The Fear of God

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 3:7-8, Proverbs 14:27, Proverbs 23:17-18

The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.

When the Bible talks about fearing God, it means we should revere God as holy. Revering Him as holy is not a posture of hiding but a posture of drawing near. 

Reflection Questions:

What do you think it means to fear God in a way that cultivates intimacy between you and Him? 

What does “Don’t be wise in your own eyes” (Proverbs 3:7) have to do with fearing God?

When you find yourself envying sinners (Proverbs 23:17), what specifically do you envy? What does that envy reveal about what you revere?

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154 thoughts on "The Fear of God"

  1. Heather Robinson says:

    No other person do I fear that bids me to draw closer in fear and wonder and reverence of Him!

  2. Veny says:


    Because you are His before you even turn to Him, He’s got you covered. Wisdom and honor all due to Him. Part of submerging our sins is also burying our future fears. Fear of being alone is real but if you fall for a nonbeliever hoping to make him equally yoked, you’re welcoming an unimaginable pain that you set aside and not the Lord’s. My husband for 7ys came into my life when I didn’t ask and now serving a ministry with two beautiful daughters. My late husband(7yrs) was a nonbeliever and died from alcohol. My late husband’s biological children are raised by him like his own. One is heading for college and the other now drives legally:)

  3. Bridgett Hood says:

    Growing up I was taught to fear him because Hell awaited if I didn’t. As an adult, and finding my own faith, I’ve realized it just means He wants my love and affection. He wants me to follow him, to listen to Him above all things because He loves me. My eyes cannot see what God sees. I cannot rely on my sight, only on who I know He is and the promises His word provides.

  4. Stephane Temple says:

    I’ve always understood that the fear of God means regarding Him as holy, but I’ve not gone much beyond that thinking that I can remember (not to say there is no depth to holiness). It was more of a respect that I drew from in that phrase/verse. I haven’t framed it as actively drawing near, but I guess the opposite of fear & withdrawal is to draw near. I love that because our God is personal and it’s so in His nature to draw us to Him. ❤️

  5. Monica James says:

    3. I feel I when I envy sinners it’s because I’m looking at my life short term. Like they can have that relationship with having sex before marriage and that will help them grow closer. But I’m forgetting that the relationship may end and they will be heartbroken by it because they shared something so emotional with each other or they may have a baby scare which could relationship in an unhappy marriage or a broken relationship with the child. I’m envious of sinner doing sinful things because I think my method is better than God’s perfect plan.

  6. Nicole Smith says:

    Fearing God in a way that cultivates intimacy means drawing near to him, not drawing away from him. As a child, the instinct was to draw away from parents’ correction, especially when it was infused with shame, rejection, even abuse. Fearing God is drawing close because he does not reject us, even in our worst moments

  7. Marilyn says:

    This sure has enlightened me more about this specific aspect. Thank you!
    Fear of the Lord isn’t about being afraid of God; it’s about revering Him above all else.
    Check this out The Fear of the Lord Hope this will enlighten us.

    1. Shawn Goodman says:


  8. Emily Perez says:

    1) I feel it has to do with respect. I respect my father and I wouldn’t want to hide thing or tell lies or disrespect and disappointment him so I’m going to do whatever I have to to keep healthy lines of communication open. Even if it’s hard to talk about.

    2) I am more of an observer rather than someone who gives advice. I know I don’t have it all together and I communicate that clearly.

    3) I can honestly say I don’t feel I envy anyone. We all have problems and flaws and I have enough of my own to handle and stare at.