The Last Kings of Judah

Open Your Bible

2 Chronicles 36:1-23, Jeremiah 25:1-7, Romans 11:1-2

If you love happy endings (and who doesn’t?), the final chapter of 2 Chronicles is bound to leave you wanting. 

Remember how the story of Israel’s kings began. God’s chosen had His unmatched affection and protection, yet they clamored for a human king (1Samuel 8:6). In response, God shot them straight.

These are the rights of the king who will reign over you: He will take your sons and put them to his use in his chariots, on his horses, or running in front of his chariots. He can appoint them for his use as commanders of thousands or commanders of fifties, to plow his ground and reap his harvest, or to make his weapons of war and the equipment for his chariots….When that day comes, you will cry out because of the king you’ve chosen for yourselves, but the LORD won’t answer you on that day. 
—1 Samuel 8:11–18

God was right, of course. Rather than ending in crescendo, the era of the kings petered out with a few insignificant monarchs who could not hold on to power, the sacred city of Jerusalem being burned to the ground, and the promised land becoming a war-torn wasteland. 

As we step into holy week, it seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Kings and kingdoms remain on their perpetual carousel: rise and fall, rise and fall, rise and fall. War-torn lands still exist. God’s people remain scattered. 

Where is the hope in all of this?

Lent is our annual reminder that true hope remains where it’s always been. On the throne of David, with the One who wears not one but many crowns (Revelation 19:12), the One who came to serve and gave His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). 

It is fitting to head into Holy Week with the heaviness of heart that comes from facing the fact that all human leaders will fail us, all political systems will buckle, and all earthly reigns will come to an end. 

That perspective shifts our longings into overdrive as we look toward an otherworldly King. The One who: Chose a donkey over a chariot (John 12:12–19), willingly laid down His life for the ones who had rejected Him (Romans 5:8), laid dead in a cold, dark tomb and burst forth on the third day with the keys to death and Hades in His hands (Revelation 1:18). 

It’s true the books of 1 & 2 Chronicles won’t win any awards for the happiest of endings, but they are mere chapters in the greatest story ever told. In this season, be reminded that yours is a King who reigns victorious. Where every other ruler has failed, the King of kings and Lord of lords has won. He is real. He is risen. He is returning. 

The ending of all things is happy, after all. 

(34) Comments

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34 thoughts on "The Last Kings of Judah"

  1. Tami C says:

    Amen!! He is real, he is risen, he is returning!

  2. Margaret W says:

    Kelly (NEO), I’m with you; those last 2 verses provide a hopeful ending. I do agree with her observation that this period of Israel’s history came to a sad end, but the Chronicles themselves leave us with hope.

  3. Hannah Oliver says:

    Glory to God!

  4. Mercy says:

    “True hope remains where it’s always been” – amen to this truth.

  5. Amy R. says:

    For all you lovely Shes who are on Instagram, the She Reads Truth team is graciously blessing us with a free digital copy of their ‘Mourning and Dancing’ study book. You just need to message them your email address. Thank you SRT!

  6. Erica Chiarelli says:

    No king surpasses the King of kings!!! Hallelujah!!!

  7. lisa chapek says:

    I’m extra thankful for this study today after reading Jeremiah’s words. Not only did Jeremiah speak to the people time and time again, but God had been extremely clear from Moses to Solomon about what would happen if they continually turned away from Him. Since they didn’t obey or even pay attention, it makes me ask did they not remember that Gods words or had it been so long that they didn’t believe it would really happen. What was it that they listened to more than Gods words? What filled their minds and distracted them so they couldn’t hear? What were they chasing that seemed more real than God or, at least, more reliable than what the prophets said? Did they know more about man’s opinions or their own experiences and opinions than they did the word of God. Had they been so jaded by they constant barrage of evil that they deep down didn’t believe that God would do what He said He would. Did they mistake His mercy and patience for inability or unwillingness? What about me? I will find myself in the same place all too quickly if I don’t immerse my mind in Gods word! Not just studying it, but acting and living on His truth, building my faith, renewing my mind and looking with confidence to the fulfillment of His promises no matter how different they are from the way things seem. In a sense, we are all Jeremiah crying out for those around us to turn to God.

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    What a great reminder as we enter into Holy Week. It seems the older I get the more heavy on my heart it becomes. I hope you all have a great weekend! @SARAH D. I’m so sorry to hear about the relationship. No matter how long you date somebody it always stings parting ways. I always tell myself if they made you this happy imagine how happier you’ll be with the person God has planned for you. I totally understand your frustrations and I’m right there with ya! I can only imagine how defeated you feel but don’t give up I’m sure the job will call back! Praying hard for you girl. @RHONDA J. Love your comment today about standing up for God in our world today even when you’re criticized. That is true. Happy Friday ladies!

  9. Michelle Patire says:

    @Taylor — I got one too, recently, regarding your infection… I didn’t change my clothes one day after working out. I had never gotten one before, but I self diagnosed and got myself some Monistat at the drug store. It was healed in a week, praise God. May you be healed, too. Thankful for your raise!!

    @Sarah D- I am sorry to hear :( Praying God works all things together for good and shows you How lovingkindness in this time of pain. He is with you and may you continue to see Him in your story.

    Thankful for you ladies and your constant encouragement. The Lord has been speaking to me a lot this week about the power of our voice. Each one of us has a story of God’s work in our lives. May we be courageous and kind to share it. Another thing is continuing to speak life over things that look bleak. May our prayers be incense before the throne of God.


  10. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    After reading these scriptures, especially Jeremiah 25:3, I am reminded of the unfailing love of God. Jeremiah didn’t just warn the Israelites once – but again and again. God gave them opportunity after opportunity to repent, yet they refused. I think of the words to a song I recently heard, “Where would I be? Where would I be if it wasn’t for the love of God?” – (For The Love of God, Andrew Ripp.) I would be lost, walking my own path and on my way to hell. Praise God for His mercy, grace and love that saved my soul! (2 Peter 3:9) God is not willing that any should perish.

    @Sarah D. – I am so sorry that this relationship didn’t work out, I know how much that must hurt. But don’t give up and don’t lose heart – just keep trusting and following the Savior. Praying for you today.
    @Taylor – praise the Lord for answered prayer! So happy for you that it went well! Will be praying that your infection heals soon and that the rain will stay away long enough for you to get your horse-back riding in.
    @Tara B. – praying that all goes well for your aunt and that God will “zap away” those tumors for ever!

    Have a blessed Friday my SRT sisters – love you all! ❤️

  11. Brandi says:

    I also love the last verses- it is amazing that God is using the king of Persia to rebuild His temple and return His people to their land! God’s work is never limited by human belief or power!! He is Able!! He is Sovereign!! His arm is never too short to save!!

  12. Rebecca W says:

    So many ups and downs with all the kings, just like our lives. We’re faithful, we forget. We praise Him, we pat ourselves on the back. We’re joyful, we’re full of sorrow. I too am so grateful to know the ending of our story! Thank you Jesus, the true and forever King!
    @Taylor- congrats on the job news and prayers for return to full health.
    @SarahD- prayers for comfort in your disappointments but hold on to your faith. Jesus won’t let you go.
    @Tara B- Lifting your aunt for healing and comfort.
    Have a wonderful weekend all my She sisters!

  13. Claire B says:

    This may be my favorite devo of the whole series especially in light if the world leaders at this time.
    “ It is fitting to head into Holy Week with the heaviness of heart that comes from facing the fact that all human leaders will fail us, all political systems will buckle, and all earthly reigns will come to an end. He is real. He is risen. He is returning.“

  14. Rebekah Frey says:

    Good morning ladies, lifting you all in prayer as we dive into God’s Word together! May we worship Him in reverence and awe as we head into Holy Week!

  15. Cindy J says:

    From the Enduring Word app I am reminded that God’s promises did not end. “The end is also a fresh start. God’s promises continue through exile on through his own generation and into the future.”
    How thankful I am to see His promises are always kept.

  16. Cheryl Blow says:

    So grateful that we can read the end of the story. We know Christ wins! Help me Lord to be BOLD to share your GOOD NEWS!

  17. Mari says:

    Happily, ever after, after all, and I can’t wait! That is the hope that we all have, and are assured! I’m so grateful to our Jesus! I can’t do life without HIM! Happy Friday sweet She’s!! Please know that you are all in my prayers. I think of you all all the time. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m so blessed to be part of this beautiful Community. This has been an amazing Lent Study and looking forward to what awaits for us for Holy Week.

  18. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  19. Cee Gee says:

    ERIN DAVIS, thank you for tagging this difficult read with the TRUE HAPPY ENDING!

    This passage was a little like the old comedy skit ‘Who’s on first?’. So thankful God’s merciful love shines through that darkness.

    RHONDA J, I have been studying Elijah, too. It really is insightful!

    TAYLOR, yay on your review/raise!!! God is faithful!

  20. sarah oster says:

    I found She Reads Truth just recently and it has been such a blessing to me in my walk with the Lord. This Lent series was amazing. Thanks for all you do

  21. Rhonda J. says:

    God-I AM, the great I Am; never changing, he is omnipotent, never-changing, ALWAYS in control, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
    How can we question his power, how can we think we know best, how to control outcomes?

    I love that Elijah was mentioned today, in our small group we have been studying his story, and how he went up on Mt. Carmel and stood alone, giving testimony to our great, amazing true God! We discussed how hard it is for us to stand for God in a world and environment where we are a minority it seems. And will we stand solid, non-moving in following HIS word, not some, but all. Even when we are criticized, looked at strangely, and considered cooky (lol). It is serious business. We will be judged on our actions. But we don’t follow God because of that, we follow God because He made us, He loves us, He wants fellowship with us-Enter Jesus! Hallelujah, the veil was broken, and the law became human! Jesus is our intercessor to be with God! What a story!

    May we stand strong in our faith and unity. The nation may fall, (I am praying for a turn), but we will not fall in the end, Jesus saves those who love him thankfully. That is our hope, the story of Easter, thank you Father God.

  22. Caroline Bridges says:

    Lots of Kings, and they all ether rejected or worshipped the Lord.

  23. Allison M says:

    I think it’s good to read a reminder of what happens when we rebel against God. There are consequences to our actions. But mercy is there for us IF we repent and confess. The story of Israel wasn’t over because Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice would come for us all. Thank you, Jesus!

  24. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies, praying for you all!
    Yesterday was a rough afternoon…the guy I’ve been dating for a little over a month messaged saying he doesn’t feel at peace with dating long distance (he’s three hours away). He sent a nice text and would still like to be friends, which I said I would too. It is definitely pretty disappointing. I’ve never dated someone as long as I had with him, and I honestly was just impressed by his faith because he seems like a genuine Christian that is following hard after Christ. I think this was just a tipping point for me, because I am also just ready to leave my current job. Haven’t heard back yet about the ones I’ve applied for. I would love your prayers for strength and endurance and wisdom. I know the Lord is not confused by this and he has a plan…it is just really hard sometimes and still hurts in the moment. Thank you for your prayers!

  25. Taylor says:

    I love the last verse of 2 Chronicles. Hope was not lost. Renewal, rebuilding, and rebirth was coming. God was not finished writing His story. So thankful we can place our hope in Jesus above all else!

    Thank you for your prayers <3 My review went well and I got a raise! Praying I can steward this additional income faithfully. Also I have another prayer request. I think I have a yeast infection :/ I've never had one before.

    I hope everyone has a blessed weekend! We are supposed to go horseback riding as a family tomorrow but there is rain in the forecast. Praying that the rain clears up so we can have some good family time!

  26. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh, Father God thank you for reminding me of this today! You hope by faith is what I need. In Jesus name, Amen

  27. Carol Rimmer says:


  28. Tara B says:

    Jesus Reigns Always and Wins!!! What a reminder that is needed daily. I have a prayer request She’s- my aunt, who has been dealing with liver and kidney cancer for over 2 years now, is having, we pray, the 1st of 2 final procedures to “zap” reduced-sized tumors on her liver this morning. It has been an extremely rough road, but we have seen miracles through it all and are asking our God to allow complete Healing to be done if it is His Will. Thank you in advance for your prayers!

  29. Whitney Curtis says:


  30. Searching says:

    Reading 1st and 2nd Chronicles has been a stark reminder of what happens when we ignore God, turn our backs on Him, think we know better than Him, take action without seeking Him … as well as confirmation that He is indeed a merciful and forgiving God. Thank you, Lord, may we keep our eyes on you!

    KELLY (NEO) – agreed. The end of 2nd Chronicles begins the release from bondage and the rebuilding in Jerusalem.

    DOROTHY – great news on your grandson George.

    TAYLOR – praying as you consider the meds, agree with KELLY (NEO) on seeking God’s wisdom in this decision and not reacting out of fear. Hope the review went well.

  31. Ann Harris says:

    Jesus Wins – Amen

  32. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “until the Lord’s wrath was so stirred up against his people that there was no remedy”

    Very sobering to think of the Lord’s longsuffering running out and His discipline being inacted. I disagree with Erin though about the ending of Chronicles. For the promise of Israel’s release from bondage was set in motion at the end. That is a testimony of God’s faithfulness

    TAYLOR – praying that you use God’s wisdom with the meds and do not operate out of fear.

  33. Mary Ann Graves says:


  34. Pam Philpott says:

    What an incredible reminder! This world is broken and full of pain, but our hope lies with the Lord. Reminds me of a song by hillsong United ‘even if my world falls I will say, above all I live for your glory!’