The Gift of Rest

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-15; Ecclesiastes 3:1

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

From the very beginning, God established rest as a part of creation, setting the seventh day apart from the other six days of the week. God rested on the seventh day because His work had been fully completed.

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99 thoughts on "The Gift of Rest"

  1. Holly Bearden says:

    God is the almighty, He doesn’t get tired or grow weary. I think this is a beautiful example of Him doing something to show us the magnitude of the importance of it! By example He tells us we need to have this Biblical rest

  2. Rachel wilson says:

    rest is holy & a gift from God❤️

  3. Alicia Cousins says:

    I relate to this SO MUCH. I have definitely seen that I have more of a Martha tendency than Mary and often need to remind myself that God is the most important and if I put him first,the other areas of my life will sort out because he is in his proper place.

  4. April Kyle says:

    Yes!! So true!! I think we as a culture get this wrong…!

  5. Lisa D says:

    For me, moving towards more “senior” years, I am realizing that my body and mind now NEED rest, I can no longer push through. God knows my body and blesses me with rests in each season. I am learning to sit in and enjoy it, instead of pushing to the next thing.

  6. Morgan Smith says:

    I think the biggest struggle for me is discerning Godly rest from things that are actually distractions that lead me away from rest.

  7. Rachel says:

    Rest is holy and blessed, and we are intended to rest. There is a time for everything under the sun – it’s just a matter of me making that time and not using that time for other things.

  8. Michele Messenger says:

    I chose those study to remind myself that God created rest and it is GOOD. I want to make rest a priority because life can get so incredibly busy.