The Lord Appears to Solomon

Open Your Bible

1 Kings 3:1-28, 1 Kings 4:1-34, 1 Kings 5:1-12, Proverbs 15:33, James 1:5

For a couple of years in the late ’90s, it was “cool” for girls to be ditzy. It was, like… so cute to act like you didn’t have a lot of common sense. This trend permeated culture with its linguistic “valleyspeak,” and was reinforced by iconic, pop culture movies like Clueless. As an awkward but intelligent middle school girl, I often bought into the false cultural narrative that smart girls aren’t as worthy or attractive or likely to succeed as the popular sort. I was tempted to “play dumb” in front of my peers, hoping they would like me more. It seemed (as it does so often today), that money and brands and clothes and cars were the most important things.

Thankfully, this phase–and middle school itself–didn’t last very long. I found bookish friends and kindred spirits, and we made it through high school with some confidence still intact. But the temptation to present myself as something more or different than who I truly am exists to this day. In every area of life, I believe I am not enough of what I ought to be, that there are things I can do to create an image of enough-ness.

After Solomon inherited the kingship from his father David, the Lord appeared to him in a dream. God offered Solomon anything he wanted: “Ask. What should I give you?” (1 Kings 3:5).

What temptation must have presented itself in that moment! I wonder how I would answer that question, but in my heart I know. I would probably ask for financial security, or health and safety for everyone I love. I would ask for everyone to love me. I would ask for freedom from fear and pain. I would ask for many things—all of them for me.

But Solomon asked for others, and he asked for an invisible thing: wisdom. “Yet I am just a youth with no experience in leadership,” Solomon said. “Your servant is among your people you have chosen, a people too many to be numbered or counted. So give your servant a receptive heart to judge your people and to discern between good and evil” (1 Kings 3:7–9).

Solomon asked for a heart and mind shaped more by God than by the world. And God answered that prayer lavishly. Solomon gained supernatural wisdom but also fame, wealth, and honor worldwide. “Emissaries of all peoples, sent by every king on earth who had heard of his wisdom, came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom,” (1 Kings 4:34).

When Solomon judged wisely, he didn’t claim the fame for himself either—at least, not at first. After the infamous baby cutting story (1 Kings 3:16–28), the glory was God’s. “All Israel heard about the judgment the king had given, and they stood in awe of the king because they saw that God’s wisdom was in him to carry out justice” (v.28).

God doesn’t regularly appear to me in dreams, offering me whatever my heart desires. But Scripture does tell me that when I petition the Lord, He hears me. “This is the confidence we have before him: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears whatever we ask, we know that we have what we have asked of him,” (1 John 5:14–15). When we seek wisdom, we should seek “God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given” to us (James 1:5).

When I measure my prayers against Solomon’s, I see how material and vapid they tend to be. Yes, health, financial security, and safety are valid requests to bring to God. But the undergirding theme of my prayers should be about the shape of my heart, mind, and will, that they would be abounding with the wisdom of God and aligned with His mission to bring peace, shalom, and abundance to His people and His world.

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37 thoughts on "The Lord Appears to Solomon"

  1. Melissa Tomlinson says:


  2. Angela Greenwood says:

    “Ask according to his will”. This is key for me today. I have so many unanswered prayers… now I’m pondering what is God’s will in those areas? Maybe that’s the reason they have gone unanswered for so long.

  3. Dashley Venezario says:

    I honestly don’t know what I would ask God for

  4. N H says:

    I found myself also wondering what I’d ask for. To be forever debt-free? The gift of learning languages as we’re overseas learning a new language/culture? Ever the extrovert, how about deep friendships wherever I am? Or a baby, because we’ve been waiting for that for nearly two years. Gosh, wisdom and faith would be so wonderful, but it’s not my first answer. But here we are, this community seeking God, aware that we need Him more than our initial desires, aware that we can come to Him and still ask for those other things and that He walks through those requests with us knowing full well what we actually need. How amazing is His love for us.

  5. Kelli Ferguson says:

    Verse 7 …”I do not know how to go out or come in” really caught my attention this morning. I find myself in a season of making some life altering decisions that affect my entire family and my work family. So often I find myself struggling with what my next step should be. I appreciate Solomon’s request for an “understanding mind”. God was so generous to give that (and more) to Solomon. The LORD did add that if Solomon walked in His ways, keeping His statutes and commandments, His days would be lengthened. I’ll definitely be meditating on this portion of Scripture for a good long while. (vs. 7-15) praying for an understanding mind and for a heart to follow God’s Word as I take the next step.

  6. G L says:

    Praise God for His abundant generosity to Solomon that we, as believers, abiding in the word are able to then be receivers of this precious wisdom, may our hearts be humbled. ❤️

  7. Sarabeth Segars says:

    Today I tried to introduced the concept of outer space to my two year old. (It mainly centers around the moon, the sun, and spaceships.) While trying to figure out how to put this huge subject into words she would understand, I have a glimpse of how little we know as humans, and how vast the knowledge of God is. I was also considering what memory verse to pair with the lessons and thought of Col. 1:16-17. I know there is no way for me to explain to my daughter the concept of space however I pray that I point to the One who created it and holds all things together.

  8. Camille English Davis says:

    For the first time as I read this chapter, I saw where King Solomon asked for compassion and wisdom. What he’s remembered for is wisdom but compassion was his first ask. And, how much do I need compassion…


    Reading him ask for wisdom and seeing how God gave him more than that in terms of wealth and long life brought me the book of Matthew as Jesus asks us to seek the kingdom above all else and everything else will be added, that is exactly what God did, everything else was added to Solomon because he sought after God’s wisdom.

  10. Audrey Flores says:

    Oh I loved that Solomon asked for wisdom. What don’t I ask for because I refuse to see my weakness as a bad thing? Or what strength is hurting me that I’m not asking God to help me give to Him?? I pray that I will learn how to pray boldly and selflessly!!

  11. Sara Gladson says:

    Could you imagine having “understanding as vast as the sands on the seashore”?

  12. TC says:

    This specific statement also resonated most with me. The next biblestudy my group will be doing is on prayer. Melanie, i will be passing on your insight… thank you. May all who read todays “truth” be blessed with more of His wisdom!

  13. Rebekah Johnson says:

    I love the focus of today that wisdom is not only for ourselves and self knowledge (which I think the world does like to have nowadays – and it turns into a judging war!), but it’s for the sake of others, ultimately for spreading the love of God. Hallelujah! Great insight and “wisdom” today!

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:


  14. Ashley White says:

    This was such an eye opening read. I will start praying for more wisdom in my life.

  15. Mari V says:

    I remember when I first heard about Solomon and these two mothers. I actually was watching it as a movie. When it came to the part that he was going to cut these babies in half, I remember screaming! I had not heard or read this before. As a mother this is what we do. Protect our children! And trust me there are times when the children protect their mother. This is something I pray for almost everyday. For wisdom raising my kids as I’ve been single parenting the last 2 years. My son is an adult now and off to college. I continue to pray that he will remember not just my words but he will listen and obey God‘s Word! I pray that my children not only know God’s word but “hide” it in their hearts.

  16. Jessica says:

    I never prayed harder or more frequently for wisdom than when my kids entered their teen years. I felt like Solomon frequently —ok Lord you have put me in this position of mother but I am so unprepared to lead—give me wisdom and understanding—help me to know what to say and when to be quiet! God is faithful—two are successfully in their 20s and I have grown more than I thought possible.

    1. Aimee Contreras says:

      What an amazing way to try and imitate the Lord. He is the best Father of all and he holds all the qualities we want to show our little ones. Beautiful ❤️

  17. Melissa Graves says:

    …”the undergirding theme of my prayers should be about the shape of my heart, mind, and will, that they would be abounding with the wisdom of God and aligned with His mission to bring peace, shalom, and abundance to His people and His world.” Amen, Melanie Rainer, amen. My prayer for all of us this morning.

  18. Maura says:

    Lord, give me your wisdom and discernment. May my tongue and heart be full of Your words to bless those you put in my path. Thank you Jesus for your grace and love. Please bless these sisters with your joy and abundance this day. Amen

    1. Marina Garay says:


  19. Amber Trimble says:

    Lord, I pray that you give me A wise and discerning heart, like king Solomon.

  20. Aimee Contreras says:

    I love this passage, even as a little girl. I am always reminded of more ways I can show Gods wisdom through my own actions as best as I can. Although it might be easy to ask for more material things, it is important to see what truly matters

  21. Monica Davis says:

    How amazing it must have been to be in this kingdom!

  22. Kelly Chataine says:

    James 1:5 Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him.

    If we lack anything we need just ask it of our gracious Father.

  23. Rachel says:

    I was struck/convicted by I Kings 3:3. “Solomon loved the Lord by walking in the statutes of his father David, *but he also sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.*” He wanted to follow the Lord, but he wanted to dabble in the world, too. Lord, please show me where my heart is divided and take all my broken bits and bind them tightly to you.

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I noticed that too. I found myself judging Solomon , but don’t we all have places in our lives that don’t honor God.

  24. Angie says:

    Wisdom and courage. Wisdom to discern good and evil. Courage to stand, or step out, in obedience to your will and plan Oh Lord.

    1. Dana Clements says:


  25. Churchmouse says:

    How important it is to be honest with ourselves about ourselves! Solomon knew what he lacked. He knew his limitations. Yes, he had the title of king but he was aware he did not yet have the ability and the experience of a king. How wise to take his lack to God and request that He provide. Solomon did not request material possessions. He desired character qualities of wisdom and discernment.

    Today I look in the mirror and am honest with myself. I honestly admit what I lack in my character and I ask God to provide. I surrender myself to Him. I relinquish my selfish desires and I yield to the Potter. I ask Him to mold me into a good vessel of His choosing for His use. I trust His hands. I trust His heart.

    1. Mary Stilin says:


    2. Tamara FrostMcGuire says:

      Amen. Well written.

  26. Tina R. says:

    Oh Lord, that you may give me my hearts desire – to have patience and gentleness with my children!!!! The supernatural kind that I don’t possess. And wisdom In how to effectively guide these precious souls to you.

    1. Amanda Shuman says:


    2. Andrea P says:


    3. Kailee Tidball says:

      Yes, yes, Amen.