Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.
Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus offers spiritual rest to the weary and to all that will come to Him. In Christ, we are unburdened from attempting to provide security and wholeness for ourselves.

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161 thoughts on "Rest for the Weary"
“In Christ, we are unburdened from attempting to provide security and wholeness for ourselves.”
This struck a chord in me. I feel like so much of my bondage and anxiety comes from striving to keep myself safe emotionally. But I can rest in Christ and find all I need in Him.
Am I weary in spirit, mind, or body? Sometimes it feels like all of the above. I don’t want to grow weary in doing good. God is so faithful to be the provider of all our needs. Will press into Him and allow Him to refuel me.
I found myself weary and full of burden and expectations. I cried called out to the Lord today to let me rest from all the struggles within my life. Matthew 11:28-30 struck a chord in me as he calls for us to go to him when we are in need of rest and as long as we worship the Lord in any way…he will grant us rest.
“The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply” this struck me that part of my struggles & angst come from pouring my energy into other “gods” – relationships, being accepted, busyness – all good things but to a point. The key is to keep focused on the one true God
I struggle with disbelief and doubt it makes my mind run and i get scared i don’t believe, i long for spiritual rest!
God promises is true to all those who believe in him. Without him, we are nothing. There’s nothing that we can do without God.
It’s a daily lesson on learning how to not attempt to look for ways to provide security and wholeness myself.
He created wholeness and security in me through salvation. Resting in that truth and the release of that burden!
God s promise to us is that those that trust in him their strength will be renewed..they will soar on wings like eagles..they will run and not become weary..they will walk and not faint. All this is promised to us if we trust him.
God gives Rest to the weary ,Rest can only be found in Jesus.
I ask for rest. Hope, healing, health. Intimacy with You. Love.
He brings joy! rest in that
as a weary mother fighting so hard for a young with struggling with mental health…I need this daily reminder that He is ALWAYS with me and He will provide me the strength to carry on
This study is exactly what is needed in my life. A reminder that Jesus is our peace. We can try to create peace within our home or within our family but when we truly rest within HIM things will shift. Lord I pray that you keep my heart open to rest within your presence with intentions to put you as my priority. Help me to remember that “rest” looks different each day. Amen
Ashley, what you have said here really hits home in my heart! Thank you so
Thank you so much for sharing!❤️
I finally feel like becoming personally closer to God has caused my burdens to become light.
in Jesus we have true rest, He’s paid it all, we don’t have to do good works for salvation when Jesus paid it all, whew what a wait off of our shoulders that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ ( Ephesians 2:8-9)
Jesus provides spiritual rest from striving, fixing, proving, and improving earning. Thank you, Lord for the confidence we have in your love. For the hope and peace we can find in your presence.
I love in Psalm 16 the contrast between verses 4 & 11. Sorrows multiply when we chase after other gods — but deep communion with our Father results in fullness of joy!
Thank you Jesus, for the complete love, sweetness of joy and rest found only in your Presence.
Jesus offers spiritual rest but he also offers physical rest when we depend on him. You see him asking Mary to choose rest while Martha chose work and in many other instances, he asks us to choose him over work. I think Jesus us saying – that’s part of the deal. He can give us spiritual rest but he also expects us, with his guidance and conviction, to CHOOSE physical rest at times. That means laying aside what we feel are our earthly obligations and sitting at his feet. In my world today, that looks like skipping my mindless scrolling in bed for half an hour, or even not doing the laundry so I can read this, trusting that he will make time for it to somehow be done later in the day. I can start the day spiritually rested, knowing he will provide for my physical rest.
We will not be shaken
Lord, help me to lean into you, to remember you are the only true provider of rest. Amen.
I needed this today as I haven’t had a lot of physical rest and my spirit feels weary and shaken from all the tasks I need to get done. Thank you Jesus for providing soul rest when we abide in you ❤️
Thank you, Jesus, for the spiritual rest we find in you.
There is pleasure in being by his side.
I am so thankful that we have Jesus and for the rest he provides, nothing beats it. This summer I am trying to refocus and remember that what I need the most is rest from Jesus. That is what makes me the most happiest and refreshed.
Resting is not something I am good at. I have always equated rest to laziness. Lord, renew my thoughts and guide my heart towards the rest that only comes from You.
Thank you Jesus for providing rest to us that need it most when we come to You.
he truly can bring spiritual rest !
This summer, I am refocusing on balance and rest – grateful for His gift of rest in Him
Jesus not only gives us rest from the burdens of life, but he gives us COMPLETE AND FULL JOY!
Lord, I have no good apart from You.
“Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing, you hold my future…”
What a beautiful verse as I go back to work from parental leave. Lord, let this be my prayer as you lead me into this new season as a working mom. Your kindness is so very good and your goodness is always running after your children.
God is so so good. The peace and rest He gives is incomparable to the anxiety and burdens that we feel. My soul NEEDS rest. So I shall go to Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light, which is the opposite of what I’m feeling right now.
I grow faint and weary, but He doesn’t. I need Him and I need to trust in Him.
Idolatry leads to sorrows, but taking refuge in God leads to a multitude of blessings. He is here to listen yesterday, today, and forever, so I should lean into Him and confide in Him. He leads to abundant joy and eternal pleasures, what a blessing.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me —
even at night my conscience instructs me. – Psalms 16:7
Praise be to God for his constant love and protection. For his many blessings and for his unending grace.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me —
even at night my conscience instructs me. – Psalms 16:7
Really needed that today
All He asks for in return for true internal peace is to trust in him and follow
These scriptures truly ministered to me. To know that every single burden that we bare as human beings that God is always there to lift that burden up off of us, and renew our strength. We just have to trust in him and come to him with everything that troubles our minds, hearts, souls, and spirit. I realized that I’ve personally placed limits on God and there is nothing God cannot do. God holds a future for all of us. God is here to protect us and guide us. So today I learned that I just have trust God more, and lay these heavy weights down. “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.Matthew 11:30. I will rest in the Lord. Thank you for this devotional it is truly a blessing
I feel the same!
I love the thought that we are free from having to provide security and wholeness for ourselves ♥️
Rereading it I’ve been struggling to feel whole lately my life has only revolved around my husband
And kids now that me and my hubby and complementing on taking a break it’s like my wholenesses is slowing slipping but reading this it helps me understand he will take that burden and give me rest Gotta trust in him more
Rereading it I’ve been struggling to feel whole lately my life has only revolved around my husband
Trying to find rest as I am tired and Carry lots of burdens but reading this tells me I can cast that all to the lord and he will help me carry it and give me rest :)
All three scripture readings reminded me how much the Lord has, and will continue to be my source of strength when burdened by emotional burdens.
Bless you. He will give you the rest that you need. It’s amazing how He sustains us in that season with a new baby. He is close to you and will build you up again x
I loved todays passages. They really spoke to me as a teenager struggling with mental health
This is exactly what God was calling for me to be in and I’m so grateful for this opportunity to sit in this and in His presence!
Yes He is!
This is so good! So often I try to “rest” by scrolling through my phone but that only leaves me feeling more exhausted. True rest comes from God!
Thank you Lord Holy spirit you are welcome here come flood my life with your spirit lord not by might not by power by your spirit Lord I give myself away so you can use me my life is not my own to you I belong I give myself to you! Here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that your my God your altogether worthy altogether lovely altogether Wonderful to me! Holy spirit saturate and overflow over my life in Jesus name! Amen it is so!
Amy you are preaching!! This is so good! Your yoke analogy and the “connecting” makes so much sense. I went back to read Psalms 16 and verse 2 popped out to me. It made me think of John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” We have to connect ourselves to Him. In doing so, we can do all things, that He calls us to, and we won’t grow weary.
Thanks for this that really helps bring it all together for me.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. – Matthew 11:29
In your presence there’s fullness of joy – prayers to be still enough to know that fullness of joy from the Lord
This speaks to me because sometimes
I’ve felt like without a husband but
having two boys, I’ve left myself open…
to many things. This immediately
provides relief though. The Lord is my
provider and my protector! Hallelujah! ❤️
Some how I accidentally posted before I finished my comment, but what I was trying to say was that i have not looked at these verses in the way that you commented and i really like what you said. It gave me a more clear understanding of what he meant by those instructions.
I’m not as familiar with my Bible as I want to be and I have not study near as much as
Praise the Lord that HE holds our future (not us!) and that we have (already have, not will have, He’s already promised it) a beautiful inheritance!
I have never worked a plow, but as I understand it, a yoke is designed to join two animals together to share a load. If we take up Jesus’ yoke, we are connecting ourselves to Him. Our burden is easy because He is the one doing all the work. Similarly, we can rest securely when He is at our right hand. The closer and more connected we are to Him the more we can hand over our burdens and rest in Him.
God renews our spirits through rest in Jesus! Amen!
I loved these verses because it speaks to what God is for us. He is our source of happiness and joy. I love that about him
They did on the last study. I wonder if this one is just different. I hope they still will for the Lenten study!
Super inspiring! To give us the strength we need when we are weary. To know that we can rest in him who gives us our strength.
His right hand holds the greatest inheritance.. I don’t have to do things alone, He is there with me, guiding me, and fulfilling me. I ask those to pray for me as i struggle to stay honest with myself in my life. I lie to myself to make things seem worse when indeed it is not. If i lie to myself, i’m denying Him and his creation in me. Let my anxieties and woes be given to Him so I may continue to live honestly in His word.
So thankful He does not expect or want us to thrive or to try harder or clean ourselves up or pull ourselves up by our bootstraps…we are to rest in Him. Rely on Him! Thank You Lord for Your rest & peace!
How sweet it is to know that we have a loving God who makes us whole and secure. We don’t have to/can’t do it ourselves, and that is freeing to know ❤️
29 He gives power to the faint,
and to him who has no might he increases strength. 30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted; 31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:29-31
I love this section of scripture. Today I actually found it and write it on a card. The first scripture anyways. I’m so thankful that God provides me with everything!
29 He gives power to the faint,
and to him who has no might he increases strength. 30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted; 31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:29-31
Reading each text of scripture had me think about how Jesus came for us as a whole mind, body, soul. It was like each text was giving perspective on rest on the physical, mental and spiritual aspect and being reminded that Jesus cares and wants every area of me/us brings peace which ushers in rest.
28 “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28
It feels good to know that the Lord is with us even during our rest. Resting is something I actively struggle with in more ways than one. My biggest hurdle is learning to rest from worry. In a seaon where I don’t know if I’ll ever get married or have kids I have to learn to rest in my struggles and know in my heart it is ultimately up to God. Praying for you all today.
Lay down your burdens and receive rest ♥️
As we give financially and be blesses us and gives us what we need, I have also found that when I give him my time even when I’m tired he gives me the rest I need. I’m 5 weeks postpartum with my 3rd boy- all my kids under 4. I am TIRED. And here I am at the end of the day just reaching out weakly and with everything left (which isn’t much) waiting for him to meet me- and give me supernatural rest and endurance
What a wonderful God we serve. I can speak to the rest the spirit of God brings. I can remember laying in a pile of dirty laundry, sobbing for God to do something, anything, move somehow in my life. The tricky part of asking God to do something is recognizing the way He does it. In that moment I couldn’t have known the rest He was planning for me. But I cling to the Lord because He was my only hope. I found that rest, after my life completely fell apart, and in the small moments here and there during the rebuild. The rest comes from trusting Christ, trusting in the promises, turning every care over to Him, and being grateful for all the blessings, big and small. Sometimes spiritual rest is quietly being in the Spirit, in all your brokenness, while the Holy Spirit does what the Holy Spirit was sent to do, help.
They have it on Amazon
I feel like we saw three different kinds of rest today. Matthew showed us rest from our burdens by coming close to Jesus. Isaiah showed us rest through strength. Psalms showed us rest through security and joy. Even though there wasn’t the word rest used each time, it was evident that the author was feeling at peace and restful in their life. They were confident God would be there. Even when it was hard.
Where did you purchase your Thrive Devotional and Journaling Bible?
@Dorothy- what is the name of the Bible and where did you purchase it? I’m interested in one.
We are unburdened because He bears it with us ❤️
Natural remedies can only do so much for chronic pain. It is a beast of its own and a constant struggle. Those of us who experience it have tried everything. We can only rely on the Lord and hopefully a competent doctor. Holistic practices are often the first line of defense but after 27 tears, she has heard every suggestion under the sun. Just pray for the Lord to ease her pain.
In Christ, we are unburdened from attempting to provide security and wholeness for ourselves. Wow
Dorothy- thank you for sharing those bits from your Bible! I’m interested in getting one but I have a question- does it contain the entire Bible?
♥️ I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. – Psalms 16:8
@Michelle Patrice – thank you. Although it’s most definitely a trial for me and my family, we have learned and continue to learn so much about leaving on the Lord through this process!
I try and find this spiritual rest in Jesus everyday. I feel like I thirst for it just like water and food.
B, SRT is only doing this format for this study. They have done it this way before.
Psalm 16 is one of my favourites to recite to build up my faith. I love these verses, “ the Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup, you maintain my lot. My lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, yea, I have a good heritage” Psalm 16:5-6. What lines are these? Boundaries (thank you ladies). Yesterday I started a new book called “Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud, a Christian author with so much wisdom. I flew through it with much enjoyment, it’s so good. Praise the Lord for reminding me today that to achieve rest, we need boundaries. And boundaries are not selfish, but biblical. God sets standards and limits with people, and He will separate Himself from those that misbehave. Scriptures always teach on boundaries, “come out from them, be separate…” (2 Corinthians 6:17). God is our model and we need to set limits with those who act in destructive ways. Beware of the Saviour complex that we must save everybody. Recognize who’s God and who’s not. Thank you @DOROTHY for the little nuggets, we will definitely be destroyed if we play God’s role, far from rest, amen to this. Praying for a vehicle @MARI. Be blessed dear sisters. I hope you all will have a fantastic restful day and week in the Lord.
In my Bible — “Thrive Devotional and Journaling Bible” — there are a couple of devotions that go along with today’s Scriptures. The first goes with the Scriptures from Matthew — in the devotions after a key verse or verses, they have what is called “Love Letter from God” — in this section (as if God were talking to me/us) it is written, “If you take My job as your Heavenly Father, your heart will remain heavy and life will be difficult; but if you hand over to Me all that you try to carry in your own strength, you will find peace for your soul and rest for your body.” After reading this I thought how this so applies to what we are learning in this study and wanted to share it. I then went on to read the Isaiah Scripture and there is a devotional to go with it. Under the “Reflection” part of the devotion the first two sentences I knew I had to share, “When our faith soars, our walk with God becomes a run. We know that we’re doing His will and He is giving us the strength to do it.” Also, in this same devotion there’s what is called, “Treasure of Truth”, it reads “In your weakest moment, find your strength in God.” I hope you enjoyed and benefitted from these tidbits I shared with you, sisters.
Please pray for one of the little girls I work with Kaylee, she is sick with rhinovirus and a strain of coronavirus. Mom’s going to have to take back to the hospital today — I won’t be working with her today.
Be blessed and turn to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit ANY TIME you are in need sisters.
Amen, Molly.
Boundaries. What rest we find in boundaries. I love that we see boundaries in the Old Testament, and the New. A yoke gives a working animal boundaries in which to apply focused, hard work. We have to be so careful in this abundant time in history, with all the modern conveniences and constant stimulation, of cultivating a life within the boundaries God so freely gives us. The running ragged, doing all the things, seeking validation, comparison, the unachievable expectations – what does are these things in light of eternity, in what Christ came down here for? Eternal rest will be amazing, but I want to take hold of the rest provided even here in this broken world through the work Christ accomplished for me.
These comment sections have a mind if there own… corrections for the above: “hope and faith in the LORD” and “we learn to keep our tires aligned…so must we
If only the culture would realize that the boundaries God has for us are for our own good! The world sees them as restrictive but when truly followed, lead to freedom and protection. “The boundary lines have fallen FOR ME in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” I’m grateful that Jesus loves me this much.
Beautiful, touching testimony and shared insight. Thank you for your words; a gentle reminder to hold fast to our hope and faith in to serve him. Balance in life does not always come easy; we’
So thankful for Jesus and that in Him we are unburdened for the need of finding rest, security and wholeness for ourselves. He gives it to us as I trust I.
WE are unburdened. Exactly what I needed to hear this. Happy Tuesday sweet sisters! It’s a chilly, 35° weather, but looking forward to my walk to work today. I will walk fast to warm up. PLEASE, Pray I will find a vehicle soon. I want to be wise as it needs to be a vehicle that’s going to last me a long time I know God has a car for me, I just need to look in the right direction.
11 You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. – Psalms 16:11
This verse reminds me that God is with me and has great things in store for me! Here on earth but more importantly in eternity! He reminds me to keep my focus on Him and not what is going on with me or around me!
11 You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. – Psalms 16:11
A few pieces of commentary from my study Bible that I appreciated today: “The rest that Jesus promises is love, healing, and peace with God, not the end of all labor.” “Hoping in the Lord is expecting that His promise of strength will help us to rise above life’s distractions and difficulties.”
My dad passed away suddenly when I was a junior in college. He was 41. I remember reading these verses and being MAD. That yoke did not feel easy, nor did the burden feel light. It was some time before I understood that the passage is referring to a young oxen in training. It would be yoked to an older, experienced ox that would bear the bulk of the weight of the burden. As long as the younger oxen walked in step with the older one, the yoke rested easily on his neck. If he should start to pull or go his own way, he would get painfully chaffed by the yoke and the burden would be unbalanced. I still don’t understand the “why” of my dad’s death, but learning to walk in step with my Savior has indeed brought rest to my soul.
@Devin Howell– saw your post yesterday about your knee injury. I pray God’s continual healing to you. May you truly rest your mind, soul, and physical body in His presence. <3
@Rhonda J- so excited for your new group!! May the Lord continue light the path to your feet and teach you much in this new journey with Him!!
@Heidi V- glad to see you hear and glad you are feeling better :) God bless your studies with us!
@Kathy – it is so true!! I am not creative if I don't have a topic to be creative with. It is a struggle not to have a "boundary" of inspiration to go off of when creating. I love your post. It is such a good reminder that God's instruction actually produces creativity.
What stood out to me today was that Jesus promises rest for our "souls" — every other rest follows. But He is talking about SOUL rest. It is hard to feel physically rested if our relationship with Jesus is rocky. Anxiety keeps you up at night or tossing and turning. Jesus is our rest. And He says we must do something to get it – "Come to Me!!!" He says. So easy to gloss over.
Go to Jesus. Take the step. Drop your phone. Leave the room. Go to Him!!!
6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. – Psalms 16:6
This word has spoken desperately-needed life over me this morning.
6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. – Psalms 16:6
@heidi v – glad to hear you are recovering.
To come to Him means to trust Him.
When we come to Him in faith He “gives us rest.”
When we take His yoke and learn we “find rest” – that deep rest of surrender and obedience.
The first is peace with God; the second is the peace “of God”.
When we submit to Christ we are yoked to to Him. The word “easy” means well-fitting. He has just the yoke that is tailor-made for our lives and needs.
So thankful for this today.
Hugs and peace to all you SHEs today. ❤️
Amen! Love this and thank you for sharing
Good Morning She’s!
There is a song by Austin French “Rest for Your Soul,” that is beautiful with the “Come to Me” scripture. It is beautiful to sing and remember.
With chronic pain I often am weary and worn down physically, and sometimes can wear me down spiritually when you are hoping and praying for healing. But God- he has purpose and plan in all things, and I rest in him.
Our small group “Enduring Chronic Pain” starts tomorrow! Thank you for the prayers! This will be good scripture to share and to grab on too.
KATHY, I love the example you shared of boundaries! It reminds me of God’s instructions to Adam and Eve in the garden. Today’s reading reminds me that though we are free from eternal punishment of our sins through the GRACE and MERCY of Jesus (His yoke), I should be careful of chasing after other gods. The farther I chase something, the farther I get from Christ. His gentle yoke connects me to Him in a safe and confident way, assuring my connection to Him when temptation to wander comes calling. Just another way He gives us rest.
I committed to completing the Bible Recap this year after reading daily with SRT for 6 years. I am enjoying it, but was surprised at how deeply I miss SRT and especially sharing thoughts with you ladies everyday. So on Sunday I decided to purchase this study and do both! Praise God. Have a wonderful day everyone.
I love this Kathy, and SO true.
The verse that stood out to me today was Psalm 16:11, You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures. In His presence is where my joy comes from! May I fully learn how to take my eyes off of troubles of this world and focus wholly on Him!
Amen Jill! You said it! Me too :)
I really liked how psalm 16 vs 9 said “my body also rests securely” in the Lord. How comforting to know we are safe, strengthened and secure in God’s arms ❤️
Welcome back, Heidi V. Thank you, Kathy, for the comments about boundaries in your art class. So helpful and encouraging. And Tina, you always encourage my heart.
Always a heartfelt joy to read everyone’s comments. It was much needed today…Thank you Sisters in Christ. God’s love to you all today.
More often they do. But occasionally there is a study where they do not. Looks like this study is one of them where they will not be providing.a devotional thought.
Hi srt sisters, I’m so grateful to be well enough to be back.
I take great solace in Isaiah 40:28…”He will not grow tired or weary”… Sometimes I go through my day so tired, it’s hard to think straight. But God, and His many attributes – the one being that He never, ever gets tired or weary. He is never to tired to watch over me when I sleep. He is never to tired that He doesn’t hear my every plea and prayer I pray to Him. Never to tired to answer, comfort, console or rescue! Not only does He not grow weary, He gives strength to the weary – to me, to you. Our God is a Mighty God! the Everlasting God the creator of the ends of the earth. All glory to God! All praise to Him on this fresh, new morning!
Have a blessed Tuesday my sweet sisters.
Good morning ladies! I am so looking forward to studying God’s word with you, reading your comments and resting in God’s arms….
“In Christ, we are unburdened from attempting to provide security and wholeness for ourselves.”
This truth is so comforting to me. The Lord provides all I need, Jehovah Jireh.
I find rest in You alone.
Have a blessed day, Shes! Grateful to read the Word and seek the Lord alongside you all each day.
This morning I am thankful that in God’s presence is abundant joy. Sitting in that truth this morning!
Thankful for this word! May I embrace the rest that Jesus provides for my soul.
I read the Isaiah passage aloud while watching the sun just beginning to rise, the mountains a black silhouette beneath a light pink and orange sky. Creator of the whole earth, indeed! And then the Psalm: “My heart IS glad and my whole being rejoices” — now, to remember this moment throughout the day. Such calming, reassuring verses to begin a new day.
Your post touched my heart. Thank you. It seems that society has removed so many boundaries and people are supposedly “free”. They also seem miserable. Despair and depression are rampant. The comfort of God’s all knowing love and control hems me in and give me great joy and peace.
What a great explanation! I found myself relating and better understanding that verse. Bless you
Also, these scriptures are all so encouraging – will definitely keep coming back to this day throughout the study, but also going forward.
Although I do typically take Matthew 11:28-30 as rest for my physical and emotional states, it was eye-opening to read it in the context of spiritual rest as well.
All the scripture today was so encouraging – definitely a day I will keep turning back to throughout the study and going forward!
Although I do typically take Matthew 11:28-30 as rest for my physical and emotional states, it was eye-opening to read it in the context of spiritual rest as well.
An interesting discussion point: spiritual rest versus physical rest? I constantly feel the spiritual rest gifted by God, but struggle to trust in him when I feel physical fatigue. Our earthly body will experience physical ailments and fatigue, that’s biblically founded, but we have been gifted an eternal life that is free of this!
This is so good!
Today, after reading the scriptures, I immediately thought of John 8:36:
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!”
Thank you Lord for taking our burdens and setting us free the heavy yoke of sin and death in order to take up your light yoke to show your love to others!
Lord let me recieve your words into my Soul! In Jesus name, Amen
I’m a teacher in America and to say I need to rest in the lord is an understatement. Lord give us rest
It’s so interesting to read the context in which Jesus speaks Matthew 11:28-30. He just finished condemning those who don’t believe Him even after seeing His miracles. He’s offering deep soul rest to all who will come, but it has to start with surrendered hearts! How often is my lack of internal, heart rest linked to my unbelief about Jesus’ own heart?? This is so convicting to me.
Thank you, Jesus, that I can turn to you for rest – from worry, from anxiety, from thinking I am in control. Guide my thoughts, Lord, that I will truly turn these things over to you.
Saw lots of new names in reading through yesterday’s comments- welcome!
KELLY (NEO) – update on Shannon’s mom. Still not strong enough for surgery needed, and has been advised to get stents for now so probably will have that done in the next week or so.
MOLLY R – praying for you and your family.
Is SRT no longer sharing a written devotional anymore?
I just looked up the commentary for Matthew 11 on at Enduring Word Bible Commentary online. I read many things. One that I wanted to share is that His yoke is easy and His burden is light is because He bears it with us! He invited them to learn from Him. May we learn from His life and Word and find comfort and rest. What a beautiful Savior. I think about His compassion for the people and how stopped to personally heal, touch, deliver, and talk and touch the “unclean” and the outcasts. I heard John MacAuthor say that Jesus could see and feel all the sorrows of life. Of course, Isaiah said that He was a man of sorrows acquainted with grief! He had been constantly exposed to the sorrows of life. Not only did He see their suffering but felt their pain! He knew their hearts, so He could feel even what others didn’t see. He understood grief and sorrow that goes with a fallen world: rebellion, rejection, poverty, sickness, death and more. We can’t fathom what He endured in the Garden or on the Cross, but to think of what He went through on a daily basis being here on Earth! I never really thought of the depths of this! He truly deserves praise, glory, honor, and worship! The message is on YouTube and is called: The Agony of the Cup. Definitely one to listen too. Also, there is a lot over at that commentary that you may want to read! Prayers for you all today!
Matt. 11:28-30 has become my verse for this year. I LOVE ❤️ the way the message puts it…
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matt. 11:28-30 has become my verse for this year. I LOVE ❤️ the way the message puts it…
“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, indeed I have a delightful inheritance.” Psalm 16:6.
I am struck by the idea of boundaries. I am a high school art teacher and I have discovered that when I put paper and paint in front of my students and say, “create something” most of them really struggle. They get anxious and end up doing something they’ve done before. There is very little creativity. But, when I give them boundaries, even if those boundaries are broad, they relax into their art and create incredible things.
I think my walk with the Lord is kind of the same. When there are no boundaries my life becomes a mess. I get stressed and anxious and can’t seem to find my direction. When I come to Jesus, rest and abide in Him, put on His yoke, rest in the boundaries He’s given I am able to find abundant joy, and strength to do the things He has called me to do.
Thank You, Lord, for Your boundaries.
I have learned that only True Rest can be found in the Lord. He is my strength and refuge
I totally agree with this. I have found myself putting so much before the Lord and wondering why I was so tired. We have so much in America that I feel distraction is a major binder and ego rest with the Lord.
I love this verse from Isaiah
“Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the whole earth.
He never becomes faint or weary;
there is no limit to his understanding.”
God gives us His strength when rest in Him
Praying for the requests ❤️
Thank you Lord for your love, hope, salvation, peace, and rest.
I don’t know about you ladies, but I have experienced this for myself. Psalm 16:4 – “Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god.” I am sure I am not the only one finding myself looking toward other things to satisfy. Maybe it’s scrolling through Facebook, maybe it’s staring at the TV, maybe it’s alcohol, etc.
I pray that I would find rest in Him. I pray for each of you ladies, that you find your rest in Jesus. Have a blessed day sisters!
I have always loved these verses from Matthew 11:25-30
“Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest. For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light.”
There is an almost certain immediate calm of heart in these words..
Knowing that I can come to Him, Jesus, with my troubles and woes, is a blessed release. Knowing I have someone in my corner, ready to take the heavy load I sometimes carry. To give me peace in it. To walk alongside me in it and strengthen me in the journey. To give me rest from it and in it, by lightening that load.. as I hand them over to Him.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for the gift of Rest you offer, for the help along the way, as you take my heavy load and replace it with your light and restful yolk. Thank you Lord Jesus, that in your presence nothing can shake me, and that as I walk with you, You will guide me, and I will know joy. Thank you that ALL the good things I have come from you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank you.
Praying today be as blessed as you are a blessing to me dear hearts, wrapped in love and warming hugs this chilly morning!❤