Today’s reading prompted me to dig through several boxes to find what’s referred to by my family as the “family reunion book.” The letter-sized booklet—gifted to family reunion attendees a few years ago—is a collection of mini essays, family announcements, photos, and ancestry lists. Undoubtedly, this content doesn’t mean much to an outsider. But to our family, it means everything.
At first glance, the family records in 1 Chronicles can seem like mere lists to our twenty-first-century eyes. But I can only imagine what they meant to the Chronicler’s audience, people who had been displaced from their home, tradition, and way of life as a result of their disobedience. These lists of tribes, clans, and families, along with their geographical allotments, gave them a sense of place and promise. The genealogies included in today’s reading give special attention to Levi’s descendants.
Their relatives, the Levites, were assigned to all the service of the tabernacle, God’s temple.
—1 Chronicles 6:48
The pre-exilic role of the Levites was to act as attendants to the temple (and to the tabernacle that came before it). Certain Levites acted as mediators of the nation in God’s presence, making “atonement for Israel” (1Chronicles 6:49). Only those appointed by God—the Levites—could lead the nation in any services associated with public worship.
Built by King Solomon, the temple was the sacred space God designated for Israel to encounter His presence through worship. Here, the Levites mediated between God and the people through sacrifices and offerings specified in the law. However, the people lived in disobedience until God withdrew His presence from the temple and it was destroyed.
The Israelite people were coming back into their land and reestablishing their rhythms of worship. The temple was being rebuilt, the sacrificial system and altar were reinstated. This section of the genealogy was a message to the returning exiles that although they were broken and flawed, although they had been sent into exile for their lack of faithfulness, God was still making a way for them to be renewed and restored in worship post-exile.
Today’s reading falls on Ash Wednesday, the official start of Lent, a season of prayer and reflection. It reminds us that we too are people broken and flawed, in need of atonement and restoration.
As I continue to read these genealogies, they become more special to me. They prompt me to confess and lament the ways that I have become displaced by sin. They remind me of God’s abundant grace and mercy in the face of my disobedience. And they point me forward to the never-ending promise and hope of the cross.

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64 thoughts on "The Genealogy of the Levites"
Yes, that is so true. Love that song!
New Living Translation
At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant, and to stand before the LORD as his ministers, and to pronounce blessings in his name. These are their duties to this
Two thoughts came to mind with todays reading…. Chronicals is like There are lists, but every so often a story pops up. It also reminded me that we are all flawed. So often we spend time in exile, alone and wondering, but God is always faithful!
It’s helpful for me to listen to the genealogies on Dwell or another audio Bible.
Excellent start to the new season
I am going to be honest and say it was really hard for me to read todays reading. I really kept getting lost and overwhelmed. I pray that I am still able to get an amazing message from the devotion and be able to apply it to my life during Lenten. I could also really use some prayers as I’m in the process of applying to Nursing School. Taking care of others is truly my passion and I believe that God will fulfill!
20 They were helped in fighting them, and God delivered the Hagrites and all their allies into their hands, because they cried out to him during the battle. He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him. – 1 Chronicles 5:20 when my story is written in the book of life I want it to end – He answered her prayers because she trusted in Him!!!
@L Lewis daughters and sisters are mentioned in the genealogy and God uses women throughout the entire Bible- it is us who bore the sons, Esther who saved an entire nation of people, Rahab who is in the lineage of Jesus, Mary mother of Jesus and soo many more!! Just remember that scrolls were VERY expensive and people didn’t just go around writing anything and also remember that women were less than during these times so the fact that we are woven throughout the entire story is such a blessing!!!
What a beautiful start to this Lenten season – your writing has brought new meaning to these genealogies for me. Thank your for such a beautifully written devotional. Praying on the ways I am displaced by sin and seeking wisdom in my own restoration.
Congrats Chelle on completing the Bible in a Year!! I am so proud that you stuck through it even with the extended time and other obstacles. I did the Bible in Year as well recently (and it also took over a year with life getting in the way). It is an amazing journey and a great habit to get into. Just wanted to celebrate your hard work and dedication.
Thank you. I enjoyed capping my reading off worshiping with this song.
Reading today’s passages, the fear of the Lord fell on me. God did not spare His firstborn the Israelites from suffering to gain them back to Him. For there fell down many slain because the war was OF GOD, and they dwelt in their steads until the captivity (1 Chronicles 5:22), even the Lord carried Judah and Jerusalem by the hand of a wicked pagan king Nebuchadnezzar (1 Chronicles 6:15). God used their enemy to bring them back to Him. Sadly sin has so many consequences and takes long long time to remedy. Playing with sin is really unwise. It’s dangerous to know God and His laws and yet to go one one’s way to test the boundaries. May the fear of the Lord keep us from sinning (Proverbs 16:6).
@Sharon Jones: praying for your marriage, middle daughter, elder parents and sister. May the Lord give so much wisdom and humbleness to work through the differences and heal any conflicts, courage to go to the root causes. And mighty healing for your parents, strength for your sister as she cares for them.
@Nancy S: praying for your husband’s dementia, and the spirit of the sound mind be preserved. May dementia be uprooted from your family in Jesus’ Name.
@Kristen and @Michelle P: very scary hearing what you described. Demonic deception is so real and oh so fabricated. Who has a chance unless by God’s hand to pluck them out of such depravity? Praying for the lost friends, and may the fear of the Lord be on them, so repentance and salvation comes.
@Molly R: hope your dad is recovering well, and may God’s grace keep you all in good spirit. Keeping your family in prayers.
Happy Ash Wednesday dear sisters.
Thankful for God’s abundant mercy and grace!
Reading and listening to the Levites genealogy (chap 6) — and all the, “his son xxx, his son yyy” or “a fathered b; b fathered c” made me think of the Kari Jobe song “The Blessing”: may his favor be upon you for a thousand generations and his family and his children and their children and their children….” – it’s SO POWERFUL – that God’s love story is for us all, past present, and future! Hallelujah ❤️
When I read the genealogies, I don’t feel like it makes much sense to me, but it does remind me of my own family. And not really the family that I came from but the family that my husband and I have been shepherding for the last 25 years. The Lord did not reveal himself to us when we were young and our families were not believers and no one was going to church or pouring scripture over us or grounding us in faith in anyway. But we have made it our goal to be very purposeful with how we raise our children and very intentional, with teaching of scripture first now they are adults and I can see this playing out in their lives. So this is a reminder to me of how important it is to build a foundation in our families and God’s word.
This passage feels so fitting for this time period as many of us are rebuilding, reestablishing our own rhythms of worship, and seeking restoration. I pray that this Lenten season gives us the opportunity to receive the peace that comes with restoration :)
I was overwhelmed with the steadfastness of God in the reading today. Generation after generation, filled with fallible people who made mistakes that saw inheritance removed from them, to adultery, and arrogance, BUT GOOD, in his never-ending faithfulness to the promises He made to His chosen people, continually responding in his righteous holiness to rebellion with much-needed retribution, followed by a response of repentance, and a never-failing act of redemption.
Motherhood has shown me that “rebellion-retribution-repentance-redemption” cycle as I discipline my kids as godly as I can.
Today I prayed to be shown what God wanted me to see in the long list of His chosen people. He responded so graciously with the reminder that His steadfast love and redemption can be counted on when little else can be, and offers an ever-present place to run to and just sit in when life can feel chaotic. Such gifts that I just don’t deserve. Peace in His refuge that surpasses all understanding. I am His, forever!
Once again I noticed there are parts of Scripture I have never “really paid attention to” until now, that happened yesterday also. Yesterday I noticed for the first time it was descendants of Caleb that started up Bethlehem and several known cities (1Chronicles 2:50-53). Then today at the beginning of Scripture in 1Chronicles 5:1-2, I never knew Reuben had been dishonored and why. I have read these Scriptures many times but never really noticed or paid attention to all the details. I guess I was just skimming through the names.
I love how Tameshia points out how Chronicles can be relevant to us today, “They remind me of God’s abundant grace and mercy in the face of my disobedience. And they point me forward to the never-ending promise and hope of the cross.” I’m finding the more I read the Old Testament the more I see how it can apply to today.
Be blessed and as you read pay attention to some of the small details in Scripture, you never know what you will discover.
I’m working hard to read and understand from the perspective of God showing His people who He is and who THEY are. How easy it would have been to forget, as they return from exile to rebuild! Anyone else born into a musical family….. that isn’t musical? I thought of that as the musicians from the family of Levi were listed. Lol
I was just telling my husband last night that when I read the genealogies, much of it doesn’t make sense. But when I think about my own family history and my great grandparents and their children, and who they married and their children. All of the names have faces and memories. It prompted me to start writing down the names of my own family so they are recorded for my children. It made me think differently about the genealogies in these passages, and then todays devotional mentioned the same. I read through Chronicles last year but I’m glad to be reading again with fresh eyes this Lent season.
Thank you for the beautiful devotion!
@Traci Gendron- This is my very first comment and I have been on here for well over a year. But your situation was mine not so long ago. One thing that helped me through the genealogies was to google the pronunciation. I really like a guy named Julian on Youtube. This helped me so much and I found it much easier! And much to my surprise, I actually remember how to say most of them. I know it is hard, but I go back to these verses: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” I told myself there was a reason God wanted me to read about the genealogies. But they are hard to get through! I am praying that it will get easier, love and blessings to you sister!
Traci- I will try this again, But shorter version. I have a fantastic study Bible published by Crossway. I read the verses in there with the provided explanations of people and events. This allows me to highlight names and to write notes about importance, connections, and events of the people I highlight in my SRT booklet. It gives more clarity to the list.
I finished reading the Bible in a year in December. I was also doing the monthly SRT studies. I understand what you are saying. I would recommend using a study Bible to help read the genealogies. Crossway publishes a fantastic one that is available in your version choice. I am reading it there and then writing notes in my SRT booklet. It allows me to focus on important names within the genealogies and also provides details and explanations.
I finished reading the Bible in a year in December. I was also doing the mono
@L LEWIS. While not listed as often…Daughters of Israel are mentioned in the genealogies of Chronicles which makes them stand out to me even more! I can’t name everyone of them but here are a some examples. On day one we read about Keturah Abrahams concubine and Timna who was Lotans sister (Timna received 3 mentions on day 1) Tamar starts us off on day 2 and not only David’s wives are recorded but so are his sisters Zeruiah and Abigail. (1 Chronicles 2:16.) Sheshan didn’t have any sons, only daughters. (their names weren’t listed) still that little story caught my attention. Today we have Miriam sister of Moses. I can get bleary eyed reading the long list of men named so when I find the name of a wife, mother, daughter, or sister, I smile. Happy hunting for more names of women. :)
Wow! Just listened to chapter 4 again and the words came alive as I followed along in my Bible. I typically just read or listen, but doing both together, especially with all the difficult pronunciations, really helped me appreciate the beauty. Listening to someone NOT struggling to read through this somehow presented the Word to me in a way I could receive.
Thank you SRT for helping me find a way to truly appreciate Chronicles for the first time.
Thank you all for walking with me. One can feel the community here, yes? Love it!
Love y’all!
Happy Ash Wednesday.
@Susan–Im so sorry for the loss that all of you are having to deal with. I lost my father when I was six, and I know that my mother often used resources suggested by Focus on the Family when trying to help my younger sister and I deal with everything. They have extensive online materials for helping children through grief, as well as phone numbers to reach their counselors and staff for further guidance. Perhaps while your grandchildren are waiting for in-person counseling, you might find something there that can be of help. I will be praying for these sweet kids with you.
Thank you Tameshia so much for this lesson. What beautiful words. The cities of refuge stood out to me because they separated folks from their families, from God. My heart hurts for those who desired to feel the presence of God from these cities of refuge. I am so grateful for this time of the year! A time to reach out to renew and strengthen that relationship with our Savior.
I finished my Bible “In a Year” last night. My closest sister in Christ and I started this endeavor, late January, 2021. I had moved away and struggled to find the connection in a new womens study group. Then of course there was the pandemic obstacles so my good friend and I started meeting once a week on Zoom. What we had hoped would be a year turned into 2 with varying schedules, illnesses and life. When I got to the last verse in Revelation, I paused almost paralyzed. I never finish anything…last night I was finishing and completing what seemed to be a very long journey. The daily readings (or weekly) had become a part of me. What will I do next? I had already stumbled upon this Lenten study while traveling and listening to podcasts.
My heart is heavy she’s I had an argument with my husband last night and it brought up a lot of issues. He and I both love the Lord so my prayer today is for God to convict where we need conviction. That my husband and I can work through this issue and be better for it. My husband tends to bury things and just move on. I tend to perseverante on things but then when I can’t work on it alone I probably end up burying it too. I need to give this to God and pray. A lot of this is related to our middle child and how she reacts when my husband gives her a direction. God knows the exact issues we have and I just want hearts to change that need to change. Be it mine, my husband’s and my daughter’s. I know we all are sinners.
On another note I asked for prayer for my mom. I continue to ask for prayer. She is still alive, she is great mentally but she needs oxygen all the time now. My sister is looking for an assistant living facility for her and my father who is 86 and has dementia – he forgot how to send a text- he has been texting for over 15 years. Pray for my sister as since she is right there their care falls to her.
It did stand out to me that Mirian is mentioned with Moses and Aaron.
I don’t know that I can get through this study. I can’t focus on all the genealogy. I can’t even pronounce the names. I’m also reading the Bible in a year and going through the same type of reading at the moment. I’m disappointed, but I find myself skimming it.
Does anyone else feel a little sad that only the names of sons are honored and included in this extensive genealogy? I know God knows each of us by name. I just wonder why His beloved daughters wouldn’t also be mentioned by name in Chronicles. I trust God’s heart and know that we women are equally loved and cherished in His eyes. But sometimes it makes me wonder if men have had too much influence/control in what got printed and passed on to us.
Nancy, I’m praying for you and your husband
1 Chronicles 5:20
They received help against these enemies BECAUSE THEY CRIED OUT TO GOD IN BATTLE… He was receptive to their prayer BECAUSE THEY TRUSTED IN HIM
⬆️ these were Reuben’s descendants whose birthright was taken from him because of his sin. Even though he was “punished”, he could have grown hard hearted but instead he raised a generation of descendants who trusted the Lord
Kristin- in an instant, God can open the eyes of the blind. The spiritually blind. He is God and has been in pursuit of those who scoff at the name of Jesus. May their hearts convict them. Sometimes, the reality of pain and death can change a heart more quickly. I really believe God’s word over them, that nothing is impossible. There was a time I was a Christian led astray from good doctrine and believed hell didn’t actually exist bc God is love. After a chaotic event where demons were made manifest to me, in an instant, God dissolved the new age lies I believed and the knowledge of salvation became clear again. Have hope for your friends and their people. May you see God can do abundantly more than we ask or imagine. He can take those far from Him and reveal Himself in ways only He knows how. God bless you and your love for their lives.
GM She’s!
As I was reading through the lists, when I got to the Levites, the radio program on in my background brought up the Levites (that study is on Numbers currently), talking about the sons of Aron. (I might have just started getting a little bored with the list preceding this!). Thank you Lord, for shining a light on the importance of the lists. It matters. Many people get bored reading this book and others of the bible. But having study bibles, and websites is such a blessing to get a little more context and explanations that help us in our need to “get it.” But also meditating and trying to “hear’ God speak to us is still important. It’s hard to not only take time to read scripture, but to study, meditate on his word. (oh my gosh, now the next radio program is talking on meditating as I was typing this!) (little coincidences! or God winks some say!)
Thank you Lord for speaking to us directly, when we crave your word, wanting to learn. Draw close to you. You are our Living God, and for you to see EACH of us, and to TALK to each of us. What a gift. What a blessing. Lay down yourself.
I am a genealogist and researcher at heart, so unlike many, I LOVE The Chronicles.
I’ve always read the Bible more in the light of ancestral stories, than super holy writings recounting the days of old. So for me, this is just me reading Jesus’ family tree.
Yes, the names are hard to pronounce, but every now and then one will pop out and I dig into their story to find out who they were, and who God was to them. Just like my own family. ❤️
Nancy, this is true. My maternal grandmother had dementia and passed away from it. I believe my mother was in early stages of it at only 61. So, we know it is passed down in our genes, as is autoimmune disease, which myself and a cousin have recently found out we have and one of our great aunts passed away from ALS. Other than these there is no more genealogical record of anything because they didn’t “know” what these things were. Prayer if hard for your husband and you. This isn’t an easy road. Much love.
Today we may learn the next step/test to determine which particular form of dementia my husband is experiencing. In terms of genealogy, it would be helpful to know if previous family members had dementia. But there are no records documenting this. Back in the day the elderly who were “off” a little or alot were just “senile”, a catch-all term. My husband’s greatest fear in losing himself, is losing the opportunity to see our 15 grandchildren, & 4 great grandchildren grow up. Genealogy is important in many ways. Please pray for him/us.
Thank you all for your sweet messages <3 I'm excited for this new job opportunity while still staying with my current company. I was moved today that God can still make a way for us, even in our disobedience, faithlessness, and wandering. What a merciful God we serve! I pray everyone has a blessed Ash Wednesday.
Lord I need You! Amen
Thank you to the sisters who have mentioned listening to these genealogies! This morning I used Bible gateway for the NKJV translation which allowed me to listen as I also read the Scriptures – very helpful and kept me from stumbling over names and losing focus. NKJV translation there had 2 options for audio, 1 male & 1 female – female worked best for me.
The author’s mention of her family reunion book, and me continuing to read through these genealogies makes me realize how little of my family history is known/recorded. I can only go back to my grandparents on one side and great grandparents on the other. Thankful that God knows me and I know Him!
TINA – beautiful, moving comment. Thank you.
KRISTIN – continuing to pray for your friend/children for protection and resolution of situation with ex, and praying for other friend’s dad in hospital. Your comments on casual attitudes toward the reality of hell – the lies they believe are definitely shocking to me, and so heartbreaking. Praying that the unbelievers come to know Him.
SUSAN – praying for your grandchildren and daughter-in-law, and more so after reading your heartbreaking post yesterday. I have relatives whose children suddenly lost either mother or father, some are in counseling. Prayer after prayer going up for all these children (and you!) as they walk through the pain and grief. ❤️❤️❤️
C. – praying for answers for your friend’s health
TAYLOR – congrats on job opportunity!
Praise be to God for His unfailing love despite our wandering.
Having spent much time the past few years uncovering my own family’s genealogy, I read these lists differently now. Each name is a piece of history, a story that should not be forgotten. Understanding what my ancestors went through as Jews in Eastern Europe, the sacrifice they went through to get here and the privilege I get to live as an American (warts and all) because my grandparents made the brave decision to leave.
Sistinguishing between birthright and ancestral sons brought me to 1 Peter 2:9 – But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
This is not just the Levite’s heritage, it is OURS as well. HE is so good and so faithful.
Ladies, I know I asked for prayer yesterday for my friend’s situation with her ex- husband. She still needs prayers! My other friend’s father was taken in. He had a heart attack a few years back. He is in his eighties. I remember my friend telling a story about her dad joking about going to hell. My friend and my boss were both saying they would be going there too and laughing. I just heard a sermon by John MacAuthor. He said some famous punk rocker was interviewed and asked what she was looking forward to. She said death, because she wanted to go to hell. I think she said it would be fun there. (I think this was an older sermon.) People don’t understand, and I can’t grasp, exactly how horrible it will be, but his sermon tried to convey tbis! We ate starting lent. Tameisha said this prompted her to confess and lament the ways that she has become displaced by sin. They remind her of God’s abundant grace and mercy in the face of my disobedience. And they point her forward to the never-ending promise and hope of the cross. We have no hope or chance of eternal salvation without God’s mercy, grace, and the finished work of the Cross of Jesus Christ, The Savior and Lord! Please pray that her dad and the rest of the lost would be drawn by any means necessary to repentance and salvation! Please! Amen
The passages today are echos of our readings in Joshua last year. God is faithful to His promises. The exiles returning to the land was another promise fulfilled.
Prayers going up for your requests
We too are broken people in need of atonement and restoration.
As I continue to read these genealogies, they become more special to me. They prompt me to confess and lament the ways that I have become displaced by sin. They remind me of God’s abundant grace and mercy in the face of my disobedience. And they point me forward to the never-ending promise and hope of the cross…
TAMESHIA, What truth you speak..
I am proud, in a good way, and with no boasting to say my great, great great grandfather was one of the people who fought for the abolition of fathers brothers, sisters mothers being sold into slavery in His time..
My heart sees the thoughts behind his, to make a better future for those that follow. The generations he will not meet, but yet are people he cared for.. this act, however small, was a promise to us that followed, a promise that with his every breathe, to include his last, he will fight for his family..his family’s family, his family’s family’s family.. and so on..
His love, His Sons life, one with whom I am co heir, was given so I would know mercy and grace and arms so around me love.. and what I truly love about this gift, is thst it is for always, every day, everyone..
May the words of my mouth, Lord God, be a meditation of my heart and in praise and Thanksgiving, for promises kept and continued to be fulfilled..
Thank you Lord God, Thank you..
Happy Wednesday my people, wrapped in love, hugs and prayers from across the pond..❤