The God Who Works in All Circumstances

Open Your Bible

Matthew 26:17-46, Luke 22:39-53, Proverbs 3:5-6, Hebrews 5:7-8

Though Scripture contains many written prayers, like those found in the book of Psalms, and many teachings on how to pray, like the parables and sermons in Jesus’s ministry, this reading plan focuses on the prayers offered to God in the narratives of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a narrative that includes a prayer from an individual or group. Their prayers vary in length, type, posture, purpose, and God’s response. The secondary passages explore how the rest of Scripture speaks to the themes demonstrated in the main reading. 

While each account is different, every prayer recorded in Scripture teaches us about the unchanging God who invites us to speak to and hear from Him. These prayers model for us what it can look like to be in conversation with God. As you read, notice the posture and emotions present each day. 

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading Prayers in Scripture together, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read in the comments. 

The prayers this week have pointed us toward the God who listens, is compassionate, guides, remembers, and keeps His promises. Look back at the prayer requests of Shes around the world from Day 1. Let what you’ve learned about God shape your prayers for those who are reading alongside you.

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91 thoughts on "The God Who Works in All Circumstances"

  1. Sydney Scott says:

    That could be part of it, but I also have heard that Jesus was not wanting to experience the looking away of the Father and His wrath. He wasn’t fearful, but full of dread and sorrow. He looked the wrath of God and He did not want to drink the cup. But He did, for the glory of God, for His love for us. He knew He had to die for our sins, but I wonder if the thought of being looked away from by the Father (forsaken) was the moment of dread… Our Lord was in agony, to save us. We deserve eternal agony, but He gives us eternal life ❤️

  2. Tyler Milhouse says:

    Thank you God that you work all things out for your glory.

  3. Danielle Patrick says:

    There is something refreshing about knowing God has a greater plan for everything, especially when praying for clearer vision on what that is during times of challenge. Surrendering our desires or dictations of life to allow God in to do his magic! It is only when we surrender to Gods plan that we can experience things greater than our own imagination. Lifting the restraints we place on our very own lives

  4. Ody Adigwe says:

    Thank you for sharing. I did think that by Jesus asking God that ‘if it be his will let this cup pass him by’ he was admitting his weakness in the flesh. Lord help us tune our hearts to your will in obedience to your word.

  5. Jill Datuin says:

    Lord, I so often desire my own control and outcome over what you have for me. As a result, I lack patience. Your son spoke His heart in honesty, but still trusted in Your will and want. Thank you, Abba, for being a safe space I can admit my weakness and neediness and anger. Holy spirit, help me tune my ear to your will, your heart, your slowness… your love; Not my own. Would your will and heart be done. In your compassionate name, I need you. Amen!

  6. jasmin silva says:

    Lord always speaks in threes with me and reading this after reading my book earlier called the essential of praying amen has changed my approach and posture towards praying lord I know this is the holy sprite guidance on wisdom and understanding thank you I’m truly grateful in Jesus name amen

  7. Marcey KIEBERT says:

    My flesh is so weak and easy swayed, but I do have a willing heart and spirit and I need to lean more on my spirit then my flesh that is my prayer that I go into today with a renewed spirit and God given purpose, taking my daily bread with God and resting in him, manna by manna

  8. steph Gutmann says:

    Lord I long for a companion. But I’m also content in my singleness. Is this what it means “yet not my will, but yours”? The closer I draw to God, the more I long for Him, and the more time I want to spend with Him. I’m so grateful You hear our prayers, Lord.