The Household of Faith

Open Your Bible

Matthew 12:46-50, John 1:10-13, Ephesians 1:3-6, 1 John 3:1-2, Romans 8:15-17, Galatians 3:24-26, Galatians 3:29, 1 Timothy 3:15

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

The Church is a spiritual family, God’s household, made up of men, women, and children adopted as coheirs with Christ. 

Discussion Question: In what ways have you noticed God working in you and your faith community during this reading plan?  

Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments. 

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114 thoughts on "The Household of Faith"

  1. Traci Gendron says:

    This will probably sound nuts, but I have a terrible fear of shooters. It has kept me from any large gatherings, including church. I’m not sure how to get over it. I have such anxiety when I’m there. Looking at who’s there and how I can get out if I need to. Sad really that this problem even exists.

    Donna your comment was very thoughtful and provoking.

  2. Charlie says:

    Lisa and LisalovesJesus: Thank you for your comments. They made me feel seen and understood, and that means everything!

    To Rebecca who said “I do feel that the evil one had a very specific plan to bring the church down by closing its doors during Covid and letting people get comfortable worshiping at home. “ and to Pam K who said “We need the community, the fellowship and the sanctification that comes from being part of a body of broken people. I am afraid we just can’t get that online.” If you would be willing to elaborate on these ideas, I’d be grateful as I continue to ponder this myself. What exactly do you feel is bad (i.e., planned by “the evil one”) about worshiping at home? Why can’t we have community in other places that a local, in person congregation? Why can’t there be sanctification online? I am truly seeking your insight into/clarification of these statements.

    Carla: I’ve read Caste, and it was truly amazing—sad and sobering, for sure. I need to add Jesus and John Wayne is on my reading list. I’m nearly done with Rachel Held Evans’/Jeff Chu’s Wholehearted Faith. I am savoring this one with my reading group!

  3. Katelyn says:

    My home church does a wonderful job with community outreach- with outreach such as dinner on the lawn not just for the church members but community as well. i have had some confirmation from God recently that I will be serving, I just don’t really know how yet. In the in between phase, I am waiting patiently and trying to hear what God has for me currently. I really love my church community and the SRT community- i hope one day SRT has an in person event so we can all meet eachother:)

  4. Fox girl says:

    This study has helped me see better who the church is and given me a bigger love for the universal church with all its differences.

  5. Donna says:

    This world is so heavy. Darkness is so prevalent, and we have gone so far away from God and His goodness and Light. It can be very draining and overwhelming at times. Some of the things that society is embracing are shocking and heartbreaking. The Bible says that we as Christians are to gather together to encourage one another to not give up or get discouraged, and to spur one another on to love and good works. What makes up the church is not a building, but every believer coming together. We are called the Body of Christ! We need each other. We corporately are united to form His body under Jesus’ headship. I know churches have gotten it wrong and are very imperfect. But we are all imperfect people that need our Savior, Jesus so desperately. So, when I go to church on Sundays, it brings me such a sense of belonging in a world that has gone awry! I don’t feel so alone as a Christian anymore. It is a family, and I look forward to seeing the people that I have come to know there. It is more than just entertainment. As our pastor says, it is participation. It is engaging in conversations, getting together with people outside of church, and doing life together. It is worshipping God through songs and communion. It is listening to the Word of God and re-centering ourselves upon His truths. It is praying with one another, and taking time to encourage others. It is being equipped to go out into our communities, neighborhoods, and families and live the truths that we have learned. Satan would love for us to be in isolation. We have no effectiveness in isolation. So many of us go to church as a source of entertainment or what it could give us – but I think we need to start seeing it as what we can give to God and others. May we ask ourselves how we can be an active member of His body and make a difference in the church and in this world.

  6. Tasha Adams says:

    For me I am seeing a difference in me when it comes to reading the Scriptures. I am beginning to understand better who I am in Christ.

  7. Kristen says:

    I missed attending church this week, because I was still not feeling well. I didn’t want to get the others around me sick. I’m glad I could attend online, but I am thankful that I am usually able to be there. In so many places, people’s lives are at risk by trying to attend a service. How blessed that we can go and learn His Word with others! I have felt off in the past when I missed going in person. I can see why God’s Word says not to forsake the assembly.
    Also, I agree with church mouse. Churches should help others. I’m thankful that our church has a food bank (not associated with the local one). The local food bank said that in order to get food from them to distribute, our church could not speak about God. The food we give comes from donations and the church. They also offer a free medical clinic with real doctors and nurses that will care for the uninsured, pray with them, and tell them about Jesus.

    Finally, I read a quote by Voddie Bauchman. He said, “Sheep may bite, but the Shepherd is good. Keep loving the sheep, but look to the Shepherd.” I think that’s a great thing to remember. Maybe, things have been wonderful in your church. I’ve been blessed with people that talk and pray with me.( No one in my family goes to church with me. I’ve been attending by myself for years for the most part, so I am thankful to see their smiling faces and receive their greetings.) However, people aren’t perfect in my church or anywhere. May we keep loving and praying for the other sheep and keep our eyes on the Shepherd!

    May God have us in a place that preaches His Word and doesn’t compromise or change any of the Bible. May we find church families that help and care for each other. Amen

  8. Mari V says:

    Good morning SRT sisters. First I want to say I look forward to meeting with all of you every morning. I wake up thinking about all of you. In what ways have I noticed God working in me during this Bible study? As I’ve mentioned. In my work area I have one friend. That’s it. She’s my beautiful young JW friend. And even though things can get kinda messy and sometimes mean around us (not between her and I) I do my best to set the example for her. And I know I’m not alone, because she sees it too. I just hope I’m being an example to her. The other most exciting about the study is that it’s been in line with my son’s online bible class through BIOLA and the importance of the church and community. I was listening in to his zoom class last week and I was just amazed how much it had to do with this study. We got into a great conversation. To save money he opted to do school online. I know he missed being in person and in that beautiful community BUT GOD has a plan. And I can see growth in him and also see that he too recognizes the need for community and the church.