Wedding chimes. The clock strikes six. It’s the sound of new beginnings.
Melodies from a soulful soloist begin; her tone is just the right romantic ambiance to usher in the wedding processional. As the second-to-last person in the processional reaches the altar, white multilayered curtains flutter shut. The music falls silent, while every attendee turns an expectant gaze in hushed anticipation toward the drapes as they gradually open.
And there stands the bride in all her bedazzled glory. Her long walk down the aisle represents many years of waiting and what felt like a millennia of borrowed hopes.
Joyfilled tears etch across the bride’s and bridegroom’s faces as they vow, “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.”
Promises. We’ve all experienced what it’s like to make them. Like vows on a wedding day, promises (when made and kept), have the ability to ground us—giving us a firm assurance to hold on to. And guide us—leading us toward even greater faith in the one from whom the promise was made.
This two-fold hope from God is recorded by the Chronicler in our reading today. The genealogies are like a processional, preparing and pointing to the faithfulness of God to keep His covenant promise—for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.
This hope couldn’t be more timely for the people of God. Years before the exile, years before the return, God made a promise to Israel’s King David that a king from his lineage would endure forever (2Samuel 7:12–16). The genealogy in today’s reading traces King David’s ancestry and descendants as a means of the Chronicler guiding readers in remembrance.
Their years in exile left them disheartened, questioning their identity and future as God’s people. Would God remain faithful to His promise of a lasting king and kingdom?
God remains the promise maker and promise keeper. He is still growing an enduring kingdom, there is a throne to be established forever, just as He vowed. In the face of doubt and uncertainty, the Chronicler’s call to the remembrance of God’s promise and character had the unequivocal power to infuse hope. As it does today.
What if, this Lenten season we allow remembrance to guide our steps as we journey to the cross, knowing that not even in death do God’s promises part.

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85 thoughts on "The Genealogies of Judah and David"
Amen ❤️
I’m in Pasadena TX
Totally wanted to do this too!!!
Such a interesting morning, finding myself enjoying seeing the names of all the people God used in His story— in His keeping of His promise. How beautiful that as believers, we too have a part to play in this story, as we wait for our promised Lord Jesus to take us home.
My 16 year old daughter was working in the kitchen as I having some quiet time. I took the opportunity to turn on my text reader as so she could hear it as we shared the space. My heart was delighted she kept interrupting as she hear names she remembered stories to. It was like all her Sunday school lessons came alive!
I agree whole heartedly.
Please look up Wonderful Godly groups to help
process grief with.
Good idea!
Genealogy! Always makes me go cross eyed! But when I read the author’s commentary, connecting that genealogy to God’s promises, it all makes so much sense. Suddenly it is so important to know all of these people and where they come from. Thank goodness the Jewish people kept track of it!
If nothing else this Lent, I’m learning to not skim through the genealogies! To try and pause as a mark of respect for those that came before us. But wow, it’s a learning curve
Oh my goodness, I just want a giant white board or scroll of butcher paper, and want to make all these family trees to help me sort through each name. While I can probably find it somewhere, I want to draw closer by writing it myself! I really appreciated the perspective that these genealogies are all a roadmap of God’s vow to keep his promise.
Houston, TX here. So glad to connect with you all ❤️
This was really powerful
As I’m reading these genealogies and trying my best to connect the dots and make sense of it all, I’m left with SO many questions and things I don’t understand. But I’m choosing to trust that God is teaching me, and he is using his word to lead me closer to him. Thank you Jesus that no name of your children is insignificant, or unseen. You love each child of yours deeply. You know us, you see us, you love us!
Hi, Elise! I live in Tyler! Welcome to Texas. I hope your move went as smoothly as possible!
Beautiful to see God’s promise.
I don’t live there but my family does. Crazy to see such a small town name here lol
I am Baptist as well. In fact a Baptist pastor’s wife. I’ve never gotten into the whole “giving up chocolate or soda etc” that my friends and coworkers do. But I’m faithful in believing I can grow closer to God during this season. I will be praying for you as you deal with grief during this time.
My prayers are with you and your family. I like your idea on giving up book buying
Good morning SHE’S!! I r as the names and found myself dwelling on them, for the first time, with deep respect. The podcast absolutely helped me see the significance of names, God’s children – everyone of them. Have a beautiful day ladies!❤️
That was a lot of names and people! Wow. As I read I was reminded of the book Roots, story of Alex Haileys family.. there is a part in there where he goes to a guy who knows all about the families from the village, who married who, what their children’s names were and so on. This man, I am guessing was handed down this knowledge by sitting with his father each and everyday… a very special thing.. sorry I digress..
What I loved about reading all those names, was absolutely that God had loved them, been there with them, provided for them as He is for us. But the little nugget tucked in there was Jabez, who gets a longer mention and explanation than anyone else! His name though it’s meaning was a translation of how he came into the world, did not stop God hearing his prayer and ‘granting his request..’
God keeps His promises, yesterday today and He will tomorrow..
OGHOSA.. I loved the connection between the promise made on a wedding day and God’s promises to us.. my heart is happy!
Thank you!
Blessings dear hearts..❤
Praying for you all as we walk together through this time of remembering what Christ as done: the Savior of the whole world!! May we be the ones who point others to Christ!
Our Father does all things well
I need to be reminded of God’s promises!
I love what is said about the genealogies being like a processional, pointing us to the faithfulness of God!!
Finish the reading, just now, but I am thoroughly enjoying the devotionals and explanation of why the genealogies are so necessary. Praying for you all during this fasting and prayer time in remembrance of  our Lord.
I did what someone else posted about yesterday and listened to the chapters today read aloud on the Bible app and I found it to be helpful. It was interesting to hear all the pronunciations of the names as well.
I agree that the audio version is much easier to grasp
Very powerful
What a good reminder! I loved on the podcasts when they talked about the steps to the tabernacle being uneven to cause people a small disruption to get them focused on God again! I am going to be fasting from pressing snooze! Wish me luck!
I love that Bathsheba is listed as a daughter. How often do I see through human eyes instead of asking for God’s eyes when looking at myself and others.
I never noticed before this devotional just how many children David had. The first 5-6 were born in the early years of his reign and all had different mothers. No wonder there was so much fighting among the brothers. And then they listed those born later in his reign—maybe 20 of them? Well, no wonder he wasn’t father of the year. It would be amazing if he could remember their names. These details humanize heroes and remind us that they were people of the cultures they were born to, just as we are, and reminds me just how little we actually know about our fathers and mothers in the faith. Oh, but God knows every detail about them, just as he does about us.
What a lovely opening of a wedding scene to a devotional (thank you Oghosa). When life gets hard, may we remember the moment. Sometimes my relationship with my husband gets hard, and I forgot to recall the wedding day and the promises we made. But God, He gently reminded me today. Moreover we are His bride, the bride of the Almighty, the perfect Husband who gave up His life for the imperfect bride. With His long suffering toward us, He will present us blameless unto Himself (Jude 1:24). What a blessed hope.
@Susan: hugs and prayers for your family and Andy’s children. May the God of all comfort and tender mercies heal the grief of your soul.
@C: healing for your friend in hospital.
@Gwineth52: had a giggle when I read your post.
@K: your friend and her kids from turmoil with ex husband.
Praying for our sisters that we haven’t seen in awhile (thank you @Searching): Churchmouse, Angie, JenniferlovesJesus, Angie Mills, Victoria E, Heidi, and other she’s. May God be with you and keep you/your families safe, may He bring you out of any struggles/battles /burdens/ sickness/ sorrows that you or your families might face, in His grace and mercy.
Be blessed dear sisters. For the Lord shall be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught (Proverbs 3:26).
I struggle with reading the long lists of genealogies, like many of you. They become so dry and the names are difficult to pronounce. And then I had a Bible nerd moment, as Rachael and Amanda like to say. I noticed something in yesterday’s reading of 1 Chronicles 1:28 -31. Even though Abraham’s relationship with Hagar was not what God intended for the descendants of Abraham’s line, Ishmael and his sons are noted in recorded genealogy. How beautiful is it that Ishmael’s life still mattered to his father? Enough for Abraham’s descendants to track his life and the birth of his sons. I had imagined that Hagar and Ishmael managed to find another group or clan and were never heard from again. God never forgets his children and we are precious to him. Every one of us. Love this!
Searching, thank you so much for your prayers. I don’t comment often, but read daily. Grief still comes and fades slightly. One moment I’m fine, and the next bawling over a thought, smell or memory. Ambushed when I least expect it. Then I have to resettle in God’s word, His love and grace. I’m spending a couple of days with Andy’s kids. The youngest, just turned 5 and told her aunt she just wanted to kill herself so she could see her daddy. But not to worry, she knew she couldn’t until she was a grown up. They kids are still on a waiting list for grief counseling. I’m praying that the Lord will give me opportunity and words to minister to them. I know I will see my son again, but it just huts so much.
I have decided this lent season to give up coffee and alcohol. I’m still allowing myself to drink tea; this mother of two needs some type of caffeine. I’m praying during this time of saying no to certain earthly treasures, God will meet me where I am.
Blessed is the coming Kingdom of our father David!
I am grateful for SRT sisters and the friendship, support, and encouragement we see lived out reflecting our love of Jesus. Thank you @Searching for you continual thoughtfulness and kind remembrances of our individual and collective prayer requests. It gives me a smile and heartfelt hug. ❤️
Greetings Shes from the Tar Heel State! Today, February 21, is “Shrove Tuesday”, aka “Fat Tuesday”. Noted below is definition from Christian “Crosswalk” web site:
“Also known as Fat Tuesday and Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday and the fasting Lenten season leading up to Easter. This religious holiday is observed in many Christian countries by participating in confession and absolution, the ritual burning of the previous year’s Holy Week palms, finalizing one’s Lenten sacrifice, as well as eating pancakes and other sweets.”
Not a mandate! We don’t have to indulge a sweet tooth! Not a misery maker! We aren’t called to violate an ordinary diet restriction! But many people do eliminate a favorite “consumption” during the 40 days. Chocolate! Wine! Shopping! Netflix! Private choice. Personal proclivity!
As for me, I started the day with a buttery pull apart cinnamon roll & a 4-shot whole milk latte! Caffeine! Sugar! Tomorrow this penitent enters into Lent, but as God is my witness, ready to forsake these, among other, earthly pleasures & rituals!
Amen & Amen
So once again I’m going to give you a quote from my devotional Bible, it’s called a Treasure of Truth — “Circumstances look very different when WE see them THROUGH God’s eyes.” The emphasis is mine, but I feel this quote is so true for “the here and now”. When we look at any circumstance we are in through the eyes of the Almighty we find a totally different aspect and way to look at it.
Be blessed and look at your circumstances through the Lord’s eyes.
Love the devotion and how it connected to marriage promise. Love the break in genealogy to mention Jabez.
Traveling through Chronicles can be a bit taxing. It is far easier for me to listen to than read. The beauty of the internet! Very comforting (and less trying!) for me to just close my eyes and listen. Listening is a skill I can use cultivating anyway! Really makes me look forward to hearing the Word. Not having to struggle trying to pronounce all those names is a gift! I use bible gateway, but I am sure there are plenty of sites that will read the Word to us she’s with just a click.
Love this group!
Thank you all for walking with me.
Also – thank you @raquel for the song inspiration- Promises by Maverick City! And SHE’s—listening to NIV on YouVersion is a wonderful experience❤️
Not only does God know our names, just as He knows everyone’s name since Adam, he also knows how many hairs are on your head!
This was in my Bible about 1 Chronicles: To review your spiritual history and God’s eternal promises is an important reason to read your Bible. God’s promises regarding your eternal destiny are in scripture for your constant encouragement. Just as God was faithful in the past to his people by bringing them out of captivity, you can rely on Him to be faithful in the present by providing and protecting you. As you remember who you are in Christ, you can look ahead with confidence, knowing God will provide for you and all future generations of believers until His return.
@Mari V– Praise God for your new car! :)
@Taylor – that is exciting! May God give you wisdom as you take steps forward toward this new position.
@K – prayers of strength and protection to your friend.
@Searching :)
Wow. I am seriously struggling to want to read this study. May God give me patience. Usually, I’m so stoked to read the Word. Sometimes, random names appear without being mentioned previously in these lists.
One thing that did stick out to me was in chapter 4 when someone is named because of birthing pain (Jabez- “He Will Cause Pain”), but Jabez asks God to bless him and let it be that he stays away from evil and doesn’t cause pain. I thought that was beautiful. Tbh, I had felt sad bc I know some people who named their kids after pagan gods. So that’s encouraging to know if these kids ask God to rewrite their story, He will. That seems so obvious but I guess I needed to literally read it somewhere ! Lol
Just listened to “Promises”- thanks for the recommendation @raquel. Praying for all requests this morning. @ Taylor- so happy about your new job opportunity! Congrats!
So grateful to be part of a heaven bound lineage of my Jesus. His love endures through all generations. ❤️
God names His people.
He knows them all by name.
“But now, thus says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.’”
We are chosen.
We belong to the King.
We are designed to know and be known by our Creator. Without Him, we’re at the mercy of the world around us and all the fear it brings.
I feel like He just wrapped me in a hug.
Hugs to all. ❤️
Good morning all!! Started listening to the SRT podcast this morning, so good!! I am planning to give up social media this year, I’ve done it the past couple years and it’s been helpful for me. Praying for you @Taylor for this new opportunity!! Praying for guidance and wisdom.
Thank you for your prayers for me and my dating “endeavor” haha. I’ve been talking to the same guy via text and we’re planning to video again tomorrow! Even though it’s hardly been a week I am already learning about my heart and some things about the relationship process. My brain tends to jump ahead and wants to know it all now, but I think that is where I have to slow down, take it one day at a time, and trust God that he will guide this where he wants it to go. It’s okay not to know everything up front (even though I want to). I am trying to be very prayerful about this because I want to protect my heart and mind. I think another reason why I may feel anxious/pressure over relationships with guys is that I want to do it “right”/God’s way, so in a way I’m scared/realize what a big decision it can be. But, I’m trying to rein myself in because that’s where I just have to take it one day at a time. I have to really trust and walk with God, and have faith that he’ll show me what to do. Even if this doesn’t work out at least I’m learning more about God through it!
Great devo, OGHOSA!!! Thank you for the imagery – just stunning.
What joy to know that in our vows with God – not even death will part us. Romans 8-38-39- neither death nor life… can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Verses 31-39 really mesh here!
“God remains the promise maker and the promise keeper”. So thankful that God keeps every promise He has ever made!…Also, reminded that no matter how insignificant I may feel in this great big world — God knows my name. As we read through these long lists of names and wonder why God included them, I think part of it is He wants us to know that we matter to Him, just as these men & women of long ago mattered. You and I are in His lineage, God never forgets who we are — He has a purpose and a plan as we look to and serve our Maker.
@Taylor – very excited for this new job position, hope it all works out!
@Sarah D – continuing to pray for you & how your “new friend” will fit into your life, if that is God’s will.
@K – praying for your friend and her desperate situation!
Have a blessed day!
GM She’s!
Though it is challenging not to skip over all the names, I know they are written for a purpose to see the lineage and history of all God’s people- individual people- with a life, feelings, longings, sadness and happiness in their journeys. It is incredible that it is logged at that point and time to me! Fascinating..yet boring to read. I think you summed it up perfectly..(I forgot your name!! The first comment of the morning!)
Yahweh..The SAME GOD yesterday, today, and tomorrow. What a promise, what a gift. To know we can look back to a history of people so long ago, and know the story is weaved through time. Let us turn to Him daily, for everything. He is my lifeline, my confident, my encourager, my king. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us your word.
And unmentioned but part of the ancestry is Rahab, a prostitute. God does use us sinners in his perfect plan. ❤️
That’s a great song! Listening to it now ❤️
This was so good! The last line in the devotional today gave me chills ❤️ Asking for prayers for a friend. She is currently in the hospital. Praying that she gets better and the doctors figure out what is going on with her. Have a blessed Tuesday everyone ❤️
KELLY (NEO) I will be looking for a chart. I don’t think I could figure this whole thing out trying to make my own chart. I am interested also in all of the lines and where they went. Maybe I will attempt to make that my project for the next weeks we are doing this study.
Again, welcome to all of you, who are joining us for the first time! We are happy to have you here. May we all encounter a new Hope in Jesus through this study.
Me too
This devotion was SO GOOD. The last sentence?! Mic drop! Love the part where God’s promises ground us, give us a FIRM ASSURANCE, they guide us, they give us hope. We are called to remember these promises and trust in the faithfulness of God that is so evident in these passages.
I have a praise/prayer request. I’ve been feeling a little stagnant in life recently, and feeling ready for the “what’s next”. I’ve been praying about where/what God was calling me to and yesterday I think I got my answer. My boss called and said the lead OT at a Senior Living Community is leaving, and she offered me the lead OT position! I spoke with the OT who’s leaving and she said she loved working there and if it weren’t for taking a job that better lined up with her kids’ schedules, she would never leave. I’m excited for this new opportunity and praying the Lord would be at the forefront of this new adventure. I hope everyone has a blessed Tuesday! <3
That’s awesome, @Taylor! Praise God for answers & His goodness to us!!
As I worked through reading of today’s genealogies, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 came to mind –
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Reading these names of those who came before us reminded me as others have mentioned- we are all part of God’s family and His plan. We have all been impacted by our ancestors, and we will all have an impact on the generations that follow – each and every one of us are important to God. Who we are, what we say and what we do – we matter, just as each of these names in 1 Chronicles matter.
PRISCILLA FLORES – welcome, sister ❤️
NANCY HAM – welcome back
MARI – so happy you have wheels again! Praise the Lord!
RHONDA J & DOROTHY – appreciate your encouragement for us ❤️
Praying for:
K – protection for your friend & children in the situation with her ex
MEGAN D – mom’s health
I love this! Music speaks to my soul and I love the correlation that you made. Thank you!
Father ai cling to Your promises…Yes and Amen! In Jesus saving name, Amen
So many of these people named have exciting and great stories throughout the Bible. God was involved in every one of them. He is the same today!
If you have the physical study book— in yesterday’s reading, there were extra scriptures to “to go deeper.” One of them was Psalm 119:90 “your faithfulness for all generations; you established the earth & it stands firm.” I love music & worship so immediately I thought of Promises by Maverick City Music, and am reminded of it again today. Might become my anthem while we move through this study.
Sometimes I do question my identity as Gods child and my future as Gods child. God Will remain faithful to me. He is the promise keeper and the promise maker. Remembrance is so important. I love the line in the devotional- in the face of uncertainty the chroniclers call to remember Gods promise and character has the unequivocal power to infuse hope! I want that infusion of hope! Thank you for helping me to remember.
Ladies, I come again asking for prayer for my friend that is having terrible problems with her ex-husband. It is even worse than before and the kids are involved. She just texted asking for prayers. I and she would appreciate your prayers! Tbis has gone in for over 9 years, but this is really bad. Thank you!
Each listed name reflects an image-bearer who was loved by God. As someone who loves working on my family history, I wanted to put them all in a chart, but I’m guessing there is one online if I look it up.
SKY HILTON – glad to see your comment yesterday!
Happy Fat Tuesday ladies
The genealogical records seem so boring. They have a purpose. They confirm prophecy. We know Jesus came from the line of David as foretold. They do help confirm the historical truth of the Bible . We also know God saw each of these individually. Real people with real histories and real futures. God also cares about each of us individually.❤️He is the same loving God .