The Kingdom of Heaven

Open Your Bible

Matthew 25:1-46

All we have to do is turn on the TV, flip through social media, or take a close look at our own lives to see how different the kingdom of this world is from the kingdom of heaven. Yet can I be honest with you? 

I don’t always know what to do when I encounter someone in need. There have been days where I fiddle with my radio and try not to make eye contact with someone who is having a hard time. I’ve always wrestled, going back and forth between dreading an awkward encounter and wanting others to see Jesus in me. Do you ever feel the same?

With our eyes on the wrong kingdom, it’s easy to believe the things that matter are our next promotion or how many influential friends we’re able to collect. But all the while, the clock is ticking. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells two parables. There are ten virgins waiting on the groom and three servants who are given money to invest by their master.

In each story, the virgins and servants are given something of value. For the virgins, it was their lamps, which some brought oil for and others didn’t (Matthew 25:3–4). The master’s servants were given various numbers of talents. Two invested theirs, while one buried his in fear (vv.16–18). Both parables include a time of waiting. Both the groom and master come back when they’re least expected. Ultimately, the virgins who failed to come prepared miss out on the celebration. The servant who didn’t invest what He had lost everything.

Their action, investment, and preparation for the kingdom mattered. The same goes for us.

Friend, what are we doing with the gifts we’ve been given? Are we hiding, afraid of feeling awkward because we don’t know the right thing to do? Do we only think about helping when someone is right in front of us, or when the need feels easy to meet? What if our moments of discomfort are actually opportunities to consider how to share God’s kindness, beyond just the immediate moment? Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'”

We don’t know when Jesus will return. But Scripture reminds us there is no time to waste. This gospel we have is the truth our world desperately needs. So what will we do with the time we have?

(48) Comments

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48 thoughts on "The Kingdom of Heaven"

  1. Claire B says:

    Honestly I have started asking God to nudge me if I should help someone who is on the street with a sign, sometimes He does, others not. We give to several groups who assist those on the street and down on their luck as well. If the Lord needs more I feel he will tell me where it is needed. I ask this if Him daily.

  2. Dorothy says:

    Abby’s questions that she poses in her devotional really made me think, do I do ALL I CAN for those around me, whether I know them or not? I would like to think I do, BUT GOD.., forgive me because I know I don’t. I either don’t have the time, feel I don’t have the resources or just plain ignore them.

    Father God forgive my non-caring, nonchalant, I have better things to do attitude. HELP ME to be more like Your Son Christ Jesus and care for ALL those around me. Amen.

    Sisters be blessed and do something special or unexpected for a stranger this weekend.

  3. Jo Ann K says:

    This reminds me of the daily wisdom reading I do from The Keller that said “wisdom is giving immediately when there is a need”…are we ready? For the kingdom? For helping others? For recognizing God’s blessings and putting them to use? So blessed by this reading series and accompanying podcasts. What a wonderful way to start 2023! I want to live ready for the kingdom!

  4. Zoey Ferens says:

    Lord give me a heart of service

  5. Kimberly Z says:

    We are sadden that our sweet friend went home to our savior last night. At the same time we are comforted by the fact that she is not in anymore pain. This came on so quick and suddenly but I am so thankful her kids and family had time to say their goodbyes. @CAROL M. Praying for your hard situation. I am a radiation therapist who treats cancer patients so I know how hard this journey can be for people. Praying it gets better for everybody. @SEARCHING and everybody else who stopped to pray for our sweet friend thank you so much. I know how much it means to us.
    I am so grateful to have a strong faith when things are heavy and hard. Even though I am stricken with more anxiety than I would like to have I know God has a better plan for all of us. Praying for everybody’s requests today. Happy Friday!

  6. Donna Wolcott says:

    I meant NOT ideal

  7. Donna Wolcott says:

    I would just like to share about a pastor I know (not my church). Besides her own church, in a very nice town, she recognized the need of the homeless and marginalized. She started the Church Without Walls in our capital city. Every Saturday afternoon, no matter the weather conditions, she holds a service in a park. I live in the northeast so conditions are many times ideal. Some of the homeless have formed a choir and play instruments. Not everyone speaks English but Linda manages to spread His word and give hope. My church, right now, is collecting winter coats, hats, gloves, socks and granola bars to pass out in two weeks and worship with them. Not everyone who goes will feel comfortable, but that’s the point. Jesus doesn’t always ask us to go to places where we feel comfortable but I think the opposite. Lifting all in prayer and for those grieving. Have a blessed weekend.

  8. Laura Wolf de Mejia says:

    Im so glad to be in this community of Jesus!