Day 1

The Kingdom of God Comes Near

from the Mark reading plan

Mark 1:1-45, Nahum 1:15, Malachi 3:1

BY Raechel Myers

We all have that friend who is a skilled and elaborate storyteller. For them, context is everything and colorful details rule the day. Many of us also have that friend who’s known—and appreciated—for getting to the point. For them, the economy of words is more prized than a creative delivery. They’re direct because they value your time, yet somehow are just as engaging. What they have to say is always worth the listen.  

This is one of the things I appreciate about the book of Mark. He hits the ground running! This first chapter alone includes at least ten significant plot points of Jesus’s life, all connected with words like “immediately” and “right away.” There’s an efficiency to Mark’s message that tells me there’s no time to spare. The gospel is urgent, and there is so much he wants his readers to know about the Christ he loves and follows.

Still, amid the rapid-fire storyline of the first chapter of Mark, the moments of stillness have a way of standing out. Juxtaposing all the noisy action on the page, Jesus retreats to the wilderness (v.12), silences an unclean spirit (v.25), forbids the demons from speaking (v.34), goes away to a deserted place to pray (v.35), tells the healed man to keep quiet (vv.43–44), and ultimately begins preaching in deserted places (v.45). These many instances of quiet become too loud to ignore on a page with so much activity.

Mark doesn’t waste words. From the very first line, he gets straight to the point: Jesus Christ is “the Son of God” (v.1). Later, God Himself addresses Jesus as His “beloved Son” (v.11), and even the unclean spirit says to Jesus, “I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” (v.24). 

I’m a person who appreciates efficiency, so you can see why the book of Mark appeals to me. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t tender to my heart as well. “This is why I have come,” Jesus tells His disciples (v.38). Not to be flashy, not to draw big crowds, but to preach the gospel and bring the kingdom with a contagious holiness that could drive out demons and heal the sick. Yes, there is a lot of action, but the theme and thrust are clear, spoken from the lips of Christ Himself: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (v.15).

As we begin this journey through the Gospel of Mark, let’s pay attention to the inspired, intentional way this very unique book was written. But let’s not forget to also engage our hearts, remembering Christ’s simple call to “repent and believe” that the gospel is true. It is good news, and it is for all of us.

Post Comments (134)

134 thoughts on "The Kingdom of God Comes Near"

  1. Dorcas Baxter says:

    41Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.”

  2. Susan Lincks says:

    So thankful that I am now taking time to read God’s word.

  3. Sirena Abalian says:

    What also stood out to me is that Jesus doesn’t ask for a story or reason to heal. He knows you are worthy and knows that once you experience the Gospel and Him you will serve because you want to, because you experienced His power and love.

  4. Emily Norwood says:


  5. Olivia Scherzer says:

    Yes! So excited for this study.

  6. Deana Steinke says:


  7. Elise Parisi says:


  8. Ellen Hopkins says:

    Praying for you!! I am also going through a spiritual battle, and it is exhausting and can feel like there is no end in sight. But the Lord tells us in Matthew 11: ““Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.””
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    I pray you feel the Lord meet you where you are, and not just sit with you and watch, but pull you up out of the struggle. He is so faithful to his children and he is there with you giving you his burden (which is the opposite of burdensome) and taking on your burden in return.

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