The Gift of Rest

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-15; Ecclesiastes 3:1

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

From the very beginning, God established rest as a part of creation, setting the seventh day apart from the other six days of the week. God rested on the seventh day because His work had been fully completed.

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99 thoughts on "The Gift of Rest"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I see many other moms here wondering how to rest with young children. I used to be really good at being intentional about resting before I had two kids. Now there is always something to do, and it can be so hard to rest. I have noticed that God will give me pockets of rest throughout the day. Times when both of my girls are napping at the same time, or when they are occupied with playing. I know rest may look different during this season, but I pray that I can still find it.

  2. Adrianne says:

    There is a time for work and a time for rest. Our Lord shows us in this reading to use our time to work and then to set aside time to rest. I really need to learn how to make sure that I rest and not feel guilty about it. A lot of us work, work, work, but we need time to put down our head so that we don’t burn out.

  3. Darcy Autry says:

    It is neat how God separated the days with the individual tasks (for lack of a better word) of creating and then followed it with a day of rest. God could have created everything in an instant and certainly doesn’t need rest to recover. He did this as an example for us- what a sweet reminder that we don’t have to scurry around trying to get everything done in a single day but rather can slow down and be more purposeful with our day

  4. Jordan Parker says:

    I pray i can understand for myself the difference between rest & sloth.. I struggle with this a lot. How do I define rest? I try to keep myself busy most of the time to avoid rest… I know rest should be used to indulge in His word, but sometimes i find myself divulging into other things. Please pray i find my peace in the silence of rest so I may truly devote my time to Him. This is day 1 for me giving myself those moments.

  5. Kimberly Z says:

    “So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” – Genesis 2:3. I never really understood the reasoning for the sabbath or why we do it. It’s not just for a little bit of rest but to truly REST in the word of God and all this promises for us. I know I struggle to rest with the season of life I’m in and constantly struggle between not doing enough and doing too much. Am I dating enough? Am I outgoing enough? Should I just rest and not worry about dating? The same goes for other areas of my life as well. Finding a healthy balance can be hard but that’s when we find strength in the Lord. @MARI praying for your car situation! Praying the right one will come up soon.

  6. Marnie Bartleet says:

    I have read this story and chapters in Genesis but it was the first time I’ve ever noticed the river isn’t that they were named. It’s also the first time that I noticed God allowed Adam to name all the animals. This time I also heard that God followed Adams lead when he decided that he needed a companion and help. I love that god has shows us the standards for rest and work from the beginning. I do find it interesting that I sometimes forget that god worked for six days not just five.

  7. Marnie Bartleet says:

    14 And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the

  8. Kelsea Terry says:

    As a mom of four young kids I need to prioritize rest and not feeling guilty for it! I have a constant to do list in my head so making Sunday a rest day is much needed so I can give my all to God and my family!