Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
The Church is a display of Christ’s active work making all things new. As citizens of the eternal kingdom of God, we live in this world yet long for our true and eternal home.
Discussion Question: In light of today’s reading, how can you better live out the truth that we are a new creation commissioned by God?
Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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90 thoughts on "The Firstfruits of the New Creation"
Sometimes I think people confuse new creation with perfect creation. God never created us to be perfect, he knew that we were not possible of that! Instead I think we can be a new creation by regularly giving our time, energy and decisions to God – by making sure we spend time in God’s word and lifting our worries to Him in prayer – we will become more and more like Jesus each day!
Lord you are great! I love you Jesus I worship and adore you just want to tell you Lord I love you more than anything I lift my hands in total adoration unto you you reign on the throne cause you are God and God alone because of you my cloudy days are gone and I can sing to you this song I just want to say that I love you more than anything! Lord let me continue to love through it all as you have so graciously loved me in spite of you have extended your amazing grace and mercy! Lord I thank you for the love of Jesus and your love for us to let him make the ultimate sacrifice Lord you are good and your mercy endureth forever! He loves us oh how he loved us that he rescued us from sin so we may be free in Christ and those who are set free are free indeed! Love! Love! I love you! Bless you Jesus!
I love the humanity Jesus displays in John 17: 1-19 where he realizes the Father’s work is done. It seems like He is pleased with his obedience and wants to be reunited and share in the glory of being at His Father’s side again.
I like the verse that mentions now we are concerned with pleasing God. I need to stop chasing people’s approval as it’s God’s I want to be after.
Today I will focus on 2 Corinthians 5:9: So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.
I can focus on the hope that I have in Heaven…a difficult task for me.
I’m not sure i am always eagerly waiting. Our church recently gave an image to us. It showed before/during Christ a break and then the return of Christ. However he filled the gap with us being giving the Holy Spirit.
It makes sense that we are going to be seen as different since we are a display of God’s new creations.
By daily asking the Spirit to fill us and pour out from us as we love people made in the image of God. Since we are a new creation, we leave our past sins behind us and walk in the knowledge of what God is calling us to now.
I have to remember that while we won’t fully reach the hope we’re waiting for, we can experience healing and the Lord’s presence NOW. The Lord is CURRENTLY making things new, even if I can’t feel it or see it.
Setting my mind of heavenly things are remembering our purpose- to lead others to Christ.
Setting my mind of heavenly things are remembering our purpose/
that we are all loved equally and there is a reason for our worldly hurts. for the end goal of heaven and being with God. It shows just how good he truly is!
For me personally, I tend to isolate myself bc I don’t enjoy the humor and in general the company of people – in the world… I notice so much competition to be more to have more to be faster to be better- not much the the fruit of the spirit! Jesus (and he had every cause to be uncomfortable) didn’t isolate except to pray and I could be better at going forth.
These words are encouraging! Same with me, I worry a lot especially with the uncertainties of the future and my career goals. They overwhelm me that I forget the truth. We are not of this world. Our end goal is eternity with God.
I can be more focused on the end goal instead of the daily worries. ❤️ the end goal is eternal life with Jesus
I sometimes get really stressed over my job (a labor and delivery nurse) because I’m so young and feel so unequipped to do this job. I’ve really been taking hold of the truth that our home is not here on earth, but in heaven. I’ve been called to an amazing job that I love so much, but my stress over all of the other things that I have to do during my job does not determine my eternity with God!!
I can care for God’s creation: the Earth, animals, humans, myself. I will work hard to be a good steward, knowing that eventually HE will make all things new. Free from decay and decline.
We can live in love, and remember that this is not our home. Our lives are not just on this earth, but will be
I can better live out the truth that I am a new creation commissioned by God by living with the end in mind. My earthly home and my earthly troubles are temporary, and I can live each day with that in mind, confident that I belong to the God of the universe and will be in His presence one day. In the meantime, while I wait, I can share what Jesus has done for me, what He is still doing – living and active in heaven – and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide me each day to do His will in sharing the Gospel.
I think it’s best if we (I) remember that we are not from here, and therefore will never feel comfortable in this Earth. Often times I have felt like a unicorn. Like I don’t really fit in anywhere, but God has shown me that I fit with Him, and through Him, I fit with other believers. I am never alone.
Hello She’s! I can live out that representation of God through how I love and treat people. Further, advocating for marginalized groups through their oppression.
Amen! We’ll said my sister ❤️
We are sealed for Heaven, but in the waiting let’s share with others so we can see more citizens of Heaven. We work diligently for Christ in the waiting!
We should strive to be more like Christ, serving others around us and opening ourselves up to friends and other people. In conversations we should be listeners and speak as the Lord wants us to speak.
I have to share, I hope y’all don’t mind! One of our readings today was Romans 8:18-25. I always read a few verses before and a few verses after, just to get context, and I go to different versions as well. I looked these verses up in the AMPC version, and oh my!!! The end of Romans 8:17 says, ‘…only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.’ Talk about a goosebumps moment for me! I have struggled with what to say when someone says things like why do bad things happen to good people, or how can God let that happen, or why doesn’t God do anything to fix it. This verse sums it up, and gives me the perfect response! Gods people will go through bad things – Jesus did! We will experience pain, grief, hurt, betrayal – Jesus did! We are going to be treated unfairly – Jesus was! We are going to endure hardships, some deserved, some undeserved – Jesus did (only undeserved, because He didn’t deserve anything that happened to Him!)! The only thing we don’t have to do that JESUS DID is die a sinner’s death! If we want to share His glory, we must share His suffering! Praise God! Have a marvelous day, ladies! ❤️❤️
I can live my life the way that glorifies the Father. I can stop thinking that I am worthless because I am not, I am a daughter of God and a citizen of Heaven.
I liked John 17:19, “For their sake, I consecrate myself. ” I want to live in a way that the Church can see me as one of them. That I can help them stand strong and encourage them to keep walking strong. I also want to walk with the Church to show the world the way to Him.
I can live out the truth that I am new by taking my cues for the day from the Word; my time in the Bible, over social media or worldly advice. Being intentional about being in the Bible first so that I am looking at the news and everything else through God’s perspective.
I want live more heaven minded. Not focusing on the woes of this world, but the blessings of eternity to come. While being heaven minded, my hope would be to let go of my old self desires and hurts. I want people to see the joy in my life and wonder what’s different and how they can have the same joy.
I am learning the art of living by God’s grace. I am done with being worn out. Grace is a mystery and it is beautiful as it unfolds.
I can better live out the truth that we are a new creation commissioned by God by remembering that our actions are supposed to glorify Jesus and acting as a result. I can be confident, knowing that God protects us from the evil one. I can rely on what the Word has to say rather than what my flesh does, and walk in faith, not being swayed by what’s around me. I can be patient, and early wait for the glory we’ll have after this and prefer it to here.
I can better live out the truth that we are a new creation commissioned by God by remember
We are new creation and we are intentionally and perfectly made. We can honor God’s creation by refusing to judge and pick apart what God has made.
Letting go of past bad habits or ways in which I used to walk. I am new! Every day I am new thanks to Gods grace, so recalling the mistakes I might have made and trying to do better the next day.
The thought of God creating me new in Jesus Christ is so appealing, yet so hard to fathom. From the perspective of my human mind, I have a hard time seeing how all my flaws, weaknesses and sins can be wiped clean. Yet I know in my heart that God’s Word is Truth. The sacrifice has already been made, the victory already won. So every day, I strive to be more and more like Jesus. And. every day, I don’t quite measure up. That’s okay though, because He is strong where I am weak. He helps me up when I stumble. He is enough when I am not. And I can rest in the knowledge that someday I will be eternally pure and holy, just like Him.
I think you can live out this truth through the understanding of our purpose as God’s children originally put here to walk in his garden then through mistakes and challenges, tears and blood, we were renewed and forgiven by the sacrifice of his son. That our time is short, but to use it wisely in his name.
I think one way I can live out this truth is by putting my hope in Jesus and not the things of this world. This world can be so disappointing and frustrating. God’s kingdom is perfect❤️
I love the fact that one day we will get new bodies. I have been literally moaning and groaning every day in this pregnant body of mine. I know that I have life growing inside of me, and that is a beautiful thing, but it’s still hard to feel like your body is not yours anymore. I also love that God is in our side and the Holy Spirit is interceding for us even when we don’t know what to pray for.
Dear She, Mari V.
I grieve for the sadness & insecurity; searching & self doubt; longings & loneliness, heard in the comments you write. I pray you gain clarity, find calm, grow in confidence, and accept the fullness of the “ beauty, goodness & truth” He alone offers. I pray you rest in His peaceful presence. I pray you keep “showing up” for your work/life demands; sanctified by truth & emboldened by worship. AND, in the earthly realm, through the ubiquity of podcasts, I pray consider listening to episodes from “Go & Tell Gals” hosted by Jess Connolly (an original SRT She). She is compassionate & passionate about women’s self esteem issues & re(claiming) the God within to live out His plan, according to His purpose. Tune in. Be lifted. You never walk – (or run!) alone. There are always others.Thanks be to God!
I desire for God’s light to fill me up and shine so brightly so that others will be drawn to Christ. I want to show sacrificial and unconditional love. I can only do these things through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I want to pray more for my coworkers and have a good attitude, remembering that I work for God but do my best and go above when I can helping others. I have been praying about this and feel more productive and peaceful when I do this. I listened to an interesting podcast today on intentional living on Family Life Radio. Helen Mitchell, Director of Talbot School of Theology, Bioa Univ. about Hostile Work Env against Christians. She said Pray your coworkers will work with honesty and integrity, wisdom. Engage with them and ask what and how questions not why. Love and forgive. Ask if we can share and stop talking if we are asked to stop. Ask God to help us speak with the Holy Spirit. I am praying for those with work stress – Mari V , Sarah D, Michelle Pattire.
I am a new creation in Christ and pray that others see Jesus in me.
I try to set an example of how happy one can live as a Christian. I tell myself all of the time “If you say you are a Christian, you have to BE a Christian.”
Keep my eyes on God and remember this is not my home and the pain I am going through now is far out weight by the glory that is to come in Christ Jesus
This question is hard for me, I guess by stepping out of my comfort-zone. I’m doing this, I feel by volunteering at my friends VBS, Baptist Young Girls Weekend and Baptist Summer Camp. With this being Baptist and my being Disciples of Christ — two different but yet one — ways of worshipping God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, I will be stepping out of my comfort zone.
Be blessed and step out of your comfort zone for the Lord sometime this week.
“the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage to decay into the glorious freedom of Gods children “
This was a reminder to me of where my focus should be. Nothing compares to the glory of God and my circumstances shouldn’t take take my focus off of God. Walk by faith…not by sight!
A “new creation” to me means something with no track record, nothing bad associated with it. And innocence. I pray that Jesus would help us claim that for ourselves in order to make a new face for believers. I want to believe that Jesus will allow unbelievers’ hearts to hear the message of hope without seeing the church’s ugly flaws, historically manipulative motives, etc.
For the past 2 years my husband and I have been fixing up our new home and land. It was the neighborhood eye sore, and many of our neighbors have shared their excitement at seeing it finally cleaned up – literally making it something new! As we have slowly gotten to know some of them many will call out greetings as they walk by or work in their own yards, they share kind observations about our family and children playing happily….basically they are seeing how different we live. It was my heart’s desire when we decided to settle down here. We were looking in so many different areas around us, but I feel like God called us here, and finds joy in seeing us live “set apart” for others to see. Some I know are believers and it has been mutually encouraging to us and them, and for others, it is a chance to see God working and moving.
Reminds me of the song by 7eventh Time Down – God Is On The Move
By telling myself that TODAY is a new day. Clean slate. By allowing myself some grace. Something that is very HARD for me to do. I had a counseling appointment yesterday and this is exactly what she wants me to do. It’s not easy. Things at work are still very challenging but I want to live out this TRUTH and sometimes that is so hard. And I don’t want to mess it up or be a bad example, but I also want to speak up when I need to. And because I love Jesus so much and I don’t want to mis represent HIM. I want to do it with the same grace that is extended to me. I’m not sure if I answer the question correctly but these are my thoughts this morning.
….we live in this world yet Long for our true and eternal home. Perhaps today! How can I live out The truth that we are a new creation commissioned by God?
Yes, April, we need to show more mercy and grace to everyone around us…even if we don’t immediately like them. We were sinners when God chose us, so we should pay it forward grace and mercy for others.
“Hope that is seen is not hope, for why does one still hope for what he sees?” Romans 8:24. Wow. This one really stood out to me today. God asks us to trust Him, and that is really scary and hard. It requires risk. But I guess thats the point of faith, and stepping out in faith. Surrendering all control and the need to know what will happen. We wouldn’t need faith and hope if we knew how everything was gonna turn out. We are just passing through this world. Everything that we go through can be used for His glory and for our good. But we have to let Him use it.
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.” – Romans 8:18
This verse stood out to me today. We are all suffering here on earth because it’s not our true home. We need to show more grace, mercy, and forgiveness to people just as Jesus does for us. It’s not easy, but we need to remember as humans we all have the same trials and tribulations, we are more alike than we think.
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.” – Romans 8:18
“Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth” John 17:17
What an incredible revelation to know that we have been hand-selected by the God of the universe to be sent into the world on His mission, just like his only begotten son! Who are we that THE Almighty equips us daily with the ability to serve and minister to His people?
Not a single sparrow falls to the ground without my Father’s knowledge, and how much more valuable am I than a sparrow? (Matthew 10:29-31) He LOVES us and has a plan for our future (Jeremiah 29:11), and what better way to praise Him than to show others what He’s done for us?
Last night, my husband and I were talking about the people he works with. He thinks he doesn’t fit in at all because there’s often gossip, judgement, or sin being discussed. I said, we’re not called to fit in with this world. I know those at his work can tell he’s set apart and hopefully can see Christ’s love in him. This is true for every believer! We are supposed to be set apart and we should not fit in this world. We are called to love those in this world and share Christ’s love but we should not appear as a part of this world! I used to not find myself longing for the day when I can go to heaven, but the older I get and the more I learn about God, I absolutely long for the day I can meet Him!
This verse jumped out at me in this beautiful prayer of Jesus, prayed to the Father for us — then and now. “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” – John 17:15 Christ our Lord prayed not that the evil one would stay away from us, but that God would keep us from the evil one. Thank you Lord your eternal, divine, perfect prayer of ongoing protection. Keep us from the evil one. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, our Father.
Commissioned by God is a heavy Truth. We are not just set apart for ourselves, but to serve God. He made us a new creation to SERVE HIM.
Some scriptures about community.
Hebrews 10:24-25
Psalm 133:1
Matthew 18:20
Charlie, I feel that online church, for a time, was actually a Godsend as it allowed us to worship when the virus forced us to isolate. But I just feel, that as with all things God gives for our good, we, as fallen people can turn it to something He does not intend for us. I loved worshipping in the comfort of my home and found myself making excuses to continue to do so. But our minister reminded us that it is God’s intent for us to worship in community if we are able. Please know, I’m in no way judging or dismissing online church. ( My husband and I rotate going to the Catholic Church and a nondenominational church.)On the weeks we go to the Catholic Church I watch our other church online to hear the message. So online church has been great in that regard! I just know God wants us to also be together and work as one body to share our gifts and His word with the world.
Hope y’all have a wonderful Wednesday! ❤️
Jesus didn’t pray that we would be taken out of the world (John 17:15). Instead, he sent us into the world (John 17:18). Until I receive my heavenly body, I am sent out into the world to spread the hope!
Also, how wonderful is it that I am God’s “prized possession” (James 1:18)?! I am so amazed by His love and grace.
I pray I can be more effective in spreading His gospel.
Let us, the Church, not be conformed to the ways of this world (Romans 12:2). Instead, let us hold fast to the Truth, that is Jesus. Let us live in such a way that draws others to His love.
@Heidi– I love that you are having your children memorize and know the importance of this Scripture. I hope to be a mom one day and do the same with my kids. You are #goals :) <3 I admire your faith and convictions. May God continue to help you steward all He has given you here.
In response to the question, the Lord has been telling me to walk in my identity- being confident I am His and being more gracious to myself. Also, to continue in love. These things are so easy to say but very hard to walk out on the daily. How easily I get frustrated and want to point the finger at others, especially those close to me. May God heal my hurt. I used to be such a physically loving child. Always hugging and smiling. I want to be the girl who freely loved, before pain and shame came.
God is so kind. My cousin asked if I wanted to do one of the readings at my Grandma's funeral mass. I agreed, because it felt special to do my Poppi's when he died (and this is his wife who has just passed). So I asked her to send me some and the one I picked is in today's devotional. 2 Corinthians: 1-9 !!! Well, they pick some of the verses, not all of it, but this is the chapter I chose. God is so kind to confirm that is the one He wants at this funeral. I'm so thankful I get to be a vessel to speak His word. I have been memorizing Psalm 119 and it says,
"(13)With my lips I have declared
All the judgements of Your mouth.
(14)I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies,
As much as in all riches."
I believe greatly the Lord gives me authority with my words and I pray that the hearers at this funeral recognize the importance of them. That they don't tune them out like I used to, when I went to Catholic mass as a kid. Lord, may Your word produce fruit and comfort.
As God’s Daughter’s, one of things we can do while visiting Earth on Our life’s Journey is be Diligent as Our Elder Brother Jesus was & COMPLETE THE WORK GOD GAVE US TO DO WHILE HERE: a) lift Him Up so others can be drawn unto Him b) do everything as unto Him c) live a life that Honors & Glorifies Him d) fight Good Fight of Faith e) Continue to Grow in the Grace & Knowledge of Him f) Love Him w/our All & Our Neighbor as Ourselves etc. etc. etc
As Christ followers, we are experiencing the “already, but not yet”, eagerly hoping for what we do not see with patience. Romans 8:25 ♥️
When I observe the Church of today, it seems many have forgotten their purpose. Many Christians are living a lifestyle that is opposed to the word of God. Many of the past Christians were more faithful to the little that they knew than the current Christians who have a lot more knowledge but not able to put that knowledge into practice.
My heart aches for the Church. I am thankful for Bible studies like these that are available to remind us of God and His Great love and care for us even those who do not know HIM yet.
This particular study about the Church is timely, especially after Covid-19 pandemic. Many have not returned to regular church services due to age, health concerns etc. I am one of those. Again thank you for this study.
God gives us glimpses of heaven throughout our lives every day, and through thanksgiving, we can experience that glory here on earth.
As a new creation I am no longer bound to this world or my old sins. I can live in the freedom that Christ has given me. I need to stop dwelling in the past and live for my future in the kingdom.
The verse in John 17:4 struck me today-
“I have glorified you on the earth by completing the work you gave me to do.“
Going to have my 8 and 10yr old memorize this one, as well as myself meditate on it for a few days. I understand this was Jesus talking to the Father about completing the mission of salvation and reconciliation for us, but the global truth of it absolutely applies to each of us. Like so many, I want to hear the “well done, my good and faithful servant” at the end of all of this. As difficult as living in a temporary home for our entire lives can be, I want to be able to look my Father in the eye one day and honestly, humbly tell Him that I have glorified Him and completed what He had for me while placed here. If I haven’t? What a monumental waste of time and resources… These fleeting things around me and never ending distractions serve no true purpose for the Kingdom. I’m not getting legalistic, not saying winding down with a fun show on Netflix or silly fictional book is squandering God’s use of me- but as a whole, how much time and money and energy am I spending daily on things that have zero eternal worth or purpose? More than I’d like to admit.
Praying for all of us to take advantage of the life he’s breathed into us today and make it glorifying to Him :) ❤️
I try to remind myself every day that I will someday be away from all the troubles of this world but until then I need to be the light to those around me to show them that there’s more. Staying grounded in the word and doing theses studies help me center myself for the day.
Because I am a new creation I need to pay attention and not allow old things to creep in and tarnish me. It’s different as I have grown in my walk with Christ but I notice many things I used to do just don’t feel right in this life. It can be physically, mentally or spiritually but it the need to eliminate things occurs more and more as my faith and hope grows.
I am a citizen of Heaven (Phil 3:20). My allegiance is to the Great King. My walk and my actions should reflect this undeserved dignity. Undeserved, yet no less true. Divided we fall, together we stand in Christ Jesus. Our enemies delight in division. And I see division all around me. Yet I live by faith, not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). I hope in what I do not see, for who hopes in what they see (Rom 8:24). Because of Jesus I have the “first fruits of the Spirit” (Rom 8:23). It is God’s down payment for our inheritance in the Kingdom (2 Cor 5:5). Spending time in the Word with God gives me the foretaste of eternity with Him. By living in the Spirit’s power, my life should show the world around me a foretaste of the coming world. I have “tasted the heavenly gift, become a sharer of the Holy Spirit, tasted the good word of God and the powers of the coming age” (Heb 6:4-5). Father God, empower me to display Your power, truth, and love to the world, so they will taste and see Your goodness (Ps 34:8). Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Reminded once again today that what we have here on Earth is so temporary. Filled with audible and challenging “groans” it is a broken and painful place. So in faith, we wait. We wait for what we know is better. But what do we do while we wait? Join the groaning or try and ease it through the truth of what we know? Praying I can take this with me today and find ways to alleviate the groaning for others.
My focus must be on Him & who He has made me to be. Remember as a new creation, how I should live & walk & talk…stay continuously in His Word, abiding in Him!
I need to remind myself daily I am a new creation in Christ and therefore I live and represent Him
“Being a new creation doesn’t mean we are perfect. It means we are changed and are being changed.” Enduring Word
“Walk in the Spirit. Abide in His Word.” We have shirts in our youth group at church that have this printed on it. I believe every kid in youth and their parents, me included, have one. The youth pastor quotes it often in is message as well. I say this because it is truth. We are just visitors here on earth for a time. We need to be in His word daily to handle the flames thrown at us. I need to be in His Word daily to handle the flames thrown at me. Praise Jesus for His word and the Truth!
I love what Paul said- when we are in this body we are away from the Lord, but no matter…. We should aim to please God. So often I go through my days with thoughts of how to gain relief/ please myself. I need to fully believe the Holy Spirit can help me to keep pleasing God as the center of my focus.
As Kelly shared we need to live heaven minded in the earthly world, the tension. How can we show love to others? Where do we seek peace? We know hard things will happen on this earth and in our lives, but all of this is temporary. When it gets hard we need to seek God for His wisdom and strength. We need to be mindful of not getting caught up in the frenzy of the fears of the unbelieving as they do not have the hope we have in Christ.
I long to be with Jesus in heaven some days. Life can be so hard sometimes that I just want to get there. But, He keeps me here for a reason and I try to listen and be attentive to His Holy Spirit who guides me. Thank you Jesus for sending your helper to keep me focused and on track. Let me have the heart and mind that is in Christ Jesus!
Modeling Joy that can only come from Him
I want to “walk by faith, not by sight,” continually reminding myself to set my eyes on my TRUE home!
This in-between time was made for Christ’s church to reflect God’s love in the earth. The time between Jesus’ advents gives space for more to become children of God. The already-not yet tension we live in is for His glory, although not easy to understand from our perspective. The best way to live out our status a new creation is to live in unity with other believers. Jesus said that would be the sign to the world that we are His, may we earnestly seek to obey.
CHARLIE – when my husband was “done” with church, I struggled too. He was not motivated to look for a new church home. Thankfully the pandemic provided an opportunity to “visit” new churches via streaming. Soon he was joining me watching and even suggested a few. Last summer we had narrowed it down to 3 or so he wanted to visit in person. We now are in membership classes for the one we feel God wants us to serve in. You need to be in community in some way. If not joining a church, at least join a Bible study (a physical one – not just SRT) or start one, but you cannot “be one” as Jesus and the Father are one by yourself. Praying for you and your husband.