to be spend quiet moments in mediation and prayer. I’m going to challenge myself to be more still today.

  320. Jo Hoad says:

    What a much needed reminder of God’s presence and His almighty power. In our area in Australia we are In severe drought and now our property is threatened by bushfires. I have been wondering where is God, why hasn’t He answered our many prayers for relief. I don’t know why He hasn’t brought the rains to ease the drought, but Psalms like this remind me that in the midst of the pain and suffering He is still here, God is powerful and He can and He will bring relief in His perfect timing.
    Please pray for our region, many people are suffering and are in great danger with the fires. Many people are angry at God or doubt His existance, pray that He will reveal Himself to people in supernatural ways and that I may be able to be a witness to people who need to hear of God’s love for them

    1. Kat Cowell says:

      Hi Jo, thank you so much for your honest reflection and encouragement. I’m also from Australia, and although I’m not being personally affected by the drought and bushfires where I live, I’ve been praying a lot, and especially these last few days, for all those who are suffering from the extreme weather and experiencing fear and loss. I’ve been praying that God would bring an end to the drought and fires, but that he would also work through these disasters for good by revealing himself to people and turning their hearts to him. I can’t really imagine what you and others are going through but I’ll be praying that He continues to protect and comfort you, and use you as a witness for Christ to those around you.

    2. AnneLyn P says:

      Praying for you and the situation in Australia. So hard.

  321. Danielle Johnston says:

    The reading today is so timely after observing Remembrance Day yesterday. It is a great balm to my soul to be reminded that He is a present help in trouble, though the earth may crumble and the nations are in chaos. He is constant and in control.

  322. Elle says:

    Amen! Hallelujah to the Name that is above EVERY name! Thank you for the great reminder that is wrapped in this verse. I am so grateful that our God is always fighting for us and that he greater than all, even our internal fears!

  323. Heather Hull says:

    Thankful for a God who is in control!

  324. Amy Burdine says:

    So needed this today.

  325. Rachel McLaughlin says:

    This will always be my very favorite Psalm. I find it in front of me in my most chaotic moments.

  326. Elena Bassi says:

    I love verse 1 “ 1God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” A VERY present help. What a beautiful reminder. He is very present in my life. He is very present through my suffering. He is very present through my anxiety. He is very present through my depression. He is very present through my need. Hallelujah I have such an amazing God!

    1. Heidi Jones says:

      Praise the Lord!! I also took note of that

  327. Skylar Jutte says:

    Just what I needed! Amen!

  328. Katarina Santiago says:

    This Psalm is such a great reminder of God’s power and strength. I love that he silences their chaos. I needed to be reminded of that today. Reminded to be still and sit in God’s presence because he is with me and he is my fortress.

  329. Aflint says:

    Dont know if this glitch is from the post but the bible verse does not open for me today or yesterday…

  330. Alexis says:

    My favorite verses from Psalm 46 are 5-6: God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
    God will help her when morning dawns.

    This helps me remember that in the hardest of times, God is always with me and will always help. I am not alone.

  331. NanaK says:

    There is so much to hold on to in this Psalm ; so much truth to bring us reassurance and comfort–
    The LORD of hosts is with us;
    The GOD of Jacob is our refuge.
    Chris Tomlin has such a great interpretation of this Psalm and I often find myself singing at the top of my lungs (when only my dog and I can hear me) in agreement to this awesome TRUTH:
    “I know who goes before me;
    I know who stands behind;
    The GOD of The LORD of Armies is by my side…”

  332. Leesha Stoner says:

    Such a good reminder that God beings peace into the chaos and where the future brings uncertainty for us, he has never lost control of it

  333. Mari V says:

    What came to mind this morning was two things. “The battle belongs to the Lord.” And “be still.” The Lord is already fighting my battles. I need not to fear. Yep, I am weak, but I know He is with me. I need to be still knowing he’s fighting this battle for me. Since I got up earlier than normal I have a little extra time here and will be praying for all you my sisters here at she reads truth please know that I love you all!

  334. Faith Dell says:

    This psalm is a great reminder of Gods powerfulness. He has the ability to do things we can’t even imagine, all we have to do is trust and believe in him.

  335. Brittany Blazier says:

    Most often, the battle I fight is with my thoughts and emotions. The LORD consistently speaks to me through the Psalms in these times, reminding me once again in His great grace and patience that He is fighting my battles when I surrender myself to Him. Praise the Lord, for He is our refuge and fortress!

  336. Hannah Walsh says:

    “Be still” and “know”. So often in life’s chaos I have to squash the anxiety by reminding myself of this verse, and turning my worry over to my Lord & Savior. It is a comfort and an assurance when I stop, and prayerfully turn it over. I have cast more than my fair share of anxiety and fear into His capable hands.
    Wishing you all a great day!

  337. Cheri says:

    I enjoy reading this Psalm! We memorized it as a church last summer. Again, Shane and Shane have a great version to listen to

    p.s. I’m not sure how to let you all know that this devotional is showing up under Kings rather than Psalms of Rest…

    1. Jill Carr says:

      Thank you for mentioning the Shane and Shane song! I looked it up and have been worshipping with it for the last little bit. What a blessing!