The Lord Is My Shepherd

Open Your Bible

Psalm 23:1-6

Psalm 23 speaks to my heart—green pastures, quiet waters, right paths. I am an outdoorsy person by nature. I’d much rather get lost in the woods, alone with my thoughts, the trees, and the breeze, than be in any city. So, as I read these familiar verses, I want to go outside, to be witness to the goodness and beauty of the natural world. It also occurs to me that I have something in common with sheep—we can both get lost without hardly trying.

Some years ago, I read about a Merino sheep in New Zealand named Shrek. He had wandered away from his flock and his shepherd and gotten lost. For six years, he lived in nearby caves, eating what he could find and avoiding the shearer’s blade. When Shrek was finally found, his wool weighed sixty pounds, and the raw weight of twenty men’s suits on his back was threatening his life. He had trouble walking, and his breathing was labored. He needed his shepherd. So do we.

Shepherds take care of sheep—plural—but in this psalm, the relationship is between one sheep and his Shepherd. It’s personal, much more intimate. “The LORD is my shepherd” (v.1, emphasis mine). These words are from David, but I can’t help but read them as my own. I think we were meant to, each one of us. The Lord is my Shepherd. He guides me, provides for me, protects me from my enemies.

I don’t need to worry. “I have what I need” (v.1). I don’t need to struggle or strive. “He lets me lie down in green pastures” (v.2). Weariness does not have the final say. “He renews my life.” And I won’t ever get lost. (Not really, anyway.) “He leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake” (v.3). It is only because the Shepherd is so good that I can be still and rest, that I can have true peace.

I could be happy for eternity being a beloved lamb of the Good Shepherd, but Psalm 23 doesn’t leave us as sheep. A shift occurs in verse 5. David begins to address God directly—the song becomes a prayer of thanksgiving. Not only that, but the pastoral imagery is replaced by a banquet scene. You and I have become honored guests of the King.

The table is set, and though my enemies might rage just outside, none of that matters (v.5). I am in the house of my Maker, the One who knows me and loves me better than anyone else. But the best part? I’m not just a guest. I get to stay in His presence forever—”as long as I live” (v.6), though the Hebrew phrase that’s been translated doesn’t limit this time to my natural lifespan. It has all come full circle—”I have what I need,” because I have the One I was created to know and love.

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1,022 thoughts on "The Lord Is My Shepherd"

  1. Jennifer Broussard says:

    I can be at peace. I am a lamb of God. How glorious!❤️

  2. Shamina Aubuchon says:

    The Lord is MY Shepherd

  3. Yana Delbecque says:

    God is good, I don’t have to be in control

  4. Fill in Fill in says:

    Great reading to start the day ❤️

  5. Jessica Pane says:

    I shall not worry, for I have all that I need in the Lord.

  6. Sara Smith says:

    Exactly what i need today

  7. Emily Perkins says:

    It is because of the Shepherd that I may be still and rest. God is good. Lord, please watch over me and care for me always. Protect me from my anxieties and help me to be still and trust in you. amen.

  8. Michelle Smith says:

    May I be content with all that you give me and allow you to be enough, no longer seeking happiness and completeness through others or things..

  9. Lauren Jones says:

    Lord thank you for being my shepherd for I was lost and now I’m found. Guide me in the right path in this life and let me follow you accordingly. Amen.

  10. Adenike Balogun says:

    I have all that I need. I lack nothing at all, because I have the one who cares for me.

  11. Ticia Gorney says:

    I have what I needed because I have the One who cares for me.

  12. Dana Lorejo says:

    Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace!

  13. Vera KarlottaCordeta says:

    I loved the observation about how the relationship to shepherd is not to stay as sheep. We are also guests!

  14. Robyn Hume says:

    A beautiful reminder that God protects, provides and directs us. He is our peace in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. He keeps us safe. This has helped to calm my anxious thoughts today xx

  15. Sara Rothwell says:

    Psalm 23 has gotten me through a lot this year and God is so good at showing me different things every time I read it. Thank you Jesus for protecting me in the midst of my enemies and bringing me back to your creation. Full body chills. God is so good.

  16. Adison Benedict says:

    ..”The Lord is my Shepherd I lack nothing”…

    When we have Jesus, we have everything.

  17. Morgan Smith says:

    Wow. This was an incredible look at verses I have read hundreds of times. Thank you for bringing these words to life. It was exactly what I needed tonight.

  18. Jessica Kamm says:

    He provides everything I need.

  19. Claudia Sanchez says:

    The Lord is my shepherd! Whom shall I fear when he’s right there with me❤️

  20. Gracie Amburgey says:

    he is my shepherd when i am weary. when i have labored breathing just like the sheep with too much wool.

  21. Khloe Wiegers says:

    the Lord is my shepherd, i walk with him always

  22. Ashley Martin says:

    I took two days off work this week because I was feeling so drained. I found this study, and it is perfect. I’m taking time to rest and feel closer to God. ❤️

  23. Erin Dummer says:

    God is MY Shepard :)
    Each relationship God has with us is personal and he tends to our needs and takes care of us

  24. Hilary Curneal says:

    The Lord Is My Shepherd is such a popular phrase and one that I always heard growing up. I’ve known it but not ever understood it. This story really helped me understand and imagine how God is our shepherd. He is so simple but yet so detailed in showing us how amazing he is. Just by leading us and giving us direction he shows that he is so so so good.

  25. Mphaziwellumbi Chisanga says:

    ❤️ the story about the sheep that got lost was so real. On our own we can start off by trying to survive but eventually we carry on weights & burdens that God never intended for us to bare. We need our good shepherd to tend to us, keep us safe, protected and our of risk of carrying heaviness. I can begin to live out a place of rest now knowing I’m safe with the Lord my Shepherd.

  26. Kayla Sodders says:

    The verse that we all need to be reminded of❤️

  27. Shae Gulliver says:

    AMEN! The Lord is my Shepherd!

  28. chloe moreland says:

    I randomly chose this study, accidentally read psalm 22 and the Lord met me there. Then, He gave me peace to rest. The Lord is a good father and a good shepherd.

  29. Amanda Allen says:

    This gives me so much peace

  30. Alexis Herrera says:

    I know that I have strayed away from God and I’m ready to come back even my dog just died and I’m doubting a lot but like the psalm says “he makes me lie down in green pastures” it is helpful to be reminded of this

  31. Camille Cain says:

    This psalm reminds me that although things may not be ‘good’, God is always good and that never changes. I can always stand on Him as my foundation and run to Him for the rest and perspective I need.

  32. Jessica Tenbusch says:

    Rest is something I desperately need right now, so these verses are so calming and reassuring.

  33. Tamara Buckwald says:

    This reminds me that although I have been “lost” he takes us back with open and loving arms and gives us rest. Thank you Lord for being so good. ❤️

  34. Jessica Thomas says:

    Sending love to you Kayla in your time of healing ❤️

  35. Jessica Thomas says:

    I have recently been reconnecting with God and feeling burnt out with work and family life. I have been craving still waters, green pastures and just plain rest! This is such a well known scripture but these words have spoken to me like never before! Thank you Lord that you guide me and know me better than I know myself!

  36. Kayla Roving says:

    I prayed this passage as I was put to sleep for my hysterectomy. Now as I focus on rest and recovery, this passage is giving me refreshment and comfort, knowing that I am looked after.

  37. Kayla Roving says:

    This was the passage I prayed through as I was being put to sleep for my hysterectomy. Now as I focus on rest and recovery, this passage is bringing me so much refreshment and comfort, knowing He is looking after me.

  38. Kianna Davis says:

    So relevant and true. This scripture has new meaning through trials and tribulations. This reminds me that I can rest in his presence while enduring and obeying his will for my life. It gives me hope that there is purpose in discomfort and rest is available to me through him. ❤️

  39. Misha van Thienen says:

    I often struggle with guilt when I personalize scripture like this. It is such a massive amount of love to take in just for me!!

  40. Sydney Bilbo says:

    I often need to be reminded that rest is ordained by God. It is not a sin to slow down (in a way that is pleasing to him). Thank you God for this word that brings peace and comfort. ❤️

  41. Victoria Ikuemonisan says:

    One sheep and one shepherd – it’s personal and intimate. Also, the fact that I don’t remain a sheep but move into a place of honour is amazing and refreshing.

  42. Lydia Elango says:

    It brings such rest in being a sheep…just stick to my Shepherd, He cares for me – no striving, no performing, no having to figure everything out – just being ❤️

  43. Samantha anhalt says:

    I love how active the verbs are : He leads me, he makes me, he restores me, he prepares a place for me…God is at work for my good.

  44. Kamila Apetauer says:

    He refreshes my soul ❤️

  45. Nicole Stevens says:

    I love my Shepherd. He first loved me. ❤️

  46. Sky knott says:

    “I have everything I need”…what a beautiful promise

  47. Jemma Wright says:

    But he is everything I need

  48. Jemma Wright says:

    ❤️I have everything I need❤️

  49. Bailey King says:

    I have what I need because I have the One who I was created to know and love❤️

  50. Bailey King says:

    I have what I need because I have the one I was created to know and love❤️

  51. Schneader Abanei says:

    The Lord is good always, he protects me.

  52. Char Hight says:

    I love this Psalm. It’s one of the first that I remember reading from my childhood. I didn’t understand what I was reading of course at 8 years old. But now, it gives me so much peace. It’s reassuring when I need it in the middle of my valleys. But also serves its purpose at my peaks. ❤️

  53. June Rosa says:

    My neighbors are satanists,they despise me,harass me day and night. It’s like torture. Sometimes I scream,why are you allowing this God! Then I remember psalms 23. The Lord is my Shepherd! Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil,for you are with me!

  54. Xavia Evener says:

    Even though it might not seem that he is protecting us but he is no matter what!

  55. Heidi CooneyThompson says:

    I love this Psalm and the reminder that my Shepherd cares for me, provides for me, gives me rest and that I can dwell with Him forever. Thank you, Jesus!

  56. Hanna Lewie says:

    I love how no matter what we do in our lives, Jesus will always run after us and leave the 99.

  57. Autumn Jameson says:

    I am excited for this new devotion.

  58. Hannah Cobrador says:

    A message for everyonee that God is good <33

  59. Katherine Elizabeth says:

    So many positive affirmations can come from this psalm – ‘I lack nothing’, ‘he refreshes my soul’, ‘my cup overflows’, ‘I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever’ – We need not worry about our life cause as Maverick sing “Fear is not my future, you are!”

  60. Carol McDaniel says:

    Reminds me of the hymn I learned in first grade. “I am Jesus’ Little Lamb. ✝️

  61. Bernadette Claye says:

    God’s strength can come in the form of rest and care for us

  62. Layne Doles says:

    “I have what I need!”

  63. Kayle Darby says:

    I love this guide through the Bible and psalm

  64. Savannah Werner says:


  65. PamC says:

    Thank y’all for the prayers. They comfort me greatly. I’m praying for you as well.
    This Psalm is such a comfort for me. My grandmother taught it to me. “Surely, goodness & mercy will follow me all the days of my life..” we’re my grandmother, sister, & nanny to my 5 year old mind. It is the Psalm I was praying over my mom. It is pure comfort.

  66. Ashlynn Wood says:


  67. Katie L says:

    Thank you, all you She’s, for your added insight into each devotional, it makes my study time so much richer.

    Thank you all so much for keeping me and my family in your prayers! I have such peace about the situation and really don’t have any reason to – but God!!

    Lynne from AL – thank you for your kind words! The knowledge that God loves my son even more than I do and that He is there and sees all even when I can’t be has gotten me through some of the roughest parts of our journey!! Thank you for that reminder ❤️

    Michelle – I will be holding you and your mom up in prayer – I can only imagine the grief she is experiencing and how hard it must be for you to have to see someone you love go through it! Thank you for sharing so we can come alongside you ❤️

    Sarah – that is the worst feeling when you’ve been doing your best at something and someone is critical! Hope your interview went well and you can feel confident in your abilities and in the plan the Lord has for you. May you let anything not of Him roll right off and rest in His provision!

    Sharie – so nice to meet you! ❤️ thank you for sharing!

  68. Cee Gee says:

    SHARIE – It’s so nice to meet you and hear from a sheep expert! Congratulations on a fresh and healthy relationship and kudos for the many years you tried in the previous relationship. Sounds like you could write a book or few with all the experiences you are living!

  69. Donna Wolcott says:

    Hi Sharie, I’m glad you popped in to say hi. My daughter lives in Sheridan (going out there next week), and last year when I was up in the Big Horns, I witnessed a shepherd. I was at a church camping weekend with her family. At first it was the sound and as I looked out the shear number of sheep was amazing. Walking amongst the 100’s was a lone shepherd. This psalm immediately came to mind. This sheep needs her Shepherd every day. Sisters have a wonderful week.

  70. Sharie says:

    Good afternoon! This is my 4th SRT study and other than one question either late in the “Rest” study or early in the “Lenten” study, I have just walked alongside studying, reading and praying quietly, and in that quiet following, you have all become my friends. I have come to look forward to each day’s readings and everyone’s comments! With Heidi’s prompt to connect on Instagram (which I don’t really understand), I followed a few of you so thought I better introduce myself on this first day of a new study.

    I have been a Wyoming “cowgirl” for the past 40+ years (grew up in Tucson). I am divorced from an abusive spouse (stayed 30 years)and now happily remarried to a wonderful, loving, supportive man – we celebrated our 5 year anniversary in February. We ranch – 200+ mother cows – and we own a flooring store (flooring, cabinets, remodels, etc) and a countertop fabrication shop in a town about 40 miles from the ranch (with a satellite store in Rapid City, SD). I am basically the GM, HR, Bookkeeper and Project Manager for our Stone Shop and help on the ranch as needed. Fortunately, I get to work from home with only an occasional trip to one of the stores to provide support/assistance. We have 7 kids between us and 14 grandchildren.

    In my first marriage, we ran sheep for a few years – 2000+ head. Scriptural references to sheep always make me smile as I reflect on my experiences. Sheep absolutely need a shepherd – so thankful we have THE GOOD SHEPHERD and that He knows ME and calls ME by name (Jn 10); sheep are not the brightest animals and are determined to follow other sheep, even to their detriment/death-it is not necessarily a compliment when we are called sheep; wool sheep must be sheared or they will overheat and die – great analogy in today’s devotion; sheep truly do know their shepherd’s voice – the shepherd’s voice instills quiet contentment and peace, while a stranger’s voice agitates and scatters the flock.

    I hope to find time to participate more in the future but for now, know there is a SHE in Wyoming, following along and lifting you all up in prayer.

  71. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D. Praying for your interview and all the doubts you’re facing! You’re meant to go through this trial and I know God will prevail. Sometimes people get uncomfortable and their first line of defense is to say the things you’re doing wrong. Hang in there ! I’m praying your interview goes well! Happy Monday ladies.

  72. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D. Praying for your interview and all

  73. Lehua K. says:

    This is one of my favorite Psalms! I remember reading about Shrek before, but this time the part about “his wool [weighing] sixty pounds” really hit me. Like sheep, how often do we hold onto unnecessary weight and baggage that, if left unchecked, can threaten our life? We need our Shepherd – Jesus wants us to come to Him so we can have those weights lifted – those worries, fears, doubts, hurt, unforgiveness, sin, lies of the world – sheared off of us so that we can feel the peace and relief of all of the weight coming off. ❤️

    I’m looking forward to re-reading this study – I am in need of some rest. ❤️ (And thank you for the continued prayers – my sinus infection is almost gone! Also, I’ll be having that conversation with my dad today ❤️)

    PAM C: I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. Praying for comfort and peace for you and your family.

    SARAH D: Praying for your interview!

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL: Praying for Emily, glad she’s doing better but praying the dizziness will subside.

    HEIDI: I hope you are getting some much-needed rest, what a wonderful time for you to read these Psalms. ❤️

    MICHELLE PATIRE: Praying for you and your mom. I’m sorry that her Mother’s Day was tough. Praying for protection over your home, for peace within those walls, and for your father and siblings’ eyes to be opened to their actions and how it’s affecting the family. I understand the difficulty in setting boundaries with family, especially those with whom you live, so I also pray God will continue to equip you both for this season and that you will both sustain hope that this season is temporary.

    KATIE L, RHONDA J, LYNNE, SEARCHING – praying for your requests also ❤️ and all the other SRT sisters.

    Have a wonderful week, ladies. ❤️❤️

  74. Cee Gee says:

    Such a beautiful psalm with so much rich meaning. Glad to be with you all today to be reminded that God sees us and knows our need even when we have wandered and He will draw us out of that undesirable place and back into His fold (care).

    PAM C, you have been on our hearts even though you couldn’t be here each day. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom and you were very much in my prayers yesterday along with moms who have lost children or never had the children they desire. My mom also passed away in May and she fought it, too. Praying for peace for your heart and your sister!

    LEHUA K, LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, SARAH D, SEARCHING, SHARON, JERSEY GIRL, RHONDA J, KATIE L, MICHELLE PATIRE – prayers of grace, mercy, wisdom, healing, confidence according to God’s will in each situation! Hope I didn’t miss anyone! Even if I did, I prayed for your need when I read it. ❤

    HEIDI, hope this is a better week for you and that you can find some rest!

  75. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Yes Lord, thank you for this Psalm. I praise you that You are the giver of rest, that You are the One who can restore my soul. This Psalm is so comforting and full of promise. If I could only learn to take advantage of all that is offered us here – green pastures, quiet waters, restoration of soul. God has so much for us, but as was pointed out in the devotional, so often we let the business and cares of our world rob us of all the blessings. May I take time today to bask in His love, to be his sheep, to enjoy all that He gives.

    Praying for you today @Katie L @Rhonda J @Pam C @Sarah D @Lehua @Lynne @Michelle Patire

    Thank you for the prayers for Emily – she is now at home, doing so much better but is suffering from dizziness from the new medication.

    Have a blessed Monday!

  76. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies, thank you so much for your prayers!! I will say I woke up this morning with some doubts and fears about my interview and my job situation in general…I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get another job within the next month. My work had an in person event over the weekend, which I really enjoyed and I miss being in person (my job is remote). I talked to my manager some, and he knows I’ve been applying to other jobs. I was a bit disappointed in what he said, which was that in my work currently I could be more assertive and essentially do better. It was surprising, because I feel like I’ve done all I can to do my best at this job, and yet it still isn’t enough. Maybe they are looking for a more outgoing personality, which isn’t me, but I still get the job done in another way. Anyways, I’m trying to let that go because I work for the Lord, and I really feel I’ve pushed myself to my limits with this job. Praying the Lord would give me the right words today during my interview and that his will be done.

  77. Michelle Patire says:

    @Pam C- I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord continue to guide you through this process of both grief and peace knowing she is with Him no longer in the pain of this world. May you feel His nearness. Psalm 34 promises He is near those who are brokenhearted. Grace and peace to you and your family, Pam. Here for you <3

    @Danielle B- glad you made it for our third week in the Psalms! :)

    @Sarah D- God be near to your mind as you interview today! He is our Shepherd and will not lead us astray!

    @Lynne- Continued strength and wisdom for your situation with Jack. May God continue to guide you and give you peace that you are doing the best you can and He's got you. May you accomplish what is in your heart to do concerning your wills and legal duties.

    @Rhonda J- may your appointment be covering in wisdom and grace. May God guide you and your doctor today! He is with you and knows your frame! :)

    @Katie L- continuing to believe God has you and your family in the palm of His hand. May no weapon prosper against you all. May He continue to keep you in perfect peace, as your mind stays on Him. Isaiah 26:3

    @Lehua- hope your conversation with the family went well and that you are feeling better! It is good to be proactive and have this conversation.

    I also have a prayer request. I have mentioned that I am one of the oldest of 7 kids. My younger siblings are all in their twenties and some of them are making really poor choices. I'm not going to list them all because my post would be too long, but I would like to ask for prayers for my mom. My dad isn't strong in his faith so often she is targeted by their anger when she sets up boundaries… As she is the one making rules and standing firm in them… Her mother's day was especially hard yesterday as her mom passed away last year and three of her kids are angry with her for her boundaries (and two of them fought with her yesterday about it). It's very hard. My siblings need to grow up and I know God will help them. But please pray for strength and encouragement for my mom, who has been hurt and rejected so much by family (her siblings) for her convictions and choices. Thank you. I know I often ask for prayer with family. There's just so many of us and it's only really my mom and I (and maybe my one sister occasionally) battling in prayer.

  78. Lynne from Alabama says:

    PAM C—So sorry for your loss! I’m praying God’s comfort and peace for you

    LEHUA—Praying that you can guide your parents to get all their affairs in order. Jack and I had no wills, Powers of Attorney, nothing when he got sick and now with his dementia it is too late (for him). That is something that needs to be done asap.

    SEARCHING—Thank you for always remembering Jack and I in your prayers! Life is very difficult right now! I am praying for your friend that she may come to know our Lord and Savior and will start taking better care of herself.

    KATIE L—I pray that God will give you peace as you wait for this situation with your ex MIL to be resolved. As much as you love your son, remember that God loves him (and you) even more!

    I’m praying for the rest of you too, my sweet SRT sisters!

  79. Rhonda J. says:

    GM! Not much time this morning…off to the first apt. with my new pain doctor…hoping for some new insights! I will come back after!! Prayers @Sarah for your interview!

  80. Theresa says:

    This Psalm always reminds me of God’s care and provision. As someone who is naturally a planner and a worrier, I often come back to reflect on this Psalm. Something that stands out to me about it, is the Psalmist is describing God meeting his needs in the immediate but not necessarily showing what’s ahead in the future. It’s a reminder to me that I don’t always have to see the full picture, I can trust that my Good Shepherd knows what’s ahead and how he will get me through it. I have everything I need for today and I can rest and enjoy the blessings right before me, knowing that when tomorrow comes, God will still be here with me and he will provide what I need then too.

    SARAH D- thinking of you this morning and praying for your interview.

  81. Annie says:

    Praising God. This Psalm is so special to me and God reminds me He is always right here with me.

    Have a blessed day Shes!

  82. Danielle B says:

    What a beautiful Psalm to start the week on! This Psalm is my solace when sleep seems far away.

    Rhonda thanks for leading me to this study with the other women of this community. I’ve missed all your comments.

  83. Searching says:

    SARAH D – praying for your interview today!

  84. Searching says:

    Psalm 23 – as I pulled up the first day of this much needed study, my first thought was – I know this one, I’ve had it memorized since I was a kid. Second thought was – what can I learn today? As I read through the devo and the psalm itself (NKJV), I began thinking about where people go and what they do to try and find the love and peace we have in our Lord and in our Savior. Nothing can take the place of God – not fame nor wealth nor prestigious career nor vices of any kind – and they will continue their search until they find Him.
    This psalm tells me that His presence is constant, He blesses and welcomes me, He provides for me: needs (vs wants, although I am blessed to have many of those also), rest, guidance, rejuvenation, protection, rescue and so much more – an awesome way to show me that I am loved.

    LEHUA K – praying for your discussion with your parents as you are 100% correct that this situation needs immediate attention. In my experience, finances and assets usually get sorted out eventually (although not necessarily the way your dad/mom would want) when there is no will/trust but it may take several months and certainly involve more legal fees to sort out than it would to set up things now – and the uncertainty during the sorting out and stress of working through the court system can take its toll. Praying!

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – continuing to pray for Emily

    PAMC – praying for you and your family as you grieve ❤️

    LYNNE FROM AL – praying for strength, endurance and patience as I know each day is full and requires all of your attention. Praying for Jack and for respite help for you.

    Prayer request for a dear family member (with minor children) that has a chronic condition and just will not take care of their health. More importantly, they don’t know the Lord – praying for the whole situation.

  85. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thankful Jesus as my Shepherd removed (sheared) the weight of my sinful nature so that my burden is light.

    PAM C – so sorry for your loss. May you and your family feel the Lord’s comforting presence

    SARAH D – praying for your interview today!

  86. Lehua K. says:

    ((I posted this also in the last day of the other study, because I didn’t realize that it was a 13-day study and didn’t have a Day 14…))

    Thank you for the prayers for my parents, KIMBERLY Z, CEE GEE, and KATIE L! ❤️

    RHONDA J: I left a (late) reply to your question about our business on a previous day (I think it was Day 11 of the other study?) so sorry for the delay, I knew it would be a more detailed answer so I didn’t respond right away and then I forgot!

    ❤️❤️ HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mothers out there, and to those who are unofficial moms in some capacity ❤️❤️

  87. Shelby Davison says:

    And he is shearing the dead weight off.

  88. Shelby Davison says:

    My husband and I grew up Christians. We were saved at a young age and baptized at younger ages. But as individuals, and as a couple, we wandered off…..far. and we dwelled in that distant place. Recently, the Holy Spirit has really and truly been deeply gripping us and calling for us. And here we are, redevoting our lives back to Christ.

  89. Regan Oppedahl says:

    Love this

  90. Kassidy Penn says:


  91. Malina Arp says:

    Oh my, just so relieving

  92. Amber Coyle says:

    Thank you Father! ♥️

  93. Cait Gault says:


  94. Marlene Arndt says:


  95. Ariana White says:


  96. Walleska Mirabal says:

    This is my fav verse ♥️

  97. Abigail Figueroa says:


  98. Mary Jo says:


  99. Taylor Susie says:


  100. Shelby Talley says:

    god guides us and is our shepard. that’s so powerful. we shall never be lost. amen. ♥️

  101. Kathleen Ng says:

    The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

  102. Stella Omopariola says:

    The Lord is My Shepherd

  103. Stella Omopariola says:

    The Lors

  104. Hunter Pinson says:

    “I have what I need”- because I have the One I was created to know and love. Thank You, Father

  105. Cam'meya Banks says:


  106. Quran Johnson says:

    i’m back Lord.

  107. Quran Johnson says:

    I’m back Lotd. ❤️

  108. Rose Irungu says:


  109. Addison Beason says:

    i love how we can say God is MY shepherd.

  110. Kaone Motshabi says:

  111. Boma Chris says:

    I have been asking God for guidance for a while and he just responded to me letting me know that I am in His presence so I don’t have to fear being without guide.
    He is my shepherd and no matter how lost a sheep I am, He’d always search me out and find me. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death He has asked me to fear no evil because He is with me. His rod and staff are protecting me. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for this assurance. I am truly grateful!

  112. Boma Chris says:

    I have been asking God for guidance for a while and he just responded to me letting me know that I am in His presence so I don’t have to fear being without guide.

  113. Meredith Koelling says:


  114. Kendi Taari says:

    Amen and Amen.
    Glory to God the highest ❤️

  115. Saron Mamo says:


  116. Brittany Brooks says:


  117. Mellany Ona says:

    So lovely

  118. Regina Sanchez says:

    Thanks you Lord for your word

  119. Jill Datuin says:

    A mama in sabbath today. “He lets me lie down in green pastures.” The kindness and provision of our Shepherd who LETS us lie down and rest because he is saying “you can trust me and I am here.” Amen!

  120. Emma Baraiac says:

    Loved how deep it went I terms of the meaning behind each phrase.

  121. Kyra Madore says:

    It’s nice to know that God will always be there even when we wander

  122. Addie Sampson says:

    I enjoyed reading this , it’s a great reminder that he’s our “ shepherd “ for a reason and how much we need him .

  123. Mary Katherine Grimes says:

    I wrote in my notes that I need to take more time to just sit and marvel at the truth that I Dewey with God forever. My now and future is secure in my loving Savior. This truth is dripping with hope and a safety I have been craving for my whole life. I over look this truth way to often… May I never lose the wonder of what my God has done for me.

  124. Chelsea Wilson says:

    I can rest knowing the Lord is caring for me better than anyone else could! Thank you Lord!

  125. Emanuela Delhomme says:

    Also read John 10 which goes more into detail about the Lord (Jesus) being our shepherd. ❤️

  126. Kelsey Shelton says:

    A wonderful reminder that there is no need to strive – we already have everything we need, we are well taken care of and very loved.

  127. Gaby Pineda says:

    The reminder I needed. I have rest in Him, I don’t have to worry about what lies ahead.

  128. Lindsay Hill says:

    I was reminded of parents who have many kids, but each kid has a special bond with their parent, and how each sheep has a special bond with their shepherd.

  129. jemia wiggins says:

    God I ask that you fill my cup. All I want to do is be in your presence. I want to feel you. That gives me peace even through the storm. I know now that I am nothing without you.

  130. Elaina Stewart says:

    I never noticed the shift at v. 5 before…
    that was neat to see

  131. Christine Biju Thomas says:

    I can feel his peace and rest

  132. Cydmarie Fernandez says:

    Amen, i believe the words of this psalm

  133. Christine Massey says:

    Lots going on in life right now… feeling depleted in a lot of ways. Good reminder of the shepherd that protects and leads me through trying times. Fills my cup when I feel like I am empty and have nothing to give. Need to focus my eyes and heart on Him who gives that peace and comfort rather than myself which has nothing without Him.

  134. abby lund says:

    He guides us and is our comforter!

  135. Katherine Gerali says:

    He is MY shepherd. (As He is yours!)

  136. Bianca White says:

    Hallelujah, I am not alone! He’s my comfort, always guides me home!!!

  137. Jenna Sandoval says:

    Amen. Confirmation and just what I needed to hear and feel. Thank you Lord. All the honor and glory is yours.

  138. Rebecca Lewis says:

    Wowo. Very accurate for what is going on in my life now. Prayers that I have courage and strength, and that my heart is in the right place.

  139. Mackenizi Ellis says:

    On a Monday morning at 6am before classes start and campus gets busy this is exactly what I needed <3

  140. Kelly Ramsey says:

    Reading this passage just brought confidence in my relationship with God.

  141. Cordelia M says:

    This is always really comforting to me, it was my favourite psalm in choir, we often did it for weddings, and I was lost for a long time but I know I will always be guided back to the right path by Him :)

  142. Wendy Pennings says:

    Perfect Devo for a quiet day of rest

  143. sara allen says:

    Uplifting verse to keep in your heart!

  144. danielle shellhamer says:

    What a loving Father, good good Father ♥️

  145. keala johnson says:

    These verses are comforting! I’m so grateful to God for His Word.

  146. Lekshmi D says:

    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me… That’s the verse that gives me hope

  147. Ember Chapman says:

    I love how it says we have a place in the Father’s house .

  148. Sela Owens says:

    I loved it. The Lord is our shepherd and our king!

  149. Katherine Calvert says:

    I love it that He gives us the still waters, green pastures etc. But it is He Himself who is the restorer of our souls.

  150. Lisa Gabledon says:

    I’m going through a season of learning to be still and in the presence of the Lord… this psalm reminds me of what the Lord is to me and what He does for me… so blessed to be loved by Him

  151. Jazzmyn Chandler says:

    This is my favorite psalm.

  152. Jessica Newman says:

    Find peace and rest from the trials of life by resting in and staying close to my Shepherd! Seek Him, draw near to Him, gather comfort from Him! Rest!

  153. Jessica Newman says:

    Find peace and rest from the trials of life by resting in and staying close to my Shepherd! Seek him

  154. Kris Barnhart says:

    The sheep needs the Shepherd…to alleviate all the “weight” we aren’t meant to carry in order that we experience freedom and rest and peace. ❤️

  155. Emma Hollenbeck says:

    Appreciate this- one of my lifelong favorite chapters!

  156. Maddie Flink says:

    I don’t have to worry about the hard things in this world, but instead I can take comfort knowing MY Sheppard will take care of me and bring me comfort and strength to endure the hard things happening in my life.

  157. Emma Overby says:

    What areas of my life am I unknowingly/unintentionally running and hiding from the Lord, like Shrek from from his shepherd?

  158. Esther Flowers says:

    “Weariness does not have the final say.” This is such good encouragement for this time in my life :)

  159. Karmesia Pope says:

    Amazing reminder of God’s character ❤️

  160. Mariana Rojas says:

    Wow the last part of this plan is awesome! Thank you God for our Salvation and for being my Lord , my only one shepherd. I was created for him and I want to love him for ever . Blessings from Costa Rica !

  161. Emily Pickett says:

    Such a good reminder that my Sheppard always watches me and protects me even when I want to run away. ❤️

  162. Kimberly Ansley says:

    I have everything I need. Praise God!

  163. Avery Betz says:

    Because the Lord is my Shepherd I can be content in any circumstance!!!

  164. Emma Smith says:

    We are all sheep running from the father. Thank goodness he leaves the 99

  165. Tamar Thomas says:

    I am an honored/anointed guest at Your table – forever!

  166. Jen Phelps says:

    Amen!!! Just what I needed to hear!

  167. Sara Thurber says:

    Restores my soul; I just love this Psalm… So refreshing.

  168. Sevyn Robinson says:

    I shall not want – Maverick city

  169. Maddie McCauley says:

    Such a beautiful & good reminder

  170. Karli Loving says:

    The story about the sheep was so sweet!

  171. ebony roberson says:

    Everyday the Lord is my shepherd

  172. Dae Ruffin says:

    Psalm is such a beautiful book to me.

  173. Stephanie Popovich says:

    His goodness and mercy follows me all the days of my life.

  174. Malkima Bynum says:

    God will call his lost sheep they WILL be found

  175. Starr Davis says:

    I meditated on this scripture while I was going through an abusive relationship. This passage saved my life, reminding me—not just who I was—but who I belonged too!

  176. nicole marie lopez says:

    i am so happy for you.

  177. Paige Hummrl says:

    Rage and anger has been feelings that I have felt recently

  178. Cate Mathews says:

    I have been struggling a lot with anxiety and self esteem and this is opening my eyes to better things.

  179. Darian Miles says:

    So perfect to remind me of what I learned at the women’s night recently. Thank you, God, for your perfect rest and peace. ❤

  180. Angela Griffith says:


  181. Janna McHarg says:


  182. Brooklin Shackelford says:

    we are not just guests, we get to be in his presence forever!!!

  183. April Wilmoth says:

    I just got my first book, ‘one another’ but it doesn’t start til next week. I decided to start with this one for this week. It was just what I needed.

  184. Kaia Hassel says:

    Love. This.

  185. Esther McNary says:

    After not sleeping well for months. I need these reminders continually.

  186. Crissy Pollitt says:

    “I have what I need because I have the One I was created to know and love.” I needed this reminder today

  187. Dana Fenwick says:

    I decided to start here and it was just what I needed. God knows what we need and when we need it. I know that I can rest in the Lord! Amen!

  188. Bailey Davis says:

    “Sheep – not frightened passive animals but obedient followers, wise enough to follow the one who will lead us in the right places in the right ways”
    “When we allow God, our Shepard, to guide us, we have contentment. When we choose to rebel and go our own way however we cannot blame good for the environment we create for ourselves.”

  189. Bailey Davis says:

    “Sheep – not frightened passive animals but obedient followers, wise enough to follow the one who will lead us in the right places in the right ways”
    “When we allow God, our Shepard, to guide us, we have contentment. When we choose to rebel and go our own way however we cannot blame good for the environment we create for ourselves.”

  190. Bailey Davis says:

    When we allow God, our Shepard, to guide us, we have contentment. When we choose to rebel and go our own way however we cannot blame good for the environment we create for ourselves.”

  191. Bailey Davis says:

    “When we allow God, our Shepard, to guide us, we have contentment. When we choose to rebel and go our own way however we cannot blame good for the environment we create for ourselves.”

  192. Kenny Shomuyiwa says:


  193. Karrie Poortinga says:

    These verses never get old or less powerful. Especially in the times we live in, it is a beautiful reminder that we don’t have to navigate it alone. ❤️

  194. Victoria Ross says:

    Very happy to be taking time to learn about rest.

  195. Anna Clyde says:

    Read John 10 and see the similarities. In Acts 20 Paul calls us to be Shepherds.

  196. Allison Rogers says:


  197. Rylie Beethe says:


  198. Rylie Beethe says:

    Hope everyone applaud this to their lives❤️

  199. Joye Harrison says:

    Love how God is portrayed as our Shepherd & King in this passage. Our loving guide and sovereign authority who cherishes his children. ❤️

  200. Candida Cox says:

    Beautiful…. My favorite Psalms.

  201. Andrea Colon says:


  202. Melissa Mains says:


  203. Kim Perez says:

    Amen so beautiful

  204. Abby Yoder says:

    A beautiful reminder of our weakness and God’s strength and provision! For we are lost without Him and we grow weary but in Him we find rest and love!

  205. Bongai Mutema says:


  206. Veronica Formento says:


  207. Mckenna Garvin says:

    Absolutely! As a student, I often put so much pressure on myself in terms of tests and quizzes, and the way my friends view me. Not to mention after school activities and homework. But whenever I am able to hand a worry or two over to God the loads a little lighter, I’m a little happier, and my life’s a little better!

  208. Lauren Shulman says:


  209. Melissa Austie says:

    I surely need those still waters- my soul longs for them.

  210. Shay Rojas says:

    Beautiful ❤️

  211. Malynda 'MJ'Gamble says:

    No matter what happens God is with me forever and ever. He never leaves my side. He let’s me lie down in peace and takes my burdens from me. What a great God!
    With Him I shall lack nothing and fear nothing. In the crazy world we live in today this is a great reminder to have in our thoughts.

  212. Taylor Connor says:

    Oh, how I needed this. He is MY shepherd. What a beautiful reminder.

  213. Abbi Rickelman says:

    I love the image of this sheep with all this weight on its back, avoiding the sheer and it nearly kills it. I do the same thing, God tries to help and I say no I got this. Only to be wearing a weight he is trying to take from me!

  214. tee. t. says:


  215. Rize Lubbe says:


  216. Leslie Boyd says:

    Hallelujah. I love that it brings light to the Lord is MY shepherd, He leads ME beside still waters, makes ME lie down in green pastures. Thank you, Jesus! Also struggling with anxiety my whole life it is difficult to truly rest in His perfect peace. When I come to the verse “He makes a table for me in the presence of my enemies” it makes me think of the fact that the Lord provides His peace for me in the presence of my enemy—anxiety. He is with me. He is for me.

  217. Catherine Statham says:

    Holding on purely by the love and hope in God. Thankful for His word

  218. Adriana Perez says:

    I needed this today❤️ He is always there with me.

  219. Shay Rojas says:


  220. Natalie Raatz says:

    Grateful to know he’s the same God to David as He is to me.

  221. Natalie Raatz says:

    Grateful that He’s the same God to David as He is to me.

  222. Megan Despot says:

    Sweet and simple… yet so easy to forget sometimes. So comforting.

  223. Eliana Sagastume says:

    Very comforting!

  224. Grace Rex says:

    “for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.”

    Remembering these words as I take on today.

  225. Grace Rex says:

    “for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.”

  226. Teri Hubbard says:

    He is MY shepherd. Is he yours?

  227. Lynette Gomez says:

    Amen ❤️

  228. Paige Ambrosio says:

    I prayed this prayer as a child before all sporting events with my team. Then, it was a formality. Now, it means so much kore than I realized all those years ago.

  229. Taylor Southerland says:


  230. Phoebe Mayne says:

    and i get to stay in His presence forever

  231. Ariel Martinez says:


  232. Sevyn Robinson says:


  233. Marie Schlichtig says:


  234. Tara Buege says:

    “I have what I need” thank you Lord.

  235. Zoë Boomgarden says:


  236. SarahCaroline Shepler says:

    As I was looking for a reading plan I saw this. I need rest and peace in my life and knowing that the Lord is there for me and that He can and will provide that gives me excitement. I am so excited to read this !! This helps me so much and the fact that He compares us to sheep. Sheep usually get lost and need a Shepherd it connects me to the Lord in a way that I haven’t.

  237. Silvia Diaz says:

    This made me emotional. Just knowing that He gives me great peace and comfort at all times. I’m not worthy, but I am His. Thank you King of Kings!

  238. Catalina Ongkowibowo says:

    The Lord is more than capable to protect us to walk through our problems with Him. He has anointed us and overflow our cup with joy & peace ❤️

  239. Icilma Hamilton says:

    Jesus is all I need. Father to the Fatherless, friend to the friendless, hope of the hopeless.

  240. Aubrey Blankenship says:

    God has always been so personal to me. In times of fear or anxiousness, I’m always quick to put my hope in Him. Even if I dont cast all my cares on Him… and leave them there! I’m always aware that my hope is in Him and I’m leaving that there forever.

  241. Lauren Freeman says:

  242. Shekainah Obad says:

    It’s amazing to know you have someone to run to in this uncertain world. Thank you Lord❤️✨

  243. Briana Swaim says:

    As long as I live!, FOREVER. No matter what!

  244. Chelsea Brown says:

    This really spoke to me. I have wondered from God. I let the worries, noises, and material things take me away. And today I decided to make a decision to come back to the Lord. Starting this bible study is amazing. I didn’t really have an idea on what it was, I saw it and it spoke to me. This is a message from the Lord that I am his sheep he will lead me to better time, feed my soul and heart with his word. No matter how dark things seems he will never leave me. This was amazing to start today and has energized my soul and I hunger for more of the word of God.

  245. Johnnie Seago says:

    Comforting for me

  246. Johnnie Seago says:

    Great and comforting

  247. Tiffany Cooke says:


  248. Ellie Macris says:

    I recently heard a sermon stating that sheep won’t drink from waters that aren’t still. God doesn’t only take us to the “water” but even to STILL waters where we can comfortably “drink”! So beautiful :)

  249. alexis mirabal says:


  250. Cheryl Kobza says:

    This has always been a favorite of mine. Such a blessing!!! The Lord is MY shepherd. He blesses us in so many ways

  251. Karina Esparza says:


  252. Maryanne Burr says:

    Love how personal it is

  253. Leah Baum says:


  254. Ashley Coplo says:

    Just what I needed today

  255. Sara Kim says:


  256. Summer Henderson says:

    I love the Lord’s mercy and goodness, it will be with us all the days of our lives! ❤️

  257. Raquel Twigg says:

    Beautiful devotion . The Lord is MY shepherd . He is such a personal , close and intimate God

  258. Summer Gibbs says:

    “The lord is my Shepard” i love how this is so personal emphasising the fact the he is mine. This is very personal and helps me to realise that when i am in need i can look to god for guidance and strength and that when we are weary he is strong ✝️

  259. Michele Lyons says:


  260. Abby Huston says:

    I needed this tonight so very much. Grateful for my Shepherd

  261. Heidi V says:

    Loved going deeper into Psalm 23 today. What a wonderful week this is going to be!!

  262. Genesis Sedillo says:

    Psalm 23

  263. Cara Lewis says:

    God’s care for me is absolutely outrageous. I deserve none of it. Praise God that He has declared me worthy. He always pursues me, protects me and loves me.
    Spending time with Him is my food. Self care can feel so selfish. God had set the example to me of how I ought to value myself. He takes such time with me because He values me. I need to value myself the way that He does. He has declared my life to be worthy of the cross.
    God, would I use my time and energy in a way that honors You. There is nothing selfish about doing things to feed myself. It’s necessary. Help me lie down. Teach me to treat your word as sacred once again.

  264. Genesis Sedillo says:

    Psalm 23

  265. Genesis Sedillo says:

    Psalms 23

  266. Genesis Sedillo says:

    Psalms 23

  267. Valeria Saborio says:

    So good

  268. Genesis Sedillo says:

    Beautiful Bible verse about restoring our soul & beautiful devotional

  269. Stacy Hagins says:


  270. Paris Clark says:


  271. Holly Cavender says:

    I love the imagery of the banquet. That whole all my problems are raging around me and I’m in the middle of battle God is calmly setting up a meal and inviting me to the table. It’s so good to be reminded that God is not surprised by anything and, even in the crazy times and busy days, he offers rest that transcends my circumstances.

  272. Cindy Whitacre says:


  273. Lauren Fox says:

    Wow I had not even thought about this… I couldn’t agree more!

  274. Laken Marshall says:


  275. Rachel Blessum says:

    I needed this today! I love the small detaIl about God knowing us completely. There’s nothing we could tell Him that would surprise him, and I find that really comforting ❤️

  276. Kristen Cobb says:

    Like Shrek the merino sheep Jesus, my Good Shepherd, can lighten my load and burdens if I only follow. This blessed me today. ❤️

  277. Madison Thompson says:

    It is crazy to me to hear that story about the sheep being weighed down by his own wool and wanting to keep out of sight of his shepherd. It really made me think, how often I do that- weigh myself down with the concerns of this life and try to handle it all my own without seeking me shepherd.

  278. Savannah Carter says:

    Absolute perfect timing for me. I have been wrestling with myself, trying to take control of my own life. Psalm 23 reminds me to find rest in the Lord. It reminds me I need not struggle. All I need is to follow.

  279. Lauren HoffmanOrta says:

    Ina time where rest is needed, this is such a good reminder to slow down and find that in the Lord

  280. Wendy Aldrich says:


  281. Niamh P says:

    In our age of individualism I find it hard to depend on the Lord over myself

  282. Danielle Collius says:

    Perfect timing for me! I’ve been working on rearranging my life to give myself more rest with Him!

  283. Wendi says:

    The Psalm 23 is a prayer in form of an affirmation that we can say it over and over our life daily, to remind ourselves that He care for us and there is no need to dismay or give up because He is our provider and He is with us always.Even when we go astray,He will find us for He is our shepherd, the protector and defender.

  284. Jenny Horsley says:

    “I have what I need because I have the one I was created to know and Love

  285. Brandy Peterson says:

    Oh the poetic word picture. How refreshing his words are.

  286. Janet James says:

    What blessed assurance! God’s promises to me are so true and comforting m!!

  287. Edna Carrillo says:

    love this

  288. Yanie Shi says:


  289. Anna Maitum says:

    This is a beautiful reminder and a great way to start my day on that note. I am in my Maker’s house, not as a guest bit as a permanent resident of the Kingdom of the One true God. Fear aside because I beside still waters.

  290. Hannah Roth says:


  291. Regina Sather says:

    Amen. Grateful to be reminded of WHO rest is.

  292. Sarah Ochoa says:

    I’m a sheep!!!!

  293. Makinna Eaker says:

    So so good

  294. Jessi Hernandez says:

    This word never fails to bring such a sense of serenity to me. I shall not want.

  295. Joy Mounce says:

    I am teaching on this Psalm at church and love that it was in my devotion this morning!

  296. Macy Collins says:


  297. Lindsey Weymouth says:

    just woke and and read this! good start to my day !

  298. Lauren Robinson says:

    Such a good reminder of God’s providential care for us!

  299. Becki Privett says:

    Overwhelmed by His care

  300. Bailey Bowers says:

    Facing continued disappointments this week in canceled plans due to COVID, but in Psalm 23, Jesus always reminds me that I truly lack nothing when I get to be with Him. Grateful.

  301. Nancy DeValve says:

    We just celebrated Holy Week and as I read this, I could imagine Jesus praying this in the garden and he walked through the valley of death. His head had been anointed with oil. He had eaten in the presence of his enemies. God was with Jesus until the moment he turned his back on Jesus carrying the sins of the world. But Jesus knew he would dwell in the house of the Lord forever. No, we’re not told Jesus prayed this psalm, but could it be that he did?

  302. Josie Pinero says:


  303. Elyssa Greene says:

    So good

  304. Laura Christie says:

    The image of the weighted down sheep really hit me. We need God’s regular care.

  305. Adrienne * says:

    I’ve never caught this before… the Lord is MY shepherd. That is a Psalm that is often quoted, but we don’t fully grasp its depth, do we?

  306. Kathy Dunbar says:

    I liked thinking of one sheep, me, not that He is the shepherd of a group (He isnof course) but He is for just me, too.

  307. Lyrah Ramos says:

    Exactly what I needed ☺️

  308. Michelle AnnJohnson says:

    Exactly. Exactly.

  309. Heather P says:

    So good

  310. Aspen Jenkins says:

    God is good!! He is our provider and the shepherd of all sheep.

  311. Anna Harter says:

    Needed this!

  312. Jenna Tyson says:


  313. Val M says:

    I had never really thought about how sheep literally need their shepherd to survive or live life better.

  314. Lisa Gray-Piper says:

    I have the One I was created to know and love! Powerful!

  315. Olivia Dunn says:

    It is so comforting to know that even when we do get lost, He can find us and bring us back. And then transforms us into His children.

  316. emily devisscher says:

    needed this today

  317. Joy P says:

    There is no better place to be than in the arms of my shepherd. However, rest requires pursuit. Pursuit of Him and His presence. It is only when we desire to be with our shepherd; when we choose to obey and submit to His will that we will be able to breathe deep, and truly find rest.

  318. Maelani Brewer says:

    “‘I have all I need,’ because I have the One I was created to know and love.”
    Truth that I often forget.

  319. Tifarah Canion says:

    I used to have a very close relationship with the lord. Some shifts happened and I feel like I’ve been in this battle of avoiding Him, not hearing Him, and trying to get back into relationship with Him… I needed these words today. To be soothed into knowing he’s there and taking care of me.

  320. Madi Crow says:

    Sometimes it is just overwhelming how much love He has for each and everyone of us. Our cup overflows. No matter the circumstances. What a beautiful reminder.

  321. Caroline Mauldin says:

    I’ve never thought about that verse in that way before

  322. Hailee Williams says:


  323. Lani Winslow says:


  324. Kat Hensley says:

    I need Him so much – every day – every hour – I need Him. I am tired because I try to do it without Him. How foolish am I – He is my Shepherd and with Him I have peace regardless of my circumstances. Praise His name forever.

  325. Anna Briggs says:

    This psalm is so uplifting and it’s such a great reminder that we are sinners in need of a savior!

  326. Ashley O'NealEdwards says:

    Thankful for a safe place to rest and a good Shepard to lead the way.

  327. Megan Ramlo says:

    I get to stay in his presence forever, what a true blessing.

  328. Collette Bertha says:

    I would rather have Peace from the Good Shepherd than be left to my own demise!

  329. Lydia Perea says:

    We all need the Lord’s peace in these times

  330. Rachael Collins says:

    Being on holidays is almost scary. The distraction of “busy” means i dont have to deal with the crazy. But true rest in Jesus, when he MAKES me lie down and listen and be made secure in him is all i crave. Sometimes my stubbornness needs to be made to lie down in order to rest. Thank you Jesus – good shepherd!

  331. Poem Harrison says:

    I love the switch, I love being the sheep and the guest. That’s what makes our relationship so unique with him :)

  332. morgan kiblen says:


  333. Ginia Edwards says:


  334. Lydia Reynolds says:

    Just the words “The Lord is my shepherd” put my soul to rest today. What a great reminder.

  335. Jenn H says:

    Rereading this devo to start this year with much needed rest ❤️

  336. Kristina Nolan says:


  337. Colleen Bergsagel says:

    Love this app. New to it today!

  338. Ren Agpoon says:

    “God Who Fights for Me” – Zoe Worship! This song popped up in my head when I was reading this devotional. Our God who fights for us and protects us. We may encounter darkness, but there’s always a light in every tunnel.

  339. aiyana johnson says:

    powerful message reminding me that God is all we need & only He can provide what we need and want.

  340. Christina Acosta says:

    Oh yes Ashley, I have experienced the Lord forcing me to lie down. In the form of a burnout and Covid 19. As a result He was very present and spoke to me often and shifted my heart. When I am over doing it and stepping to the side of him by being busy, and then hurting myself, He forces me to stop and be still and at times lay down right where I am

  341. Christina Acosta says:

    I’ve read this before but it’s the first time I have read it and can imagine it. This is very colorful and intimate, and very purposeful. This is powerful to pray over ourselves when the enemy has been lying to us and for a half second we believe it.

  342. Christina Acosta says:

    That’s fascinating, Miriam

  343. Sara Swacina says:

    Julie, I replied to yours, but sadly it did something wrong and posted at the top of the list, on my screen it is 8 posts above yours. Hope it help! Much love!

  344. Sara Swacina says:

    Dear Julie, I know the feeling, and it is hard to give it over to Him. The best way I have found to do so is to pray. I have found praying about it over and over again has helped me. However, instead of just praying about my worries, I start praying “Lord, help me hand this over to you. Help me to rest in you. Show me how to fully let go of all that is worrying me. Lord, take this from me.” Hope this helps! I will pray for you right now!

  345. Miriam Cavanaugh says:

    I love the portion “He makes me lie down in green pastures,” especially after also reading A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23… In order for a sheep to actually lie down, it must first be free from fear, friction, pests, and hunger. It is a beautiful reminder for what God provides and does for us in order to truly rest. :)

  346. AnneElise Williams says:
  347. Molly McCreary says:

    “I have what I need”

  348. Ashley Partridge says:

    “He MAKES us lie down in green pastures” really stands out to me. When we are worried, anxious, or just too busy, God sits us down in His grace and glory. He makes us slow down and be calm just sitting in His presence.

  349. Abby Blackmon says:

    Yes. The perfect reminder that we always have a refuge

  350. Lisa Mast says:

    I’m looking forward to this study as I am trying to be more intentional to rest even during the hustle and bustle this season can bring. God gives rest to his children. I’m so grateful! ❤

  351. Jessica Birchfield says:

    Thank you for doing what you do! I was also drawn to this study being on the other end of Covid. A few friends just tested positive and we are quarantined because my husband saw one of them (masked) recently. Learning how to rest – truly rest – in the valley of uncertainty is so needed right now!

  352. Maddie Morrison says:

    Thank you God for being my Shepherd and for always providing for me even when I get lost!

  353. Kathy Bryant says:


  354. Sonya Rolle says:

    Such simple verses I have read as a small child, today they mean so much more. Very comforting and makes my soul at peace.

  355. Ashly Czaja says:

    Thank you for your hard work and commitment to not only taking care of people, but loving them❤️ praying for true rest for your physical body, but also your soul!

  356. Allie McCandless says:

    This is one of my favorite passages and came up so timely. The Lord knew (& knows) exactly what I need and when I need it!

  357. Steph C says:

    I’ve been a nurse in a high acuity COVID unit for the last 9 months. When I saw “Psalms of Rest”, I knew it was exactly what I needed. This reminder that the Lord is MY shepherd … He cares for ME meets the need of my heart as I get ready for another nightshift.

  358. emily watson says:

    For the Lord is my shepherd, this passage is often heard. I think sometimes we just pass over it because we have heard it so many times. But it has a significant meaning, for God will guide us, he will shave us of our sins. He loves us beyond measure.

  359. Rachael Kasprzak says:

    Love the imagery this passage brings! Thank you Lord for being our Good Shepherd

  360. Krissy Dunn says:

    I totally needed a reminder I need God daily.

  361. Laura Coey says:

    This is my first SRT study and what a joy it was to start with my Grandma’s favorite verses!

  362. Alasonna Cobb says:

    Because I am His shepherd, I forever have access to Him-until death! And if I stick with Him I get to remain with Him after death! My shepherd will never leave me!

  363. Teresa Kauffman says:

    I love that story about Shrek, how he got lost for 6 years and although he was still able to “live,” he didn’t realize how much he NEEDED the ‘Shepherd’ to allow him to live a life that is free from all of the ‘weight’ that he was carrying around. I am truly grateful for my Shepherd in Jesus Who leads me and shows me how to live in the green pastures of life, along the still waters and Who will be with me all the days of my life. I definitely NEED Jesus, my Shepherd.

  364. Gina Tank says:

    Thank you for being my shepherd!

  365. Jordan Ursua-Pangan says:


  366. Emma Smith says:

    I’ve always loved this psalm but after reading this I now see it in a new light. The Lord is MY shepherd and takes care of my every need.

  367. Clara Monfort says:

    Most of my time is focused on wanting stuff and people that I think will fill the void in me. Reading this Psalm reminds me that Jesus Christ is what I should want, first and foremost, and everything else will be supplied for me.

  368. Alexandria Peralta says:

    My shepherd ♥️

  369. Rachel Harding says:

    Yes the lord is my shepherd, he is so good to me, he soothes all anxiety, he picks me up when I have fallen and never leaves my side. Thank you lord, you are good.

  370. Kenia Arevalo says:

    The amazing love of our Shepherd. Beautiful reminder.

  371. Sara Hughes says:

    It’s a wonderful thing to know you can be restored in the Lord!

  372. Sadie Nowak says:

    I think this is a beautiful reminder of how Grace and Jesus’ sacrifice allows us to know God intimately, and the beauty that springs up when we rest in the gentle guidance of our Father.

  373. Whitney Luckhart says:

    Such a beautiful reminder to rest. I have nothing to fear because my Shepherd is near.

  374. Sara Beth Clifton says:

    “We need a Shepard” He is my shepherd and the one that provides guidance, and comfort. In that I can rest…

  375. Gaynell Givens says:

    I love the way it was broken down that has truly blessed me.❤️

  376. Aly Delgado says:

    I have what I need! That brings me comfort and soothes all anxiety.

  377. Candi Frost says:

    Great analogy!

  378. Leanna Van Vleet says:

    I imagine myself wandering through the green pastures and beside the still waters and peace overtakes me from within. I remind myself that is what it feels like to have God as my shepherd.

  379. Rachel Mathoslah says:


  380. Brenda LocsinNaska says:

    I am reading this booklet about a shepherds view of psalms 23 and it is really interesting the different perspective he has about “I shall not want” for a long time I thought this just means He will provide for me materially all the time. But life as we know it this statement is not always true. But this author said it means being content in knowing that He ( God) is a good shepherd. He knows what His sheep needs. Content that when life is hard He is there already taking care of the details.

  381. Madi Hester says:

    “i don’t need to worry i have what i need” i love that and it’s so important right now !!

  382. Katie CarrierMorgan says:

    He restores my soul. ❤️

  383. Amanda Grant says:

    2He makes me lie down in green pastures.
    He leads me beside still waters.
    3He restores my soul.
    He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name’s sake.

  384. Jennifer Spiers says:

    When we wander off alone we begin collecting things. Some good some not. This weight becomes heavy and we get used to it. For a while. But we were created in the image of God. Our souls know our Father is calling us home. And the beautiful thing is, no matter how far away we get, no matter how heavy the weight of what we carry, one simple act of turning back to God brings the merciful Helper to our side. He takes the yoke and we begin to walk freely and lightly on the grace lined path back to the Kingdom.

  385. Kennedy Eldridge says:

    He is better than any other!!!

  386. Glo Siagala says:

    My heart always goes back to him ❤️

  387. Rachel Humes says:

    He is there when I wander away, waiting for me

  388. Cindy Johnson says:

    These verses are such a comfort. Knowing that God is always there for us.

  389. Brittany Peeler says:

    I lack nothing because my father has provided my every need. I don’t have to fear because my father will protect me. God you are so good to me and your love is unmatched.

  390. cori sillik says:

    This is just what I needed after wandering from God yet again ❤️ we are so blessed to have a Father who continually leads us to him and cares for us no matter what

    1. mckenzie helmuth says:

      He always brings us back ❤️

  391. Sadaja Scurry says:

    I love that this kinda reassures me that it is okay to rest sometimes. We live in a world where everything is always on this go go go schedule.

  392. Shiella Calixtro says:

    I love the truths that I read from this devo plan. God is my Shepherd ❤️❤️❤️

  393. Christine Whiteaker says:

    The parallel drawn between time away from God, Shrek the sheep, and my need for God speaks volumes.

  394. Shaqwana Lipscomb says:

    Weariness is all to familiar for me and knowing I have the Lord on my side makes me feel as though I can tackle everything that comes my way because I should worry no more as my Father has told me I need to trust him!

  395. Raquel Dishinger says:

    My name means “little lamb”…I love that my Shepherd cares for me, and even carries me around his neck. I am near and dear to the Good Shepherd!

  396. Lili V says:

    The Lord has called me to have an intimate relationship with him. To KNOW him not just ABOUT him.

  397. JesseGrace Livingstone says:


  398. Grace N. says:

    The house of the Lord is everlasting.

  399. Caitlin Vansteel says:

    How fortunate am I that I get to dwell in the house of the Lord… in His presence forever. He knows me and loves me.

  400. Kudzi Mvere says:

    Powerful message ! When I think of Shreks wool – it was heavy and had been growing for 6 years. Although the wool protected Shrek from the wolves – tge wool became to heavy to carry – it laboured his breathing. Here in NZ we Shear/shave the wool coat that protects the sheep at a point in time. I see the Farmer’s coming to shear the sheep as the same way that Jesus will shear away or prune away parts of ourselves that make it hard for us to breathe. The heavy woolen coat Shrek had represents for me the heavy burdens or the heavy armour we create for ourselves – it only be sustained for so long before it takes a toll on us. Jesus comes and takes the burdens away and the worry away. After that he then gives us rest in him.

  401. Patty Allen says:

    As a spinner and a knitter, this verse and the story of Shrek ring so very true – sustenance. The Lord sustains me.

  402. Danelle Singhanart says:

    The story about the sheep was so powerful for me. Thank you.

  403. Deontalay Thompson says:


  404. Yvonne Aguilar says:


  405. Deidre Moss says:

    Such a powerful message!

  406. Solome Asseres says:

    This is the one verse, outside of the Lord’s prayer and Mary’s prayers that my father insisted I memorize and repeat as my mantra in times of grief or fear. Such a comforting verse.

  407. Anna Van Egmond says:

    I love how in the first verses it talks about how he LEADS us. He doesn’t force us to go to still waters when we aren’t ready or not accepting of it yet, he is patient and loving. Jesus leads us in the right way to the right destination, we just have to be able to trust him and know that he is always leading us to still waters.

  408. Caitlin Fierens says:

    I clicked on this study because I need to feel God’s grace and His protection. He gives us true rest and guides us on our way.

  409. Christine Voelker says:

    So refreshing to be reminded of Christ’s gentle loving care. That we are not only found and known by Him, but brought into His presence for eternity! ❤️

  410. Niamh P says:

    I love the reminder that God LETS us lie down in green pastures. It reminds me that I still have the responsibility to enter into the sabbath rest God promises us. He is waiting for our response to his eternal invitation.

  411. Mariah Montanez says:


  412. Robin Grega says:

    The intimacy with Christ is what I crave the most. The way Psalm 23 starts that He is MY shepherd melts my heart and fills the need and desire I have. It also give me peace that He leads me He provides for me. It’s ok for me to be dependent on Him for He will do as He says.

  413. Alison Smith-Rawson says:

    Psalm 23 has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Today I was struck by all the things that are TRUE because the LORD is my Shepherd.
    Rest & Peace

  414. Desiree Pelot says:

    Thank you all for your feedback. When reading this for me it takes me back to when I was in high school and my mom used to make me read this passage qhen I was in trouble. NOW 14 years later I can say I have better understanding and respect for what these words mean

  415. Camella Gutierrez says:

    ❤️❤️ just getting back into Gods word and this was just what I needed.

  416. Allason Williams says:

    I just started school again today; and Psalm’s 23 is always such a comfort to me when I am going through a new experience so this was exactly what I needed to read. I loved how you finished with; “I have what I need,” because I hav e the One I was created to know and love.” It has never come to my mind so simply put like that but with so much meaning. And that story about the sheep Shrek really brings the whole meaning of the verse together.

  417. Yasema Casas says:


  418. Carmen Perez says:

    What made my heart beat was that I am not just a guest in His home but I get to spend the rest of my life with Him and dwell in His presence daily. Imagine day in and day out your before the Lord and He loves you with an everlasting love. ❤️

  419. Caroline Manno says:

    this was everything I needed to hear

  420. Reese Coleman says:

    This is truly an encouraging scripture and a daily reminder of who God is to us and also who we are to HIM. We are HIS Sheep and he is OUR SHEPARD AMEN!!! If we continue to trust in him , there’s no reason to weary, he is our peace!

  421. Charmaine Tambwanaye says:

    This was such a needed reminder

  422. Kelli Verdun says:

  423. Isabel Hedgecock says:

    I love the imagery of these verses! They make me feel so peaceful & yet so restored.

  424. Devanée Williams says:

    The LORD is my Shepard!

  425. Corrie Noll says:


  426. Kirstan Hughes says:

    Weariness and worry does not have the final day.

  427. Hope Roth says:

    Before we are saved, we are much like Shrek the sheep!!

  428. Josie McDonald says:

    The Lord leads me to peace

  429. Shirlee K Glenn-Manick says:

    The Lord is MY Shepard, I have all I need!

  430. Preet Sanders says:

    My heart feels full. Thank you for the uplifting commentary.

  431. Ashlyn Kinnard says:

    “Surely your goodness will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”….. I love this verse!

  432. lyndsee hyatt says:

    this is so good

  433. Sue Brouillette says:

    I had memorized this as a child. Such wonderful verses to hold on to is the time of uncertainty.

  434. Kate Norman says:

    I love the shift that happens in verse 5. God is our Shepherd and our Host! He treasures us in more ways than just one!

    1. Michele Mitchell says:

      I love that shift too. Such a truly personal, intimate, and growth-filled relationship.

    2. Elizabeth Miller says:

      Love this imagery!

  435. Kristen Showalter says:

    I am so grateful that God is our Good Shepard and guides and leads our lives in the direction it needs to go. Even in difficult times, He is good, and is leading us in the right direction, if only we continue to trust and follow Him.

  436. Brianna Hurley says:


  437. Anne Rendle says:

    It’s so easy to be a lost, worried sheep – so grateful that our Shepherd seeks us and loves us and makes a place for us at His table! ❤️

  438. Amy Orlovich says:

    I love the shift from being a sheep to being at the banquet table. From something so rural and simple to something that seems grand.

  439. Michele Reed says:


  440. Jasmine Romero says:

    This is a reminder for me. His love for me is forever

  441. Amy Watterson says:

    Sometimes we can feel like shark the sheep weighed down by the things of the world. But once we find out shepherd (God) we are free.

  442. Callie Harris says:

    Love the part about how because he is good, we can find rest and peace.

  443. Leea Collard says:

    This was so good. Soothing to the soul in the most beautiful of ways

  444. Amy Van Wyk says:

    The Lord loves us…He loves us far more even than a shepherd loves their sheep. He wants to “shear” all of our burdens off, so that we are light and free. He will take care of us. It is only in Him that we are truly free and at peace.

  445. Riley Deaver says:

    Thank you Jesus. There truly is no one like the Lord. He loves us so much. He is so endlessly good.

  446. Cailin Lampe says:

    This passage gives me peaceful that’s through everything I go through I have a Shepard watching over me and guiding me. Love this passage and perspective!

  447. Emily Gonzalez says:

    The lord is always with us and always cares for us

  448. Conchita Van neel says:

  449. Stephanie Spanos says:

    Always loved this passage – never ceases to be relevant in any season of life.

  450. Kasey Ronk says:

    This is so timeless. In a season of constant worry, this gives overwhelming peace.

  451. Latoya Brooks says:

    One of my favorite book of Psalms. A constant reminder of how much God loves and cares for us.

  452. Lindsey Goettl says:

    Great reminder of God’s everlasting unconditional love and steadfast watch over us.

  453. Tleshia Farrar says:


  454. Molly L says:


  455. Aurora Culver says:

    Just what I needed today. ❤️

  456. Felicia Akerele says:


  457. Mandy Dolphin says:

    Our family is in a huge time of transition and the reminder to find rest in the midst of the chaos is so good.

  458. Addie Davis says:

    A great book on Psalm 23 is A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. It’s deep and insightful.

  459. Chelsea G says:
  460. bay block says:

    i love nature, so naturally the verse about green pastures and still waters draws me in. i can’t think of anything more serene or beautiful

  461. Andrea Morse says:

    This explanation and break down was beautiful. I have a friend who is really struggling given the state of our world. I plan to share this with her. Thank you.

  462. Leann Cupples-Rash says:

    I needed this today. He is the Shepard to many but me, one lowly sheep is just as important as the entire flock. He wants to provide me peace and restoration.

  463. Gemma Ranucci says:

    Loved this

  464. Marlene John says:

    I never saw it this way. This was beautiful.

  465. Heather Dyck says:

    So beautiful that He is the shepherd of sheep (plural) but cares for each individual sheep. Love that imagery!

  466. Lindsay Kay says:

    love this!

  467. Eva Sutton says:

    God is awesome! I really needed this!

  468. Dawn Kang says:

    Such a beautiful picture of christ’s relationship with us. How we need our shepherd to take care of us otherwise we become burdened and can hardly live on our own just like shrek the sheep.

  469. Moyo Adetimehin says:

    Just restarting my faith/ Christian journey and i must say, this was a really good place for me start.
    Thanks for this !

    1. Gretchen Gillenwater says:

      Me too!! Ive been getting in the Bible most days and when I don’t i pray! Stick with it! He is worth it!!❤️

    2. Adesuwa Egharevba says:

      Me too!

  470. Sydney Burnette says:

    I needed to hear this. ❤️

  471. shane magnaye says:

    This is something that we need to be reminded of. God has always been our source of everything. And He will always be!

  472. Morgan Shipley says:

    This is an excellent reminder that God will help us with our anxieties, protect us, and provide for us even when we don’t realize it.

  473. Lauren Butler says:

    My chronic anxiety has been at an all-time high in recent weeks… This study in the Psalms is so needed, and the 23rd Psalm was an amazing place to start. I take so much comfort in knowing

  474. ChantelleLarisa Grant-Rowe says:

    I needed this

  475. Amanda Tan says:

    God is so good always! A reminder that He wants to have that special personal relationship with each and every one of us. He truly gives me rest in my circumstances as a new preemie mum. Praise the Lord!

  476. Amanda Tan says:

    God is so good always! A reminder that He wants to have that special relationship with

  477. Addyson Danforth says:

    God wants us to trust Him to lead us to the best spots in life

  478. Debra Day says:

    The Shrek example is wonderful.

  479. Delaney Bonfield says:

    Rest is always there in my makers house

  480. Kathy Johnson says:

    He restores my soul! I have run to so many other things to bury the stress of parenting in a pandemic and while they distracted me for awhile, they never refreshed me. Only our Maker restores!!

  481. Brittnee Haynie says:

    So beautiful ❤️ sometimes it’s hard to rest… I needed this today Lord

  482. Jessi Nash says:

    How sweet to trust in Jesus ❤

  483. Melinda Finlay says:

    The LORD is my shepherd. He guides me, protects me, and leads me!

  484. Arnesia Calk says:

    I’ve been anxious and nervous about enemies that have come back into my life to taunt me. This goes along with stress from school and work, just living. This passage helps me realize I’m not alone. He’s walking with me the entire way. We have to cast our anxieties on him and follow him just like sheep follow their shepherd. When I feel all is lost, I have to remember that God is in control.

  485. Ava Osborne says:

    Out of all the sheep, I am crowned and loved by the Creator, The GOOD Shepherd.

  486. Judy Whitmore says:

    Lovely, thanks for sharing.
    Please add my name to your subscriber list.

  487. Simi Ojo says:

    Rest in his presence

  488. Erin W says:

    I have been so anxious with everything happening in our world and not having the answers to when it will end or what life will look life afterward. This passage helped me remember that God has my back and I don’t need to worry. I can be still and calm and know that he is in charge.

    1. Carrigan Buchanan says:


  489. Cheyanne Little says:


  490. Carrie Theobald Buell says:

    My shepherd

  491. Jennifer Rönsch says:

    He wants me to rest

  492. Soo Jin Kim says:

    I get to stay in His presence forever

  493. Athena Cardiges says:

    I find rest in His promise

  494. maggie rinard says:

    he is all we need!

  495. Chelsea Thompson says:

    Be still and rest in Jesus, he is all we need.

  496. Sarah Minton says:

    I find my peace in Jesus.

  497. Marie Hoffman says:

    I love this reminder—I needed it.

  498. Jovey Jones says:

    I really loved this! It really made me realize that God is here with me even through the valley of the shadow of night! The Lord is MY shepherd!❤️

  499. Ashlynn Malak says:

    I loved this is truly opened my mind and eyes to see he is the shepard he protects us against all things

  500. Elaiza Faith says:

    I’ve read Psalms 23 countless times. I never got to fully comprehend the message. Thank you for this. The Lord bless you!

  501. Kenna Gosart says:

    such an amazing way to start my morning!

  502. Julie Holowach says:

    Exactly what I needed today. With everything going on, I hope everyone gets the chance to read this!

  503. Hayley Walker says:

    I’ve never really seen that truth that normally shepherds have many sheep- yet this is just between a sheep and a shepherd… more personal and intimate. So precious!

  504. Isabella Souza says:

    This was what I needed to read today!!

  505. Payton Duhaime says:

    He is MY Shepherd, and I can’t imagine needing anything else!

  506. Bethaany Otte says:

    I love the transition from sheep and shepherd to eternity in the presence of God. It gives so much hope and security right now!

  507. Camille Wilson says:

    This was so good.!!!

  508. Emily Ericson says:

    This is exactly what I needed.❤️

  509. Amy Grace Duncan says:

    I’m so thankful for the personal relationship that God has with each of us!

  510. Savanna Cooke says:

    I have everything I need!

  511. Jeanette Yocum says:

    Praise God! And I will dwell in the house of the Lord FOREVER! What a reassuring gift during this time.

  512. Sarah Deason says:

    Edit: I AM his child! ❤️ ooopps Lol

  513. Sarah Deason says:

    “I’m not just a guest” how often I act like a guest! But I am not his child ❤️

  514. Czarina Jimenez says:

    “I don’t need to struggle or strive… weariness does not have the final say… and I won’t ever get lost” What a beautiful promise. Something I need to remember especially now.

  515. Olivia Pelts says:

    Love the last line…”I have what I need, because I have the one I was created to know and love.”

  516. Liz Grier says:

    Now sure what lead me here tonight. However, I know that MY Shepherd is by my side through it all! This was so encouraging ❤️

    1. Sharon Titmarsh says:

      l think the good shepherd is looking after his sheep all the time but especially right now when everything is being shaken in the world.❤️

  517. Jasmine Edwards says:

    Using this time we have at home to really focus on my relationship with The Lord and this is the perfect plan! He is with us every step of the way!! It is putting me at ease and calming some of the anxieties I have about what we are all going through in this troubling time! God bless y’all and I hope y’all are staying safe! He is with you!!

  518. Beth says:

    This word is so good and so true. I needed it.

  519. Morgan Belsley says:

    How comforting!

  520. Dani Maglalang says:

    The Lord is my Shepherd, He has always been here with me guiding me through all the ups and downs I have been going through and He always leads me to the right way that is the reason why I should not fear whatever I am facing right now because The Lord guides me with everything that I do. Each and every person has a very special relationship with the Lord and I am beyond happy because I am getting closer with him and I have no more reasons to doubt and to have fear because He is always with me

  521. courtney webb says:

    the intimacy of this passage is breathtaking. it is just you and your Shepard. He will be the one to guide you and protect you!

  522. Lindsey Volz says:

    Such a great reminder that no matter what he is there for us! It’s exactly what I needed to calm my fears and anxiety about the state of the world and things that might come my way.

  523. Whitney George says:

    Something i needed to reminded of.. our relationship with God is personal and tho I may think He’s busy, He is NEVER too busy or neglectful of any of His sheep.

  524. Pam Horton says:

    Needed this so much ♥️

  525. Paula Taylor says:

    I will rest in the Lord, instead of striving, worrying,etc. it is so comforting and gives me peace.

  526. Samantha Strohl says:

    “I will fear no evil, for you are with me”

  527. Thabi Amanda Manatha says:

    Perfect word for such a time as this ❤️

    1. Sharonda Snyder says:


  528. Erin D. says:

    I love how they pointed out that it is a personal relationship between us and the lord. The Lord is MY shepherd. It’s so beautiful that we have a God who prepares a place for each one of us and wants to have that intimate relationship.

  529. Julie Balboa says:


  530. Lauren Decker says:

    I don’t know if anyone else has come to this study during this coronavirus pandemic and this time of quarantine, but I think this is the perfect short study for the time we are in. The Lord is my Sheppard and He leads me. Not the media, not the government, not another country, and Not Fear! The Lord leads me!

    1. Deb Holcomb says:


    2. Alexandrea Haines says:

      Amen! ❤️

    3. Sarah Rossborough says:

      Agreed, perfect timing for tgis reading

  531. Emma Fabros says:

    He never leaves one behind. ❤️.

  532. Addie King says:


  533. Tammy Sahadak says:

    Thankful for my Shepherd. He is faithful and cares for me in the midst of all the chaos around me.

  534. Danielle Ruiz says:

    I love the insight given to psalm 23. I have read this verse a million times, and I gained new revelation today. The Lord is my Shepherd. He guides me, provides for me, protects me from my enemies. I don’t need to worry. What comforting thoughts during this time!!

  535. Laura Hayton says:

    One of my go to psalms. He is our Shepherd and he cares for us. He know what we need. Lord help us to abide in you and truth.

  536. Lexi Foley says:

    Not only is the Lord with us always, He brings peace to our souls. Even in the “valley of the shadow of death,” we need not fear a thing, for He is with us, anointing us, restoring hope in us. Everyday we have the choice to remain in our own sin; this chaotic world allows darkness to overwhelm us, or we can run to His comforting, merciful arms.

  537. Melanie Gardner says:

    This is so comforting to me in this time of the unknown. It helps ease my anxiety

    1. Sarah McCahon says:

      I agree Melanie, so good to hear these words ❤️

  538. Eunhee Kim says:

    [soph ladies] i love that we aren’t just his guest at the table set before us, but we are here to stay in his presence forever. in a time like this where the world seems like it’s falling apart and we don’t know what tomorrow could look like as we fall asleep, i love that i can have the assurance that i’ll dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

    1. Lauren Coury says:

      amen to that!! what a blessing that we don’t have to worry about making sure everything is taken care of because God wants us to give these things to Him. God wants us to be our perfect, all-knowing shepherd, guiding us, providing for us, and protecting us.

  539. Eunhee Kim says:

    [soph ladies] I love that we aren’t just his guest at the table set before us, but we are here to stay in his presence forever. In a time like this where the world seems like it’s falling apart and we don’t know what tomorrow could look like as we fall asleep, I love that I can have the assurance that I’ll dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

  540. Diane AlzmannGoogins says:

    This is where I have opted to stay since I traveled back from Pakistan in January. I almost died there. Too long to share but was tenderly reminded by God that I when I was looked by the spirit of death, darkness near, He was close beside me! He was with me! This time of my life has such a parallel to the Psalms we are reading! Beautiful!

    1. Miriah Keller says:

      Hey girl hey! So funny to find you here! Love you ❤️ have you listened to salmo 23 by un corazon? Amazinggg

      1. Diane Googins says:

        So amazing! I love you!

  541. Rachael Duff says:

    I think this is a perfect first study using this app especially as things are so unknown at the moment. It is lovely to take time and imagine lying down with God and spending time in his love and protection.

  542. Mackenzie Kruta says:

    Even when we’re going through these hard times, God is right there with us. I especially love the verse about green pastures, there’s just something about this image that gives me so much comfort.

  543. Brittany Thiessen says:

    I really needed to read these passages! So comforting in this time. It’s also cool how I did a holy yoga class tonight and there was a similar theme to Psalm 23 of being at a table with God. So neat how that lined up perfectly!

  544. Kloe Geck says:

    I am at a place in my life where I have no joy, I’ve been off and on with God but never had a meaningful reason with him. I want joy, I have truly laughed or smiled in over a year. God is joy, so I pray for you struggling as I am. Be patient God is teaching you something during this season. Joy comes in the mourning! I love you friends have a blessed day

  545. Jessica Orona says:

    I love that in this scene in particular it’s written by David but is so personal to the reader as well.

  546. Glendy Gallardo says:

    Thankful we get to be in His house as not just as a temporary guest but we get to be with Him forever!! ❤️

  547. Rachel Uwimbabazi says:

    What a great reminder. That we are welcome at the table of the father and can stay for the rest of our lives.

  548. Courtney Castro says:

    This is an amazing reminder. No matter where we go and no matter what we walk through God is always with us and we don’t have to be afraid. He is my Sheppard and He guides me. This is perfect for this time of uncertainty.

  549. Alexandra Holland says:

    I think it’s really cool how we go from sheep to honored guests.. love that they pointed out that transition.

  550. Vero Salgado says:

    Praying for you!

  551. Stephanie Isbell says:

    “Weariness doesn’t have the final say”

  552. Angela Lozano says:

    This is perfect for the time we’re in now.

  553. Melissa Loudon says:

    Loved how all the work is done by the shepherd except for walking/ following and dwelling!

  554. Malissa W says:

    I’m a healthcare worker… and this was perfect in this time of uncertainty and fear…yet He, MY Good shepherd, is with me

    1. Amber Michaela says:

      Thank you for all that you do. ♥️

  555. Rachel Souisa says:

    Resting in the reality that God as my Shepard is taking care of me and all his sheep right now guiding us to peace and still waters in the midst of chaos

  556. Brooke Walters says:

    I love the metaphor of the Rod and Staff. A shepherd’s rod was used to fend off predators and separate butting sheep- He fends off evil and enemies and also protects us from quarreling amongst each other(as we all know happens sometimes). The crook on a staff was used to help young sheep to their feet- He pulls us up when we are down.

    We can find comfort and peace in our Good Shepherd ❤️ thankful for this Psalm in this crazy time of uncertainty

    1. Rachel Souisa says:

      Wow I loved reading this and learning more specifically whyyy the Shepard’s rod and staff were a comfort. It’s because it’s protection and discipline to help us. Beautiful

  557. Hannah Emerson says:

    Even in this scary time, when there is so much fear about death it is so good to be reminded that we shall not fear evil when death surrounds us because of Jesus.

    1. Brooklynn Bartow says:

      I couldn’t have worded this more perfectly myself. ❤️

  558. Jessica Brayboy says:

    Love this passage.

  559. Jennifer Couture says:

    This was the first verse I ever memorized as a child. For 40 years whenever I have been afraid, I’ve recited it & have found rest. Even when I wandered away, He sought me & brought me home. I have experienced every line in this Psalm so I cling to it fiercely.

    1. Rachel Souisa says:

      Your testimony is such a beautiful encouragement to the goodness mercy and faithfulness of God

  560. Malorie Masek says:

    I love this verse. The way it reminds us that he makes us lay down. He makes us rest because He knows what is best for us. He has cause the whole world to rest right now. He knew all of this was going to happen, and I can’t help but feel him saying “lay down. I am taking care of you” even in this scary time.

    1. April Huck says:


  561. Karis Demi says:

    I am so thankful for this psalm and the reminder that he is a good shepherd that knows me and loves me better than anyone else and that I get to be with him for eternity

  562. Amellia Hausmann says:
  563. Alayna Richardson says:

    I’ve been sick for a long time.
    This is a reminder that fear has no place and that He truly promises the peace that exceeds our understanding.

  564. Annelle Rosales says:

    I decided to jump into a new plan during this crazy time. I am a plan starter but I have a difficult time finishing them lol. I love that this one is only a couple of days and I love that it is about rest. I am not working right now and it has been difficult for me to find rest in this ‘break’. Thankful for today’s reading! Holding onto the reminder that He is my shepherd!!!

  565. Ruthie Cantrell says:

    I am not a GUEST !!! I am a DAUGHTER of the KING OF KINGS & LORD OF LORDS for all eternity ❤️HE guides provides directs & protects ❤️‍♀️

  566. Lauren Cothran says:

    I definitely needed this today!

  567. Catherine McCown says:

    My husband and I can’t go to work, and have been in our house for 2 weeks. You would think I’d get the most rest I’ve ever had, but it’s actually been the opposite. I’m restless and wanting to go and do things like normal. But when I was able, I was always seeking to stay indoors. This is showing me how unsatisfied I am with this world. I’m constantly seeking something else. Today my prayer is to rest in Gods peace that is overwhelming.

    1. Grace Mooney says:

      I feel the same way

  568. Zabdi Huerta says:

    I had surgery last week and have been in constant pain everyday since then. Tonight I’m reading this and trusting in Him to give me rest and comfort and healing

  569. Jillian LeeLavigne says:

    This is so fitting for these times! “even when I go through my darkest valley, I fear no danger for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff- they comfort me.”
    Being able to find comfort in the simple fact of His existence! This brings me so much peace! He loves us & He’s already prepared the way for us!

  570. Kathy Stockner says:

    I sat out on my front porch this morning to start this my husband and baby asleep inside. It was perfect scene our green grass from the rain yesterday. It been challenging since my son was born 8 weeks ago to get time to read my Bible and I picked this because I’m feeling weary and in need of rest… this was a good reminder, not that I don’t need sleep, but God is my strength and I need to let Him to lead me and protect me as well as my family even more so right now! Forever in HIS presence all MY days!

  571. Camila Tamarez says:

    What a beautiful word! He cares for us, and when we wander away from him we burden ourselves with things that weigh us down. I love falling in love with where I am right now, in the hands of my shepherd.

  572. Ezra McCaveney says:

    Wow wow wow! What a refreshing study.
    Something that REALLY stuck out to me in was in verse 3:

    “3He restores my soul.
    He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name’s sake.”

    God continues to renew and restore our soul ADMIST the valley we walk through. It’s not when we are on the mountain top, or when we are at our best. God continues to see us & move in our lives while we walk through the trials, the down, while we struggle with anxiety, worry, stress, self-doubt. Trust the process. Allow the journey of the valley to grow, shape, and inspire you.
    I love this. Thankful that God is there for us through it all. Thankful that God will, he promises, to restore our soul.

  573. Jozie Gold says:

    What a wonderful reminder in these dark times. The Lord is MY Shepherd even in the darkest valley.

  574. Beth Rodriguez says:

    It is an amazing feeling when you can just leave everything to God. I am a senior in highschool and it’s been overwhelming. Not only am I stressed about what I will do after highschool but with everything going on with the Coronavirus, it just adds even more stress; however, I know that I can just leave it all to God and it’s truly a great lift off my shoulders

    1. Bridget Engle says:

      Amen!! I’m in the same spot, and it’s definitely comforting to read this and remember that He has a plan.

  575. Hannah Kovacs says:

    It is so.comforting to know that even in my worst days, my God is always with me. He is my Shepherd and for that I am so grateful. Though i struggle with anxiety and depression, these words provide me with so much hope and comfort. The Lord longs to provide me with comfort and rest. I can never wander so far that my Lord won’t actively pursue and search for me.

  576. Krista Yohn says:

    Very comforting words. I know, in the end He will supply my needs, in His way, in His time.

  577. Irene Laeger says:

    In these days, it is reassuring as I hold onto Psalm 23:1, that the LORD is “my shepherd,” and i have everything I need. EVERYTHING!
    Praise His Holy Name!

  578. Shary Valentine says:

    I wandered away and was lost longer than the sheep Shrek. I was burdened with more than 60 pounds of sin. I needed my Shepherd and he found me and brought me home. Thank you Jesus!

  579. Isabelle Reyes says:

    Even when I wander astray, God doesn’t hesitate to seek after me. I’m being actively pursued because of his love for me. There is no love like his for me!

  580. Olivia Vincent says:

    When I wander He finds me. I go to him for rest, peace, and comfort. But He doesn’t want me to stay there. That is not the relationship He longs to have with me. He goes before me to set a table and in the midst of my enemies we enjoy each other company. During our time together he prepares me and gives me all that I need to face the future.

  581. Amanda Smith says:

    Now more than ever this makes the most sense.

  582. Makaylan Brooks says:

    Though right now our world is going through a dark and trying time, God does lead us through green pastures, we fear no evil with him, and him alone. I am thankful for my God. Without him I am nothing. He is my shepherd all of my days.

  583. Kaleigh Bradley says:

    It says,”Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil.” This really shows that we can be in our darkest time but know the Devil won’t pull us down. I just lost a friend to murder and so that’s a huge shadow of death. Instead of mourning, I rejoiced in knowing he was a Christian and didn’t have to fear death. He is with the Lord and I don’t have to fear death either because I have the Lord living in me.

  584. Dorian Ezzard says:

    My rewrite: God guides me and supplies every need for I am His. He offers me rest and restoration when I need it most. I will inevitably face tough times and because He is with me, I will move through them with faith and hope. God protects me and elevates me. I am blessed and highly favored; and with His presence, I am guaranteed a beautiful life. God invites me in, forever and always. Amen.

  585. Tamara Doyle says:

    Comforted in the midst of these days that I need not worry because I lack for nothing; my Shepherd provides for my every need.

  586. Gwen Albaugh says:

    Such a nice reminder at this time, He will carry my weight and He will protect me -I will fear no evil, for you are with me (vs 4a)
    What a constant reminder needed, especially now.

  587. Melissa Rhodes says:

    Thank you Father for your protection and love! Amen!

  588. Ruth Dionne says:

    I didn’t know that sheep get weighted down by their hair. In the same way, we get weighted down by our sin and by all of our struggles and now we need to rest with Jesus.

  589. Grace Amos says:

    The Lord lets us know we are okay to rest in His promise, we don’t have to try anymore, that it’s okay. Such a gentle and beautiful reminder <3

  590. christa floyd says:

    i feel as this is so filling to my spirit :)

  591. Bethsaida Jacobsen says:

    I’ve felt so weary and unrested the past couple of weeks, knowing it’s been more of a spiritual unrest vs a physical unrest, but not doing anything about it. God is the ultimate place of rest and peace and I’ve been busy and avoiding going to him first. He is there for us no matter what season and I’m in the midst of relearning that. I’m ready to embrace and in turn, be embraced by his peace. Resting in his spirit before anything else.

  592. Esther Goldis says:

    I’m learning the importance of being still and letting God. Thank you Lord for your care and your guidance and for preparing a banquet we far from deserve.

  593. Kayla Freeman says:

    Wow! i love this

  594. Olivia Trotter says:

    Just what I need during this busy season of life! Thank you God❤️

  595. Melanie Brazzell says:

    I’m trusting God. I’m resting in the promise that He loves me and cares for me and even through the storm, He has a plan.

  596. Danica V. says:

    These dass there are so many people in the world not believing in God anymore. But Psalm 23 reminds uns all of

    1. Danica V. says:

      how desperately we need our shepherd! He is always there waiting for us to reach out for him. And no matter what he will be there for us. God IS love and he will always listen to a prayer and help us find the peace we need

  597. Carey Munoz says:


  598. Kristen Mosal says:

    Praise God for the ability to find rest for my weary soul through Him. He restores me and He loves me.

  599. ella marcus says:

    God you are good and I pray that I acknowledge you as my shepherd everyday of my life. let me surrender my life so that you can guide it

  600. Brooke Henderson says:

    In this season of life I am being fully tested in my strength. Rest is a commodity and something I don’t seek out because I am always being told I need to push more. So glad I found this plan as I need to refocus and REST in God. I need to take comfort and solace in his arms. I need to rest.

  601. Keli Barbee says:

    Feeling that sense of lostness like the sheep in this season of life.. I find joy in knowing that He is always there and I can call oh Him, and He waits for me to come. And what a blessing in realizing that He is always seeking me and is just waiting for me to come to Him.

  602. Leen Holly says:

    God is in control!

  603. Abby Rich says:

    I’m a college student and classes are crazy but so glad I stumbled upon this plan bc God knew I needed this and to rest in his presence. He is good! Psalm 23 is so common and I have read it many times but this time I saw it with a set of new eyes.

    1. Abby Austill says:

      I can’t relate to this more- reading these every morning is like starting the day with a breath of fresh air. It’s such a quote and intimate time, just me and my maker. I love this Psalm, and I am reminded how it affects my life and the choices I make.

  604. tori rusniak says:

    life feels so overwhelming and i have felt so lost lately, reading this puts into perspective the beauty around me and how he will guide me through the darkest of nights

  605. Autumn Lilly says:

    It’s amazing how much this encouraged me. I’ve read this passage a thousand times and it never loses peace or hope or protection or provision… It never loses anything I need because it never loses power. So so grateful tonight, as I lie down, That I can close my eyes and sleep in peace because the Lord is my Shepherd and will take care of me. ❤️

  606. Elizabeth Campbell says:

    I am currently in a season of sitting. Exciting things lie ahead and I have been struggling to find the beauty in the mundanity of everyday life. Psalm 23:1 says that the Lord is my Shepard and because of that, I have exactly what I need. I don’t need more than I have right now. He lets me lie down in green pastures and he leads me beside quiet waters, which to me symbolizes those quiet moments that, while they often don’t seem significant, have just as much purpose as the big ones.

    1. Elizabeth E says:

      Hi! I am very much in the same boat these days. However, I have found that there is so much to glean in this season! A few books that have been really impactful for me have been “Present over Perfect” and I am currently reading “Liturgy of the Ordinary”. Both books have been very eye-opening and highlight the importance of daily spiritual formation in everyday moments. Most of Jesus’ life on earth was spent living an ordinary day-to-day life and the Father delighted in Him. He said following Jesus’ baptism: “this is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”, BEFORE his years of ministry! There are countless opportunities to glorify God in the every day and I have found that my sin is most evident in daily frustrations of losing keys or dropping things. These are opportunities for true transformation of our hearts and lives!

      I hope that you can see God’s face in your daily life, and can fully appreciate this season and carry its lessons with you. :)

      1. Danielle Barnes says:

        Thank you for sharing! I have been learning this as well. God delights in our everyday, we just need to slow down and watch for the ways he is working- for the diamond in the rough. When we start to see them, the blessing is so much greater than we could imagine.

  607. Caroline Parsons says:

    What a beautiful truth to rejoice in! The Lord is ours and we are His; He is MINE!!

  608. Bebz Manuel says:

    His word is always a breathe that fills my soul. Thank you Lord for reminding me of how deep and wide is your love to me….that i can always rest in your presence whenever i feel exhausted of what the present world brings.

  609. Dorothy Hecimovich says:

    Be with me Lord as I walk the valley of the shadow of death. Thank for reminding me that there will eventually be green pastures and still waters you have prepared, whether it be in this life or the next.

  610. Zion Wale says:

    Amen !!

  611. Valeria Perdomo says:

    Great reminder that the Lord is always there to take care of me!

  612. Valerie Coupe says:

    The LORD is MY shepherd! He cares so much about me that he desires to gently guide and direct my path. He is all in! Thank you Jesus for caring about all the little details of my life!

  613. Hannah Joy says:

    Hey Emaleigh!
    Right there with you.
    trying to remember that while these hills and valleys are unknown to me, he know every step. Today being displaced is hitting me hard, but I appreciate your reminder that He already knows my needs and how He will meet them.

  614. Emaleigh Robson says:

    I’m currently displaced from my home, and not sure where I will be living – or even what country I will be in – in the next week or so. Yet he knows and meets my needs, and is preparing green fields and quiet waters to restore my inner being.

  615. Sarah Kudsk says:

    Right now in my life, I have been so lost on what I want to do with my life and can’t seem to figure out where God wants me to be, reading this reminds me that wherever I am in my walk, he is always there and wherever I do end up he will be right beside me, holding me though these moments when I do not know what to do

    1. Rachel Kennedy says:

      I feel the exact same way, Sarah… it’s not fun feeling lost, yet somehow stuck at the same time. It’s encouraging to know I’m not the only one feeling this way! One reoccurring theme I’ve been hearing and wrestling with has been whats “my passion and where does it align with His purpose”. I’d encourage you to be praying about this as you go through this season (: praying for you, friend!

  616. Thelesia Wynter says:

    Such a sweet reminder to enjoy the moments we have now with Jesus.

  617. Sarah Dupré says:

    This is such a good reminder that everything i do, say, needs to be guided by God. I’m so grateful to have a shepherd. I forget all the time that I don’t have to figure everything out on my own. ♥️

  618. Sarah Dupré says:

    This is such a good reminder that

  619. Madison Walker says:

    I was very stressed before this and was trying to wind down for bed while my roommate was being very loud. While reading this the noise went quiet and I cried tears of thankfulness. HE is my Shepard and HE will provide for me. He LOVES me. Thank you Lord for the quiet and for taking my stress.

  620. Mariah BrookAnn says:

    We see being sheep as a bad thing, but it’s only a bad thing when we are sheep of the world and not our Good Shepherd. Keeping our eyes on Jesus, we can trust that wherever we wander he is there with us, we choose to keep him in our sights, he calls us back to him when we go too far, and we will never be truly lost again. “Forever.”

  621. macy s says:

    this reminds me that He is forever watching over me. Anytime I stray He finds me and leads me to green pastures and i’m never really lost because he always leads me back into the light. I am always safe and I always have a place in His house for eternity. He is MY Shepard, MY leader, MY pilot, He is in control.

  622. Pricila Herrera says:

    I’m new to this but I do analysis literature in my classes and this was beautiful. I was interpreting it as I read and these words matched mine perfectly. I love the verse that states , “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” This is because it seems like he is commanding you to be still. He wants the best for you and his paternal figure is exposed in this verse. His authority over you is not to make you feel less than or belittle you. Its rather to bring you peace and comfort in times that you can’t find it yourself.

  623. Makayla Aveiro says:

    So thankful for MY Shepard!!!

  624. Kaitlin Duell says:

    I read this verse at my Grandfather’s funeral only a couple of months ago. It reminds me that not only is God walking beside me through everything but that my Grandad is in eternity with God, God created a place for him and walked him from this life and into eternity.

  625. Jennie Kim says:

    Reading and reflecting on the verses, I could’t really stop thinking and feeling that I don’t have what I need…. When would God renew my life, providing just simple desires and hope that I’ve been having so long. The words revealed my heart and inner state and it showed that I am not really satisfied currently and I want things I want to have and need right now..

  626. Madison Jackson says:

    “Because I have the one I was created to know and love” god is so good all the time, and all the time god is good!

  627. Dianna Kramel says:

    Remembering that even in the chaos of life, The Lord is my Shepherd! It brings me peace today!

  628. Kami Galvin says:

    I love the verse that says “surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life” There is no other option as a child of God. Of course, He is going to care for us and forgive us. I love the certainty of the psalmist. I need that perspective.

  629. Kathy Bunton says:

    Reflecting on how His presence brings comfort because we know He holds the reigns and HE IS GOOD.

  630. Jordan Tall says:

    I love this! I am His sheep.

  631. Emily Rouse says:

    Thank you, Lord, for being MY shepherd!!

  632. emma nunn says:

    just a month ago i came across psalm 23 and studied it deeply… just yesterday i read the same story about the sheep online. The Lord is working and i’m grateful for the signs and wonders he is showing me from how he chose to put all of these in my life!

  633. Elizabeth Seroka says:

    This is exactly what I needed. Between the many stressors of life it’s hard to remember sometimes that I am not alone. I have been brought to this place in my life with these precise circumstances because it is where God wants me to be. He has lead me here and he is here with me.

  634. Chasity Champion says:

    It is so comforting to read that God leads us beside the quiet waters as a means of restoring our souls. I’ve been recovering from a back injury, and feel like I’m in a vulnerable position right now. Yet, as I reflect on the words of this psalm, I realize how my striving to take care of myself was becoming wearisome.

    During this time of rest, I am reading God’s word more and trusting him to make a way for me.

  635. Linda Harding says:

    Such a beautiful and heartfelt explanation. This even makes the written song come alive! Thank you!

  636. Elizabeth Mocek says:

    Thank you God for always being there. We can always count on you having a plan for us even in times when everything seems unclear. Amen

  637. Tina Lozano says:

    I’m new to this app, and I just want to say that I appreciate good design. I think this trait has to do with being made in the image of God, you seek out beauty bc we are made to appreciate what God has made. Aside from that note, I really loved this devotional! I love the description of “I am in my creators house” it’s such an amazing feeling to spend time with your creator because he cares for us and he wants us to spend time with him and in that process he takes care of us and guides us through different seasons of life. It’s truly a beautiful thing. Though you may come across bumps in the road or enemies, ultimately you are with your creator so there’s not need to fret. Lovely.

  638. Karla Guzmán says:

    Father I cannot be more grateful about this eternal gift of love called Jesus, he became my shepherd and I’m her beloved lamb and daughter and he called me by my name, let me be still in your presence forever, let me get rest in your word and promises and give me faith to follow you and strength my heart to keep faithful to you

  639. Emily Stettler says:

    Everything we need in life to survive he has provided. He has left the 99 to come and me with me, the one. He saw that I was wondering and came to rescue me. And that’s Gods never ending love. To rescue me when I’m wandering and lost.

  640. Faith Anderson says:

    “Weariness does not have the final say.” Amen. Amen. Amen. I’m learning how to be still in His presence and not let my physical or emotional fatigue determine my next steps.

  641. Courtney Codding says:

    Amen! As I sit here trying to develop a morning routine, I first sit in stillness with God’s word and a good cup of coffee! Trying to find rest and peace in all seasons and let Him lead me!

  642. Kat Hensley says:

    I need His rest – only He will do. Nothing else.

  643. Jasmine W says:

    Amen ❤️

  644. Abbey Byrd says:

    This is the rest He gives. Not merely a physical test but an eternal soul rest. What care and tender love he lavished upon us as he anoints our heads, pours our cup to overflowing all in the presence of raging enemies- we remain safe, loved, at peace.

  645. Samantha Tamayo says:

    Such a wonderful reminder in a world that values productivity. God loves me just as I am, in my messiness, without having to meet a single due date!

  646. Joanna Ramirez says:

    The lord is MY Shepard always guiding me and carrying me through this journey. I am grateful that he is mine.

  647. Gracie Blackwell says:

    I’m so glad he is MY Shepard and is always there to help me no matter what. It’s nice to know I’m not alone and have the comfort of him being there for me.

  648. Sindhuri Gaddam says:

    I’m new to this app. Somehow the name meant a lot to me and I believe God does strengthen me through his daily inspirational words .. looking forward for more articles of faith . May God be with us all. Amen..

  649. Alex McClendon says:

    I have been reading this with my 21 month old daily and this morning the power of these words make me rejoice in knowing no matter what… Our Heavenly Father has invited us to rest with Him. He wants us and loves us unconditionally. Thank You Father for these words that calm my spirit and sorrows and fill my heart with gladness. ❤️

  650. Heather P says:

    So good. Thank you Papa for being my Shepherd. You know what I need and will never stop pursuing me…

  651. Jacquelyn Adams says:

    I have been living without God for a while thinking I could do everything on my own until I didn’t know what the devil had been planning. I have been having a rough 2020 so far, so I decided to put my foot down and allow my father (Jesus) to be my shepherd!❤️

    1. Lyndsey Wiegand says:

      So happy you’re here, Jacquelyn ❤️

    2. Alex McClendon says:

      Me too. ❤️

  652. Jamie Haist says:

    The personal indication of this Psalm brings me deep joy and satisfaction. He is MY redeemer, though he is THE redeemed.

  653. Emily Trinder says:

    It really spoke to me the analogy of the sheep that had survived but desperately needed his Shepard. How many of us, myself included, have been surviving but not thriving because we have not been with our Shepard, our Lord

    1. Lindsay Hofmann says:

      I so agree with this! I felt similarly. God has been calling me back to Him lately. He wants a deeper relationship and yet I have been wandering. My weight is heavy.

  654. Abigail Gaskins says:

    the personal aspect that He is MY shepherd really encourages me to want more and to want a better connection knowing how intimate the relationship is between Christ and his child

    1. Tollie Lancaster says:

      I love the emphasis put on MY, too. It is such a simple word, but it offers so much hope, intimacy, and connection to our Lord.

  655. Presley Grillette says:

    “I have what I need.” – thank u JESUS

  656. Megan Yadlosky says:

    Lord I thank you for shearing my wool off in my life when you know it is the right time. I thank you for continuously coming after me for as long as I seek you.

  657. Caitlyn Dotson says:

    Father, I’m so thankful for everything you have given me and continue to give me. Often times I don’t give You the credit You deserve, but still you shave off my wool. I’m so grateful for the family you have blessed me with that love You and continue to push me to seek You. I am grateful for the life long friends you have put in my life that I can act crazy with and have deep conversations about You with. Amen.

  658. Tilar DeVine says:

    Thank you Lord for allowing me as your sheep to have such a personal relationship with you. You are MY shepherd

  659. Jackie Pangburn says:

    I can’t wait to be in your house forever father God. How glorious, to see you face to face and be in the fullness of your presence forever. Most beautiful….

  660. Adrienne Wilcher-Bryson says:

    “The Lord is” everything I need.

  661. Frannie Nance says:

    Father, let this sink into my heart and mind. You are my shepherd and You love me. Amen.

  662. Claudette Felton says:

    The LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, thank you Lord for Loving me

  663. Kaladia Chaney says:

    Father, I really need this to sink into my heart and not just in my head so that when fears come to blind my path, my sight will remain on You.

    1. Frannie Nance says:

      Amen – me too❤️

  664. Jennifer Goebel says:

    This was a good read for me. It helps me to remember that God is always here for me and that I need to remember to make time for him everyday.

  665. Michelle Chen says:


  666. Sara Valdez Hoffer says:

    Lord- help me- I need all of me to trust that surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

  667. Sara Valdez Hoffer says:

    Thank the Lord he is my Shepherd. I am praying for the peace when that sinks in that he knows what’s best despite what’s happening around me.

  668. Haylie Waters says:

    This study really opened my eyes on how I always stray from God when times get busy. As a grad student and someone who is trying to plan a wedding I need to remember to take time out of my day to rest and to focus on Him and know that He is with me through everything I do.

  669. Valerie Coupe says:

    Oh how we need our Shepherd! Only He truly knows what’s best for us and can see the whole picture of our life!

  670. Claire MichelleGraham says:

    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
    and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord

  671. Marci Fulk says:

    Such a familiar Psalm that sometimes we forget to stop and understand the words. Praise God for peace, protection, and for being the good and perfect shepherd! He is good!

  672. Joyce Lim says:

    He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.

  673. Ale Evans says:

    The Lord is my shepherd ❤

  674. Jennifer Rutledge says:

    Psalm 23 always gives me peace ❤️❤️❤️

  675. Olivia Sealey says:

    I definitely feel like that sheep who gets lost at times… so thankful for the faithful and undying love of God ❤️

  676. Valerie Deutsch says:


  677. Chinyere Ezikpe says:

    The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want

  678. Crista Peterman says:

    This Psalm brings me peace in difficult times.

  679. Emma P says:

    The first Psalm I ever heard. Such a good reminder of the joy we have in Jesus.

  680. Susan Crosby says:

    Sometimes the busyness of life is a distraction from being still and knowing the He is God!

  681. Sarah Rice says:

    I’ve been struggling with my faith, my day to day; with what I read today if I stick to the Shepherd I will have comfort and I will not fail.

  682. Kim Herrity says:

    Lord, thank for showing me Rest. May my husband know how much he is loved as he begins his journey of some much needed Rest and reflection. May his heart be soft and strong. May you continue to provide for my family and all the families walking through addiction/difficult journeys. I will continue to do all things through a Christ that strengthens me.

  683. Emily Elder says:


  684. Molly Gilbane says:

    Lord, thank you for allowing R E S T . For always staying near to us— pulling us under your wing— providing a safe place to lie down and regain strength. Lord, may this be a year of renewal— of being present, of practicing gratitude. “I have what I need” because I have the One I was created to know and love.

  685. Sameca Joyner says:

    I have things going on in my life but I know he covers me and he will take care of me.

  686. Olivia Smith says:

    LOVE this psalm.

    I have decided to fast social media for 2020. It might seem so silly, but I spent 2019 recognizing the joy it so easily took from my life. Only 5 days in and the whole resting thing has become much easier. With no social media, I have more time to be still, to look around, and to meditate on my Father. It’s been good. And I’m eager to grow in Him and for Him to supply the joy and contentment I need in my heart.

  687. Shaunte Crowder says:

    Resting is soooo hard. It’s not until you realize the true benefits of it that you become more intentional with making it a habit. Trust and rest go and in hand for me. I realize that when I’m struggling with resting I must pay attention to where my trust has been displaced.

  688. Karis says:

    My Dad had me and my little sister memorize this Psalm when we were little, and I’ve only revisited it when he would ask us to say it to see if we still remembered. It was nice to get to see it in this new way, as a Psalm of finding rest and completeness in God. Knowing that he is the one who will always bring me rest when I bring my troubles and cares to him is a real comfort in the midst of this busy based world. :)

  689. Janet Ansel says:

    We all need to take time to reflect and dwell where we best find our Lord….he gives us true rest.

  690. Denise Kella says:

    This was a great reminder of the importance of resting. Taking a step back from all the craziness and choosing to lean on Him!

  691. Laurie Finelli says:

    Beautiful way to start my day and this new year. I’m excited to dig into His word. Blessed day to all.

  692. Kaitlyn Coghlan says:

    Just what I needed to read today ❤️

  693. Mackinzie Nelson says:

    He is with me always❤️

  694. Diana Garcia says:

    God protects us at all times. “For you are with me” this truly brings so much comfort into my life.

  695. Megan Maestas says:

    I struggle with seeking true rest and renewal. It is very easy to fill our days and time with ‘To-Dos’….Apart of my intentional effort is joining this group to seek rest in God’s word for a few moments every single day ❤️

  696. Victoria Johnson says:

  697. Bonny Miller says:

    Comment – not reply sorry
    I’m going through a season. Single mom ( 20, soon to be 17) for many yrs trying to do on my own with little support. I’ve come to a point ( after several no where “ relationships”/ getting off path lost several times going in circles) that I’m going to get married again- ( feel it in my soul) but as no good man at my door I must wait on God . With youngest soon to be 18 and on his own ( you blink and yrs pass) and my job not satisfying and the town well…as I’m having to wait on God to be shown the path . In the busyness of life learn to rest ( lots of out door chores and church but it’s raining steady ok God I’ll rest)

  698. Ashley Brown says:

    This helps me to find peace in His plan, which is what I need at the moment!

  699. Lyndsy KayEslinger says:

    I am in a very interesting season of life. My husband and I have always wanted children, but he especially was not quite ready to start our family, and I understood that. The Lord surprised us and we found out we were pregnant in September. I have been scared out of my mind that this pregnancy will not come full term because it’s hard for me to understand why God would bless us so when we people we love struggle so much in this area. This verse speaks to me though: “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” I need to feel restored rather than burdened by fear and know this path is the Lord’s.

  700. Marielle Mabalacad says:


  701. Jennifer Foulkes says:

    I’m am still very new when it come to reading scripture. I’ve become one of those people that want to learn more about God and the Bible but by doing so I’ve overwhelmed myself which has made me pull away from reading. My mind is always going worrying and I’ve made myself super “busy”. I’m a stay at home mom of four boys 21, 14, 6, and 2, college student, and lots more. I have trust issues knowing that the Lord has my back but it’s time to truly trust that he has me!

    1. Bonny Miller says:

      I’m also in a similar boat – hang in there

  702. Hannah Gregory says:

    This scripture in this rly spoke to me. I can get very anxious and stressed at times with being a student, athlete, and daughter. This leads me to put off reading scripture bc I feel I have no time for it. But this is when I need to trust my faith the most. Scripture comes before all other things because when you read scripture you get to know Jesus. And when you get to know Jesus you receive not only peace but hope, love, and joy.

  703. Kaitlyn Mutchler says:

    The first three verses really spoke to me. I’ve become a very go go go type of person as I’m a full time college student and work part time. It’s come to the point where I feel I never truly rest…even if I have a day off I feel anxious and am worried I’m supposed to be doing something. Through this psalm, especially the line “he makes me lie down in green pastures,” I think the Lord is trying to tell me that I need to seek him in these moments, because he yearns for me to rest.

    1. Kelli Bennett says:

      Kaitlyn, I am in a similar season as well. The anxiety on days off (or homework breaks) when you think you must accomplish something! I also loved the line about how our Lord MAKES us lie down in green pastures. I hope to sit with that picture for a bit. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Rachel Whited says:

      I can also relate. Rest is vital but yet we find something to always do.

  704. Brittney Lane says:

    Love this verse, it is one of my favorite because it was my grandmas favorite and all though I read it for me it’s like she’s right beside me when I read it, every time. I just thank God for that comfort that comes from reading it.

  705. Morgan Stites says:


  706. Jennifer GraceEkwonye says:

    This is my favorite Psalm. My dad used to read this to me before bed as a kid. I still hold onto verse 4 every day because of how much anxiety I face.

  707. Jennifer GraceEkwonye says:

    This is my favorite Psalm of the Bible. My dad used to read to me as a kid growing up, and

  708. Skylar Holder says:

    I struggle a lot with rest, especially receiving the feeling from God versus worldly rest. This psalm a good reminder for me about how in God, i can have the kind of rest that will sustain

  709. Heather Newberry says:

    I have been going through a very chaotic season in my life and this is a great reminder and starting place for me.

  710. Makenzie Neely says:

    Everything lately has been exhausting for me. Here we are the week of Christmas and my children have RSV. I feel lost. I haven drifted away these past few months. I have physical issues, mental issues, family issues, and all piling on me. Plus work during this season was choatic. I just want to rest. I want to mentally quit worrying about every single thing. Today, i was to be in those green pastures resting in God. Lord, help rest my anxiety and trust in You!

  711. Mackenzie Jones says:

    This is an excellent reminder during this time in my life that I’m never really alone and that God is always there and will always love me ❤️

  712. Fran Parker says:

    I love the title of this study! In this busy season it’s nice to stop and reflect on the goodness of Jesus and all that he has done and will continue to do!

  713. Breanna Johnson says:

    Here recently I have been struggling with keeping my faith. The troubles in life make it easy to feel like God has stopping walking beside me however, I know that God will always be present in my life because he LOVES me. Please pray that I will find peace and restoration in my faith.

    1. Makenzie Neely says:

      I feel like I’m in the same boat. Praying for you and with you!

  714. Kenisha Durr says:

    I know that my Father is my provider.

  715. Ruth Stewart says:

    It’s wonderful to have a place of renewal right with the Heavenly Father

  716. Rachel Cremean says:

    A few years ago, I was severely verbally abused & publicly by a “leader” in my Christian community. Ever since I have STRUGGLED with my faith, constantly feeling that the way I was treated by man must be how God views me as well. I have recently felt a pull in my heart to step out more in faith, and this chapter has always spoken to me. Such a good reminder of the true character and love of God.

  717. Lauren Copple says:


  718. Kenika Mytil says:

    I’ve been sad these past couple of days because I didn’t get into nursing school but reading this reminded me that God is with me and that everything is going to work out.

  719. Abby Attwood says:

    So good. Thank you, Lord, for leading us.

  720. Leslie Orellana says:

    I have been struggling with my faith, my anger and my pride, but this was the reminder I needed that the Lord is always with me. I’ve been barely clinging onto him while In this season, but now I am tightening my grip. Really needed this!

    1. Leah Woods says:

      You are so loved and cherished. Cling to your Shepherd who love you the most :)

  721. Valarie Alred says:

    I have really been struggling at work lately. We are sooo over worked and a skeleton crew right now. My back hurts so bad and I just give out when I get home I feel so bad for my new husband. It’s really taking its role on us.. everyone is leaving my work because of broken promises, the way they treat us, and under staffing us. I may literally be the only assistant coming up with 40+ patients and I’m breaking down.. it feels so good to vent on here and let my words flow. I am praying everyday for a door to open. For god to show me what my next season in life is or my next door.

  722. Maricela Longoria says:

    I’m a teacher and with all the busyness of the holidays, stress and anxiety do pop in. I’ve also been struggling with going to church consistently because I’m so darn tired. But this verse reminds me that I can rest in Him, submerging myself in His love and peace. He’s taking care of me, and that’s a lovely reminder while I go and pour myself into my kiddos.

    1. Danielle Walker says:

      This is very close to how I felt reading this verse . I can’t help but consider that in the busyness I have lost this peace . I felt refreshed and relaxed reading the Psalm today . It reminded me that I can find peace in the middle of the busy ….

  723. Kirsten Kaufman says:

    I’ve been struggling with my faith recently and this reading reminds me that even though I struggle the Lord will be with me, always

  724. Ashley Schrock says:

    This was definitely what I needed to read today. It is so comforting to serve a God that cares for us so much and we don’t need to worry!

  725. Carol Griffiths says:

    These words are comforting to know God is watching over me making sure I have everything I need. I don’t need to be anxious or worried because his eye is on me anticipating my needs. How great is that? What a beautiful morning!

  726. Alexandra Cesca Malabey says:

    Just what I needed… sometimes I feel scared, anxious, worrisome, unsafe… and most of the time it’s in the night. This scripture reminds me that God is always with me, he sees me, he hears me, he knows me, he loves me and I can lean on him.

  727. Alexandra Cesca Malabey says:

    Just what I needed… sometimes I feel scared or unsafe at times, this reminds me that God knows me, he sees me, he looks after me…

  728. Yanesia Downing says:

    This reading energized me this morning. Thank you.

  729. daniella johnson says:

    I never thought of this verse in such an intimate way!

  730. Laura Park says:

    Lord is my shepherd. I will never get lost.

  731. Olgera Haywood says:

    Love the explanation and This is one of my many favorite scriptures

  732. Ashley Walters says:

    Spoke to my heart ! Amen

  733. Britney Smith says:


  734. Chloe Larsen says:

    This is just what I need. I have been anxious over the past couple of days because I have on of my biggest competitions coming up and these verses gave me so much peace.

  735. Chloe Larsen says:

    This is just what I need. I have one of my biggest competitions tomorrow and these verses gave me so much peace

  736. Emmy Cz says:

    I really enjoyed this verse. I’m beginning to get back into my studying of the word and this was an excellent first lesson back. God is so gracious and loving. He is our guidance through the dark, he is our shepherd!! This is a good reminder for the difficult weeks that I am about to face with school and finals coming up… and I cannot wait to remind myself of these words.

  737. Alexa Vega says:

    These verses are a perfect reminder of God’s love. Life can be so hard but knowing and understanding the amount of love the Lord has for us is key in getting through the everyday crazy moments.

  738. Judith Alsing says:

    I desperately need his rest at the moment. I am old and have had a very difficult life. Finding this app is exilerating!!

  739. Rachael Schupbach says:

    I too love how personal the message is – and the parallel between being bogged down by life because I’m away from the Shepherd…the weight is unbearable – so I need Him to care for me.

  740. Madilynn Essary says:

    I like how it emphasized that he is talking to me. Most times I read the Bible and it’s hard for me to believe that God loves ME, yet I when I read the truth it reminds me that the Lord knows me and loves me unimaginable

  741. Adriana Dávila says:

    This is just what I needed today. I’ve been wandering through very dark places and only now decided to return to Him, He who takes care of me. Please pray for continued healing. May God be glorified through my pain and suffering, but most importantly through my redemption.

    1. Haley Thornburg says:

      Praying for you. You are so loved & valued by our Heavenly Father.

    2. Rachel Tang says:

      Hey Adriana, praying for you!! :)

  742. Krista Shook says:


  743. Sarah White says:

    There’s such peace and hope in this passage. I am working through depression and anxiety and finding Psalms to bring such calm to my spirit.

    I have what I need, because I have the One I was created to know and love.

  744. Sherree Hunsberger says:

    Such a comfort to read this Psalm! I feel so loved.

  745. Christina Miláček says:

    I have what I need because I have the one I was created to know and love and I love the one who knows exactly what I need.

  746. Erin Lindberg says:

    Joined in anticipation of the advent study after listening to Annie F Downs! Love this!

  747. Vivian Yoos says:


  748. Kailey Long says:

    I am trying to find a way to get close to god and Jesus and throughout this I have learned a lot so far…… I truly feel closer to god

  749. Angelina Wold says:

    Just joined SRT. Enjoying this first step with the 7 day bible study to began the advent bible study with some great ladies from our church!

  750. Lourdes Nunez says:

    Rest in the protection of our Heavenly Father! Amen., definitely need to learn in resting in who He is! Perfect study!

  751. Lori Herning says:

    This seems like the perfect study to do before beginning the advent study.

  752. Meaghan Flowers says:

    We are adding two toddlers to our family through foster care this weekend. Trusting God’s leading and his strength & rest ❤️

    1. Samantha Goza says:

      Praying you all had an easy transition and a week of rest and bonding ahead. We are foster parents too. ❤️

    2. Samantha Goza says:

      Praying you had an easy transition and for a week of bonding and rest ahead. We are foster parents too ❤️

  753. Kasey Corley says:

    I am a woman who is trying to find his word and gospel. My goal is to get right with God and know everything about him. I’m proud to say I have started my journey two days ago. Got a long prosperous road ahead but I am so thrilled know I have a God who cares. The Lord is my Shepard is going to be a great step forward for me.

  754. Devena Smith says:


  755. hannah says:

    amazing words. exactly what I needed to hear this morning

  756. Shannon Ragan says:

    Rest is something I struggle with, if I have too much time to sit, I start to squirm. But having time to rest is essential for my mental health and God has certainly started to show this to me! Resting in Him and His word is most important!

  757. Shelby Spence says:

    The perfect study for this busy time in our lives, and a beautiful explanation of a psalm I’ve heard many times before but never quite feel like I’m getting everything out of! Thank you for always patiently explaining things.

  758. Judy Flores says:

    God so knew I needed this today. I have been leading 2 Bible studies for about 2 months. I love doing this and sharing His Word with other women. But my quiet times in the morning have been preparing and studying from John and Galatians for these studies. Definitely not a bad thing but this past week I have felt overwhelmed! I’m beginning my vacation tomorrow so I will have my time to have a “normal ” quiet time. Thank you for putting this together. My cup is already overflowing!

  759. Ashley Wilson says:

    Definitely dealing with a few things – physical, emotional, spiritual – and this was a great one for today. The Lord is MY shepherd. I shall not want. I have all that I need and HE restores my soul.

  760. Kate May says:

    Needed to read this, struggling with anxiety and trying to get better :)

    1. Rachel Carlton says:

      Me too Kate! You are in my prayers ❤️

      1. Amy Alded says:

        Me as well! It was especially bad yesterday and I really needed to read this today! Hugs to you!

  761. Michelle Horn says:

    That’s exactly what I needed tonight. As the semester comes to end, I’m about to go home, the projects are due and stress builds. This semester has been anything but easy. Seems like I’ve cried more tears than I ever have. Such a great reminder to rest in Jesus.

  762. Lisa DeCandia says:

    This was confirmation from work today. This past year my dad died and my daughter’s mother-in-law died two weeks later. These double losses combined with the suffering they endured the last couple years of their lives and the grief left after their death have caused me to reprioritize and slow down. I love my job now and turned down a promotion and pay increase today to continue where I am, where I believe the Shepherd has led me.

  763. Katia Catharinam says:


  764. Josi Hengstwerth says:

    I’m a student and also have 5 jobs to manage my money. It’s a stressful time and I hardly get any time for rest. Reading this is great and giving me the rest for my soul that I need while my whole body is suffering under stress. Exactly what I need!

  765. Jill St says:

    He is all I need. ♥️

  766. Samantha Cardwell says:

    I am so glad I downloaded this app! I can tell it is going to help me grow so much. This plan is going to help me to slow down and rest. Which is what I need right now.

  767. Sherron Walker says:

    I need the spiritual rest that only God can provide, I am weary and have strayed far from God…. I am ready to come home

  768. Shoma Smith says:

    Glad I downloaded this app

  769. Megan Carter says:

    This brings such peace and reassurance to my soul! I feel like I am always on the go which means I am (unfortunately) not at my best—for God and for those around me. Working to implement a slower tempo in my life!

  770. Sarah Hilton says:


  771. Stephanie Bunker says:

    Thank God for the knowledge that I am seen and cared for. Just knowing that God has gone before and cared for me as one of His sheep is enough to give me the peace I need so I can rest.

  772. Miriam Shtefanio says:


  773. Madison Hoag says:

    I have what I need because I have the one I am created to know and love. Gonna make that my mantra today and going in to Christmas. Let it be true god

  774. Angi Morrison says:

    Thankful to have a Shepherd to guide me.

  775. Nicole Calvert says:


  776. Lauren GallienBoudreaux says:

    I’ve always wondered why His rod & staff are comforting (v 4) until a preacher shared several years ago the literal purpose of a rod and staff… protection, discipline, examining the sheep for wounds/disease, leading, guiding, the crook of the staff is used to bring them in closer to him or scoop them up from water that’s too deep or when they’re tangled up in bushes.

    Now, I realize & see the comfort in His rod & staff. With our Shepherd, we can REST. ❤️

  777. Albertha Holloway says:

    I am bless by God’s word everyday.

  778. Lali Shupharèe-Tuffa says:

    It’s pretty overwhelming to think about how much He keeps me, and leads me. This was a soothing reminder that His shepherding is the confidence of my faith to be well enough to rest in the chaos.

  779. Jennifer Smith says:

    I can’t begin to explain my excitement getting to study this passage! It is one of my favorites and reminds me of just who I am and that if I have Him, I have al I need in this life!!

  780. Brenda Kiser says:


  781. Sama Dawood says:


  782. Vanessa Lopez says:

    I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed for the last 2 weeks. I’ve felt the weight of my life on my shoulders & I feel paralyzed by it. Reading this brought me peace.. God is speaking right into my situation.. “Rest.”

  783. Jenna Vogt says:


  784. Autumn Weirich says:


  785. Stacy Namanny says:

    I loved the message it spoke right to the heart I loved the one about Shrek that one was very cool☺☺☺☺

  786. Tamara Robson says:

    “Weariness does not have the final say.”
    Oh man, I’m longing for those green pastures to lie down in.

    1. Kim Stutts says:


  787. Brooke Money says:

    I’m in grad school right now and this passage has been popping up everywhere. It’s beautiful to see that even in this impossibly difficult phase of my life, God is still walking with me, providing for me, and allowing me to rest in his presence. He is a good shepherd indeed!

    1. Tamara Robson says:

      Keep following your shepherd – he’ll get you through!

  788. Kari says:

    I am so excited for this study! Rest is exactly what I need, what we all need, right now and always. We cannot build on our knowledge of Him without first learning to properly rest in Him. Thank you so much SRT! I can’t wait!

  789. Nana Otu says:

    Praise God!

  790. Michelle Schaal says:


  791. Annabelle Martin says:

    It’s nice to be reminded that even when our enemies are coming against us we have a place at Christ’s table and can go talk with him whenever we need.

  792. Natalie Holliday says:

    I’ve found this to be incredibly reassuring knowing that God seeks ME out of everyone. Especially when we’re lost and are in need of help, He continually finds us and let’s us be in His presence forever. Love that

  793. Norms Salinas says:

    This was simply beautiful! That’s the best word to describe it. I love this devotional and reading others take on what was said. This truly helps me feel the love my Shepherd has for me and the relationship He longs to have with me.

  794. Katie Blount says:

    I am in a season of minimizing all of my stuff to have more of God. I needed this to keep going. I have more than what I need. God has blessed us! Praying for those of you struggling.

  795. Jena Estes says:

    I needed this today. Yesterday I was at an all time low at work for this month (it’s been rough the last 3-4 months). This is a gentle reminder to seek God when I feel like I did yesterday and trust that everything will be alright!

  796. Sonya McGinnissCribbs says:

    Was there a book with this study?

  797. Caitlin Ching says:

    I have to remember that we “have what we need” in Jesus

  798. Alexis Thorpe says:

    Time for me to come out of the cave. It’s been a long journey this year and pray for everyone that will also come out of the cave. We are protected and loved.

  799. Haley McGinnis says:

    As a sheep who has been hiding in a cave letting her worries and sins weigh her down, I definitely needed my Shepherd today and this devotional. Very ready to hear what God has in store through this devo

  800. Shanna Daley says:

    I am grateful for this passage. It reminds me that all though the Lord has many sheep to tend to he also has a personal relationship with each and everyone one of us. That personal relationship gives me so much hope and so much peace every day as I continue to walk through my life knowing that the Lord my Shepherd is beside me.

  801. Elizabeth Schaefer says:

    I find peace in knowing that God will search for the one sheep because sometimes I feel like the one sheep. He won’t let us stay lost and he will relieve us from the weight of our six years of unsheared wool!

  802. Nicole Gardner says:

    I am thankful for a Shepherd who daily guides us and protects us through this life. In eternity, we can look forward to a life without trials and pain; that hope allows us to endure on earth.

  803. Jodie Bacon says:

    I’ve always thought this was just a Psalm about death & for funerals. The last 20mths since my brain injury I have come to realise it is so much more. Verse 4 has really taken on a new meaning. Thank you for taking it even further this morning for me & helping me to stop & really appreciate this very special Psalm x

  804. Abby Krahl says:

    That last sentence was powerful. I have what I need because I was created to love One. I am really trying to become comfortable with my faith and talking about it comes easier each day. I was raised a Christian but I only recently accepted Jesus into my life and asked for the Lord to guide me. My boyfriend of 2 years is an atheist or is skeptical. It is very hard. I asked God to take over I need guidance from my One.

  805. Jill Carr says:

    This summer one of our ministers preached on Psalm 23 and his “take away” phrase was “I shall not want, I will not fear, God is with me” I’ve repeated that over and over through some really challenging days in the past few months. So thankful He is always with us.

  806. Tara Tribett says:

    A loving Father for my family finally ! Who truly desired the best here and for eternity..

    1. Megan Washington says:

      I surely do ! Thank you Jesus ! And , I love him !

  807. Tara Tribett says:

    Trying to know love From our Father as I never knew a relationship with a father figure before or it wasn’t what God intended thou for his Glory and brought to learn of his true love. This helps alot trying to learn the Bible. Not everyone can afford to buy this thou thankful as God brings me thru the life that was to the life he desires for me and my young son and family. Breaking away from depression to learn love and away from painful past to Finally and forever more a radiant future for eternity and that God is a true God his love ain’t a well I changed my mind your not good enoug or you made too many mistakes thou I love you!

  808. Jem Carlos says:

    am really struggling with my faith but these reminded me.. I may now walk on these dark valleys still but I know I have a Sheperd..

    1. Nicole Cope says:

      Praying that God will grow your faith, Jem! His light overcomes all darkness!

  809. Tina Reed says:

    How beautiful!

  810. Heidi Bentz says:

    That last sentence. I have what I need because I have the One I was created to know and love. I need this as my mantra, not just for Rest, but also for contentment both in my prayer life and my present reality.

  811. Daila Andrade says:

    This is why God is always so good \(^O^)/ to us. ☺

  812. Daila Andrade says:

    This is what God is always so good. We have to know that wherever

  813. Jo Hoad says:

    Posted too soon …. the headmaster of our local school fir tge last 20 years was tragically killed 2 weeks ago and this passage was preached on. The psalm doesn’t promise us that life will be easy all the time, but we can trust trust our shepherd who gives us rest and peace and guides us through the dangers and trials we experience. Praying for some literal and figurative green pasture for our land right nie

  814. Jo Hoad says:

    I needed to read this psalm this morning. Where we live in Australia we are In the midst of the worst drought in written records in our region and now we are surrounded by the worst bushfires we have experienced. Our farm is potentially at risk of being burnt

    1. Chrissie Murphy says:

      Jo, I am praying for you. I am in North Queensland, spared from what is happening, but saddened by all that is occurring. I will pray his peace is with you amidst everything you have going on and that he supplies you with immeasurable grace to cope with all your facing. You’re in my prayers and thoughts xx

      1. Sarah Spegal says:

        ^ I’m praying for you too, Jo. I can’t imagine how scary these circumstances must be. Asking Jesus to give you peace in the midst of all that is going on. ❤️

    2. Julia Woman Of Faith And Wisdom Walton Woman Of Zion says:

      I touch and agreeing with you in prayer according to psalm 91. MY REFUGE AND MY FORTRESS

      1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

      3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

      7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

      9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

      11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

      14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

      I encourage you to believe it. After saying this psalm and believing it from deep within your soul, pray no more, but begin to thanks and praise God for doing Psalm 91 for you and others around you. Because, remember we have to pray for our neighbors also. No harm will befall you and yours.
      Receive His peace in Jesus’ name amen.

    3. Tamara Robson says:

      I’m down in NSW and we’re feeling it. The green pastures here have all turned brown from dryness and some are on fire. But we’ve got to keep remembering that God is our good shepherd. He is. He must be.

  815. Courtney Nielsen says:

    This is a beautiful reminder of how much we NEED God. We are likely to wander astray but what an amazing and faithful Shepard we have. Thankful for Jesus and his everlasting love for us ♥️

  816. Heather Hull says:


  817. Maria DeLeon says:


  818. Maria DeLeon says:

    I love that I am His and He is mine

  819. Connie K says:

    This is exactly what I needed this morning. I am a special education teacher dreading going back to work this morning with all the complexities and demands of my group. He is walking with me through this day. ❤️

  820. Amy Shores says:

    This has been a theme in my life right now…I definitely think God is teaching me something.

  821. Shelia says:

    I just finished a Bible Study on Psalm 23 written by Jennifer Rothschild, it was amazing. 2 points I from that study is 1) He will never lead us carelessly and 2) He leads us Intentionally. We may choose the wrong path at times, but He will always come to find us. Our responsibility in all of this is to TRUST WHERE the shepherd is leading us (even when we are like, what, not this), and we have to TRUST the WHEN of his leading. His timing is perfect and His provisions are good.

  822. Kara says:

    Lydia I have been on both sides of this. Praying that God puts His peace in both of you and reminds your significant other that He has a purpose and plan for him.

  823. Clara Cowden says:

    So good!

  824. Lydia Megdal says:

    Trying so desperately to rest while my significant other is filled with anxiety, stress, and fear over how to move forward with a career. Trying to be strong and support him without falling into the cycle of anxiousness he’s in right now so I can be in prayer for him and his future all the time, but it gets so hard. Asking for prayers today for his future and career path- I know we have a good shepherd who goes above and beyond for us every single day- choosing to believe that He will make my loved one’s path straight

    1. Stephanie Schroeder says:

      I would love to lift y’all up in prayer! My husband has actually been in your shoes the last year and things are just slowly coming together but it so clearly has Gods hand in it all.

    2. Kristin Hoehne says:

      I’m in a similar boat. My husband recently started his own business and he’s been so anxious and stressed. He wavers between knowing this is exactly what he wants to do and wondering if he’s made the right decision. I’ve seen how the stress of everything has not allowed him to truly rest. It’s hard watching him live in anxiousness and worry, but I KNOW that the Lord is preparing him for greatness. Praying for you both.

    3. Julia Woman Of Faith And Wisdom Walton Woman Of Zion says:

      Find your pray closet, ask your Heavenly Father to strip you off all fears as He did not give you the spirit of fear. 2 Timothy 6:7 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    4. Kia Ross-Evans says:

      Pray that God leads and directs your husband towards the right decision for your family. God is faithful and he’ll answer your prayer and not only that , he will give you peace in knowing that you can trust him to provide for you, and your husband.
      You’ll be surprised, pray for your husband one day and the next your husband will come to you with a decision. May not be literally the next day, but God will do it as long as you’re lifting your spouse up in prayer.

    5. Kia Ross-Evans says:

      Pray for your husband and God will answer ! Trust and believe that God will provide for your family through all things. Pray that God will give your husband direction and wisdom in regards to deciding what steps to take next, and believe that God will answer that prayer. God is faithful and only he knows the future, so he should be our source when seeking direction. God can use you to be the support that your husband needs in this time, and he can only use you if you allow him to.
      You’ll be surprised, pray one day for how to support your husband in this moment and for the strength to be patient and trust that God will direct your husband, and the next day you’re husband will come to you with the answer to his decision; and he may not even know you prayed and he may not even realize thy it was God. What matters is that as a spouse (wife) you are doing your part in praying for your husband , and God will bless that.

  825. Heather Hull says:


  826. Shelley Kasten says:

    Wonderful reminder!

  827. Sara Anderson says:

    I love that He allows me to rest in his goodness and I am restored, I am comforted in trials as he is always with me, and I am loved, honored as a guest, and protected by the Creator of the world (something I most definitely do not deserve)

  828. Donna AlexanderJamar says:


  829. Katie Anderson says:

    This was a great read and so divinely inspired. I feel asleep last night with this verse on my mind and here it was this morning! Definitely going to meditate over this today and see what God has to say to me. It was also laid on my heart to give up social media and be more present with my family. I am a homeschooling mom and it is so important to be a good example to my kiddos and I don’t want them to feel like my phone is most important.

    1. Lauren Tenbrunsel says:

      Hi Katie! Giving up social media for a while is such a nice cleanse! Just wondering how you personally meditate on a verse? I’m trying to stay more engaged with my scripture reading and get as much out of the word as possible!

  830. Maiya H says:

    What a timely study. I don’t know how many times I’ve read this Psalm, but at this time it is such a needed reminder. Resting in the Father is trusting in Him. Stressing out about what is and what “may” come, is not. Being a missionary, and planning a wedding sure does stretch your faith.

    I trust in the Father. He guides me. He protects me. He provides for me. He loves me.

  831. Kristin King says:

    Here I am some 30 years later taking a closer look at this verse. I was in a public elementary school when I first heard it and was REQUIRED to memorize it. Boy, have the times changed but the Lord is still my shepherd. Tonight as I prepare for bed and get ready to say my nightly prayers I will be sure to ask God to please lay it upon the right hearts and minds to get prayer back in schools everywhere.

  832. Emily Roberts says:

    One of my favorite passages of scripture! With having anxiety, reading these verses about still waters and green pastures calms me. And knowing that being in God’s presence is even better and more secure than that is such a blessing. Thank you Lord for your constant reminder that I am yours and You are mine.

  833. Gabriela Nunez says:

    Really loved ” He is MY Shepard” ….made me realise something new

  834. Chidinma Amaramiro says:

    God my protector!

  835. Andrea Wageman says:

    Such a good reminder to lean into our great provider

  836. Cynthia Ramain says:

    Kristi, I was 45 when I really formed a very close relationship with God….so you are way ahead of me!!

  837. Cynthia Ramain says:

    Praying for you Melissa You are bigger than whatever you are facing, and you must take it one day at a time. When you are feeling vulnerable, close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask God to hold your hand and walk with you until you feel better. He will not leave you. Let us know if we can help in any way. This too shall pass❤️

  838. Brittany Odom says:

    Sometimes, okay all the time, it is really hard for me to be able to find rest. There is always some thing or someone vying for my attention. How do you consistently make the time? How do you tune everything else out…

    1. Elaine Morgan says:

      You have to be very intentional about it Brittany. Our pastor has taught us that practicing the sabbath each week is vital to our walk. If we don’t stop and rest and spend time with the Lord we won’t have the ability to hear Him when He speaks to us. My sabbath is on Saturday each week and I am loving this practice. For a 24 hour period I don’t do any work or errands or chores. I spend lots of time in prayer and reading and resting. Usually with my favorite people. You should give it a try.

  839. Melissa Cole says:

    Can I please ask for prayers. I am going through a rough spot in my life and could just use some guidance. Thank you all.

    1. Sarah Clucas says:

      Praying for you, Melissa

      1. Sheila Hoff says:


    2. Sarah Clucas says:

      Praying for you, Melissa!

  840. Taylor says:

    Loved reading through all 102 of your comments! I find so much insight and take notes on things you ladies say that encourage me! A few notes I made from everyone’s comments in my journal: “I have what I need vs. I shall not want vs. I lack nothing” I liked what someone wrote about in this age of social media and constantly comparing yourself to others, through Jesus’ sacrifice I lack nothing in my Father’s eyes. I definitely needed to hear that! This Psalm also encourages us to lay down our burdens before the Lord. I’m so thankful we do not walk alone! The Lord pursues me – even when I do not feel pursued by family, friends, significant other, etc. here on earth. Last note I made, the Lord guides my steps! When I feel anxious about my future and what God has in store for me, I know He is with me and He goes before me! Heres to comment 103 :)

  841. Faith Dell says:

    I have been a Christian all my life since I grew up in the church but I never really knew God. Almost 16 now and started to try and navigate through life with God. Starting a relationship with God has changed my mindset more than anything. I always knew he loved me cared for me, but I never understood it. He gracious ways and selfless acts make me sad that I ever doubted his existence. Hoping for a long meaningful relationship with him. I really want to get to know him.

    1. Kristi L says:

      Faith, I have a very similar story to yours!

    2. Kristi L says:

      Oops! Accidentally posted my comment before it was finished. I was going to say that my story is just like yours except, I didn’t make the decision to pursue a relationship with God until age 24. I wish I had done it sooner because knowing Him intimately has completely changed my life over the past four years! You are blessed that you’ve made this decision in your teen years and I know you will certainly see the fruit of your faith in the years to come. ❤️

  842. Alex McClendon says:

    I love this whole psalm and reading this tonight makes me love it even more and makes me want to share it with my baby girl who loves to pray and read the story of baby Jesus at almost 19 months! ❤️

  843. Debra Pallas says:

    Going through such a rough time right now. I needed this.

    1. Kenzie Mae says:

      Praying for you Debra!

  844. Barbara Pineda says:

    I will know your voice when you call to me.

    He protects, guides, provides me with rest and spiritual guidance.

    He takes me to a place where I can bear fruit. He fills me with hope and courage and tells me He loves me, and I fear no evil, because He’s with me always.

    He goes before me to prepare the way and shields me from the enemy. No one can snatch me from His mighty hand, and I will walk with You always, my LORD.

  845. Gabby Smith says:

    Definitely need this as it comes closer to final exams!

  846. Ashley Thomas says:

    I have what I need. I am always loved. He provides in ways that no one else can. The one true King.

  847. Sarah D. says:

    So good!! Definitely recommend listening to Shane and Shane’s song called Psalm 23, was the perfect way to meditate over this verse. Also decided to give up social media for this week, to truly rest from the “demands” of the world. When I have a spare moment, I want to look up to Christ, not looking down at my phone. I have a big test next week and it will definitely help be focus on school as well. Love you all, love this SRT community!! <3

    1. Emily Cook says:

      Wow-I needed to see this! Praying for your test and joining you for a
      Social media fast!

  848. Kat Simpson says:

    He lets me lay down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters. How loved we are. Thank you, Lord.

  849. Traci Kersey says:

    In a time of serious anxiety and depression… this message and Word has breathed life back into my soul.

  850. Kelly Chataine says:

    From the Message
    1 God, my shepherd!
    I don’t need a thing.
    You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
    you find me quiet pools to drink from.
    True to your word,
    you let me catch my breath
    and send me in the right direction.

    4 Even when the way goes through
    Death Valley,
    I’m not afraid
    when you walk at my side.
    Your trusty shepherd’s crook
    makes me feel secure.

    5 You serve me a six-course dinner
    right in front of my enemies.
    You revive my drooping head;
    my cup brims with blessing.

    6 Your beauty and love chase after me
    every day of my life.
    I’m back home in the house of God
    for the rest of my life.

    1. Chelsie Turner says:

      Beautiful translation!!

  851. Michelle Long says:

    I love the translation SRT used in a previous study for this psalm, it said “I have what I need” instead of “ I shall not want”. This really resonates with me, feels like a needed reminder in the culture we live in and leaves me feeling peace and comfort,

  852. Michelle Long says:

    I noticed the scripture version you used for this passage in a previous study and found the “I have what I need” translation as opposed to the “I shall not want”” to really resonate for me

  853. Teagen Ferguson says:

    When I read this psalm it’s like taking a deep, slow breath…. I feel filled with life and peace restored….The LORD is my Shepherd…

  854. Latasha Day says:

    Just what I needed.

  855. Mandy says:

    God knew I needed this passage today and a week of the Psalms of Rest. My mom is having open heart bypass surgery tomorrow and I’ve been battling crippling anxiety. I know and fully trust God is in control but my human nature is still filling my head with “what ifs”. Today’s familiar Word gave me fresh perspective which left me broken down sobbing before my Shepherd while also crying tears of praise.

  856. Gloria Wallin says:

    How wonderful to know that I don’t stay just like a sheep but an honored guest of the King. He provides a feast and allows us to stay by His side forever. That’s good news!

  857. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love this devotional. It is so nice to take a break from really digging into the word and just sitting at the feet of Jesus. Remembering that he has given us everything we need. It is so easy to become stressed out and overwhelmed, but this psalm makes it clear that we can rely on our Heavenly Father to meet all of our needs. We don’t need to stress out or be worried. God is with us and guiding us.

  858. Traci LangeDavis says:

    I am protected by the one who knows me and loves me better than anyone else!! Needed that today!

  859. Melody Kruse says:

    One of my most favorite psalms!

  860. Sarah D. says:

    Love this!! I’ve decided to get off social media this week and take the time to rest. The semester is slowly winding down and I have a test in my hardest class next week, so getting off social media will help with managing time too. Also here is this song by Shane & Shane on Psalm 23, love it and goes perfectly with today! Their album on Psalms is really great :)

    1. Sara Fenoglio says:

      I am taking a social media break too! Today is day 6 and it is also allowing rest, real rest! Thanks for sharing the song!

    2. cesley taft says:

      I’m in the same boat! Got some hard tests coming up, such a good idea to get off social media, i’m inspired!!

    3. Jessy Missfrauburk says:

      I just got off social media, too! However it wasn’t because I was self-aware and awesome but because my boyfriend suggested it as a response to the amount of stress I’m experiencing. Thanks for sharing the song and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one taking a social media sabbatical

    4. Lisandra Alfonso says:

      I think it is great that you’re taking a break from social media. I am actually doing the same. Shifting my energy and time to my bible rather than Instagram. I want to indulge in the word and not in the world’s distractions. We’ve got this!!!!!

  861. Laura Cahill says:

    Just what I needed right now. Thank you!

  862. Nadine Hall says:

    “He leads me along the right paths
    For his name’s sake.”

    That phrase really stood out to me. I had this plan for my life about a year ago. I thought I knew where we were headed. But God redirected us. He shut doors and opened others then shut those and reopened some. It’s been an emotionally exhausting year as we are seeking God’s Will for our future, but this verse was a helpful reminder. It’s all about God. He is leading our family to the path that will glorify Him. The path we’re on now? It’s ultimate purpose is also to glorify God. Wherever we go, wherever we are, he has lead and guided us for his name’s sake; so that His name can be glorified. And there is rest in knowing that God knows the way that I take, he’s leading me according to His will and all he does is right and good.

  863. Leah Whitehead says:

    What a powerful read! Love it ♥️

  864. amy brown says:

    He restores my Soul! amen Lord! you are MY Shepherd, You restore me! i am weary without you!

  865. Jessica Nicolas says:


  866. Robyn Hock says:

    Beautiful Psalm 23 Meditation on the SoulTime App

  867. Ashley Colon says:

    One of the verse that my Mother taught me when I was small. My favorite Psalms

  868. Mari V says:

    Once again, God is reminding me, that He is with me. He is protecting me. I can be still and rest. Thank you my Lord for reminding me.

  869. Audrey Flores says:

    I really needed this reminder. I was watching Lou Giglio’s sermon on this Psalm last night and ended up in tears. For so long I have entertained the enemy at my table. For so long I have tried to hold burdens too heavy hold on to. He’s leading me on the path to totally depend on Him. I haven’t worked for almost a month now and it’ll be another couple more before I can work again. I pray I will forget about myself and focus my eyes on Him. My Shepard who will provide food, safety, and provision to His sheep.

  870. Angelica Ging says:

    I love that he is always constant and faithful even when we aren’t

  871. Michal PBorgman says:

    I have to say I struggle sometimes with exactly that.. with Him as my shepherd I won’t get lost, yet like Shrek I feel like bas things do happen when I turn my back on His plans. The trust that I can’t mess up his love.. I find that the most difficult one in my own faith..

  872. Julie Antognoni says:

    There is so much intimacy with this passage. The Lord is our protector. I love the visual imagery in explaining our relationship with Him.

  873. Lynne Schneider says:

    New to SRT! Thankful for this free study. It’s easy to just “recite” Psalm 23 because it is familiar, but it has beauty for my soul when I stop and focus!!

  874. Erin Ayin says:

    This is such a great story. It’s a nice reminder that God never gives up on us. We can always count on him.

  875. Maura says:

    Shriek the sheep without the Shepherd was carrying a load to heavy for him to bear, the weight of his wool. How many of us try to carry stuff that is too heavy for us instead of laying it down, giving it to the One who leads us to still waters, paths of righteousness for his name’s sake, who restores our soul. Psalm 23 such a reminder of the intimate way Jesus cares for us, each one of us. Much joy to this heart.

  876. Heidi Jones says:

    I needed this today!! I have been allowing anxiety to take over this morning but now that I have spent some time with the Lord, Resting, I am renewed!

  877. diane simmons says:

    I am new to SRT, and absolutely love it. Thank you SRT. How appropriate as we head into one of the busiest times of the year that we spend a week focused on “Rest”. I am so thankful that through the years of knowing Psalm 23, at just the right time something new is revealed. He leads me, He follows me. He provides rest, He seats me at the banquet table and feeds me. As we come to this very busy time of year-remember to rest. He’s got this.

  878. Cindy McLaughlin says:

    Thank you for all the reminders of God’s blessing and faithfulness. I love knowing I lack nothing in The LORD. He is with me always. He provides everything.

  879. Hannah Raymond says:

    I needed to read this reflection today.

  880. stephanie wilson says:

    amen,wonder what happened to the sheep was it ever found after all those years

    1. Savannah Heath says:

      Google “Shrek the sheep”! There’s a picture of him!

    2. Savannah Heath says:

      Yes, he was found hiding in a cave.

  881. Jessica Criswell says:

    Great reminder – I have what I need, He provides it all.

    1. Angelica Ging says:

      So true! I loved this reminder

  882. Alexis says:

    I loved the story of Shrek. Such a beautiful reminder that we need a shepherd.
    There is a song by John Foreman that I hear in my head every time I read Psalm 23. I absolutely love it:
    God is my shepherd
    I won’t be wanting
    I won’t be wanting
    He makes me rest
    In fields of green
    With quiet streams
    Even though I walk
    Through the valley
    Of death and dying
    I will not fear
    Cause you are with me
    You are with me
    Your shepherd’s staff
    Comforts me
    You are my feast
    In the presence of enemies
    Surely goodness
    Will follow me
    Follow me
    In the house of God forever

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I love this song by Jon Foreman! Thanks for reminding me of it!

  883. Megan Brumley says:

    He restores my soul. Let us come into the week restored and beloved like the daughters of Christ we are!

  884. Alex Monroe says:

    What a perfect reminder to start our week with Christ in. Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live.

  885. Katarina Santiago says:

    I loved that the Lord is my shepherd but everyone’s shepherd. That he provides, protects, comforts, gives rest, etc. but it does not end there we become a part of his family and he invites us to dwell with him forever. What an incredible God

  886. Nicole Marie says:

    No book just the free online study:)

  887. Vickie Kelly says:

    Honestly one of my top 5. I loved the Song Psalm 23 and still sing it to this day. I would sing it to my children when they were dozing off to sleep when they were babies and toddlers. It is such a beautiful reminder that we are not alone, we are His and He will never forsake us. He is just and He is merciful ♥️

  888. Elizabeth Gentry says:

    “I have what I need…”
    I absolutely loved this reading today! I absolutely do have what I need- God my Shepherd who takes care of me. What else do I need? Nothing.

  889. Alexis Smith says:

    Wow, weariness does *not* have the final say! Amen! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and the peace and rest found in You and You, alone.

  890. Laura Reimer says:

    Beautiful ❤️

  891. Avis DeniseGraves says:

    I can now consider my dark moments as ‘getting or being lost’ since my Shepherd always finds, rescues and restores me. Amen

  892. Steph says:

    So thankful my Father in heaven pursues me all the days of my life. Praying that I would pursue Him every moment of every day.

  893. Marcie Weiszbrod says:

    “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me…” Such a great reminder as we start a new week’

  894. Avis DeniseGraves says:

    I can describe my dark moments as ‘getting or being lost’ since my Shepherd always finds, rescues and restores me.

  895. Cori Hodgson says:

    So good! What a great way to start my day! Thank you, and may God bless!

  896. Kaitlin Winborn says:

    God is so good to us!

  897. Erin Stanczyk says:

    I keep looking for the perfect person, coach, therapist to guide my steps, and I’ve been blind to the fact that it’s the Lord!

  898. Rose Hayes says:

    SO GOOD!!

  899. Robyn Fairchild says:

    A favorite!

  900. Donna Alsop says:

    The story of Shrek reminds me that if I don’t remain close to my shepherd, my burdens will become to heavy for me to bear.

  901. Anenda Lumbi says:

    A great reminder that no matter how far I stray I am always welcomed by the lord.

  902. Melanie Osburn says:

    Is there a book for this reading plan?

    1. Elaine Clark says:

      Nope. No book. Just a quick one week study :)

  903. Chauntae S.Hamilton says:

    Easily one of my favourite psalms!

  904. Alisha Stout says:

    Such a wonderful reminder today! Just rest in him! He is the good Shepherd!

  905. Ashley Hart says:

    This study is exactly what I need right now. Thank you Jesus! Thank you she reads truth team!

  906. Rebecca Labby says:

    It’s so funny how the most cliche verses get to you. I became familiar with this verse after a huge break up in college. That break up flung me to Jesus’ feet and I was grabbing hold of him ferociously in my grief. It consistently grounded me as I recited it day by day, and the verse brought me back to “I have all that I need”. A beautiful, uncomfortable season remembering whose I was.

  907. Skylar Jutte says:

    Just what I needed this morning!

  908. M Chen says:

    “I lack nothing.” – Pslam 23:1 I have been falling into the comparison trap lately. What a beautiful remainder that we lack nothing because of Christ.

  909. M Chen says:

    “I lack nothing.” Psalm 23:1 –

  910. Kayla Eggenberger says:

    My 6 year old just learned this Psalm and recited it with her classmates for grandparents day. I loved hearing it from the kids and thought about what a blessing this passage is to know by heart. This week I’ve worked on learning it myself and then it pops up here today. :-)

  911. Susan Merritt says:

    “In Israel, as in other ancient societies, a shepherd’s work was considered the lowest of all works. If a family needed a shepherd, it was always the youngest son, like David, who got this unpleasant assignment… Jehovah has chosen to be our shepherd, David says. The great God of the universe has stooped to take just such care of you and me.” (Boice)

  912. Ashley Wurtz says:

    What a perfect study for this time of year. And what perfect time to remind this sheep how easy it is to get caught up and everything and wonder off.

  913. Valanne Wilson says:

    I’m being followed by goodness and mercy, how exciting is that!!

  914. Flavia Mulenga says:

    Such a great reminder of how faithful our God is.

  915. Grace Mutwiri says:

    I’ve never looked at it like that and it serves as a reminder to how much God loves us❤️

  916. Mali Maeker says:

    i love this! It’s such a great reminder that we are His and just important as anyone else!

  917. Tynia Coleman says:

    Leaning in so I can rest.

  918. Bessie says:

    I am taking a class from a Biblical scholar. He has a great deal of knowledge, but I get the feeling that it hasn’t reached his heart. He seems to have an air of authority and talks down to us like we are just sheep. At first I was feeling very intimidated. I accept the word of God by faith and maybe I don’t question it enough. But this Psalm reminded me that being a sheep isn’t a bad thing. God is my authority, my Savior and my Shepherd. I trust Him. I love Him so much. Most of all I need Him for my very life.
    I liked the reference to the sheep, Shrek, who wandered off and was carrying so much weight that the shepherd could have removed from his back. I resemble that remark!

  919. Mary Stilin says:

    I love this! It’s easy to get caught up in our day to day and stresses of this earthly life. I always need the reminder it seems to rest in the Lord. He sees me, he cares for me, he loves me the most and he will protect me. I just need to keep looking up and pausing in the peace of his presence and love.

  920. ERB says:

    I am absolutely LOVING the FULL chapter studies!! This verse in particular spoke volumes to me today.. (v.2). Weariness does not have the final say. “He renews my life.” …God is SO GOOD to us!!!

  921. Lisa S says:

    I have been away from SRT for some time doing another study and I have missed seeing your familiar names! Psalm 23 is so familiar sometimes I gloss over it, take it for granted. But it is true perfection. Rather I should dwell on it and remember it. Grateful for this reminder this morning!

  922. Amy McMillan says:

    I love the permanence of “forever”. We won’t just occasionally fo random moments dwell in God’s house, but we’re invited to “forever” dwell with Him.

  923. Holly Strickland says:

    Such a great reminder. Thank you

  924. Ashley Kersey says:

    I absolutely love this Psalm. It also draws me to the Words of Christ in John 10 where he talks about HIM Being the Good Shepherd. I can truly say Psalm 23:1 with full confidence.

  925. Kaila Edwards says:

    Wonderful – just what I needed to read.

  926. Tricia C says:

    “He makes me to lie down…” He knows what I need and when. I really think when we have become overwhelmed with everything around us, our Lord makes us take a rest. Either to be sick and have to stay home from work or school, or cause us to sleep in longer than we should have. God knows us. He’s a good good Heavenly Father.

  927. Amie Fleming says:

    I am thankful for the call to rest, and that I can trust Him to lead me to a place of rest, where He supplies my every need and refreshes me for the trials that will come

  928. Churchmouse says:

    “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me, all the days of my life…” Psalm 23:6a

    How comforting to know that God chases after me. He knows I am prone to wandering and that temptations ever surround me. He will keep pursuing me, even though, and particularly when, I go off on my own. Whether I’ve gotten off the path innocently or deliberately, He is right behind me. He loves me and so He comes after me every time. He never tires. He never gives up. I am His beloved. He will chase me down to draw me back and lift me up and set me straight. Thank God!

  929. Ann Kujat says:

    Thanks for the sharing. The Lord is my sherperd.

  930. Indiana Christina says:

    Oh, how I love this psalm of rest and remembrance. It moves my very soul to praise and awe and gratitude to our God who provides abundance and rest, even when our enemies are present. His power, guidance, and presence are daily comforts we can lean on, even in our darkest days and moments. Praise be to our Good Shepherd.

  931. Sara Kirby says:

    Very refreshing!

  932. Leah Peldmanis says:


  933. Devin Olson says:

    So good love it.

  934. Whitney Williams says:

    “Weariness does not get the final say”♥️ I needed that reminder!

  935. Ansley Barker says:

    When God calls us to do something we have to go and do it. When our enemies persecute us God will protect us. This passage gives a beautiful picture of how our eternal mind se should be.

  936. Sonja Borges says:

    This was so good

  937. Sonja Borges says:

    This was so good!

  938. Angelique Watson says:

    This was an on time message! Thank you Jesus!

  939. Atarah Campbell says:

    So good

  940. Kristen says:

    I love this! My pastors finished an 8 week series on Psalm 23. One said his hope was that by the end, everyone would be more in love with Jesus. You can listen at Go to the Listen live and hit the red livestream and go back to 9-1-19. It’s a great series. He refers to a book by an actual sheep herder that wrote about Psalm 23. I think it was Tim Keller. There are so many ways that we are like sheep. We certainly need the Good Shepherd. I hope you can listen and fall in love with Him like my pastor intended.