The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Open Your Bible

Luke 1:35

For the remainder of this reading plan, we will spend the Sundays before and after Christmas lingering in the longing, waiting, and expectation of the season by reading a short passage from Scripture. 

The angel replied to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.” 
—Luke 1:35

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31 thoughts on "The Fourth Sunday of Advent"

  1. Victoria E says:

    K- I just saw your post and I am so sorry to hear about your husband losing his job. I pray that God will provide

  2. Victoria E says:

    Foster Mama, GramsieSue, JLynn, and everyone who is praying thank you so much ! I am alternating between excitement now and still fear a little bit-now instead of being worried about having 2 babies at once I am just praying that this second one is healthy. January 11 seems impossibly far away

  3. Cathy says:

    Are you ready for Christmas? Like …heart and soul ready? That’s what matters!

  4. K says:

    As I have spent this advent season feeling rather indifferent and wondering why the season no long feels special, I feel a deep sense of longing and waiting for the Lord to reveal himself. I guess it’s not so dissimilar to what we are looking at this advent season. We found out last week my husband is being laid off from his job. This came as a huge hit and big surprise. We cannot afford to only have one income, but he also loved this job and was finally feeling good about the work he was doing. Knowing that we are not in control, we feel like we are sitting with open, empty hands. It’s difficult to sit and read about the control we don’t have and the longing I so deeply feel.

  5. Mari V says:

    Good Morning ☁️ on this 4th Sunday of Advent. Yep, it’s cloudy BUT enjoying sitting next to our lighted Christmas tree. My heart ♥️ is filled with Joy to read throughout the comments in congratulating me finishing my class!! How sweet!! And thank you for all the responses in praying for my son as he’s purchasing is first car! It looks like he may be purchasing it tomorrow. Please keep praying. I LOVE this beautiful community. BTW my son appreciates you all praying.

  6. GramsieSue says:

    Oh Victoria E!!! That really is wonderful!
    I realized I was pregnant when my 3rd child was 9 months. Not exactly what I planned either.
    But God…
    Those two babies were so closely knit growing up together that even now they are best friends at age 27 and 28.
    You will have God with you through everything.
    Hugs to all. ❤️

  7. JLynn says:

    @VICTORIA E… I have to share that I was in your same situation… My daughter was exactly 9 months old, when I found out that I was pregnant again. I was very nervous, wondering how I could care for two babies at the same time; and worried that I wouldn’t be able to split my heart in two; I loved my daughter so very much; she was our whole world!!! Well… it turns out, I never had to split my heart in two; instead, when my son was born, by heart doubled in size; I had a full heart for each of my children; my love was never “split” between them. And God provided the energy and strength that I needed to care for them every day. In some ways, it was easier… they were into the same activities… took them both to baby music classes and the playground together; even what they watched on tv was the same because they were almost at the same stage of development. I read books to both of them every night; they had their baths together (until they were a bit older); went to bed at the same time every night. They were one grade apart in school, so for most years, they were both in the same school and took the school bus together. My kids are now 18 and 17 years old; they have many friends in common and love spending time with one another; they are such good friends. I now think what a blessing it was that my children were born so close together!! God gave you these babies for a reason; he knows that you are their perfect caretaker; he will provide what you need on this journey!

  8. Dorothy says:

    From my understanding of many of the commentaries I have read Mary was fairly young — late teens (I wonder about that) to early twenties — can you imagine having an angel of the Almighty Lord come to you and tell you ” “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.” ” I think I would have been “dumb-founded” if I hadn’t fainted. Me of all people and wonder what your family and fiancé say. Then I would wonder “why did the Lord choose me of all people? There are women out there who are “grander than I”.” It’s just so AMAZING and WONDERFUL and GLORIOUS how God comes to poor, down-trodden, grief-stricken, destitute, lowly and lonely in their time of need.

    AWESOME, Almighty Father thank You, thank You, thank You for sending Your One and Only Son, Christ Jesus. Thank You for having Him start His life in humble means. But MOST OF ALL thank You for having Him die on the cross to wash away my sins and every one’s sins. Remind us that ONLY You, Christ and the Holy Spirit are the perfect ones and You except us NO MATTER what we have done or said, all we have to do is ask for forgiveness. In Christ’s name amen.

    Be blessed and KNOW the Triune LOVES you no matter what you have done sisters.