My husband and I have a saying in our home, “Fidelity (or faithfulness) to the Word of God and not to an outcome.” We say it to one another and to others often, because the truth is we are often more interested in controlling the outcome of a situation than we are in abiding by the Word of God.
We want success.
We want freedom.
We want peace.
We want “the scoop.”
We want to be seen rightly.
We want to defend our actions.
We want time to ourselves.
We don’t want to confront sin.
We don’t want to do hard things.
We don’t want to be held responsible.
We usually find ourselves asking,“How then can I get my desired outcome out of any situation?”
I don’t think we’re alone in this. It’s human nature to spin the story, cast blame, make excuses. From the beginning of time, cunning words have been practiced and God’s words have been tampered with (Genesis 3). All it takes is a cursory glance around at the state of the Church, the government, family, and my own heart to see the practice of cunning words abounding and God’s Word still being tampered with. We are all playing chess with people, circumstances, God’s Word, and His timing—trying to get the outcome we desire or avoid the outcome we don’t want.
Within today’s passage, this is what strikes me most about Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “For we are not proclaiming ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’s sake” (2Corinthians 4:5). The main thing we’re doing when we try to control the outcome, hide the truth, and circumvent the hard things, is proclaim our own glory and significance. We’re trying to make ourselves look good, look right (or at least less wrong). We’re trying to raise ourselves in the estimation of others.
But look again at what Paul tells the Corinthians: “God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of the darkness,’ has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of God’s in the face of Jesus Christ” (v.6). This is a powerful picture, if we pay attention.
God’s glory through Christ Jesus shines into hearts darkened by sin and brokenness, giving us the light of knowledge. As we’re tying ourselves into knots trying to control the narrative and the outcome, God is shining the light of Jesus into our dark hearts and giving us knowledge, the very thing we lack—for if we had it, there would be no need to feel anxious about outcomes because we’d always make the perfect decision. And what knowledge is this? Look back to the beginning of the chapter:
Therefore, since we have this ministry because we were shown mercy, we do not give up. Instead, we have renounced secret and shameful things, not acting deceitfully or distorting the word of God, but commending ourselves before God to everyone’s conscience by an open display of the truth.
—2 Corinthians 4:1–2
Do you want to walk in all of life with a good outcome? Do you want to be above reproach? A worshiper of the one true God? A humble, faithful, kind, gentle person? Let the light of Christ Jesus shine on your darkened heart, the one more prone to seeking out its own way than making way for God. And having walked faithfully and according to God’s Word, let others see the outcomes in your life as they truly are—as someone holding fast to God’s truth, not their own, whose heart is alight with Christ Jesus—even if the outcomes of your life look a little foolish to the world. Your fidelity is to His Word and His will first.
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106 thoughts on "The Light of the Gospel"
I have been in a hole for the entire year and feeling like I can’t get out. This devotional for today was spot on. It’s not for me to control. I’m just now realizing this was from a month ago but God needed me to hear it today! I am thankful for this community
Wonderful word. Thank you.
May I always be faithful to Him and His Word first, regardless of anyone or anything else!
I love all of this today – very VERY timely for me. Grateful for She Reads Truth.
Happy Monday ladies! I feel like I have been going non stop lately so stopping to take a second to read these devotional has not been easy! Between doing the farmers markets this summer and my parents moving I need to be better about slowing down! What a great reminder today. Reminds me of the song For All My Life by TAYA. Such a good reminder to turn to our savior.
Happy to see you “pop” in
I love Love LOVE being able to respond to my sweet sisters. (Thanks SRT!!)
I think I’m going to have to limit myself, though. I want to respond to ALL posts but would be here all day if I did!! ❤️❤️
In response to the readings and to Lore… ouch!
I’m just sayin’.
I second the “ouch”
I had to copy down that last part!
Strong stuff!
The list at the beginning of the devotion: I want freedom, peace, to be right, …. The root is idolatry and pride.
I long to sit on the throne of my own heart. This is the matter I need to take daily before the Lord.
Me again & again…
You can tell how I keep meditating on today’s devotional.
“even if the outcomes of your life look a little foolish to the world. Your fidelity is to His Word and His will first.”
I would amend Lore’s closing comment above to reflect that even when we do all things “ right” as described (prescribed) hurtful things, bad news, poor outcomes can & will & do happen. There is no guarantee or absolute in the faith walk. For Christ said, yes, we will have troubles in this life. This wild, glorious one life.
Hahahahaha! “Me again & again…”
Me again, my thanks to Lore & her husband for sharing the household saying: “Fidelity (faithfulness) to the Word of God & not to an outcome”. My hope – as parents, grandparents, guardians & caregivers – we can model this practice to children, young & old. It’s not in the “getting” but in the “giving” in to the way of the Lord that enables a “rich” life.
Hello Shes
Yep, I want what I want & I want it all the time!
The devotional was spot on. In the darkest recess of my heart lie envy, possessiveness, miserliness & shame. Fueled by an overarching need for control. Just plain willfulness!
Shine the Light, Lord Jesus. Blind me with your radiance. Then cover me in redemption & reconciliation. Help me lean on your promises, not my own – unhealthy & unruly -proclivities & preoccupation.
My prayer, Your power.
So many thoughts after the scripture reading, then the devotional, and the comments! Not sure what to “”add” after all that except sharing my personal experiences! I “want” to be Salty and I WANT to be Light…but I didn’t really feel like I was (although I really was, but you don’t get the benefit of the giddy feelings of instant impact in some seasons!) until I started participating in serving through my new church! Although I liked my old church, it really was only a Sunday pep talk. Here with my current church, I started with small groups that formed where you grow with studies, but also form connections and sisterhood. Then I joined the Guest Experience team, which is greeting and connecting with current members and new people coming in. It is a way to interact and serve, and actually could be what the new person needs in that moment! We have a “Serve My City” that meets quarterly with projects to do an array of things for outreach! Then I was also able to do Jail Ministry and/or Homeless Outreach for even more growth, personal testimony sharing, and leadership. Another I especially love is Alter Prayer team to come alongside and pray with others! Whoa-what a blessing!!
My point is NOT to say “I do all this” point is these options can be things that you can do to plug in, or implement in your church, or neighborhood, or start in your home!! It helps us to become Salt and Light, Hands and Feet…for Jesus! And it means stepping out of our comfort zones to be BOLD for JESUS!! Like it GROWS your LOVE for JESUS in such powerful ways!! It increases your faith when you are seeing God work in powerful ways. We get to move from “Sunday service spectators” to getting our hands dirty! We are ALL called to be disciples for Jesus! And our time here is quick…and I regret that I was so passive the first 40 something years of my life! I want to go out batting big for My Jesus, telling or showing others how wonderful and MIGHTY He is! I would like to share some of the powerful things I was a part of this past wkd on FB, but again I don’t want it to come off as boasting…but boasting for Christ!! I just get so excited about seeing Him move!! And that “we were born for such a time as this”…amazes me!!
Love it… 100%… we are the Church so if others don’t yet know to come in our doors, we need to bring the church to them, where they are – in their community, prison (as you have found!), appropriate to their age, need, provision, etc! We can’t blame God for “not moving” when he told us WE are his hands and feet! :)
Nobody here sees boasting in you, sweet sister. Keep reaching the lost in the wonderful ways you are doing it! I think more of us would like to be more like that. ❤️
You are making a difference now! Remember Paul?! ❤ (wink, wink)
I watched a video this morning of people yelling that the shooter missed and they were mad about it. I’m so in shock that anyone would think this, no matter what party you stand for. Which made me think of vs 4 “In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Here in Colorado I feel almost like a lone believer. Of course there are others, but anything goes with much of the population. I grew up in the midwest where it was more conservative. I struggle here. I don’t like it. I wonder did God land me here for a reason?? Aargh…My outcome would be that I can leave here. (I’d have to leave without my In seriousness Lore wrote, ” Faithfulness to the Word of God and not to an outcome.” I’m trying my best, but it is a huge struggle. I truly would choose so many other places to live. I don’t fit in. Is that how it felt in Paul’s time?? I think I need to be in prayer and some reflection over this…
I think you should move to Naples since you guys like it there for season! Yes!
I don’t think I could handle the summers! But I could be there from October through May!
This is so disgusts me. I have no space for it. I absolutely have my political opinions and leanings and emotions behind things happening, but I agree with you. We can all agree with any candidate or not, but first and foremost the view we need to act on is that this is a person created in the image of God and just that one fact automatically gives them value and worth regardless of anything else. That is HARD. TO. DO. with some of these people, but? I was grossly depraved and covered in sin when Jesus said I WAS worth his whole life. The brokenness of this world is the proof of how much light people are craving to see…
I am but a stranger here… Heaven is my home. Lalalalala!
❤ Rhonda might be onto something!
I am another Colorado believer!
We are in Fort Collins and spend time in Breckenridge.
I feel like the church has lost a lot of her focus on the aspect of ministry as our purpose. So many of our gatherings are shaped and flavored for those of us already inside the walls. We fashion our worship, vocabulary, activities, etc to please the ones already attending, when our purpose is to be outward-facing. The first question asked when putting together a sermon series, positioning door-greeters and programing our next-generation environments (babies, preK, middle/high school…) should be in concern with how open and enticing it is to someone who is searching. Not with lights and sound and gimmicks, but in sincere focus on demonstrating that inspirational glowing light that these passages refer to. We who profess to be believer’s in the gospel know that our ultimate end-game/outcome is heaven and eternity with our creator. If that was the main focus of salvation, however, then the second we set belief in Jesus, we’d be gone. Risen – with no need to hang around this broken world anymore. But clearly, that is not the occurrence so we can gather that our future outcome is not the immediate goal of our knowing Jesus. We have been given access to this light of knowledge for the interim. For the sake of the world that he SO. loves. From the beginning of time God’s message for us has been “GO. You have my image in you, now go and cover the whole earth with it so that those who don’t know me yet can get to know me!” Placing our own “endgame” as our goal in life–whatever that may be–is idol worship. Daily obedience in the thing that has been placed in front of us is our mission. Carrying that light into our workplace, our home, our grocery stores, neighbors, flight attendants, nurses, etc! Creating a church experience that makes the unbeliever WANT to come back and learn more. Whomever is in front of us today is who needs to experience that light. I think setting goals and having desired outcomes is healthy and even productive. But, speaking to myself here, seeing the goal as the only valuable part of the journey is wildly incomplete. Jesus had a full 30 years of intentional ministry that we know very little about, leading up to his three years of “professional” ministry. Those 30 years were fiercely valuable in order to have impact in the remaining three. So- i’m praying for myself and all of us to “not give up”, as stated in 2 Cor. 4:1, but rather intentionally look for all the ways we can illuminate the world around us in his knowledge, glory and truth.
Thank you!
Haha…this is what I was trying to say, thank you! I just want us to step up and OUT! Not just be church-goers…but doers and sharers like Jesus! I love that he calls us as his helpers to do amazing things!!
YES! Haha I just responded the same to your post… we are the body – let’s use it for the good of others! :)
A word from your post that stuck out… GO!
Love that! We miss it too often don’t we?! But it’s been his word since creation all the way through to Jesus and the great commission! “GO LADIES! It’s cool, I’m going with you- even before you to prepare it, so let’s just go! :)”
Good morning sweet She’s and Happy Monday.
Hey sisters, I just realized I didn’t give you an update and a PRAISE. My acute health issue has resolved and I feel good today – PTL! Thanks so much to each one who prayed for me. Love y’all! ❤
yay YAY yay!! ♥️
Yay, Praise God!
PTL!! ❤️
Praise God CeeGee! So happy you are feeling better !
It’s so difficult to remember sometimes that these are light and momentary afflictions when we live in this world. Our eternal outcome is already waiting for us. I need to remember that other people’s view of me, my job, my kids, my marriage is really just a few years long and I need to be a good steward of what God has given to me right now.
Yes!!! Preparing for an eternal life!!
Yes…focus on what is given to us in each season, and how to keep it on stewardship for Him!
Give the outcomes to God— just learned last night that words i said to someone close are a pain point for them & they are words i said many many years ago. I struggle so much with letting go if the outcome and wanting to control the situation and make everyone feel better. I haven’t cracked my Bible is much too long…this one was right on point for me.
Lord, help me to not worry about the outcome but to seek you and let your light shine through me. Give me wisdom to walk worthy of your calling. Forgive me for not trusting you for the outcome!
Praying for all of you! I wish I could give you all a hug and look you in the eye and let you know how much I care and pray for what you are going through!
Amen, Cheryl! ❤ Your last statement perfectly expresses my heart as well.
The scriptures today were SO good!! I also read 1 John 1 as it went along with today’s theme..
May EACH of you beautiful and faithful sisters be BLESSED today!! His Light go with us in ALL things!! Amen.
Here are my notes…
*recently saw a t-shirt that said “Be Salty, Stay Lit” and I have been repeating this to myself ever since!! Such a great reminder to keep the flavor of God, to walk/live as He has convicted us to, no matter how it looks or what the cost may be!! …Let us be a pleasing aroma to Him and let others be drawn to Him through our faithfulness!! Let our lights be in full view, not hidden or damped but let them shine bright as a beacon, so all can see and be drawn to God!! Keep us attentive and prepared Lord!! Thank You Father. Amen.
Isaiah 9:2
*You are The Light!! Help us to WAKE UP come out of the darkness and walk only in Your Light!! Amen.
*May we walk in Light as You are The Light!! May we be truthful and humble, bringing everything before You and subjecting all to You!! Let us reflect and honor You in ALL things and ways!! Amen.
*love the focus of these verses. God FIRST!! Everything else is temporary. Let us live for the eternal not the carnal!! Give ALL to God and give up everything else. Don’t quit, and do NOT distort or excuse, but let God reign in ALL areas of our lives!! Amen.
Amen, sister! Great shares; thanks so much! ❤ Love ya!
Aww!! Love you too CEE GEE!!! May you be surrounded and filled with His blessings today and always!! ❤️
That t-shirt… Be salty. Stay lit. I need that to stick with me!
Good morning, Shes.
Thank you again for the prayers the other day. I have two jobs, so I will be returning to the work situation I asked for prayer about tomorrow/Tuesday (I am there three days a week, typically). I am trying to be patient but also wise in my boundaries with this man.
❤️ I appreciate all your counsel/advice. I wish I could sit with you ladies in a little prayer circle and hear your hearts in person. ❤️ One day in heaven we will have our time together…❤️
Thinking of you @Laura as you look forward to spending time with your daughter for her birthday. Believing good things for you and your family ❤️
❤ Continued prayers for wisdom and protection! ❤
Love you!
Thank you and love you too Cee Gee ❤️
I was thinking and praying for you sweet girl!
Thank you Mari V, I appreciate you !! ❤️
Truly identifying completely with being a controller of outcomes as a mom to one with mental health. Deep role transformation in this passage regarding power and calling. My efforts are hardly trustworthy but His will complete their purpose. I will abide
Thanks Lore F!
Dear Lisa
“My efforts are hardly trustworthy, but His will complete their purpose. I will abide.”
What a lovely & loving expression,I seek to share & demonstrate.
I loved thinking about Paul’s own conversion story with light and darkness in “light” of this passage. He is giving us a testimony!!!
Once again, I have to go back and read the title/focus of the devo because as I read the verses, what struck me was verses 11-12 and 16-18. We are studying Acts in Sunday School and studying these books simultaneously is helping me interpret better. Seeing the world through Paul’s eyes in Corinthians and Luke’s account of the lives of the apostles in the early church really drives home what the Scriptures are saying. Yes, the life and looks we see on the outside are dying, fading away. But at the same time, our spirit is being matured for glory – that’s the part we don’t see now. That is the maturity that matters.
Also, back to the devo –
LORE FERGUSON, that was so convicting and enlightening! I was reminded- again- of the story I shared a while back about a vase I have that is a treasure from my mom. My boys broke it and I glued it back together. If I put a light inside, the light shines through the broken places. That is always such a beautiful reminder for me of what the Word says. More on my heart, but already too long! Have a blessed day sisters and rest in knowing that you are being prayed for in this wonderful community! ❤
LOVE the I,Avery of the broken vase and the light!! Thank you for sharing it blessed and encouraged me so much!! ❤️
❤ I am so glad ERB! Love you!
Gosh, so much beauty, goodness and truth right here. I have always loved this portion of I Corinthians. Jars of clay…such an encouraging and beautiful picture of what our lives are here on earth. I like how HRT describes this picture: Our weaknesses—the cracks in the earthly vessels—become a means through which the light of God can shine through. Our imperfections show God’s perfection. When the light from the inside leaks to the outside, it doesn’t just remind you of the illumination you’ve received—it dazzles a world stuck in darkness.
I truly want to live my life like this. I want God’s light to shine through my broken vessel and give others hope. Lore’s devotional said it so well also. Our fidelity to God’s Word must be first and foremost. No cunning words. No twisted truths. The Word of God IS truth. I am so glad that we are here together studying and learning and sharing in that Truth.
Yes same. It is a wonderful passage! May we have your light Lord, and follow and show/live your truth!
Amen!! Same here!! ❤️
Hey Laura
Thank you for saying you’re glad we are studying & learning Truth together.
The guest on this week’s podcast mentions “iron sharpens iron”. Here in the SRT community, we’re indeed working out our faith in unison, not isolation. In a safe space of sisterhood & solidarity. Not by our own might. (For we are weak & willful & prone to wander). But through His all mightiness.
Yes, Amen!
God is so good and His timing just blows my mind. On the heels of losing my father in law, my mother in law told my husband that she wants nothing to do with him or our family any longer. My husband is crushed. My first instinct is anger. But this is a wonderful reminder to seek the Spirit and try my hardest to be Jesus to everyone involved. Would appreciate prayers.
I am praying right now Libby.
Praying for this situation as well Libby! For you to remain in faith that God will help you all through and give you wisdom!
Oh, Libby, how sad! I will be praying to that God will prick her heart and heal the hurt you and your husband feel. ❤
I’m so sorry LIBBY’S husband and family…that’s difficult to process. God guide you through this.
Soo sorry for these excruciating circumstances.. what a heartbreaking time.. praying
Good morning from Saratoga Springs
I never thought about carrying the life and death of Jesus
GM Caroline! Yeah, that’s good!
Ouch. Thank you @Lore Ferguson Wilbert for these words of truth. When I initially read “cunning words” in the passage, my response was, “Well, that’s not me.” But when I read the devotional and started really thinking about my life, my words, my heart…well, things became much more clear. Definitely a day to reflect on my own heart and things I say and do. May I continually work to always be faithful to the word of the Lord, not my desired outcome.
Right? I said “ouch” too, as I had a project this wkd with small group that I really was controlling the outcome!
Hello Karen Elizabeth
We are ALL doing the WORK together.
That’s why we keep coming back!
This is just what my heart needed today. May the anxieties of this world fade away as I lean into God truth through His word.
“Though we may think we are at the end of our rope, we are never at the end of our hope.” (2 Cor 4:8-12, NLT Study Bible commentary)
I’m grateful for that reminder today.
Tomorrow is the first day of Chambers Wesleyan kids camp. I am going to be one of the nurses for the camp. This is my second year doing it, and I am very excited. All of the staff have to show up this afternoon to get ready and to pray over all the children who are coming.
Please pray that we are able to minister to these children and show them the hope that they have in Jesus.
Though I may not be coming this week, I certainly will be reading the lessons and praying for you all. ❤️
Oh, that’s wonderful Tricia! What a great opportunity! Praying you have a great blessed week and to be a blessing to the little kiddos!
Love that… rope and hope!
Struck my today that we are in training to learn how to live in eterity and with our glorified body. “For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory.”
The weight of glory is what we will be able to carry in that day.
ELIZABETH MUZLJAKOVICH – continuing to pray for your adoption funds to come in
HEIDI – continuing to pray for your husband.
ALEIDA POLANCO – prayers for Victor
That is what jumped out at me, too, Kelly. ❤
Yes Kelly! That is one of the first verses I memorized last year in my scripture memorization challenge to myself! And it is a hard one because of the way it is worded! But I chose it because it’s good for our pain group and myself, because this affliction now, is quick in comparison to eternity, and it has value here!! I want to add VS 18 also to my memory because it is also a big exclamation point at the end!
Amen Lord let me be faithful to Your path and will.
Yes! HIS path, not mine! It makes me think of Moses…and how that path led to 40 years rather than the “light and easy” path that might could have gone!
Reminding myself to focus on the Lord and the light of His glory so that I am not overwhelmed by the darkness of our world.
I love the reminder in 2 Corinthians 4:8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed (NKJV)
-and how can I not think of Ps 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Thank you, Lord!
These lyrics are running through my mind this morning:
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You, I want to see You
To see You high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing Holy, Holy, Holy.
❤ Amen, sister! I love that song! Also, in case you didn’t see my comment last night, thank you so much for sharing the link yesterday. That is a great call for revival! I listened to most of yesterday’s service on FB. So good! ❤
Thank you Searching, that’s good! I love that song too!! I wasn’t able to find that song yesterday, I will have to try again!
That verse stood out to me too!!!
This song, by Hillsong, ‘This is my desire’ came to mind as I prayed to be God’s light shining for others to see Him in me..
This is my desire
To honor you
Lord will all my heart
I worship you
All I have with in me
I give you praise
All that I adore is in you
Lord I give you my heart
I give you my soul
I live for you alone
Every breath that I take
Every moment I m awake
Lord have your way in me..
Taking and singing these words into my day.. hopeful to walk faithfully and according to God’s Word. Gods truth, letting others see that HE is my rock and I hold fast to Him, and His truth whatever may come.
Fidelity to the Word of God and not the outcome.
Happy Monday covered in love and blessing for a God blessed day for you.. dear sisters..❤️
Amen, TINA ❤️
Love this song!! And Amen!! ❤️