The God Who Remembers

Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 1:1-28, 1 Samuel 2:1-11, Isaiah 49:14-16, Hebrews 6:10

Though Scripture contains many written prayers, like those found in the book of Psalms, and many teachings on how to pray, like the parables and sermons in Jesus’s ministry, this reading plan focuses on the prayers offered to God in the narratives of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a narrative that includes a prayer from an individual or group. Their prayers vary in length, type, posture, purpose, and God’s response. The secondary passages explore how the rest of Scripture speaks to the themes demonstrated in the main reading. 

While each account is different, every prayer recorded in Scripture teaches us about the unchanging God who invites us to speak to and hear from Him. These prayers model for us what it can look like to be in conversation with God. As you read, notice the posture and emotions present each day. 

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading Prayers in Scripture together, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read in the comments. 

How does the prayer in today’s reading match or not match your expectations of what prayer can be?

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171 thoughts on "The God Who Remembers"

  1. Shannon Wynne says:

    I appreciate the honesty in Hannah’s prayers. She’s real and raw but also trusts the Lord is greater than her circumstances.

  2. Nicole Powell says:

    Hannah story is so powerful and amazing to me

  3. Arbrianna N.B says:

    It did not match my expectations of what prayer can be because I always assumed if you don’t have something you want it’s because God does not want you to have it. I’ve been scared to ask God for specific things and only ask for His Will to be done, because I thought it would be selfish of me to ask. But God does say “Ask and it will be given to you.” I will now be more intentional with what I want and also make sure I’m asking for things I can use and nurture for His Purpose.

  4. kendyl calabrese says:

    I want to be able to put the amount of faith in God just as Hannah did. She told God what she needed and little did she know, God would give her exactly what she needs. I want this faith. This trust. God will take care of us, all we have to do is ask.

  5. Carla Fox says:

    Hannah was praying from a place of desperation, but you can hear a tone of faith in her prayer.

    She was already promising God that no razor would touch his head as if she knew that God was going to give her a son.

    She had so much faith in God after this prayer that her countenance changed, and she began to eat and carry on about her day.

    This is how I want to be able to pray. I want to pray with so much faith that I leave it at the foot of God and not worry about again, knowing that all will be taking care of by my God.

  6. Melissa Bradley says:

    He is a God who cares❤️

  7. Kiristan Waters says:

    Today I learned that after God answers your prayers you shouldn’t stop praying them, they just move from the supplication portion of the prayer to the thanksgiving portion:)

  8. Bailey Duncan says:

    As I’m starting my journey back into the lords path this is extremely helpful in my faith to grow

  9. Dori Brown says:

    This scripture holds a dear place in my heart. I’ve walked the path of infertility and prayed and thought Lord didn’t care at times. I read this scripture a long time ago and was full of great joy to be reminded that the Lord never forgets and is always listening. It’s always his timing and he’s working things out for our good. Eventually I was granted my son through the gift of adoption, and it’s always a reminder that he doesn’t forget us, but cares for us and is on his time table, not ours!

  10. Kelsey Hasse says:

    I want to feel freely able to be as honest, vulnerable & raw as Hannah before the Lord…she was so honest in the midst of her suffering & pain & loneliness

    He will not forget..He has engraved us on the palms of His hands. We are His.

  11. Mary henderson says:

    I want to be like Hannah after God answers my prayer, taking a long amount of time to praise and thank Him for His answer.

  12. Jerrica Terry says:

    God cares about all the things that concern me. Even the prayers I utter in moments of desperation. I’m grateful.

  13. Allie Curole says:

    Todays prayer matches my expectations because it shows that Hod really does answer prayers.

  14. Lauren Garza says:

    He remembers and wants to know all. These people are pouring their hearts out to them and he listens and remembers what they ask. Each and every single one of them

  15. Kate Beacham says:

    Prayers can are meant to be so personal and honest. God knows what’s in your heart.

  16. Kate Beacham says:

    Patience is a big thing I’m working on. Seeing the faith of others and the patience of God brings me peace and hope for my own patience.

  17. Laura Warden says:

    Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you…sometimes it seems like there are far greater cares than me that I don’t need bother God with him and that he doesn’t have time to care for them – but this scripture reminds me He sees me and my mess and wants it just the same.

  18. Makayla Joseph says:

    Sometimes I forget the desperation of coming to God and the posture that I do it in. Like someone else said in the comments that without God I am not that I am nothing. And it said “in due time” she gave birth, that in due time piece is scary because it can be infinite but it’s a reminder that God is faithful in his timing.

  19. Kayla Stumbo says:

    God is forgiving and patient with us

  20. Loraine Bogin says:

    God doesn’t bargain with us. The word bargain was not present in Old Testament Jewish history. He knows our anguish, our despair, our own inadequacies and self sufficiency and still He knows and sees our heart towards Him. Bargain is a recent human viewpoint on how we look at who God really is, if we believe He’s not loving or won’t answer us or help us, then all is lost, but that’s only humanly speaking. Because God is always present, He won’t reject the broken contrite spirit that comes to Him with vulnerability and asks Him for help. Hannah wanted this joy for herself and for her husband and God answers her prayer. Was it because she vowed to give her firstborn to the Lord, maybe so. The first born was dedicated to the Lord. So I’m sure He took this a sign of His love for Jesus and honored her request.

  21. Loraine Bogin says:

    The word bargain was not present in the Old Testament of the Jewish people. This is a recent human viewpoint in our selfish condition in our relationship with God in the present time. God does not bargain, He hears our cries, our hurt feelings of anguish and pain and responds to our brokenness. It says in His word, He will not reject the contrite spirit

  22. Jailyn Williams says:

    We have to be very precise in our prayers.

  23. Jenni Rubio says:

    Thank you for your encouragement

  24. Devyn Malinzak says:

    i find it easy to get lost in how vast and wide God is. He is so big, and has so many people to take care of, why would he need to listen to my prayers? this scripture reminds me that He is not forgetful. He doesn’t leave one behind. He hears it all and remembers it all because He cares.

  25. Lilly Caldwell says:

    The beginning of the prayer really reflects on how we can pray to things that we think we need, but not necessarily what God has planned for us. The symbol of her lips moving and nothing coming out of her mouth is very reflective of just how powerful God can be in prayer.

  26. parker jones says:

    Sometimes God’s timing does align with what you think your timing is. You think he forgets you and you have doubts in His plan. But the Lord never forgets you. He always keeps his promises and he always answers your prayers. He is always working in your life, even when you don’t know it.

  27. Amber Colmenero says:

    I really like this one. It reminds me of sacrifice. Hannah pleaded to God to give her a child. And she offered the child’s life to him. To be devoted and steadfast to his will. It reminds me to not just pray from my fleshly desires, but to pray from my heart and what’s His will.

  28. Hannah Archambault says:

    God keeps his promises, but as a followers we must keep ours to him as well

  29. Wanda Robinson says:

    God is faithful to respond to the prayers that come from our core. Sometimes I ask for things because I think having something in this world will make me happy. I’m realizing those prayers are not to God, they are to the world. Hannah clearly was crying out from a deep need to the only one who had the power to meet her need. He hears our heart prayers and responds.

  30. Michelle Grant says:

    The lord doesn’t leave us! B
    Knows our need

  31. Kendra Boehning says:

    The picture of Hannah praying and moving her lips but no sound coming out is very familiar to me. The Lord knows my heart, even if I can’t speak it. ♥️

  32. Emileigh Ramsey says:

    Prayer should be specific and concise from asking God for things to asking Him to forgive us. Being specific isn’t necessarily because God needs to know specifics, He knows what we need before we even pray. It’s a way of opening our hearts completely and vulnerably to the Lord, which allows us to feel His spirit move. It also lets us “check ourselves” before going to God in prayer. Hannah laid it all out for God because she knew that God would grant her the desires of your heart if it is in His will. Hannah was able to promise to give her son back to God for His glory and purpose. It all points back to following Jesus wholeheartedly rather than in a lukewarm way.

  33. Amy EB says:

    It does seem like Hannah is bargaining with the Lord. She says if He gives her what she wants (a son), in exchange she will devote him to the Lord. Like someone who says if you help me, God, I’ll go back to church or I’ll donate money or I swear I’ll be a better person. But Hannah wasn’t making empty promises. She was devoted enough to the Lord to send the son she’d prayed for to serve Him. I don’t know if I could do that! She asked for the Lord to remember her and answer her prayer in exchange for a lifetime of devotion and service by giving her son to Him. She doesn’t ask the Lord to bless her with a son for her own benefit but so that her son can worship the Lord and bring glory to Him.

  34. forust pearson says:

    I remember after 2.5 years of secondary infertility, crying out to God “Please give us another baby, but above all- not my will but yours.” We conceived that month. I think God wants us to be specific with our prayers, but I also think God wants us to want His will over our own. And to give praise & feel His peace regardless of what he grants us. I feel Hannah’s prayer deep deep in my heart. She felt peace after unloading that prayer to the Lord even before he gave her the child.

  35. Nadia Diaz says:

    The Bible verse…idk what to say, but it is def a way to pray

  36. Bunny Lightsey says:

    Hannah’s prayer came from somewhere I don’t understand, because I have children. I guess that is something we should realize is that each of our prayers originate from somewhere personal. Giving your husband a child was very important in that culture, especially a male child. It was not a selfish prayer, because she promised to give the child to the Lord for all of his life. And Samuel was a great joy to the Lord. He was a faithful servant. I believe that Hannah’s prayer is an example for us because anything we ask the Lord to give, should be something for the Lord’s honor, not our pleasure. Whether it is healing, a home, a job or a child. When God grants our request, He is the one that deserves the praise and honor for that answered prayer. If we believe that, our prayer life will be more specific, as many of you have said, and more thoughtful. I am praying that all of our prayer lives will be vessels for God to work through.

  37. Jenn D. says:

    I don’t thing this prayer was Hannah “bargaining” with God; it was Hannah asking for a blessing and promising to use that blessing for His glory. It wasn’t a, “If you do this, I’ll believe,” (although there are prayers like that in Scripture, like Judges 6:36-40 asking for a sign from God not once but twice). It was more of a, “I know You can do this if You will it, and if You do will it, I promise I won’t get so wrapped up in this gift that I selfishly forget why You chose to bless me with it.” To me, it’s asking for the desires of her heart with a right heart before God.
    Hannah was also persistent in prayer; this wasn’t a passing whim she chose to ask for. God remembered her. God “remembers” all His creations, but I think “remember” in this context means He saw the aching within her and did not put her desires aside.

  38. Alesia Shaw-Pulley says:

    What this reading revealed to me just like Hannah we have to be specific and precise about what we ask for in prayer. Hannah went to God with a humble heart because how bad she wanted to bear a child and have to remember this was a woman who couldn’t have children. For me there are things that I would love for God to but more specifically I want that close relationship with HiM.

  39. Audrey Hubbell says:

    We often “bargain” with God right? Hannah is not perfect and I’m surely not. I’m guilty of the bargaining in prayer. That’s why this gift of fellowship and sisterhood in Christ and this study helps us to identify how we individually pray and ask for blessings. Sacrificial prayer may be okay and maybe not but I’m not to say. What I do believe is that praying at all is closer to God and His goodness and will over us.

  40. Danielle Patrick says:

    The general tone of Hannah’s prayer was desperate for Gods intervene, and held an idea of “if you do this, I will do this.” I don’t tend to pray in this way because I would like to think that God has a greater plan for my life than my own personal desires which can sometimes be fogged or not see the whole picture that God sees. When I am facing trial, I share my pain with God through prayer and ask for his sight on the greater plan. “Lord, please open my eyes to your greater intention with this circumstance. I trust that there is a greater plan that what I see and what I am feeling right now. Let me rely on your insight as I make decisions around this situation so that I am not distracted by my emotions or attachments, but instead taking action out of love and trust for a greater good.”

  41. Natalie Vazquez says:

    Reading this passage reminds me that not every single
    Prayer has to be glamorous. One can simply talk to God about our happiness, our fustrations and He will listen. We do not have to use big words either.

  42. Natalie Vazquez says:

    Reading this passage reminds me that not every single

  43. JADA Leonard says:

    For me today’s post showed me Hannah was being specific and persistent in her prayers. The Lord answered her and blessed with a son. Hannah was not worried about being judged, she just layered it all out there. I believe prayer should be just like that. Even when we face impossible situations, we should always give our problems to God is an honest way!

  44. Ody Adigwe says:

    For me reading that Hannah laid it all before the Lord, pouring out her soul ; laying all her anxiety and vexation. In a way see Hannah was frustrated. But God answered her. I think she knew that God was the only one who could redeem her.

  45. Sydney Scott says:

    I love Hannah’s honest and faithful prayer, her rejoicing after God answering. I love God’s promises to His people, which I get to be included in through Jesus Christ. How cool is that? God will never forget me. I think I oftentimes think of prayer as a chore, or a hardship, confusing, distant. But sometimes just crying out to God is what we need to do. Honesty before Him. These passages remind me to not be so stiff before God. I have been too stiff. God loves His people and has all power to do His will. Why do I not ask like I mean it? Why do I not praise like I mean it? Holy Spirit, let us pray by your power, might, and beauty. I need you. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers so often in so many ways. Let me not be afraid to ask for BIG things in your name. You can do it. Let me trust you’re a good God and not be afraid to ask! And let me love you for who you are at the beginning, middle and end of the day. In Your Holy Name Jesus, who deserves our affections. We love you, and I thank you for first loving us, even when we were in our tresspasses and sins you died for us. Thank you for paying our debt, defeating our death, and giving us your Spirit, giving us eternal life with you that starts in this life and just gets better. Thank you for making God our Father. In your name, eternal Son of God, amen

  46. Chanley Koenen says:

    Hannah poured her heart and then somthing change the moment. Yet there is not a child in her womb but she will receive peace

  47. Juli Futrell says:

    so TRUE. oh snap, that’s good

  48. Rachel Vaught says:

    Hannah’s prayer is a recognition of who God is. He is loving and just. We so often focus on asking God for the good things, the “happily ever after”, but He knows the hearts of His people.

  49. Marcey KIEBERT says:

    It matches but it remind me of hope, that in my devastation Good stop hearts and is faithful as well as I am faithful, this is a relationship and Good is using me so I pray that he continues to guide me and my family and I rest in the document of the unknown, that I am not forgotten. Thank you God!

  50. Meredith Ritchie says:

    Sometimes God allows us to wait so that we come to Him in our desperation. Then we truly have faith in what He can do.

  51. Ashley Schmid says:

    Hannah was specific in her prayer and the Lord answered, but we have to remember God may not always answer in the way or time we want. After Hannah had Samuel she stayed faithful to her word and gave her Son to the Lord. I have dedicated both of my children to the Lord and continue help them in their walk with Lord, even at their young age. We have to continue to give God the glory and honor as he works in our lives because with out Him we are nothing.

  52. mary stephens mcmillan says:

    I think often for me even in prayer I can worry about how I am being perceived and because of that I’m embarrassed to embrace and fully commit myself in prayer. But Hannah poured it all out she gave everything over and she didn’t have concern as to how she was being perceived. Afterwards she trusted the Lords faithfulness and walk in that confidence, she obey the Lord and her vow. She was vulnerable and powerful in her prayer and obedience to what the Lords will was.

  53. Madi Poliszuk says:

    I love how during Hannah’s prayer, she wasn’t focused on how she looked or perception, she was fully fixed on the Lord. And right after, there was a weight that was lifted off of her. She was able to eat again, and she moved forward.

  54. steph Gutmann says:

    *unlike Hannah

  55. steph Gutmann says:

    Yet, in ch2 she identified God was her strength and clothed her (v4)

  56. steph Gutmann says:

    I always find this account hard, because unkind Hannah, I never did conceive. I draw strength that she didn’t pray this once and get a quick fix, Hannah would have carried this heartache for years, and was taunted by the fertile wife, yet it did not diminish her faith. “I am a woman with a broken heart” (v15). For many years, she would have felt forgotten by the Lord – something I know I can relate to.

  57. Holly Holden says:

    Hannah poured her heart out to the Lord which is definitely a way I know how to pray. When I had the revelation of Gods salvation for me, I knew that God saw me and loved me. I don’t have a problem with believing this. However, I forge to praise the Lord with all that he has. Hannah’s prayer after it is answered is poetic. How wonderful is that. We are to speak to him about how he has helped us. The great part about this is it is not for His self esteem, but so we have the ability to remember his goodness and kindness

  58. Alisson Camacho says:

    It says that she poured her heart before God, and something change in that moment, she could
    Eat again and her face showed something different, there was not a child in her womb yet but she could receive peace.

  59. Rishera Graham says:

    Struggling with infertility for the last couple years and wondering when it’s going to be my turn. I always find myself looking at others having what I want. Reading the story of Hannah has made me relaxed that I need to be bringing my worries and prayers to God I know he will hear me. He hears us all.

  60. Megan Neri says:

    This really stood out to me:

    13 Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk – 1 Samuel 1:13
    A reminder that our prayer life is personal. We don’t have to audibly speak to be heard by God. Also, Hannah was so real. She brought her sadness and grief to God and he took that weight from her. My prayer life looks different by the season, God just wants us close to him.

  61. Megan Neri says:

    This really stood out to me:

    13 Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk – 1 Samuel 1:13

  62. Megan Neri says:

    This really stood out to me:

  63. Kamry Williams says:

    This reading is so on time for me. I find myself continually seeing others living in the things I’ve been praying and waiting on God for. Sometimes I feel like Hannah and I cry out bitterly to the Lord. But if it’s one thing this reading has reminded me, is that God hears my cries and prayers and He’s going to do exactly what He promised. It’s going to be more than what I asked for and for Him answering my prayer alone…I will dedicate it all back to Him.

  64. Tameka Chauka says:

    God always hears us

  65. Courtney Weber says:

    I took note of how after she fervently prayed she was no longer sad. I feel that way every time I am genuine and earnest in prayer to the Lord. I may not have a direct answer. I may not know the outcome. But I feel so reassured by Him somehow.

  66. Krystal Schett says:

    God grants us our hearts desires, that line up to his word

  67. Audra Miller says:

    Another test

  68. Audra Miller says:

    Hello? ❤️

  69. Audra Miller says:

    Test 1234 ❤️❤️

  70. Audra Miller says:


  71. Audra Miller says:


  72. Danielle Relyea says:

    He blesses us when we live for him. Sometimes prayer is more praise or anguish. Sometimes you don’t know what you’re asking for, but God always knows what you need.

  73. Heidi Reeve says:

    God is the God who hears and does not forget His children.

  74. Audrey Snow says:


  75. Samantha Martin says:

    I grew up in a home where whenever I was even slightly emotional, I was being dramatic or “throwing a pity party”– and though this is unhealthy for anyone, it was especially destructive for me as I am a BIG feeler. God has recently been really drawing me out of the lies I was told and I’ve been feeling more and more comfortable embracing my emotions. Yeah I’m dramatic at times, but that really doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Anyway, I was so refreshed when I saw that Hannah was authentically herself and let herself feel her emotions- and that her emotions were what drew her to the Lord. Sometimes I think I need to “clean myself up” before approaching God in prayer but clearly that isn’t true. Today I’m thankful that God loves me for who I am, that He made me with intention, and that He embraces me AND my emotions.

  76. Kate Zimmerman says:

    In Hannah’s prayer, I was struck by how God is so near to the broken and discouraged. He promises to lift them up. It made me think – as a person who is so privileged, how can I move nearer in love to people who are poor, broken, needy? Because that’s where God is!

  77. Kate Zimmerman says:

    I thought of that too – and she brought him to the temple joyfully!

  78. Tebogo Ratau says:

    My prayer doesn’t have to be perfect. It can be one of distress and me crying out my anxieties to the Lord. He will take note of my vulnerability – casting all burdens on Him. He cares, He loves me and He wants to be there for me. His always present. I love him so much.

  79. Stephanie Berling says:

    I think it can be hard to cry out to the God of the universe in anguish over the intimate details of our lives but he is there with us in every moment. As Hannah said he is a God of knowledge. May the God who knows grant us the peace we need each day as we bear the intimate details of our lives.

  80. Lexie Zuercher says:

    Hannah’s story gave me so much hope this morning! I have been struggling with infertility as I have not had a period for 4 years now. It did not bother me before but now I am about to be married and my heart is already aching for a child within the next few years. I am getting better about praying to God about this everyday. I know that giving everything up to Him in prayer will bring me peace as I wait for him to answer my prayers.

  81. Georgia says:

    So beautifully said, Sophie

  82. Christel Fleming says:

    We have a Father that cares, that loves, & He desires us to trust Him with everything on our hearts.

  83. Tracy Aikens says:

    It’s shows that I cannot lean on my own understanding when going through life. When I am desperately seeking the Lord, I must remind myself that He always has a solution and He is working on my prayers even before I seek Him. Focusing on the truth of the Word and reciting those truths when I feel defeated has helped my faith and walk with God.

  84. Emily Smeenk says:

    He may not answer in our time or our way but he is present. He knows our wants and needs and provides at each perfect time.

  85. Sophie Lange says:

    This reading shows that God is always listening, is always in tune to our heart, and blesses us when we are at our most vulnerable.

  86. Katherine McIntyre says:

    Congratulations! What a wonderful moment for you to read her story. I’m so happy that you have experienced healing and I declare over you that you will be overflowing in peace and wellbeing and that God will bring much redemption and healing into your family.

  87. Emma Simmons says:

    if shows that you can be vulnerable with God at all times for all things.

  88. Meagan Warlick says:

    I think it matches those prayers in times of pain and hurt for me where you just come before the Lord with a heavy heart and ask for what you want. I love how honest and real Hannah seems during her prayers because it’s not always easy to keep praying for the same things over and over. I love how she was no longer sad when she left her prayers and I think it reflects what an interaction with the Lord does.

  89. Lade T says:

    I’ve always struggled with the idea of whether the inward prayers in our hearts “count”. And 1 Samuel 1:11+13 answers that. God hears the inward gronanings of our hearts.

    Another thing that stands out is that she prayed a prayer of rejoicing and thanksgiving

  90. Susan Lincks says:


  91. Adrianne Richardson says:

    I think it’s hard for me to understand such a big miracle happening because of prayer on a mental level, but on a spiritual level the understanding and hope is there. I also think it’s hard for me to even contemplate asking for such a huge undertaking for myself to even be considered by our Lord. I am grateful to see this story/history though because it does give me hope that if I do ask for such a huge request, knowing that it was answered gives me hope that my prayers could be answered in such a fashion.

  92. Wendy Cockrum says:

    Thank you for that beautiful pray that echoes my own heart. Amen

  93. Christina Vingerud says:

    I love how honest and raw Hannah is, truly opening her heart to God and not holding back! Let us remember to be the same, He can handle it!

  94. Brandi Young says:

    What I love about this day is that Hannah refuses to let decorum keep her from really getting to God with her real heart! She let it all out. The hurt, the offenses and the desires and because of that GOD heard it all! And Samuel the Prophet was born!

  95. Becky Berube says:

    Happy birthday!!!

  96. Ruby Hunter says:

    Every prayer is unique

  97. Kylee Tarter says:

    Heidi I feel roots of these things in my heart too. Sometimes it just feels like overwhelm is hardening me in a way, I want answers or things to move in a way I feel is timely, and it’s hard to trust God.

  98. Jeni B says:

    I am praying for you Gayle.

  99. Stephanie Donnelly says:

    This is my worst habit about prayer.

  100. Victoria E says:

    Hannah Storay agree! I often pray and release my worries only to pick them back up again!

  101. Claire B says:


  102. Yazmin Cruz says:

    Todays prayer matches my thought of prayers because the Lord is our savior and our salvation. He loves us dearly who speak of and live by His word. It brings him joy in answering our prayers.

  103. Yazmin Cruz says:

    Todays prayer matches my thought because the Lord is our savior and our salvation. He loves us dearly who speak of and live by His work.

  104. Katy wing says:

    Lately I have been starting to see good things God is bringing into my life that I have asked for. I realize how important it is to give all the things God has given me, to God. To lay my burdens and his gifts at his feet.

  105. Sarah Lightner says:

    My kids are older now but i remember reading once that God is with us when the kids aren’t . napping or your frustrated god is there and you are doing gods work.

  106. Sarah Lightner says:

    I was stuck by anchor. Yes. Anchor. Bringing me back to what is the core of what i need.

  107. Sarah Lightner says:

    Sometimes I forget to pray and am dismayed. And when I remember all seems to align- maybe not immediately or on my timeline but it just settles and feels right. Trusting and praying is grounding and I am filled with hope.

  108. Hannah Storay says:

    It’s amazing to see how Hannah prayed and gave her troubles to God and was set free. I strive to do that each and every day. It is one thing I struggle with greatly.. let go and let God.

  109. Kimberly Z says:

    @Katherine Finch I agree sometimes I need the reminder to just be thankful for what God is doing in my life and not always angry with the fact that he hasn’t answered my prayers the way I want him too.

  110. Kimberly Z says:

    @Rhonda J loved your comment today. I remember you telling your story months back and it still resonates with me. As a frustrated single girl I pray one day it will make sense. During the wait time I pray I can keep my eyes on God and what he is trying to get me to do during this time.

  111. Nitz . says:

    Jesus I thank you that like Hannah you give hope in despair, you make ways in impossibilities. You are a restorer, a deliverer, an anchor, a comforter. You are mercy and strength. I submit the barren areas of my life to you. The dry bones. Your word says that wherever the river flows everything shall live. Pour living waters over me today and mould me to Your perfect design. I thank you for Your faithfulness. Amen, Amen and Amen

  112. Mercy says:

    @Molly R, I am thrilled that you took my approach and found this new intimacy with God. Yes He responded, right there right then. I was amazed too of how vivid the conversation turned out. Not many talked about this though. BUT GOD. Isn’t that the most precious privilege to have God talk to you one on one, in the now, as real as person? I am very touched that you shared the words of your personal journaling and how God responded to you. May you continue to find nourishment, strength and encouragement by “talking” to Him. Relationships need cultivating and by this way, we invest our time to the Lord. Love you sister. God bless you.❤️

  113. Heidi says:

    …”anguish and resentment”… I’m on my way to the anguish I fear… I have a twinge of the resentment. I hate both of these things as it’s not a typical response for me but I find myself feeling forgotten. Some by God, some by some close, valuable people… just unseen and hurt. It’s not been an easy day – or few weeks . And I’m honestly not looking for easy – but I do find myself wanting what I would define as better support from God. I don’t know… I know His ways are higher and He is worthy of all things. I know that if He were to never hand me another blessing in this life, I have already been over-blessed with His unnecessary gift of my salvation. I know all of it but my heart is still where it is…

  114. Jessica De Santis says:

    I love that Hannah prayed so hard and gave her troubles to God and then trusted Him so much that she was able to be free of her anguish and worries as soon as she gave them to Him. I want to pray in that way that I can then go and be free of my worries because I trust that God is in control and wants good for me and my family!

  115. Natalie V says:

    Today I’m literally praying the same prayer as Hannah: Remember me, oh God. As the mom of two under three years old I feel so invisible. I feel so encouraged that God remembers. A pastor at our church preached a while ago that God sees all our ministry work, no matter how people see it. I am standing on and holding onto that today. Through my whole study time the song “The Same God” by Elevation Worship was going through my head. We pray to the exact same God as Hannah. Be encouraged by that, Shes. Praying for all of us to feel and believe that we are remembered by God.

  116. Traci Gendron says:

    I have been interrupted so many times today trying to read the study. I will go back and reread it tonight. Praying for some quiet time so I can concentrate.

  117. Terri Baldwin says:

    I wondered that to….is that true Faith leaving your child in Gods hands?

  118. Terri Baldwin says:

    Yes! So true! I pray constantly for my adult son who has been in addition seasons of life. God does hear our prayers, my son has been good a year and a half. I still want his life to be better but this is a huge step. God is great!

  119. Meredith Stafford says:

    I believe in prayer 100%. It may not happen when you pray for it right then and there on your time. But it’s Gods timing that works. And it will happen. And it may happen the way you prayed for it or it may happen the way God wants your prayer to be. God has everything written out for you you just have to pray. Like Mark 11:24 says “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

  120. Katherine Finch says:

    Seeing Hannah’s heartbreak turn into triumph was really impactful to me. In my own prayer life I willingly pray thoughtful prayer for my needs. However, other than a “Wow thank you God” I can’t say I rejoice in His answer and provision and worship God in prayer for His answer. This was a good reminder to be in a spirit of thankfulness for what God is doing in my life and providing for me.

  121. Hope says:

    I can too attest for Hannah’s testimony. I spent the last 2 years struggling with infertility and recurrent miscarriage. I was at the darkest point of my life and spent many nights crying out in anguish. There was nothing my husband or friends could say to make it better. BUT GOD.

    But GOD showed up in ways I never thought he would. He blessed us with a fertility specialist that found a diagnosis that could cure the reason for my losses. He also stitched my heart up after blaming my body for my 2 angels that didn’t make it earth side.

    And as I type these words I am currently holding my 2 week old son. The son that God chose for us and I so relate with Hannah. My prayer is to lead this child to Jesus and to live a life for Him.

    Now my PP journey is another adventure. And I’ve never felt more challenged but more intimate with Jesus in my life. Being a mama is truly a gift. And I pray over all you shes that are mamas, yearning to be mamas and are awaiting your rainbows too.

  122. Cindy Hanna says:

    How many times have I (like Hannah) cried out to God in anguish and resentment? Yet even in expressing her grief she represented God in prayer reverently. Honesty with reverence. An example worthy of following.

  123. Nads says:

    Thanks @ MOLLY R for sharing…I will go back and read @ MERCY’s comment!

    @ DIANNE CARPENTER and @ GAYLE and all who have requested prayer… praying

    @ SARAHJOY – I too hope you are well and

    @ ERB ❤️ – Where are YOU?! Have I missed something in my very busy season?!

    @ JENNIFER LOVES JESUS – I loved your comments (and @ CEE GEE re: hearing God through Elkanah’s question). I also loved your reference to the OSB. OH how I would love to do an SRT study on the Wisdom of Sirach and/or Judith!

    Yes, Hannah prayed that Thanksgiving prayer AFTER doing the hard part of giving her child to the Lord… WOW!!

  124. Mari says:

    I remember I had many sleepless nights of crying out to My GOD in anguish and desperation seeking for answers of what should I do? Even though it was painful and sometimes extremely scary to the point where I was shaking, I did not doubt god’s presence. I must’ve looked like Hannah praying in anguish. I’m thankful that my dependence was so late on HIM!! HE rescued me!

  125. Nancy Singleton says:

    Praying for you & your situation, Gayle R. The Lord is with you. You are not alone.

  126. Kyana Cruz says:

    Constant reminder that prayer can look so different for everyone, but God sees and hears us. I reference this passage often because of Gods grace on Hannah and Hannah’s prayer in humility crying out to God. This is more than just wanting a child and it’s beautiful.

  127. Nancy Singleton says:

    Beautiful insights, Jennifer Loves Jesus.

  128. Molly R says:

    @Mercy, your comment yesterday – out of all of them – struck me. Your suggestion of writing down the prayer-conversations with God. Admittedly I thought it sounded, I’m not sure, but I know I was questioning it. How can I write down God’s response? How the heck would I know what is Him and what is me? Well, I have had an empty journal sitting next to me while I do my morning Bible study that has been there for months – since my birthday in July. It was a gift. I picked it up. On the cover is Matthew 19:26 – With God all things are possible. “You’re kidding,” is what popped into my hand rather snarkly. But you suggested it with such conviction that I gave it a try. I thought I would just get into the habit first by using the “A” in the Acts pattern. Acknowledging God. I endeavored to simply start by writing the titles of each day we have read in this study so far, and of course the first day is “The God Who Listens.” I chose to write it “My God Who Listens,” and immediately felt a twinge of hesitation. From my journal:

    Me – “It feels inappropriate to say, “My God.” From the Old Testament it sounds like I am claiming a covenant with you.” (My heart was one of almost shame at all the ways I fail Him and let down any preconceived covenant ties.)
    Without even stopping my pen I felt the following response, clearly not of my own “words!”
    God – “You are (claiming that), and because of what my Son did on the cross, you can! More than that – I WANT YOU TO!!!
    (Yes, I included 3 exclamation marks!!!)

    Goosebumps. I was so humbled and shocked that it worked so vividly! I will be continuing, for sure, but know that it will take some discipline to form a new habit. I will continue the rest of the week staying in the “Acknowledgment” realm and add on the C.T.S. as I become more habitual. I can’t thank you enough for the passionate (as much as you can in just type) suggestion of this form of prayer journaling. What a gift it has already been to me! I pray you are blessed today because you spoke from your heart to the testimony of God in hopes of seeing others walk in that precious gift, too!

  129. Rhonda J. says:

    I love music, and I love songs of worship (it’s all I listen to!) and after I have taken my bike ride for exercise most mornings, I come to my temple (the dock on which I stretch and turn on my playlist of worship songs!) I’m sharing because I wanted to share a couple of the songs with you that coincide with the readings! “Same God” by Elevation Worship…He hears our prayers because He is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow, we can stand on that promise! He heard the prayers of Hannah, and she knew this and poured out her heart to the Lord of Armies! She knew this God. And He is the same God today as He was then! He hears our prayers too, even in desperation! Then comes the next song “The Goodness of God” by Jen Johnson (and others). I can sing of the goodness of God for so many things in my life! “None Like You” by Dante Bowe…beautiful song lifting up “the only one” there is none like our God! The last I will add here is “Hymn of Heaven” by Phil Wickham! All of our tears and strife will be worth it….standing face to face one day with our heavenly Father!! Standing beside the Heroes of the Faith….singing Worthy of the Lamb WHO was slain….wow! Glory to Our God….just fires me up writing these songs down!!!

    Reading through the scripture of Hannah crying out in desperation nudges up the memory of crying out in desperation for a man…the right man…the man that God had for me! I had been through 2 divorces (a young toddler with the second) and I was so broken. All I had wanted was to be married and have a family, yet I wasn’t looking to God to help me in my journey until then, when it was falling apart yet again. I cried in desperation, hit my knees, and knew I had not been following God in my life, I was trying to do it my own way. God was more than the God to keep at a distance, He wanted me to walk with Him in my everyday life. Looking back at my heartfelt journal of prayers I see how God gave me dependence on Him, drew me close on His lap, and started this amazing journey. I have been with the man that God gave me for 15 years now, married for 12 1/2. I never forget the amazing gift and the answer to my anguished prayers! And by the way, the wait felt incredibly long at the time, but probably was only about 5 years. I did not have any more children, but through my husband with his two grown kids at the time, we have 4 grandkids that have been my own! God is good! It may not look like what we envisioned, but it is always beautiful in retrospect.

    Have a wonderful day She’s!
    PS- For some reason I keep thinking of Sarahjoy—I haven’t seen her on her in the last several studies…but I want to pray for her. Will you put her on your prayer lists?! Prayers for you @MarthaHix as well, I know your too are on a first anniversary of the loss of your husband.

  130. Christina Fowlkes says:

    Praying for you @Gayle and @Dianne Carpenter may God grant you and your spouses peace and wisdom and reconciliation in your marriages

  131. Molly ZagRodny says:

    Something that struck me about this story today was that Hannah was praying for the blessing of a child but also for justice. And when she praises God in chapter 2 she rejoices over the Lord righting wrongs. Her prayer comes at the beginning of the story of Israel becoming a nation after the period of the judges. I think Hannah is like Israel, calling out to God to see them, and fulfill his promises to them. This prayer makes me want to join Hannah and the Lord in praying “may your kingdom come, and your will be done” in this broken world. How I long to be free from struggling with sin and pushing through a world where nothing works as it should because of sin. Come, Lord Jesus, Lord of hosts, and make things right.

  132. Cee Gee says:

    I had a rather stirring image as I read this morning. I imagined God asking me what Elkanah asked Hannah. “Why are you troubled? Am I not better to you than ….?” That puts my heart in its place! “Seek ye first the kingdom of God…”!Today’s reading meshes with my expectations of what prayer can be. I need to follow Hannah’s example more often.

  133. Brittany Nicole Montaigne says:

    I know Hannah’s prayer all too well. I have prayed that prayer for my husband and I after infertility and miscarriages. That prayer was fulfilled. Our God answers prayers. He remembers us when we think all has been forgotten, we must wait until His time.

  134. Dianne Carpenter says:

    Please pray for my husbands hard heart. My mother died last August, leaving me her mobile home in a park I own with my siblings. We have so many financial issues and this would be a free place to live, not renting as we are now. We would be able to get out of debt and be free, but he refuses to live in a mobile home park! He is handicapped and never leaves the house anyway. I have been praying consistently for Gods guidance for this. It is heartbreaking.

  135. Rebecca says:

    @Jennifer loves Jesus- your comment that Hannah’s gift was not her son but the grace that God showed her by answering her prayers got my attention! I know that is true-but in my weak human condition, it would be so hard to give him back! I need that kind of faith and thankfulness to love and obey.

  136. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I’m thankful for this prayer. I remember years ago, praying and asking God for children. I would literally cry out to Him, then thank Him. I learned to delight in Him, to trust Him & His timing. It is hard to wait to see our desires and dreams come to pass, but He is faithful. This prayer teaches us that we can reach out to Him & He will remember us. He may not do things when or how we would like them, but He is not a man that He should lie. His promises are good & for us & will come to pass!

  137. SharBear says:

    Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
    Romans 8:26

  138. Kenna McFall says:

    I love that Hannah prayed from her “anguish and resentment”. She acknowledges before God that she is resentful of the fact that Peninnah has been blessed with children but she hasn’t. It’s ok to b honest and real with God. He already knows our deepest longings and weaknesses.

  139. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    In 1 Samuel 1:10,11 Hannah pours her heart out to God. She wept and prayed out of her great anguish and grief and was totally honest with Him, she bore her soul. She made her petition and went home in peace. She had complete confidence that God heard her prayer. In the course of time (notice it wasn’t immediately) Hannah conceived. She prayed and the Lord granted, and once she had delivered her son to the temple – as she had vowed to do, she prayed a prayer of thanksgiving, praise, and exultation…a great pattern for us to follow. Sometimes we pour our hearts out to God, begging Him to answer – and then He does and we forget to praise and thank Him. Father God, may I always remember to thank You when you answer my prayer, and even when You don’t. Knowing Your way is perfect, help me to go in peace.

  140. Abby Littlefield says:

    I love this story. In the moment I sometimes feel like God isn’t hearing my prayers and they seem to go unanswered and I assume God has forgotten about my hopes and dreams. But, I journal a lot and when I look back on past prayers, I almost always see them get answered. They’re not always answered the way I expect and sometimes they are, but I am reminded of the importance to revisit past prayers and thank God for hearing me!

  141. Abby Littlefield says:

    I love this story. In the moment I sometimes feel like God isn’t hearing my prayers and they seem to go unanswered and I assume God has forgotten about my hopes and dreams. But, I journal a lot and I

  142. Elizabeth Ferguson says:

    Good question. I think I try to manipulate more than I think.

  143. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Hannah’s prayer begins as my own: “My heart is strengthened in the Lord…” (1 Kingdoms 2 OSB). This as she gives her tiny son back to the Lord just after she weans him. Bittersweet. For what she once lamented and prayed for out of her deepest sorrow, God gave her a child. And Hannah gave him back as she promised. Her son was not the gift, it was God’s grace that showed Hannah He heard and remembered her. The Holy God of all creation, Holy Father, Holy Immortal, heard her and remembered her, and she was full of His grace. This is how my heart, too, is strengthened. Not by receiving things, but by receiving God Himself. It is God Who fills me with prayer and strength. “The One Who gives a prayer to the one praying, He blesses with righteous years; for my strength no man can prevail” (1 Kingdoms 1:9 OSB). The true way to find peace and contentment here, in the midst of our struggles is simply this: “To understand and know the Lord, and to do justice and righteousness in the midst of the earth” (v 10). It is not what I hold and possess, it is Him Who is holding me that matters most. To Him be the glory unto ages of ages. Thy will be done. I trust You Father God, amen.

  144. Erica Wilson says:

    I am wondering at the kind of faith it takes to make a vow to God like this, but not to do it as manipulation. This is an interesting concept that I want to think about more. I LOVE Hannah’s honesty with God, and how even before her specific prayer is answered, her spirit was uplifted by prayer (1:18). Beautiful.

  145. Mary Ruiz says:

    YES! Sometimes our tears are our prayers! When words fail and tears appear I know He sees and hears me.

  146. Cheryl Barton says:

    Arina, I love what you wrote!❤️

  147. Lani Crump says:

    I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord.

  148. Holly Strickland says:

    Going to Him, laying it down and leaving it with Him. Trust!

  149. Shontay Dickerson says:

    I too have journeyed through infertility (~10 yrs) and am a witness that God hears AND answers. As others have commented, God responds to our prayers according to his perfect will for our lives. And for that I am grateful! To experience his faithfulness to answer our prayers, no matter the length of time, is huge, for me. Each experience builds a track record or history to where I can look back and say, “Yes, God answered my prayers then and will do the same again. Hallelujah!!”

  150. Jenny Somers says:

    “I’ve been praying from the depth of my anguish and resentment.” V. 1:16. I can approach the Lord in my hurt, with confidence, knowing that he sees and remembers me. This is a great encouragement – knowing that I can be honest about the depth of discouragement or grief or even anger that I feel in my prayers. He is the Lord of Armies! He fights for me! GAYLE – praying for you today.

  151. Autumn Riley says:

    I think one of the things I noticed reading this today, with the mindset of prayer, is that Hannah does not care if she looks crazy while praying. Her boldness to pray is uninhibited by shame. I want to be more bold in prayer!

  152. Danielle B says:

    Hannah prays with a boldness and asks directly for what she wants and she does so after giving God the honor he deserves. What a great reminder to not just go to God with my wish list first but to honor Him and out of that place of reverence ask boldly for my desires. My pastor touched on this in seeking God’s peace. Philippians 4:6,7 are often quoted in seeking peace, but my pastor shared verse 6 starts with thanking God and then peace. Something I’m being more intentional in practicing.

  153. Veronica Ford says:

    Hannah’s prayer is not anything like I thought praying would be. I want to learn to pray like Hannah and others we’re reading about in this study. I feel like my prayers are so superficial or repetitive. I know God knows my heart but I feel He deserves so much better from me. These SRT studies, however, are continually helping me to better myself and grow my relationship with the Lord.

  154. Rea Queen says:

    Sometimes tears ARE our prayers.
    Psalm 56:8 says “you keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

  155. Rea Queen says:

    Sometimes tears are our prayers.

  156. Angie Mills says:

    God welcomes our honesty with Him. He allowed Hannah to weep bitterly before Him, quarrel with and complain to Him, be vexed and angry with Him. When she is crying so hard before the Lord, she is crying profusely and is quarreling and complaining and angry. It’s no wonder that Eli thought she was drunk! He eyes would have been puffy from crying and her face flushed. Usually when we have these kinds of emotions that Hannah was displaying, we yell and scream, rant and rave, but she prayed these emotions silently to the Lord (with her lips moving and nothing coming from her voice). We see these as such negative emotions because of their association with our sinful nature. God knows our weaknesses, He knows our sins and our faults. He knows our thoughts before we say them and He knows our hearts. What we say to Him and what we feel towards Him does not surprise Him.

    This is the first time in the Bible that the title “LORD of Armies” is used. In the Bible, this title is used to proclaim God’s power and rule over creation. Many times the prophets used it when speaking to the people of Israel. This title of God is being used first by a barren woman when she is struggling with her infertility. She is proclaiming that God has control over her situation and she is basing the rest of her prayer, her complaints, and vow on that one truth. God is Creator and Ruler over all creation. He created her body and she wants Him to work in her body so that she can be fruitful and have children.

  157. Felicia P says:

    Pray! At all times! Out loud or silently! What a Father we have! We can go to him when we are deeply hurt and when our heart rejoices in him! He wants to hear from us! Let’s pray like Hannah! ❤️

  158. Katie Megee says:

    My desire is to be able to pray Hannah’s “triumphant prayer” even when my prayers have not been answered in the way I desire. Because God is good, His ways are not my ways, He is Sovereign and in control, and I trust His plan for me. Everything Hannah prays in 1 Samuel 2:1-11 is true and whether He answers me as I request or not. May praise for Him ever be on my lips!

  159. Tami C says:

    Good morning. I’m new here. You all have such amazing insights and I’m learning so much from you. What struck me today was that Hannah not only stuck to her word, but that she prayed her triumphant prayer AFTER she left her son with the priest. Kind of like Abraham, she was willing to “sacrifice” her son in obedience to God, and then praise Him for it!

  160. stacy thomas says:

    This reading today reminds me just has fierce God’s love is for me, how there is no other greater answer. There is nothing that can stand in God’s way. Putting my trust in that fact helps me stay in His presence and in His provision

  161. Aimee D-R says:

    Taking it all to Him..and exalting Him. I love this lesson.

  162. Judy Philbrook says:

    God does answer prayers. Sometimes not in the way we wanted.
    I wonder how Hannah could leave her son at the temple?

  163. Erica Christian says:

    I have a very special place in my heart for Hannah. As someone facing infertility I know what it’s like to weep before God and beg Him for a child. BUT GOD is so good. He has filled my heart with peace and joy, even if I never have a child He is still good. I will continue to trust Him in all things!

  164. Sheridan Covington says:

    I believe we can pray to God boldly. We can come before him with our honest thoughts and emotions, and He hears us. He understands what we are trying to say even if we don’t have the right words. And He will never leave us or forsake us.

  165. Kristen says:

    Thank You, Lord that You are Sovereign and all knowing. Thank You for providing The Way for us to even come in to Your Presence to repent, praise, and pray! In Your mercy, May we rest in the understanding that You are working all things for good. Amen. Prayers for you all today.

  166. Mary Ann Graves says:


  167. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Before we ask God for anything we want, true prayer starts with acknowledging who He is. And that He is good. From that point, our prayers are really an attempt to align ourselves with His will.

  168. TIna says:

    @JENNI B. God may not grant me the desires of my heart the way that I initially thought I wanted, but God is sovereign. God is good. God listens and does not forget me or my plight, even as I wait.
    I love this!

    @JO, May I also echo your sentiment..
    ..knowing that the Lord of Armies is for me in the battle and not against me, and so to stand firm and not waver…

    God is good. This I know, with my whole heart, so.. if He is for me… then HE IS FOR ME..NO ifs or buts. Full stop. That’s it!
    In His time, THE RIGHT TIME, I will see my prayers answered in the best way possible.

    BUT GOD..


    Praying His blessings over you my dears, in all you do, are and say today, wrapped in love from across the pond..❤

  169. Arina says:

    I’ve been noticing that too. Every prayer we have read so far has started with a declaration of who the Lord is. He is the Lord of Armies (today), the one who knows everyone’s heart (Acts 1), the mighty and faithful God (Nehemiah), and the One who always hears (John 11). The titles of the devotional also stress that. We need to know who God is so to know how we can communicate with Him in the best way. Reminding yourself of those truths at the start of your prayer I think makes you come to God with the right expectations and trust.

    I also love how Hannah goes to God with her problems. She says she is a woman with a broken heart. But that doesn’t make her push God away. Instead she goes to Him with the depth of her anguish and resentment, pouring out her heart before the Lord. That’s something I’ve been trying to get better at. Not letting my heart be hardened by difficulty but instead pull closer to God through it all.

  170. Jo says:

    That is so true JENI B, I love and echo your comments. I’m reminding myself to have persistence in prayer, knowing that the Lord of Armies is for me in the battle and not against me, and so to stand firm and not waver.

  171. Jeni B says:

    I’ve read this story a fair few times, but something that struck me reading this morning is how Hannah starts her prayer: “Lord of Armies…” It’s a title I feel is more often used when Israel is going into battle or coming up against a significant enemy. So it was interesting to see it used in this intimate context.

    Then, when Hannah is praising God in chapter 2, there’s this repeated theme of God’s sovereignty over people and situations. I feel like they’re both interlinked in that they demonstrate Hannah’s posture towards God. She was approaching God as a sovereign, powerful God. One she knew had more than enough power to intervene in her situation, so even though her approach was humble in chapter 1, it felt like there was a kind of surety and quiet confidence. Sometimes I lack that confidence in my prayers. I’m too focused on my situation and the way it shakes me versus the Lord of Armies who is on my side. God may not grant me the desires of my heart the way that I initially thought I wanted, but God is sovereign. God is good. God listens and does not forget me or my plight, even as I wait.