One of the first Bible stories I remember learning in childhood was the story of Noah’s ark. You couldn’t quite escape it, really. It’s easy to work up a cute picture of animals parading into a boat, two by two, while a kindly bearded man watches for rain. It’s a lot less cute when you grow up and recognize the drama and horror of this apocalyptic tale.
We know the beats. God saw the evil that had corrupted creation. He “regretted that he had made man on the earth, and he was deeply grieved.” (Genesis 6:6) So He decided to wipe it clean—all of it. Every bird and beast, every creature that breathed, every human that committed violence in the world. Other ancient stories tell us of gods who grew angry and rained down destruction. Could the loving God we know really get angry enough to destroy the whole world?
But look again. Isn’t it striking that God grieves? In other translations, we see this phrase written as “it grieved him to his heart” (ESV), “his heart was deeply troubled” (NIV), and “it broke his heart” (MSG). If we look at the stories of chaos and despair in our world, if we struggle with hopelessness and wish we could start over, how much more grief might God feel when His very good creation goes horribly wrong?
In a poetic sense, I imagine the flood waters now as an outpouring of sorrow. Yet despite the destruction and despair woven in this story, God chose to continue His plan for humanity through a man named Noah.
God warned Noah of the oncoming disaster and gave him a plan to survive it, and Noah set to work on a massive floating fortress to protect his family and a sample of all the earth’s creatures. The story doesn’t say how others might have reacted to this apparently foolish project. It doesn’t say anything about Noah’s internal struggles or how his family reacted. But we’re told he acted “by faith…after he was warned about what was not yet seen” (Hebrews 11:7). We’re told that God delivered them all safely through the storm. And in the end, God’s hope endured enough to make a promise to “never again strike down every living thing” (Genesis 8:21).
The world is still a heartbreaking place. But we can take comfort in knowing that God grieves alongside us, and even now God can find hope in unexpected places. May we go forward with faith and be part of the healing, in whatever way He is calling us.
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89 thoughts on "The Flood"
God hurts when we are running away from Him. His biggest desire is for us to be close to him. When we turn away from Him, he pains for us to come back. Noah has achieved an accomplishment many of us would fail at today. It is so often that we tend to follow the ways of the people we surround ourselves with, whether that be for good or for bad. Noah did not have godly friends to help him stay close to God. In fact, he was ONLY surrounded by those who cared nothing for God. Even through this environment, Noah chose the ways of God and trusted in His plan and guidance, therefore saving himself from The Flood. Noah’s faithfulness to God not only delivers himself, but also his children and their wives. This is the perfect analogy for what we can do within our families and friend groups by trusting in God. Through prayer and preaching love and God’s word to those around you, you can save them from the harm of their own ways. You can be the one to lead them to eternal life with God in heaven; just as Noah led his family to life after The Flood. Noah does not hesitate. Nor does he question God. He gives God absolute faith and trust that His plan is the best plan. Water submerged the earth just as sin had done. Sin had consumed all the people on the earth, leaving them spiritually dead; just as the water had consumed the earth, leaving those dead beneath it. However, from Noah’s obedience, we are able to not fear the consequences of disobedience to God. God understands that we are not perfect and that we sin and loves us despite. Now that is not a go all be all to sin whenever we want. God will judge our hearts and our belief in Him. If we do not even try to live the way He wants us to, how can we expect Him to want to live with us in eternity???
I recently found myself reflecting on the flood in a deeply emotional way, seeing it as a poetic representation of God’s profound grief and regret. It’s hard to comprehend the sorrow of such destruction. Yet, amidst this devastation, there was still an act of mercy and grace shown to Noah, someone God trusted to safeguard a glimpse of His creation. It’s a truly poignant and meaningful perspective.
God punishes sin but His mercy triumphs over judgment. For reasons pertaining to His glory He chose to redeem mankind because Noah found grace in His sight. Thank God for his redeeming grace.
Amen! ❤️
In the reading it really hit me for the first time that God destroyed the wicked world not out of vengeance but out of grief. And then I came and this devotion hit on that too! God is so good and kind. He wanted me to see more of His good character today
Hi, She’s! Praying for all of those affected by the tragedy going on in Southern California. I pray for safety over all of your families, for the firefighters helping ( we sent off 20 firefighters to help from my small town in WA ).
Reflecting on scripture from today.. I think it’s comforting to know that God grieves. As someone who has grieved and had losses, it is comforting to know that my Savior gets me. He is with us in our grief and encourages us to hold on to our HOPE. Thank you God for your mercy. For your love for all your children.
Good morning, Beautiful She’s! I got through the scriptures and reading a devotional and now I’m here on my 10 minute break at work trying to read through the comments. AGREE! The world IS a heartbreaking place. Thanking God that He is with us and walking this life along with us I cannot I will not do life without Him. Thank you, Rhonda for checking on me regarding the fires. I mentioned to her that I’m not near and far away. About 300 miles. Those are in Southern California, California and I’m in Northern California. But it’s still very devastating. Unfortunately, I don’t keep up with the news so I didn’t know the severity of it Until last night. Praying for our She’s that live near Southern California! Please let us know how you’re doing
I had no idea until yesterday
It really saddens me to think of God grieving and regretting us. I can’t imagine how He feels now when so many blatantly deny Him. It is truly heartbreaking.
I am guilty of not living as I should. I was living for myself when I was younger. I feel lonely in my faith. Most people around me don’t even think about God. I have prayed for christian women to come into my life and He has answered. But I’m still surrounded in my main circle/family with very complacent believers if they even believe at all.
It took me 3 hours to complete todays lesson! We have workers in our house and I have been interrupted numerous times. I started this at 7:30 this morning! lol
It would be hard not being around believers…I truly long for my Christian friends when I am out of that environment for any extended time (like even 4-5 days!) It is a total realization of how far our normal friends are from Jesus! They might not even seem bad necessarily, and they may even be saved, but it doesn’t seem obvious. I hope my actions, the way I talk (and don’t talk) show around people. But yet, it falls into the background seemly when you are the only one. When I go to our community pool and hear the music, all the drinking, and language I feel so uncomfortable.
Can we imagine being Noah or family??!! That’s why we have to stay strong with our convictions and God’s word, in this fallen world! I wonder why Noah’s light didn’t shine and influence even a few people around him??!!
Ronda J
Noahs light shone greatly as he followed God’s instructions in building an ark on dry land
to the ridicule of those around him
He remained faithful to God regardless of the taunting he endured
I am dwelling here and wondering and thinking. God is omniscient and omnipresent, right? I know that he grieved, but I also believe that he knew the flood was part of the plan from the very beginning. Something in my heart wonders why he would put himself through it. Perhaps he did, so that through the stories, such as this one, we can see that he did not and never will completely give up on us. What an amazing God we have.
I agree. It’s always been my thought that he knew from the very beginning that all of this was going to happen including everything in the New Testament, but he went through it so that he did have a story to write and that we did have a Bible to follow?
Yes! I was doing the math of the months! We typically focus on the 40 days and nights of rain not the YEAR plus in the ark!
Yeah, honestly I don’t think I have ever realized this, I always thought 40 days and 40 nights!! You truly never stop learning the bible and growing in wisdom!
God remembered Noah,as well as well as all the livestock that were with him in the ark. Genesis 8:1 God remembered.I learned that God does not forget when the scriptures states God “remembered” someone it means he acted on there behalf. In other words He moved to bring about an expected end or positive results. ” Remember me ,Lord when you show favor to your people.Come to me with your salvation.”Psalm 106:4. Christ remembered us on the cross and he by his name Jesus brought us salvation. Just like God was the salvation of Noah and the wildlife
GM! So much to ponder and chew on in these loaded passages this morning! It persuaded me to read two commentaries- The Blue Letter Bible and Enduring Word- both were fabulous in breaking it down more and expounding on the scriptures!
To note- God’s tender love and mercy- but judgement that does have it’s limits against sin. There is a point it seems that God will finally will stop wooing us, same with the Holy Spirit if denied long term. We ARE HIS creation- and that comes with obedience to honor Him, and reverence, love, trust and faith!! Oh how I was the rebellious child, even though I called myself a Christian. I was not loving God with all my heart, soul, and mind. I was on the surface, yet my own will (and fun in my eyes) were hurting the One who made me, and had great plans for me. Oh how I must have grieved him. I sure wasn’t making my mother proud…but they prayed and stuck with me with gentle and stern correction. It was crazy that in my teenage years they were loose with rules, but yet I obeyed (mostly) because I knew they were fair and just and loved me, so I didn’t want to disappoint them, and feared the punishment! (nothing like dad unbuckling his belt! NO he would probably never have used it, but it was enough to scare the begeebies out of me!!) In my twenties is where I really went astray, taking my own path, that pleased myself. Oh how I must have grieved God, and makes me sad. But our God, full of Mercy and Grace..and the ultimate plan of Jesus our Savior, coming to make a way!He made a way for righteous Noah. He will make a way for me, but we have to have obedience and trust.
We have to be in the word, in the books of the old testament to study and learn! In whole, it’s the best, intriguing, wise book for our instruction and to put in our heart, soul, and mind!
As the song plays- The Man on the Middle Cross! I have been the man on both sides in my life for sure!! But today, we have the Man in the middle- we cling to him, in the in-between, until the world comes to an end again, and the unrighteous will be judged, and the righteous will be saved! Lord help me to be a Noah in this world where the unrighteous are all around us pulling us in with our fleshly ways. Help me Lord, keep my eyes on you, amen.
Grief, faith, hope. God is with us in all situations. Amen!
So many great comments already! My take away verse was Genesis 6:22 “And Noah did this. He did everything that God commanded him.” I wish to insert my name here …And Tami did this! To walk in obedience which for me is not and will never be perfect, but with the help of the Holy Spirit this is hope for me:) Also Gen 7:16, after Noah completed all of the tasks given to him the “the Lord shut him in”. God’s protection comes after obedience.
I love this … after obediences comes protection. Thank you for this insight ♥️
The theme of faith and obedience without questioning, always stands out to me. I love this portion of a commentary of Noah in my Bible: “God gives everyone unique skills and abilities—some are easy to spot, while others only show up when we really need them. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we have certain gifts until the moment calls for them. He also places us in specific situations at just the right time for a reason. If we’re willing to trust Him and step out in faith, we can make a real difference in our lives and the lives of others. Just like Noah, who “by faith…after he was warned about what was not yet seen” (Hebrews 11:7), trusting God even when we don’t see the whole picture can lead to amazing things.
I love this! I. Literally had this thought yesterday about skills and abilities. I am the team coordinator for our short term missions trips because I am Type-A über organized. Sometimes it’s challenging bc I have 50 people to manage and organize and it can be like herding cats and I can get grumpy about it! Yesterday I thought, what if God is getting me ready to do something else with this experience? Trying to teach me something about patience? Hmmm something to ponder. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing that portion of commentary! Such a wonderful reminder.
Good morning. First off I’d like to thank all of you for your prayers – I have really felt them over these past days. God is working me through all the emotions, and so gently teaching me (once again) that His way is perfect and He is in control.
What I have learned is – yes, it is wrong to be angry at God because it is a result of an inability or unwillingness to trust God even when I don’t understand.
…so I will take all that I have been struggling with, and lay it at the feet of Jesus, and with the strength and help of the Holy Spirit – I will leave it and not pick it back up again!
From today’s readings what stood out the most is Genesis 6:6 – The Lord was grieved and His heart was filled with pain…my sin, the sins of the world – bring pain and sorrow to my Lord, my Savior – Jesus.
Father God, please remind me and each of my sweet sisters here – that my sin, our sin – causes you much pain and sorrow. Remind me of this every time I am faced with temptation, great or small. May our lives be a pleasing aroma to you Father and a testimony of Your love, mercy and grace.
Have a blessed and thankful Thursday sweet She’s.
Yes, amen!!
Thank you for sharing where you are, and as always, the wisdom, laying anything and everything at his feet!! Truly the answer for everything we will face!
So good to hear from you, Sharon and prayers continue for your heart! ❤
Three words stand out to me today. Grief, Faith and Obedience.
When I read the account of Noah, and that God was so grieved, I can’t help but think, how heartbroken He is now with the utter, blatant disregard for God and His ways in our world. And how lonely must Noah and his family have been to have no one else to walk beside them as companions – no others that were choosing to live the life God had called them to. The great mercy, hope and forgivenes the Lord offers to us despite the mess we’ve made, despite our brokeness is beyond what we deserve and yet, He made a way. His Word teaches us the way that is righteous and how to live a life that honors Him. Noah and countless others we know thru scripture give us the example of how to pattern our days, how to walk in His ways.
Thank you Lord, that through your Son you made a way to bring hope in this fallen world. May I be found faithful and not miss the opportunity to share that great hope with others.
Lord, would I be found faithful.
Great insights Wendy. I never thought about how Noah and his family must have been lonely, both before the flood, and then after with only 8 of them left.
I just said this in a comment above before reading yours Wendy! I always love how you sum things up!
We are currently in our 21 days of prayer that we start the new year with at our church. This morning as we gathered for prayer our pastor taught on Noah and then here we are on our study. Loved that!
Samuel 15:22 says to obey is better than sacrifice. Everyday Noah was faithful to cut wood and build. For (potentially) 120 years he woke up to cut wood. His obedience led him and his family to salvation. Obedience puts a smile on Gods face. The mundane serves a purpose. God grants us the opportunity to be obedient in the little things. Our obedience is a pleasing aroma! Today I keep picturing Noah, the faithful man that he was, waking to cut wood and build…. Leading his family to Jesus.
This is so good Kristy. That’s a lot of wood cutting! lol
Love this insight. Thank you for sharing!
Yes, great insight! Thank you!
Oh to be that obedient! We are so far from going against our comfort and what we will and should do! Would I walk to church if I didn’t have a car and had to walk? Would I go if it was at night and I was cold and tired. I read a book not to long ago..(I can’t think of the name), but about western “church” how we are all about our worship on Sunday morning, with cushy seats, short service, coffee in hand. Would numbers decrease significantly if it wasn’t so “easy and self-satisfying?”
Wow good thoughts Rhonda! And so so true!!
God’s grief
God’s mercy
God’s hope
God’s grief at sinfulness which is the same today as it was then.
I found myself saying – ‘But Noah’!
Just one man, Noah, righteous, blameless, faithful, through whom God shows His mercy. A foreshadow of Jesus.
And what does Noah do on leaving the ark? He builds an altar to God with a sacrifice. God is first in Noah’s heart.
God’s promise – “Never again will I curse the ground… even though …
Those 2 words – even though! Even though we are not worthy so much as to gather the crumbs under His table God hopes in us. Even though we often grieve Him we have hope in Jesus and because of Jesus God hopes in us to be the salt and His light in this fallen world.
As Jen Yokel prayed: “May we go forward with faith and be part of the healing, in whatever way He is calling us. “
Whenever I read “pleasing aroma to the Lord” it makes me think of the restaurant at Busch Gardens that cooks meat and when you walk by it always smells soooo good!! Definitely a pleasing aroma.
It makes me think of the pleasing aroma the Lord talks about when sacrifices are made to Him in the Old Testament
Amen! May I be a part of God’s healing process.
I just think it’s so beautiful, instead of wiping the earth clean of life because of corruption he chooses to wipe our hearts clean.
❤️ such a great thought!
The Lord had to flood the earth to get rid of the Nephilim and their offspring they had with humans.
I want to be obedient like Noah was.
I hadn’t picked up on the language of grieving before today. It’s one of the first times I’ve read the story in its entirety since being a child which gives me a new perspective on everything.
I have lots of questions about what went down during this time. For example, I wonder how the daughters-in-law responded because if I’m being honest, I’m not sure I’d believe my father-in-law with faith should we live out this scenario. Anyway, I know I won’t get any of those answers in this life and in the next I probably won’t care anymore.
Despite all these questions, this is a beautiful story of the first covenant. From the heartbreak of God to the hope he found in Noah. I hope to live my life in such a way that God can find hope for our world in me; something I can only do with the help of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
What a good reminder, that because we are made in God’s image, He has experienced every emotion we have. We are not alone, He understands…He grieves…such a comfort.
Amen! Such a comfort to remember He also grieves.
Reading this morning I was convicted how I want God’s salvation to make my life more comfortable and easy. God’s salvation is the gift; He still asked Noah to obey by building the ark (!) and as others have already mentioned by spending over a year in close proximity with his family and the animals. May I/we not give in to ingratitude when there is a lack of creature comforts or when obedience is hard!
Yes, good take! Obedience isn’t easy and comfortable!
From Enduring Word commentary-
“The work of building the ark was laborious, costly, tedious, dangerous, and seemingly foolish and ridiculous; especially when all things continued in the same posture and safety for so many scores of years together; whereby Noah, without doubt, was all that while the song of the drunkards, and the sport of the wits of that age. So it is not strange that this is mentioned as an heroic act of faith.”
Luke 17:26-27 NLT
“26 When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. 27 In those days, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
I was reminded of the passage in Mark as I read in chapter 7:20 – “The mountains were covered as the water surged above them more than twenty feet.”
Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 35 As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” 36 So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed). 37 But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water.
38 Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?”
39 When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. 40 Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
41 The disciples were absolutely terrified. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!”
The thoughts of great waters LIFTING the ark brought to mind the song Love Lifted Me.
1 I was sinking deep in sin,
Far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within,
Sinking to rise no more;
But the Master of the sea
Heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me–
Now safe am I.
Love lifted me,
Love lifted me,
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me;
Love lifted me,
Love lifted me,
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me.
2 All my heart to Him I give,
Ever to Him I’ll cling,
In His blessed presence live,
Ever His praises sing.
Love so mighty and so true
Merits my soul’s best songs;
Faithful, loving service, too,
To Him belongs.
3 Souls in danger, look above,
Jesus completely saves;
He will lift you by His love
Out of the angry waves.
He’s the Master of the sea,
Billows His will obey;
He your Savior wants to be–
Be saved today.
❤️ I could hear the melody as I read the lyrics. Thank you for the reminder of song that’s gone by for me.
Me too! One of my favorites growing up!
Haven’t thought of this song for so long. Thank you for the reminder
❤ sister SHES!
It gives me immense hope to think about how God grieves. It normalizes my own grief.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Lord, help me to follow You and walk in Your will. I fail so many times and am thankful for the grace You give.
Reminded of the hymn, Grace Greater Than Our Sin, Julia H Johnston, 1910.
1 Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt!
Yonder on Calvary’s mount out-poured–
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt.
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin!
2 Sin and despair, like the sea-waves cold,
Threaten the soul with infinite loss;
Grace that is greater– yes, grace untold–
Points to the Refuge, the mighty Cross. [Refrain]
3 Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace,
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
All who are longing to see His face,
Will you this moment His grace receive? [Refrain]
JESSICA SPEICH – I just replied to your question on Day 2
MERCY – an humbling donkey, thank you
GWINETH52- been there! I too find it difficult sometimes to give the “best” away …
JL HH & JESS – praying as you parent your sons, for changes in heart and mind
One of favorite hymns. ❤
Amen ❤️
From HRT today, “Faith and obedience have always been the standard of excellence in God’s economy. His people stand out from the crowd by standing up for Him—even when it doesn’t make sense to the world around us. If we’re honest, we all face times when God tests our faith and our commitment to Him. He places us in situations that don’t make sense or simply feel overwhelming. We’re faced with a choice to trust Him or to trust ourselves, to respond in faith or to walk the other way.
Noah’s story challenges us to stand out, even if it means being the last person standing. If we are willing to take that step, we too can experience that kind of faith.”
As Jen wrote today in SRT: “May we go forward with faith and be part of the healing, in whatever way He is calling us.”
Amen, may it be so!
Oh, that is powerful! Thank you for sharing. Last night I remembered HRT and read day 1-3. (and of course ZERO comments) I tried to encourage my husband to jump into the study.)
My husband is actually doing this study with me and I am so excited. Praying that he enjoys it as much as I do as I have so enjoyed discussing the different viewpoints from HRT and SRT.
That is wonderful!
There are several things about this passage that strikes me:
1) God was grieved by how the humanity had become BUT He did not give up on us. He still loved us enough to give us a second chance.
2) Noah built an ark large enough to hold all God commanded without pause AND in 7 days!!
3) From the time they stepped into the ark until they stepped out was 1 year and 10 days (if my math is accurate). I know most of my family gets cabin fever after a good snow if we are in the house for a week.
4) God has not forgotten us!
What a good God we serve!!
Love this, Lisa!
Yes, Lisa!! Amen. I love this ♡ I calculated 1 yr and 1o days as well, but then again, the months and days were different back then. It’s changed so much over the years. Either way, cabin fever hits us if we are inside too long as well.
Lisa, just trying to figure out the ark completion of 7 days, can you share how you arrived at that? My Bible commentary says it took Noah and his 3 sons approximately 100 years to complete.
I thought it will Noah years to build the ark (and I’ve heard numbers around 75 years). I understand this scripture as saying 7 days for the time it took for all the animals to board and everything to be loaded before they were shut in. An I wrong?
Although we can’t be exactly sure, the timelines mentioned in Genesis 5,6, and 7 – it took approximately 120 years to build the ark….there’s a more detailed explanation here –
Thank you for this!
To agree with some of the other ladies, I also looked into some commentaries and it is explained to have taken much longer, possibly 120 years. Got Questions. org has a very good explanation. You can put in the search bar – “How long did it take Noah to build the ark?
Sorry for posting twice, I didn’t think the first went through.