Day 3

The Gift of Rest

from the I Will Give You Rest reading plan

Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-15; Ecclesiastes 3:1

BY She Reads Truth

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

From the very beginning, God established rest as a part of creation, setting the seventh day apart from the other six days of the week. God rested on the seventh day because His work had been fully completed.

Post Comments (99)

99 thoughts on "The Gift of Rest"

  1. Julie Davidson says:

    I don’t know about you, but for me – work is never “complete”. There’s always so much more to do. I believe we are called to be wise with our time, work hard and then rest. Even when our to do list isn’t finished. ❤️❤️

  2. Vicky Rivera says:

    My weeks at least our busy with kids and work gym etc I understood this as even though my week is chaotic get what I can done and it’s ok to take a rest day as we all deserve it … but I could be wrong I’ve very new at reading the Bible cause it also said god rested when his work was complete ? Do we work hard and get our task done and make sure we take a rest day long as our work is complete?

  3. Emily Booker says:

    Beautiful ♥️♥️

  4. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you!

  5. Tina Harris says:

    I agree, my husband and I have very different ideas about what resting looks like, him being an “absolutely nothing person” and me being a “find an activity that brings life to me” person. I think it’s important to recognize that sometimes both are needed. There are days when I absolutely need to lay on the couch and do nothing and there are days when my soul needs to do something outside of my daily chores and tasks that brings life.
    I really found episode 258 on the Lazy Genius Podcast helpful to me in seeing some ways that rest can look different and still be rest. Hope it helps and can bring you a little permission to find things that bring rest to your body and soul.

  6. Tina Harris says:

    I agree, my husband and I have very different ideas about what resting looks like, him being an “absolutely nothing person” and me being a “find an activity that brings life to me” person. I think it’s important to recognize that sometimes both are needed. There are days when I absolutely need to lay on the couch and do nothing and there are days when my soul needs to do something outside of my daily chores and tasks that brings life. I really found episode 258 on the Lazy Genius Podcast helpful

  7. Tina Harris says:

    I was really struck today as I read the creation story about how vague the description of God’s rest is. He could have laid out exactly what it looked like for him to rest but he didn’t. Does anyone else get the impression that that feels intentional? That the vagueness gives permission for rest to look different to different people in different seasons? The vagueness in itself gives my soul rest, knowing that there isn’t something it has to match.

  8. Sara Hannold says:

    Sabbath keeping helps us to live
    within our limits, because on the
    Sabbath, in many different ways,
    we allow ourselves to be the creature
    in the presence of our Creator.
    Ruth Haley Barton ❤️

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