The Good Samaritan

Open Your Bible

Luke 10:21-37

In this study of the Parables of Jesus, we are reading many of the stories Jesus used to teach hearers about how to live as His followers. Each day we’ll read parables in their immediate context, focusing on a different category of parables each week. Then we will work through a series of questions to understand the meaning of the text and take to heart the “secrets of the kingdom.”

Editor’s Note: In this Parables study, Jesus Himself is telling us stories—stories He wants us to reflect on and process. Rather than asking our writers to write their own stories about Jesus’ stories, we thought it would serve you and the text better to provide questions to help you dig into the meaning of each day’s parable. If you find a parable or passage particularly confusing, stop and pray. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you in His Word, and thank Him that we can know Him without knowing all the answers to our questions.


Week 3: Parables about following Jesus

Many of the parables Jesus told have to do with what it means to follow Him in this life. Addressing topics from anxiety and fear, to compassion for our neighbors and commitment to the truth, Jesus uses common scenarios and familiar places to teach His disciples how to live as His people. Each parable in this week’s daily readings speaks to the Christian life in some way. Use the questions below to help you dig deeper into Jesus’ teaching.


Day 15 Reading: Luke 10:21-37


1. Today’s parable is fairly well known. As you read the text, what are some things you never noticed before about the story of the good Samaritan?

2. What specific situation is Jesus’ parable responding to, and what is the parable’s outcome?

3. What is the central point of this parable?

4. What is your response to this parable?

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63 thoughts on "The Good Samaritan"

  1. Charlotte says:

    today I realized something completely new about the story. The people who past by the poor man are people we look up to like a priest. But the one who you would least expect to the right thing did the right thing you could be unexpected Samaritan it doesn’t matter if the other person did or not do what is right. In your heart if you trust God you can do the right thing

  2. Kjersti says:

    I never noticed that the Samaritan poured oil and wine over the wounds of the man hurt. this is so beautiful as I think about the love of Jesus. oil is for anointing and blood is cleansing and making new. the Samaritan didn’t simply pick up the man and take him to get help. He did not simply clean him up. Nor did He chastise the man for all his cuts and bruises. He anointed the him where he was hurt. It’s such a beautiful testimony to how God touches our wounds and, rather than just clean us up, He actually pours our His priestly annointing those places, lovingly restoring and honoring us so we are able to walk again with our head held high knowing our Father still sees us as Hos precious daughters of the King. Thank you, Jesus, for the way you love us.

    1. Mel says:

      I love your thoughts on the oil and the wine. I had never thought of that before either!

  3. Mary Ann says:

    As I was meditating on this parable at 2am early morning during my lunch break at work, I was asking God to help me to love and serve my neighbor, even through this busy season of being a wife, mother, it being the holiday season, being a working mama, working on putting the house on the market, planning a bridal shower…the list goes on and on!

    Well, on my way home from work this morning I rear ended a car. To make matters a bit more complicated, I was driving a rental car (my mother in law is in town and she was taking care of my daughter) and we just thought it would be easier if she had my car with the installed car seat in it. I felt terrible. As I pulled to the curb, so many negative thoughts going through my head- this person is going to be so angry, my husband will be so disappointed, my mother and father-in law will be angry. But when the lady who was driving the car I hit opened the door, the first thing she said was “are you ok”? And then she asked me if I’d just worked a shift. Turns out she was a night shift nurse as well, and “she understood”. We exchanged numbers and she said she would get a quote and see how much it would take to fix the car, but she wasn’t too worried about it. The last thing she said to me was “take care of yourself, and it’s really ok”. When I got home my husband and my mother in law were so gracious and kind, there was no anger. I felt overwhelmed with how gracious and loving everyone was-from a stranger to my family.

    You guys, this parable took a new meaning. I was the man on the side of the road. But I was shown undeserved grace and mercy. God shows grace and mercy to me daily! There will be moments in life where yes, I am called to serve and love my neighbor. But there will be times where I will be the one who needs help-I need the grace and mercy from my Heavenly Father daily! I am thankful for the reminder of this truth.

    Will you help me to pray about this situation? That we will get a fair quote to get the car fix?

    Thanks ladies.

    1. Beth says:

      Mary Ann, thank you for sharing this story. It brought me chills when you said that you were the man on the side of the road and received mercy and grace. For some reason, I think that most of us picture ourselves as the Samaritan and not the man who was attacked. I am praying that God will help you resolve this situation. God bless you for working the night shift. I did that as a young mother and it was hard.

    2. Lauren says:

      Thanks for sharing this perspective! We are all in need of grace and mercy. What a great reminder.

    3. Julia says:

      Your story encouraged me, thanks for sharing! Will pray about your quote!

    4. Megan says:

      Here I am a week later, reading this and being blessed by what you wrote. I have never thought I might be the man on the side of the road. I always put myself in one of the other characters. I pray this situation has been resolved and I am thanking God for His redeeming power!

  4. Ellien says:

    Show mercy to the one’s God puts in your life. Following this commandment to Love God with my whole heart and my neighbor as I love myself will open my eyes to eternal life here on earth. Jesus says “Go and do so.”

  5. Lizzieb85 says:

    I appreciate the context passage as well, verses 21-24.
    Jesus just got through telling His disciples they are blessed because He has chosen to reveal Himself to them. They have knowledge & understanding of Him that people of great statue & power would have loved to know & never did!
    Then right after that a “know-it-all” expert in the law tries to test Jesus. Jesus’ response is the parable of the good Samaritan. He is directly showing His disciples how those of great stature are completely missing the mark even when Jesus is directly explaining it to them!
    He who has ears, let him hear.
    As for personal application, I am still chewing on it, but I wanted to share this insight.

  6. Dawn Beaver says:

    I heard in a sermon that that particular road from Jerusalem to Jericobwas known to be a rough road. Most people would know that you shouldn’t ever walk that road alone. Some people might say to the man beaten, “well, serves him right for going down that road alone when he should have known beforehand how rough it was.”
    We do that when we see beggars on the road don’t we? “Well, he’s probably just looking for free handouts for drugs or alcohol.” We come up with excuses.
    Compassion should move from the head to the heart to the hands. It requires a response, an action. We should be starting our days asking for Jesus love, His heart of compassion, His hands, His feet.

    1. Sophia says:

      Your comment made a connection for me. The road less traveled. Sometimes as Christians we are “beat up” for waking this road. Some walk by us. Some reach out their hand and join us. Thank you.