During Lent, many of us choose to fast to let the absence of something remind us to worship and focus on God. Perhaps we decide to give up television, coffee, shopping sprees, or processed sugar in hopes of gaining a better understanding of what it looks like not to feed our every appetite with twenty-first-century comforts.
Often when my soul is needy, I don’t trust in God to meet my needs because I can take a five-minute drive to Target, where my “needs” are met with Starbucks and the dollar section. But during Lent, we are reminded just how needy our souls really are. Those little pick-me-ups don’t satisfy the deep emptiness we may feel. It only masks our real desire for true deliverance from the sin that leaves us hollow and dry.
So, as the people wrestled with the fallout of their sin, Ezekiel is shown a glimpse of what the coming deliverance will look like: a river flowing from the temple of God and “there will be life everywhere the river goes” (Ezekiel 47:9). All vegetation along the bank will thrive. When people come to fish for food, their nets will always return to them full. There will be trees that will never fail to bear fruit from their branches (vv.10–12).
But there is a reason to pause at Ezekiel 47:11, a warning of sorts. There will be swamps and marshes that won’t become healed by the river of life. This could represent people who do not receive the life-giving water of God. Those who seek life outside of God will come to the marshes to be refreshed only to find their water full of salt, further dehydrating their soul.
All of us are thirsty for life. Not the culture’s depiction of life, but abundant life which only comes from experiencing God’s restoration of our weary souls. As Jesus explained: “Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life” (John 4:13–14). Jesus is the life-giving water we really desire. When we live from His abundant mercy and grace, our souls will be refreshed.
What good news for us all! And there is still more good news to come.
In Revelation 22:1–3, John is given a vision of the new Eden where a river will flow through the city and bring life and healing to all who draw near to it. There will be a future day when we will find our needs fulfilled for eternity.
So today, during this Lenten season, let us come to Jesus and be refreshed. And when the days feel extra difficult, may we remember the river of life we draw from—the river that is deep; deep enough to satisfy our souls for eternity.

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47 thoughts on "The Life-Giving River"
This passage from Ezekiel talked about how the river brings life. Everywhere God is, life is too. And if God is in us, then we should be bringing His life everywhere we go.
This is truly the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ our LORD!
13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, – John 4:13
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14
3 No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. – Revelations 22:3
Tina and Churchmouse glad to “see”. I read daily but don’t post often. Victoria E, hoping you are adjusting and loving. Heidi, praying your niece is staying the course.
For those of you who have remembered me in prayer this week, thank you. I am doing well and growing in confidence in my decision. I continue to pray the same for Henry.
I have been searching for fulfillment and comfort from other people, when only God can fill that empty place in my heart. This reading came on the perfect day when I am feeling lonely and empty.
Lord thank You for the River of Eternal Life. Thank You for SENDING Your One and Only Son and for ALLOWING HIM TO DIE FOR MY SINS. I praise You for ALL the blessings You have given me no matter how small they may be. I PRAISE YOU for the Holy Spirit and for allowing the Holy Spirit to enter into my soul. Father, God, YOU AND YOU ALONE are the ONE who can change anything. Watch over my sisters and brothers in Christ. In Jesus name, amen.
Sisters, be blessed and allow God to work through you.
SEARCHING UNDERSTANDING, the website “got questions” says this about Ishmael: “The descendants of Ishmael became known as Arabs, which basically means “nomads.” From the beginning, the descendants of Ishmael were a warlike people, as “they lived in hostility toward all the tribes related to them” (Genesis 25:18). This fulfilled God’s earlier word that Ishmael would be “a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers” (Genesis 16:12).” And that there’s a possibility that some Arab Muslims are descendants of Ishmael.
My comment was for Sarah D….and to finish what I was saying….many times I literally slid out of bed onto a pillow and prayed. I prayed until I had nothing left. I prayed the psalms when I felt anxious and couldn’t think of what to pray. I prayed may 6 times a day. If I went to a restaurant and I felt overwhelmed I would excuse myself and go to the bathroom and pray in the stall and I would remind God that He did not give me a spirit of fear but His spirit of power, which loves me and gives me a sound mind or some say self discipline. I would pray until it passed. I would breath slowly in through my nose and out through my mouth to stop the shaking and heart palpitations. It works. What He taught me through prayer was that as much as I needed to, come to Him. Nothing should separate us from Him. If there is a separation it is if our doing. When I came to him over and over and over, the panic/anxiety started to change. One day I noticed that they didn’t come as often and they didn’t last as long! So I kept at it. It may have been normal conversation with him by this point but what mattered was He wanted me to know that He is faithful and He is what makes life flow. One day I lifted my head and I could walk upright. I have never stopped seeking Him since that and if I feel anxious, I know it’s time to pray. I don’t have to even know what I’m anxious about, it’s just time to pray. He is amazing and He is for us. He truly wants you and I and everyone to “come to life.” Prayers for you @sarah D.
My comment was for Sarah D….and to finish what I was saying….many times I literally slid out of bed onto a pillow and prayed. I prayed until I had nothing left. I prayed the psalms when I felt anxious and couldn’t think of what to pray. I prayed may 6 times a day. If I went to a restaurant and I felt overwhelmed I would excuse myself and go to the bathroom and pray in the stall and I would remind God that He did not give me a spirit of fear but His spirit of power, which loves me and gives me a sound mind or some say self discipline. I would pray until it passed. I would breath slowly in through my nose and out through my mouth to stop the shaking and heart palpitations. It works.
My name is Paula. My heart hurts for you. I went through something very similar a few years ago. I want to encourage you and tell you today that it is going to be ok. What helped me may not be what helps you but I know that I am ok today. I had to ask for help. I say this because I don’t want anyone to be paralyzed by anxiety like I was. I can only share what I learned. I had to ask God what he wanted me to know. If you wake up and want to cry, then cry. I spent years thinking it was a sign of weakness. It is not that. It is cleansing. God gave you tears for a reason. Could it be that your body is on overload and you are worn out? Find a sensible doctor who loves the Lord and go through the protocol to resetting yourself. For me, it was a Christian counselor, then medicine to sleep sound, then walking 30 minutes a day whether I wanted to or not(leisurely walks/under the green trees if possible) toward afternoon to bring me down and to let the timing of Gods creation set my clock.
My name is Paula. My heart hurts for you. I went through something very similar a few years ago. I want to encourage you and tell you today that it is going to be ok. The best thing to do is ask God what is he wanting you to know. If you wake up and want to cry, then cry. I spent years thinking it was a sign of weakness. It is not that. It is cleansing. God gave you tears for a reason. Could it be that your body is on overload and you are worn out? Find a sensible doctor who loves the Lord and go through the protocol to resetting yourself. For me, it was a Christian counselor, then medicine to sleep sound, then walking 30 minutes a day whether I wanted to or not(leisurely walks/under the green trees if possible) toward afternoon to bring me down and to let the timing of Gods creation set my clock.
My name is Paula. My heart hurts for you. I went through something very similar a few years ago.
Kristen commented on the One True God. God blessed Abraham’s first born son, Ishmael, to be a fruitful and great nation in Genesis. We know from our study that the Israelites were not faithful to God. What do we know about God and Ishmael’s descendants? Did they also stray from our God?
SOOO Goood!
Wow, what a hope we long for-and HAVE! We have access through Jesus for this eternal, flowing water. Life for my weary soul. Life is hard, challenging, and energy-depleting. I need that drink today! I am worn down. Still having some challenging times with my marriage. The enemy is trying hard, but I am going to suit up with the ARMOR of God, and drink up some of His living water today to clench my thirst.
Deep and wide, deep and wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide……♥️
Wow! Before this study started, I was praying to see more of God and for Him to show me who He really is. And then this study started and I was more confused than ever! Now I have this new understanding that He is still good and still the same, but has different sides. It’s like 2+2 and 3+1. The answer is always 4 but the way of processing is different. SO GRATEFUL!!
Amen, Lord. I cannot wait until I get to see that beautiful river in New Eden. Today’s passage was a wonderful reminder that God is more than our provider; He is our serenity. He is beautiful, and His Word today filled my soul with the peace I desperately needed. I was feeling low and alone yesterday, but God quenched my spiritual thirst. He is so good!
This such a wonderful community. Just think, we will all meet in person on the banks of this river one day and glorify the Lord together. God bless!
Amen, and to God be the Glory. This was a timely reminder of God’s Grace.
Amen ❤️
“The water will be healed and everything will be alive” (Ezek 47:9) Dead things come alive with the water. Jesus quenches all the parched throats crying for relief. The sea of chaos becomes a well of life. The darkness is pushed back, making room for joy. Even though my eyes still see the darkness, the unhealed marshes, I am not overwhelmed or fearful. My God, my God, I know you have not forsaken us. We are your inheritance. We are Your people and You are our God. You are my God. You are my life-giving river of healing water. Your majesty rides out victoriously (Psalm 45:4). Your life gave me life. These dead bones have been given the breath of salvation. My mind has been freed from the prison of anxiety and swept clear of the dusty debris. Opened to the Ancient of Days, the prison doors are adorned with the Rose of Sharon, wreathes decorate the door to my heart and I am filled with the joy of Jesus. He showed the way, He is the truth, He is the Word of the Lord. Ears may you hear, eyes may you see, heart may you be comforted by the healing waters of life. Well up in me Jesus. Overflow. Open hands to receive healing, strength to fight the good fight, and come back to life in every affliction that comes with our earth bound reality. Until… Maranatha.
In* not I’m lol
Also– I believe it’s Psalm 46:4-5 not Psalm 45!!!
How I long for the day that is to come!
Jenn– Thank God you are able to share your request here. What a blessing.
Heavenly Father of All Nations,
I lift up this missionary community to you. The devil HATES their beautiful work, but God you love it. God, please help them see You in this mess. Help them trust you — that You will provide for all their needs. God, You promise to restore what is lost. I think of Job, how he received double what he lost. God, you allowed this but God you hate suffering. Thank you that their lives were all spared. Thank you that they have breath. Please comfort them. Give them much wisdom, Lord. Speak life in the places of pain. Let them stay united through this time. Help them see Your goodness in the land of the living. God show them this was for Your glory and their benefit– even though it seems the exact opposite. God, you turn ALL situations around for good. I believe You can for sure do that, here. Do Your will, Father. I pray love and abundant peace, in the name of Jesus— Lord of all!!!! God also, bring justice to the situation and help these thieves see their need for You, too!! I’m the HOLY name of Jesus, I pray!
Wow. What a beautiful devotional, today. I am reminded of post college, the Lord drew me near to Him in a deep spiritual thirst. I knew Him, but I wasn’t living life with Him. God is so wonderful to me. I am thankful He did that. and I am believing that for my sister.
Ashleigh H– I hope your procedure was successful. Was praying :) yes, thank you for your encouragement and prayers. they mean a lot– (sometimes, tone does not translate well in my words through text, lol– I was happy to read your original post) I am trying not to assume things, which is a bad habit of mine, but trust God with the hearts of people I love. God bless you sister<3
Praying for you Jenn
Praying for you all right now, Jenn.
Hello friends. I don’t often post here but am writing to ask prayer. I’m a missionary in Chile and yesterday I (along with 3 members of our team and 2 clients from our pregnancy center) were robbed at gunpoint. PTL they didn’t hurt anyone. But they stole my computer, my cell phone, the computers and cell phone from our ministry, the cell phones of my teammates, wedding rings, smart watches etc. we are pretty traumatized and desperately needing to feel the life-giving flow of water from the Lord today as we try to buy new computers and phones so we can re-open our centre next week. Thank you!
K Swenson – praying sister. I know what that is like. It’s layered new nuanced and complicated. Mostly it isn’t even circumstantial. Depression and anxiety are chemical and biological and there is nothing to be and shamed of. It is part of the fall – our minds and bodies are capable of breaking. Understand that you are not in this mindset because “you deserve it” or “just aren’t faithful enough”. Such sentiments are entirely false and damaging. You are beloved. You deserve to come through this and you can. However you feel you will overcome, do it. Therapy, medication – you get to decide what will work for you. Such strength and wisdom comes when we allow ourselves healing. Jesus has you. He will continue to walk through this with you. You are not alone. I’ve been there. I’m still there. There is light pouring in and it will get better. ❤️
These words make me rejoice! God is SO good. He is all that we need and more; He provides everything for us and has saved us. The depth of gratitude, hope, and love I feel is so deep. Thank You, thank You, thank You, God! I love You so much!
Jesus thank You for your life giving blood of salvation. Amen
OOPS I was interrupted and that comment to SEARCHING should have gone to KELLY. I do appreciate everyone’s prayers!
Thank you for your prayers sisters. This season has been so hard. In the mornings I wake up with anxiety sometimes, feeling like I want to cry. All day I feel anxious at work. I am so tired of it, I just want to feel well and I am pleading for God to heal me. I know he wants me to trust him, and I’m trying to…I just feel like I can’t effectively do things or have relationships with this. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this was an attack from the enemy. But I know God can and will use it for good. Thankful he can bring life from the darkness. I would love your continued prayers for my anxiety and my heart, to think positively and uplifting thoughts!
SEARCHING: Thank you for remembering me in your prayers! The surgeon will remove the packing from my left ear tomorrow so I will know how successful the surgery was. Full recovery takes up to 4-6 months so… a good test of my patience. The past 3 weeks have been harder on my husband than on myself. He’s had to repeat himself so many times, too numerous to count really. He’s been a wonderful support. As are your prayers ❤️
When I’m bobbing along on a lazy river, enjoying the cool water and the lush grasses on the rivers edge, I tend to forget that often beyond the river’s banks are swampy marshes. In the same vein, while I’m enjoying the ‘benefits’ of being a Christian I can tend to forget the peril lurking for those who don’t believe. Certainly even as a Christian I can slosh through a marsh if I’m not careful. God only sees 2 types of people on this earth, the lost and the found. When we see someone in the marsh, let us reach out a helping hand and lift them to safety. Praying for the lost to be found. Praying for the found to be first responders. Amen.
How refreshing is the water of life that God offers, but how many times do I continue to turn to other sources of “life” amidst challenges? The reality is, they always come up to be less fruitful and definitely more stressful. But usually it takes me a while to remember that. Praying that I can remember the river of life flows through me in all moments and is always available.
As Tina mentioned about praying for the Muslim people during ramadan. I was reminded of an email from the ESL teacher at my school. She said that some of the students may be off or not themselves during this time.They have a total fast, including water from sun up to sun down for the entire month. We have neighbors that are muslim too.Some did work for the other neighbor. They had to leave during part of the day to go pray. I think about their obedience and the time they put into this. (Do I obey and worship faithfully like that?) But they are wasting time. They are deceived and not praying to the One True God! I pray that the muslim people would have an encounter with Jesus and repent, be saved, and set free. This can only happen by the power of God. Their everything is tied to this false religion, and they may lose everyone and almost or everything if their family and community isn’t saved too. I pray for the encounter to be so real that they would give up all, because they are flooded by His Presence and Truth. I also pray that their families and communities would be saved too.. I pray that they would use their time as the Only True God would lead. In Jesus’ Powerful Name Amen!
The river of life … Our human bodies thrive on water as we know it, H2O, and our souls thrive on Jesus Christ, the Living Water. Thank you, Lord, for Your life giving water. So many songs and choruses come straight from the Bible and today I’m thinking of As the Deer, inspired by Psalm 42:1-2.
Just a side note – I wish the comments on the app synched consistently with the website comments. It is much easier for me to read comments at the website on my tablet (and I don’t have the ‘enter’ key issue!) and then I see a reference to a prayer request and scurry to find it on my phone app.
TINA – so good to see you this morning! We’ve missed you. Thank you for taking time to let us know you’re okay in the midst of the busyness. Love you, sister.
TESSLLA BERNETT – welcome! Praying for you, the other tenants and your landlord.
K SWENSON – praying for you, for the light of God’s love to obliterate the darkness. Hugs to you!
SARAH D – from my experience of years of supervising (and me also being quiet/reserved, especially when I was your age), there is nothing stupid (to use your word not mine) about asking a question, whether it’s to gain knowledge, to clarify something, to refresh something you already know but has slipped your mind. I would always rather answer a question than redo, change or correct the results of a wrong action or choice. Life (including our job and being a Christian) is a learning experience, using what we know and building on that with what we learn. To this day, I keep notes and answers/resolutions about questions I have (admittedly not the mostly neatly organized, but available if I need/want them again). Praying for you!
GAYLE RADOVICH – joining you in praise and continuing to pray.
Ongoing prayers for Ukraine.
Such hope in today’s reading!!
God has poured His blessing out to include the Gentiles. “You will allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens residing among you, who have fathered children among you. You will treat them like native-born Israelites; along with you, they will be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. In whatever tribe the alien resides, you will assign his inheritance there.” This is the declaration of the Lord God.”
CHURCHMOUSE – praying for your ear.
ANGIE – praying for your husband’s recovery and your work situation.
BROOKE P – praying the Lord will bring you HIS peace
ERB – praying you are well and the Lord is meeting you as you seek Him.
For those who would like to join the prayer for the Muslim world see the 30 days of prayer website for things to pray for daily.
Praying for the Ukrainian people, especially Christians to be strengthened. Praying for world leaders to have wisdom. Praying the Lord will soften Putin’s heart and he would withdraw. Praying the Russian people would learn the truth of what is happening.
So very late to the table sisters, but wanted to touch base this morning.. life is getting harder to stop and comment here but I do read the devotional as and when I can in the day..
Responding to prayer requests and praising..
VICTORIA E, CONGRATULATIONS on the safe arrival of your little boy. Joining you and praising God for this precious gift to you. God is good, all the time, He is good..sending love and hugs wrapped in prayers for adjustments that need to be made, but knowing God already has His hand over it all.. love you sis and congratulations again..❤
TRACI GENDRON, thinking of you and hoping your days are good and filled with sweet memories..❤
MARTHA HIX, sending you love and hugs across the pond wrapped in prayers in hope today is a good day.❤
SEARCHING, YOU are a prayer warrior!! God bless you❤
J. Your family are in my prayers.❤
MARGARET W. praying.❤
RHONDA J.bless you for the prayer warrior in you! Thank you for remembering me. ❤
KELLY (NEO), thank you for the ‘extras’ each day. Praying God continue to bless you to bless us all.❤
LEIGH, Praying for you and your boy. Hoping(as late to the table), you are both feeling and getting better and stronger. ❤
LEXI B. Hoping your resignation meeting went well and smoothly. The unknown is scary, BUT GOD.. is and will be with you in your new chapter. ❤
ANGIE,Hoping family and dynamics are good and being blessed, in JESUS’ name..❤
DOROTHY, Praising with you for Finlays well being! Hope you are well, dear friend..❤
SHARON JERSEY GIRL, Praising God for you. Thank you for ‘praying without ceasing’ for the rest of us and our requests.. bless you sister!❤
CLAIRE B. Hugs.❤
Thinking of all SHES here, and hoping you are well and that life is being kind to you..
In the words of Paul..Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
Philippians 1:3 NLT
May His peace and grace be yours today and into the weekend..❤❤
Amen. Good devotional today!
Let’s find our satisfaction in God and continue to drink from the living water that we have received from Jesus.
This makes me think of that song: ‘The River Is Here’ by Andy park. It a very joyous song, with lyrics as;
“it brings refreshing wherever it goes”
“The river of God is teeming with life
And all who touch it can be revived
And those who linger on this river’s shore
Will come back thirsting for more of the Lord”
And then in the last new verse, “Up to the mountain we love to go
To find the presence of the Lord
Along the banks of the river we run
We dance with laughter giving praise to the Son”
Which is so important! To not just enjoy or hoop for, but to acknowledge that he does and will do and praising him for that and look for him every time in a beeper way. To walk that third of a mile further every time and see that He can not be crossed (Ezekiel 47:5) so deep as he is in love, power, righteousness, and everything. That even though we’re tired, sad, dismayed or whatever else we feel of this world and live “The river of God sets our feet a-dancing
The river of God fills our hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the river is here”