The Glory of God

Open Your Bible

Exodus 34:1-35, Exodus 40:34-38, 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Text: Exodus 34:1-35, Exodus 40:34-38, 2 Corinthians 3:7-18  

It was late afternoon as I boarded the non-stop flight back to Nashville, anxious to get home after a week in unfamiliar territory.

The plane settled into a rhythm, and I leaned my head back and glanced out the window. In an instant, I was captivated. We were flying above what looked like an ocean of clouds. Colors of the sunset sprayed one side of the world in a hundred shades of pink and orange. It was so mesmerizing I could barely blink. I wanted to see more. I wanted to stretch the window wide so I could experience the fullness of the sky’s beauty. It was too vast for me to capture from my limited viewpoint.

As I sat back and closed my eyes, vibrant colors remained etched in my mind. I was in awe of the wonder and glory of God. But as wondrous as these images and experiences may be, they are only glimpses of Him, evidence of His infinite greatness, which is far too big for us to fully comprehend (Isaiah 55:9).

I can’t begin to imagine how Moses felt as the glory of God radiated from a cloud above the mountain where he stood. Beckoned by the Lord Himself, Israel’s leader obediently approached with nothing but blank tablets in his hands—new tablets to replace ones shattered in the wake of Israel’s idolatry (Exodus 34:1-3; 32:19). God, in an overwhelming display of mercy, offered them a clean slate (Exodus 32:33). He remained faithful to His covenant and led His people to the land of promise, by His glory and grace.

As the weight of pure holiness hovered above Moses, God declared the power of His name. Scripture tells us, “Moses immediately bowed down to the ground and worshiped” (Exodus 34:8). He lingered there in God’s presence for 40 days.

Like the moon reflecting the brilliance of the sun, Moses’ face soaked up the radiance of God’s light until a visible glow permeated his countenance. He’d seen only a glimpse of God’s glory, but descended that mountain more certain than ever of Yahweh’s flawless character and covenant love.

From a mountain to a sacred tent, God’s glory remained near as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness. Time and time again, Moses approached the Lord as Israel’s advocate then stood before a trembling nation as God’s mouthpiece. Moses led the people faithfully, but he was powerless to save them. He spoke to God on their behalf, but he could never close the gap that separated them from God’s presence. While Moses played an integral role in redemptive history, the story was always bigger than him (Hebrews 3:3).

We know the rest of the story.

In Christ, the glory of God came down and dwelt among us (John 1:14). The veil that once darkened our eyes was torn away by the power of redemption (Hebrews 10:19-22). Jesus is the greater Advocate, the One who stood in our place and offered Himself as our substitute. Wrapped in eternal light, He now stands before the Father on our behalf and covers us with the radiance of His righteousness.

“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of His nature, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”
-Hebrews 1:3


Written By Ali Claxton 

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38 thoughts on "The Glory of God"

  1. Caroline says:

    I love that no matter what the story is it always points back to HIM! Glory to God, always

  2. Jenny R says:

    Last night during a group prayer time a friend was sharing trials and used the phrase “you can’t make this up”. It came to me again as I was reading about Moses and the cloud that was on top of the mountain and then in the over the tent – you just can’t make that up! I don’t know of any other early religion stories like this one, where God dwelt among his people in such a magnificent way. The flood story is common, and it should be, but this is wholly different. Even before Christ, God showed himself in a very real and tangible way for quite some time. I think no one else made that up – because you just can’t.

  3. Amen says:

    Being intentionally quiet.
    Exodus 14:14

    Resting on purpose.
    Exodus 34:21

    Called to persevere.
    Hebrews 14:19-39

    Grateful for those who motivate us to acts of love and good works, and for those who meet together (in person and virtually), and especially for those who encourage us to know God can be trusted to keep his promise.

    1. Amen says:

      Correction: Hebrews 10:19-39

  4. Lesley says:

    Just hanging out with Jesus can do so much for our countenance too. I’ve learned so much from a monk from the 1600’s named Brother Lawrence about “Practicing The Presence of God.” Join me today and let’s get a little “Son” together:

    1. Denise says:

      I, too, learned much from Brother Lawrence. Thank you for the share and the website. Practicing the Presence of God is a wondrous practice to implement.

    2. Anna Buchanan says:

      Great blog post! On a sick day, home from teaching, I really enjoy putting some tasks on hold to just relax. The Lord gives rest to His beloved. What a great reminder from Brother Lawrence to slow down and be more aware!!

  5. Claire says:

    The same thing jumped out at me. Do I take time or do I let life dictate my time

  6. Keri Underwood says:

    Goodness this wrecked me this morning! I needed to hear this so much. What stood out to me was “Moses led the people faithfully, but he was powerless to save them. He spoke to God on their behalf, but he could never close the gap that separated them from God’s presence. While Moses played an integral role in redemptive history, the story was always bigger than him.” I sometimes forget that all this doesn’t rest on MY shoulders. It’s not dependent on ME. HE is in control. HE knows the end chapter. All I must do is faithfully obey. Wow. Thanks for this reminder today, it was MUCH needed!

  7. Jen says:

    I loved how the writer today talked about the magnificence of a sunset and how that is nothing compared to the glory of God. It’s hard to believe that someone so incredible can be inside me; I fail so often.
    I pray to see myself the way that God sees me and that I won’t let anything get in the way of allowing God to show others His glory through me! What an incredible honor!!

    1. Keri Underwood says:

      It’s crazy to think isn’t it? The same God that created the sunset, the mountains, the crazy looking fish in the sea, is the same God that created US! Ahh! It blows my mind thinking about it. I agree, I would love to see myself the way Christ does! One day we will! Blessings to you Jen!

  8. Amanda says:

    Today’s reading made me think of the song Sun and Moon by Phil Wickham. My favorite line goes, “if you are the Sun, then I want to be the moon. I want to reflect the light that comes from you.” I’m so thankful that the veil has been removed!

    I pray that we reflect the light of Christ in each place where we find ourselves today.

    1. Nath says:

      Thank you Amanda for posting the link..I’ve never heard the sing before..I lingered with other of his songs..Filling my heart with God’s presence..