The Glorious One

Open Your Bible

Luke 2:21-40, Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 49:13

Christmas has now passed, and it can feel like, “well, is Advent over?”

One of the beauties of following Christ is that holidays don’t change the truth of God. These holidays simply remind us, perhaps, of what we have forgotten, what we need to remember, and what a renewal of our hope looks like. Advent itself means “coming” or “arrival,” and that is what we put our faith in as the body of Christ: we are deeply grateful that He came once and deeply hopeful that He will come again. But while we wait, we praise and hold on to the promises of God. Let’s examine one specific praise as an example:

Now, Master, you can dismiss your servant in peace, as you promised. For my eyes have seen your salvation. You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples—a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to your people Israel.
—Luke 2:29–32

This was Simeon’s prayer after he met the baby Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem. Not adult-miracle-working Jesus, not preteen-teaching-in-the-temple Jesus, and not any of the other unrecorded years of Jesus’s life. Simeon, and later in the book of Luke, Anna, praise God for the birth of Jesus. Not because of anything Jesus had done yet but because He was a promise fulfilled.

In the very next chapter of Luke, we find God delighting in the person of Jesus.

And the Holy Spirit descended on him in a physical appearance like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well-pleased.” 
—Luke 3:22

We can sometimes miss who Jesus is by focusing on what He does. He certainly did and continues to do a lot for us. Honestly, the list is endless. But just the fact that He came to be with us is enough. The fact that He came is worthy of praise.

And this is what we don’t want to miss. Jesus’s very presence with you right now is a promise fulfilled (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus’s salvation for you is a promise fulfilled (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus bringing light to the darkness of the world through you is a promise fulfilled (Matthew 5:14). Even in the land of darkness, even on your most mundane day, even on your worst day, even on your most doubt-filled day, even after Christmas—He is the one who has provided you with the great light, right here. By being a great light of revelation to the Gentiles and in the land of darkness. By being the glorious One who came to be God with you and me.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness.
—Isaiah 9:2

And that is the God who is worthy of all praise. Simeon knew this and we, the body of Christ, know this well, too.

(55) Comments

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55 thoughts on "The Glorious One"

  1. Hannah Dodd says:

    The light that Christ brings to our lives is for all our days. Our hope and joy does not end with the Christmas season. Thank you Jesus!

  2. Kathryn Wright says:


  3. Karen Breaux says:

  4. Missy Csonka says:

    Amen for today’s reading. ❤️✝️ Love and Hugs all SHES!

  5. Alayna P. says:


  6. Teresa Donley says:

    Todays devotion was so moving. Thank you, Priceles. I have always loved the name of Jesus, Emmanuel- God with us. Yes, He is Emmanuel. He is with us. He is with me. Thank You, Jesus.

  7. June Pimpo says:

    This is so beautiful! The word of the Lord is so rich – and SRT ministry enriches my Bible reading so much. I’m very thankful for this ministry

  8. Wanda Woehlert says:

    Just you being here, Jesus, is enough. Just you being here is worthy of my praise.

  9. Sara Lindauer says:

    This year, Christmas day and the week that follow, the season of Christmastide on the traditional church calendar, is standing out to me so much more. Not as an end to the main event of Christmas Day, but as a continuation of the joy of the season, the hope and peace it brings, and most of all, as remembering the person whom we celebrate. The baby Jesus, the humble, crying, human baby! Praise God for the birth of our king!

  10. Dianna McFarland says:

    ”The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬
    Jesus is Light. Jesus is among us. Jesus is over us. Jesus is in us.
    Let Jesus shine thru you, in you and around you

  11. Kimberly Z says:

    @Michelle Patire – praying for you girl! I understand having trouble reading the word. Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost my motivation to read it. It’s not that I don’t want to hear it but it’s hard for me to understand and when it is I lose motivation. @Rhonda J – you’re completely right…. I HATE waiting. As many of you have read my comments over the last two years I’ve longed to become a mother and a wife! But God’s timing is so Devine and just like the devotional said today… it’s not over. What a great reminder. Praying for you all today.

  12. Hannah says:

    Lord give us that same expectant hope that Simeon had.

  13. Aja Palmer says:

    Jesus, let me never forget that you are Emmanuel!! Always have been and always will be!

  14. Natasha R says:

    The traditional Advent season is over, yet in a way, we are living this long Advent period of waiting for Jesus to return. May I always be reminded of those, and live my life accordingly.

  15. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love how as an adult Christian , the day after Christmas is just as special as Christmas. Jesus is the present that never gets old. I never can tire of this present.

  16. Rhonda J. says:

    We don’t like to wait. But, we are in the wait, for the second coming of our Savior. All through the bible people are waiting on the Lord to sweep in to save them, to make things right or to direct them. Our preacher focused on this yesterday as he mentioned Mary and Joseph in the wait, and the two in today’s reading Simeon and Anna. Basically we obey and trust, that in the waiting God will come through His way and His timing (and that it all works for the good of those who love Him). We don’t like the wait, but yet, that’s what we are to do as God’s followers.

  17. Traci Gendron says:

    We sometimes miss who Jesus is by focusing on what He does…wow…

    He had fulfulled us with:
    His presence.
    Light to the darkness of the world through us, as believers.

    I sometimes forget that we are light to many. When I say the wrong thing or present myself in a way I’m not proud of, I feel such guilt. God deserves better from me.

    Love to all of you and prayers for each requests.

  18. Michelle Patire says:

    Just saw some more responses @HL, Rhonda J, and Victoria E. Appreciate all the encouragement ❤️

  19. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you for your prayers @Mercy, Mari V, Sharon JG, Laura Dianne, Kelly Neo, Cee Gee, and anyone else praying ✝️ I appreciate it. I am having trouble even reading the Word, but I am here today reading, regardless of my feelings. I appreciate your words – @Laura Dianne for your empathy- I am also an oldest daughter. I know I am not alone in struggling, right now.
    God hear us and help us and strengthen us.

  20. Colleen DeVeau says:

    I love you, Shes. I am praying for all of you. May God continue to bless you and keep you.
    I have no more words. I am just so grateful.

  21. Keli Miles says:

    Thank You Jesus for your presence with me! Amen! ❤️❤️

  22. Cheryl Blow says:

    What a beautiful thought! Just Jesus being with us is a promise fulfilled! Bringing light to darkness! I can’t imagine how dark this world would be if Jesus had not come! Sometimes we focus on the bad I. By our world but we miss all the good that is all around us! Without Jesus where would we all be? I praise Him for stepping down from His throne for all of us!

    I know Christmas can leave us sad and disappointed sometimes but I have found to start counting my blessings. Within 2 years at Christmas time, I lost my mom and dad from cancer. But God, I know where they are, my son-in-law came into our lives at the holidays. His birthday is 12/12 and my granddaughter was born 12/12/12. My dad passed on 12/12/1999. I pretty sure God turned my mourning into dancing with the gift of my son in law and granddaughter! God is good!

  23. Cee Gee says:

    ALLISON BENTLEY – My husband has the CHRONOLOGICAL LIFE APPLICATION STUDY BIBLE – lots of informative notes. I have used the One Year Chronological Bible (I believe it is just Scripture).

  24. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Praying for you Aleida and for all those whom Christmas wasn’t “perfect” for this year. I have reminded myself to keep my eyes on what is most important. We made it!

  25. Linnea says:

    Beautiful commentary- thank you for the reminder that it is always about who God is, not what he does. This is very elusive to me and all I can do is stay immersed in scripture – grateful for SRT ❤️

  26. Molly R says:

    I know I only have little kids at the moment, but my oldest brother is a prodigal and I have seen what it has done to my parents, and I have my own struggles on his walking away. I recently finished a book by Christopher Yuan and his mother Angela about the redemption of a prodigal son called Out of a Far Country and it was just a beautiful (if not rough at times) testimony of the power of prayer and the power of Father heart of God to pull us out of darkness. Anyway, it’s a fairly easy, quick read, but the impact was great, for me at least. A reminder that no matter how far away they seem to run, God never leaves them, and never stops pursuing their heart.
    Have a great “day after,” Shes! Living in between the FIRST and SECOND Advents is such a gift. We have so much hope and the Word in our hands is full of promises fulfilled!

  27. Cee Gee says:

    PRICELIS Dominguez- this devo is just what I needed this morning! Thank you and God bless! Most of my chosen quotes have been posted, but these sentences reminded me of why God’s ancient peoples were required to keep the festivals and traditions – to keep Him always in their minds and hearts, to remember His presence:

    “One of the beauties of following Christ is that holidays don’t change the truth of God. These holidays simply remind us, perhaps, of what we have forgotten, what we need to remember, and what a renewal of our hope looks like.”

    Praying for each whose heart is hurting, that God will strengthen your heart and help you persevere through the hard conversations:

    Praying for our devoted caregivers, that God will strengthen you and encourage you daily: LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, LINDA IN NC, GRAMIESUE, NANCY S, and others. ❤

    Praying for those with a discouraging medical situation, that you will feel God’s Presence and peace: TERESA DONLEY, GAYLE CRAIK, CATHETINE MCVEY, and others.

    Praying for all SHES wherever you are! ❤

    1. Teresa Donley says:

      Thank you, Cee Gee, for always mentioning those you are praying for, including me. I feel so privileged that you and other SRT sisters are bringing my needs to God in prayer. May God continue to bless your very important prayer ministry. You make a difference.

  28. Adrienne says:

    Even though advent (the pre-Christmas one!) is done… Remember, sweet She’s, that we are living between two advents. He can come again at any time (right, TINA?). Come, Lord Jesus.

  29. Allison Bentley says:

    Also in planning for 2024 – I am looking for a good chronological Bible- any recommendations?

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      See about: Bible Recap
      I think they have Bibles. I love my Recap book for summaries. She also does a short daily podcast!

  30. Allison Bentley says:

    Just sitting for a moment imagining / wishing I could hang with Mary a day or two. I mean from the miraculous conception to the birth, to the presentation with Simeon and Anna, to the teenager Jesus was schooling others on the Word, all the way to the crucification- the things Mary (a mother like me) witnessed, trusted and endured. Oh Mary- you my friend are so strong and obedient. How did you know? What did you feel? I can’t imagine! How did you keep going? Lord I pray to be more like Mary- filled with faith, obedience, hope and love! Happy Tuesday She’s!

  31. Julia MacFarland says:

    Praise God for His LIGHT ⭐️ and Love ❤️! Praise Him that He has chosen each of us to share this light and love in a world of darkness and hate.

    1. Keli Miles says:

      Amen! Thank You Lord! ❤️

  32. Laura Dianne says:

    This advent reading has been so powerful for me this year. Some of my take-aways: the sacrifice that Jesus made to come to earth to be with us; the obedience of Mary and Joseph to raise God’s Son; Simeon and Anna waiting and recognizing the Lord as a baby. Whew…so good, thank you Lord that your Word is living and continues to challenge us year after year.

    I wish I could comment to so many of you who post prayer requests. I, like others, am challenged to keep a notebook and write things down and be more disciplined in my prayer life this year. Thank you to those of you who are so faithful to mention people by name. It is a ministry, so thank you.

    MERCY I will pray for your friends in ministry. When my husband and I first moved to Africa as missionaries, there were so many terrible things that happened to us but God had so faithfully made it clear to us that we were called to go and do this ministry, that we knew Satan was trying to derail God’s plan. We persevered because of that assurance from God. I pray that your friend and her husband feel that same assurance, so that they may continue to fight the good fight. Looking back now, our time as missionaries was the most precious and fulfilling time of our family’s life.

    ALEIDA I can relate so much to what you are experiencing, and I remember you in prayer because of that. It is so hard to see our children reject God, to go it alone, and have friction within the family. Not having our wayward daughter at our Christmas celebrations AGAIN just tore at my heart. My son and his dad are on tenuous terms as well because of our son’s rejection of God. It is so heartbreaking for a mom especially. I will continue to pray for you and your situation. We must never give up on God…even when we don’t see anything happening. I keep praying for our son that God will continue to “torture his soul” which sounds horrible, but that is how it is for him. He wants to rebel against God but keeps feeling guilty, judged, and continuously seeking for rest in other avenues. I just continue to pray and believe that one day he will give in and see that it was God all along pursuing him. I pray the same for you, dear Aleida.

    MICHELLE PATIRE I just love your heart so much for your family. You remind me of our oldest daughter, who is the only one of our three children who is following the Lord. She feels so frustrated with her siblings and I know she gets angry with them that they have turned their backs on God. It is a heavy burden for you and her to carry and I pray that you will feel God’s presence so deeply when you are with your family and that you will see fruit from your prayers and your witness soon.

    I love this community and the way you all support, encourage and pray for each other. Have a wonderful day!

  33. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Thank You for Jesus Christ, our Emmanuel! We rejoice in His birth, so many promises fulfilled! Hallelujah!!

  34. Shamra Hicks says:

    I am struggling today. I am feeling resentment towards my oldest son and his wife, guilt for not being as patient/perfect really as I think I should be with my grandson who is autistic. It’s in these moments that I feel like I let Jesus down because I’m not showing His lights to my family who don’t follow Him. I know that is satan’s voice, because in reality I am showing them Jesus and His grace in my imperfect self.

    1. Julia MacFarland says:

      Thanks for sharing. Be strong and courageous! Be still and know, Let the Lord fight for you! Praying for you!

    2. Lori Lackey says:

      @shamra Hugs and prayers for peace. Can you ask your grandson for forgiveness for being impatient?

  35. Maria Baer says:

    “We can sometimes miss who Jesus is by focusing on what He does.” Phew— this stopped me because it is so true. It is one of the reasons I have come to love Christmas, as I have learned more about Scripture. And it is why I love Simeon’s story. The man was waiting in faith because he was focused on who the Messiah would be. Simeon’s faith and his song of praise always move me. Imagine waiting your whole life to meet the Savior. In many ways it reminds me of that song ‘I Can Only Imagine.” I always wondered what he was thinking and feeling after Jesus and His parents left the temple. So many thoughts and feelings probably coursing through him. And now, like him, we wait on the second Advent when we get to see Jesus in all His glory. Come Lord Jesus.

    1. Julia MacFarland says:

      I agree, sister! Also, I think about Anna, her dedication to serving. What great examples set before me to follow.

  36. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Even in the land of darkness, even on your most mundane day, even on your worst day, even on your most doubt-filled day, even after Christmas—He is the one who has provided you with the great light, right here.” The Light has come, King Jesus… It has been said that it is in the darkest places that the light shines the brightest. Jesus has come to this world of darkness to shine His light. His Spirit is here, He is working – even when we can’t see it, He is working. The dark forces of this world are great – but He is greater. Keep looking to Jesus – never, ever lose hope.

    @Aleida – It may seem so “dark” right now, but don’t lose hope. Nothing is impossible with God. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) The enemy of the darkness is at work – but God is greater. Prayers are powerful – they ward off the evil one. Keep praying, keep trusting – there is a spiritual warfare going on. As one mom of two prodigal sons to another – I will continue praying for Victor, your husband and for you. May you find comfort in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. ❤️

    @Michelle Patire – I am sorry to hear of the turmoil in your family. Families can be so complicated. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we came from the same parents and are in the same family. Continued prayers for you all. May you too find comfort in 2 Corinthians 2:4-16. ❤️

    Praying for you all. May your day be blessed and wrapped in the love of Jesus.

  37. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “The fact that He came is worthy of praise.” Amen, Pricelis!

    TINA – amen and amen.

    EMILY REHM – congratulations

    ALEIDA – praying Victor’s heart would soften to the conviction of the Spirit. Praying your husband would weigh his words carefully concerning Victor. Praying your heart would remain hopeful in God’s plans.

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying the Lord will so you how to protect your heart against the the hurtful words and actions of your family. Thankful you had a meaningful time with your brother. May the seeds planted find good soil.

  38. Theresa Storie says:

    Amen! Blessings to all you “she’s” and prayers for your requests!

  39. Aimee D-R says:

    Thank You Lord Jesus, Emmanuel. Let me never forget You are here.

  40. Jessica Thomas says:

    We look to the future ❤️ Amen x

  41. Mary Ann Graves says:


  42. Tina says:

    ALIEDA.. Praying for peace to reign in your home, and for Victor to feel this, for the discord between father and son to subside and for calm to overwhelm all..
    Emmanuel.. God with you..,

    Keep leaning into Him..Alieda, the Word says, we do not know at what time or hour the Son of man will come( luke 12:40), be ready for that moment when the penny drops for Victor, live in the ‘I have received’ not the it will never happen.. As today’s study talks about promises fulfilled let us hope in Him.. Amen..?

    Blessings and prayers over your family dear sister.♥️

  43. Tina says:

    What beautiful truth PRICELIS DOMINGUEZ! Thank you!

    And this is what we don’t want to miss. Jesus’s very presence with you right now is a promise fulfilled (Isaiah 9:6).


    Jesus’s salvation for you is a promise fulfilled (Isaiah 53:5).


    Jesus bringing light to the darkness of the world through you is a promise fulfilled (Matthew 5:14).


    Even in the land of darkness, even on your most mundane day, even on your worst day, even on your most doubt-filled day, even after Christmas—He is the one who has provided you with the great light, right here.


    BUT GOD..


    Continued love, hugs and prayers Beloveds. ❤️

  44. Aleida says:

    Merry Christmas my sisters❤️
    I hope you all had a blessed time celebrating our Savior’s birth.
    Without getting into much detail, I’m begging for your prayers. Our son Victor came up from CA for Christmas and he’s not doing well. He and my husband are also at it again. The Lord sees everything and He is in control. I still have faith that He has a wonderful plan for our son which has to do with Victor surrendering his life to Christ. However, right now he is very far from doing that and believes he can do things his way and on his own without God’s help or having a solid relationship with Him. Because he doesn’t have a good relationship with his dad, that can also be why he doesn’t trust the Lord. Lots going on with him and it would take a lot to include all the details so, I just humbly ask for much much needed prayer. Thank you❤️❤️

    1. Deanna Rasch says:

      Keeping your family in prayer.

    2. Lori Lackey says:

      @aleida. Will be praying for your son (and husband)